Index ¶
- Constants
- type AacAudioConfiguration
- type AacChannelLayout
- type AbstractCondition
- type Ac3AudioConfiguration
- type Ac3ChannelLayout
- type Accessibility
- type AccountApiKey
- type AccountInformation
- type Acl
- type AclEntry
- type AclPermission
- type AdAnalyticsAbstractFilter
- type AdAnalyticsAttribute
- type AdAnalyticsAvgQueryRequest
- type AdAnalyticsContainsFilter
- type AdAnalyticsCountQueryRequest
- type AdAnalyticsEqualFilter
- type AdAnalyticsGreaterThanFilter
- type AdAnalyticsGreaterThanOrEqualFilter
- type AdAnalyticsInFilter
- type AdAnalyticsLessThanFilter
- type AdAnalyticsLessThanOrEqualFilter
- type AdAnalyticsMaxQueryRequest
- type AdAnalyticsMedianQueryRequest
- type AdAnalyticsMinQueryRequest
- type AdAnalyticsNotContainsFilter
- type AdAnalyticsNotEqualFilter
- type AdAnalyticsOrderByEntry
- type AdAnalyticsPercentileQueryRequest
- type AdAnalyticsQueryRequest
- type AdAnalyticsStddevQueryRequest
- type AdAnalyticsSumQueryRequest
- type AdAnalyticsVarianceQueryRequest
- type AdaptationSet
- type AdaptationSetRole
- type AdaptationSetType
- type AdaptationSetTypeResponse
- type AdaptiveQuantMode
- type AesEncryptionDrm
- type AesEncryptionMethod
- type AkamaiAccount
- type AkamaiAccountRegionSettings
- type AkamaiCloudRegion
- type AkamaiMslOutput
- type AkamaiMslStreamFormat
- type AkamaiMslVersion
- type AkamaiNetStorageInput
- type AkamaiNetStorageOutput
- type AnalyticsAbstractFilter
- type AnalyticsAttribute
- type AnalyticsAvgConcurrentViewersResponse
- type AnalyticsAvgDroppedFramesResponse
- type AnalyticsAvgQueryRequest
- type AnalyticsAzureOutput
- type AnalyticsColumnLabel
- type AnalyticsContainsFilter
- type AnalyticsContextDescription
- type AnalyticsCountQueryRequest
- type AnalyticsEqualFilter
- type AnalyticsErrorData
- type AnalyticsErrorDetail
- type AnalyticsErrorDetailsResponse
- type AnalyticsExportFileFormat
- type AnalyticsExportStatus
- type AnalyticsExportTask
- type AnalyticsExportTaskOutputTarget
- type AnalyticsExportType
- type AnalyticsGcsServiceAccountOutput
- type AnalyticsGreaterThanFilter
- type AnalyticsGreaterThanOrEqualFilter
- type AnalyticsHttpRequest
- type AnalyticsHttpRequestType
- type AnalyticsImpressionListItem
- type AnalyticsImpressionsQuery
- type AnalyticsImpressionsResponse
- type AnalyticsInFilter
- type AnalyticsInsightsOrganizationSettings
- type AnalyticsInsightsOrganizationSettingsRequest
- type AnalyticsInterval
- type AnalyticsLessThanFilter
- type AnalyticsLessThanOrEqualFilter
- type AnalyticsLicense
- type AnalyticsLicenseCustomDataFieldLabels
- type AnalyticsLicenseDomain
- type AnalyticsLicenseErrorDetailsConfig
- type AnalyticsLicenseFeatures
- type AnalyticsLicenseKey
- type AnalyticsMaxConcurrentViewersResponse
- type AnalyticsMaxQueryRequest
- type AnalyticsMedianQueryRequest
- type AnalyticsMetricsQueryRequest
- type AnalyticsMinQueryRequest
- type AnalyticsNotContainsFilter
- type AnalyticsNotEqualFilter
- type AnalyticsOrder
- type AnalyticsOrderByEntry
- type AnalyticsOutput
- type AnalyticsOutputType
- type AnalyticsPercentileQueryRequest
- type AnalyticsQueryOperator
- type AnalyticsQueryRequest
- type AnalyticsQueryTimeframe
- type AnalyticsResponse
- type AnalyticsS3RoleBasedOutput
- type AnalyticsStddevQueryRequest
- type AnalyticsSumQueryRequest
- type AnalyticsVarianceQueryRequest
- type AnalyticsVirtualLicense
- type AnalyticsVirtualLicenseLicensesListItem
- type AnalyticsVirtualLicenseRequest
- type AndConjunction
- type ApiErrorDefinition
- type AppliedStreamSettings
- type AspectMode
- type AsperaInput
- type AudioAdaptationSet
- type AudioGroup
- type AudioGroupConfiguration
- type AudioMediaInfo
- type AudioMixChannel
- type AudioMixChannelLayout
- type AudioMixChannelType
- type AudioMixFilter
- type AudioMixInputChannelLayout
- type AudioMixInputStream
- type AudioMixInputStreamChannel
- type AudioMixInputStreamSourceChannel
- type AudioMixSourceChannelType
- type AudioStream
- type AudioVideoSyncMode
- type AudioVolumeFilter
- type AudioVolumeFormat
- type AudioVolumeUnit
- type AutoLevelSetup
- type AutoRepresentation
- type AutoRestartConfiguration
- type Av1PerTitleConfiguration
- type Av1PresetConfiguration
- type Av1VideoConfiguration
- type AvailabilityStartTimeMode
- type AwsAccount
- type AwsAccountRegionSettings
- type AwsCloudRegion
- type AzureAccount
- type AzureAccountRegionSettings
- type AzureCloudRegion
- type AzureInput
- type AzureOutput
- type AzureSpeechServicesCredentials
- type AzureSpeechToCaptionsFilter
- type AzureSpeechToCaptionsProfanity
- type AzureSpeechToCaptionsSettings
- type BAdapt
- type BackupSrtInputs
- type BaseAbstractCondition
- type BaseAdAnalyticsAbstractFilter
- type BaseAdaptationSet
- type BaseAnalyticsAbstractFilter
- type BaseAnalyticsOutput
- type BaseCodecConfiguration
- type BaseDashRepresentation
- type BaseDefaultManifestCondition
- type BaseDrm
- type BaseFilter
- type BaseId3Tag
- type BaseInput
- type BaseInputStream
- type BaseMuxing
- type BaseOutput
- type BaseSidecarFile
- type BaseSimpleEncodingLiveJobOutput
- type BaseSimpleEncodingVodJobInput
- type BaseSimpleEncodingVodJobOutput
- type BaseStreamsResponse
- type BasicMediaInfo
- type Bif
- type BillableEncodingFeatureMinutes
- type BillableEncodingMinutes
- type BillableEncodingMinutesDetails
- type BitmovinResource
- type BitmovinResponse
- type BitmovinResponseList
- type BitrateSelectionMode
- type BroadcastTsAudioInputStreamConfiguration
- type BroadcastTsInputStreamConfiguration
- type BroadcastTsMuxing
- type BroadcastTsMuxingConfiguration
- type BroadcastTsMuxingInformation
- type BroadcastTsProgramConfiguration
- type BroadcastTsSubtitleInputStreamConfiguration
- type BroadcastTsTransportConfiguration
- type BroadcastTsVideoInputStreamConfiguration
- type BurnInSubtitleDvbSub
- type BurnInSubtitleSrt
- type CaptionCharacterEncoding
- type CdnOutput
- type CdnProvider
- type CdnUsage
- type CdnUsageStatistics
- type Cea608708SubtitleConfiguration
- type Cea608CaptionInputStream
- type Cea608ChannelType
- type Cea708CaptionInputStream
- type CencDrm
- type CencFairPlay
- type CencMarlin
- type CencPlayReady
- type CencWidevine
- type ChannelLayout
- type ChannelsAttributeForAudio
- type CheckOutputPermissionsRequest
- type CheckOutputPermissionsResponse
- type ChromaLocation
- type ChunkedTextMuxing
- type ClearKeyDrm
- type ClosedCaptionsMediaInfo
- type CloudRegion
- type CmafMuxing
- type CodecConfigType
- type CodecConfigTypeResponse
- type CodecConfiguration
- type ColorConfig
- type ColorPrimaries
- type ColorRange
- type ColorSpace
- type ColorTransfer
- type ConcatenationInputConfiguration
- type ConcatenationInputStream
- type Condition
- type ConditionAttribute
- type ConditionOperator
- type ConditionType
- type ConformFilter
- type ContentProtection
- type ConvertSccCaption
- type ConvertSccCaptionWebVttSettings
- type ConvertSccPositionMode
- type CropFilter
- type CustomAttribute
- type CustomData
- type CustomPlayerBuildDetails
- type CustomPlayerBuildDownload
- type CustomPlayerBuildStatus
- type CustomTag
- type CustomWebPlayerBuildDomain
- type CustomXmlElement
- type DailyStatistics
- type DailyStatisticsPerLabel
- type DashChunkedTextRepresentation
- type DashCmafRepresentation
- type DashEditionCompatibility
- type DashFmp4DrmRepresentation
- type DashFmp4Representation
- type DashImscRepresentation
- type DashIso8601TimestampFormat
- type DashManifest
- type DashManifestDefault
- type DashManifestDefaultVersion
- type DashMp4DrmRepresentation
- type DashMp4Representation
- type DashOnDemandRepresentationType
- type DashProfile
- type DashProgressiveWebmRepresentation
- type DashRepresentation
- type DashRepresentationType
- type DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator
- type DashRepresentationTypeMode
- type DashRepresentationTypeResponse
- type DashVttRepresentation
- type DashWebmRepresentation
- type Date
- type DateTime
- type DecodingErrorMode
- type DefaultDashManifestPeriod
- type DefaultManifestAndCondition
- type DefaultManifestAttributeCondition
- type DefaultManifestCondition
- type DefaultManifestOrCondition
- type DeinterlaceAutoEnable
- type DeinterlaceFilter
- type DeinterlaceFrameSelectionMode
- type DeinterlaceMode
- type DenoiseHqdn3dFilter
- type DirectFileUploadInput
- type DisplayAspectRatio
- type DolbyAtmosAudioConfiguration
- type DolbyAtmosDialogueIntelligence
- type DolbyAtmosIngestInputStream
- type DolbyAtmosInputFormat
- type DolbyAtmosLoudnessControl
- type DolbyAtmosMeteringMode
- type DolbyDigitalAudioConfiguration
- type DolbyDigitalBitstreamInfo
- type DolbyDigitalCenterMixLevel
- type DolbyDigitalChannelLayout
- type DolbyDigitalDialogueIntelligence
- type DolbyDigitalDownmixing
- type DolbyDigitalDownmixingPreferredMode
- type DolbyDigitalDynamicRangeCompression
- type DolbyDigitalDynamicRangeCompressionMode
- type DolbyDigitalEvolutionFrameworkControl
- type DolbyDigitalLfeLowPassFilter
- type DolbyDigitalLoudnessControl
- type DolbyDigitalLoudnessControlMode
- type DolbyDigitalLoudnessControlRegulationType
- type DolbyDigitalNinetyDegreePhaseShift
- type DolbyDigitalPlusAudioConfiguration
- type DolbyDigitalPlusBitstreamInfo
- type DolbyDigitalPlusCenterMixLevel
- type DolbyDigitalPlusChannelLayout
- type DolbyDigitalPlusDialogueIntelligence
- type DolbyDigitalPlusDownmixing
- type DolbyDigitalPlusDownmixingPreferredMode
- type DolbyDigitalPlusDynamicRangeCompression
- type DolbyDigitalPlusDynamicRangeCompressionMode
- type DolbyDigitalPlusEvolutionFrameworkControl
- type DolbyDigitalPlusLfeLowPassFilter
- type DolbyDigitalPlusLoudnessControl
- type DolbyDigitalPlusLoudnessControlMode
- type DolbyDigitalPlusLoudnessControlRegulationType
- type DolbyDigitalPlusNinetyDegreePhaseShift
- type DolbyDigitalPlusPreprocessing
- type DolbyDigitalPlusSurroundMixLevel
- type DolbyDigitalPlusSurroundMode
- type DolbyDigitalPlusThreeDbAttenuation
- type DolbyDigitalPreprocessing
- type DolbyDigitalSurroundMixLevel
- type DolbyDigitalSurroundMode
- type DolbyDigitalThreeDbAttenuation
- type DolbyVisionInputStream
- type DolbyVisionMetadata
- type DolbyVisionMetadataIngestInputStream
- type DolbyVisionMetadataSource
- type DolbyVisionMuxingConfiguration
- type DolbyVisionPerStreamMode
- type DolbyVisionProfile
- type DolbyVisionTrackSampleEntryName
- type Domain
- type DomainList
- type Drm
- type DrmType
- type DtsAudioConfiguration
- type DtsMode
- type DtsPassthroughAudioConfiguration
- type DtsXAudioConfiguration
- type DtsXChannelLayout
- type DvbSubtitleConfiguration
- type DvbSubtitleInputStream
- type Eac3AudioConfiguration
- type EbuR128SinglePassFilter
- type EgressCategory
- type EgressInformation
- type EmailNotification
- type EmailNotificationWithStreamConditions
- type EmailNotificationWithStreamConditionsRequest
- type Encoding
- type EncodingErrorDefinition
- type EncodingErrorEmailNotification
- type EncodingMode
- type EncodingOutput
- type EncodingOutputPaths
- type EncodingOutputPathsDashManifest
- type EncodingOutputPathsForOutput
- type EncodingOutputPathsHlsManifest
- type EncodingOutputPathsSmoothManifest
- type EncodingStatistics
- type EncodingStatisticsLive
- type EncodingStatisticsVod
- type EncodingStats
- type EncodingStreamInput
- type EncodingStreamInputDetails
- type EncodingTemplate
- type EncodingTemplateDetails
- type EncodingTemplateRequest
- type EncodingTemplateResponse
- type EncodingTemplateStartResponse
- type EncodingTemplateType
- type EncodingType
- type EncryptionMode
- type EnhancedDeinterlaceAutoEnable
- type EnhancedDeinterlaceFilter
- type EnhancedDeinterlaceMode
- type EnhancedDeinterlaceParity
- type EnhancedWatermarkFilter
- type ErrorDetails
- type ErrorRetryHint
- type ExternalIdMode
- type FairPlayDrm
- type FileInputStream
- type FileInputStreamType
- type Filter
- type FilterType
- type Fmp4Muxing
- type Fmp4MuxingInformation
- type ForceFlushMode
- type FragmentedMp4MuxingManifestType
- type FragmentedMuxingInformation
- type FrameIdId3Tag
- type FtpInput
- type FtpOutput
- type GceAccount
- type GceAccountRegionSettings
- type GcsInput
- type GcsOutput
- type GcsServiceAccountInput
- type GcsServiceAccountOutput
- type GenericResponseEnvelope
- type GenericS3Input
- type GenericS3Output
- type GoogleCloudRegion
- type Group
- type H262InterlaceMode
- type H262PresetConfiguration
- type H262VideoConfiguration
- type H264BPyramid
- type H264DynamicRangeFormat
- type H264InterlaceMode
- type H264MotionEstimationMethod
- type H264NalHrd
- type H264Partition
- type H264PerTitleConfiguration
- type H264PictureTimingTrimmingInputStream
- type H264SubMe
- type H264Trellis
- type H264VideoConfiguration
- type H265DynamicRangeFormat
- type H265PerTitleConfiguration
- type H265VideoConfiguration
- type HeAacV1AudioConfiguration
- type HeAacV1Signaling
- type HeAacV2AudioConfiguration
- type HeAacV2Signaling
- type HlsManifest
- type HlsManifestAdMarkerSettings
- type HlsManifestAdMarkerType
- type HlsManifestDefault
- type HlsManifestDefaultVersion
- type HlsTargetDurationRoundingMode
- type HlsVersion
- type HttpInput
- type HttpsInput
- type IFramePlaylist
- type Id3Tag
- type Id3TagPositionMode
- type Id3TagType
- type IgnoredBy
- type Ignoring
- type ImageAdaptationSet
- type ImscConfiguration
- type ImscStyling
- type ImscStylingMode
- type InfrastructureSettings
- type IngestInputStream
- type Input
- type InputColorPrimaries
- type InputColorRange
- type InputColorSpace
- type InputColorTransfer
- type InputFactor
- type InputFactorBitrate
- type InputFactorCodec
- type InputPath
- type InputStream
- type InputStreamType
- type InputStreamTypeResponse
- type InputType
- type InputTypeResponse
- type InsertableContent
- type InsertableContentInput
- type InsertableContentStatus
- type InterlaceFilter
- type InterlaceMode
- type Invitation
- type InvitationStatus
- type IvSize
- type Keyframe
- type Label
- type LevelH262
- type LevelH264
- type LevelH265
- type LimitReferences
- type LimitTransformUnitDepthRecursionMode
- type Link
- type LiveAutoShutdownConfiguration
- type LiveDashManifest
- type LiveEncoding
- type LiveEncodingCodec
- type LiveEncodingEventName
- type LiveEncodingHeartbeatWebhook
- type LiveEncodingOptionsStatistics
- type LiveEncodingStats
- type LiveEncodingStatsEvent
- type LiveEncodingStatsEventDetails
- type LiveEncodingStatus
- type LiveHlsManifest
- type LiveMediaIngestOutput
- type LiveOptionsBreakdownEntry
- type LiveOptionsEntry
- type LiveOptionsStatistics
- type LiveOptionsSummary
- type LiveOptionsType
- type LiveStandbyPoolDetails
- type LiveStandbyPoolEncoding
- type LiveStandbyPoolEncodingIngestPoint
- type LiveStandbyPoolEncodingManifest
- type LiveStandbyPoolEncodingManifestType
- type LiveStandbyPoolEncodingStatus
- type LiveStandbyPoolEventLog
- type LiveStandbyPoolEventLogType
- type LiveStandbyPoolRequest
- type LiveStandbyPoolResponse
- type LiveStandbyPoolStatus
- type LiveStandbyPoolUpdate
- type LocalInput
- type LocalOutput
- type Manifest
- type ManifestGenerator
- type ManifestResource
- type ManifestType
- type ManifestTypeResponse
- type Marketplace
- type MarlinDrm
- type MaxCtuSize
- type MaxTransformUnitSize
- type MediaConfigBitrate
- type MediaInfoType
- type MediaInfoTypeResponse
- type MediaStream
- type MediaType
- type Message
- type MessageType
- type MinCodingUnitSize
- type MjpegVideoConfiguration
- type ModelTask
- type MotionSearch
- type Mp2AudioConfiguration
- type Mp3AudioConfiguration
- type Mp3Muxing
- type Mp3MuxingInformation
- type Mp4Muxing
- type Mp4MuxingInformation
- type Muxing
- type MuxingInformationAudioTrack
- type MuxingInformationVideoTrack
- type MuxingStream
- type MuxingType
- type MuxingTypeResponse
- type MvPredictionMode
- type MxfMuxing
- type NexGuardAbWatermarkingFeature
- type NexGuardFileMarker
- type NexGuardWatermarkingStrength
- type NexGuardWatermarkingType
- type Notification
- type NotificationStateEntry
- type NotificationStates
- type OpusAudioConfiguration
- type OpusChannelLayout
- type OrConjunction
- type Organization
- type OrganizationPendingInvitation
- type OrganizationType
- type OttLoudnessMode
- type Output
- type OutputType
- type OutputTypeResponse
- type PackedAudioMuxing
- type PackedAudioMuxingInformation
- type PaddingDurationUnit
- type PaddingSequence
- type PaginationResponse
- type PassthroughAudioConfiguration
- type PassthroughMode
- type PcmAudioConfiguration
- type PcmChannelLayout
- type PcmPresetConfiguration
- type PcmSampleFormat
- type PerTitle
- type PerTitleConfiguration
- type PerTitleFixedResolutionAndBitrateConfiguration
- type PerTitleFixedResolutionAndBitrateConfigurationMode
- type Period
- type Permission
- type PictureFieldParity
- type PixelFormat
- type PixelFormatBitDepth
- type PlaintextId3Tag
- type PlayReadyAdditionalInformation
- type PlayReadyDrm
- type PlayReadyEncryptionMethod
- type PlayerChannel
- type PlayerLicense
- type PlayerLicenseAnalytics
- type PlayerThirdPartyLicensing
- type PlayerThirdPartyLicensingErrorAction
- type PlayerVersion
- type Policy
- type PositionMode
- type PositionUnit
- type PresetConfiguration
- type PrewarmedEncoderDiskSize
- type PrewarmedEncoderPool
- type PrewarmedEncoderPoolAction
- type PrewarmedEncoderPoolSchedule
- type PrewarmedEncoderPoolStatus
- type PrimeTimeDrm
- type ProfileH262
- type ProfileH264
- type ProfileH265
- type ProgramDateTimePlacement
- type ProgramDateTimePlacementMode
- type ProgramDateTimeSettings
- type ProgramDateTimeSource
- type ProgressiveMovMuxing
- type ProgressiveMovMuxingInformation
- type ProgressiveMuxingInformation
- type ProgressiveTsMuxing
- type ProgressiveTsMuxingInformation
- type ProgressiveTsMuxingInformationByteRanges
- type ProgressiveWavMuxing
- type ProgressiveWavMuxingInformation
- type ProgressiveWebmMuxing
- type ProgressiveWebmMuxingInformation
- type ProgressiveWebmMuxingManifestType
- type PsnrPerStreamMode
- type PsnrQualityMetric
- type PtsAlignMode
- type QuantizationGroupSize
- type RaiUnit
- type RateDistortionLevelForQuantization
- type RateDistortionPenaltyMode
- type RawId3Tag
- type RedundantRtmpInput
- type ReprioritizeEncodingRequest
- type RescheduleEncodingRequest
- type ResetLiveManifestTimeShift
- type ResourceLimit
- type ResourceLimitContainer
- type ResourceType
- type ResponseEnvelope
- type ResponseError
- type ResponseErrorData
- type ResponseStatus
- type ResultWrapper
- type RetryHint
- type ReuploadSettings
- type RotateFilter
- type RtmpIngestPoint
- type RtmpInput
- type S3AccessStyle
- type S3Input
- type S3Output
- type S3RoleBasedInput
- type S3RoleBasedOutput
- type S3SignatureVersion
- type ScaleFilter
- type ScalingAlgorithm
- type SccCaption
- type ScheduledInsertableContent
- type ScheduledInsertableContentStatus
- type Scheduling
- type Scte35Cue
- type Scte35Trigger
- type SegmentedRawMuxing
- type SegmentsMediaInfo
- type SftpInput
- type SftpOutput
- type SidecarErrorMode
- type SidecarFile
- type SidecarFileType
- type SignatureType
- type SignupSource
- type SimpleEncodingLiveCloudRegion
- type SimpleEncodingLiveJobAccessKeyCredentials
- type SimpleEncodingLiveJobAzureCredentials
- type SimpleEncodingLiveJobCdnOutput
- type SimpleEncodingLiveJobCredentials
- type SimpleEncodingLiveJobGcsServiceAccountCredentials
- type SimpleEncodingLiveJobInput
- type SimpleEncodingLiveJobInputType
- type SimpleEncodingLiveJobOutput
- type SimpleEncodingLiveJobOutputType
- type SimpleEncodingLiveJobRequest
- type SimpleEncodingLiveJobResponse
- type SimpleEncodingLiveJobS3RoleBasedCredentials
- type SimpleEncodingLiveJobStatus
- type SimpleEncodingLiveJobUrlOutput
- type SimpleEncodingLiveJobUsernamePasswordCredentials
- type SimpleEncodingLiveMaxResolution
- type SimpleEncodingLiveProfile
- type SimpleEncodingVodJobAccessKeyCredentials
- type SimpleEncodingVodJobAzureCredentials
- type SimpleEncodingVodJobCdnOutput
- type SimpleEncodingVodJobCredentials
- type SimpleEncodingVodJobDirectFileUploadInput
- type SimpleEncodingVodJobErrors
- type SimpleEncodingVodJobGcsServiceAccountCredentials
- type SimpleEncodingVodJobInput
- type SimpleEncodingVodJobInputSourceType
- type SimpleEncodingVodJobInputType
- type SimpleEncodingVodJobOptions
- type SimpleEncodingVodJobOutput
- type SimpleEncodingVodJobOutputArtifact
- type SimpleEncodingVodJobOutputType
- type SimpleEncodingVodJobRequest
- type SimpleEncodingVodJobResponse
- type SimpleEncodingVodJobS3RoleBasedCredentials
- type SimpleEncodingVodJobStatus
- type SimpleEncodingVodJobUrlInput
- type SimpleEncodingVodJobUrlOutput
- type SimpleEncodingVodJobUsernamePasswordCredentials
- type SmoothManifestContentProtection
- type SmoothManifestDefault
- type SmoothManifestDefaultVersion
- type SmoothStreamingManifest
- type SmoothStreamingRepresentation
- type SmpteTimecodeFlavor
- type SourceChannel
- type SourceChannelType
- type SpekeDrm
- type SpekeDrmProvider
- type Sprite
- type SpriteCreationMode
- type SpriteJpegConfig
- type SpriteRepresentation
- type SpriteUnit
- type SrtInput
- type SrtMode
- type SrtStatisticLink
- type SrtStatisticRecv
- type SrtStatisticSend
- type SrtStatisticWindow
- type SrtStatistics
- type SrtToCea608708Caption
- type StandardMediaInfo
- type StartEncodingRequest
- type StartLiveChannelEncodingRequest
- type StartLiveEncodingRequest
- type StartManifestRequest
- type StaticIp
- type StaticIpStatus
- type StaticRtmpIngestPoint
- type Statistics
- type StatisticsPerLabel
- type StatisticsPerMuxing
- type StatisticsPerStream
- type StatisticsPerTitleStream
- type StatisticsResolution
- type Status
- type Stream
- type StreamCaptionOutputFormat
- type StreamConditionsMode
- type StreamFilter
- type StreamFilterList
- type StreamInfo
- type StreamInfos
- type StreamInfosDetails
- type StreamInput
- type StreamKey
- type StreamKeyConfiguration
- type StreamKeyConfigurationType
- type StreamKeyStatus
- type StreamKeyType
- type StreamKeysUnassignAction
- type StreamMetadata
- type StreamMode
- type StreamPerTitleFixedResolutionAndBitrateSettings
- type StreamPerTitleSettings
- type StreamSelectionMode
- type StreamsAdConfigAd
- type StreamsAdConfigResponse
- type StreamsDomainRestrictionCreateRequest
- type StreamsDomainRestrictionResponse
- type StreamsDomainRestrictionUpdateRequest
- type StreamsEncodingProfile
- type StreamsLiveCreateRequest
- type StreamsLiveLifeCycle
- type StreamsLiveResponse
- type StreamsLiveUpdateRequest
- type StreamsPublicSigningKey
- type StreamsPublicSigningKeyResponse
- type StreamsResponse
- type StreamsSigningKeyResponse
- type StreamsStyleConfigPlayerStyle
- type StreamsStyleConfigResponse
- type StreamsTrimmingStatus
- type StreamsType
- type StreamsVideoCreateRequest
- type StreamsVideoEncodingStatus
- type StreamsVideoEncodingTask
- type StreamsVideoQuality
- type StreamsVideoResponse
- type StreamsVideoStatus
- type StreamsVideoUpdateRequest
- type Subtask
- type SubtitleAdaptationSet
- type SubtitleStream
- type SubtitlesMediaInfo
- type Tenant
- type TenantGroupDetail
- type TenantWithGroups
- type TextFilter
- type TextFilterFont
- type TextMuxing
- type Thumbnail
- type ThumbnailAspectMode
- type ThumbnailUnit
- type TimeBasedTrimmingInputStream
- type TimeSpan
- type TimecodeTrackTrimmingInputStream
- type TransferRetry
- type TransferVersion
- type TransformSkipMode
- type Trimming
- type TsAudioStreamConfiguration
- type TsMuxing
- type TsMuxingConfiguration
- type TsProgramClockReferenceConfiguration
- type TsProgramMapTableConfiguration
- type TsStreamConfiguration
- type TsVideoStreamConfiguration
- type TuInterDepth
- type TuIntraDepth
- type Tweaks
- type UnsharpFilter
- type UpdateOrganizationRequest
- type UtcTiming
- type VariantStreamDroppingMode
- type VerticalLowPassFilteringMode
- type VideoAdaptationSet
- type VideoFormat
- type VideoMediaInfo
- type VideoStream
- type VorbisAudioConfiguration
- type VorbisChannelLayout
- type Vp8ArnrType
- type Vp8NoiseSensitivity
- type Vp8Quality
- type Vp8VideoConfiguration
- type Vp9AqMode
- type Vp9ArnrType
- type Vp9DynamicRangeFormat
- type Vp9PerTitleConfiguration
- type Vp9Quality
- type Vp9VideoConfiguration
- type VttMediaInfo
- type WatchFolder
- type WatchFolderInput
- type WatchFolderOutput
- type WatchFolderStatus
- type WatermarkFilter
- type WebVttConfiguration
- type WebVttCueIdentifierPolicy
- type WebVttSidecarFile
- type WebVttSidecarFileSegmentation
- type WebVttStyling
- type WebVttStylingMode
- type Webhook
- type WebhookHttpMethod
- type WebhookNotification
- type WebhookNotificationWithStreamConditions
- type WebhookNotificationWithStreamConditionsRequest
- type WebhookSignature
- type WebmMuxing
- type WeightedPredictionPFrames
- type WidevineDrm
- type XmlNamespace
- type ZixiInput
Constants ¶
const ( // RFC3339FullDate represents a full-date as specified by RFC3339 // See: RFC3339FullDate = "2006-01-02" // RFC3339Millis represents a ISO8601 format to millis instead of to nanos RFC3339Millis = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z07:00" // RFC3339Micro represents a ISO8601 format to micro instead of to nano RFC3339Micro = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000000Z07:00" // ISO8601LocalTime represents a ISO8601 format to ISO8601 in local time (no timezone) ISO8601LocalTime = "2006-01-02T15:04:05" ISO8601UTC = "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z" )
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AacAudioConfiguration ¶
type AacAudioConfiguration struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. (required) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Target bitrate for the encoded audio in bps (required) Bitrate *int64 `json:"bitrate,omitempty"` // Audio sampling rate in Hz Rate *float64 `json:"rate,omitempty"` // Channel layout of the audio codec configuration ChannelLayout AacChannelLayout `json:"channelLayout,omitempty"` // The highest frequency that will pass the audio encoder. This value is optional. CutoffFrequency *int32 `json:"cutoffFrequency,omitempty"` }
AacAudioConfiguration model
func (AacAudioConfiguration) CodecConfigType ¶
func (m AacAudioConfiguration) CodecConfigType() CodecConfigType
func (AacAudioConfiguration) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m AacAudioConfiguration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type AacChannelLayout ¶
type AacChannelLayout string
AacChannelLayout : AacChannelLayout model
const ( AacChannelLayout_NONE AacChannelLayout = "NONE" AacChannelLayout_MONO AacChannelLayout = "MONO" AacChannelLayout_CL_STEREO AacChannelLayout = "STEREO" AacChannelLayout_CL_SURROUND AacChannelLayout = "SURROUND" AacChannelLayout_CL_4_0 AacChannelLayout = "4.0" AacChannelLayout_CL_5_0_BACK AacChannelLayout = "5.0_BACK" AacChannelLayout_CL_5_1_BACK AacChannelLayout = "5.1_BACK" AacChannelLayout_CL_7_1 AacChannelLayout = "7.1" AacChannelLayout_CL_7_1_WIDE_BACK AacChannelLayout = "7.1_WIDE_BACK" )
List of possible AacChannelLayout values
type AbstractCondition ¶
type AbstractCondition interface { // ConditionType returns the discriminator type of the polymorphic model ConditionType() ConditionType }
AbstractCondition model
func UnmarshalAbstractCondition ¶
func UnmarshalAbstractCondition(reader io.Reader, consumer bitutils.Consumer) (AbstractCondition, error)
UnmarshalAbstractCondition unmarshals polymorphic AbstractCondition
func UnmarshalAbstractConditionSlice ¶
func UnmarshalAbstractConditionSlice(reader io.Reader, consumer bitutils.Consumer) ([]AbstractCondition, error)
UnmarshalAbstractConditionSlice unmarshals polymorphic slices of AbstractCondition
type Ac3AudioConfiguration ¶
type Ac3AudioConfiguration struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. (required) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Target bitrate for the encoded audio in bps (required) Bitrate *int64 `json:"bitrate,omitempty"` // Audio sampling rate in Hz Rate *float64 `json:"rate,omitempty"` // Channel layout of the audio codec configuration ChannelLayout Ac3ChannelLayout `json:"channelLayout,omitempty"` // The highest frequency that will pass the audio encoder. This value is optional. CutoffFrequency *int32 `json:"cutoffFrequency,omitempty"` }
Ac3AudioConfiguration model
func (Ac3AudioConfiguration) CodecConfigType ¶
func (m Ac3AudioConfiguration) CodecConfigType() CodecConfigType
func (Ac3AudioConfiguration) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m Ac3AudioConfiguration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type Ac3ChannelLayout ¶
type Ac3ChannelLayout string
Ac3ChannelLayout : Ac3ChannelLayout model
const ( Ac3ChannelLayout_NONE Ac3ChannelLayout = "NONE" Ac3ChannelLayout_MONO Ac3ChannelLayout = "MONO" Ac3ChannelLayout_CL_STEREO Ac3ChannelLayout = "STEREO" Ac3ChannelLayout_CL_SURROUND Ac3ChannelLayout = "SURROUND" Ac3ChannelLayout_CL_QUAD Ac3ChannelLayout = "QUAD" Ac3ChannelLayout_CL_2_1 Ac3ChannelLayout = "2.1" Ac3ChannelLayout_CL_2_2 Ac3ChannelLayout = "2.2" Ac3ChannelLayout_CL_3_1 Ac3ChannelLayout = "3.1" Ac3ChannelLayout_CL_4_0 Ac3ChannelLayout = "4.0" Ac3ChannelLayout_CL_4_1 Ac3ChannelLayout = "4.1" Ac3ChannelLayout_CL_5_0 Ac3ChannelLayout = "5.0" Ac3ChannelLayout_CL_5_0_BACK Ac3ChannelLayout = "5.0_BACK" Ac3ChannelLayout_CL_5_1 Ac3ChannelLayout = "5.1" Ac3ChannelLayout_CL_5_1_BACK Ac3ChannelLayout = "5.1_BACK" )
List of possible Ac3ChannelLayout values
type Accessibility ¶
type Accessibility struct { // Can be either list of languages or a complete map of services (or CC channels, in CEA-608 terminology) (required) Value *string `json:"value,omitempty"` // The scheme id to use. Please refer to the DASH standard. (required) SchemeIdUri *string `json:"schemeIdUri,omitempty"` }
Accessibility model
type AccountApiKey ¶
type AccountApiKey struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Key value for authentication with the Bitmovin API (required) Value *string `json:"value,omitempty"` }
AccountApiKey model
type AccountInformation ¶
type AccountInformation struct { Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Email address of the account. (required) Email *string `json:"email,omitempty"` // ApiKeys associated with the account (required) ApiKeys []AccountApiKey `json:"apiKeys,omitempty"` // First name of the tenant. FirstName *string `json:"firstName,omitempty"` // Last name of the tenant. LastName *string `json:"lastName,omitempty"` // Phone number of the tenant. Phone *string `json:"phone,omitempty"` // Company name of the tenant. Company *string `json:"company,omitempty"` Verified *bool `json:"verified,omitempty"` Marketplace Marketplace `json:"marketplace,omitempty"` MfaEnabled *bool `json:"mfaEnabled,omitempty"` IntercomIdVerification *string `json:"intercomIdVerification,omitempty"` }
AccountInformation model
type Acl ¶
type Acl struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Resource to define the permission for. (required) Resource *string `json:"resource,omitempty"` Policy Policy `json:"policy,omitempty"` // Permissions to assign. (required) Permissions []Permission `json:"permissions,omitempty"` }
Acl model
type AclEntry ¶
type AclEntry struct { // Deprecation notice: The value of this property is not being used. It can be chosen arbitrarily or not set at all Scope *string `json:"scope,omitempty"` Permission AclPermission `json:"permission,omitempty"` }
AclEntry model
type AclPermission ¶
type AclPermission string
AclPermission : AclPermission model
const ( AclPermission_PUBLIC_READ AclPermission = "PUBLIC_READ" AclPermission_PRIVATE AclPermission = "PRIVATE" )
List of possible AclPermission values
type AdAnalyticsAbstractFilter ¶
type AdAnalyticsAbstractFilter interface { // AnalyticsQueryOperator returns the discriminator type of the polymorphic model AnalyticsQueryOperator() AnalyticsQueryOperator }
AdAnalyticsAbstractFilter model
func UnmarshalAdAnalyticsAbstractFilter ¶
func UnmarshalAdAnalyticsAbstractFilter(reader io.Reader, consumer bitutils.Consumer) (AdAnalyticsAbstractFilter, error)
UnmarshalAdAnalyticsAbstractFilter unmarshals polymorphic AdAnalyticsAbstractFilter
func UnmarshalAdAnalyticsAbstractFilterSlice ¶
func UnmarshalAdAnalyticsAbstractFilterSlice(reader io.Reader, consumer bitutils.Consumer) ([]AdAnalyticsAbstractFilter, error)
UnmarshalAdAnalyticsAbstractFilterSlice unmarshals polymorphic slices of AdAnalyticsAbstractFilter
type AdAnalyticsAttribute ¶
type AdAnalyticsAttribute string
AdAnalyticsAttribute : AdAnalyticsAttribute model
