Start Xcode simulator

Starts an Xcode simulator.
Starts an Xcode simulator.
It uses the xcrun simctl
command to launch a simulator, and optionally wait for it to finish booting.
The simulator will be running in the background after the Step exits, and can be used by later Steps in the workflow.
It allows two use cases:
Boot simulator in the background and use it in the xcode-test Step:
- xcode-start-simulator:
- destination: platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 8,OS=latest
- xcode-test:
- project_path: ./ios-sample/ios-sample.xcodeproj
- scheme: ios-sample
# Simulator
- destination: $BITRISE_XCODE_DESTINATION # Use the same destination as the xcode-start-simulator Step
Detect if simulator timed out and restart the build:
- xcode-start-simulator:
- destination: platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 8,OS=latest
- wait_for_boot_timeout: 90
- trigger-bitrise-workflow:
is_always_run: true
run_if: '{{enveq "BITRISE_SIMULATOR_STATUS" "hanged"}}'
- workflow_id: insert_workflow
🧩 Get started
Add this step directly to your workflow in the Bitrise Workflow Editor.
You can also run this step directly with Bitrise CLI.
Boot simulator in the background and use it in the xcode-test Step:
- xcode-start-simulator:
- destination: platform=iOS Simulator,name=Bitrise iOS default,OS=latest
- xcode-test:
- project_path: ./ios-sample/ios-sample.xcodeproj
- scheme: ios-sample
- destination: $BITRISE_XCODE_DESTINATION # Use the same destination as the xcode-start-simulator Step
Boot Rosetta Simulator and use it in the xcode-test Step:
- xcode-start-simulator:
- destination: platform=iOS Simulator,name=Bitrise iOS default,OS=latest,arch=x86_64
- xcode-test:
- project_path: ./ios-sample/ios-sample.xcodeproj
- scheme: ios-sample
- destination: $BITRISE_XCODE_DESTINATION # Use the same destination as the xcode-start-simulator Step
# Disabling parallel testing ensures that prebooted device is used. ARCHS=x86_64 is optional, to enable project compilation
- xcodebuild_options: -verbose -parallel-testing-enabled NO ARCHS=x86_64
Detect if simulator timed out and restart the build:
- xcode-start-simulator:
- destination: platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 8,OS=latest
- wait_for_boot_timeout: 90
- trigger-bitrise-workflow:
is_always_run: true
run_if: '{{enveq "BITRISE_SIMULATOR_STATUS" "hanged"}}'
- workflow_id: wf
⚙️ Configuration
Key |
Description |
Flags |
Default |
destination |
Destination specifier describes the simulator device to be started. The input value uses the same format as xcodebuild's -destination option. |
required |
platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 8 Plus,OS=latest |
wait_for_boot_timeout |
When larger than 0, will wait for the simulator boot to complete. Setting this value to an int larger than 0 makes it possible to detect hangs or timeouts when booting simulator by waiting for the simulator to boot before this step completes. If a timeout occurs, the BITRISE_SIMULATOR_STATUS output will be set to hanged . The recommended value is 90. Using 0 (the default) enables the Simulator boot to occur in parallel to other Steps. |
required |
0 |
verbose_log |
If this input is set, the Step will print additional logs for debugging. |
required |
no |
reset |
If enabled, will shutdown and erase a simulator's contents and settings. This option is not needed when starting from a clean state on a CI build. It may be used when running testing multiple apps on the same simulator or for making sure that the simulator is indeed in a clean state when an app fails to install due to an unexpected issue. When enabled erasing contents takes about a second. |
required |
no |
Environment Variable |
Description |
The status of the simulator, will be set to booted , failed or hanged . It can be used to trigger a new build conditionally: is_always_run: true run_if: '{{enveq "BITRISE_SIMULATOR_STATUS" "hanged"}}' |
Device destination specifier The destination specifer provided in the destination Input. It can be used as Input of other Steps, to avoid duplication. |
🙋 Contributing
We welcome pull requests and issues against this repository.
For pull requests, work on your changes in a forked repository and use the Bitrise CLI to run step tests locally.
Learn more about developing steps: