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Published: Jun 20, 2024 License: MPL-2.0 Imports: 1 Imported by: 0




The project is still in the early stages of development and is not ready for production use.

This is a simple secrets storage system. It is built using Golang. The data in Embargo is encrypted using AES-256-GCM encryption. The API is not compatible with any other system, though it is inspired by existing systems. The database layer is abstracted in such a way that other databases can be used in the future. Today Cassandra, Postgresql and in-memory databases are supported. If in-memory is used, only one instance of the Embargo can be run. If Cassandra is used, multiple instances of the Embargo can be run.


Embargo provides a simple REST API for storing and retrieving secrets. The API is documented below. In the future, the system may support GRPC as well.

When first started a call to /sys/init is needed to initialize the vault. This will generate a root key that is used to encrypt the vault. A set of shares are also generated using Shamir's Secret Sharing algorithm. The root key and shares are not stored anywhere. The shares will be provided in the response from /sys/init and should be stored securely.

Once the system is initialized, the vault will be sealed. This means that the vault is encrypted and cannot be accessed. To unseal the vault, a call to /sys/unseal is needed. This call will require a number of shares to be provided. The number of shares needed is determined by the number of shares generated during the init call. Once the vault is unsealed, it will remain unsealed until the system is restarted.



The easiest way to run Embargo is using Docker. The following command will run Embargo using an in-memory database.

docker run -p 8080:8080 -e EMBARGO_AUTO_UNSEAL=true -e EMBARGO_AUTO_UNSEAL_KEYS=<share_1>,<share_2>,<share_3> embargo

The following command will run Embargo using Cassandra.

docker run -p 8080:8080 -e EMBARGO_STORAGE_TYPE=cassandra -e EMBARGO_CASSANDRA_HOSTS=<cassandra_host_1>,<cassandra_host_2> -e EMBARGO_CASSANDRA_USERNAME=<username> -e EMBARGO_CASSANDRA_PASSWORD=<password> embargo

To run Embargo without Docker, download the latest release from the releases page. The following command will run Embargo using an in-memory database. The binary will be configured using environment variables.

./embargo server


Embargo can be configured using environment variables. The following variables are supported:

EMBARGO_ADDRESS - Address the Embargo server will listen on. If not set it defaults to

EMBARGO_PORT - The port the Embargo server will listen on. If not set it defaults to 8080.

EMBARGO_TLS_DISABLE - If set to true, TLS will be disabled. If not set, TLS will be enabled. If TLS is enabled, EMBARGO_TLS_CERT_FILE and EMBARGO_TLS_KEY_FILE must be set. If EMBARGO_TLS_DISABLE is not set, it is defaulted to false.

EMBARGO_TLS_CERT_FILE - The path to the TLS certificate file. This is only used if TLS is enabled.

EMBARGO_TLS_KEY_FILE - The path to the TLS key file. This is only used if TLS is enabled.

EMBARGO_AUTO_UNSEAL - If set to true, the vault will automatically unseal itself on startup. This is useful for testing. If not set, the vault will need to be unsealed manually.

EMBARGO_AUTO_UNSEAL_KEYS - A comma separated list of keys to use to unseal the vault. This is only used if VAULT_AUTO_UNSEAL is set to true.

EMBARGO_LOG_LEVEL - The log level to use. If not set it defaults to "info". Valid options are "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "fatal", and "panic".

EMBARGO_STORAGE_TYPE - The type of storage to use. Currently options are "memory" and "cassandra". If not set, "memory" will be used. If "memory" is used only one instance of the Embargo can be run. If "cassandra" is used, multiple instances of the Embargo can be run.

EMBARGO_FILE - Used only if EMBARGO_STORAGE_TYPE is set to memory. The file to use to store the data. If not set it defaults to embargo.db

EMBARGO_CASSANDRA_HOSTS - Used only if EMBARGO_STORAGE_TYPE is set to cassandra. Comma separated list of IP address for the Cassandra servers.

EMBARGO_CASSANDRA_USERNAME - Used only if EMBARGO_STORAGE_TYPE is set to cassandra. Username used to connect to Cassandra servers.

EMBARGO_CASSANDRA_PASSWORD - Used only if EMBARGO_STORAGE_TYPE is set to cassandra. Password used to connect to the Cassandra servers.

