- Reads CSV records from standard in.
- Outputs a JSON array of map entries to standard out.
- Assumes the first CSV record is the header.
Get it
go get -u bitbucket.org/BjoernSchilberg/csv2json/cmd/csv2json
Place the resulting csv2json
in your $PATH
Use it
csv2json < file.csv > file.json
cat file.csv | ./csv2json -p
Testing with real data
Real data for testing is for e.g. available from the USGS
Earthquake Hazards Program as
curl http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/feed/v1.0/summary/all_month.csv | csv2json > all_month.json
- Reads JSON array structure from standard in or optional an JSON object whichs holds the JSON array structure
- Outputs a CSV to standard out.
Get it
go get -u bitbucket.org/BjoernSchilberg/csv2json/cmd/json2csv
Place the resulting json2csv
in your $PATH
Use it
json2csv -h
json2csv < file.json > file.csv
json2csv -array=false --object=observations < file.json > file.csv
- Reads CSV records from standard in.
- Outputs a xlsx to standard out.
- Assumes the first CSV record is the header.
Get it
go get -u bitbucket.org/BjoernSchilberg/csv2json/cmd/csv2xlsx
Place the resulting csv2xlsx
in your $PATH
Use it
csv2xlsx -h
csv2xlsx < file.csv > file.xlsx
csv2xlsx -sheet=observations < file.csv > file.xlsx
- Reads JSON array structure from standard in or optional an JSON object whichs holds the JSON array structure
- Outputs a XLSX to standard out.
Get it
go get -u bitbucket.org/BjoernSchilberg/csv2json/cmd/json2xlsx
Place the resulting json2xlsx
in your $PATH
Use it
jsonxlsx -h
json2xlsx < file.csv > file.xlsx
json2xlsx -sheet=observations -array=false -object=observations < file.csv > file.xlsx
This is Free Software under the terms of the MIT license.
See LICENSE file for details.
(c) 2016-2019 by Bjoern Schilberg