const ( AdAnalyticsAttribute_AD_IMPRESSION_ID AdAnalyticsAttribute = "AD_IMPRESSION_ID" AdAnalyticsAttribute_AD_CLICKTHROUGH_URL AdAnalyticsAttribute = "AD_CLICKTHROUGH_URL" AdAnalyticsAttribute_AD_DESCRIPTION AdAnalyticsAttribute = "AD_DESCRIPTION" AdAnalyticsAttribute_AD_DURATION AdAnalyticsAttribute = "AD_DURATION" AdAnalyticsAttribute_AD_FALLBACK_INDEX AdAnalyticsAttribute = "AD_FALLBACK_INDEX" AdAnalyticsAttribute_AD_ID AdAnalyticsAttribute = "AD_ID" AdAnalyticsAttribute_AD_ID_PLAYER AdAnalyticsAttribute = "AD_ID_PLAYER" AdAnalyticsAttribute_AD_IS_PERSISTENT AdAnalyticsAttribute = "AD_IS_PERSISTENT" AdAnalyticsAttribute_AD_MODULE AdAnalyticsAttribute = "AD_MODULE" AdAnalyticsAttribute_AD_OFFSET AdAnalyticsAttribute = "AD_OFFSET" AdAnalyticsAttribute_AD_PLAYBACK_HEIGHT AdAnalyticsAttribute = "AD_PLAYBACK_HEIGHT" AdAnalyticsAttribute_AD_PLAYBACK_WIDTH AdAnalyticsAttribute = "AD_PLAYBACK_WIDTH" AdAnalyticsAttribute_AD_POD_POSITION AdAnalyticsAttribute = "AD_POD_POSITION" AdAnalyticsAttribute_AD_POSITION AdAnalyticsAttribute = "AD_POSITION" AdAnalyticsAttribute_AD_PRELOAD_OFFSET AdAnalyticsAttribute = "AD_PRELOAD_OFFSET" AdAnalyticsAttribute_AD_REPLACE_CONTENT_DURATION AdAnalyticsAttribute = "AD_REPLACE_CONTENT_DURATION" AdAnalyticsAttribute_AD_SCHEDULE_TIME AdAnalyticsAttribute = "AD_SCHEDULE_TIME" AdAnalyticsAttribute_AD_SKIP_AFTER AdAnalyticsAttribute = "AD_SKIP_AFTER" AdAnalyticsAttribute_AD_SKIPPABLE AdAnalyticsAttribute = "AD_SKIPPABLE" AdAnalyticsAttribute_AD_STARTUP_TIME AdAnalyticsAttribute = "AD_STARTUP_TIME" AdAnalyticsAttribute_AD_SYSTEM AdAnalyticsAttribute = "AD_SYSTEM" AdAnalyticsAttribute_AD_TAG_PATH AdAnalyticsAttribute = "AD_TAG_PATH" AdAnalyticsAttribute_AD_TAG_SERVER AdAnalyticsAttribute = "AD_TAG_SERVER" AdAnalyticsAttribute_AD_TAG_TYPE AdAnalyticsAttribute = "AD_TAG_TYPE" AdAnalyticsAttribute_AD_TAG_URL AdAnalyticsAttribute = "AD_TAG_URL" AdAnalyticsAttribute_AD_TITLE AdAnalyticsAttribute = "AD_TITLE" AdAnalyticsAttribute_AD_WRAPPER_ADS_COUNT AdAnalyticsAttribute = "AD_WRAPPER_ADS_COUNT" AdAnalyticsAttribute_ADVERTISER_NAME AdAnalyticsAttribute = "ADVERTISER_NAME" AdAnalyticsAttribute_ANALYTICS_VERSION AdAnalyticsAttribute = "ANALYTICS_VERSION" AdAnalyticsAttribute_API_FRAMEWORK AdAnalyticsAttribute = "API_FRAMEWORK" AdAnalyticsAttribute_AUDIO_BITRATE AdAnalyticsAttribute = "AUDIO_BITRATE" AdAnalyticsAttribute_AUDIO_CODEC AdAnalyticsAttribute = "AUDIO_CODEC" AdAnalyticsAttribute_AUTOPLAY AdAnalyticsAttribute = "AUTOPLAY" AdAnalyticsAttribute_BROWSER AdAnalyticsAttribute = "BROWSER" AdAnalyticsAttribute_BROWSER_VERSION_MAJOR AdAnalyticsAttribute = "BROWSER_VERSION_MAJOR" AdAnalyticsAttribute_CDN_PROVIDER AdAnalyticsAttribute = "CDN_PROVIDER" AdAnalyticsAttribute_CITY AdAnalyticsAttribute = "CITY" AdAnalyticsAttribute_CLICK_PERCENTAGE AdAnalyticsAttribute = "CLICK_PERCENTAGE" AdAnalyticsAttribute_CLICK_POSITION AdAnalyticsAttribute = "CLICK_POSITION" AdAnalyticsAttribute_CLICKED AdAnalyticsAttribute = "CLICKED" AdAnalyticsAttribute_CLIENT_TIME AdAnalyticsAttribute = "CLIENT_TIME" AdAnalyticsAttribute_CLOSE_PERCENTAGE AdAnalyticsAttribute = "CLOSE_PERCENTAGE" AdAnalyticsAttribute_CLOSE_POSITION AdAnalyticsAttribute = "CLOSE_POSITION" AdAnalyticsAttribute_CLOSED AdAnalyticsAttribute = "CLOSED" AdAnalyticsAttribute_COMPLETED AdAnalyticsAttribute = "COMPLETED" AdAnalyticsAttribute_COUNTRY AdAnalyticsAttribute = "COUNTRY" AdAnalyticsAttribute_CREATIVE_AD_ID AdAnalyticsAttribute = "CREATIVE_AD_ID" AdAnalyticsAttribute_CREATIVE_ID AdAnalyticsAttribute = "CREATIVE_ID" AdAnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_1 AdAnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_1" AdAnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_2 AdAnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_2" AdAnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_3 AdAnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_3" AdAnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_4 AdAnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_4" AdAnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_5 AdAnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_5" AdAnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_6 AdAnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_6" AdAnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_7 AdAnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_7" AdAnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_8 AdAnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_8" AdAnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_9 AdAnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_9" AdAnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_10 AdAnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_10" AdAnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_11 AdAnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_11" AdAnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_12 AdAnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_12" AdAnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_13 AdAnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_13" AdAnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_14 AdAnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_14" AdAnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_15 AdAnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_15" AdAnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_16 AdAnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_16" AdAnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_17 AdAnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_17" AdAnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_18 AdAnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_18" AdAnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_19 AdAnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_19" AdAnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_20 AdAnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_20" AdAnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_21 AdAnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_21" AdAnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_22 AdAnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_22" AdAnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_23 AdAnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_23" AdAnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_24 AdAnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_24" AdAnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_25 AdAnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_25" AdAnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_26 AdAnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_26" AdAnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_27 AdAnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_27" AdAnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_28 AdAnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_28" AdAnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_29 AdAnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_29" AdAnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_30 AdAnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_30" AdAnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_USER_ID AdAnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_USER_ID" AdAnalyticsAttribute_DAY AdAnalyticsAttribute = "DAY" AdAnalyticsAttribute_DEAL_ID AdAnalyticsAttribute = "DEAL_ID" AdAnalyticsAttribute_DEVICE_CLASS AdAnalyticsAttribute = "DEVICE_CLASS" AdAnalyticsAttribute_DEVICE_TYPE AdAnalyticsAttribute = "DEVICE_TYPE" AdAnalyticsAttribute_DOMAIN AdAnalyticsAttribute = "DOMAIN" AdAnalyticsAttribute_ERROR_CODE AdAnalyticsAttribute = "ERROR_CODE" AdAnalyticsAttribute_ERROR_PERCENTAGE AdAnalyticsAttribute = "ERROR_PERCENTAGE" AdAnalyticsAttribute_ERROR_POSITION AdAnalyticsAttribute = "ERROR_POSITION" AdAnalyticsAttribute_EXIT_POSITION AdAnalyticsAttribute = "EXIT_POSITION" AdAnalyticsAttribute_EXPERIMENT_NAME AdAnalyticsAttribute = "EXPERIMENT_NAME" AdAnalyticsAttribute_HOUR AdAnalyticsAttribute = "HOUR" AdAnalyticsAttribute_IP_ADDRESS AdAnalyticsAttribute = "IP_ADDRESS" AdAnalyticsAttribute_IS_LINEAR AdAnalyticsAttribute = "IS_LINEAR" AdAnalyticsAttribute_ISP AdAnalyticsAttribute = "ISP" AdAnalyticsAttribute_LANGUAGE AdAnalyticsAttribute = "LANGUAGE" AdAnalyticsAttribute_LICENSE_KEY AdAnalyticsAttribute = "LICENSE_KEY" AdAnalyticsAttribute_MANIFEST_DOWNLOAD_TIME AdAnalyticsAttribute = "MANIFEST_DOWNLOAD_TIME" AdAnalyticsAttribute_MEDIA_PATH AdAnalyticsAttribute = "MEDIA_PATH" AdAnalyticsAttribute_MEDIA_SERVER AdAnalyticsAttribute = "MEDIA_SERVER" AdAnalyticsAttribute_MEDIA_URL AdAnalyticsAttribute = "MEDIA_URL" AdAnalyticsAttribute_MIDPOINT AdAnalyticsAttribute = "MIDPOINT" AdAnalyticsAttribute_MIN_SUGGESTED_DURATION AdAnalyticsAttribute = "MIN_SUGGESTED_DURATION" AdAnalyticsAttribute_MINUTE AdAnalyticsAttribute = "MINUTE" AdAnalyticsAttribute_MONTH AdAnalyticsAttribute = "MONTH" AdAnalyticsAttribute_OPERATINGSYSTEM AdAnalyticsAttribute = "OPERATINGSYSTEM" AdAnalyticsAttribute_OPERATINGSYSTEM_VERSION_MAJOR AdAnalyticsAttribute = "OPERATINGSYSTEM_VERSION_MAJOR" AdAnalyticsAttribute_PAGE_LOAD_TIME AdAnalyticsAttribute = "PAGE_LOAD_TIME" AdAnalyticsAttribute_PAGE_LOAD_TYPE AdAnalyticsAttribute = "PAGE_LOAD_TYPE" AdAnalyticsAttribute_PATH AdAnalyticsAttribute = "PATH" AdAnalyticsAttribute_PERCENTAGE_IN_VIEWPORT AdAnalyticsAttribute = "PERCENTAGE_IN_VIEWPORT" AdAnalyticsAttribute_PLATFORM AdAnalyticsAttribute = "PLATFORM" AdAnalyticsAttribute_PLAY_PERCENTAGE AdAnalyticsAttribute = "PLAY_PERCENTAGE" AdAnalyticsAttribute_PLAYER AdAnalyticsAttribute = "PLAYER" AdAnalyticsAttribute_PLAYER_KEY AdAnalyticsAttribute = "PLAYER_KEY" AdAnalyticsAttribute_PLAYER_STARTUPTIME AdAnalyticsAttribute = "PLAYER_STARTUPTIME" AdAnalyticsAttribute_PLAYER_TECH AdAnalyticsAttribute = "PLAYER_TECH" AdAnalyticsAttribute_PLAYER_VERSION AdAnalyticsAttribute = "PLAYER_VERSION" AdAnalyticsAttribute_QUARTILE_1 AdAnalyticsAttribute = "QUARTILE_1" AdAnalyticsAttribute_QUARTILE_3 AdAnalyticsAttribute = "QUARTILE_3" AdAnalyticsAttribute_REGION AdAnalyticsAttribute = "REGION" AdAnalyticsAttribute_SCALE_FACTOR AdAnalyticsAttribute = "SCALE_FACTOR" AdAnalyticsAttribute_SCREEN_HEIGHT AdAnalyticsAttribute = "SCREEN_HEIGHT" AdAnalyticsAttribute_SCREEN_WIDTH AdAnalyticsAttribute = "SCREEN_WIDTH" AdAnalyticsAttribute_SCREEN_ORIENTATION AdAnalyticsAttribute = "SCREEN_ORIENTATION" AdAnalyticsAttribute_SIZE AdAnalyticsAttribute = "SIZE" AdAnalyticsAttribute_SKIP_PERCENTAGE AdAnalyticsAttribute = "SKIP_PERCENTAGE" AdAnalyticsAttribute_SKIP_POSITION AdAnalyticsAttribute = "SKIP_POSITION" AdAnalyticsAttribute_SKIPPED AdAnalyticsAttribute = "SKIPPED" AdAnalyticsAttribute_STARTED AdAnalyticsAttribute = "STARTED" AdAnalyticsAttribute_STREAM_FORMAT AdAnalyticsAttribute = "STREAM_FORMAT" AdAnalyticsAttribute_SURVEY_URL AdAnalyticsAttribute = "SURVEY_URL" AdAnalyticsAttribute_TIME AdAnalyticsAttribute = "TIME" AdAnalyticsAttribute_TIME_IN_VIEWPORT AdAnalyticsAttribute = "TIME_IN_VIEWPORT" AdAnalyticsAttribute_TIME_PLAYED AdAnalyticsAttribute = "TIME_PLAYED" AdAnalyticsAttribute_UNIVERSAL_AD_ID_REGISTRY AdAnalyticsAttribute = "UNIVERSAL_AD_ID_REGISTRY" AdAnalyticsAttribute_UNIVERSAL_AD_ID_VALUE AdAnalyticsAttribute = "UNIVERSAL_AD_ID_VALUE" AdAnalyticsAttribute_USER_ID AdAnalyticsAttribute = "USER_ID" AdAnalyticsAttribute_VIDEO_BITRATE AdAnalyticsAttribute = "VIDEO_BITRATE" AdAnalyticsAttribute_VIDEO_CODEC AdAnalyticsAttribute = "VIDEO_CODEC" AdAnalyticsAttribute_VIDEO_ID AdAnalyticsAttribute = "VIDEO_ID" AdAnalyticsAttribute_VIDEO_IMPRESSION_ID AdAnalyticsAttribute = "VIDEO_IMPRESSION_ID" AdAnalyticsAttribute_VIDEO_TITLE AdAnalyticsAttribute = "VIDEO_TITLE" AdAnalyticsAttribute_VIDEO_WINDOW_HEIGHT AdAnalyticsAttribute = "VIDEO_WINDOW_HEIGHT" AdAnalyticsAttribute_VIDEO_WINDOW_WIDTH AdAnalyticsAttribute = "VIDEO_WINDOW_WIDTH" )
List of possible AdAnalyticsAttribute values
type AdAnalyticsAvgQueryRequest ¶
type AdAnalyticsAvgQueryRequest struct { // Start of timeframe which is queried in UTC format. Start *DateTime `json:"start,omitempty"` // End of timeframe which is queried in UTC format. End *DateTime `json:"end,omitempty"` // Analytics license key (required) LicenseKey *string `json:"licenseKey,omitempty"` // Analytics Query Filters Each filter requires 3 properties: name, operator and value. Valid operators are [IN, EQ, NE, LT, LTE, GT, GTE, CONTAINS, NOTCONTAINS] Filters []AdAnalyticsAbstractFilter `json:"filters,omitempty"` OrderBy []AdAnalyticsOrderByEntry `json:"orderBy,omitempty"` Dimension AdAnalyticsAttribute `json:"dimension,omitempty"` Interval AnalyticsInterval `json:"interval,omitempty"` GroupBy []AdAnalyticsAttribute `json:"groupBy,omitempty"` // Maximum number of rows returned (max. 200) Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` // Offset of data Offset *int64 `json:"offset,omitempty"` }
AdAnalyticsAvgQueryRequest model
func (*AdAnalyticsAvgQueryRequest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *AdAnalyticsAvgQueryRequest) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals model AdAnalyticsAvgQueryRequest from a JSON structure
type AdAnalyticsContainsFilter ¶
type AdAnalyticsContainsFilter struct { Name *map[string]interface{} `json:"name,omitempty"` Value *map[string]interface{} `json:"value,omitempty"` }
AdAnalyticsContainsFilter model
func (AdAnalyticsContainsFilter) AnalyticsQueryOperator ¶
func (m AdAnalyticsContainsFilter) AnalyticsQueryOperator() AnalyticsQueryOperator
func (AdAnalyticsContainsFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m AdAnalyticsContainsFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type AdAnalyticsCountQueryRequest ¶
type AdAnalyticsCountQueryRequest struct { // Start of timeframe which is queried in UTC format. Start *DateTime `json:"start,omitempty"` // End of timeframe which is queried in UTC format. End *DateTime `json:"end,omitempty"` // Analytics license key (required) LicenseKey *string `json:"licenseKey,omitempty"` // Analytics Query Filters Each filter requires 3 properties: name, operator and value. Valid operators are [IN, EQ, NE, LT, LTE, GT, GTE, CONTAINS, NOTCONTAINS] Filters []AdAnalyticsAbstractFilter `json:"filters,omitempty"` OrderBy []AdAnalyticsOrderByEntry `json:"orderBy,omitempty"` Dimension AdAnalyticsAttribute `json:"dimension,omitempty"` Interval AnalyticsInterval `json:"interval,omitempty"` GroupBy []AdAnalyticsAttribute `json:"groupBy,omitempty"` // Maximum number of rows returned (max. 200) Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` // Offset of data Offset *int64 `json:"offset,omitempty"` }
AdAnalyticsCountQueryRequest model
func (*AdAnalyticsCountQueryRequest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *AdAnalyticsCountQueryRequest) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals model AdAnalyticsCountQueryRequest from a JSON structure
type AdAnalyticsEqualFilter ¶
type AdAnalyticsEqualFilter struct { Name *map[string]interface{} `json:"name,omitempty"` Value *map[string]interface{} `json:"value,omitempty"` }
AdAnalyticsEqualFilter model
func (AdAnalyticsEqualFilter) AnalyticsQueryOperator ¶
func (m AdAnalyticsEqualFilter) AnalyticsQueryOperator() AnalyticsQueryOperator
func (AdAnalyticsEqualFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m AdAnalyticsEqualFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type AdAnalyticsGreaterThanFilter ¶
type AdAnalyticsGreaterThanFilter struct { Name *map[string]interface{} `json:"name,omitempty"` Value *map[string]interface{} `json:"value,omitempty"` }
AdAnalyticsGreaterThanFilter model
func (AdAnalyticsGreaterThanFilter) AnalyticsQueryOperator ¶
func (m AdAnalyticsGreaterThanFilter) AnalyticsQueryOperator() AnalyticsQueryOperator
func (AdAnalyticsGreaterThanFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m AdAnalyticsGreaterThanFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type AdAnalyticsGreaterThanOrEqualFilter ¶
type AdAnalyticsGreaterThanOrEqualFilter struct { Name *map[string]interface{} `json:"name,omitempty"` Value *map[string]interface{} `json:"value,omitempty"` }
AdAnalyticsGreaterThanOrEqualFilter model
func (AdAnalyticsGreaterThanOrEqualFilter) AnalyticsQueryOperator ¶
func (m AdAnalyticsGreaterThanOrEqualFilter) AnalyticsQueryOperator() AnalyticsQueryOperator
func (AdAnalyticsGreaterThanOrEqualFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m AdAnalyticsGreaterThanOrEqualFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type AdAnalyticsInFilter ¶
type AdAnalyticsInFilter struct { Name *map[string]interface{} `json:"name,omitempty"` Value []map[string]interface{} `json:"value,omitempty"` }
AdAnalyticsInFilter model
func (AdAnalyticsInFilter) AnalyticsQueryOperator ¶
func (m AdAnalyticsInFilter) AnalyticsQueryOperator() AnalyticsQueryOperator
func (AdAnalyticsInFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m AdAnalyticsInFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type AdAnalyticsLessThanFilter ¶
type AdAnalyticsLessThanFilter struct { Name *map[string]interface{} `json:"name,omitempty"` Value *map[string]interface{} `json:"value,omitempty"` }
AdAnalyticsLessThanFilter model
func (AdAnalyticsLessThanFilter) AnalyticsQueryOperator ¶
func (m AdAnalyticsLessThanFilter) AnalyticsQueryOperator() AnalyticsQueryOperator
func (AdAnalyticsLessThanFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m AdAnalyticsLessThanFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type AdAnalyticsLessThanOrEqualFilter ¶
type AdAnalyticsLessThanOrEqualFilter struct { Name *map[string]interface{} `json:"name,omitempty"` Value *map[string]interface{} `json:"value,omitempty"` }
AdAnalyticsLessThanOrEqualFilter model
func (AdAnalyticsLessThanOrEqualFilter) AnalyticsQueryOperator ¶
func (m AdAnalyticsLessThanOrEqualFilter) AnalyticsQueryOperator() AnalyticsQueryOperator
func (AdAnalyticsLessThanOrEqualFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m AdAnalyticsLessThanOrEqualFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type AdAnalyticsMaxQueryRequest ¶
type AdAnalyticsMaxQueryRequest struct { // Start of timeframe which is queried in UTC format. Start *DateTime `json:"start,omitempty"` // End of timeframe which is queried in UTC format. End *DateTime `json:"end,omitempty"` // Analytics license key (required) LicenseKey *string `json:"licenseKey,omitempty"` // Analytics Query Filters Each filter requires 3 properties: name, operator and value. Valid operators are [IN, EQ, NE, LT, LTE, GT, GTE, CONTAINS, NOTCONTAINS] Filters []AdAnalyticsAbstractFilter `json:"filters,omitempty"` OrderBy []AdAnalyticsOrderByEntry `json:"orderBy,omitempty"` Dimension AdAnalyticsAttribute `json:"dimension,omitempty"` Interval AnalyticsInterval `json:"interval,omitempty"` GroupBy []AdAnalyticsAttribute `json:"groupBy,omitempty"` // Maximum number of rows returned (max. 200) Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` // Offset of data Offset *int64 `json:"offset,omitempty"` }
AdAnalyticsMaxQueryRequest model
func (*AdAnalyticsMaxQueryRequest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *AdAnalyticsMaxQueryRequest) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals model AdAnalyticsMaxQueryRequest from a JSON structure
type AdAnalyticsMedianQueryRequest ¶
type AdAnalyticsMedianQueryRequest struct { // Start of timeframe which is queried in UTC format. Start *DateTime `json:"start,omitempty"` // End of timeframe which is queried in UTC format. End *DateTime `json:"end,omitempty"` // Analytics license key (required) LicenseKey *string `json:"licenseKey,omitempty"` // Analytics Query Filters Each filter requires 3 properties: name, operator and value. Valid operators are [IN, EQ, NE, LT, LTE, GT, GTE, CONTAINS, NOTCONTAINS] Filters []AdAnalyticsAbstractFilter `json:"filters,omitempty"` OrderBy []AdAnalyticsOrderByEntry `json:"orderBy,omitempty"` Dimension AdAnalyticsAttribute `json:"dimension,omitempty"` Interval AnalyticsInterval `json:"interval,omitempty"` GroupBy []AdAnalyticsAttribute `json:"groupBy,omitempty"` // Maximum number of rows returned (max. 200) Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` // Offset of data Offset *int64 `json:"offset,omitempty"` }
AdAnalyticsMedianQueryRequest model
func (*AdAnalyticsMedianQueryRequest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *AdAnalyticsMedianQueryRequest) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals model AdAnalyticsMedianQueryRequest from a JSON structure
type AdAnalyticsMinQueryRequest ¶
type AdAnalyticsMinQueryRequest struct { // Start of timeframe which is queried in UTC format. Start *DateTime `json:"start,omitempty"` // End of timeframe which is queried in UTC format. End *DateTime `json:"end,omitempty"` // Analytics license key (required) LicenseKey *string `json:"licenseKey,omitempty"` // Analytics Query Filters Each filter requires 3 properties: name, operator and value. Valid operators are [IN, EQ, NE, LT, LTE, GT, GTE, CONTAINS, NOTCONTAINS] Filters []AdAnalyticsAbstractFilter `json:"filters,omitempty"` OrderBy []AdAnalyticsOrderByEntry `json:"orderBy,omitempty"` Dimension AdAnalyticsAttribute `json:"dimension,omitempty"` Interval AnalyticsInterval `json:"interval,omitempty"` GroupBy []AdAnalyticsAttribute `json:"groupBy,omitempty"` // Maximum number of rows returned (max. 200) Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` // Offset of data Offset *int64 `json:"offset,omitempty"` }
AdAnalyticsMinQueryRequest model
func (*AdAnalyticsMinQueryRequest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *AdAnalyticsMinQueryRequest) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals model AdAnalyticsMinQueryRequest from a JSON structure
type AdAnalyticsNotContainsFilter ¶
type AdAnalyticsNotContainsFilter struct { Name *map[string]interface{} `json:"name,omitempty"` Value *map[string]interface{} `json:"value,omitempty"` }
AdAnalyticsNotContainsFilter model
func (AdAnalyticsNotContainsFilter) AnalyticsQueryOperator ¶
func (m AdAnalyticsNotContainsFilter) AnalyticsQueryOperator() AnalyticsQueryOperator
func (AdAnalyticsNotContainsFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m AdAnalyticsNotContainsFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type AdAnalyticsNotEqualFilter ¶
type AdAnalyticsNotEqualFilter struct { Name *map[string]interface{} `json:"name,omitempty"` Value *map[string]interface{} `json:"value,omitempty"` }
AdAnalyticsNotEqualFilter model
func (AdAnalyticsNotEqualFilter) AnalyticsQueryOperator ¶
func (m AdAnalyticsNotEqualFilter) AnalyticsQueryOperator() AnalyticsQueryOperator
func (AdAnalyticsNotEqualFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m AdAnalyticsNotEqualFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type AdAnalyticsOrderByEntry ¶
type AdAnalyticsOrderByEntry struct { Name AdAnalyticsAttribute `json:"name,omitempty"` Order AnalyticsOrder `json:"order,omitempty"` }
AdAnalyticsOrderByEntry model
type AdAnalyticsPercentileQueryRequest ¶
type AdAnalyticsPercentileQueryRequest struct { // Start of timeframe which is queried in UTC format. Start *DateTime `json:"start,omitempty"` // End of timeframe which is queried in UTC format. End *DateTime `json:"end,omitempty"` // Analytics license key (required) LicenseKey *string `json:"licenseKey,omitempty"` // Analytics Query Filters Each filter requires 3 properties: name, operator and value. Valid operators are [IN, EQ, NE, LT, LTE, GT, GTE, CONTAINS, NOTCONTAINS] Filters []AdAnalyticsAbstractFilter `json:"filters,omitempty"` OrderBy []AdAnalyticsOrderByEntry `json:"orderBy,omitempty"` Dimension AdAnalyticsAttribute `json:"dimension,omitempty"` Interval AnalyticsInterval `json:"interval,omitempty"` GroupBy []AdAnalyticsAttribute `json:"groupBy,omitempty"` // Maximum number of rows returned (max. 200) Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` // Offset of data Offset *int64 `json:"offset,omitempty"` // The percentage (0-99) used for percentile queries. (required) Percentile *int64 `json:"percentile,omitempty"` }
AdAnalyticsPercentileQueryRequest model
func (*AdAnalyticsPercentileQueryRequest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *AdAnalyticsPercentileQueryRequest) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals model AdAnalyticsPercentileQueryRequest from a JSON structure
type AdAnalyticsQueryRequest ¶
type AdAnalyticsQueryRequest struct { // Start of timeframe which is queried in UTC format. Start *DateTime `json:"start,omitempty"` // End of timeframe which is queried in UTC format. End *DateTime `json:"end,omitempty"` // Analytics license key (required) LicenseKey *string `json:"licenseKey,omitempty"` // Analytics Query Filters Each filter requires 3 properties: name, operator and value. Valid operators are [IN, EQ, NE, LT, LTE, GT, GTE, CONTAINS, NOTCONTAINS] Filters []AdAnalyticsAbstractFilter `json:"filters,omitempty"` OrderBy []AdAnalyticsOrderByEntry `json:"orderBy,omitempty"` Dimension AdAnalyticsAttribute `json:"dimension,omitempty"` Interval AnalyticsInterval `json:"interval,omitempty"` GroupBy []AdAnalyticsAttribute `json:"groupBy,omitempty"` // Maximum number of rows returned (max. 200) Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` // Offset of data Offset *int64 `json:"offset,omitempty"` }
AdAnalyticsQueryRequest model
func (*AdAnalyticsQueryRequest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *AdAnalyticsQueryRequest) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals model AdAnalyticsQueryRequest from a JSON structure
type AdAnalyticsStddevQueryRequest ¶
type AdAnalyticsStddevQueryRequest struct { // Start of timeframe which is queried in UTC format. Start *DateTime `json:"start,omitempty"` // End of timeframe which is queried in UTC format. End *DateTime `json:"end,omitempty"` // Analytics license key (required) LicenseKey *string `json:"licenseKey,omitempty"` // Analytics Query Filters Each filter requires 3 properties: name, operator and value. Valid operators are [IN, EQ, NE, LT, LTE, GT, GTE, CONTAINS, NOTCONTAINS] Filters []AdAnalyticsAbstractFilter `json:"filters,omitempty"` OrderBy []AdAnalyticsOrderByEntry `json:"orderBy,omitempty"` Dimension AdAnalyticsAttribute `json:"dimension,omitempty"` Interval AnalyticsInterval `json:"interval,omitempty"` GroupBy []AdAnalyticsAttribute `json:"groupBy,omitempty"` // Maximum number of rows returned (max. 200) Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` // Offset of data Offset *int64 `json:"offset,omitempty"` }
AdAnalyticsStddevQueryRequest model
func (*AdAnalyticsStddevQueryRequest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *AdAnalyticsStddevQueryRequest) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals model AdAnalyticsStddevQueryRequest from a JSON structure
type AdAnalyticsSumQueryRequest ¶
type AdAnalyticsSumQueryRequest struct { // Start of timeframe which is queried in UTC format. Start *DateTime `json:"start,omitempty"` // End of timeframe which is queried in UTC format. End *DateTime `json:"end,omitempty"` // Analytics license key (required) LicenseKey *string `json:"licenseKey,omitempty"` // Analytics Query Filters Each filter requires 3 properties: name, operator and value. Valid operators are [IN, EQ, NE, LT, LTE, GT, GTE, CONTAINS, NOTCONTAINS] Filters []AdAnalyticsAbstractFilter `json:"filters,omitempty"` OrderBy []AdAnalyticsOrderByEntry `json:"orderBy,omitempty"` Dimension AdAnalyticsAttribute `json:"dimension,omitempty"` Interval AnalyticsInterval `json:"interval,omitempty"` GroupBy []AdAnalyticsAttribute `json:"groupBy,omitempty"` // Maximum number of rows returned (max. 200) Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` // Offset of data Offset *int64 `json:"offset,omitempty"` }
AdAnalyticsSumQueryRequest model
func (*AdAnalyticsSumQueryRequest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *AdAnalyticsSumQueryRequest) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals model AdAnalyticsSumQueryRequest from a JSON structure
type AdAnalyticsVarianceQueryRequest ¶
type AdAnalyticsVarianceQueryRequest struct { // Start of timeframe which is queried in UTC format. Start *DateTime `json:"start,omitempty"` // End of timeframe which is queried in UTC format. End *DateTime `json:"end,omitempty"` // Analytics license key (required) LicenseKey *string `json:"licenseKey,omitempty"` // Analytics Query Filters Each filter requires 3 properties: name, operator and value. Valid operators are [IN, EQ, NE, LT, LTE, GT, GTE, CONTAINS, NOTCONTAINS] Filters []AdAnalyticsAbstractFilter `json:"filters,omitempty"` OrderBy []AdAnalyticsOrderByEntry `json:"orderBy,omitempty"` Dimension AdAnalyticsAttribute `json:"dimension,omitempty"` Interval AnalyticsInterval `json:"interval,omitempty"` GroupBy []AdAnalyticsAttribute `json:"groupBy,omitempty"` // Maximum number of rows returned (max. 200) Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` // Offset of data Offset *int64 `json:"offset,omitempty"` }
AdAnalyticsVarianceQueryRequest model
func (*AdAnalyticsVarianceQueryRequest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *AdAnalyticsVarianceQueryRequest) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals model AdAnalyticsVarianceQueryRequest from a JSON structure
type AdaptationSet ¶
type AdaptationSet interface { // AdaptationSetType returns the discriminator type of the polymorphic model AdaptationSetType() AdaptationSetType }
AdaptationSet model
func UnmarshalAdaptationSet ¶
UnmarshalAdaptationSet unmarshals polymorphic AdaptationSet
func UnmarshalAdaptationSetSlice ¶
func UnmarshalAdaptationSetSlice(reader io.Reader, consumer bitutils.Consumer) ([]AdaptationSet, error)
UnmarshalAdaptationSetSlice unmarshals polymorphic slices of AdaptationSet
type AdaptationSetRole ¶
type AdaptationSetRole string
AdaptationSetRole : AdaptationSetRole model
const ( AdaptationSetRole_ALTERNATE AdaptationSetRole = "ALTERNATE" AdaptationSetRole_CAPTION AdaptationSetRole = "CAPTION" AdaptationSetRole_COMMENTARY AdaptationSetRole = "COMMENTARY" AdaptationSetRole_DUB AdaptationSetRole = "DUB" AdaptationSetRole_MAIN AdaptationSetRole = "MAIN" AdaptationSetRole_SUBTITLE AdaptationSetRole = "SUBTITLE" AdaptationSetRole_SUPPLEMENTARY AdaptationSetRole = "SUPPLEMENTARY" )
List of possible AdaptationSetRole values
type AdaptationSetType ¶
type AdaptationSetType string
AdaptationSetType : AdaptationSetType model
const ( AdaptationSetType_VIDEO AdaptationSetType = "VIDEO" AdaptationSetType_AUDIO AdaptationSetType = "AUDIO" AdaptationSetType_IMAGE AdaptationSetType = "IMAGE" AdaptationSetType_SUBTITLE AdaptationSetType = "SUBTITLE" )
List of possible AdaptationSetType values
type AdaptationSetTypeResponse ¶
type AdaptationSetTypeResponse struct { // The type of the adaptation set Type AdaptationSetType `json:"type,omitempty"` }
AdaptationSetTypeResponse model
type AdaptiveQuantMode ¶
type AdaptiveQuantMode string
AdaptiveQuantMode : AdaptiveQuantMode model
const ( AdaptiveQuantMode_DISABLED AdaptiveQuantMode = "DISABLED" AdaptiveQuantMode_VARIANCE AdaptiveQuantMode = "VARIANCE" AdaptiveQuantMode_AUTO_VARIANCE AdaptiveQuantMode = "AUTO_VARIANCE" AdaptiveQuantMode_AUTO_VARIANCE_DARK_SCENES AdaptiveQuantMode = "AUTO_VARIANCE_DARK_SCENES" )
List of possible AdaptiveQuantMode values
type AesEncryptionDrm ¶
type AesEncryptionDrm struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Outputs []EncodingOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // 16 byte Encryption key, 32 hexadecimal characters (required) Key *string `json:"key,omitempty"` // 16 byte initialization vector Iv *string `json:"iv,omitempty"` // Path relative to the output for referencing in the manifest. If this value is not set the key file will be written automatically to the output folder. KeyFileUri *string `json:"keyFileUri,omitempty"` Method AesEncryptionMethod `json:"method,omitempty"` }
AesEncryptionDrm model
func (AesEncryptionDrm) DrmType ¶
func (m AesEncryptionDrm) DrmType() DrmType
func (AesEncryptionDrm) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m AesEncryptionDrm) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type AesEncryptionMethod ¶
type AesEncryptionMethod string
AesEncryptionMethod : Detailed encryption method
const ( AesEncryptionMethod_SAMPLE_AES AesEncryptionMethod = "SAMPLE_AES" AesEncryptionMethod_AES_128 AesEncryptionMethod = "AES_128" )
List of possible AesEncryptionMethod values
type AkamaiAccount ¶ added in v1.211.0
type AkamaiAccount struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. (required) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Akamai/Linode API token (required) ApiToken *string `json:"apiToken,omitempty"` }
AkamaiAccount model
type AkamaiAccountRegionSettings ¶ added in v1.211.0
type AkamaiAccountRegionSettings struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Id of the VPC subnet for encoding instances (required) SubnetId *int64 `json:"subnetId,omitempty"` // Id of the firewall for encoding instances (required) FirewallId *int64 `json:"firewallId,omitempty"` Region AkamaiCloudRegion `json:"region,omitempty"` }
AkamaiAccountRegionSettings model
type AkamaiCloudRegion ¶ added in v1.211.0
type AkamaiCloudRegion string
AkamaiCloudRegion : AkamaiCloudRegion model
const ( AkamaiCloudRegion_BR_GRU AkamaiCloudRegion = "BR_GRU" AkamaiCloudRegion_ES_MAD AkamaiCloudRegion = "ES_MAD" AkamaiCloudRegion_FR_PAR AkamaiCloudRegion = "FR_PAR" AkamaiCloudRegion_ID_CGK AkamaiCloudRegion = "ID_CGK" AkamaiCloudRegion_IN_MAA AkamaiCloudRegion = "IN_MAA" AkamaiCloudRegion_IT_MIL AkamaiCloudRegion = "IT_MIL" AkamaiCloudRegion_JP_OSA AkamaiCloudRegion = "JP_OSA" AkamaiCloudRegion_NL_AMS AkamaiCloudRegion = "NL_AMS" AkamaiCloudRegion_SE_STO AkamaiCloudRegion = "SE_STO" AkamaiCloudRegion_US_LAX AkamaiCloudRegion = "US_LAX" AkamaiCloudRegion_US_MIA AkamaiCloudRegion = "US_MIA" AkamaiCloudRegion_US_ORD AkamaiCloudRegion = "US_ORD" AkamaiCloudRegion_US_SEA AkamaiCloudRegion = "US_SEA" )
List of possible AkamaiCloudRegion values
type AkamaiMslOutput ¶
type AkamaiMslOutput struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Deprecation notice: This property does not have any effect and will not be returned by GET endpoints Acl []AclEntry `json:"acl,omitempty"` // The Akamai stream ID (required) StreamId *int32 `json:"streamId,omitempty"` // The Akamai event name (required) EventName *string `json:"eventName,omitempty"` // - DASH: configure the Encoding with fMP4 or CMAF muxings and a DASH manifest. - HLS: configure the Encoding with TS muxings and an HLS manifest. - CMAF: configure the Encoding with fMP4 or CMAF muxings with both DASH and HLS manifests. (required) StreamFormat AkamaiMslStreamFormat `json:"streamFormat,omitempty"` // The Akamai MSL Version. Only MSL4 is supported at the moment. (required) MslVersion AkamaiMslVersion `json:"mslVersion,omitempty"` }
AkamaiMslOutput model
func (AkamaiMslOutput) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m AkamaiMslOutput) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (AkamaiMslOutput) OutputType ¶
func (m AkamaiMslOutput) OutputType() OutputType
type AkamaiMslStreamFormat ¶
type AkamaiMslStreamFormat string
AkamaiMslStreamFormat : AkamaiMslStreamFormat model
const ( AkamaiMslStreamFormat_DASH AkamaiMslStreamFormat = "DASH" AkamaiMslStreamFormat_HLS AkamaiMslStreamFormat = "HLS" AkamaiMslStreamFormat_CMAF AkamaiMslStreamFormat = "CMAF" )
List of possible AkamaiMslStreamFormat values
type AkamaiMslVersion ¶
type AkamaiMslVersion string
AkamaiMslVersion : AkamaiMslVersion model
const (
AkamaiMslVersion_MSL4 AkamaiMslVersion = "MSL4"
List of possible AkamaiMslVersion values
type AkamaiNetStorageInput ¶
type AkamaiNetStorageInput struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Host to use for Akamai NetStorage transfers (required) Host *string `json:"host,omitempty"` // Your Akamai NetStorage Username (required) Username *string `json:"username,omitempty"` // Your Akamai NetStorage password (required) Password *string `json:"password,omitempty"` }
AkamaiNetStorageInput model
func (AkamaiNetStorageInput) InputType ¶
func (m AkamaiNetStorageInput) InputType() InputType
func (AkamaiNetStorageInput) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m AkamaiNetStorageInput) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type AkamaiNetStorageOutput ¶
type AkamaiNetStorageOutput struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Deprecation notice: This property does not have any effect and will not be returned by GET endpoints Acl []AclEntry `json:"acl,omitempty"` // Host to use for Akamai NetStorage transfers (required) Host *string `json:"host,omitempty"` // Your Akamai NetStorage Username (required) Username *string `json:"username,omitempty"` // Your Akamai NetStorage password (required) Password *string `json:"password,omitempty"` }
AkamaiNetStorageOutput model
func (AkamaiNetStorageOutput) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m AkamaiNetStorageOutput) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (AkamaiNetStorageOutput) OutputType ¶
func (m AkamaiNetStorageOutput) OutputType() OutputType
type AnalyticsAbstractFilter ¶
type AnalyticsAbstractFilter interface { // AnalyticsQueryOperator returns the discriminator type of the polymorphic model AnalyticsQueryOperator() AnalyticsQueryOperator }
AnalyticsAbstractFilter model
func UnmarshalAnalyticsAbstractFilter ¶
func UnmarshalAnalyticsAbstractFilter(reader io.Reader, consumer bitutils.Consumer) (AnalyticsAbstractFilter, error)
UnmarshalAnalyticsAbstractFilter unmarshals polymorphic AnalyticsAbstractFilter
func UnmarshalAnalyticsAbstractFilterSlice ¶
func UnmarshalAnalyticsAbstractFilterSlice(reader io.Reader, consumer bitutils.Consumer) ([]AnalyticsAbstractFilter, error)
UnmarshalAnalyticsAbstractFilterSlice unmarshals polymorphic slices of AnalyticsAbstractFilter
type AnalyticsAttribute ¶
type AnalyticsAttribute string
AnalyticsAttribute : AnalyticsAttribute model
