This is a service that watches specified files and POSTs relevant writes thereto to a Slack app's webhook.
Download the Linux bin here:
Run the following command to start a file-watcher process:
./errorLogging --url \
--files /path/to/file/one.log@ERROR#ERROR,CRITICAL#ERROR /path/to/file/two.txt@INFO#INFO,DEBUG#WARNING \
--suppress "ignore this message" "also ignore this message"
-u|--url: [required] the Slack Webhook URL
-f|--files: [at least one file path required] the file paths of the files to watch
-s|--suppress: [optional] any message/s that should be ignored
Using the "@" symbol after file paths filters file writes. Only file writes that contain at least one of the filter-strings will be posted to Slack. Use a comma-separated list to specify multiple filters.
For example, by applying the filters
production.ERROR,production.CRITICAL ("--files /path/to/file@production.ERROR,production.CRITICAL")
the programme will only post writes that contain either production.ERROR and/or production.CRITICAL.
Use the "#" symbol (after filter strings) to apply formatting to Slack messages (for writes that contain the filter string).
For example specifying
--files /path/to/file.log@production.WARNING#WARNING,production.CRITICAL#ERROR
applies the WARNING format to Slack messages for writes containing the string production.WARNING, and the ERROR format for those containing production.CRITICAL (see below).
There are three formats available:
INFO formats messages with a neutral border;
ERROR or CRITICAL formats messages with a red border; and,
DEBUG or WARNING formats messages with a yellow border.
Suppress Messages
Use the suppress (--suppress|-s) option to ignore certain messages. File writes containing one or more of the specified strings will not be posted.