EMBARGO_CASSANDRA_KEYSPACE - Used only if EMBARGO_STORAGE_TYPE is set to cassandra. Keyspace to use in Cassandra. If not set it will default to embargo

EMBARGO_POSTGRES_HOST - Used only if EMBARGO_STORAGE_TYPE is set to postgres. IP address for the Postgres server.

EMBARGO_POSTGRES_PORT - Used only if EMBARGO_STORAGE_TYPE is set to postgres. Port for the Postgres server. If not set it will default to 5432.

EMBARGO_POSTGRES_USERNAME - Used only if EMBARGO_STORAGE_TYPE is set to postgres. Username used to connect to the Postgres server.

EMBARGO_POSTGRES_PASSWORD - Used only if EMBARGO_STORAGE_TYPE is set to postgres. Password used to connect to the Postgres server.

EMBARGO_POSTGRES_DATABASE - Used only if EMBARGO_STORAGE_TYPE is set to postgres. Database to use in Postgres. If not set it will default to embargo

Path Methods
sys endpoints
/sys/init GET POST
/sys/seal-status GET
/sys/unseal POST
/sys/mounts GET
/sys/mounts/:mount GET POST
/sys/mounts/:mount/tune GET POST
/sys/rekey/init GET POST DELETE
/sys/rekey/update POST
kv endpoints
/kv/:mount/data/:path GET POST
/kv/:mount/delete/:path DELETE POST
/kv/:mount/undelete/:path POST
/kv/:mount/destroy/:path POST
/kv/:mount/metadata/:path LIST
auth endpoints
/auth/token POST
/auth/token/renew POST
/auth/policies GET POST
/auth/policies/:policy GET DELETE
POST /sys/init

Initializes the vault. This will generate a root key and a set of shares. The root key and shares are not stored anywhere. The shares will be provided in the response from /sys/init and should be stored securely.

  • shares int <required> - The number of shares to generate. This should be greater than 1.
  • threshold int <required> - The number of shares needed to unseal the vault. This should be less than or equal to the number of shares.
curl  --header  "Content-Type:application/json" -X  POST \
--data  '{"shares": 5, "threshold": 2}'
  "message": "The system has been initialized with 5 shares and a threshold of 2. The shares are listed below. Please store them in a safe place. When the system starts, you will need to unseal it with 2 of the 5 shares. The system does not store the shares or the generated root key. Without at least 2 shares, the system cannot be unsealed.",
  "rootToken": "<root_token>",
  "shares": [
  "threshold": 2
GET /sys/init

Returns the status of the vault..

curl  --header  "Content-Type:application/json" -X  GET \
GET /sys/seal-status

Returns the status of the vault.

curl  --header  "Content-Type:application/json" -X  GET \
POST /sys/unseal

Unseals the vault. This will need to be called with a unique share repeatedly until the threshold is met. The number of shares needed is determined by the number of shares generated during the init call. Once the vault is unsealed, it will remain unsealed until the system is restarted.

If the vault is already unsealed, this call will return an error.

If an invalid share is provided, the process will reset and the share will need to be provided again.

  • key string <required> - A share generated during the init process.
curl  --header  "Content-Type:application/json" --header  'X-Embargo-Token:<token>' \
-X  POST --data  '{"key": "<share>"}'
    "number": 1,
    "progress": "1/2",
    "sealed": true,
    "threshold": 2
GET /sys/mounts

Returns a list of mount points.

curl  --header  "Content-Type:application/json" --header  'X-Embargo-Token:<token>' \
    "data": {
        "policies/": {
            "config": {
                "ttl": "",
                "max_versions": 0
            "created_at": "2023-11-28T23:05:08Z",
            "description": "Policies mount",
            "type": "policies",
            "updated_at": "2023-11-28T23:05:08Z"
        "sys/": {
            "config": {
                "ttl": "",
                "max_versions": 0
            "created_at": "2023-11-28T23:05:08Z",
            "description": "System mount",
            "type": "sys",
            "updated_at": "2023-11-28T23:05:08Z"
        "teststore/": {
            "config": {
                "ttl": "0s",
                "max_versions": 0
            "created_at": "2023-11-22T13:15:54Z",
            "description": "",
            "type": "kv",
            "updated_at": "2023-11-22T13:15:54Z"
        "tokens/": {
            "config": {
                "ttl": "",
                "max_versions": 0
            "created_at": "2023-11-28T23:05:08Z",
            "description": "Tokens mount",
            "type": "tokens",
            "updated_at": "2023-11-28T23:05:08Z"
    "total": 4
GET /sys/mounts/:mount