const ( AnalyticsAttribute_IMPRESSION_ID AnalyticsAttribute = "IMPRESSION_ID" AnalyticsAttribute_ACTIVE_PLAYER_STARTUPTIME AnalyticsAttribute = "ACTIVE_PLAYER_STARTUPTIME" AnalyticsAttribute_AD AnalyticsAttribute = "AD" AnalyticsAttribute_ANALYTICS_VERSION AnalyticsAttribute = "ANALYTICS_VERSION" AnalyticsAttribute_AUDIO_BITRATE AnalyticsAttribute = "AUDIO_BITRATE" AnalyticsAttribute_AUDIO_CODEC AnalyticsAttribute = "AUDIO_CODEC" AnalyticsAttribute_AUTOPLAY AnalyticsAttribute = "AUTOPLAY" AnalyticsAttribute_BROWSER AnalyticsAttribute = "BROWSER" AnalyticsAttribute_BROWSER_VERSION_MAJOR AnalyticsAttribute = "BROWSER_VERSION_MAJOR" AnalyticsAttribute_BROWSER_IS_BOT AnalyticsAttribute = "BROWSER_IS_BOT" AnalyticsAttribute_BUFFERED AnalyticsAttribute = "BUFFERED" AnalyticsAttribute_CDN_PROVIDER AnalyticsAttribute = "CDN_PROVIDER" AnalyticsAttribute_CAST_TECH AnalyticsAttribute = "CAST_TECH" AnalyticsAttribute_CITY AnalyticsAttribute = "CITY" AnalyticsAttribute_CLIENT_TIME AnalyticsAttribute = "CLIENT_TIME" AnalyticsAttribute_COUNTRY AnalyticsAttribute = "COUNTRY" AnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_1 AnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_1" AnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_2 AnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_2" AnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_3 AnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_3" AnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_4 AnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_4" AnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_5 AnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_5" AnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_6 AnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_6" AnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_7 AnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_7" AnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_8 AnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_8" AnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_9 AnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_9" AnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_10 AnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_10" AnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_11 AnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_11" AnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_12 AnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_12" AnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_13 AnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_13" AnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_14 AnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_14" AnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_15 AnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_15" AnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_16 AnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_16" AnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_17 AnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_17" AnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_18 AnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_18" AnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_19 AnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_19" AnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_20 AnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_20" AnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_21 AnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_21" AnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_22 AnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_22" AnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_23 AnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_23" AnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_24 AnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_24" AnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_25 AnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_25" AnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_26 AnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_26" AnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_27 AnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_27" AnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_28 AnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_28" AnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_29 AnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_29" AnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_DATA_30 AnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_DATA_30" AnalyticsAttribute_CUSTOM_USER_ID AnalyticsAttribute = "CUSTOM_USER_ID" AnalyticsAttribute_DAY AnalyticsAttribute = "DAY" AnalyticsAttribute_DEVICE_CLASS AnalyticsAttribute = "DEVICE_CLASS" AnalyticsAttribute_DEVICE_TYPE AnalyticsAttribute = "DEVICE_TYPE" AnalyticsAttribute_DOMAIN AnalyticsAttribute = "DOMAIN" AnalyticsAttribute_DRM_LOAD_TIME AnalyticsAttribute = "DRM_LOAD_TIME" AnalyticsAttribute_DRM_TYPE AnalyticsAttribute = "DRM_TYPE" AnalyticsAttribute_DROPPED_FRAMES AnalyticsAttribute = "DROPPED_FRAMES" AnalyticsAttribute_DURATION AnalyticsAttribute = "DURATION" AnalyticsAttribute_ERROR_CODE AnalyticsAttribute = "ERROR_CODE" AnalyticsAttribute_ERROR_MESSAGE AnalyticsAttribute = "ERROR_MESSAGE" AnalyticsAttribute_ERROR_RATE AnalyticsAttribute = "ERROR_RATE" AnalyticsAttribute_ERROR_PERCENTAGE AnalyticsAttribute = "ERROR_PERCENTAGE" AnalyticsAttribute_EXPERIMENT_NAME AnalyticsAttribute = "EXPERIMENT_NAME" AnalyticsAttribute_FUNCTION AnalyticsAttribute = "FUNCTION" AnalyticsAttribute_HOUR AnalyticsAttribute = "HOUR" AnalyticsAttribute_INITIAL_TIME_TO_TARGET_LATENCY AnalyticsAttribute = "INITIAL_TIME_TO_TARGET_LATENCY" AnalyticsAttribute_IP_ADDRESS AnalyticsAttribute = "IP_ADDRESS" AnalyticsAttribute_IS_CASTING AnalyticsAttribute = "IS_CASTING" AnalyticsAttribute_IS_LIVE AnalyticsAttribute = "IS_LIVE" AnalyticsAttribute_IS_LOW_LATENCY AnalyticsAttribute = "IS_LOW_LATENCY" AnalyticsAttribute_IS_MUTED AnalyticsAttribute = "IS_MUTED" AnalyticsAttribute_ISP AnalyticsAttribute = "ISP" AnalyticsAttribute_LANGUAGE AnalyticsAttribute = "LANGUAGE" AnalyticsAttribute_LATENCY AnalyticsAttribute = "LATENCY" AnalyticsAttribute_LICENSE_KEY AnalyticsAttribute = "LICENSE_KEY" AnalyticsAttribute_M3U8_URL AnalyticsAttribute = "M3U8_URL" AnalyticsAttribute_MINUTE AnalyticsAttribute = "MINUTE" AnalyticsAttribute_MONTH AnalyticsAttribute = "MONTH" AnalyticsAttribute_MPD_URL AnalyticsAttribute = "MPD_URL" AnalyticsAttribute_OPERATINGSYSTEM AnalyticsAttribute = "OPERATINGSYSTEM" AnalyticsAttribute_OPERATINGSYSTEM_VERSION_MAJOR AnalyticsAttribute = "OPERATINGSYSTEM_VERSION_MAJOR" AnalyticsAttribute_PAGE_LOAD_TIME AnalyticsAttribute = "PAGE_LOAD_TIME" AnalyticsAttribute_PAGE_LOAD_TYPE AnalyticsAttribute = "PAGE_LOAD_TYPE" AnalyticsAttribute_PATH AnalyticsAttribute = "PATH" AnalyticsAttribute_PAUSED AnalyticsAttribute = "PAUSED" AnalyticsAttribute_PLATFORM AnalyticsAttribute = "PLATFORM" AnalyticsAttribute_PLAYED AnalyticsAttribute = "PLAYED" AnalyticsAttribute_PLAYER AnalyticsAttribute = "PLAYER" AnalyticsAttribute_PLAYER_KEY AnalyticsAttribute = "PLAYER_KEY" AnalyticsAttribute_PLAYER_STARTUPTIME AnalyticsAttribute = "PLAYER_STARTUPTIME" AnalyticsAttribute_PLAYER_TECH AnalyticsAttribute = "PLAYER_TECH" AnalyticsAttribute_PLAYER_VERSION AnalyticsAttribute = "PLAYER_VERSION" AnalyticsAttribute_PROG_URL AnalyticsAttribute = "PROG_URL" AnalyticsAttribute_REBUFFER_PERCENTAGE AnalyticsAttribute = "REBUFFER_PERCENTAGE" AnalyticsAttribute_REGION AnalyticsAttribute = "REGION" AnalyticsAttribute_SCALE_FACTOR AnalyticsAttribute = "SCALE_FACTOR" AnalyticsAttribute_SCREEN_HEIGHT AnalyticsAttribute = "SCREEN_HEIGHT" AnalyticsAttribute_SCREEN_WIDTH AnalyticsAttribute = "SCREEN_WIDTH" AnalyticsAttribute_SCREEN_ORIENTATION AnalyticsAttribute = "SCREEN_ORIENTATION" AnalyticsAttribute_SEEKED AnalyticsAttribute = "SEEKED" AnalyticsAttribute_SEQUENCE_NUMBER AnalyticsAttribute = "SEQUENCE_NUMBER" AnalyticsAttribute_SIZE AnalyticsAttribute = "SIZE" AnalyticsAttribute_STARTUPTIME AnalyticsAttribute = "STARTUPTIME" AnalyticsAttribute_STREAM_FORMAT AnalyticsAttribute = "STREAM_FORMAT" AnalyticsAttribute_SUPPORTED_VIDEO_CODECS AnalyticsAttribute = "SUPPORTED_VIDEO_CODECS" AnalyticsAttribute_TARGET_LATENCY AnalyticsAttribute = "TARGET_LATENCY" AnalyticsAttribute_TARGET_LATENCY_DELTA AnalyticsAttribute = "TARGET_LATENCY_DELTA" AnalyticsAttribute_TIME AnalyticsAttribute = "TIME" AnalyticsAttribute_TIME_TO_TARGET_LATENCY AnalyticsAttribute = "TIME_TO_TARGET_LATENCY" AnalyticsAttribute_USER_ID AnalyticsAttribute = "USER_ID" AnalyticsAttribute_VIDEO_BITRATE AnalyticsAttribute = "VIDEO_BITRATE" AnalyticsAttribute_VIDEO_CODEC AnalyticsAttribute = "VIDEO_CODEC" AnalyticsAttribute_VIDEO_DURATION AnalyticsAttribute = "VIDEO_DURATION" AnalyticsAttribute_VIDEO_ID AnalyticsAttribute = "VIDEO_ID" AnalyticsAttribute_VIDEO_PLAYBACK_HEIGHT AnalyticsAttribute = "VIDEO_PLAYBACK_HEIGHT" AnalyticsAttribute_VIDEO_PLAYBACK_WIDTH AnalyticsAttribute = "VIDEO_PLAYBACK_WIDTH" AnalyticsAttribute_VIDEO_STARTUPTIME AnalyticsAttribute = "VIDEO_STARTUPTIME" AnalyticsAttribute_VIDEO_TITLE AnalyticsAttribute = "VIDEO_TITLE" AnalyticsAttribute_VIDEO_WINDOW_HEIGHT AnalyticsAttribute = "VIDEO_WINDOW_HEIGHT" AnalyticsAttribute_VIDEO_WINDOW_WIDTH AnalyticsAttribute = "VIDEO_WINDOW_WIDTH" AnalyticsAttribute_VIDEOTIME_END AnalyticsAttribute = "VIDEOTIME_END" AnalyticsAttribute_VIDEOTIME_START AnalyticsAttribute = "VIDEOTIME_START" AnalyticsAttribute_VIDEOSTART_FAILED AnalyticsAttribute = "VIDEOSTART_FAILED" AnalyticsAttribute_VIDEOSTART_FAILED_REASON AnalyticsAttribute = "VIDEOSTART_FAILED_REASON" AnalyticsAttribute_VIEWTIME AnalyticsAttribute = "VIEWTIME" )
List of possible AnalyticsAttribute values
type AnalyticsAvgConcurrentViewersResponse ¶
type AnalyticsAvgConcurrentViewersResponse struct { Rows []float64 `json:"rows,omitempty"` // Number of rows returned RowCount *int64 `json:"rowCount,omitempty"` ColumnLabels []AnalyticsColumnLabel `json:"columnLabels,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsAvgConcurrentViewersResponse model
type AnalyticsAvgDroppedFramesResponse ¶
type AnalyticsAvgDroppedFramesResponse struct { Rows []float64 `json:"rows,omitempty"` // Number of rows returned RowCount *int64 `json:"rowCount,omitempty"` ColumnLabels []AnalyticsColumnLabel `json:"columnLabels,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsAvgDroppedFramesResponse model
type AnalyticsAvgQueryRequest ¶
type AnalyticsAvgQueryRequest struct { // Start of timeframe which is queried in UTC format. Start *DateTime `json:"start,omitempty"` // End of timeframe which is queried in UTC format. End *DateTime `json:"end,omitempty"` // Analytics license key (required) LicenseKey *string `json:"licenseKey,omitempty"` // Analytics Query Filters Each filter requires 3 properties: name, operator and value. Valid operators are [IN, EQ, NE, LT, LTE, GT, GTE, CONTAINS, NOTCONTAINS] Filters []AnalyticsAbstractFilter `json:"filters,omitempty"` OrderBy []AnalyticsOrderByEntry `json:"orderBy,omitempty"` Dimension AnalyticsAttribute `json:"dimension,omitempty"` Interval AnalyticsInterval `json:"interval,omitempty"` GroupBy []AnalyticsAttribute `json:"groupBy,omitempty"` // Whether context data should be included in the response IncludeContext *bool `json:"includeContext,omitempty"` // Maximum number of rows returned (max. 200) Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` // Offset of data Offset *int64 `json:"offset,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsAvgQueryRequest model
func (*AnalyticsAvgQueryRequest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *AnalyticsAvgQueryRequest) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals model AnalyticsAvgQueryRequest from a JSON structure
type AnalyticsAzureOutput ¶
type AnalyticsAzureOutput struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Acl []AclEntry `json:"acl,omitempty"` // Azure Account Name (required) AccountName *string `json:"accountName,omitempty"` // Microsoft Azure Account Access Key with the `Contributor Role` (required) AccountKey *string `json:"accountKey,omitempty"` // Microsoft Azure container name (required) Container *string `json:"container,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsAzureOutput model
func (AnalyticsAzureOutput) AnalyticsOutputType ¶
func (m AnalyticsAzureOutput) AnalyticsOutputType() AnalyticsOutputType
func (AnalyticsAzureOutput) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m AnalyticsAzureOutput) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type AnalyticsColumnLabel ¶
type AnalyticsColumnLabel struct { Key *string `json:"key,omitempty"` Label *string `json:"label,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsColumnLabel model
type AnalyticsContainsFilter ¶
type AnalyticsContainsFilter struct { Name *map[string]interface{} `json:"name,omitempty"` Value *map[string]interface{} `json:"value,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsContainsFilter model
func (AnalyticsContainsFilter) AnalyticsQueryOperator ¶
func (m AnalyticsContainsFilter) AnalyticsQueryOperator() AnalyticsQueryOperator
func (AnalyticsContainsFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m AnalyticsContainsFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type AnalyticsContextDescription ¶
type AnalyticsContextDescription struct { Label *string `json:"label,omitempty"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsContextDescription model
type AnalyticsCountQueryRequest ¶
type AnalyticsCountQueryRequest struct { // Start of timeframe which is queried in UTC format. Start *DateTime `json:"start,omitempty"` // End of timeframe which is queried in UTC format. End *DateTime `json:"end,omitempty"` // Analytics license key (required) LicenseKey *string `json:"licenseKey,omitempty"` // Analytics Query Filters Each filter requires 3 properties: name, operator and value. Valid operators are [IN, EQ, NE, LT, LTE, GT, GTE, CONTAINS, NOTCONTAINS] Filters []AnalyticsAbstractFilter `json:"filters,omitempty"` OrderBy []AnalyticsOrderByEntry `json:"orderBy,omitempty"` Dimension AnalyticsAttribute `json:"dimension,omitempty"` Interval AnalyticsInterval `json:"interval,omitempty"` GroupBy []AnalyticsAttribute `json:"groupBy,omitempty"` // Whether context data should be included in the response IncludeContext *bool `json:"includeContext,omitempty"` // Maximum number of rows returned (max. 200) Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` // Offset of data Offset *int64 `json:"offset,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsCountQueryRequest model
func (*AnalyticsCountQueryRequest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *AnalyticsCountQueryRequest) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals model AnalyticsCountQueryRequest from a JSON structure
type AnalyticsEqualFilter ¶
type AnalyticsEqualFilter struct { Name *map[string]interface{} `json:"name,omitempty"` Value *map[string]interface{} `json:"value,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsEqualFilter model
func (AnalyticsEqualFilter) AnalyticsQueryOperator ¶
func (m AnalyticsEqualFilter) AnalyticsQueryOperator() AnalyticsQueryOperator
func (AnalyticsEqualFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m AnalyticsEqualFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type AnalyticsErrorData ¶
type AnalyticsErrorData struct { // Exception message ExceptionMessage *string `json:"exceptionMessage,omitempty"` // Additional error data AdditionalData *string `json:"additionalData,omitempty"` ExceptionStacktrace []string `json:"exceptionStacktrace,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsErrorData model
type AnalyticsErrorDetail ¶
type AnalyticsErrorDetail struct { // Error id ErrorId *int64 `json:"errorId,omitempty"` // Server timestamp Time *DateTime `json:"time,omitempty"` // Client timestamp ClientTime *DateTime `json:"clientTime,omitempty"` // Error code Code *int32 `json:"code,omitempty"` // Error message Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"` ErrorData *AnalyticsErrorData `json:"errorData,omitempty"` HttpRequests []AnalyticsHttpRequest `json:"httpRequests,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsErrorDetail model
type AnalyticsErrorDetailsResponse ¶
type AnalyticsErrorDetailsResponse struct {
ErrorDetails []AnalyticsErrorDetail `json:"errorDetails,omitempty"`
AnalyticsErrorDetailsResponse model
type AnalyticsExportFileFormat ¶
type AnalyticsExportFileFormat string
AnalyticsExportFileFormat : Analytics Export File Format
const ( AnalyticsExportFileFormat_CSV AnalyticsExportFileFormat = "CSV" AnalyticsExportFileFormat_PARQUET AnalyticsExportFileFormat = "PARQUET" )
List of possible AnalyticsExportFileFormat values
type AnalyticsExportStatus ¶
type AnalyticsExportStatus string
AnalyticsExportStatus : AnalyticsExportStatus model
const ( AnalyticsExportStatus_STARTED AnalyticsExportStatus = "STARTED" AnalyticsExportStatus_FINISHED AnalyticsExportStatus = "FINISHED" AnalyticsExportStatus_QUEUED AnalyticsExportStatus = "QUEUED" AnalyticsExportStatus_ERROR AnalyticsExportStatus = "ERROR" )
List of possible AnalyticsExportStatus values
type AnalyticsExportTask ¶
type AnalyticsExportTask struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Start of timeframe which is exported in UTC format (required) StartTime *DateTime `json:"startTime,omitempty"` // End of timeframe which is exported in UTC format (required) EndTime *DateTime `json:"endTime,omitempty"` // Name of the export task (required) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Export task description Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // License key (required) LicenseKey *string `json:"licenseKey,omitempty"` Output *AnalyticsExportTaskOutputTarget `json:"output,omitempty"` // Progress of the export task Progress *int32 `json:"progress,omitempty"` Status AnalyticsExportStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` // UTC timestamp when the export task started StartedAt *DateTime `json:"startedAt,omitempty"` // UTC timestamp when the export task finished FinishedAt *DateTime `json:"finishedAt,omitempty"` Type AnalyticsExportType `json:"type,omitempty"` Columns []string `json:"columns,omitempty"` // File format of export file FileFormat AnalyticsExportFileFormat `json:"fileFormat,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsExportTask model
type AnalyticsExportTaskOutputTarget ¶
type AnalyticsExportTaskOutputTarget struct { // Path where the export should be saved (required) OutputPath *string `json:"outputPath,omitempty"` // Id of the output that should be used (required) OutputId *string `json:"outputId,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsExportTaskOutputTarget model
type AnalyticsExportType ¶
type AnalyticsExportType string
AnalyticsExportType : AnalyticsExportType model
const ( AnalyticsExportType_ADS AnalyticsExportType = "ADS" AnalyticsExportType_SESSIONS AnalyticsExportType = "SESSIONS" )
List of possible AnalyticsExportType values
type AnalyticsGcsServiceAccountOutput ¶
type AnalyticsGcsServiceAccountOutput struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Acl []AclEntry `json:"acl,omitempty"` // GCS projectId (required) ServiceAccountCredentials *string `json:"serviceAccountCredentials,omitempty"` // Name of the bucket (required) BucketName *string `json:"bucketName,omitempty"` // The cloud region in which the bucket is located. Is used to determine the ideal location for your encodings automatically. CloudRegion GoogleCloudRegion `json:"cloudRegion,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsGcsServiceAccountOutput model
func (AnalyticsGcsServiceAccountOutput) AnalyticsOutputType ¶
func (m AnalyticsGcsServiceAccountOutput) AnalyticsOutputType() AnalyticsOutputType
func (AnalyticsGcsServiceAccountOutput) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m AnalyticsGcsServiceAccountOutput) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type AnalyticsGreaterThanFilter ¶
type AnalyticsGreaterThanFilter struct { Name *map[string]interface{} `json:"name,omitempty"` Value *map[string]interface{} `json:"value,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsGreaterThanFilter model
func (AnalyticsGreaterThanFilter) AnalyticsQueryOperator ¶
func (m AnalyticsGreaterThanFilter) AnalyticsQueryOperator() AnalyticsQueryOperator
func (AnalyticsGreaterThanFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m AnalyticsGreaterThanFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type AnalyticsGreaterThanOrEqualFilter ¶
type AnalyticsGreaterThanOrEqualFilter struct { Name *map[string]interface{} `json:"name,omitempty"` Value *map[string]interface{} `json:"value,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsGreaterThanOrEqualFilter model
func (AnalyticsGreaterThanOrEqualFilter) AnalyticsQueryOperator ¶
func (m AnalyticsGreaterThanOrEqualFilter) AnalyticsQueryOperator() AnalyticsQueryOperator
func (AnalyticsGreaterThanOrEqualFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m AnalyticsGreaterThanOrEqualFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type AnalyticsHttpRequest ¶
type AnalyticsHttpRequest struct { // Client timestamp ClientTime *DateTime `json:"clientTime,omitempty"` Type AnalyticsHttpRequestType `json:"type,omitempty"` // Http request URL Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` // Last redirect location LastRedirectLocation *string `json:"lastRedirectLocation,omitempty"` // Http request status HttpStatus *int32 `json:"httpStatus,omitempty"` // Download time DownloadTime *int64 `json:"downloadTime,omitempty"` // Time to first byte TimeToFirstByte *int64 `json:"timeToFirstByte,omitempty"` // Size Size *int64 `json:"size,omitempty"` // Was http request successful Success *bool `json:"success,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsHttpRequest model
type AnalyticsHttpRequestType ¶
type AnalyticsHttpRequestType string
AnalyticsHttpRequestType : AnalyticsHttpRequestType model
const ( AnalyticsHttpRequestType_DRM_LICENSE_WIDEVINE AnalyticsHttpRequestType = "DRM_LICENSE_WIDEVINE," AnalyticsHttpRequestType_MEDIA_THUMBNAILS AnalyticsHttpRequestType = "MEDIA_THUMBNAILS," AnalyticsHttpRequestType_MEDIA_VIDEO AnalyticsHttpRequestType = "MEDIA_VIDEO," AnalyticsHttpRequestType_MEDIA_AUDIO AnalyticsHttpRequestType = "MEDIA_AUDIO," AnalyticsHttpRequestType_MEDIA_PROGRESSIVE AnalyticsHttpRequestType = "MEDIA_PROGRESSIVE," AnalyticsHttpRequestType_MEDIA_SUBTITLES AnalyticsHttpRequestType = "MEDIA_SUBTITLES," AnalyticsHttpRequestType_MANIFEST_DASH AnalyticsHttpRequestType = "MANIFEST_DASH," AnalyticsHttpRequestType_MANIFEST_HLS_MASTER AnalyticsHttpRequestType = "MANIFEST_HLS_MASTER," AnalyticsHttpRequestType_MANIFEST_HLS_VARIANT AnalyticsHttpRequestType = "MANIFEST_HLS_VARIANT," AnalyticsHttpRequestType_MANIFEST_SMOOTH AnalyticsHttpRequestType = "MANIFEST_SMOOTH," AnalyticsHttpRequestType_KEY_HLS_AES AnalyticsHttpRequestType = "KEY_HLS_AES," AnalyticsHttpRequestType_UNKNOWN AnalyticsHttpRequestType = "UNKNOWN" )
List of possible AnalyticsHttpRequestType values
type AnalyticsImpressionListItem ¶
type AnalyticsImpressionListItem struct { // Random UUID that is used to identify a session (required) ImpressionId *string `json:"impressionId,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsImpressionListItem model
type AnalyticsImpressionsQuery ¶
type AnalyticsImpressionsQuery struct { // Start date (required) Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` // End date (required) End *string `json:"end,omitempty"` // Analytics license key (required) LicenseKey *string `json:"licenseKey,omitempty"` // Analytics Query Filters Each filter requires 3 properties: name, operator and value. Valid operators are [IN, EQ, NE, LT, LTE, GT, GTE, CONTAINS, NOTCONTAINS] Filters []AnalyticsAbstractFilter `json:"filters,omitempty"` // Number of returned impressions Limit *int32 `json:"limit,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsImpressionsQuery model
func (*AnalyticsImpressionsQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *AnalyticsImpressionsQuery) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals model AnalyticsImpressionsQuery from a JSON structure
type AnalyticsImpressionsResponse ¶
type AnalyticsImpressionsResponse struct {
Impressions []AnalyticsImpressionListItem `json:"impressions,omitempty"`
AnalyticsImpressionsResponse model
type AnalyticsInFilter ¶
type AnalyticsInFilter struct { Name *map[string]interface{} `json:"name,omitempty"` Value []map[string]interface{} `json:"value,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsInFilter model
func (AnalyticsInFilter) AnalyticsQueryOperator ¶
func (m AnalyticsInFilter) AnalyticsQueryOperator() AnalyticsQueryOperator
func (AnalyticsInFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m AnalyticsInFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type AnalyticsInsightsOrganizationSettings ¶
type AnalyticsInsightsOrganizationSettings struct { // Organization ID OrgId *string `json:"orgId,omitempty"` // Whether the organization's data is included in the industry insights IncludeInInsights *bool `json:"includeInInsights,omitempty"` // Industry of the organization Industry *string `json:"industry,omitempty"` // Subindustry of the organization SubIndustry *string `json:"subIndustry,omitempty"` // Whether the organization is on an analytics trial plan IsTrial *bool `json:"isTrial,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsInsightsOrganizationSettings model
type AnalyticsInsightsOrganizationSettingsRequest ¶
type AnalyticsInsightsOrganizationSettingsRequest struct { // Whether the organization's data is being contributed to industry insights IncludeInInsights *bool `json:"includeInInsights,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsInsightsOrganizationSettingsRequest model
type AnalyticsInterval ¶
type AnalyticsInterval string
AnalyticsInterval : AnalyticsInterval model
const ( AnalyticsInterval_MINUTE AnalyticsInterval = "MINUTE" AnalyticsInterval_HOUR AnalyticsInterval = "HOUR" AnalyticsInterval_DAY AnalyticsInterval = "DAY" AnalyticsInterval_MONTH AnalyticsInterval = "MONTH" )
List of possible AnalyticsInterval values
type AnalyticsLessThanFilter ¶
type AnalyticsLessThanFilter struct { Name *map[string]interface{} `json:"name,omitempty"` Value *map[string]interface{} `json:"value,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsLessThanFilter model
func (AnalyticsLessThanFilter) AnalyticsQueryOperator ¶
func (m AnalyticsLessThanFilter) AnalyticsQueryOperator() AnalyticsQueryOperator
func (AnalyticsLessThanFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m AnalyticsLessThanFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type AnalyticsLessThanOrEqualFilter ¶
type AnalyticsLessThanOrEqualFilter struct { Name *map[string]interface{} `json:"name,omitempty"` Value *map[string]interface{} `json:"value,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsLessThanOrEqualFilter model
func (AnalyticsLessThanOrEqualFilter) AnalyticsQueryOperator ¶
func (m AnalyticsLessThanOrEqualFilter) AnalyticsQueryOperator() AnalyticsQueryOperator
func (AnalyticsLessThanOrEqualFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m AnalyticsLessThanOrEqualFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type AnalyticsLicense ¶
type AnalyticsLicense struct { // Id of the Analytics License Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Creation date of the Analytics License, returned as ISO 8601 date-time format CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // License Key LicenseKey *string `json:"licenseKey,omitempty"` // Name of the Analytics License Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // The industry of the organization associated with the Analytics License Industry *string `json:"industry,omitempty"` // The subindustry of the organization associated with the Analytics License SubIndustry *string `json:"subIndustry,omitempty"` // Whether the Do Not Track request from the browser should be ignored IgnoreDNT *bool `json:"ignoreDNT,omitempty"` // Number of impressions recorded Impressions *int64 `json:"impressions,omitempty"` // Maximum number of impressions MaxImpressions *int64 `json:"maxImpressions,omitempty"` // The timezone of the Analytics License TimeZone *string `json:"timeZone,omitempty"` // Retention time of impressions, returned as ISO 8601 duration format: P(n)Y(n)M(n)DT(n)H(n)M(n)S RetentionTime *string `json:"retentionTime,omitempty"` // Retention time for compressed data, returned as ISO 8601 duration format: P(n)Y(n)M(n)DT(n)H(n)M(n)S CompressedRetentionTime *string `json:"compressedRetentionTime,omitempty"` // Whitelisted domains Domains []AnalyticsLicenseDomain `json:"domains,omitempty"` // Whether the data of this license should be included in the industry insights or not IncludeInInsights *bool `json:"includeInInsights,omitempty"` // Labels for CustomData fields CustomDataFieldLabels *AnalyticsLicenseCustomDataFieldLabels `json:"customDataFieldLabels,omitempty"` // The number of customData fields available CustomDataFieldsCount *int32 `json:"customDataFieldsCount,omitempty"` // Order index of license OrderIndex *int32 `json:"orderIndex,omitempty"` // The rate limit of this license RateLimit *string `json:"rateLimit,omitempty"` Features *AnalyticsLicenseFeatures `json:"features,omitempty"` // The expiration date of the license if applicable, returned as ISO 8601 date-time format PlanExpiredAt *DateTime `json:"planExpiredAt,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsLicense model
type AnalyticsLicenseCustomDataFieldLabels ¶
type AnalyticsLicenseCustomDataFieldLabels struct { // Label for field Custom Data 1 CustomData1 *string `json:"customData1,omitempty"` // Label for field Custom Data 2 CustomData2 *string `json:"customData2,omitempty"` // Label for field Custom Data 3 CustomData3 *string `json:"customData3,omitempty"` // Label for field Custom Data 4 CustomData4 *string `json:"customData4,omitempty"` // Label for field Custom Data 5 CustomData5 *string `json:"customData5,omitempty"` // Label for field Custom Data 6 CustomData6 *string `json:"customData6,omitempty"` // Label for field Custom Data 7 CustomData7 *string `json:"customData7,omitempty"` // Label for field Custom Data 8 CustomData8 *string `json:"customData8,omitempty"` // Label for field Custom Data 9 CustomData9 *string `json:"customData9,omitempty"` // Label for field Custom Data 10 CustomData10 *string `json:"customData10,omitempty"` // Label for field Custom Data 11 CustomData11 *string `json:"customData11,omitempty"` // Label for field Custom Data 12 CustomData12 *string `json:"customData12,omitempty"` // Label for field Custom Data 13 CustomData13 *string `json:"customData13,omitempty"` // Label for field Custom Data 14 CustomData14 *string `json:"customData14,omitempty"` // Label for field Custom Data 15 CustomData15 *string `json:"customData15,omitempty"` // Label for field Custom Data 16 CustomData16 *string `json:"customData16,omitempty"` // Label for field Custom Data 17 CustomData17 *string `json:"customData17,omitempty"` // Label for field Custom Data 18 CustomData18 *string `json:"customData18,omitempty"` // Label for field Custom Data 19 CustomData19 *string `json:"customData19,omitempty"` // Label for field Custom Data 20 CustomData20 *string `json:"customData20,omitempty"` // Label for field Custom Data 21 CustomData21 *string `json:"customData21,omitempty"` // Label for field Custom Data 22 CustomData22 *string `json:"customData22,omitempty"` // Label for field Custom Data 23 CustomData23 *string `json:"customData23,omitempty"` // Label for field Custom Data 24 CustomData24 *string `json:"customData24,omitempty"` // Label for field Custom Data 25 CustomData25 *string `json:"customData25,omitempty"` // Label for field Custom Data 26 CustomData26 *string `json:"customData26,omitempty"` // Label for field Custom Data 27 CustomData27 *string `json:"customData27,omitempty"` // Label for field Custom Data 28 CustomData28 *string `json:"customData28,omitempty"` // Label for field Custom Data 29 CustomData29 *string `json:"customData29,omitempty"` // Label for field Custom Data 30 CustomData30 *string `json:"customData30,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsLicenseCustomDataFieldLabels model
type AnalyticsLicenseDomain ¶
type AnalyticsLicenseDomain struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsLicenseDomain model
type AnalyticsLicenseErrorDetailsConfig ¶
type AnalyticsLicenseErrorDetailsConfig struct { // Are error details enabled on the license Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` // Is network explorer feature enabled for the license NetworkExplorerEnabled *bool `json:"networkExplorerEnabled,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsLicenseErrorDetailsConfig model
type AnalyticsLicenseFeatures ¶
type AnalyticsLicenseFeatures struct {
ErrorDetails *AnalyticsLicenseErrorDetailsConfig `json:"errorDetails,omitempty"`
AnalyticsLicenseFeatures model
type AnalyticsLicenseKey ¶
type AnalyticsLicenseKey struct { // Analytics License Key (required) LicenseKey *string `json:"licenseKey,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsLicenseKey model
type AnalyticsMaxConcurrentViewersResponse ¶
type AnalyticsMaxConcurrentViewersResponse struct { Rows []float64 `json:"rows,omitempty"` // Number of rows returned RowCount *int64 `json:"rowCount,omitempty"` ColumnLabels []AnalyticsColumnLabel `json:"columnLabels,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsMaxConcurrentViewersResponse model
type AnalyticsMaxQueryRequest ¶
type AnalyticsMaxQueryRequest struct { // Start of timeframe which is queried in UTC format. Start *DateTime `json:"start,omitempty"` // End of timeframe which is queried in UTC format. End *DateTime `json:"end,omitempty"` // Analytics license key (required) LicenseKey *string `json:"licenseKey,omitempty"` // Analytics Query Filters Each filter requires 3 properties: name, operator and value. Valid operators are [IN, EQ, NE, LT, LTE, GT, GTE, CONTAINS, NOTCONTAINS] Filters []AnalyticsAbstractFilter `json:"filters,omitempty"` OrderBy []AnalyticsOrderByEntry `json:"orderBy,omitempty"` Dimension AnalyticsAttribute `json:"dimension,omitempty"` Interval AnalyticsInterval `json:"interval,omitempty"` GroupBy []AnalyticsAttribute `json:"groupBy,omitempty"` // Whether context data should be included in the response IncludeContext *bool `json:"includeContext,omitempty"` // Maximum number of rows returned (max. 200) Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` // Offset of data Offset *int64 `json:"offset,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsMaxQueryRequest model
func (*AnalyticsMaxQueryRequest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *AnalyticsMaxQueryRequest) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals model AnalyticsMaxQueryRequest from a JSON structure
type AnalyticsMedianQueryRequest ¶
type AnalyticsMedianQueryRequest struct { // Start of timeframe which is queried in UTC format. Start *DateTime `json:"start,omitempty"` // End of timeframe which is queried in UTC format. End *DateTime `json:"end,omitempty"` // Analytics license key (required) LicenseKey *string `json:"licenseKey,omitempty"` // Analytics Query Filters Each filter requires 3 properties: name, operator and value. Valid operators are [IN, EQ, NE, LT, LTE, GT, GTE, CONTAINS, NOTCONTAINS] Filters []AnalyticsAbstractFilter `json:"filters,omitempty"` OrderBy []AnalyticsOrderByEntry `json:"orderBy,omitempty"` Dimension AnalyticsAttribute `json:"dimension,omitempty"` Interval AnalyticsInterval `json:"interval,omitempty"` GroupBy []AnalyticsAttribute `json:"groupBy,omitempty"` // Whether context data should be included in the response IncludeContext *bool `json:"includeContext,omitempty"` // Maximum number of rows returned (max. 200) Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` // Offset of data Offset *int64 `json:"offset,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsMedianQueryRequest model
func (*AnalyticsMedianQueryRequest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *AnalyticsMedianQueryRequest) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals model AnalyticsMedianQueryRequest from a JSON structure
type AnalyticsMetricsQueryRequest ¶
