SMTP Health Checker
smtp-checker performs a set of health checks in your web application to detect any possible issues with the SMTP configuration.
$> go get
Building from source
$> git clone
$> make smtp-checker-linux-amd64
Basic usage
The tool is executed as follows:
$> smtp-checker -application <APPLICATION> -install_dir <STACK INSTALLATION DIRECTORY> -smtp_host <SMTP HOST> -smtp_port <SMTP PORT> -smtp_user <SMTP USER> -smtp_password <SMTP PASSWORD>
The tool requires a set of parameters to work properly:
- application: Application used (e.g wordpress). Parameter required.
- install_dir: Stack installation directory. Default value: /opt/bitnami.
- smtp_host: SMTP server hostname. Parameter required if application not provided.
- smtp_port: SMTP server port. Parameter required if application not provided.
- smtp_user: SMTP user. Parameter required if application not provided.
- smtp_password: SMTP user's password. Parameter required if application not provided.
Optional parameters.
- mail_recipient: Mail recipient for sending testing mails via SMTP. Default value:
List of health checks
The tool will perform the following health checks:
- Generic checks:
- Check connectivity with SMTP server(both using TLS or not).
- Check Time offset using a global NTP pool.
- Check Mail Delivery via SMTP.
- Specific checks:
- Wordpress:
- Obtains MySQL credentials from wp-config.php file.
- Obtains SMTP config. data from MySQL database and check there's no missing data.
- Redmine
- Check configuration.yaml syntax.
- Parse SMTP config. data from configuration.yaml and check there's no missing data.
Useful links