Returns information about a mount point.

curl  --header  "Content-Type:application/json" --header  'X-Embargo-Token:<token>' \
-X  GET<mount>
    "config": {
        "ttl": "0s",
        "max_versions": 0
    "created_at": "2023-11-29T14:15:40Z",
    "description": "",
    "path": "<mount>",
    "type": "kv",
    "updated_at": "2023-11-29T14:15:40Z"
POST /sys/mounts/:mount

Creates a new mount point. Mount points are used to logically separate secrets. For example, you may want to store secrets for different environments in different mount points.

  • mount string <required> - The path to mount the secret at. This should be unique.
  • type string <required> - The type of mount. Currently only "kv" is supported.
  • description string - A description of the mount point.
  • config object - Configuration for the mount point. Currently only "ttl" and "max_versions" are supported.
  • config.ttl string - The time to live for secrets in the mount point. If not set, secrets will not expire.
  • config.max_versions int - The maximum number of versions to keep for each secret. If not set, all versions will be kept.
curl  --header  "Content-Type:application/json" --header  'X-Embargo-Token:<token>' \
-X  POST --data  '{"mount": "<mount>", "type": "kv", "description": "<description>", \
"config": {"ttl": "<ttl>", "max_versions": <max_versions>}}' \<mount>
    "message": "Mount created",
    "mount": {
        "config": {
            "ttl": "0s",
            "max_versions": 0
        "created_at": "2023-11-29T14:15:40Z",
        "description": "",
        "path": "<mount>",
        "type": "kv",
        "updated_at": "2023-11-29T14:15:40Z"
GET /sys/mounts/:mount/tune

Returns information about a mount point.

curl  --header  "Content-Type:application/json" --header  'X-Embargo-Token:<token>' \
-X  GET<mount>/tune
    "ttl": "0s",
    "max_versions": 0
POST /sys/mounts/:mount/tune

Updates the configuration for a mount point.

  • mount string <required> - The path to mount the secret at. This should be unique.
  • ttl string - The time to live for secrets in the mount point. If not set, secrets will not expire.
  • max_versions int - The maximum number of versions to keep for each secret. If not set, all versions will be kept.
curl  --header  "Content-Type:application/json" --header  'X-Embargo-Token:<token>' \
-X  POST --data  '{"ttl": "<ttl>", "max_versions": <max_versions>}' \<mount>/tune

Blank response with a 204 status code.

GET /sys/rekey/init

Get the status of the rekey process.

curl  --header  "Content-Type:application/json" --header  'X-Embargo-Token:<token>' -X  GET
    "nonce": "fc2dbf91-4e8c-4565-963b-1482235d8529",
    "progress": 0,
    "required": 2,
    "shares": 5,
    "started": true,
    "threshold": 2
POST /sys/rekey/init

Starts the rekey process. The rekey process will generate a new root key and a new set of shares. The system will be rekeyed once the threshold number of shares have been provided to the /sys/rekey/update endpoint.

  • shares int <required> - The number of shares to generate. This should be greater than 1.
  • threshold int <required> - The number of shares needed to unseal the vault. This should be less than or equal to the number of shares.
curl  --header  "Content-Type:application/json" --header  'X-Embargo-Token:<token>' -X  POST --data  '{"shares": 5, "threshold": 2}'
    "nonce": "fc2dbf91-4e8c-4565-963b-1482235d8529",
    "progress": 0,
    "required": 2,
    "shares": 5,
    "started": true,
    "threshold": 2
DELETE /sys/rekey/init

Cancels the rekey process.

curl  --header  "Content-Type:application/json" --header  'X-Embargo-Token:<token>' -X  DELETE
{"message":"rekey canceled"}
POST /sys/rekey/update

Updates the rekey process. This should be called with a unique share repeatedly until the threshold is met. The number of shares needed is determined by the number of shares generated during the init call. Once the threshold is met, the system will be rekeyed.