type AnalyticsMetricsQueryRequest struct { // Start of timeframe which is queried in UTC format. Start *DateTime `json:"start,omitempty"` // End of timeframe which is queried in UTC format. End *DateTime `json:"end,omitempty"` // Analytics license key (required) LicenseKey *string `json:"licenseKey,omitempty"` Filters []AnalyticsAbstractFilter `json:"filters,omitempty"` OrderBy []AnalyticsOrderByEntry `json:"orderBy,omitempty"` Interval AnalyticsInterval `json:"interval,omitempty"` GroupBy []AnalyticsAttribute `json:"groupBy,omitempty"` // Maximum number of rows returned (max. 200) Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` // Offset of data used for pagination Offset *int64 `json:"offset,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsMetricsQueryRequest model
func (*AnalyticsMetricsQueryRequest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *AnalyticsMetricsQueryRequest) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals model AnalyticsMetricsQueryRequest from a JSON structure
type AnalyticsMinQueryRequest ¶
type AnalyticsMinQueryRequest struct { // Start of timeframe which is queried in UTC format. Start *DateTime `json:"start,omitempty"` // End of timeframe which is queried in UTC format. End *DateTime `json:"end,omitempty"` // Analytics license key (required) LicenseKey *string `json:"licenseKey,omitempty"` // Analytics Query Filters Each filter requires 3 properties: name, operator and value. Valid operators are [IN, EQ, NE, LT, LTE, GT, GTE, CONTAINS, NOTCONTAINS] Filters []AnalyticsAbstractFilter `json:"filters,omitempty"` OrderBy []AnalyticsOrderByEntry `json:"orderBy,omitempty"` Dimension AnalyticsAttribute `json:"dimension,omitempty"` Interval AnalyticsInterval `json:"interval,omitempty"` GroupBy []AnalyticsAttribute `json:"groupBy,omitempty"` // Whether context data should be included in the response IncludeContext *bool `json:"includeContext,omitempty"` // Maximum number of rows returned (max. 200) Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` // Offset of data Offset *int64 `json:"offset,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsMinQueryRequest model
func (*AnalyticsMinQueryRequest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *AnalyticsMinQueryRequest) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals model AnalyticsMinQueryRequest from a JSON structure
type AnalyticsNotContainsFilter ¶
type AnalyticsNotContainsFilter struct { Name *map[string]interface{} `json:"name,omitempty"` Value *map[string]interface{} `json:"value,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsNotContainsFilter model
func (AnalyticsNotContainsFilter) AnalyticsQueryOperator ¶
func (m AnalyticsNotContainsFilter) AnalyticsQueryOperator() AnalyticsQueryOperator
func (AnalyticsNotContainsFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m AnalyticsNotContainsFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type AnalyticsNotEqualFilter ¶
type AnalyticsNotEqualFilter struct { Name *map[string]interface{} `json:"name,omitempty"` Value *map[string]interface{} `json:"value,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsNotEqualFilter model
func (AnalyticsNotEqualFilter) AnalyticsQueryOperator ¶
func (m AnalyticsNotEqualFilter) AnalyticsQueryOperator() AnalyticsQueryOperator
func (AnalyticsNotEqualFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m AnalyticsNotEqualFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type AnalyticsOrder ¶
type AnalyticsOrder string
AnalyticsOrder : AnalyticsOrder model
const ( AnalyticsOrder_ASC AnalyticsOrder = "ASC" AnalyticsOrder_DESC AnalyticsOrder = "DESC" )
List of possible AnalyticsOrder values
type AnalyticsOrderByEntry ¶
type AnalyticsOrderByEntry struct { Name AnalyticsAttribute `json:"name,omitempty"` Order AnalyticsOrder `json:"order,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsOrderByEntry model
type AnalyticsOutput ¶
type AnalyticsOutput interface { // AnalyticsOutputType returns the discriminator type of the polymorphic model AnalyticsOutputType() AnalyticsOutputType }
AnalyticsOutput model
func UnmarshalAnalyticsOutput ¶
func UnmarshalAnalyticsOutput(reader io.Reader, consumer bitutils.Consumer) (AnalyticsOutput, error)
UnmarshalAnalyticsOutput unmarshals polymorphic AnalyticsOutput
func UnmarshalAnalyticsOutputSlice ¶
func UnmarshalAnalyticsOutputSlice(reader io.Reader, consumer bitutils.Consumer) ([]AnalyticsOutput, error)
UnmarshalAnalyticsOutputSlice unmarshals polymorphic slices of AnalyticsOutput
type AnalyticsOutputType ¶
type AnalyticsOutputType string
AnalyticsOutputType : AnalyticsOutputType model
const ( AnalyticsOutputType_S3_ROLE_BASED AnalyticsOutputType = "S3_ROLE_BASED" AnalyticsOutputType_GCS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT AnalyticsOutputType = "GCS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT" AnalyticsOutputType_AZURE AnalyticsOutputType = "AZURE" )
List of possible AnalyticsOutputType values
type AnalyticsPercentileQueryRequest ¶
type AnalyticsPercentileQueryRequest struct { // Start of timeframe which is queried in UTC format. Start *DateTime `json:"start,omitempty"` // End of timeframe which is queried in UTC format. End *DateTime `json:"end,omitempty"` // Analytics license key (required) LicenseKey *string `json:"licenseKey,omitempty"` // Analytics Query Filters Each filter requires 3 properties: name, operator and value. Valid operators are [IN, EQ, NE, LT, LTE, GT, GTE, CONTAINS, NOTCONTAINS] Filters []AnalyticsAbstractFilter `json:"filters,omitempty"` OrderBy []AnalyticsOrderByEntry `json:"orderBy,omitempty"` Dimension AnalyticsAttribute `json:"dimension,omitempty"` Interval AnalyticsInterval `json:"interval,omitempty"` GroupBy []AnalyticsAttribute `json:"groupBy,omitempty"` // Whether context data should be included in the response IncludeContext *bool `json:"includeContext,omitempty"` // Maximum number of rows returned (max. 200) Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` // Offset of data Offset *int64 `json:"offset,omitempty"` // The percentage (0-99) used for percentile queries. (required) Percentile *int64 `json:"percentile,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsPercentileQueryRequest model
func (*AnalyticsPercentileQueryRequest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *AnalyticsPercentileQueryRequest) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals model AnalyticsPercentileQueryRequest from a JSON structure
type AnalyticsQueryOperator ¶
type AnalyticsQueryOperator string
AnalyticsQueryOperator : AnalyticsQueryOperator model
const ( AnalyticsQueryOperator_IN AnalyticsQueryOperator = "IN" AnalyticsQueryOperator_EQ AnalyticsQueryOperator = "EQ" AnalyticsQueryOperator_NE AnalyticsQueryOperator = "NE" AnalyticsQueryOperator_LT AnalyticsQueryOperator = "LT" AnalyticsQueryOperator_LTE AnalyticsQueryOperator = "LTE" AnalyticsQueryOperator_GT AnalyticsQueryOperator = "GT" AnalyticsQueryOperator_GTE AnalyticsQueryOperator = "GTE" AnalyticsQueryOperator_CONTAINS AnalyticsQueryOperator = "CONTAINS" AnalyticsQueryOperator_NOTCONTAINS AnalyticsQueryOperator = "NOTCONTAINS" )
List of possible AnalyticsQueryOperator values
type AnalyticsQueryRequest ¶
type AnalyticsQueryRequest struct { // Start of timeframe which is queried in UTC format. Start *DateTime `json:"start,omitempty"` // End of timeframe which is queried in UTC format. End *DateTime `json:"end,omitempty"` // Analytics license key (required) LicenseKey *string `json:"licenseKey,omitempty"` // Analytics Query Filters Each filter requires 3 properties: name, operator and value. Valid operators are [IN, EQ, NE, LT, LTE, GT, GTE, CONTAINS, NOTCONTAINS] Filters []AnalyticsAbstractFilter `json:"filters,omitempty"` OrderBy []AnalyticsOrderByEntry `json:"orderBy,omitempty"` Dimension AnalyticsAttribute `json:"dimension,omitempty"` Interval AnalyticsInterval `json:"interval,omitempty"` GroupBy []AnalyticsAttribute `json:"groupBy,omitempty"` // Whether context data should be included in the response IncludeContext *bool `json:"includeContext,omitempty"` // Maximum number of rows returned (max. 200) Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` // Offset of data Offset *int64 `json:"offset,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsQueryRequest model
func (*AnalyticsQueryRequest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *AnalyticsQueryRequest) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals model AnalyticsQueryRequest from a JSON structure
type AnalyticsQueryTimeframe ¶
type AnalyticsQueryTimeframe struct { // Start of timeframe which is queried in UTC format. Start *DateTime `json:"start,omitempty"` // End of timeframe which is queried in UTC format. End *DateTime `json:"end,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsQueryTimeframe model
type AnalyticsResponse ¶
type AnalyticsResponse struct { Rows []map[string]interface{} `json:"rows,omitempty"` // Number of rows returned RowCount *int64 `json:"rowCount,omitempty"` ColumnLabels []AnalyticsColumnLabel `json:"columnLabels,omitempty"` ContextDescription []AnalyticsContextDescription `json:"contextDescription,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsResponse model
type AnalyticsS3RoleBasedOutput ¶
type AnalyticsS3RoleBasedOutput struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Acl []AclEntry `json:"acl,omitempty"` // Amazon S3 bucket name (required) BucketName *string `json:"bucketName,omitempty"` // Amazon ARN of the IAM Role (Identity and Access Management Role) that will be assumed for S3 access. This role has to be created by the owner of the account with the S3 bucket (i.e., you as a customer). For Bitmovin to be able to assume this role, the following has to be added to the trust policy of the role: “` { \"Effect\": \"Allow\", \"Principal\": { \"AWS\": \"arn:aws:iam::630681592166:user/bitmovinCustomerS3Access\" }, \"Action\": \"sts:AssumeRole\", \"Condition\": { \"StringEquals\": { \"sts:ExternalId\": \"{{externalId}}\" } } } “` where \"arn:aws:iam::630681592166:user/bitmovinCustomerS3Access\" is the Bitmovin user used for the access. The `Condition` is optional but we highly recommend it, see property `externalId` below for more information. This setup allows Bitmovin assume the provided IAM role and to write data to your S3 bucket. Please note that the IAM role has to have write access to S3. For more information about role creation please visit (required) RoleArn *string `json:"roleArn,omitempty"` // External ID used together with the IAM role identified by `roleArn` to assume S3 access. This ID is provided by the API if `externalIdMode` is set to `GLOBAL` or `GENERATED`. If present, it has to be added to the trust policy of the IAM role `roleArn` configured above, otherwise the API won't be able to write to the S3 bucket. An appropriate trust policy would look like this: “` { \"Effect\": \"Allow\", \"Principal\": { \"AWS\": \"arn:aws:iam::630681592166:user/bitmovinCustomerS3Access\" }, \"Action\": \"sts:AssumeRole\", \"Condition\": { \"StringEquals\": { \"sts:ExternalId\": \"{{externalId}}\" } } } “` where \"{{externalId}}\" is the generated ID. This property is optional but we recommend it as an additional security feature. We will use both the `roleArn` and the `externalId` to access your S3 data. If the Amazon IAM role has an external ID configured but it is not provided in the output configuration Bitmovin won't be able to write to the S3 bucket. Also if the external ID does not match the one configured for the IAM role on AWS side, Bitmovin won't be able to access the S3 bucket. If you need to change the external ID that is used by your IAM role, you need to create a new output, and use the external ID provided by the API to update your IAM role. For more information please visit ExternalId *string `json:"externalId,omitempty"` ExternalIdMode ExternalIdMode `json:"externalIdMode,omitempty"` // If set a user defined tag (x-amz-meta-) with that key will be used to store the MD5 hash of the file. Md5MetaTag *string `json:"md5MetaTag,omitempty"` CloudRegion AwsCloudRegion `json:"cloudRegion,omitempty"` // Specifies the method used for authentication SignatureVersion S3SignatureVersion `json:"signatureVersion,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsS3RoleBasedOutput model
func (AnalyticsS3RoleBasedOutput) AnalyticsOutputType ¶
func (m AnalyticsS3RoleBasedOutput) AnalyticsOutputType() AnalyticsOutputType
func (AnalyticsS3RoleBasedOutput) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m AnalyticsS3RoleBasedOutput) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type AnalyticsStddevQueryRequest ¶
type AnalyticsStddevQueryRequest struct { // Start of timeframe which is queried in UTC format. Start *DateTime `json:"start,omitempty"` // End of timeframe which is queried in UTC format. End *DateTime `json:"end,omitempty"` // Analytics license key (required) LicenseKey *string `json:"licenseKey,omitempty"` // Analytics Query Filters Each filter requires 3 properties: name, operator and value. Valid operators are [IN, EQ, NE, LT, LTE, GT, GTE, CONTAINS, NOTCONTAINS] Filters []AnalyticsAbstractFilter `json:"filters,omitempty"` OrderBy []AnalyticsOrderByEntry `json:"orderBy,omitempty"` Dimension AnalyticsAttribute `json:"dimension,omitempty"` Interval AnalyticsInterval `json:"interval,omitempty"` GroupBy []AnalyticsAttribute `json:"groupBy,omitempty"` // Whether context data should be included in the response IncludeContext *bool `json:"includeContext,omitempty"` // Maximum number of rows returned (max. 200) Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` // Offset of data Offset *int64 `json:"offset,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsStddevQueryRequest model
func (*AnalyticsStddevQueryRequest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *AnalyticsStddevQueryRequest) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals model AnalyticsStddevQueryRequest from a JSON structure
type AnalyticsSumQueryRequest ¶
type AnalyticsSumQueryRequest struct { // Start of timeframe which is queried in UTC format. Start *DateTime `json:"start,omitempty"` // End of timeframe which is queried in UTC format. End *DateTime `json:"end,omitempty"` // Analytics license key (required) LicenseKey *string `json:"licenseKey,omitempty"` // Analytics Query Filters Each filter requires 3 properties: name, operator and value. Valid operators are [IN, EQ, NE, LT, LTE, GT, GTE, CONTAINS, NOTCONTAINS] Filters []AnalyticsAbstractFilter `json:"filters,omitempty"` OrderBy []AnalyticsOrderByEntry `json:"orderBy,omitempty"` Dimension AnalyticsAttribute `json:"dimension,omitempty"` Interval AnalyticsInterval `json:"interval,omitempty"` GroupBy []AnalyticsAttribute `json:"groupBy,omitempty"` // Whether context data should be included in the response IncludeContext *bool `json:"includeContext,omitempty"` // Maximum number of rows returned (max. 200) Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` // Offset of data Offset *int64 `json:"offset,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsSumQueryRequest model
func (*AnalyticsSumQueryRequest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *AnalyticsSumQueryRequest) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals model AnalyticsSumQueryRequest from a JSON structure
type AnalyticsVarianceQueryRequest ¶
type AnalyticsVarianceQueryRequest struct { // Start of timeframe which is queried in UTC format. Start *DateTime `json:"start,omitempty"` // End of timeframe which is queried in UTC format. End *DateTime `json:"end,omitempty"` // Analytics license key (required) LicenseKey *string `json:"licenseKey,omitempty"` // Analytics Query Filters Each filter requires 3 properties: name, operator and value. Valid operators are [IN, EQ, NE, LT, LTE, GT, GTE, CONTAINS, NOTCONTAINS] Filters []AnalyticsAbstractFilter `json:"filters,omitempty"` OrderBy []AnalyticsOrderByEntry `json:"orderBy,omitempty"` Dimension AnalyticsAttribute `json:"dimension,omitempty"` Interval AnalyticsInterval `json:"interval,omitempty"` GroupBy []AnalyticsAttribute `json:"groupBy,omitempty"` // Whether context data should be included in the response IncludeContext *bool `json:"includeContext,omitempty"` // Maximum number of rows returned (max. 200) Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` // Offset of data Offset *int64 `json:"offset,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsVarianceQueryRequest model
func (*AnalyticsVarianceQueryRequest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *AnalyticsVarianceQueryRequest) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals model AnalyticsVarianceQueryRequest from a JSON structure
type AnalyticsVirtualLicense ¶
type AnalyticsVirtualLicense struct { // Analytics Virtual License Key/Id Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the Analytics Virtual License Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // The timezone of the Analytics Virtual License Timezone *string `json:"timezone,omitempty"` // Retention time of impressions, returned as ISO 8601 duration format: P(n)Y(n)M(n)DT(n)H(n)M(n)S RetentionTime *string `json:"retentionTime,omitempty"` // Retention time for compressed data, returned as ISO 8601 duration format: P(n)Y(n)M(n)DT(n)H(n)M(n)S CompressedRetentionTime *string `json:"compressedRetentionTime,omitempty"` // List of Analytics Licenses Licenses []AnalyticsVirtualLicenseLicensesListItem `json:"licenses,omitempty"` // The number of customData fields available CustomDataFieldsCount *int32 `json:"customDataFieldsCount,omitempty"` // Labels for Custom Data fields CustomDataFieldLabels *AnalyticsLicenseCustomDataFieldLabels `json:"customDataFieldLabels,omitempty"` // The expiration date of the license if applicable, returned as ISO 8601 date-time format PlanExpiredAt *DateTime `json:"planExpiredAt,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsVirtualLicense model
type AnalyticsVirtualLicenseLicensesListItem ¶
type AnalyticsVirtualLicenseLicensesListItem struct { // Analytics License Id Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Analytics License key LicenseKey *string `json:"licenseKey,omitempty"` // Organisation Id of license OrgId *string `json:"orgId,omitempty"` // Analytics License name Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsVirtualLicenseLicensesListItem model
type AnalyticsVirtualLicenseRequest ¶
type AnalyticsVirtualLicenseRequest struct { // Name of the Analytics Virtual License (required) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // The timezone of the Analytics Virtual License (required) Timezone *string `json:"timezone,omitempty"` // List of Analytics Licenses (required) Licenses []AnalyticsVirtualLicenseLicensesListItem `json:"licenses,omitempty"` // Labels for Custom Data fields CustomDataFieldLabels *AnalyticsLicenseCustomDataFieldLabels `json:"customDataFieldLabels,omitempty"` }
AnalyticsVirtualLicenseRequest model
type AndConjunction ¶
type AndConjunction struct { // Array to perform the AND/OR evaluation on Conditions []AbstractCondition `json:"conditions,omitempty"` }
AndConjunction model
func (AndConjunction) ConditionType ¶
func (m AndConjunction) ConditionType() ConditionType
func (AndConjunction) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m AndConjunction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*AndConjunction) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *AndConjunction) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals model AndConjunction from a JSON structure
type ApiErrorDefinition ¶
type ApiErrorDefinition struct { // The error code. Code *int64 `json:"code,omitempty"` // The error category. Category *string `json:"category,omitempty"` // The returned error description. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` }
ApiErrorDefinition model
type AppliedStreamSettings ¶
type AppliedStreamSettings struct { // The applied width. Useful if the width in the configuration was undefined Width *int32 `json:"width,omitempty"` // The applied height. Useful if the height in the configuration was undefined Height *int32 `json:"height,omitempty"` }
AppliedStreamSettings model
type AspectMode ¶
type AspectMode string
AspectMode : AspectMode model
const ( AspectMode_PAD AspectMode = "PAD" AspectMode_CROP AspectMode = "CROP" AspectMode_STRETCH AspectMode = "STRETCH" )
List of possible AspectMode values
type AsperaInput ¶
type AsperaInput struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Minimal download bandwidth. Examples: 100k, 100m, 100g MinBandwidth *string `json:"minBandwidth,omitempty"` // Maximal download bandwidth. Examples: 100k, 100m, 100g MaxBandwidth *string `json:"maxBandwidth,omitempty"` // Host to use for Aspera transfers (required) Host *string `json:"host,omitempty"` // Username to log into Aspera host (either password and user must be set or token) Username *string `json:"username,omitempty"` // corresponding password (either password and user must be set or token) Password *string `json:"password,omitempty"` // Token used for authentication (either password and user must be set or token) Token *string `json:"token,omitempty"` // Set the TCP port to be used for fasp session initiation SshPort *int32 `json:"sshPort,omitempty"` // Set the UDP port to be used by fasp for data transfer FaspPort *int32 `json:"faspPort,omitempty"` }
AsperaInput model
func (AsperaInput) InputType ¶
func (m AsperaInput) InputType() InputType
func (AsperaInput) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m AsperaInput) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type AudioAdaptationSet ¶
type AudioAdaptationSet struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Custom adaptation set attributes CustomAttributes []CustomAttribute `json:"customAttributes,omitempty"` // Roles of the adaptation set Roles []AdaptationSetRole `json:"roles,omitempty"` // Provide signaling of CEA 607 and CEA 708 Accessibilities []Accessibility `json:"accessibilities,omitempty"` // List of labels Labels []Label `json:"labels,omitempty"` // ISO 639-1 (Alpha-2) code identifying the language of the audio adaptation set (required) Lang *string `json:"lang,omitempty"` }
AudioAdaptationSet model
func (AudioAdaptationSet) AdaptationSetType ¶
func (m AudioAdaptationSet) AdaptationSetType() AdaptationSetType
func (AudioAdaptationSet) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m AudioAdaptationSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type AudioGroup ¶
type AudioGroup struct { // Name of the audio group (required) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Priority of the audio group (required) Priority *int32 `json:"priority,omitempty"` }
AudioGroup model
type AudioGroupConfiguration ¶
type AudioGroupConfiguration struct { // Dropping mode (required) DroppingMode VariantStreamDroppingMode `json:"droppingMode,omitempty"` // Audio groups (required) Groups []AudioGroup `json:"groups,omitempty"` }
AudioGroupConfiguration model
type AudioMediaInfo ¶
type AudioMediaInfo struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The value is a quoted-string which specifies the group to which the Rendition belongs. (required) GroupId *string `json:"groupId,omitempty"` // Primary language in the rendition. Language *string `json:"language,omitempty"` // Identifies a language that is associated with the Rendition. AssocLanguage *string `json:"assocLanguage,omitempty"` // Human readable description of the rendition. (required) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // If set to true, the client SHOULD play this Rendition of the content in the absence of information from the user. IsDefault *bool `json:"isDefault,omitempty"` // If set to true, the client MAY choose to play this Rendition in the absence of explicit user preference. Autoselect *bool `json:"autoselect,omitempty"` // Contains Uniform Type Identifiers Characteristics []string `json:"characteristics,omitempty"` // Path to segments. (required) SegmentPath *string `json:"segmentPath,omitempty"` // Id of the encoding. (required) EncodingId *string `json:"encodingId,omitempty"` // Id of the stream. (required) StreamId *string `json:"streamId,omitempty"` // Id of the muxing. (required) MuxingId *string `json:"muxingId,omitempty"` // Id of the DRM. DrmId *string `json:"drmId,omitempty"` // Number of the first segment. Default is 0. StartSegmentNumber *int64 `json:"startSegmentNumber,omitempty"` // Number of the last segment. Default is the last one that was encoded. EndSegmentNumber *int64 `json:"endSegmentNumber,omitempty"` // The URI of the Rendition (required) Uri *string `json:"uri,omitempty"` // A value of true indicates that the Rendition contains content which is considered essential to play. Forced *bool `json:"forced,omitempty"` }
AudioMediaInfo model
type AudioMixChannel ¶
type AudioMixChannel struct { // Channel number of this mix (starting with 0) (required) ChannelNumber *int32 `json:"channelNumber,omitempty"` // List of source channels to be mixed (required) SourceChannels []SourceChannel `json:"sourceChannels,omitempty"` }
AudioMixChannel model
type AudioMixChannelLayout ¶
type AudioMixChannelLayout string
AudioMixChannelLayout : Channel layout of this audio mix
const ( AudioMixChannelLayout_NONE AudioMixChannelLayout = "NONE" AudioMixChannelLayout_CL_MONO AudioMixChannelLayout = "MONO" AudioMixChannelLayout_CL_STEREO AudioMixChannelLayout = "STEREO" AudioMixChannelLayout_CL_SURROUND AudioMixChannelLayout = "SURROUND" AudioMixChannelLayout_CL_QUAD AudioMixChannelLayout = "QUAD" AudioMixChannelLayout_CL_OCTAGONAL AudioMixChannelLayout = "OCTAGONAL" AudioMixChannelLayout_CL_HEXAGONAL AudioMixChannelLayout = "HEXAGONAL" AudioMixChannelLayout_CL_STEREO_DOWNMIX AudioMixChannelLayout = "STEREO_DOWNMIX" AudioMixChannelLayout_CL_2_1 AudioMixChannelLayout = "2.1" AudioMixChannelLayout_CL_2_2 AudioMixChannelLayout = "2.2" AudioMixChannelLayout_CL_3_1 AudioMixChannelLayout = "3.1" AudioMixChannelLayout_CL_4_0 AudioMixChannelLayout = "4.0" AudioMixChannelLayout_CL_4_1 AudioMixChannelLayout = "4.1" AudioMixChannelLayout_CL_5_0 AudioMixChannelLayout = "5.0" AudioMixChannelLayout_CL_5_1 AudioMixChannelLayout = "5.1" AudioMixChannelLayout_CL_5_0_BACK AudioMixChannelLayout = "5.0_BACK" AudioMixChannelLayout_CL_5_1_BACK AudioMixChannelLayout = "5.1_BACK" AudioMixChannelLayout_CL_6_0 AudioMixChannelLayout = "6.0" AudioMixChannelLayout_CL_6_0_FRONT AudioMixChannelLayout = "6.0_FRONT" AudioMixChannelLayout_CL_6_1 AudioMixChannelLayout = "6.1" AudioMixChannelLayout_CL_6_1_BACK AudioMixChannelLayout = "6.1_BACK" AudioMixChannelLayout_CL_6_1_FRONT AudioMixChannelLayout = "6.1_FRONT" AudioMixChannelLayout_CL_7_0 AudioMixChannelLayout = "7.0" AudioMixChannelLayout_CL_7_0_FRONT AudioMixChannelLayout = "7.0_FRONT" AudioMixChannelLayout_CL_7_1 AudioMixChannelLayout = "7.1" AudioMixChannelLayout_CL_7_1_WIDE AudioMixChannelLayout = "7.1_WIDE" AudioMixChannelLayout_CL_7_1_WIDE_BACK AudioMixChannelLayout = "7.1_WIDE_BACK" )
List of possible AudioMixChannelLayout values
type AudioMixChannelType ¶
type AudioMixChannelType string
AudioMixChannelType : Type of this channel
const ( AudioMixChannelType_CHANNEL_NUMBER AudioMixChannelType = "CHANNEL_NUMBER" AudioMixChannelType_FRONT_LEFT AudioMixChannelType = "FRONT_LEFT" AudioMixChannelType_FRONT_RIGHT AudioMixChannelType = "FRONT_RIGHT" AudioMixChannelType_CENTER AudioMixChannelType = "CENTER" AudioMixChannelType_LOW_FREQUENCY AudioMixChannelType = "LOW_FREQUENCY" AudioMixChannelType_BACK_LEFT AudioMixChannelType = "BACK_LEFT" AudioMixChannelType_BACK_RIGHT AudioMixChannelType = "BACK_RIGHT" AudioMixChannelType_SURROUND_LEFT AudioMixChannelType = "SURROUND_LEFT" AudioMixChannelType_SURROUND_RIGHT AudioMixChannelType = "SURROUND_RIGHT" )
List of possible AudioMixChannelType values
type AudioMixFilter ¶
type AudioMixFilter struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Channel layout of the audio codec configuration (required) ChannelLayout AudioMixChannelLayout `json:"channelLayout,omitempty"` // List of mixed channels that matches the channel layout (required) AudioMixChannels []AudioMixChannel `json:"audioMixChannels,omitempty"` }
AudioMixFilter model
func (AudioMixFilter) FilterType ¶
func (m AudioMixFilter) FilterType() FilterType
func (AudioMixFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m AudioMixFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type AudioMixInputChannelLayout ¶
type AudioMixInputChannelLayout string
AudioMixInputChannelLayout : AudioMixInputChannelLayout model
const ( AudioMixInputChannelLayout_NONE AudioMixInputChannelLayout = "NONE" AudioMixInputChannelLayout_MONO AudioMixInputChannelLayout = "MONO" AudioMixInputChannelLayout_CL_STEREO AudioMixInputChannelLayout = "STEREO" AudioMixInputChannelLayout_CL_SURROUND AudioMixInputChannelLayout = "SURROUND" AudioMixInputChannelLayout_CL_QUAD AudioMixInputChannelLayout = "QUAD" AudioMixInputChannelLayout_CL_HEXAGONAL AudioMixInputChannelLayout = "HEXAGONAL" AudioMixInputChannelLayout_CL_OCTAGONAL AudioMixInputChannelLayout = "OCTAGONAL" AudioMixInputChannelLayout_CL_STEREO_DOWNMIX AudioMixInputChannelLayout = "STEREO_DOWNMIX" AudioMixInputChannelLayout_CL_2_1 AudioMixInputChannelLayout = "2.1" AudioMixInputChannelLayout_CL_2_2 AudioMixInputChannelLayout = "2.2" AudioMixInputChannelLayout_CL_3_1 AudioMixInputChannelLayout = "3.1" AudioMixInputChannelLayout_CL_4_0 AudioMixInputChannelLayout = "4.0" AudioMixInputChannelLayout_CL_4_1 AudioMixInputChannelLayout = "4.1" AudioMixInputChannelLayout_CL_5_0 AudioMixInputChannelLayout = "5.0" AudioMixInputChannelLayout_CL_5_1 AudioMixInputChannelLayout = "5.1" AudioMixInputChannelLayout_CL_5_0_BACK AudioMixInputChannelLayout = "5.0_BACK" AudioMixInputChannelLayout_CL_5_1_BACK AudioMixInputChannelLayout = "5.1_BACK" AudioMixInputChannelLayout_CL_6_0 AudioMixInputChannelLayout = "6.0" AudioMixInputChannelLayout_CL_6_0_FRONT AudioMixInputChannelLayout = "6.0_FRONT" AudioMixInputChannelLayout_CL_6_1 AudioMixInputChannelLayout = "6.1" AudioMixInputChannelLayout_CL_6_1_FRONT AudioMixInputChannelLayout = "6.1_FRONT" AudioMixInputChannelLayout_CL_6_1_BACK AudioMixInputChannelLayout = "6.1_BACK" AudioMixInputChannelLayout_CL_7_0 AudioMixInputChannelLayout = "7.0" AudioMixInputChannelLayout_CL_7_0_FRONT AudioMixInputChannelLayout = "7.0_FRONT" AudioMixInputChannelLayout_CL_7_1 AudioMixInputChannelLayout = "7.1" AudioMixInputChannelLayout_CL_7_1_WIDE AudioMixInputChannelLayout = "7.1_WIDE" AudioMixInputChannelLayout_CL_7_1_WIDE_BACK AudioMixInputChannelLayout = "7.1_WIDE_BACK" )
List of possible AudioMixInputChannelLayout values
type AudioMixInputStream ¶
type AudioMixInputStream struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Channel layout of the audio mix input stream ChannelLayout AudioMixInputChannelLayout `json:"channelLayout,omitempty"` AudioMixChannels []AudioMixInputStreamChannel `json:"audioMixChannels,omitempty"` }
AudioMixInputStream model
func (AudioMixInputStream) InputStreamType ¶
func (m AudioMixInputStream) InputStreamType() InputStreamType
func (AudioMixInputStream) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m AudioMixInputStream) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type AudioMixInputStreamChannel ¶
type AudioMixInputStreamChannel struct { // The id of the input stream that should be used for mixing. InputStreamId *string `json:"inputStreamId,omitempty"` OutputChannelType AudioMixChannelType `json:"outputChannelType,omitempty"` // Number of this output channel. If type is 'CHANNEL_NUMBER', this must be set. OutputChannelNumber *int32 `json:"outputChannelNumber,omitempty"` // List of source channels to be mixed SourceChannels []AudioMixInputStreamSourceChannel `json:"sourceChannels,omitempty"` }
AudioMixInputStreamChannel model
type AudioMixInputStreamSourceChannel ¶
type AudioMixInputStreamSourceChannel struct { // Gain for this source channel. Default is 1.0. Gain *float64 `json:"gain,omitempty"` Type AudioMixSourceChannelType `json:"type,omitempty"` // Number of this source channel. If type is 'CHANNEL_NUMBER', this must be set. ChannelNumber *int32 `json:"channelNumber,omitempty"` }
AudioMixInputStreamSourceChannel model
type AudioMixSourceChannelType ¶
type AudioMixSourceChannelType string
AudioMixSourceChannelType : Type of this source channel
const ( AudioMixSourceChannelType_CHANNEL_NUMBER AudioMixSourceChannelType = "CHANNEL_NUMBER" AudioMixSourceChannelType_FRONT_LEFT AudioMixSourceChannelType = "FRONT_LEFT" AudioMixSourceChannelType_FRONT_RIGHT AudioMixSourceChannelType = "FRONT_RIGHT" AudioMixSourceChannelType_CENTER AudioMixSourceChannelType = "CENTER" AudioMixSourceChannelType_LOW_FREQUENCY AudioMixSourceChannelType = "LOW_FREQUENCY" AudioMixSourceChannelType_BACK_LEFT AudioMixSourceChannelType = "BACK_LEFT" AudioMixSourceChannelType_BACK_RIGHT AudioMixSourceChannelType = "BACK_RIGHT" AudioMixSourceChannelType_SURROUND_LEFT AudioMixSourceChannelType = "SURROUND_LEFT" AudioMixSourceChannelType_SURROUND_RIGHT AudioMixSourceChannelType = "SURROUND_RIGHT" )
List of possible AudioMixSourceChannelType values
type AudioStream ¶
type AudioStream struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Position of the stream in the media, starting from 0. Position *int32 `json:"position,omitempty"` // Duration of the stream in seconds Duration *float64 `json:"duration,omitempty"` // Codec of the stream Codec *string `json:"codec,omitempty"` // Audio sampling rate in Hz SampleRate *int32 `json:"sampleRate,omitempty"` // Bitrate in bps Bitrate *string `json:"bitrate,omitempty"` // Bitrate in bps Rate *int64 `json:"rate,omitempty"` // Audio channel format ChannelFormat *string `json:"channelFormat,omitempty"` // Language of the stream Language *string `json:"language,omitempty"` // Hearing impaired support HearingImpaired *bool `json:"hearingImpaired,omitempty"` }
AudioStream model
type AudioVideoSyncMode ¶
type AudioVideoSyncMode string
AudioVideoSyncMode : AudioVideoSyncMode model
const ( AudioVideoSyncMode_STANDARD AudioVideoSyncMode = "STANDARD" AudioVideoSyncMode_RESYNC_AT_START AudioVideoSyncMode = "RESYNC_AT_START" AudioVideoSyncMode_RESYNC_AT_START_AND_END AudioVideoSyncMode = "RESYNC_AT_START_AND_END" )
List of possible AudioVideoSyncMode values
type AudioVolumeFilter ¶
type AudioVolumeFilter struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Audio volume value (required) Volume *float64 `json:"volume,omitempty"` Unit AudioVolumeUnit `json:"unit,omitempty"` Format AudioVolumeFormat `json:"format,omitempty"` }
AudioVolumeFilter model
func (AudioVolumeFilter) FilterType ¶
func (m AudioVolumeFilter) FilterType() FilterType
func (AudioVolumeFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m AudioVolumeFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type AudioVolumeFormat ¶
type AudioVolumeFormat string
AudioVolumeFormat : Audio volume format
const ( AudioVolumeFormat_U8 AudioVolumeFormat = "U8" AudioVolumeFormat_S16 AudioVolumeFormat = "S16" AudioVolumeFormat_S32 AudioVolumeFormat = "S32" AudioVolumeFormat_U8P AudioVolumeFormat = "U8P" AudioVolumeFormat_S16P AudioVolumeFormat = "S16P" AudioVolumeFormat_S32P AudioVolumeFormat = "S32P" AudioVolumeFormat_S64 AudioVolumeFormat = "S64" AudioVolumeFormat_S64P AudioVolumeFormat = "S64P" AudioVolumeFormat_FLT AudioVolumeFormat = "FLT" AudioVolumeFormat_FLTP AudioVolumeFormat = "FLTP" AudioVolumeFormat_NONE AudioVolumeFormat = "NONE" AudioVolumeFormat_DBL AudioVolumeFormat = "DBL" AudioVolumeFormat_DBLP AudioVolumeFormat = "DBLP" )
List of possible AudioVolumeFormat values
type AudioVolumeUnit ¶
type AudioVolumeUnit string
AudioVolumeUnit : The unit in which the audio volume should be changed
const ( AudioVolumeUnit_PERCENT AudioVolumeUnit = "PERCENT" AudioVolumeUnit_DB AudioVolumeUnit = "DB" )
List of possible AudioVolumeUnit values
type AutoLevelSetup ¶
type AutoLevelSetup string
AutoLevelSetup : Enable/disable automatic calculation of level, maxBitrate, and bufsize based on the least level that satisfies maximum property values for picture resolution, frame rate, and bit rate.
