A simple Terminal UI application for sending and receiving SMPP messages
This repository contains a golang application, which provides a simplistic ESME (client) and SMSC (server) implementation, as well as a method for launching and controlling multiple ESME and/or SMSC instances. Furthermore, it adds a terminal-based UI for interacting with the launched ESME and SMSC applications.
In order to build this application:
mkdir ~/git
cd ~/git
git clone
cd smpp-teerminal-test-harness
go get -u
go build -o smpp-terminal-test-harness .
To run the executable:
./smpp-terminal-test-harness run esmes|smscs /path/to/config.yaml
An instance of smpp-terminal-test-harness
runs a set of ESME Agents or a set of SMSC Agents.
The Agents are described in the config.yaml
file, and if the harness is running
ESME Agents, the config.yaml
also describes the peers to which each ESME will bind.
The test harness only performs transceiver binds. The format of config.yaml
described below.
The test harness uses a terminal-based UI. It has three boxes:
- The Command History box at the top;
- A Command Entry box in the middle; and
- An Event Output box at the bottom.
The Agents will emit events, as described above (on receipt of PDU, on sending PDU, and on bind completion). Descriptors for those events -- and any errors -- will be delivered to the Event Output box. Commands can be admistered to the harness by entering them in the Command Entry box. Currently, two commands are supported:
- Instructs an Agent to send a PDU to a peer;help
- Prints help text to the Event Output box.
The send
command take parameters, as follows:
<agent>: send enquire-link to <peer>
<agent>: send submit-sm to <peer> [<params...>]
where <params> are any combination of:
short_message="<short message>"
The first will send an enquire-link to from an Agent to a peer. The second will send a submit-sm message from an Agent to a peer. For any parameter not specific, a default value will be used.
Each Agent will automatically respond to an incoming enquire-link with an
enquire-link-resp, and a submit-sm with a submit-sm-resp. In both cases,
the sequence number of the request will be used in the response. In the case
of the submit-sm-resp, the message_id
field will be set to the name of
the responding Agent.
The command box accepts bash-like emacs control keys, including:
- ^a : move to the start of the line
- ^e : move to the end of the line
- ^d : reverse delete
- ^k : remove all text from cursor through the end of the line
It also support up- and down-cursor readline to move through the command history. When a command is entered -- whether it is valid or not -- it is printed in the Command History box.
To exit, use ^c, ^q or <esc>.
Config Yaml File
The following is an example config.yaml
- Name: smsc01
Port: 2775
BindPassword: passwd1
BindSystemID: smsc01
- Name: smsc02
Port: 2776
BindPassword: passwd2
BindSystemID: smsc02
- Name: esme01
Port: 20775
BindSystemID: esme01
BindSystemType: rcs
- Name: esme02
BindSystemID: esme02
BindSystemType: rcs
- ESME: esme01
SMSC: smsc01
- ESME: esme01
SMSC: smsc02
- ESME: esme02
SMSC: smsc01
- ESME: esme02
SMSC: smsc02
When the test harness is run as smscs
, only the SMSCSs section is used.
When it is run as emses
, all three sections are used. For SMSCs, both the
IP and Port are required. For ESMEs, both are optional. If Port is
omitted, then an ephemeral port will be chosen. The TransceiverBinds section
is used to describe to which peers an ESMEs should connect.
There is no documentation for this package.