  • key string <required> - A share generated during the init process.
  • nonce string <required> - The nonce returned from the /sys/rekey/init endpoint.
curl  --header  "Content-Type:application/json" --header  'X-Embargo-Token:<token>' -X  POST --data  '{"key": "<share>", "nonce": "<nonce>"}'
    "progress": 1,
    "required": 2,
    "shares": 5,
    "started": true,
    "threshold": 2
GET /kv/:mount/data/:path

Returns the value of a secret.

  • mount string <required> - The mount point the secret is stored in.
  • path string <required> - The path to the secret.
  • version int - URL parameter to specify the version of the secret to retrieve. If not set, the latest version will be returned.
curl  --header  "Content-Type:application/json" --header  'X-Embargo-Token:<token>' \
-X  GET<mount>/data/<path>?version=<version>
    "data": {
        "data": {
            "foo": "bar"
        "metadata": {
            "created_time": "2023-11-28T00:05:12Z",
            "custom_metadata": {},
            "deletion_time": "",
            "destroyed": false,
            "version": 2
POST /kv/:mount/data/:path

Creates a new secret or updates an existing secret.

  • mount string <required> - The mount point the secret is stored in.
  • path string <required> - The path to the secret.
  • data object <required> - The data to store in the secret.
  • metadata object - Additional metadata to store with the secret.
curl  --header  "Content-Type:application/json" --header  'X-Embargo-Token:<token>' \
-X  POST --data  '{"data": {"foo": "bar"}, "metadata": {"custom_metadata": {}}}' \<mount>/data/<path>
    "data": {
        "data": {
            "foo": "bar"
        "metadata": {
            "created_time": "2023-11-28T00:05:12Z",
            "custom_metadata": {},
            "deletion_time": "",
            "destroyed": false,
            "version": 2
DELETE /kv/:mount/delete/:path

Marks a secret as deleted. The secret will not be removed from the database, but it will not be returned in future requests. If the deleted version is specified in a request, it will be returned with a deletion_time set and the data will be blank.

  • mount string <required> - The mount point the secret is stored in.
  • path string <required> - The path to the secret.
curl  --header  "Content-Type:application/json" --header  'X-Embargo-Token:<token>' \
-X  DELETE<mount>/delete/<path>

Blank response with a 204 status code.

POST /kv/:mount/delete/:path

Marks a secret as deleted. The secret will not be removed from the database, but it will not be returned in future requests. If the deleted version is specified in a request, it will be returned with a deletion_time set and the data will be blank.

  • mount string <required> - The mount point the secret is stored in.
  • path string <required> - The path to the secret.
  • versions array <required> - An array of versions to delete.
curl  --header  "Content-Type:application/json" --header  'X-Embargo-Token:<token>' \
-X  POST --data  '{"versions": [1, 2]}' \<mount>/delete/<path>

Blank response with a 204 status code.

POST /kv/:mount/undelete/:path

Undeletes a secret. The secret will be returned in future requests.

  • mount string <required> - The mount point the secret is stored in.
  • path string <required> - The path to the secret.
  • versions array <required> - An array of versions to undelete.
curl  --header  "Content-Type:application/json" --header  'X-Embargo-Token:<token>' \
-X  POST --data  '{"versions": [1, 2]}' \<mount>/undelete/<path>

Blank response with a 204 status code.

POST /kv/:mount/destroy/:path

Destroys a secret. The version(s) of the secret will be removed from the database.

  • mount string <required> - The mount point the secret is stored in.
  • path string <required> - The path to the secret.
  • versions array <required> - An array of versions to destroy.
curl  --header  "Content-Type:application/json" --header  'X-Embargo-Token:<token>' \
-X  POST --data  '{"versions": [1, 2]}' \<mount>/destroy/<path>

Blank response with a 204 status code.

LIST /kv/:mount/metadata/:path

Returns a list of versions for a secret and their metadata.