const ( AutoLevelSetup_ENABLED AutoLevelSetup = "ENABLED" AutoLevelSetup_DISABLED AutoLevelSetup = "DISABLED" )
List of possible AutoLevelSetup values
type AutoRepresentation ¶
type AutoRepresentation struct { // This is the threshold that determines whether the settings of the lower or the upper template representation (codec configuration) should be used, when representations are added automatically. The value must be between 0 and 1. Values nearer 0 will favour the higher representation, values nearer 1 will favour the lower representation. AdoptConfigurationThreshold *float64 `json:"adoptConfigurationThreshold,omitempty"` }
AutoRepresentation model
type AutoRestartConfiguration ¶
type AutoRestartConfiguration struct { // If no segments were generated for the given number of seconds, a restart is triggered. Minimum: 30.0 SegmentsWrittenTimeout *float64 `json:"segmentsWrittenTimeout,omitempty"` // If no data was written for the given number of seconds, a restart is triggered. Minimum: 30.0 BytesWrittenTimeout *float64 `json:"bytesWrittenTimeout,omitempty"` // If no frames were generated for the given number of seconds, a restart is triggered. Minimum: 30.0 FramesWrittenTimeout *float64 `json:"framesWrittenTimeout,omitempty"` // If HLS manifests were not updated for the given number of seconds, a restart is triggered. Minimum: 30.0 HlsManifestsUpdateTimeout *float64 `json:"hlsManifestsUpdateTimeout,omitempty"` // If DASH manifests were not updated for the given number of seconds, a restart is triggered. Minimum: 30.0 DashManifestsUpdateTimeout *float64 `json:"dashManifestsUpdateTimeout,omitempty"` // Defines a schedule for restarts using the unix crontab syntax. This example would trigger a restart every monday at 05:30 (AM) ScheduleExpression *string `json:"scheduleExpression,omitempty"` // Defines if the encoding should be restarted in case of an error during encoding. RestartOnEncoderError *bool `json:"restartOnEncoderError,omitempty"` }
AutoRestartConfiguration model
type Av1PerTitleConfiguration ¶
type Av1PerTitleConfiguration struct { // The minimum bitrate that will be used by the Per-Title algorithm. MinBitrate *int32 `json:"minBitrate,omitempty"` // The maximum bitrate that will be used by the Per-Title algorithm. It will not generate any rendition with a higher bitrate. MaxBitrate *int32 `json:"maxBitrate,omitempty"` // The minimum ratio between the bitrates of generated renditions, e.g. if the first bitrate is 240,000, a minimum ratio of 1.5 will require the next higher bitrate to be at least 360,000 MinBitrateStepSize *float64 `json:"minBitrateStepSize,omitempty"` // The maximum ratio between the bitrates of neighbouring renditions, e.g., if the first bitrate is 240,000, a maximum ratio of 1.5 will require the next higher bitrate to be at most 360,000 MaxBitrateStepSize *float64 `json:"maxBitrateStepSize,omitempty"` AutoRepresentations *AutoRepresentation `json:"autoRepresentations,omitempty"` // Will modify the assumed complexity for the Per-Title algorithm (> 0.0). Values higher than 1 will increase complexity and thus select smaller resolutions for given bitrates. This will also result in a higher bitrate for the top rendition. Values lower than 1 will decrease assumed complexity and thus select higher resolutions for given bitrates and also decrease the bitrate of the top rendition ComplexityFactor *float64 `json:"complexityFactor,omitempty"` // Additional configuration for fixed resolution and bitrate templates FixedResolutionAndBitrateConfiguration *PerTitleFixedResolutionAndBitrateConfiguration `json:"fixedResolutionAndBitrateConfiguration,omitempty"` // Desired target quality of the highest representation expressed as CRF value TargetQualityCrf *float64 `json:"targetQualityCrf,omitempty"` // This factor influences the resolution selection of the per-title algorithm. The default value is 0.0. negative values will lead to results where the algorithm will choose lower resolutions for given bitrates. A positive value will result in higher resolutions to be selected. The range of the factor is -5.0 to +5.0. Please note that changing this factor might also lead to slightly different bitrate selection by the algorithm. ResolutionScaleFactor *float64 `json:"resolutionScaleFactor,omitempty"` }
Av1PerTitleConfiguration model
type Av1PresetConfiguration ¶
type Av1PresetConfiguration string
Av1PresetConfiguration : Av1PresetConfiguration model
const ( Av1PresetConfiguration_VOD_QUALITY Av1PresetConfiguration = "VOD_QUALITY" Av1PresetConfiguration_VOD_STANDARD Av1PresetConfiguration = "VOD_STANDARD" Av1PresetConfiguration_VOD_SPEED Av1PresetConfiguration = "VOD_SPEED" )
List of possible Av1PresetConfiguration values
type Av1VideoConfiguration ¶
type Av1VideoConfiguration struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. (required) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Width of the encoded video in pixels Width *int32 `json:"width,omitempty"` // Height of the encoded video in pixels Height *int32 `json:"height,omitempty"` // Target bitrate for the encoded video in bps. Either bitrate or crf is required. Bitrate *int64 `json:"bitrate,omitempty"` // Target frame rate of the encoded video. Must be set for live encodings Rate *float64 `json:"rate,omitempty"` // Describes the color encoding, bit depth, and chroma subsampling of each pixel in the output image. PixelFormat PixelFormat `json:"pixelFormat,omitempty"` ColorConfig *ColorConfig `json:"colorConfig,omitempty"` // The numerator of the sample aspect ratio (also known as pixel aspect ratio). Must be set if sampleAspectRatioDenominator is set. If set then displayAspectRatio is not allowed. SampleAspectRatioNumerator *int32 `json:"sampleAspectRatioNumerator,omitempty"` // The denominator of the sample aspect ratio (also known as pixel aspect ratio). Must be set if sampleAspectRatioNumerator is set. If set then displayAspectRatio is not allowed. SampleAspectRatioDenominator *int32 `json:"sampleAspectRatioDenominator,omitempty"` // Specifies a display aspect ratio (DAR) to be enforced. The sample aspect ratio (SAR) will be adjusted accordingly. If set then sampleAspectRatioNumerator and sampleAspectRatioDenominator are not allowed. DisplayAspectRatio *DisplayAspectRatio `json:"displayAspectRatio,omitempty"` // The mode of the encoding. When this is set, `encodingMode` (`liveEncodingMode`) must not be set in the (live) encoding start request. EncodingMode EncodingMode `json:"encodingMode,omitempty"` // Use a set of well defined configurations preset to support certain use cases. Can be overwritten with more specific values. PresetConfiguration Av1PresetConfiguration `json:"presetConfiguration,omitempty"` // Enable/disable automatic calculation of level, maxBitrate, and bufsize based on the least level that satisfies maximum property values for picture resolution, frame rate, and bit rate. In the case the target level is set explicitly, the maximum bitrate and buffer size are calculated based on the defined level. Explicitly setting maxBitrate, or bufsize properties will disable the automatic calculation. AutoLevelSetup AutoLevelSetup `json:"autoLevelSetup,omitempty"` }
Av1VideoConfiguration model
func (Av1VideoConfiguration) CodecConfigType ¶
func (m Av1VideoConfiguration) CodecConfigType() CodecConfigType
func (Av1VideoConfiguration) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m Av1VideoConfiguration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type AvailabilityStartTimeMode ¶
type AvailabilityStartTimeMode string
AvailabilityStartTimeMode : AvailabilityStartTimeMode model
const ( AvailabilityStartTimeMode_ON_FIRST_SEGMENT AvailabilityStartTimeMode = "ON_FIRST_SEGMENT" AvailabilityStartTimeMode_ON_STREAM_INGEST AvailabilityStartTimeMode = "ON_STREAM_INGEST" )
List of possible AvailabilityStartTimeMode values
type AwsAccount ¶
type AwsAccount struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Amazon access key (required) AccessKey *string `json:"accessKey,omitempty"` // Amazon secret key (required) SecretKey *string `json:"secretKey,omitempty"` // Amazon account number (12 digits as per AWS spec) (required) AccountNumber *string `json:"accountNumber,omitempty"` }
AwsAccount model
type AwsAccountRegionSettings ¶
type AwsAccountRegionSettings struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Limit for the amount of running encodings at a time. Leave empty for no limit. LimitParallelEncodings *int64 `json:"limitParallelEncodings,omitempty"` // Id of the security group for encoding instances (required) SecurityGroupId *string `json:"securityGroupId,omitempty"` // Id of the subnet for encoding instances (required) SubnetId *string `json:"subnetId,omitempty"` // Custom SSH port. Valid values: 1 - 65535. Leave empty if the default SSH port 22 is OK. SshPort *int32 `json:"sshPort,omitempty"` Region AwsCloudRegion `json:"region,omitempty"` }
AwsAccountRegionSettings model
type AwsCloudRegion ¶
type AwsCloudRegion string
AwsCloudRegion : AwsCloudRegion model
const ( AwsCloudRegion_US_EAST_1 AwsCloudRegion = "US_EAST_1" AwsCloudRegion_US_EAST_2 AwsCloudRegion = "US_EAST_2" AwsCloudRegion_US_WEST_1 AwsCloudRegion = "US_WEST_1" AwsCloudRegion_US_WEST_2 AwsCloudRegion = "US_WEST_2" AwsCloudRegion_EU_WEST_1 AwsCloudRegion = "EU_WEST_1" AwsCloudRegion_EU_CENTRAL_1 AwsCloudRegion = "EU_CENTRAL_1" AwsCloudRegion_AP_SOUTHEAST_1 AwsCloudRegion = "AP_SOUTHEAST_1" AwsCloudRegion_AP_SOUTHEAST_2 AwsCloudRegion = "AP_SOUTHEAST_2" AwsCloudRegion_AP_NORTHEAST_1 AwsCloudRegion = "AP_NORTHEAST_1" AwsCloudRegion_AP_NORTHEAST_2 AwsCloudRegion = "AP_NORTHEAST_2" AwsCloudRegion_AP_SOUTH_1 AwsCloudRegion = "AP_SOUTH_1" AwsCloudRegion_SA_EAST_1 AwsCloudRegion = "SA_EAST_1" AwsCloudRegion_EU_WEST_2 AwsCloudRegion = "EU_WEST_2" AwsCloudRegion_EU_WEST_3 AwsCloudRegion = "EU_WEST_3" AwsCloudRegion_CA_CENTRAL_1 AwsCloudRegion = "CA_CENTRAL_1" AwsCloudRegion_EU_NORTH_1 AwsCloudRegion = "EU_NORTH_1" )
List of possible AwsCloudRegion values
type AzureAccount ¶
type AzureAccount struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Your Azure Subscription ID (The ID of your subscription where you intend to run the Encoding VMs) (required) SubscriptionId *string `json:"subscriptionId,omitempty"` // The name of the resource group where you intend to run the Encoding VMs (required) ResourceGroupId *string `json:"resourceGroupId,omitempty"` // The ID of your Active Directory where your subscription runs in (required) TenantId *string `json:"tenantId,omitempty"` }
AzureAccount model
type AzureAccountRegionSettings ¶
type AzureAccountRegionSettings struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Name of the virtual network (required) NetworkName *string `json:"networkName,omitempty"` // Name of the subnet (required) SubnetName *string `json:"subnetName,omitempty"` Region AzureCloudRegion `json:"region,omitempty"` }
AzureAccountRegionSettings model
type AzureCloudRegion ¶
type AzureCloudRegion string
AzureCloudRegion : AzureCloudRegion model
const ( AzureCloudRegion_ASIA_EAST AzureCloudRegion = "ASIA_EAST" AzureCloudRegion_ASIA_SOUTHEAST AzureCloudRegion = "ASIA_SOUTHEAST" AzureCloudRegion_AUSTRALIA_EAST AzureCloudRegion = "AUSTRALIA_EAST" AzureCloudRegion_AUSTRALIA_SOUTHEAST AzureCloudRegion = "AUSTRALIA_SOUTHEAST" AzureCloudRegion_BRAZIL_SOUTH AzureCloudRegion = "BRAZIL_SOUTH" AzureCloudRegion_CANADA_CENTRAL AzureCloudRegion = "CANADA_CENTRAL" AzureCloudRegion_EUROPE_NORTH AzureCloudRegion = "EUROPE_NORTH" AzureCloudRegion_EUROPE_WEST AzureCloudRegion = "EUROPE_WEST" AzureCloudRegion_FRANCE_CENTRAL AzureCloudRegion = "FRANCE_CENTRAL" AzureCloudRegion_GERMANY_WESTCENTRAL AzureCloudRegion = "GERMANY_WESTCENTRAL" AzureCloudRegion_INDIA_CENTRAL AzureCloudRegion = "INDIA_CENTRAL" AzureCloudRegion_INDIA_SOUTH AzureCloudRegion = "INDIA_SOUTH" AzureCloudRegion_JAPAN_EAST AzureCloudRegion = "JAPAN_EAST" AzureCloudRegion_JAPAN_WEST AzureCloudRegion = "JAPAN_WEST" AzureCloudRegion_KOREA_CENTRAL AzureCloudRegion = "KOREA_CENTRAL" AzureCloudRegion_UAE_NORTH AzureCloudRegion = "UAE_NORTH" AzureCloudRegion_US_CENTRAL AzureCloudRegion = "US_CENTRAL" AzureCloudRegion_US_EAST AzureCloudRegion = "US_EAST" AzureCloudRegion_US_EAST2 AzureCloudRegion = "US_EAST2" AzureCloudRegion_US_WEST AzureCloudRegion = "US_WEST" AzureCloudRegion_US_WEST2 AzureCloudRegion = "US_WEST2" AzureCloudRegion_US_SOUTH_CENTRAL AzureCloudRegion = "US_SOUTH_CENTRAL" AzureCloudRegion_US_NORTH_CENTRAL AzureCloudRegion = "US_NORTH_CENTRAL" AzureCloudRegion_UK_SOUTH AzureCloudRegion = "UK_SOUTH" )
List of possible AzureCloudRegion values
type AzureInput ¶
type AzureInput struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Azure Account Name (required) AccountName *string `json:"accountName,omitempty"` // Azure Account Key (required) AccountKey *string `json:"accountKey,omitempty"` // Name of the bucket (required) Container *string `json:"container,omitempty"` }
AzureInput model
func (AzureInput) InputType ¶
func (m AzureInput) InputType() InputType
func (AzureInput) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m AzureInput) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type AzureOutput ¶
type AzureOutput struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Deprecation notice: This property does not have any effect and will not be returned by GET endpoints Acl []AclEntry `json:"acl,omitempty"` // Azure Account Name (required) AccountName *string `json:"accountName,omitempty"` // Azure Account Key (required) AccountKey *string `json:"accountKey,omitempty"` // Name of the bucket (required) Container *string `json:"container,omitempty"` }
AzureOutput model
func (AzureOutput) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m AzureOutput) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (AzureOutput) OutputType ¶
func (m AzureOutput) OutputType() OutputType
type AzureSpeechServicesCredentials ¶ added in v1.195.0
type AzureSpeechServicesCredentials struct { // Azure Speech Services resource key (required) SubscriptionKey *string `json:"subscriptionKey,omitempty"` }
AzureSpeechServicesCredentials model
type AzureSpeechToCaptionsFilter ¶ added in v1.195.0
type AzureSpeechToCaptionsFilter struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` AzureSpeechToCaptionsSettings *AzureSpeechToCaptionsSettings `json:"azureSpeechToCaptionsSettings,omitempty"` }
AzureSpeechToCaptionsFilter model
func (AzureSpeechToCaptionsFilter) FilterType ¶ added in v1.195.0
func (m AzureSpeechToCaptionsFilter) FilterType() FilterType
func (AzureSpeechToCaptionsFilter) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.195.0
func (m AzureSpeechToCaptionsFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type AzureSpeechToCaptionsProfanity ¶ added in v1.195.0
type AzureSpeechToCaptionsProfanity string
AzureSpeechToCaptionsProfanity : AzureSpeechToCaptionsProfanity model
const ( AzureSpeechToCaptionsProfanity_MASKED AzureSpeechToCaptionsProfanity = "MASKED" AzureSpeechToCaptionsProfanity_REMOVED AzureSpeechToCaptionsProfanity = "REMOVED" AzureSpeechToCaptionsProfanity_RAW AzureSpeechToCaptionsProfanity = "RAW" )
List of possible AzureSpeechToCaptionsProfanity values
type AzureSpeechToCaptionsSettings ¶ added in v1.195.0
type AzureSpeechToCaptionsSettings struct { // Credential settings to access Azure Speech Services AzureSpeechServicesCredentials *AzureSpeechServicesCredentials `json:"azureSpeechServicesCredentials,omitempty"` // Azure Speech Services Region Identifier. The list of speech service supported regions can be found at Azure's official documentation. Region *string `json:"region,omitempty"` // Azure Speech Services API endpoint. This information can be found in Azure's Speech resource data. ApiEndpoint *string `json:"apiEndpoint,omitempty"` // Azure Speech to captions supported language (IETF BCP 47 language tag). The list of supported languages can be found at Azure's official documentation. Language *string `json:"language,omitempty"` // How many MILLISECONDS to delay the display of each caption, to mimic a real-time experience. The minimum value is 0. CaptionDelay *int64 `json:"captionDelay,omitempty"` // How many MILLISECONDS a caption should remain on screen if it is not replaced by another. The minimum value is 0. CaptionRemainTime *int64 `json:"captionRemainTime,omitempty"` // The maximum number of characters per line for a caption. The minimum value is 20. CaptionMaxLineLength *int64 `json:"captionMaxLineLength,omitempty"` // The number of lines for a caption. The minimum value is 1. CaptionLines *int64 `json:"captionLines,omitempty"` // The profanity filter options are: - Masked: Replaces letters in profane words with asterisk (*) characters. - Raw: Include the profane words verbatim. - Removed: Removes profane words. ProfanityOption AzureSpeechToCaptionsProfanity `json:"profanityOption,omitempty"` }
AzureSpeechToCaptionsSettings model
type BackupSrtInputs ¶
type BackupSrtInputs struct { // When there is no input signal present for this number of seconds, the encoder will switch to the next input DelayThreshold *int32 `json:"delayThreshold,omitempty"` SrtInputs []SrtInput `json:"srtInputs,omitempty"` }
BackupSrtInputs model
type BaseAbstractCondition ¶
type BaseAbstractCondition struct {
Type ConditionType `json:"type"`
BaseAbstractCondition is the fallback type for the polymorphic model AbstractCondition.
func (BaseAbstractCondition) ConditionType ¶
func (m BaseAbstractCondition) ConditionType() ConditionType
type BaseAdAnalyticsAbstractFilter ¶
type BaseAdAnalyticsAbstractFilter struct { Name AdAnalyticsAttribute `json:"name"` Operator AnalyticsQueryOperator `json:"operator"` }
BaseAdAnalyticsAbstractFilter is the fallback type for the polymorphic model AdAnalyticsAbstractFilter.
func (BaseAdAnalyticsAbstractFilter) AnalyticsQueryOperator ¶
func (m BaseAdAnalyticsAbstractFilter) AnalyticsQueryOperator() AnalyticsQueryOperator
type BaseAdaptationSet ¶
type BaseAdaptationSet struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id"` // Custom adaptation set attributes CustomAttributes []CustomAttribute `json:"customAttributes,omitempty"` // Roles of the adaptation set Roles []AdaptationSetRole `json:"roles,omitempty"` // Provide signaling of CEA 607 and CEA 708 Accessibilities []Accessibility `json:"accessibilities,omitempty"` // List of labels Labels []Label `json:"labels,omitempty"` Type AdaptationSetType `json:"type"` }
BaseAdaptationSet is the fallback type for the polymorphic model AdaptationSet.
func (BaseAdaptationSet) AdaptationSetType ¶
func (m BaseAdaptationSet) AdaptationSetType() AdaptationSetType
type BaseAnalyticsAbstractFilter ¶
type BaseAnalyticsAbstractFilter struct { Name AnalyticsAttribute `json:"name"` Operator AnalyticsQueryOperator `json:"operator"` }
BaseAnalyticsAbstractFilter is the fallback type for the polymorphic model AnalyticsAbstractFilter.
func (BaseAnalyticsAbstractFilter) AnalyticsQueryOperator ¶
func (m BaseAnalyticsAbstractFilter) AnalyticsQueryOperator() AnalyticsQueryOperator
type BaseAnalyticsOutput ¶
type BaseAnalyticsOutput struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Acl []AclEntry `json:"acl,omitempty"` Type AnalyticsOutputType `json:"type"` }
BaseAnalyticsOutput is the fallback type for the polymorphic model AnalyticsOutput.
func (BaseAnalyticsOutput) AnalyticsOutputType ¶
func (m BaseAnalyticsOutput) AnalyticsOutputType() AnalyticsOutputType
type BaseCodecConfiguration ¶
type BaseCodecConfiguration struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. (required) Name *string `json:"name"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Type CodecConfigType `json:"type"` }
BaseCodecConfiguration is the fallback type for the polymorphic model CodecConfiguration.
func (BaseCodecConfiguration) CodecConfigType ¶
func (m BaseCodecConfiguration) CodecConfigType() CodecConfigType
type BaseDashRepresentation ¶
type BaseDashRepresentation struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id"` TypeDiscriminator DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator `json:"typeDiscriminator"` }
BaseDashRepresentation is the fallback type for the polymorphic model DashRepresentation.
func (BaseDashRepresentation) DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator ¶
func (m BaseDashRepresentation) DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator() DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator
type BaseDefaultManifestCondition ¶
type BaseDefaultManifestCondition struct {
Type ConditionType `json:"type"`
BaseDefaultManifestCondition is the fallback type for the polymorphic model DefaultManifestCondition.
func (BaseDefaultManifestCondition) ConditionType ¶
func (m BaseDefaultManifestCondition) ConditionType() ConditionType
type BaseDrm ¶
type BaseDrm struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Outputs []EncodingOutput `json:"outputs"` Type DrmType `json:"type"` }
BaseDrm is the fallback type for the polymorphic model Drm.
type BaseFilter ¶
type BaseFilter struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Type FilterType `json:"type"` }
BaseFilter is the fallback type for the polymorphic model Filter.
func (BaseFilter) FilterType ¶
func (m BaseFilter) FilterType() FilterType
type BaseId3Tag ¶
type BaseId3Tag struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` PositionMode Id3TagPositionMode `json:"positionMode,omitempty"` // Frame number at which the Tag should be inserted Frame *int64 `json:"frame,omitempty"` // Time in seconds where the Tag should be inserted Time *float64 `json:"time,omitempty"` Type Id3TagType `json:"type"` }
BaseId3Tag is the fallback type for the polymorphic model Id3Tag.
func (BaseId3Tag) Id3TagType ¶
func (m BaseId3Tag) Id3TagType() Id3TagType
type BaseInput ¶
type BaseInput struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Type InputType `json:"type"` }
BaseInput is the fallback type for the polymorphic model Input.
type BaseInputStream ¶
type BaseInputStream struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Type InputStreamType `json:"type"` }
BaseInputStream is the fallback type for the polymorphic model InputStream.
func (BaseInputStream) InputStreamType ¶
func (m BaseInputStream) InputStreamType() InputStreamType
type BaseMuxing ¶
type BaseMuxing struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Streams []MuxingStream `json:"streams"` Outputs []EncodingOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // Average bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. AvgBitrate *int64 `json:"avgBitrate,omitempty"` // Min bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. MinBitrate *int64 `json:"minBitrate,omitempty"` // Max bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. MaxBitrate *int64 `json:"maxBitrate,omitempty"` // This read-only property is set during the analysis step of the encoding. If it contains items, the Muxing has been ignored during the encoding process according to its 'streamConditionsMode' IgnoredBy []Ignoring `json:"ignoredBy,omitempty"` // Specifies how to proceed with the Muxing when some of its Streams are ignored (see 'condition' property of the Stream resource). The settings only make a difference for Muxings with more than one Stream. When retrieving the resource after the analysis step of the encoding has finished, 'ignoredBy' will indicate if and why it has been ignored. StreamConditionsMode StreamConditionsMode `json:"streamConditionsMode,omitempty"` Type MuxingType `json:"type"` }
BaseMuxing is the fallback type for the polymorphic model Muxing.
func (BaseMuxing) MuxingType ¶
func (m BaseMuxing) MuxingType() MuxingType
type BaseOutput ¶
type BaseOutput struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Deprecation notice: This property does not have any effect and will not be returned by GET endpoints Acl []AclEntry `json:"acl,omitempty"` Type OutputType `json:"type"` }
BaseOutput is the fallback type for the polymorphic model Output.
func (BaseOutput) OutputType ¶
func (m BaseOutput) OutputType() OutputType
type BaseSidecarFile ¶
type BaseSidecarFile struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Id of input (required) InputId *string `json:"inputId"` // Path to sidecar file (required) InputPath *string `json:"inputPath"` Outputs []EncodingOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // This defines how errors should be handled ErrorMode SidecarErrorMode `json:"errorMode,omitempty"` Type SidecarFileType `json:"type"` }
BaseSidecarFile is the fallback type for the polymorphic model SidecarFile.
func (BaseSidecarFile) SidecarFileType ¶
func (m BaseSidecarFile) SidecarFileType() SidecarFileType
type BaseSimpleEncodingLiveJobOutput ¶
type BaseSimpleEncodingLiveJobOutput struct { // The maximum output resolution to be generated MaxResolution SimpleEncodingLiveMaxResolution `json:"maxResolution,omitempty"` Type SimpleEncodingLiveJobOutputType `json:"type"` }
BaseSimpleEncodingLiveJobOutput is the fallback type for the polymorphic model SimpleEncodingLiveJobOutput.
func (BaseSimpleEncodingLiveJobOutput) SimpleEncodingLiveJobOutputType ¶
func (m BaseSimpleEncodingLiveJobOutput) SimpleEncodingLiveJobOutputType() SimpleEncodingLiveJobOutputType
type BaseSimpleEncodingVodJobInput ¶
type BaseSimpleEncodingVodJobInput struct {
Type SimpleEncodingVodJobInputSourceType `json:"type"`
BaseSimpleEncodingVodJobInput is the fallback type for the polymorphic model SimpleEncodingVodJobInput.
func (BaseSimpleEncodingVodJobInput) SimpleEncodingVodJobInputSourceType ¶
func (m BaseSimpleEncodingVodJobInput) SimpleEncodingVodJobInputSourceType() SimpleEncodingVodJobInputSourceType
type BaseSimpleEncodingVodJobOutput ¶
type BaseSimpleEncodingVodJobOutput struct { // List of artifacts created by the encoding job. Artifacts are files essential for playback of the generated content, e.g. manifests. Artifacts []SimpleEncodingVodJobOutputArtifact `json:"artifacts,omitempty"` Type SimpleEncodingVodJobOutputType `json:"type"` }
BaseSimpleEncodingVodJobOutput is the fallback type for the polymorphic model SimpleEncodingVodJobOutput.
func (BaseSimpleEncodingVodJobOutput) SimpleEncodingVodJobOutputType ¶
func (m BaseSimpleEncodingVodJobOutput) SimpleEncodingVodJobOutputType() SimpleEncodingVodJobOutputType
type BaseStreamsResponse ¶ added in v1.181.0
type BaseStreamsResponse struct { // The identifier of the stream Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The title of the stream Title *string `json:"title,omitempty"` // The description of the stream Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Type of the Stream contained in the StreamsResponse Type StreamsType `json:"type,omitempty"` }
BaseStreamsResponse is the fallback type for the polymorphic model StreamsResponse.
func (BaseStreamsResponse) StreamsType ¶ added in v1.181.0
func (m BaseStreamsResponse) StreamsType() StreamsType
type BasicMediaInfo ¶
type BasicMediaInfo struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The value is a quoted-string which specifies the group to which the Rendition belongs. (required) GroupId *string `json:"groupId,omitempty"` // Primary language in the rendition. Language *string `json:"language,omitempty"` // Identifies a language that is associated with the Rendition. AssocLanguage *string `json:"assocLanguage,omitempty"` // Human readable description of the rendition. (required) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // If set to true, the client SHOULD play this Rendition of the content in the absence of information from the user. IsDefault *bool `json:"isDefault,omitempty"` // If set to true, the client MAY choose to play this Rendition in the absence of explicit user preference. Autoselect *bool `json:"autoselect,omitempty"` // Contains Uniform Type Identifiers Characteristics []string `json:"characteristics,omitempty"` }
BasicMediaInfo model
type Bif ¶
type Bif struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Height of one thumbnail Height *int32 `json:"height,omitempty"` // Width of one thumbnail. Roku recommends a width of 240 for SD and 320 for HD. Width *int32 `json:"width,omitempty"` // Distance in seconds between a screenshot (required) Distance *float64 `json:"distance,omitempty"` // Filename of the Bif image. (required) Filename *string `json:"filename,omitempty"` Outputs []EncodingOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // Specifies the aspect mode that is used when both height and width are specified Only supported starting with encoder version `2.85.0`. AspectMode ThumbnailAspectMode `json:"aspectMode,omitempty"` }
Either height or width is required. It is also possible to set both properties.
