Load balancing utilities
Utilities for load balancing of scale out storage solutions, such as the knsfd NFS proxy.
VIP Manager is a utility to manage virtual ("alias") IPs for instances in a Managed Instance Group. Virtual IPs are distributed in an even way between all the nodes in the instance group. When the number of nodes changes, Virtual IPs are automatically re-balanced.
go build vip_manager.go
vip_manager \
-project PROJECT \
-zone GCE_ZONE \
-gce_instance_group INSTANCE_GROUP_NAME \
-alias_network NAME_OF_ALIAS_NETWORK \
Replace works in ALL_CAPS with values for your environment.
Project and GCE zone are auto configured inside Google Cloud Platform (GCE or GKE).
vip_manager needs permissions to:
- List GCE instances and instance groups.
- Add and remove alias IPs to/from GCE instances.
These permissions are not included in "Compute Engine Read Write" nor "Allow full access to all Cloud APIs" when creating a VM. One way to allow vip_manager to run inside a VM in GCE/GKE is to grant the "Compute Instance Admin (v1)" role to the GCE service account (PROJECT_NUMBER@project.gserviceaccount.com).
(TODO: Figure out a better way)
Metrics Exporter is a utility to export system metrics for load balancing, for example to load balance connections based on current NFS connections.
go build metrics_exporter.go
metrics_exporter [-p PORT]
The default port is 9001.
Manual test
curl http://IP:PORT/metrics
Replace IP and PORT.
Load balancing with Cloud DNS
Once vip_manager is set up and managing the virtual IPs, a simple way to orchestrate random ("round robin") DNS is using Google Cloud DNS.
Create a new private zone

Click "Create" then "Add Standard"

Add all the IPs in the virtual IP network prefix.
Example with the prefix:

Virtual machines in the designated network can now query the new DNS zone.
# host myservice.loadbalancing.mydomain.com
myservice.loadbalancing.mydomain.com has address
myservice.loadbalancing.mydomain.com has address
myservice.loadbalancing.mydomain.com has address
myservice.loadbalancing.mydomain.com has address