Provides and manage free local ports to be used in connecting to a specific remote port over proxy. This is custom made to be used with TunnelSetup, TAPmanager and tapdaemon
Change portsetup.cfg to correct data. If not user is not set, it will use UNIX account name.
The port used will probably be dynamic. Add -p before -e parameter.
Allocate TAP / IP:
portsetup -e allocate
(To see all data allocated: portsetup -v -e allocate )
Get IP address:
portsetup -e ip
set IP=`portsetup -p $MANAGER_PORT -e ip`
echo $IP
Get Port:
portsetup -e port
set PORT=`portsetup -p $MANAGER_PORT -e port`
echo $PORT
Remove TAP allocation
portsetup -p $MANAGER_PORT -e remove