type BillableEncodingFeatureMinutes ¶
type BillableEncodingFeatureMinutes struct { // The name of the feature. FeatureType *string `json:"featureType,omitempty"` // Encoded minutes related to this feature. EncodedMinutes *float64 `json:"encodedMinutes,omitempty"` // The multiplier used for this feature. FeatureMultiplier *float64 `json:"featureMultiplier,omitempty"` // The billable minutes related to this feature. BillableMinutes *float64 `json:"billableMinutes,omitempty"` }
BillableEncodingFeatureMinutes model
type BillableEncodingMinutes ¶
type BillableEncodingMinutes struct { EncodingMode EncodingMode `json:"encodingMode,omitempty"` Codec CodecConfigType `json:"codec,omitempty"` PerTitleResultStream StatisticsPerTitleStream `json:"perTitleResultStream,omitempty"` PsnrMode PsnrPerStreamMode `json:"psnrMode,omitempty"` // Name of the preset configuration used for the codec configuration or \"CUSTOM\" if any preset values were overridden Preset *string `json:"preset,omitempty"` // Indicates if the stream was part of a live encoding. Live *bool `json:"live,omitempty"` // Indicates if an enhanced interlace filter was used. EnhancedDeinterlace *bool `json:"enhancedDeinterlace,omitempty"` NexGuardABWatermarkingType *NexGuardAbWatermarkingFeature `json:"nexGuardABWatermarkingType,omitempty"` PixelFormatBitDepth PixelFormatBitDepth `json:"pixelFormatBitDepth,omitempty"` BillableMinutes *BillableEncodingMinutesDetails `json:"billableMinutes,omitempty"` }
BillableEncodingMinutes model
type BillableEncodingMinutesDetails ¶
type BillableEncodingMinutesDetails struct { // Only set if resolution information is not present. UNKNOWN *float64 `json:"UNKNOWN,omitempty"` // Billable minutes for audio. Available if stream is an audio stream. AUDIO *float64 `json:"AUDIO,omitempty"` // Billable minutes for SD resolutions. SD *float64 `json:"SD,omitempty"` // Billable minutes for HD resolutions. HD *float64 `json:"HD,omitempty"` // Billable minutes for UHD resolutions. UHD *float64 `json:"UHD,omitempty"` }
BillableEncodingMinutesDetails model
type BitmovinResource ¶
type BitmovinResource struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` }
BitmovinResource model
type BitmovinResponse ¶
type BitmovinResponse struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` }
BitmovinResponse model
type BitrateSelectionMode ¶
type BitrateSelectionMode string
BitrateSelectionMode : BitrateSelectionMode model
const ( BitrateSelectionMode_OPTIMIZED BitrateSelectionMode = "OPTIMIZED" BitrateSelectionMode_COMPLEXITY_RANGE BitrateSelectionMode = "COMPLEXITY_RANGE" )
List of possible BitrateSelectionMode values
type BroadcastTsAudioInputStreamConfiguration ¶
type BroadcastTsAudioInputStreamConfiguration struct { // The UUID of the audio stream to which this configuration belongs to. This has to be an ID of an audio stream that has been added to the current muxing. (required) StreamId *string `json:"streamId,omitempty"` // An integer value. Packet Identifier (PID) for this stream. PacketIdentifier *int32 `json:"packetIdentifier,omitempty"` // Start stream with initial discontinuity indicator set to one. If true, set the discontinuity indicator in the first packet for this PID. StartWithDiscontinuityIndicator *bool `json:"startWithDiscontinuityIndicator,omitempty"` // Align access units to PES packets. If true, align access units to PES packet headers. Uses adaptation field stuffing to position an access unit at the beginning of each PES packet. AlignPes *bool `json:"alignPes,omitempty"` SetRaiOnAu RaiUnit `json:"setRaiOnAu,omitempty"` // Use ATSC buffer model for AC-3. If true, use the ATSC version of the T-STD buffer model is used. This parameter applies to AC-3 streams only. UseATSCBufferModel *bool `json:"useATSCBufferModel,omitempty"` // Language of the audio stream. Specified according to the ISO 639-2 alpha code for the language descriptor. Language *string `json:"language,omitempty"` }
BroadcastTsAudioInputStreamConfiguration model
type BroadcastTsInputStreamConfiguration ¶
type BroadcastTsInputStreamConfiguration struct { // The UUID of the stream to which this configuration belongs to. This has to be a ID of a stream that has been added to the current muxing. StreamId *string `json:"streamId,omitempty"` // An integer value. Packet Identifier (PID) for this stream. PacketIdentifier *int32 `json:"packetIdentifier,omitempty"` // Start stream with initial discontinuity indicator set to one. If true, set the discontinuity indicator in the first packet for this PID. StartWithDiscontinuityIndicator *bool `json:"startWithDiscontinuityIndicator,omitempty"` // Align access units to PES packets. If true, align access units to PES packet headers. Uses adaptation field stuffing to position an access unit at the beginning of each PES packet. AlignPes *bool `json:"alignPes,omitempty"` SetRaiOnAu RaiUnit `json:"setRaiOnAu,omitempty"` }
BroadcastTsInputStreamConfiguration model
type BroadcastTsMuxing ¶
type BroadcastTsMuxing struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Streams []MuxingStream `json:"streams,omitempty"` Outputs []EncodingOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // Average bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. AvgBitrate *int64 `json:"avgBitrate,omitempty"` // Min bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. MinBitrate *int64 `json:"minBitrate,omitempty"` // Max bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. MaxBitrate *int64 `json:"maxBitrate,omitempty"` // This read-only property is set during the analysis step of the encoding. If it contains items, the Muxing has been ignored during the encoding process according to its 'streamConditionsMode' IgnoredBy []Ignoring `json:"ignoredBy,omitempty"` // Specifies how to proceed with the Muxing when some of its Streams are ignored (see 'condition' property of the Stream resource). The settings only make a difference for Muxings with more than one Stream. When retrieving the resource after the analysis step of the encoding has finished, 'ignoredBy' will indicate if and why it has been ignored. StreamConditionsMode StreamConditionsMode `json:"streamConditionsMode,omitempty"` // Length of the segments in seconds. SegmentLength *float64 `json:"segmentLength,omitempty"` // Name of the output file Filename *string `json:"filename,omitempty"` Configuration *BroadcastTsMuxingConfiguration `json:"configuration,omitempty"` }
BroadcastTsMuxing model
func (BroadcastTsMuxing) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m BroadcastTsMuxing) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (BroadcastTsMuxing) MuxingType ¶
func (m BroadcastTsMuxing) MuxingType() MuxingType
type BroadcastTsMuxingConfiguration ¶
type BroadcastTsMuxingConfiguration struct { // Transport configuration details for the Broadcast TS muxing. Transport *BroadcastTsTransportConfiguration `json:"transport,omitempty"` // Program configuration details for the Broadcast TS muxing. Program *BroadcastTsProgramConfiguration `json:"program,omitempty"` VideoStreams []BroadcastTsVideoInputStreamConfiguration `json:"videoStreams,omitempty"` AudioStreams []BroadcastTsAudioInputStreamConfiguration `json:"audioStreams,omitempty"` SubtitleStreams []BroadcastTsSubtitleInputStreamConfiguration `json:"subtitleStreams,omitempty"` }
BroadcastTsMuxingConfiguration model
type BroadcastTsMuxingInformation ¶
type BroadcastTsMuxingInformation struct { // The mime type of the muxing MimeType *string `json:"mimeType,omitempty"` // The file size of the muxing in bytes FileSize *int64 `json:"fileSize,omitempty"` // The container format used ContainerFormat *string `json:"containerFormat,omitempty"` // The bitrate of the container if available (tracks + container overhead) ContainerBitrate *int64 `json:"containerBitrate,omitempty"` // The duration of the container in seconds Duration *float64 `json:"duration,omitempty"` // Information about the video tracks in the container VideoTracks []MuxingInformationVideoTrack `json:"videoTracks,omitempty"` // Information about the audio tracks in the container AudioTracks []MuxingInformationAudioTrack `json:"audioTracks,omitempty"` }
BroadcastTsMuxingInformation model
type BroadcastTsProgramConfiguration ¶
type BroadcastTsProgramConfiguration struct { // An integer value. Value for program_number field in Program Map Table (PMT). The value zero is reserved for the NIT PID entry in the PAT. ProgramNumber *int32 `json:"programNumber,omitempty"` // An integer value. Packet identifier (PID) to use for Program Map Table (PMT). Recommended value is 2 x programNumber. PidForPMT *int32 `json:"pidForPMT,omitempty"` // Insert Program Clock References (PCRs) on all packetized elemementary stream packets. When false, indicates that PCRs should be inserted on every PES header. This parameter is effective only when the PCR packet identifier is the same as a video or audio elementary stream. InsertProgramClockRefOnPes *bool `json:"insertProgramClockRefOnPes,omitempty"` // Interval between Program Clock References (PCRs) in milliseconds. Defines the period between PCR fields inserted in the stream. The default value is 90ms. ProgramClockRefInterval *int32 `json:"programClockRefInterval,omitempty"` }
BroadcastTsProgramConfiguration model
type BroadcastTsSubtitleInputStreamConfiguration ¶
type BroadcastTsSubtitleInputStreamConfiguration struct { // The UUID of the subtitle stream to which this configuration belongs to. This has to be an ID of an subtitle stream that has been added to the current muxing. StreamId *string `json:"streamId,omitempty"` // An integer value. Packet Identifier (PID) for this stream. PacketIdentifier *int32 `json:"packetIdentifier,omitempty"` // The rate parameter determines the maximum rate in bits per second that should be used for the subtitle stream. The valid range is `100` to `60 000 000` bps or `0`. If the value is set to 0, we will examine the first 100 packets of subtitle packet data and use the highest rate that was computed. If the value is set too low, not enough to accommodate the subtitle bit-rate, then some PES packets corresponding to DVB subtitle stream will be dropped. This parameter is optional and the default value is 0. Rate *int32 `json:"rate,omitempty"` }
BroadcastTsSubtitleInputStreamConfiguration model
type BroadcastTsTransportConfiguration ¶
type BroadcastTsTransportConfiguration struct { // Output rate in bps. The value zero implies to use minimal rate. The minimal rate leaves approximately 15kbps of null packets in the stream. Muxrate *float64 `json:"muxrate,omitempty"` // Stop mux on errors. If true, implies halt multiplexing when any error is encountered. If false, errors are ignored and multiplexing continues. Note that the recovery from an error will usually result in an illegal transport stream and artifacts on a decoder. StopOnError *bool `json:"stopOnError,omitempty"` // If true, prevents adaptation fields with length field equal to zero in video, i.e., zero-length AF. Please note that this condition can only occur when pesAlign for the input stream is set to true. PreventEmptyAdaptionFieldsInVideo *bool `json:"preventEmptyAdaptionFieldsInVideo,omitempty"` // Program Association Table (PAT) repetition rate per second. Number of PATs per second. PatRepetitionRatePerSec *float64 `json:"patRepetitionRatePerSec,omitempty"` // Program Map Table (PMT) repetition rate per second. Number of PMTs for each program per second. PmtRepetitionRatePerSec *float64 `json:"pmtRepetitionRatePerSec,omitempty"` // When false, the output stream is created at a constant bit rate. When true, the output rate is allowed to vary from a maximum rate set by the muxrate parameter down to the minimum required to carry the stream. VariableMuxRate *bool `json:"variableMuxRate,omitempty"` // Presentation time stamp value for the first video frame. The timestamp is specified in the timescale of 90000 InitialPresentationTimeStamp *float64 `json:"initialPresentationTimeStamp,omitempty"` // Program Clock Reference value at the beginning of the first packet for the transport stream. The PCR is specified in the timescale of 90000 InitialProgramClockReference *float64 `json:"initialProgramClockReference,omitempty"` }
BroadcastTsTransportConfiguration model
type BroadcastTsVideoInputStreamConfiguration ¶
type BroadcastTsVideoInputStreamConfiguration struct { // The UUID of the stream to which this configuration belongs to. This has to be a ID of a stream that has been added to the current muxing. StreamId *string `json:"streamId,omitempty"` // An integer value. Packet Identifier (PID) for this stream. PacketIdentifier *int32 `json:"packetIdentifier,omitempty"` // Start stream with initial discontinuity indicator set to one. If true, set the discontinuity indicator in the first packet for this PID. StartWithDiscontinuityIndicator *bool `json:"startWithDiscontinuityIndicator,omitempty"` // Align access units to PES packets. If true, align access units to PES packet headers. Uses adaptation field stuffing to position an access unit at the beginning of each PES packet. AlignPes *bool `json:"alignPes,omitempty"` SetRaiOnAu RaiUnit `json:"setRaiOnAu,omitempty"` // If true, add access unit delimiters (AUD) to AVC stream if AUD is missing from input elementary stream. InsertAccessUnitDelimiterInAvc *bool `json:"insertAccessUnitDelimiterInAvc,omitempty"` // Maximum Decoder Delay in 90 KHz cycles. When non-zero, the difference between the PCR and the DTS for each picture as it is inserted into the output transport stream is limited to this number of 90 KHz cycles. Values below 1000 are treated as 0 and ignored. Valid Range [0, 1000-900000] MaxDecodeDelay *int32 `json:"maxDecodeDelay,omitempty"` }
BroadcastTsVideoInputStreamConfiguration model
type BurnInSubtitleDvbSub ¶
type BurnInSubtitleDvbSub struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Id of an IngestInputStream which specifies the stream of the DVB-SUB subtitles (required) InputStreamId *string `json:"inputStreamId,omitempty"` }
BurnInSubtitleDvbSub model
type BurnInSubtitleSrt ¶
type BurnInSubtitleSrt struct { // Id of the burn-in SRT subtitle (required) Id *map[string]interface{} `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Character encoding of the SRT file (required) CharacterEncoding CaptionCharacterEncoding `json:"characterEncoding,omitempty"` // The input location to get the SRT file from (required) Input *InputPath `json:"input,omitempty"` }
BurnInSubtitleSrt model
type CaptionCharacterEncoding ¶
type CaptionCharacterEncoding string
CaptionCharacterEncoding : Character encoding of the SRT file
const ( CaptionCharacterEncoding_ANSI_X3_4_1968 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ANSI_X3.4-1968" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ANSI_X3_4_1986 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ANSI_X3.4-1986" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ARABIC CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ARABIC" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ARMSCII_8 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ARMSCII-8" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ASCII CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ASCII" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ASMO_708 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ASMO-708" CaptionCharacterEncoding_BIG_5 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "BIG-5" CaptionCharacterEncoding_BIG_FIVE CaptionCharacterEncoding = "BIG-FIVE" CaptionCharacterEncoding_BIG5 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "BIG5" CaptionCharacterEncoding_BIG5_HKSCS CaptionCharacterEncoding = "BIG5-HKSCS" CaptionCharacterEncoding_BIG5_HKSCS_1999 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "BIG5-HKSCS:1999" CaptionCharacterEncoding_BIG5_HKSCS_2001 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "BIG5-HKSCS:2001" CaptionCharacterEncoding_BIG5_HKSCS_2004 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "BIG5-HKSCS:2004" CaptionCharacterEncoding_BIG5_HKSCS_2008 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "BIG5-HKSCS:2008" CaptionCharacterEncoding_BIG5HKSCS CaptionCharacterEncoding = "BIG5HKSCS" CaptionCharacterEncoding_BIGFIVE CaptionCharacterEncoding = "BIGFIVE" CaptionCharacterEncoding_C99 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "C99" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CHAR CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CHAR" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CHINESE CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CHINESE" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CN CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CN" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CN_BIG5 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CN-BIG5" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CN_GB CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CN-GB" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CN_GB_ISOIR165 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CN-GB-ISOIR165" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CP1131 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CP1131" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CP1133 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CP1133" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CP1250 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CP1250" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CP1251 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CP1251" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CP1252 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CP1252" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CP1253 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CP1253" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CP1254 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CP1254" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CP1255 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CP1255" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CP1256 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CP1256" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CP1257 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CP1257" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CP1258 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CP1258" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CP1361 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CP1361" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CP154 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CP154" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CP367 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CP367" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CP819 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CP819" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CP850 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CP850" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CP862 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CP862" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CP866 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CP866" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CP874 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CP874" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CP932 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CP932" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CP936 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CP936" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CP949 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CP949" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CP950 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CP950" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CSASCII CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CSASCII" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CSBIG5 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CSBIG5" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CSEUCKR CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CSEUCKR" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CSEUCPKDFMTJAPANESE CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CSEUCPKDFMTJAPANESE" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CSEUCTW CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CSEUCTW" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CSGB2312 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CSGB2312" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CSHALFWIDTHKATAKANA CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CSHALFWIDTHKATAKANA" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CSHPROMAN8 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CSHPROMAN8" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CSIBM866 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CSIBM866" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CSISO14JISC6220RO CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CSISO14JISC6220RO" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CSISO159JISX02121990 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CSISO159JISX02121990" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CSISO2022CN CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CSISO2022CN" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CSISO2022JP CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CSISO2022JP" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CSISO2022JP2 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CSISO2022JP2" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CSISO2022KR CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CSISO2022KR" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CSISO57GB1988 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CSISO57GB1988" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CSISO58GB231280 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CSISO58GB231280" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CSISO87JISX0208 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CSISO87JISX0208" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CSISOLATIN1 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CSISOLATIN1" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CSISOLATIN2 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CSISOLATIN2" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CSISOLATIN3 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CSISOLATIN3" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CSISOLATIN4 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CSISOLATIN4" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CSISOLATIN5 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CSISOLATIN5" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CSISOLATIN6 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CSISOLATIN6" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CSISOLATINARABIC CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CSISOLATINARABIC" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CSISOLATINCYRILLIC CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CSISOLATINCYRILLIC" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CSISOLATINGREEK CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CSISOLATINGREEK" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CSISOLATINHEBREW CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CSISOLATINHEBREW" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CSKOI8R CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CSKOI8R" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CSKSC56011987 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CSKSC56011987" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CSKZ1048 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CSKZ1048" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CSMACINTOSH CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CSMACINTOSH" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CSPC850MULTILINGUAL CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CSPC850MULTILINGUAL" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CSPC862LATINHEBREW CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CSPC862LATINHEBREW" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CSPTCP154 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CSPTCP154" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CSSHIFTJIS CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CSSHIFTJIS" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CSUCS4 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CSUCS4" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CSUNICODE CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CSUNICODE" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CSUNICODE11 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CSUNICODE11" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CSUNICODE11UTF7 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CSUNICODE11UTF7" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CSVISCII CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CSVISCII" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CYRILLIC CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CYRILLIC" CaptionCharacterEncoding_CYRILLIC_ASIAN CaptionCharacterEncoding = "CYRILLIC-ASIAN" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ECMA_114 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ECMA-114" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ECMA_118 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ECMA-118" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ELOT_928 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ELOT_928" CaptionCharacterEncoding_EUC_CN CaptionCharacterEncoding = "EUC-CN" CaptionCharacterEncoding_EUC_JP CaptionCharacterEncoding = "EUC-JP" CaptionCharacterEncoding_EUC_KR CaptionCharacterEncoding = "EUC-KR" CaptionCharacterEncoding_EUC_TW CaptionCharacterEncoding = "EUC-TW" CaptionCharacterEncoding_EUCCN CaptionCharacterEncoding = "EUCCN" CaptionCharacterEncoding_EUCJP CaptionCharacterEncoding = "EUCJP" CaptionCharacterEncoding_EUCKR CaptionCharacterEncoding = "EUCKR" CaptionCharacterEncoding_EUCTW CaptionCharacterEncoding = "EUCTW" CaptionCharacterEncoding_EXTENDED_UNIX_CODE_PACKED_FORMAT_FOR_JAPANESE CaptionCharacterEncoding = "EXTENDED_UNIX_CODE_PACKED_FORMAT_FOR_JAPANESE" CaptionCharacterEncoding_GB_1988_80 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "GB_1988-80" CaptionCharacterEncoding_GB_2312_80 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "GB_2312-80" CaptionCharacterEncoding_GB18030 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "GB18030" CaptionCharacterEncoding_GB2312 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "GB2312" CaptionCharacterEncoding_GBK CaptionCharacterEncoding = "GBK" CaptionCharacterEncoding_GEORGIAN_ACADEMY CaptionCharacterEncoding = "GEORGIAN-ACADEMY" CaptionCharacterEncoding_GEORGIAN_PS CaptionCharacterEncoding = "GEORGIAN-PS" CaptionCharacterEncoding_GREEK CaptionCharacterEncoding = "GREEK" CaptionCharacterEncoding_GREEK8 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "GREEK8" CaptionCharacterEncoding_HEBREW CaptionCharacterEncoding = "HEBREW" CaptionCharacterEncoding_HP_ROMAN8 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "HP-ROMAN8" CaptionCharacterEncoding_HZ CaptionCharacterEncoding = "HZ" CaptionCharacterEncoding_HZ_GB_2312 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "HZ-GB-2312" CaptionCharacterEncoding_IBM_CP1133 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "IBM-CP1133" CaptionCharacterEncoding_IBM367 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "IBM367" CaptionCharacterEncoding_IBM819 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "IBM819" CaptionCharacterEncoding_IBM850 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "IBM850" CaptionCharacterEncoding_IBM862 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "IBM862" CaptionCharacterEncoding_IBM866 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "IBM866" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_10646_UCS_2 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-10646-UCS-2" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_10646_UCS_4 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-10646-UCS-4" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_2022_CN CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-2022-CN" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_2022_CN_EXT CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-2022-CN-EXT" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_2022_JP CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-2022-JP" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_2022_JP_1 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-2022-JP-1" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_2022_JP_2 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-2022-JP-2" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_2022_KR CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-2022-KR" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_8859_1 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-8859-1" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_8859_10 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-8859-10" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_8859_11 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-8859-11" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_8859_13 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-8859-13" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_8859_14 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-8859-14" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_8859_15 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-8859-15" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_8859_16 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-8859-16" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_8859_2 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-8859-2" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_8859_3 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-8859-3" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_8859_4 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-8859-4" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_8859_5 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-8859-5" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_8859_6 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-8859-6" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_8859_7 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-8859-7" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_8859_8 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-8859-8" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_8859_9 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-8859-9" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_CELTIC CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-CELTIC" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_IR_100 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-IR-100" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_IR_101 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-IR-101" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_IR_109 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-IR-109" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_IR_110 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-IR-110" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_IR_126 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-IR-126" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_IR_127 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-IR-127" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_IR_138 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-IR-138" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_IR_14 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-IR-14" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_IR_144 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-IR-144" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_IR_148 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-IR-148" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_IR_149 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-IR-149" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_IR_157 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-IR-157" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_IR_159 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-IR-159" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_IR_165 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-IR-165" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_IR_166 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-IR-166" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_IR_179 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-IR-179" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_IR_199 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-IR-199" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_IR_203 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-IR-203" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_IR_226 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-IR-226" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_IR_57 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-IR-57" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_IR_58 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-IR-58" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_IR_6 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-IR-6" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_IR_87 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO-IR-87" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_646_IRV_1991 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO_646.IRV:1991" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_8859_1_1987 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO_8859-1:1987" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_8859_10_1992 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO_8859-10:1992" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_8859_14_1998 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO_8859-14:1998" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_8859_15_1998 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO_8859-15:1998" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_8859_16_2001 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO_8859-16:2001" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_8859_2_1987 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO_8859-2:1987" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_8859_3_1988 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO_8859-3:1988" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_8859_4_1988 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO_8859-4:1988" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_8859_5_1988 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO_8859-5:1988" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_8859_6_1987 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO_8859-6:1987" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_8859_7_1987 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO_8859-7:1987" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_8859_7_2003 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO_8859-7:2003" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_8859_8_1988 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO_8859-8:1988" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO_8859_9_1989 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO_8859-9:1989" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO646_CN CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO646-CN" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO646_JP CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO646-JP" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO646_US CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO646-US" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO8859_1 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO8859-1" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO8859_10 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO8859-10" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO8859_11 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO8859-11" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO8859_13 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO8859-13" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO8859_14 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO8859-14" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO8859_15 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO8859-15" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO8859_16 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO8859-16" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO8859_2 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO8859-2" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO8859_3 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO8859-3" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO8859_4 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO8859-4" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO8859_5 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO8859-5" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO8859_6 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO8859-6" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO8859_7 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO8859-7" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO8859_8 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO8859-8" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ISO8859_9 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ISO8859-9" CaptionCharacterEncoding_JAVA CaptionCharacterEncoding = "JAVA" CaptionCharacterEncoding_JIS_C6220_1969_RO CaptionCharacterEncoding = "JIS_C6220-1969-RO" CaptionCharacterEncoding_JIS_C6226_1983 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "JIS_C6226-1983" CaptionCharacterEncoding_JIS_X0201 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "JIS_X0201" CaptionCharacterEncoding_JIS_X0208 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "JIS_X0208" CaptionCharacterEncoding_JIS_X0208_1983 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "JIS_X0208-1983" CaptionCharacterEncoding_JIS_X0208_1990 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "JIS_X0208-1990" CaptionCharacterEncoding_JIS_X0212 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "JIS_X0212" CaptionCharacterEncoding_JIS_X0212_1990 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "JIS_X0212-1990" CaptionCharacterEncoding_JIS_X0212_1990_0 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "JIS_X0212.1990-0" CaptionCharacterEncoding_JIS0208 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "JIS0208" CaptionCharacterEncoding_JISX0201_1976 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "JISX0201-1976" CaptionCharacterEncoding_JOHAB CaptionCharacterEncoding = "JOHAB" CaptionCharacterEncoding_JP CaptionCharacterEncoding = "JP" CaptionCharacterEncoding_KOI8_R CaptionCharacterEncoding = "KOI8-R" CaptionCharacterEncoding_KOI8_RU CaptionCharacterEncoding = "KOI8-RU" CaptionCharacterEncoding_KOI8_T CaptionCharacterEncoding = "KOI8-T" CaptionCharacterEncoding_KOI8_U CaptionCharacterEncoding = "KOI8-U" CaptionCharacterEncoding_KOREAN CaptionCharacterEncoding = "KOREAN" CaptionCharacterEncoding_KS_C_5601_1987 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "KS_C_5601-1987" CaptionCharacterEncoding_KS_C_5601_1989 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "KS_C_5601-1989" CaptionCharacterEncoding_KSC_5601 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "KSC_5601" CaptionCharacterEncoding_KZ_1048 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "KZ-1048" CaptionCharacterEncoding_L1 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "L1" CaptionCharacterEncoding_L10 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "L10" CaptionCharacterEncoding_L2 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "L2" CaptionCharacterEncoding_L3 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "L3" CaptionCharacterEncoding_L4 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "L4" CaptionCharacterEncoding_L5 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "L5" CaptionCharacterEncoding_L6 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "L6" CaptionCharacterEncoding_L7 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "L7" CaptionCharacterEncoding_L8 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "L8" CaptionCharacterEncoding_LATIN_9 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "LATIN-9" CaptionCharacterEncoding_LATIN1 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "LATIN1" CaptionCharacterEncoding_LATIN10 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "LATIN10" CaptionCharacterEncoding_LATIN2 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "LATIN2" CaptionCharacterEncoding_LATIN3 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "LATIN3" CaptionCharacterEncoding_LATIN4 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "LATIN4" CaptionCharacterEncoding_LATIN5 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "LATIN5" CaptionCharacterEncoding_LATIN6 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "LATIN6" CaptionCharacterEncoding_LATIN7 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "LATIN7" CaptionCharacterEncoding_LATIN8 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "LATIN8" CaptionCharacterEncoding_MAC CaptionCharacterEncoding = "MAC" CaptionCharacterEncoding_MACARABIC CaptionCharacterEncoding = "MACARABIC" CaptionCharacterEncoding_MACCENTRALEUROPE CaptionCharacterEncoding = "MACCENTRALEUROPE" CaptionCharacterEncoding_MACCROATIAN CaptionCharacterEncoding = "MACCROATIAN" CaptionCharacterEncoding_MACCYRILLIC CaptionCharacterEncoding = "MACCYRILLIC" CaptionCharacterEncoding_MACGREEK CaptionCharacterEncoding = "MACGREEK" CaptionCharacterEncoding_MACHEBREW CaptionCharacterEncoding = "MACHEBREW" CaptionCharacterEncoding_MACICELAND CaptionCharacterEncoding = "MACICELAND" CaptionCharacterEncoding_MACINTOSH CaptionCharacterEncoding = "MACINTOSH" CaptionCharacterEncoding_MACROMAN CaptionCharacterEncoding = "MACROMAN" CaptionCharacterEncoding_MACROMANIA CaptionCharacterEncoding = "MACROMANIA" CaptionCharacterEncoding_MACTHAI CaptionCharacterEncoding = "MACTHAI" CaptionCharacterEncoding_MACTURKISH CaptionCharacterEncoding = "MACTURKISH" CaptionCharacterEncoding_MACUKRAINE CaptionCharacterEncoding = "MACUKRAINE" CaptionCharacterEncoding_MS_ANSI CaptionCharacterEncoding = "MS-ANSI" CaptionCharacterEncoding_MS_ARAB CaptionCharacterEncoding = "MS-ARAB" CaptionCharacterEncoding_MS_CYRL CaptionCharacterEncoding = "MS-CYRL" CaptionCharacterEncoding_MS_EE CaptionCharacterEncoding = "MS-EE" CaptionCharacterEncoding_MS_GREEK CaptionCharacterEncoding = "MS-GREEK" CaptionCharacterEncoding_MS_HEBR CaptionCharacterEncoding = "MS-HEBR" CaptionCharacterEncoding_MS_TURK CaptionCharacterEncoding = "MS-TURK" CaptionCharacterEncoding_MS_KANJI CaptionCharacterEncoding = "MS_KANJI" CaptionCharacterEncoding_MS936 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "MS936" CaptionCharacterEncoding_MULELAO_1 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "MULELAO-1" CaptionCharacterEncoding_NEXTSTEP CaptionCharacterEncoding = "NEXTSTEP" CaptionCharacterEncoding_PT154 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "PT154" CaptionCharacterEncoding_PTCP154 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "PTCP154" CaptionCharacterEncoding_R8 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "R8" CaptionCharacterEncoding_RK1048 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "RK1048" CaptionCharacterEncoding_ROMAN8 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "ROMAN8" CaptionCharacterEncoding_SHIFT_JIS CaptionCharacterEncoding = "SHIFT-JIS" CaptionCharacterEncoding_SJIS CaptionCharacterEncoding = "SJIS" CaptionCharacterEncoding_STRK1048_2002 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "STRK1048-2002" CaptionCharacterEncoding_TCVN CaptionCharacterEncoding = "TCVN" CaptionCharacterEncoding_TCVN_5712 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "TCVN-5712" CaptionCharacterEncoding_TCVN5712_1 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "TCVN5712-1" CaptionCharacterEncoding_TCVN5712_1_1993 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "TCVN5712-1:1993" CaptionCharacterEncoding_TIS_620 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "TIS-620" CaptionCharacterEncoding_TIS620 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "TIS620" CaptionCharacterEncoding_TIS620_0 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "TIS620-0" CaptionCharacterEncoding_TIS620_2529_1 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "TIS620.2529-1" CaptionCharacterEncoding_TIS620_2533_0 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "TIS620.2533-0" CaptionCharacterEncoding_TIS620_2533_1 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "TIS620.2533-1" CaptionCharacterEncoding_UCS_2 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "UCS-2" CaptionCharacterEncoding_UCS_2_INTERNAL CaptionCharacterEncoding = "UCS-2-INTERNAL" CaptionCharacterEncoding_UCS_2_SWAPPED CaptionCharacterEncoding = "UCS-2-SWAPPED" CaptionCharacterEncoding_UCS_2BE CaptionCharacterEncoding = "UCS-2BE" CaptionCharacterEncoding_UCS_2LE CaptionCharacterEncoding = "UCS-2LE" CaptionCharacterEncoding_UCS_4 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "UCS-4" CaptionCharacterEncoding_UCS_4_INTERNAL CaptionCharacterEncoding = "UCS-4-INTERNAL" CaptionCharacterEncoding_UCS_4_SWAPPED CaptionCharacterEncoding = "UCS-4-SWAPPED" CaptionCharacterEncoding_UCS_4BE CaptionCharacterEncoding = "UCS-4BE" CaptionCharacterEncoding_UCS_4LE CaptionCharacterEncoding = "UCS-4LE" CaptionCharacterEncoding_UHC CaptionCharacterEncoding = "UHC" CaptionCharacterEncoding_UNICODE_1_1 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "UNICODE-1-1" CaptionCharacterEncoding_UNICODE_1_1_UTF_7 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "UNICODE-1-1-UTF-7" CaptionCharacterEncoding_UNICODEBIG CaptionCharacterEncoding = "UNICODEBIG" CaptionCharacterEncoding_UNICODELITTLE CaptionCharacterEncoding = "UNICODELITTLE" CaptionCharacterEncoding_US CaptionCharacterEncoding = "US" CaptionCharacterEncoding_US_ASCII CaptionCharacterEncoding = "US-ASCII" CaptionCharacterEncoding_UTF_16 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "UTF-16" CaptionCharacterEncoding_UTF_16BE CaptionCharacterEncoding = "UTF-16BE" CaptionCharacterEncoding_UTF_16LE CaptionCharacterEncoding = "UTF-16LE" CaptionCharacterEncoding_UTF_32 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "UTF-32" CaptionCharacterEncoding_UTF_32BE CaptionCharacterEncoding = "UTF-32BE" CaptionCharacterEncoding_UTF_32LE CaptionCharacterEncoding = "UTF-32LE" CaptionCharacterEncoding_UTF_7 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "UTF-7" CaptionCharacterEncoding_UTF_8 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "UTF-8" CaptionCharacterEncoding_VISCII CaptionCharacterEncoding = "VISCII" CaptionCharacterEncoding_VISCII1_1_1 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "VISCII1.1-1" CaptionCharacterEncoding_WCHAR_T CaptionCharacterEncoding = "WCHAR_T" CaptionCharacterEncoding_WINBALTRIM CaptionCharacterEncoding = "WINBALTRIM" CaptionCharacterEncoding_WINDOWS_1250 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "WINDOWS-1250" CaptionCharacterEncoding_WINDOWS_1251 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "WINDOWS-1251" CaptionCharacterEncoding_WINDOWS_1252 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "WINDOWS-1252" CaptionCharacterEncoding_WINDOWS_1253 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "WINDOWS-1253" CaptionCharacterEncoding_WINDOWS_1254 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "WINDOWS-1254" CaptionCharacterEncoding_WINDOWS_1255 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "WINDOWS-1255" CaptionCharacterEncoding_WINDOWS_1256 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "WINDOWS-1256" CaptionCharacterEncoding_WINDOWS_1257 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "WINDOWS-1257" CaptionCharacterEncoding_WINDOWS_1258 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "WINDOWS-1258" CaptionCharacterEncoding_WINDOWS_874 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "WINDOWS-874" CaptionCharacterEncoding_WINDOWS_936 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "WINDOWS-936" CaptionCharacterEncoding_X0201 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "X0201" CaptionCharacterEncoding_X0208 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "X0208" CaptionCharacterEncoding_X0212 CaptionCharacterEncoding = "X0212" )