  • mount string <required> - The mount point the secret is stored in.
  • path string <required> - The path to the secret.
curl  --header  "Content-Type:application/json" --header  'X-Embargo-Token:<token>' \
-X LIST<mount>/metadata/<path>
    "data": {
        "created_at": "2023-11-29T20:07:01Z",
        "current_version": 1,
        "delete_version_after": 0,
        "max_versions": 3,
        "oldest_version": 1,
        "custom_metadata": {},
        "versions": {
            "1": {
                "created_time": "2023-11-29T20:07:01Z",
                "deleted_time": "",
                "destroyed": false
POST /auth/token

Create a new token.

  • display_name string - Display name for token.
  • ttl int - Minutes until the token expires. Set to 0 for a non-expiring token.
  • renewable bool - If the token can be renewed
  • root bool - If the token is a root token. Can you be set to true if the requestor is also a root token.
  • orphan bool - If set to true the token will not have a parent.
  • policies array [string] - List of policy IDs.
  • metadata object - Additional data.
curl  --header  "Content-Type:application/json"  --header 'X-Embargo-Token:<token>' \
-X  POST --data  '{"display_name":"<name>", "ttl": 0, "renewable": false, \
"root": false, "orphan": false, "policies": ["<policy_id>"], "metadata": {"foo": "bar"}}' \
    "token": "<token>",
    "display_name": "token1",
    "created_at": "2023-11-29T19:16:29.230328-05:00",
    "updated_at": "2023-11-29T19:16:29.230328-05:00",
    "ttl": 0,
    "renewable": false,
    "root": false,
    "orphan": false,
    "parent": "<parent_id>",
    "policies": [
    "metadata": null
POST /auth/token/renew

Renew a token.

  • increment int - Minutes to extend the token's TTL. Set to 0 to use the token's original TTL.
curl  --header  "Content-Type:application/json"  --header 'X-Embargo-Token:<token>' \
-X  POST --data  '{"increment": 0}' \
{"message":"token renewed"}
GET /auth/policies

Get a list of policies.

curl  --header  "Content-Type:application/json"  --header  'X-Embargo-Token:<token>' -X  GET
    "data": [
            "PolicyID": "2a69459e-d8af-4115-a03b-86aca9f43da4",
            "PolicyName": "GET/POST bobstore",
            "Created_at": "2023-11-05T08:31:58.557386751-05:00",
            "Updated_at": "2023-11-05T08:31:58.557386824-05:00",
            "Paths": [
                    "Path": "/kv/teststore/",
                    "Method": "GET"
                    "Path": "/kv/teststore/",
                    "Method": "POST"
    "total": 1
POST /auth/policies

Create a new policy.

  • policy_name string - A display name for the policy
  • paths array: [{"path": string, "method": string}] - Array of path, method objects. The path string has an implied wildcard at the end. For example. With the provided path /kv/teststore it will match /kv/teststore/data/mykey and /kv/teststore2/data/otherkey. While if there were a slash added like /kv/teststore/ it would not.
curl  --header  "Content-Type:application/json"  --header  'X-Embargo-Token:<token>' -X  POST --data  '{"policy_name":"<name>", "paths":[{"path": "<path>", "method": "<method>"}]}'
    "PolicyID": "f4316c5d-74d1-4ee3-b213-2a47535f0f4a",  
    "PolicyName": "get/post /kv/teststore/",  
    "Created_at": "2023-11-08T14:47:47.927282686-05:00",  
    "Updated_at": "2023-11-08T14:47:47.92728274-05:00",  
    "Paths": [  
            "Path": "/kv/teststore/",  
            "Method": "GET"  
GET /auth/policies/:policy

Get a policy by ID.

curl  --header  "Content-Type:application/json"  --header  'X-Embargo-Token:<token>' -X  GET<policy_id>
    "policy_id": "e0ebdfad-2994-4ead-ad6e-aaa67d89c048",
    "policy_name": "get/post /kv/teststore/",
    "created_at": "2023-11-30T08:32:33.404649-05:00",
    "updated_at": "2023-11-30T08:32:33.404649-05:00",
    "paths": [
            "path": "/kv/teststore/",
            "method": "GET"
            "path": "/kv/teststore/",
            "method": "POST"
DELETE /auth/policies/:policy

Delete a policy by ID.

curl  --header  "Content-Type:application/json"  --header  'X-Embargo-Token:<token>' -X  DELETE<policy_id>
{"message":"policy deleted"}




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