List of possible CaptionCharacterEncoding values
type CdnOutput ¶
type CdnOutput struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description for the resource Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Deprecation notice: This property does not have any effect and will not be returned by GET endpoints Acl []AclEntry `json:"acl,omitempty"` // Domain name for public access to CDN content DomainName *string `json:"domainName,omitempty"` // CDN Provider of the Output CdnProvider CdnProvider `json:"cdnProvider,omitempty"` }
CdnOutput model
func (CdnOutput) MarshalJSON ¶
func (CdnOutput) OutputType ¶
func (m CdnOutput) OutputType() OutputType
type CdnProvider ¶ added in v1.214.0
type CdnProvider string
CdnProvider : CdnProvider model
const ( CdnProvider_AKAMAI CdnProvider = "AKAMAI" CdnProvider_AWS CdnProvider = "AWS" )
List of possible CdnProvider values
type CdnUsage ¶
type CdnUsage struct { // UTC timestamp which marks the beginning of the time period for which the usage statistics are retrieved. From *DateTime `json:"from,omitempty"` // UTC timestamp which marks the end of the time period for which the usage statistics are retrieved. The end date is exclusive. For example, if end is 2019-03-29T13:05:00Z, the cost and usage data are retrieved from the start date up to, but not including, 2019-03-29T13:05:00Z. To *DateTime `json:"to,omitempty"` // Storage usage in GB per month. StorageUsage *float64 `json:"storageUsage,omitempty"` // Transfer usage in GB. TransferUsage *float64 `json:"transferUsage,omitempty"` }
CdnUsage model
type CdnUsageStatistics ¶
type CdnUsageStatistics struct { // UTC timestamp which marks the beginning of the time period for which the usage statistics are retrieved. From *DateTime `json:"from,omitempty"` // UTC timestamp which marks the end of the time period for which the usage statistics are retrieved. The end date is exclusive. For example, if end is 2019-03-28T13:05:00Z, the cost and usage data are retrieved from the start date up to, but not including, 2019-03-28T13:05:00Z. To *DateTime `json:"to,omitempty"` // Total storage usage in GB per month. StorageUsageTotal *float64 `json:"storageUsageTotal,omitempty"` // Total transfer usage in GB. TransferUsageTotal *float64 `json:"transferUsageTotal,omitempty"` Usage []CdnUsage `json:"usage,omitempty"` }
CdnUsageStatistics model
type Cea608708SubtitleConfiguration ¶
type Cea608708SubtitleConfiguration struct { // If enabled, CEA 608 an CEA 708 subtitles will be copied from the input video stream to the output video stream. Note: This does not work, if the output framerate is different than the input framerate (except doubling the framerate with deinterlacing per field) PassthroughActivated *bool `json:"passthroughActivated,omitempty"` PassthroughMode PassthroughMode `json:"passthroughMode,omitempty"` }
Cea608708SubtitleConfiguration model
type Cea608CaptionInputStream ¶
type Cea608CaptionInputStream struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Id of the Input (required) InputId *string `json:"inputId,omitempty"` // Path to media file (required) InputPath *string `json:"inputPath,omitempty"` // The channel number of the subtitle on the respective stream position (required) Channel Cea608ChannelType `json:"channel,omitempty"` }
Cea608CaptionInputStream model
func (Cea608CaptionInputStream) InputStreamType ¶
func (m Cea608CaptionInputStream) InputStreamType() InputStreamType
func (Cea608CaptionInputStream) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m Cea608CaptionInputStream) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type Cea608ChannelType ¶
type Cea608ChannelType string
Cea608ChannelType : Subtitle channel track
const ( Cea608ChannelType_CC1 Cea608ChannelType = "CC1" Cea608ChannelType_CC3 Cea608ChannelType = "CC3" )
List of possible Cea608ChannelType values
type Cea708CaptionInputStream ¶
type Cea708CaptionInputStream struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Id of the Input (required) InputId *string `json:"inputId,omitempty"` // Path to media file (required) InputPath *string `json:"inputPath,omitempty"` // The channel number of the subtitle on the respective stream position. Must not be smaller than 1 (required) Channel *int32 `json:"channel,omitempty"` }
Cea708CaptionInputStream model
func (Cea708CaptionInputStream) InputStreamType ¶
func (m Cea708CaptionInputStream) InputStreamType() InputStreamType
func (Cea708CaptionInputStream) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m Cea708CaptionInputStream) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type CencDrm ¶
type CencDrm struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Outputs []EncodingOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // 16 byte encryption key, 32 hexadecimal characters (required) Key *string `json:"key,omitempty"` // 16 byte encryption key id. Required for any other DRM but FairPlay Kid *string `json:"kid,omitempty"` // The encryption method to use. Default is `CTR` (required) EncryptionMode EncryptionMode `json:"encryptionMode,omitempty"` // Size of the initialization vector IvSize IvSize `json:"ivSize,omitempty"` // Enables compatibility with the Protected Interoperable File Format (PIFF) specification EnablePiffCompatibility *bool `json:"enablePiffCompatibility,omitempty"` // Configuration for Widevine DRM Widevine *CencWidevine `json:"widevine,omitempty"` // Configuration for PlayReady DRM PlayReady *CencPlayReady `json:"playReady,omitempty"` // Configuration for Marlin DRM Marlin *CencMarlin `json:"marlin,omitempty"` // Configuration for FairPlay DRM FairPlay *CencFairPlay `json:"fairPlay,omitempty"` }
CencDrm model
func (CencDrm) MarshalJSON ¶
type CencFairPlay ¶
type CencFairPlay struct { // Initialization vector as hexadecimal string Iv *string `json:"iv,omitempty"` // URL of the licensing server. Typically starts with a skd://. Please check with your DRM provider on their required format. Uri *string `json:"uri,omitempty"` }
CencFairPlay model
type CencPlayReady ¶
type CencPlayReady struct { // Url of the license server. Either the laUrl or the pssh needs to be provided. LaUrl *string `json:"laUrl,omitempty"` // Base64 encoded pssh payload. Pssh *string `json:"pssh,omitempty"` AdditionalInformation *PlayReadyAdditionalInformation `json:"additionalInformation,omitempty"` }
CencPlayReady model
type CencWidevine ¶
type CencWidevine struct { // Base64 encoded pssh payload (required) Pssh *string `json:"pssh,omitempty"` }
CencWidevine model
type ChannelLayout ¶
type ChannelLayout string
ChannelLayout : ChannelLayout model
const ( ChannelLayout_NONE ChannelLayout = "NONE" ChannelLayout_MONO ChannelLayout = "MONO" ChannelLayout_CL_STEREO ChannelLayout = "STEREO" )
List of possible ChannelLayout values
type ChannelsAttributeForAudio ¶
type ChannelsAttributeForAudio string
ChannelsAttributeForAudio : ChannelsAttributeForAudio model
const ( ChannelsAttributeForAudio_ALWAYS ChannelsAttributeForAudio = "ALWAYS" ChannelsAttributeForAudio_STANDARD_CONFORM ChannelsAttributeForAudio = "STANDARD_CONFORM" ChannelsAttributeForAudio_LEGACY ChannelsAttributeForAudio = "LEGACY" )
List of possible ChannelsAttributeForAudio values
type CheckOutputPermissionsRequest ¶
type CheckOutputPermissionsRequest struct { // The path on the storage for which permissions should be checked. In AWS S3 terminology, this corresponds to a \"prefix\". To perform the check, an empty test file (WritePermissionTestFile.txt) will be created in this location. Defaults to an empty string, which corresponds to the root directory. Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` }
CheckOutputPermissionsRequest model
type CheckOutputPermissionsResponse ¶
type CheckOutputPermissionsResponse struct { // Id of the output for which permissions were checked OutputId *string `json:"outputId,omitempty"` // The type of the output for which permissions were checked OutputType OutputType `json:"outputType,omitempty"` // The path on the storage for which permissions were checked. In AWS S3 terminology, this corresponds to a \"prefix\". An empty string corresponds to the root directory. Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` // Indicates if permissions on the storage are configured correctly to be used as output target by the Bitmovin encoder. If \"false\", *failureReason* will provide additional information. Passed *bool `json:"passed,omitempty"` // Contains nothing if the check succeeded. Otherwise, contains a message explaining why it failed. FailureReason *string `json:"failureReason,omitempty"` }
CheckOutputPermissionsResponse model
type ChromaLocation ¶
type ChromaLocation string
ChromaLocation : ChromaLocation model
const ( ChromaLocation_UNSPECIFIED ChromaLocation = "UNSPECIFIED" ChromaLocation_LEFT ChromaLocation = "LEFT" ChromaLocation_CENTER ChromaLocation = "CENTER" ChromaLocation_TOPLEFT ChromaLocation = "TOPLEFT" ChromaLocation_TOP ChromaLocation = "TOP" ChromaLocation_BOTTOMLEFT ChromaLocation = "BOTTOMLEFT" ChromaLocation_BOTTOM ChromaLocation = "BOTTOM" )
List of possible ChromaLocation values
type ChunkedTextMuxing ¶
type ChunkedTextMuxing struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Streams []MuxingStream `json:"streams,omitempty"` Outputs []EncodingOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // Average bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. AvgBitrate *int64 `json:"avgBitrate,omitempty"` // Min bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. MinBitrate *int64 `json:"minBitrate,omitempty"` // Max bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. MaxBitrate *int64 `json:"maxBitrate,omitempty"` // This read-only property is set during the analysis step of the encoding. If it contains items, the Muxing has been ignored during the encoding process according to its 'streamConditionsMode' IgnoredBy []Ignoring `json:"ignoredBy,omitempty"` // Specifies how to proceed with the Muxing when some of its Streams are ignored (see 'condition' property of the Stream resource). The settings only make a difference for Muxings with more than one Stream. When retrieving the resource after the analysis step of the encoding has finished, 'ignoredBy' will indicate if and why it has been ignored. StreamConditionsMode StreamConditionsMode `json:"streamConditionsMode,omitempty"` // Length of the segments in seconds (required) SegmentLength *float64 `json:"segmentLength,omitempty"` // Segment naming policy SegmentNaming *string `json:"segmentNaming,omitempty"` // Segment naming policy containing one or both of the following placeholders: - '{rand_chars:x}', which will be replaced by a random alphanumeric string of length x (default 32) on each (re)start of the encoding. The resulting string will be copied to the segmentNaming property. Intended to avoid re-use of segment names after restarting a live encoding. - '{segment_rand_chars:x}', which will be replaced by a random alphanumeric string of length x (default 32) for each different segment. This is intended to avoid guessing segment URLs by replacing segment numbers. If segmentNamingTemplate is set, segmentNaming must not be set. SegmentNamingTemplate *string `json:"segmentNamingTemplate,omitempty"` // Offset of MPEG-TS timestamps in seconds. This only affects streams with [WebVttConfiguration](#/Encoding/PostEncodingConfigurationsSubtitlesWebVtt). If set, the X-TIMESTAMP-MAP will be added as described in the [HLS specification]( For example, if set to 10 seconds, *X-TIMESTAMP-MAP=MPEGTS:900000,LOCAL:00:00:00.000* will be added after each *WEBVTT* header. The default for ChunkedTextMuxing is that the X-TIMESTAMP-MAP will not be written. Important to note is that the default for `startOffset` for [TsMuxings](#/Encoding/PostEncodingEncodingsMuxingsTsByEncodingId) and [ProgressiveTsMuxings](#/Encoding/PostEncodingEncodingsMuxingsProgressiveTsByEncodingId) is 10 seconds. If the output of this muxing is used for HLS together with video/audio streams using TsMuxings and ProgressiveTsMuxings, this value should be set to the same `startOffset`. StartOffset *int32 `json:"startOffset,omitempty"` // Number of segments which have been encoded SegmentsMuxed *int32 `json:"segmentsMuxed,omitempty"` }
ChunkedTextMuxing model
func (ChunkedTextMuxing) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m ChunkedTextMuxing) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (ChunkedTextMuxing) MuxingType ¶
func (m ChunkedTextMuxing) MuxingType() MuxingType
type ClearKeyDrm ¶
type ClearKeyDrm struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Outputs []EncodingOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // 16 byte encryption key, 32 hexadecimal characters (required) Key *string `json:"key,omitempty"` // 16 byte key id (required) Kid *string `json:"kid,omitempty"` }
ClearKeyDrm model
func (ClearKeyDrm) DrmType ¶
func (m ClearKeyDrm) DrmType() DrmType
func (ClearKeyDrm) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m ClearKeyDrm) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type ClosedCaptionsMediaInfo ¶
type ClosedCaptionsMediaInfo struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The value is a quoted-string which specifies the group to which the Rendition belongs. (required) GroupId *string `json:"groupId,omitempty"` // Primary language in the rendition. Language *string `json:"language,omitempty"` // Identifies a language that is associated with the Rendition. AssocLanguage *string `json:"assocLanguage,omitempty"` // Human readable description of the rendition. (required) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // If set to true, the client SHOULD play this Rendition of the content in the absence of information from the user. IsDefault *bool `json:"isDefault,omitempty"` // If set to true, the client MAY choose to play this Rendition in the absence of explicit user preference. Autoselect *bool `json:"autoselect,omitempty"` // Contains Uniform Type Identifiers Characteristics []string `json:"characteristics,omitempty"` // Path to segments. (required) SegmentPath *string `json:"segmentPath,omitempty"` // Id of the encoding. (required) EncodingId *string `json:"encodingId,omitempty"` // Id of the stream. (required) StreamId *string `json:"streamId,omitempty"` // Id of the muxing. (required) MuxingId *string `json:"muxingId,omitempty"` // Id of the DRM. DrmId *string `json:"drmId,omitempty"` // Number of the first segment. Default is 0. StartSegmentNumber *int64 `json:"startSegmentNumber,omitempty"` // Number of the last segment. Default is the last one that was encoded. EndSegmentNumber *int64 `json:"endSegmentNumber,omitempty"` // Specifies a Rendition within the segments in the Media Playlist. (See HLS spec EXT-X-MEDIA INSTREAM-ID) (required) InstreamId *string `json:"instreamId,omitempty"` // A value of true indicates that the Rendition contains content which is considered essential to play. Forced *bool `json:"forced,omitempty"` }
ClosedCaptionsMediaInfo model
type CloudRegion ¶
type CloudRegion string
CloudRegion : CloudRegion model
const ( CloudRegion_AWS_US_EAST_1 CloudRegion = "AWS_US_EAST_1" CloudRegion_AWS_US_EAST_2 CloudRegion = "AWS_US_EAST_2" CloudRegion_AWS_US_WEST_1 CloudRegion = "AWS_US_WEST_1" CloudRegion_AWS_US_WEST_2 CloudRegion = "AWS_US_WEST_2" CloudRegion_AWS_EU_WEST_1 CloudRegion = "AWS_EU_WEST_1" CloudRegion_AWS_EU_CENTRAL_1 CloudRegion = "AWS_EU_CENTRAL_1" CloudRegion_AWS_AP_SOUTHEAST_1 CloudRegion = "AWS_AP_SOUTHEAST_1" CloudRegion_AWS_AP_SOUTHEAST_2 CloudRegion = "AWS_AP_SOUTHEAST_2" CloudRegion_AWS_AP_NORTHEAST_1 CloudRegion = "AWS_AP_NORTHEAST_1" CloudRegion_AWS_AP_NORTHEAST_2 CloudRegion = "AWS_AP_NORTHEAST_2" CloudRegion_AWS_AP_SOUTH_1 CloudRegion = "AWS_AP_SOUTH_1" CloudRegion_AWS_SA_EAST_1 CloudRegion = "AWS_SA_EAST_1" CloudRegion_AWS_EU_WEST_2 CloudRegion = "AWS_EU_WEST_2" CloudRegion_AWS_EU_WEST_3 CloudRegion = "AWS_EU_WEST_3" CloudRegion_AWS_CA_CENTRAL_1 CloudRegion = "AWS_CA_CENTRAL_1" CloudRegion_AWS_EU_NORTH_1 CloudRegion = "AWS_EU_NORTH_1" CloudRegion_GOOGLE_US_CENTRAL_1 CloudRegion = "GOOGLE_US_CENTRAL_1" CloudRegion_GOOGLE_US_EAST_1 CloudRegion = "GOOGLE_US_EAST_1" CloudRegion_GOOGLE_ASIA_EAST_1 CloudRegion = "GOOGLE_ASIA_EAST_1" CloudRegion_GOOGLE_EUROPE_WEST_1 CloudRegion = "GOOGLE_EUROPE_WEST_1" CloudRegion_GOOGLE_US_WEST_1 CloudRegion = "GOOGLE_US_WEST_1" CloudRegion_GOOGLE_ASIA_EAST_2 CloudRegion = "GOOGLE_ASIA_EAST_2" CloudRegion_GOOGLE_ASIA_NORTHEAST_1 CloudRegion = "GOOGLE_ASIA_NORTHEAST_1" CloudRegion_GOOGLE_ASIA_SOUTH_1 CloudRegion = "GOOGLE_ASIA_SOUTH_1" CloudRegion_GOOGLE_ASIA_SOUTHEAST_1 CloudRegion = "GOOGLE_ASIA_SOUTHEAST_1" CloudRegion_GOOGLE_AUSTRALIA_SOUTHEAST_1 CloudRegion = "GOOGLE_AUSTRALIA_SOUTHEAST_1" CloudRegion_GOOGLE_EUROPE_NORTH_1 CloudRegion = "GOOGLE_EUROPE_NORTH_1" CloudRegion_GOOGLE_EUROPE_WEST_2 CloudRegion = "GOOGLE_EUROPE_WEST_2" CloudRegion_GOOGLE_EUROPE_WEST_3 CloudRegion = "GOOGLE_EUROPE_WEST_3" CloudRegion_GOOGLE_EUROPE_WEST_4 CloudRegion = "GOOGLE_EUROPE_WEST_4" CloudRegion_GOOGLE_NORTHAMERICA_NORTHEAST_1 CloudRegion = "GOOGLE_NORTHAMERICA_NORTHEAST_1" CloudRegion_GOOGLE_SOUTHAMERICA_EAST_1 CloudRegion = "GOOGLE_SOUTHAMERICA_EAST_1" CloudRegion_GOOGLE_US_EAST_4 CloudRegion = "GOOGLE_US_EAST_4" CloudRegion_GOOGLE_US_WEST_2 CloudRegion = "GOOGLE_US_WEST_2" CloudRegion_GOOGLE_ME_CENTRAL_2 CloudRegion = "GOOGLE_ME_CENTRAL_2" CloudRegion_AZURE_ASIA_EAST CloudRegion = "AZURE_ASIA_EAST" CloudRegion_AZURE_ASIA_SOUTHEAST CloudRegion = "AZURE_ASIA_SOUTHEAST" CloudRegion_AZURE_AUSTRALIA_EAST CloudRegion = "AZURE_AUSTRALIA_EAST" CloudRegion_AZURE_AUSTRALIA_SOUTHEAST CloudRegion = "AZURE_AUSTRALIA_SOUTHEAST" CloudRegion_AZURE_BRAZIL_SOUTH CloudRegion = "AZURE_BRAZIL_SOUTH" CloudRegion_AZURE_CANADA_CENTRAL CloudRegion = "AZURE_CANADA_CENTRAL" CloudRegion_AZURE_EUROPE_NORTH CloudRegion = "AZURE_EUROPE_NORTH" CloudRegion_AZURE_EUROPE_WEST CloudRegion = "AZURE_EUROPE_WEST" CloudRegion_AZURE_FRANCE_CENTRAL CloudRegion = "AZURE_FRANCE_CENTRAL" CloudRegion_AZURE_GERMANY_WESTCENTRAL CloudRegion = "AZURE_GERMANY_WESTCENTRAL" CloudRegion_AZURE_INDIA_CENTRAL CloudRegion = "AZURE_INDIA_CENTRAL" CloudRegion_AZURE_INDIA_SOUTH CloudRegion = "AZURE_INDIA_SOUTH" CloudRegion_AZURE_JAPAN_EAST CloudRegion = "AZURE_JAPAN_EAST" CloudRegion_AZURE_JAPAN_WEST CloudRegion = "AZURE_JAPAN_WEST" CloudRegion_AZURE_KOREA_CENTRAL CloudRegion = "AZURE_KOREA_CENTRAL" CloudRegion_AZURE_UAE_NORTH CloudRegion = "AZURE_UAE_NORTH" CloudRegion_AZURE_US_CENTRAL CloudRegion = "AZURE_US_CENTRAL" CloudRegion_AZURE_US_EAST CloudRegion = "AZURE_US_EAST" CloudRegion_AZURE_US_EAST2 CloudRegion = "AZURE_US_EAST2" CloudRegion_AZURE_US_WEST CloudRegion = "AZURE_US_WEST" CloudRegion_AZURE_US_WEST2 CloudRegion = "AZURE_US_WEST2" CloudRegion_AZURE_US_SOUTH_CENTRAL CloudRegion = "AZURE_US_SOUTH_CENTRAL" CloudRegion_AZURE_US_NORTH_CENTRAL CloudRegion = "AZURE_US_NORTH_CENTRAL" CloudRegion_AZURE_UK_SOUTH CloudRegion = "AZURE_UK_SOUTH" CloudRegion_AKAMAI_BR_GRU CloudRegion = "AKAMAI_BR_GRU" CloudRegion_AKAMAI_ES_MAD CloudRegion = "AKAMAI_ES_MAD" CloudRegion_AKAMAI_FR_PAR CloudRegion = "AKAMAI_FR_PAR" CloudRegion_AKAMAI_ID_CGK CloudRegion = "AKAMAI_ID_CGK" CloudRegion_AKAMAI_IN_MAA CloudRegion = "AKAMAI_IN_MAA" CloudRegion_AKAMAI_IT_MIL CloudRegion = "AKAMAI_IT_MIL" CloudRegion_AKAMAI_JP_OSA CloudRegion = "AKAMAI_JP_OSA" CloudRegion_AKAMAI_NL_AMS CloudRegion = "AKAMAI_NL_AMS" CloudRegion_AKAMAI_SE_STO CloudRegion = "AKAMAI_SE_STO" CloudRegion_AKAMAI_US_LAX CloudRegion = "AKAMAI_US_LAX" CloudRegion_AKAMAI_US_MIA CloudRegion = "AKAMAI_US_MIA" CloudRegion_AKAMAI_US_ORD CloudRegion = "AKAMAI_US_ORD" CloudRegion_AKAMAI_US_SEA CloudRegion = "AKAMAI_US_SEA" CloudRegion_OCI_EU_FRANKFURT_1 CloudRegion = "OCI_EU_FRANKFURT_1" CloudRegion_OCI_US_ASHBURN_1 CloudRegion = "OCI_US_ASHBURN_1" CloudRegion_NORTH_AMERICA CloudRegion = "NORTH_AMERICA" CloudRegion_SOUTH_AMERICA CloudRegion = "SOUTH_AMERICA" CloudRegion_EUROPE CloudRegion = "EUROPE" CloudRegion_AFRICA CloudRegion = "AFRICA" CloudRegion_ASIA CloudRegion = "ASIA" CloudRegion_AUSTRALIA CloudRegion = "AUSTRALIA" CloudRegion_AWS CloudRegion = "AWS" CloudRegion_GOOGLE CloudRegion = "GOOGLE" CloudRegion_EXTERNAL CloudRegion = "EXTERNAL" CloudRegion_AUTO CloudRegion = "AUTO" )
List of possible CloudRegion values
type CmafMuxing ¶
type CmafMuxing struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Streams []MuxingStream `json:"streams,omitempty"` Outputs []EncodingOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // Average bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. AvgBitrate *int64 `json:"avgBitrate,omitempty"` // Min bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. MinBitrate *int64 `json:"minBitrate,omitempty"` // Max bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. MaxBitrate *int64 `json:"maxBitrate,omitempty"` // This read-only property is set during the analysis step of the encoding. If it contains items, the Muxing has been ignored during the encoding process according to its 'streamConditionsMode' IgnoredBy []Ignoring `json:"ignoredBy,omitempty"` // Specifies how to proceed with the Muxing when some of its Streams are ignored (see 'condition' property of the Stream resource). The settings only make a difference for Muxings with more than one Stream. When retrieving the resource after the analysis step of the encoding has finished, 'ignoredBy' will indicate if and why it has been ignored. StreamConditionsMode StreamConditionsMode `json:"streamConditionsMode,omitempty"` // Length of the fragments in seconds (required) SegmentLength *float64 `json:"segmentLength,omitempty"` // Segment naming policy SegmentNaming *string `json:"segmentNaming,omitempty"` // Segment naming policy containing one or both of the following placeholders: - '{rand_chars:x}', which will be replaced by a random alphanumeric string of length x (default 32) on each (re)start of the encoding. The resulting string will be copied to the segmentNaming property. Intended to avoid re-use of segment names after restarting a live encoding. - '{segment_rand_chars:x}', which will be replaced by a random alphanumeric string of length x (default 32) for each different segment. This is intended to avoid guessing segment URLs by replacing segment numbers. If segmentNamingTemplate is set, segmentNaming must not be set. SegmentNamingTemplate *string `json:"segmentNamingTemplate,omitempty"` // Init segment name InitSegmentName *string `json:"initSegmentName,omitempty"` // Segment naming policy containing a placeholder of the format '{rand_chars:x}', which will be replaced by a random alphanumeric string of length x (default 32) on each (re)start of the encoding. The resulting string will be copied to the initSegmentName property. Intended to avoid re-use of segment names after restarting a live encoding. If initSegmentNameTemplate is set, initSegmentName must not be set. InitSegmentNameTemplate *string `json:"initSegmentNameTemplate,omitempty"` // Number of segments which have been encoded SegmentsMuxed *int32 `json:"segmentsMuxed,omitempty"` // Number of media frames per CMAF chunk. Defaults to: Length of a segment in frames. Minimum: 1. Maximum: Length of a segment in frames. FramesPerCmafChunk *int32 `json:"framesPerCmafChunk,omitempty"` }
CmafMuxing model
func (CmafMuxing) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m CmafMuxing) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (CmafMuxing) MuxingType ¶
func (m CmafMuxing) MuxingType() MuxingType
type CodecConfigType ¶
type CodecConfigType string
CodecConfigType : CodecConfigType model
const ( CodecConfigType_AAC CodecConfigType = "AAC" CodecConfigType_DTS CodecConfigType = "DTS" CodecConfigType_DTSX CodecConfigType = "DTSX" CodecConfigType_DTS_PASSTHROUGH CodecConfigType = "DTS_PASSTHROUGH" CodecConfigType_AUDIO_PASSTHROUGH CodecConfigType = "AUDIO_PASSTHROUGH" CodecConfigType_HE_AAC_V1 CodecConfigType = "HE_AAC_V1" CodecConfigType_HE_AAC_V2 CodecConfigType = "HE_AAC_V2" CodecConfigType_H264 CodecConfigType = "H264" CodecConfigType_H265 CodecConfigType = "H265" CodecConfigType_VP9 CodecConfigType = "VP9" CodecConfigType_VP8 CodecConfigType = "VP8" CodecConfigType_MP2 CodecConfigType = "MP2" CodecConfigType_MP3 CodecConfigType = "MP3" CodecConfigType_AC3 CodecConfigType = "AC3" CodecConfigType_EAC3 CodecConfigType = "EAC3" CodecConfigType_DD CodecConfigType = "DD" CodecConfigType_DDPLUS CodecConfigType = "DDPLUS" CodecConfigType_OPUS CodecConfigType = "OPUS" CodecConfigType_VORBIS CodecConfigType = "VORBIS" CodecConfigType_MJPEG CodecConfigType = "MJPEG" CodecConfigType_AV1 CodecConfigType = "AV1" CodecConfigType_DOLBY_ATMOS CodecConfigType = "DOLBY_ATMOS" CodecConfigType_H262 CodecConfigType = "H262" CodecConfigType_PCM CodecConfigType = "PCM" CodecConfigType_WEBVTT CodecConfigType = "WEBVTT" CodecConfigType_IMSC CodecConfigType = "IMSC" CodecConfigType_DVB_SUBTITLE CodecConfigType = "DVB_SUBTITLE" )
List of possible CodecConfigType values
type CodecConfigTypeResponse ¶
type CodecConfigTypeResponse struct { // The type of the codec config Type CodecConfigType `json:"type,omitempty"` }
CodecConfigTypeResponse model
type CodecConfiguration ¶
type CodecConfiguration interface { // CodecConfigType returns the discriminator type of the polymorphic model CodecConfigType() CodecConfigType }
CodecConfiguration model
func UnmarshalCodecConfiguration ¶
func UnmarshalCodecConfiguration(reader io.Reader, consumer bitutils.Consumer) (CodecConfiguration, error)
UnmarshalCodecConfiguration unmarshals polymorphic CodecConfiguration
func UnmarshalCodecConfigurationSlice ¶
func UnmarshalCodecConfigurationSlice(reader io.Reader, consumer bitutils.Consumer) ([]CodecConfiguration, error)
UnmarshalCodecConfigurationSlice unmarshals polymorphic slices of CodecConfiguration
type ColorConfig ¶
type ColorConfig struct { // Copy the chroma location setting from the input source CopyChromaLocationFlag *bool `json:"copyChromaLocationFlag,omitempty"` // Copy the color space setting from the input source CopyColorSpaceFlag *bool `json:"copyColorSpaceFlag,omitempty"` // Copy the color primaries setting from the input source CopyColorPrimariesFlag *bool `json:"copyColorPrimariesFlag,omitempty"` // Copy the color range setting from the input source CopyColorRangeFlag *bool `json:"copyColorRangeFlag,omitempty"` // Copy the color transfer setting from the input source CopyColorTransferFlag *bool `json:"copyColorTransferFlag,omitempty"` // The chroma location to be applied ChromaLocation ChromaLocation `json:"chromaLocation,omitempty"` // The color space to be applied. If used on a Dolby Vision stream, this value must be set to UNSPECIFIED. ColorSpace ColorSpace `json:"colorSpace,omitempty"` // The color primaries to be applied. If used on a Dolby Vision stream, this value must be set to UNSPECIFIED. ColorPrimaries ColorPrimaries `json:"colorPrimaries,omitempty"` // The color range to be applied. If used on a Dolby Vision stream, this value must be set to JPEG. ColorRange ColorRange `json:"colorRange,omitempty"` // The color transfer to be applied. If used on a Dolby Vision stream, this value must be set to UNSPECIFIED. ColorTransfer ColorTransfer `json:"colorTransfer,omitempty"` // Override the color space detected in the input file. If not set the input color space will be automatically detected if possible. InputColorSpace InputColorSpace `json:"inputColorSpace,omitempty"` // Override the color range detected in the input file. If not set the input color range will be automatically detected if possible. InputColorRange InputColorRange `json:"inputColorRange,omitempty"` // Override the color primaries detected in the input file. If not set the input color primaries will be automatically detected if possible. InputColorPrimaries InputColorPrimaries `json:"inputColorPrimaries,omitempty"` // Override the color transfer detected in the input file. If not set the input color transfer will be automatically detected if possible. InputColorTransfer InputColorTransfer `json:"inputColorTransfer,omitempty"` }
ColorConfig model
type ColorPrimaries ¶
type ColorPrimaries string
ColorPrimaries : ColorPrimaries model
const ( ColorPrimaries_UNSPECIFIED ColorPrimaries = "UNSPECIFIED" ColorPrimaries_BT709 ColorPrimaries = "BT709" ColorPrimaries_BT470M ColorPrimaries = "BT470M" ColorPrimaries_BT470BG ColorPrimaries = "BT470BG" ColorPrimaries_SMPTE170M ColorPrimaries = "SMPTE170M" ColorPrimaries_SMPTE240M ColorPrimaries = "SMPTE240M" ColorPrimaries_FILM ColorPrimaries = "FILM" ColorPrimaries_BT2020 ColorPrimaries = "BT2020" ColorPrimaries_SMPTE428 ColorPrimaries = "SMPTE428" ColorPrimaries_SMPTEST428_1 ColorPrimaries = "SMPTEST428_1" ColorPrimaries_SMPTE431 ColorPrimaries = "SMPTE431" ColorPrimaries_SMPTE432 ColorPrimaries = "SMPTE432" ColorPrimaries_JEDEC_P22 ColorPrimaries = "JEDEC_P22" )
List of possible ColorPrimaries values
type ColorRange ¶
type ColorRange string
ColorRange : The color range to be applied
const ( ColorRange_UNSPECIFIED ColorRange = "UNSPECIFIED" ColorRange_MPEG ColorRange = "MPEG" ColorRange_JPEG ColorRange = "JPEG" )
List of possible ColorRange values
type ColorSpace ¶
type ColorSpace string
ColorSpace : The color space to be applied
const ( ColorSpace_UNSPECIFIED ColorSpace = "UNSPECIFIED" ColorSpace_RGB ColorSpace = "RGB" ColorSpace_BT709 ColorSpace = "BT709" ColorSpace_FCC ColorSpace = "FCC" ColorSpace_BT470BG ColorSpace = "BT470BG" ColorSpace_SMPTE170M ColorSpace = "SMPTE170M" ColorSpace_SMPTE240M ColorSpace = "SMPTE240M" ColorSpace_YCGCO ColorSpace = "YCGCO" ColorSpace_YCOCG ColorSpace = "YCOCG" ColorSpace_BT2020_NCL ColorSpace = "BT2020_NCL" ColorSpace_BT2020_CL ColorSpace = "BT2020_CL" ColorSpace_SMPTE2085 ColorSpace = "SMPTE2085" )
List of possible ColorSpace values
type ColorTransfer ¶
type ColorTransfer string
ColorTransfer : ColorTransfer model
const ( ColorTransfer_UNSPECIFIED ColorTransfer = "UNSPECIFIED" ColorTransfer_BT709 ColorTransfer = "BT709" ColorTransfer_GAMMA22 ColorTransfer = "GAMMA22" ColorTransfer_GAMMA28 ColorTransfer = "GAMMA28" ColorTransfer_SMPTE170M ColorTransfer = "SMPTE170M" ColorTransfer_SMPTE240M ColorTransfer = "SMPTE240M" ColorTransfer_LINEAR ColorTransfer = "LINEAR" ColorTransfer_LOG ColorTransfer = "LOG" ColorTransfer_LOG_SQRT ColorTransfer = "LOG_SQRT" ColorTransfer_IEC61966_2_4 ColorTransfer = "IEC61966_2_4" ColorTransfer_BT1361_ECG ColorTransfer = "BT1361_ECG" ColorTransfer_IEC61966_2_1 ColorTransfer = "IEC61966_2_1" ColorTransfer_BT2020_10 ColorTransfer = "BT2020_10" ColorTransfer_BT2020_12 ColorTransfer = "BT2020_12" ColorTransfer_SMPTE2084 ColorTransfer = "SMPTE2084" ColorTransfer_SMPTE428 ColorTransfer = "SMPTE428" ColorTransfer_ARIB_STD_B67 ColorTransfer = "ARIB_STD_B67" )
List of possible ColorTransfer values
type ConcatenationInputConfiguration ¶
type ConcatenationInputConfiguration struct { // The ID of the input stream to be concatenated. This can be an ingest input stream or a trimming input stream (required) InputStreamId *string `json:"inputStreamId,omitempty"` // Exactly one input stream of a concatenation must have this set to true, which will be used as reference for scaling, aspect ratio, FPS, sample rate, etc. IsMain *bool `json:"isMain,omitempty"` // A unique integer value that determines concatenation order (required) Position *int32 `json:"position,omitempty"` // Inserts a padding sequence (black frames and/or silent audio) before the input stream. PaddingBefore *PaddingSequence `json:"paddingBefore,omitempty"` // Inserts a padding sequence (black frames and/or silent audio) after the input stream. PaddingAfter *PaddingSequence `json:"paddingAfter,omitempty"` // Specifies the aspect mode that is used when adapting to the main input stream's aspect ratio AspectMode AspectMode `json:"aspectMode,omitempty"` }
ConcatenationInputConfiguration model
type ConcatenationInputStream ¶
type ConcatenationInputStream struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Concatenation configuration for the output of this stream Concatenation []ConcatenationInputConfiguration `json:"concatenation,omitempty"` }
ConcatenationInputStream model
func (ConcatenationInputStream) InputStreamType ¶
func (m ConcatenationInputStream) InputStreamType() InputStreamType
func (ConcatenationInputStream) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m ConcatenationInputStream) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type Condition ¶
type Condition struct { // The attribute that should be used for the evaluation. Valid values include, depending on the context: - HEIGHT - WIDTH - BITRATE - FPS - ASPECTRATIO - INPUTSTREAM - LANGUAGE - CHANNELFORMAT - CHANNELLAYOUT - STREAMCOUNT - AUDIOSTREAMCOUNT - VIDEOSTREAMCOUNT - DURATION - ROTATION (required) Attribute *string `json:"attribute,omitempty"` // The operator that should be used for the evaluation (required) Operator ConditionOperator `json:"operator,omitempty"` // The value that should be used for comparison (required) Value *string `json:"value,omitempty"` }
Condition model
func (Condition) ConditionType ¶
func (m Condition) ConditionType() ConditionType
func (Condition) MarshalJSON ¶
type ConditionAttribute ¶ added in v1.186.0
type ConditionAttribute string
ConditionAttribute : The attribute that should be checked
const ( ConditionAttribute_HEIGHT ConditionAttribute = "HEIGHT" ConditionAttribute_WIDTH ConditionAttribute = "WIDTH" ConditionAttribute_BITRATE ConditionAttribute = "BITRATE" ConditionAttribute_FPS ConditionAttribute = "FPS" ConditionAttribute_ASPECTRATIO ConditionAttribute = "ASPECTRATIO" ConditionAttribute_INPUTSTREAM ConditionAttribute = "INPUTSTREAM" ConditionAttribute_LANGUAGE ConditionAttribute = "LANGUAGE" ConditionAttribute_CHANNELFORMAT ConditionAttribute = "CHANNELFORMAT" ConditionAttribute_CHANNELLAYOUT ConditionAttribute = "CHANNELLAYOUT" ConditionAttribute_STREAMCOUNT ConditionAttribute = "STREAMCOUNT" ConditionAttribute_AUDIOSTREAMCOUNT ConditionAttribute = "AUDIOSTREAMCOUNT" ConditionAttribute_VIDEOSTREAMCOUNT ConditionAttribute = "VIDEOSTREAMCOUNT" ConditionAttribute_DURATION ConditionAttribute = "DURATION" ConditionAttribute_ROTATION ConditionAttribute = "ROTATION" ConditionAttribute_CONNECTION_STATUS ConditionAttribute = "CONNECTION_STATUS" ConditionAttribute_CONNECTION_STATUS_JUST_CHANGED ConditionAttribute = "CONNECTION_STATUS_JUST_CHANGED" )
List of possible ConditionAttribute values
type ConditionOperator ¶
type ConditionOperator string
ConditionOperator : The operator that should be used for the evaluation
const ( ConditionOperator_EQUAL ConditionOperator = "==" ConditionOperator_NOT_EQUAL ConditionOperator = "!=" ConditionOperator_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL ConditionOperator = "<=" ConditionOperator_LESS_THAN ConditionOperator = "<" ConditionOperator_GREATER_THAN ConditionOperator = ">" ConditionOperator_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL ConditionOperator = ">=" )
List of possible ConditionOperator values
type ConditionType ¶
type ConditionType string
ConditionType : Type of the condition
const ( ConditionType_CONDITION ConditionType = "CONDITION" ConditionType_AND ConditionType = "AND" ConditionType_OR ConditionType = "OR" )
List of possible ConditionType values
type ConformFilter ¶
type ConformFilter struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // The FPS the input should be changed to. TargetFps *float64 `json:"targetFps,omitempty"` }
ConformFilter model
func (ConformFilter) FilterType ¶
func (m ConformFilter) FilterType() FilterType
func (ConformFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m ConformFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type ContentProtection ¶
type ContentProtection struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // UUID of an encoding (required) EncodingId *string `json:"encodingId,omitempty"` // UUID of a muxing (required) MuxingId *string `json:"muxingId,omitempty"` // Used to signal a dependency with another representation. The representation may belong to a different adaptation set DependencyId *string `json:"dependencyId,omitempty"` // DRM Id (required) DrmId *string `json:"drmId,omitempty"` }
ContentProtection model
func (ContentProtection) DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator ¶
func (m ContentProtection) DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator() DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator
func (ContentProtection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m ContentProtection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type ConvertSccCaption ¶
type ConvertSccCaption struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // The input location to get the scc file from (required) Input *InputPath `json:"input,omitempty"` Outputs []EncodingOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // Name of the captions file (required) FileName *string `json:"fileName,omitempty"` OutputFormat StreamCaptionOutputFormat `json:"outputFormat,omitempty"` // Optional settings when converting SCC to WebVTT WebVttSettings *ConvertSccCaptionWebVttSettings `json:"webVttSettings,omitempty"` }
ConvertSccCaption model
type ConvertSccCaptionWebVttSettings ¶
type ConvertSccCaptionWebVttSettings struct { PositionMode ConvertSccPositionMode `json:"positionMode,omitempty"` // Remove flash (blinking) information when converting SCC to WebVTT RemoveFlash *bool `json:"removeFlash,omitempty"` // Remove color information when converting SCC to WebVTT RemoveColor *bool `json:"removeColor,omitempty"` }
ConvertSccCaptionWebVttSettings model
type ConvertSccPositionMode ¶
type ConvertSccPositionMode string
ConvertSccPositionMode : ConvertSccPositionMode model
const ( ConvertSccPositionMode_FULL ConvertSccPositionMode = "FULL" ConvertSccPositionMode_SIMPLE ConvertSccPositionMode = "SIMPLE" ConvertSccPositionMode_NONE ConvertSccPositionMode = "NONE" )
List of possible ConvertSccPositionMode values
type CropFilter ¶
type CropFilter struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Amount of pixels that will be cropped of the input video from the left side. Must be zero or a positive value. Left *int32 `json:"left,omitempty"` // Amount of pixels that will be cropped of the input video from the right side. Must be zero or a positive value. Right *int32 `json:"right,omitempty"` // Amount of pixels that will be cropped of the input video from the top. Must be zero or a positive value. Top *int32 `json:"top,omitempty"` // Amount of pixels that will be cropped of the input video from the bottom. Must be zero or a positive value. Bottom *int32 `json:"bottom,omitempty"` Unit PositionUnit `json:"unit,omitempty"` }
CropFilter model
func (CropFilter) FilterType ¶
func (m CropFilter) FilterType() FilterType
func (CropFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m CropFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type CustomAttribute ¶
type CustomAttribute struct { // unique string identifier for the custom attribute (required) Key *string `json:"key,omitempty"` // value of the custom attribute Value *string `json:"value,omitempty"` }
CustomAttribute model
type CustomData ¶
type CustomData struct { // User-specific meta data. This can hold a custom JSON object. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` }
CustomData model
type CustomPlayerBuildDetails ¶
type CustomPlayerBuildDetails struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ (required) CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ (required) ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // The player version that should be used for the custom player build. If not set the 'latest' version is used. (required) PlayerVersion *string `json:"playerVersion,omitempty"` // The domains that the player is locked to. If not set the player will only work with 'localhost'. Not more than 49 additional domains can be added. (required) Domains []string `json:"domains,omitempty"` }
CustomPlayerBuildDetails model
type CustomPlayerBuildDownload ¶
type CustomPlayerBuildDownload struct { // The link to download the custom built player (required) DownloadLink *string `json:"downloadLink,omitempty"` // Until this date the download link is valid and can be downloaded. (required) ExpiresAt *DateTime `json:"expiresAt,omitempty"` }
Custom player download information
type CustomPlayerBuildStatus ¶
type CustomPlayerBuildStatus struct { // Status of the player build (required) Status Status `json:"status,omitempty"` // The estimated time span of the custom player build in seconds. Eta *int32 `json:"eta,omitempty"` // The actual progress of the custom player build. (required) Progress *int32 `json:"progress,omitempty"` Messages *Message `json:"messages,omitempty"` Subtasks *string `json:"subtasks,omitempty"` }
CustomPlayerBuildStatus model
type CustomTag ¶
type CustomTag struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // The positioning mode that should be used when inserting the placement opportunity (required) PositionMode PositionMode `json:"positionMode,omitempty"` // Id of keyframe where the custom tag should be inserted. Required, when KEYFRAME is selected as position mode. KeyframeId *string `json:"keyframeId,omitempty"` // Time in seconds where the custom tag should be inserted. Required, when TIME is selected as position mode. Time *float64 `json:"time,omitempty"` // The custom tag will be inserted before the specified segment. Required, when SEGMENT is selected as position mode. Segment *int64 `json:"segment,omitempty"` // The data to be contained in the custom tag. (required) Data *string `json:"data,omitempty"` }
CustomTag model
type CustomWebPlayerBuildDomain ¶
type CustomWebPlayerBuildDomain struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Domain where the player is allowed to play (required) Domain *string `json:"domain,omitempty"` }
CustomWebPlayerBuildDomain model
type CustomXmlElement ¶
type CustomXmlElement struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // String representation of the XML element (required) Data *string `json:"data,omitempty"` }
CustomXmlElement model
type DailyStatistics ¶
type DailyStatistics struct { // Date for the shown data. Format: yyyy-MM-dd (required) Date *Date `json:"date,omitempty"` // Bytes encoded. (required) BytesEncoded *int64 `json:"bytesEncoded,omitempty"` // Time in seconds encoded for this day. (required) TimeEncoded *int64 `json:"timeEncoded,omitempty"` // The billable minutes. BillableMinutes *float64 `json:"billableMinutes,omitempty"` // Label identifier. Label *string `json:"label,omitempty"` // Billable minutes for each encoding configuration. BillableEncodingMinutes []BillableEncodingMinutes `json:"billableEncodingMinutes,omitempty"` // Billable minutes for muxings. BillableTransmuxingMinutes *float64 `json:"billableTransmuxingMinutes,omitempty"` // Billable minutes for features BillableFeatureMinutes []BillableEncodingFeatureMinutes `json:"billableFeatureMinutes,omitempty"` BillableEgressBytes []EgressInformation `json:"billableEgressBytes,omitempty"` }
DailyStatistics model
type DailyStatisticsPerLabel ¶
type DailyStatisticsPerLabel struct { // Date, format. yyyy-MM-dd (required) Date *Date `json:"date,omitempty"` // List of labels and their aggregated statistics (required) Labels []DailyStatistics `json:"labels,omitempty"` }
DailyStatisticsPerLabel model
type DashChunkedTextRepresentation ¶
type DashChunkedTextRepresentation struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // UUID of an encoding (required) EncodingId *string `json:"encodingId,omitempty"` // UUID of a muxing (required) MuxingId *string `json:"muxingId,omitempty"` // Used to signal a dependency with another representation. The representation may belong to a different adaptation set DependencyId *string `json:"dependencyId,omitempty"` Type DashRepresentationType `json:"type,omitempty"` Mode DashRepresentationTypeMode `json:"mode,omitempty"` // Path to segments. Will be used as the representation id if the type is set to TEMPLATE_ADAPTATION_SET (required) SegmentPath *string `json:"segmentPath,omitempty"` // Number of the first segment StartSegmentNumber *int64 `json:"startSegmentNumber,omitempty"` // Number of the last segment. Default is the last one that was encoded EndSegmentNumber *int64 `json:"endSegmentNumber,omitempty"` // Id of the keyframe to start with. It takes precedence over startSegmentNumber StartKeyframeId *string `json:"startKeyframeId,omitempty"` // Id of the keyframe to end with. It takes precedence over endSegmentNumber. The segment containing the end keyframe is not included in the representation. EndKeyframeId *string `json:"endKeyframeId,omitempty"` }
DashChunkedTextRepresentation model
func (DashChunkedTextRepresentation) DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator ¶
func (m DashChunkedTextRepresentation) DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator() DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator
func (DashChunkedTextRepresentation) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m DashChunkedTextRepresentation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type DashCmafRepresentation ¶
type DashCmafRepresentation struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // UUID of an encoding (required) EncodingId *string `json:"encodingId,omitempty"` // UUID of a muxing (required) MuxingId *string `json:"muxingId,omitempty"` // Used to signal a dependency with another representation. The representation may belong to a different adaptation set DependencyId *string `json:"dependencyId,omitempty"` Type DashRepresentationType `json:"type,omitempty"` Mode DashRepresentationTypeMode `json:"mode,omitempty"` // Path to segments. Will be used as the representation id if the type is set to TEMPLATE_ADAPTATION_SET (required) SegmentPath *string `json:"segmentPath,omitempty"` // Number of the first segment StartSegmentNumber *int64 `json:"startSegmentNumber,omitempty"` // Number of the last segment. Default is the last one that was encoded EndSegmentNumber *int64 `json:"endSegmentNumber,omitempty"` // Id of the keyframe to start with. It takes precedence over startSegmentNumber StartKeyframeId *string `json:"startKeyframeId,omitempty"` // Id of the keyframe to end with. It takes precedence over endSegmentNumber. The segment containing the end keyframe is not included in the representation. EndKeyframeId *string `json:"endKeyframeId,omitempty"` }
DashCmafRepresentation model
func (DashCmafRepresentation) DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator ¶
func (m DashCmafRepresentation) DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator() DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator
func (DashCmafRepresentation) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m DashCmafRepresentation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type DashEditionCompatibility ¶
type DashEditionCompatibility string
DashEditionCompatibility : DashEditionCompatibility model
const (
DashEditionCompatibility_V4 DashEditionCompatibility = "V4"
List of possible DashEditionCompatibility values
type DashFmp4DrmRepresentation ¶
type DashFmp4DrmRepresentation struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // UUID of an encoding (required) EncodingId *string `json:"encodingId,omitempty"` // UUID of a muxing (required) MuxingId *string `json:"muxingId,omitempty"` // Used to signal a dependency with another representation. The representation may belong to a different adaptation set DependencyId *string `json:"dependencyId,omitempty"` Type DashRepresentationType `json:"type,omitempty"` Mode DashRepresentationTypeMode `json:"mode,omitempty"` // Path to segments. Will be used as the representation id if the type is set to TEMPLATE_ADAPTATION_SET (required) SegmentPath *string `json:"segmentPath,omitempty"` // Number of the first segment StartSegmentNumber *int64 `json:"startSegmentNumber,omitempty"` // Number of the last segment. Default is the last one that was encoded EndSegmentNumber *int64 `json:"endSegmentNumber,omitempty"` // Id of the keyframe to start with. It takes precedence over startSegmentNumber StartKeyframeId *string `json:"startKeyframeId,omitempty"` // Id of the keyframe to end with. It takes precedence over endSegmentNumber. The segment containing the end keyframe is not included in the representation. EndKeyframeId *string `json:"endKeyframeId,omitempty"` // DRM Id (required) DrmId *string `json:"drmId,omitempty"` }
DashFmp4DrmRepresentation model
func (DashFmp4DrmRepresentation) DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator ¶
func (m DashFmp4DrmRepresentation) DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator() DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator
func (DashFmp4DrmRepresentation) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m DashFmp4DrmRepresentation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type DashFmp4Representation ¶
type DashFmp4Representation struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // UUID of an encoding (required) EncodingId *string `json:"encodingId,omitempty"` // UUID of a muxing (required) MuxingId *string `json:"muxingId,omitempty"` // Used to signal a dependency with another representation. The representation may belong to a different adaptation set DependencyId *string `json:"dependencyId,omitempty"` Type DashRepresentationType `json:"type,omitempty"` Mode DashRepresentationTypeMode `json:"mode,omitempty"` // Path to segments. Will be used as the representation id if the type is set to TEMPLATE_ADAPTATION_SET (required) SegmentPath *string `json:"segmentPath,omitempty"` // Number of the first segment StartSegmentNumber *int64 `json:"startSegmentNumber,omitempty"` // Number of the last segment. Default is the last one that was encoded EndSegmentNumber *int64 `json:"endSegmentNumber,omitempty"` // Id of the keyframe to start with. It takes precedence over startSegmentNumber StartKeyframeId *string `json:"startKeyframeId,omitempty"` // Id of the keyframe to end with. It takes precedence over endSegmentNumber. The segment containing the end keyframe is not included in the representation. EndKeyframeId *string `json:"endKeyframeId,omitempty"` }
DashFmp4Representation model
func (DashFmp4Representation) DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator ¶
func (m DashFmp4Representation) DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator() DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator
func (DashFmp4Representation) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m DashFmp4Representation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type DashImscRepresentation ¶
type DashImscRepresentation struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // URL of the referenced IMSC file (required) ImscUrl *string `json:"imscUrl,omitempty"` }
DashImscRepresentation model
func (DashImscRepresentation) DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator ¶
func (m DashImscRepresentation) DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator() DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator
func (DashImscRepresentation) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m DashImscRepresentation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type DashIso8601TimestampFormat ¶ added in v1.218.0
type DashIso8601TimestampFormat string
DashIso8601TimestampFormat : DashIso8601TimestampFormat model
const ( DashIso8601TimestampFormat_LONG DashIso8601TimestampFormat = "LONG" DashIso8601TimestampFormat_SHORT DashIso8601TimestampFormat = "SHORT" )
List of possible DashISO8601TimestampFormat values
type DashManifest ¶
type DashManifest struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Type ManifestType `json:"type,omitempty"` // The outputs to store the manifest (required) Outputs []EncodingOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // Current status Status Status `json:"status,omitempty"` // Determines if segmented or progressive representations can appear in the manifest Profile DashProfile `json:"profile,omitempty"` // The filename of your manifest ManifestName *string `json:"manifestName,omitempty"` // List of additional XML namespaces to add to the DASH Manifest Namespaces []XmlNamespace `json:"namespaces,omitempty"` // List of UTC Timings to use for live streaming UtcTimings []UtcTiming `json:"utcTimings,omitempty"` // The manifest compatibility with the standard DASH Edition. DashEditionCompatibility DashEditionCompatibility `json:"dashEditionCompatibility,omitempty"` // Determines how timestamps should appear in the manifest Iso8601TimestampFormat *DashIso8601TimestampFormat `json:"iso8601TimestampFormat,omitempty"` }
DashManifest model
type DashManifestDefault ¶
type DashManifestDefault struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Type ManifestType `json:"type,omitempty"` // The outputs to store the manifest (required) Outputs []EncodingOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // Current status Status Status `json:"status,omitempty"` // Determines if segmented or progressive representations can appear in the manifest Profile DashProfile `json:"profile,omitempty"` // The filename of your manifest ManifestName *string `json:"manifestName,omitempty"` // List of additional XML namespaces to add to the DASH Manifest Namespaces []XmlNamespace `json:"namespaces,omitempty"` // List of UTC Timings to use for live streaming UtcTimings []UtcTiming `json:"utcTimings,omitempty"` // The manifest compatibility with the standard DASH Edition. DashEditionCompatibility DashEditionCompatibility `json:"dashEditionCompatibility,omitempty"` // Determines how timestamps should appear in the manifest Iso8601TimestampFormat *DashIso8601TimestampFormat `json:"iso8601TimestampFormat,omitempty"` // The id of the encoding to create a default manifest for. Either \"encodingId\" or \"periods\" is required. EncodingId *string `json:"encodingId,omitempty"` // Specifies the algorithm that determines which output of the given encoding is included into the manifest. Note that this is not related to the \"manifestGenerator\" version of the \"Start\" request. Version DashManifestDefaultVersion `json:"version,omitempty"` // Adds a period for every item. Can only be used when setting \"version\" to \"V2\". Either \"periods\" or \"encodingId\" is required. Periods []DefaultDashManifestPeriod `json:"periods,omitempty"` }
DashManifestDefault model
type DashManifestDefaultVersion ¶
type DashManifestDefaultVersion string
DashManifestDefaultVersion : DashManifestDefaultVersion model
const ( DashManifestDefaultVersion_V1 DashManifestDefaultVersion = "V1" DashManifestDefaultVersion_V2 DashManifestDefaultVersion = "V2" )
List of possible DashManifestDefaultVersion values
type DashMp4DrmRepresentation ¶
type DashMp4DrmRepresentation struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // UUID of an encoding (required) EncodingId *string `json:"encodingId,omitempty"` // UUID of a muxing (required) MuxingId *string `json:"muxingId,omitempty"` // Used to signal a dependency with another representation. The representation may belong to a different adaptation set DependencyId *string `json:"dependencyId,omitempty"` // Path to the MP4 file (required) FilePath *string `json:"filePath,omitempty"` // The type of the dash representation Type DashOnDemandRepresentationType `json:"type,omitempty"` // DRM Id (required) DrmId *string `json:"drmId,omitempty"` }
DashMp4DrmRepresentation model
func (DashMp4DrmRepresentation) DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator ¶
func (m DashMp4DrmRepresentation) DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator() DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator
func (DashMp4DrmRepresentation) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m DashMp4DrmRepresentation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type DashMp4Representation ¶
type DashMp4Representation struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // UUID of an encoding (required) EncodingId *string `json:"encodingId,omitempty"` // UUID of a muxing (required) MuxingId *string `json:"muxingId,omitempty"` // Used to signal a dependency with another representation. The representation may belong to a different adaptation set DependencyId *string `json:"dependencyId,omitempty"` // Path to the MP4 file (required) FilePath *string `json:"filePath,omitempty"` // The type of the dash representation Type DashOnDemandRepresentationType `json:"type,omitempty"` }
DashMp4Representation model
func (DashMp4Representation) DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator ¶
func (m DashMp4Representation) DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator() DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator
func (DashMp4Representation) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m DashMp4Representation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type DashOnDemandRepresentationType ¶
type DashOnDemandRepresentationType string
DashOnDemandRepresentationType : DashOnDemandRepresentationType model
const ( DashOnDemandRepresentationType_SEGMENT_BASE DashOnDemandRepresentationType = "SEGMENT_BASE" DashOnDemandRepresentationType_SEGMENT_LIST DashOnDemandRepresentationType = "SEGMENT_LIST" )
List of possible DashOnDemandRepresentationType values
type DashProfile ¶
type DashProfile string
DashProfile : DashProfile model
const ( DashProfile_LIVE DashProfile = "LIVE" DashProfile_ON_DEMAND DashProfile = "ON_DEMAND" )
List of possible DashProfile values
type DashProgressiveWebmRepresentation ¶
type DashProgressiveWebmRepresentation struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // UUID of an encoding (required) EncodingId *string `json:"encodingId,omitempty"` // UUID of a muxing (required) MuxingId *string `json:"muxingId,omitempty"` // Used to signal a dependency with another representation. The representation may belong to a different adaptation set DependencyId *string `json:"dependencyId,omitempty"` // Path to the Progressive WebM file (required) FilePath *string `json:"filePath,omitempty"` }
DashProgressiveWebmRepresentation model
func (DashProgressiveWebmRepresentation) DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator ¶
func (m DashProgressiveWebmRepresentation) DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator() DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator
func (DashProgressiveWebmRepresentation) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m DashProgressiveWebmRepresentation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type DashRepresentation ¶
type DashRepresentation interface { // DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator returns the discriminator type of the polymorphic model DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator() DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator }
DashRepresentation model
func UnmarshalDashRepresentation ¶
func UnmarshalDashRepresentation(reader io.Reader, consumer bitutils.Consumer) (DashRepresentation, error)
UnmarshalDashRepresentation unmarshals polymorphic DashRepresentation
func UnmarshalDashRepresentationSlice ¶
func UnmarshalDashRepresentationSlice(reader io.Reader, consumer bitutils.Consumer) ([]DashRepresentation, error)
UnmarshalDashRepresentationSlice unmarshals polymorphic slices of DashRepresentation
type DashRepresentationType ¶
type DashRepresentationType string
DashRepresentationType : DashRepresentationType model
const ( DashRepresentationType_TEMPLATE DashRepresentationType = "TEMPLATE" DashRepresentationType_LIST DashRepresentationType = "LIST" DashRepresentationType_TIMELINE DashRepresentationType = "TIMELINE" )
List of possible DashRepresentationType values
type DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator ¶
type DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator string
DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator : DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator model
const ( DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator_DRM_FMP4 DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator = "DRM_FMP4" DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator_FMP4 DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator = "FMP4" DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator_WEBM DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator = "WEBM" DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator_CMAF DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator = "CMAF" DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator_CHUNKED_TEXT DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator = "CHUNKED_TEXT" DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator_MP4 DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator = "MP4" DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator_DRM_MP4 DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator = "DRM_MP4" DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator_PROGRESSIVE_WEBM DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator = "PROGRESSIVE_WEBM" DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator_VTT DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator = "VTT" DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator_SPRITE DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator = "SPRITE" DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator_IMSC DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator = "IMSC" DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator_CONTENT_PROTECTION DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator = "CONTENT_PROTECTION" )
List of possible DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator values
type DashRepresentationTypeMode ¶
type DashRepresentationTypeMode string
DashRepresentationTypeMode : DashRepresentationTypeMode model
const ( DashRepresentationTypeMode_TEMPLATE_REPRESENTATION DashRepresentationTypeMode = "TEMPLATE_REPRESENTATION" DashRepresentationTypeMode_TEMPLATE_ADAPTATION_SET DashRepresentationTypeMode = "TEMPLATE_ADAPTATION_SET" )
List of possible DashRepresentationTypeMode values
type DashRepresentationTypeResponse ¶
type DashRepresentationTypeResponse struct { // The type of the DASH representation Type DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator `json:"type,omitempty"` }
DashRepresentationTypeResponse model
type DashVttRepresentation ¶
type DashVttRepresentation struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // URL of the referenced VTT file (required) VttUrl *string `json:"vttUrl,omitempty"` }
DashVttRepresentation model
func (DashVttRepresentation) DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator ¶
func (m DashVttRepresentation) DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator() DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator
func (DashVttRepresentation) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m DashVttRepresentation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type DashWebmRepresentation ¶
type DashWebmRepresentation struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // UUID of an encoding (required) EncodingId *string `json:"encodingId,omitempty"` // UUID of a muxing (required) MuxingId *string `json:"muxingId,omitempty"` // Used to signal a dependency with another representation. The representation may belong to a different adaptation set DependencyId *string `json:"dependencyId,omitempty"` Type DashRepresentationType `json:"type,omitempty"` Mode DashRepresentationTypeMode `json:"mode,omitempty"` // Path to segments. Will be used as the representation id if the type is set to TEMPLATE_ADAPTATION_SET (required) SegmentPath *string `json:"segmentPath,omitempty"` // Number of the first segment StartSegmentNumber *int64 `json:"startSegmentNumber,omitempty"` // Number of the last segment. Default is the last one that was encoded EndSegmentNumber *int64 `json:"endSegmentNumber,omitempty"` // Id of the keyframe to start with. It takes precedence over startSegmentNumber StartKeyframeId *string `json:"startKeyframeId,omitempty"` // Id of the keyframe to end with. It takes precedence over endSegmentNumber. The segment containing the end keyframe is not included in the representation. EndKeyframeId *string `json:"endKeyframeId,omitempty"` }
DashWebmRepresentation model
func (DashWebmRepresentation) DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator ¶
func (m DashWebmRepresentation) DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator() DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator
func (DashWebmRepresentation) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m DashWebmRepresentation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type Date ¶
Date represents a date from the API
func (Date) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON returns the Date as JSON
func (*Date) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON sets the Date from JSON
type DateTime ¶
DateTime is a time but it serializes to ISO8601 format with millis It knows how to read 3 different variations of a RFC3339 date time. Most APIs we encounter want either millisecond or second precision times. This just tries to make it worry-free.
func NewDateTime ¶
func NewDateTime() DateTime
NewDateTime is a representation of zero value for DateTime type
func ParseDateTime ¶
ParseDateTime parses a string that represents an ISO8601 time or a unix epoch
func (DateTime) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON returns the DateTime as JSON
func (*DateTime) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON sets the DateTime from JSON
type DecodingErrorMode ¶
type DecodingErrorMode string
DecodingErrorMode : DecodingErrorMode model
const ( DecodingErrorMode_FAIL_ON_ERROR DecodingErrorMode = "FAIL_ON_ERROR" DecodingErrorMode_DUPLICATE_FRAMES DecodingErrorMode = "DUPLICATE_FRAMES" )
List of possible DecodingErrorMode values
type DefaultDashManifestPeriod ¶
type DefaultDashManifestPeriod struct { // List the encoding ids for which the conditions should apply EncodingIds []string `json:"encodingIds,omitempty"` // Adds an adaption set for every item to the period AdaptationSets []DefaultManifestCondition `json:"adaptationSets,omitempty"` }
DefaultDashManifestPeriod model
func (*DefaultDashManifestPeriod) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *DefaultDashManifestPeriod) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals model DefaultDashManifestPeriod from a JSON structure
type DefaultManifestAndCondition ¶
type DefaultManifestAndCondition struct { // Array to perform the AND evaluation on. This conditions evaluates to true if all sub conditions evaluate to true. Conditions []DefaultManifestCondition `json:"conditions,omitempty"` }
DefaultManifestAndCondition model
func (DefaultManifestAndCondition) ConditionType ¶
func (m DefaultManifestAndCondition) ConditionType() ConditionType
func (DefaultManifestAndCondition) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m DefaultManifestAndCondition) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*DefaultManifestAndCondition) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *DefaultManifestAndCondition) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals model DefaultManifestAndCondition from a JSON structure
type DefaultManifestAttributeCondition ¶
type DefaultManifestAttributeCondition struct { // The attribute that should be used for the evaluation: - audio.codec - audio.language - audio.bitrate - subtitle.format - subtitle.language - video.height - video.width - video.codec - video.bitrate - drm.type - muxing.type (required) Attribute *string `json:"attribute,omitempty"` // The operator that should be used for the evaluation (required) Operator ConditionOperator `json:"operator,omitempty"` // The value that should be used for comparison. Valid values depend on the attribute: - audio.codec (Enum; e.g., AAC, MP3, OPUS) - audio.language (String) - audio.bitrate (Integer) - subtitle.format (Enum; e.g., WEBVTT) - subtitle.language (String) - video.height (Integer) - video.width (Integer) - video.codec (Enum; e.g., AV1, H264, VP9) - video.bitrate (Integer) - drm.type (Enum; NoDrm, Cenc, CencWidevine, CencPlayReady, CencMarlin, CencFairPlay, Aes128, ClearKey, PrimeTime, Widevine, PlayReady, Marlin, FairPlay) - muxing.type (Enum; e.g., FMP4, MP4) (required) Value *string `json:"value,omitempty"` }
DefaultManifestAttributeCondition model
func (DefaultManifestAttributeCondition) ConditionType ¶
func (m DefaultManifestAttributeCondition) ConditionType() ConditionType
func (DefaultManifestAttributeCondition) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m DefaultManifestAttributeCondition) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type DefaultManifestCondition ¶
type DefaultManifestCondition interface { // ConditionType returns the discriminator type of the polymorphic model ConditionType() ConditionType }
DefaultManifestCondition model
func UnmarshalDefaultManifestCondition ¶
func UnmarshalDefaultManifestCondition(reader io.Reader, consumer bitutils.Consumer) (DefaultManifestCondition, error)
UnmarshalDefaultManifestCondition unmarshals polymorphic DefaultManifestCondition
func UnmarshalDefaultManifestConditionSlice ¶
func UnmarshalDefaultManifestConditionSlice(reader io.Reader, consumer bitutils.Consumer) ([]DefaultManifestCondition, error)
UnmarshalDefaultManifestConditionSlice unmarshals polymorphic slices of DefaultManifestCondition
type DefaultManifestOrCondition ¶
type DefaultManifestOrCondition struct { // Array to perform the OR evaluation on. This conditions evaluates to true if at least one sub condition evaluates to true. Conditions []DefaultManifestCondition `json:"conditions,omitempty"` }
DefaultManifestOrCondition model
func (DefaultManifestOrCondition) ConditionType ¶
func (m DefaultManifestOrCondition) ConditionType() ConditionType
func (DefaultManifestOrCondition) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m DefaultManifestOrCondition) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*DefaultManifestOrCondition) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *DefaultManifestOrCondition) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals model DefaultManifestOrCondition from a JSON structure
type DeinterlaceAutoEnable ¶
type DeinterlaceAutoEnable string
DeinterlaceAutoEnable : Specifies if the Deinterlace Filter should be applied unconditionally or only on demand.
const ( DeinterlaceAutoEnable_ALWAYS_ON DeinterlaceAutoEnable = "ALWAYS_ON" DeinterlaceAutoEnable_META_DATA_BASED DeinterlaceAutoEnable = "META_DATA_BASED" DeinterlaceAutoEnable_META_DATA_AND_CONTENT_BASED DeinterlaceAutoEnable = "META_DATA_AND_CONTENT_BASED" )
List of possible DeinterlaceAutoEnable values
type DeinterlaceFilter ¶
type DeinterlaceFilter struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Parity PictureFieldParity `json:"parity,omitempty"` Mode DeinterlaceMode `json:"mode,omitempty"` FrameSelectionMode DeinterlaceFrameSelectionMode `json:"frameSelectionMode,omitempty"` AutoEnable DeinterlaceAutoEnable `json:"autoEnable,omitempty"` }
DeinterlaceFilter model
func (DeinterlaceFilter) FilterType ¶
func (m DeinterlaceFilter) FilterType() FilterType
func (DeinterlaceFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m DeinterlaceFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type DeinterlaceFrameSelectionMode ¶
type DeinterlaceFrameSelectionMode string
DeinterlaceFrameSelectionMode : Specifies which frames to deinterlace
const ( DeinterlaceFrameSelectionMode_ALL DeinterlaceFrameSelectionMode = "ALL" DeinterlaceFrameSelectionMode_INTERLACED DeinterlaceFrameSelectionMode = "INTERLACED" )
List of possible DeinterlaceFrameSelectionMode values
type DeinterlaceMode ¶
type DeinterlaceMode string
DeinterlaceMode : Specifies the method how fields are converted to frames
const ( DeinterlaceMode_FRAME DeinterlaceMode = "FRAME" DeinterlaceMode_FIELD DeinterlaceMode = "FIELD" DeinterlaceMode_FRAME_NOSPATIAL DeinterlaceMode = "FRAME_NOSPATIAL" DeinterlaceMode_FIELD_NOSPATIAL DeinterlaceMode = "FIELD_NOSPATIAL" )
List of possible DeinterlaceMode values
type DenoiseHqdn3dFilter ¶
type DenoiseHqdn3dFilter struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // A non-negative floating point number which specifies spatial luma strength. It defaults to 4.0. LumaSpatial *float64 `json:"lumaSpatial,omitempty"` // A non-negative floating point number which specifies spatial chroma strength. It defaults to 3.0*luma_spatial/4.0. ChromaSpatial *float64 `json:"chromaSpatial,omitempty"` // A floating point number which specifies luma temporal strength. It defaults to 6.0*luma_spatial/4.0. LumaTmp *float64 `json:"lumaTmp,omitempty"` // A floating point number which specifies chroma temporal strength. It defaults to luma_tmp*chroma_spatial/luma_spatial. ChromaTmp *float64 `json:"chromaTmp,omitempty"` }
DenoiseHqdn3dFilter model
func (DenoiseHqdn3dFilter) FilterType ¶
func (m DenoiseHqdn3dFilter) FilterType() FilterType
func (DenoiseHqdn3dFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m DenoiseHqdn3dFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type DirectFileUploadInput ¶
type DirectFileUploadInput struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // The URL to be used for a file upload with HTTP PUT. Expires after 5 minutes. UploadUrl *string `json:"uploadUrl,omitempty"` }
DirectFileUploadInput model
func (DirectFileUploadInput) InputType ¶
func (m DirectFileUploadInput) InputType() InputType
func (DirectFileUploadInput) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m DirectFileUploadInput) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type DisplayAspectRatio ¶
type DisplayAspectRatio struct { // The numerator of the display aspect ratio (DAR). For example for a DAR of 16:9, the value 16 must be used. (required) Numerator *int32 `json:"numerator,omitempty"` // The denominator of the display aspect ratio (DAR). For example for a DAR of 16:9, the value 9 must be used. (required) Denominator *int32 `json:"denominator,omitempty"` }
DisplayAspectRatio model
type DolbyAtmosAudioConfiguration ¶
type DolbyAtmosAudioConfiguration struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. (required) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Target bitrate for the encoded audio in bps. Allowed values are: 384000, 448000, 576000, 640000, 768000, 1024000 (required) Bitrate *int64 `json:"bitrate,omitempty"` // Audio sampling rate in Hz. Only 48000 is allowed. Rate *float64 `json:"rate,omitempty"` // Settings for loudness control (required) LoudnessControl *DolbyAtmosLoudnessControl `json:"loudnessControl,omitempty"` }
DolbyAtmosAudioConfiguration model
func (DolbyAtmosAudioConfiguration) CodecConfigType ¶
func (m DolbyAtmosAudioConfiguration) CodecConfigType() CodecConfigType
func (DolbyAtmosAudioConfiguration) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m DolbyAtmosAudioConfiguration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type DolbyAtmosDialogueIntelligence ¶
type DolbyAtmosDialogueIntelligence string
DolbyAtmosDialogueIntelligence : Whether to use the Dialogue Intelligence feature, which identifies and analyzes dialogue segments within audio as a basis for speech gating
const ( DolbyAtmosDialogueIntelligence_ENABLED DolbyAtmosDialogueIntelligence = "ENABLED" DolbyAtmosDialogueIntelligence_DISABLED DolbyAtmosDialogueIntelligence = "DISABLED" )
List of possible DolbyAtmosDialogueIntelligence values
type DolbyAtmosIngestInputStream ¶
type DolbyAtmosIngestInputStream struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Id of input (required) InputId *string `json:"inputId,omitempty"` // Path to the Dolby Atmos input file (required) InputPath *string `json:"inputPath,omitempty"` // Input file format of the Dolby Atmos input file. Set it to DAMF if the given input file is a Dolby Atmos Master File (.atmos). Set it to ADM if the given input file is an Audio Definition Model Broadcast Wave Format file (.wav) (required) InputFormat DolbyAtmosInputFormat `json:"inputFormat,omitempty"` }
DolbyAtmosIngestInputStream model
func (DolbyAtmosIngestInputStream) InputStreamType ¶
func (m DolbyAtmosIngestInputStream) InputStreamType() InputStreamType
func (DolbyAtmosIngestInputStream) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m DolbyAtmosIngestInputStream) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type DolbyAtmosInputFormat ¶
type DolbyAtmosInputFormat string
DolbyAtmosInputFormat : DolbyAtmosInputFormat model
const ( DolbyAtmosInputFormat_DAMF DolbyAtmosInputFormat = "DAMF" DolbyAtmosInputFormat_ADM DolbyAtmosInputFormat = "ADM" )
List of possible DolbyAtmosInputFormat values
type DolbyAtmosLoudnessControl ¶
type DolbyAtmosLoudnessControl struct { // Algorithm to be used for measuring loudness. Recommended value is \"ITU_R_BS_1770_4\" (required) MeteringMode DolbyAtmosMeteringMode `json:"meteringMode,omitempty"` // Whether to use the Dialogue Intelligence feature, which identifies and analyzes dialogue segments within audio as a basis for speech gating. Must not be \"DISABLED\" for meteringMode \"ITU-R BS.1770-1\" or \"Leq (A)\", otherwise recommended value is \"ENABLED\" (required) DialogueIntelligence DolbyAtmosDialogueIntelligence `json:"dialogueIntelligence,omitempty"` // Specifies the percentage of speech that must be detected in the metered content before using the measured speech loudness as the overall program loudness. Given as an integer percentage between 0 and 100 (0% to 100%). Recommended value is 15 (required) SpeechThreshold *int32 `json:"speechThreshold,omitempty"` }
DolbyAtmosLoudnessControl model
type DolbyAtmosMeteringMode ¶
type DolbyAtmosMeteringMode string
DolbyAtmosMeteringMode : Algorithm to be used for measuring loudness
const ( DolbyAtmosMeteringMode_ITU_R_BS_1770_1 DolbyAtmosMeteringMode = "ITU-R BS.1770-1" DolbyAtmosMeteringMode_ITU_R_BS_1770_2 DolbyAtmosMeteringMode = "ITU-R BS.1770-2" DolbyAtmosMeteringMode_ITU_R_BS_1770_3 DolbyAtmosMeteringMode = "ITU-R BS.1770-3" DolbyAtmosMeteringMode_ITU_R_BS_1770_4 DolbyAtmosMeteringMode = "ITU-R BS.1770-4" DolbyAtmosMeteringMode_LEQ_A DolbyAtmosMeteringMode = "Leq (A)" )
List of possible DolbyAtmosMeteringMode values
type DolbyDigitalAudioConfiguration ¶
type DolbyDigitalAudioConfiguration struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. (required) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Target bitrate for the encoded audio in bps (required) Bitrate *int64 `json:"bitrate,omitempty"` // Audio sampling rate in Hz Rate *float64 `json:"rate,omitempty"` // BitstreamInfo defines metadata parameters contained in the Dolby Digital audio bitstream BitstreamInfo *DolbyDigitalBitstreamInfo `json:"bitstreamInfo,omitempty"` // Channel layout of the audio codec configuration. ChannelLayout DolbyDigitalChannelLayout `json:"channelLayout,omitempty"` Downmixing *DolbyDigitalDownmixing `json:"downmixing,omitempty"` // It provides a framework for signaling new evolution framework applications, such as Intelligent Loudness, in each Dolby codec. EvolutionFrameworkControl DolbyDigitalEvolutionFrameworkControl `json:"evolutionFrameworkControl,omitempty"` // Settings for loudness control (required) LoudnessControl *DolbyDigitalLoudnessControl `json:"loudnessControl,omitempty"` Preprocessing *DolbyDigitalPreprocessing `json:"preprocessing,omitempty"` }
DolbyDigitalAudioConfiguration model
func (DolbyDigitalAudioConfiguration) CodecConfigType ¶
func (m DolbyDigitalAudioConfiguration) CodecConfigType() CodecConfigType
func (DolbyDigitalAudioConfiguration) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m DolbyDigitalAudioConfiguration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type DolbyDigitalBitstreamInfo ¶
type DolbyDigitalBitstreamInfo struct { // This parameter indicates to a decoder whether the two‐channel encoded bitstream contains a Dolby Surround (Lt/Rt) program that requires Dolby Pro Logic decoding. When downmixing to stereo from a multichannel input, set this value according to the type of downmix performed (Lt/Rt: `ENABLED`, Lo/Ro: `DISABLED`). When transcoding a stereo Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus, or Dolby E input, the value must be passed through from the input bitstream to the output bitstream. When transcoding a third-party stereo input to stereo Dolby Digital set the value to `NOT_INDICATED`. SurroundMode DolbyDigitalSurroundMode `json:"surroundMode,omitempty"` // This is used to identify the encoded audio as material encoded in Dolby Digital Surround EX. This parameter is used only if the encoded audio has two surround channels. An amplifier or receiver with Dolby Digital Surround EX decoding can use this parameter as a flag to switch the decoding on or off automatically. The behavior is similar to that of the `surroundMode` parameter. SurroundExMode DolbyDigitalSurroundMode `json:"surroundExMode,omitempty"` }
DolbyDigitalBitstreamInfo model
type DolbyDigitalCenterMixLevel ¶
type DolbyDigitalCenterMixLevel string
DolbyDigitalCenterMixLevel : DolbyDigitalCenterMixLevel model
const ( DolbyDigitalCenterMixLevel_PLUS_3_DB DolbyDigitalCenterMixLevel = "PLUS_3_DB" DolbyDigitalCenterMixLevel_PLUS_1_5_DB DolbyDigitalCenterMixLevel = "PLUS_1_5_DB" DolbyDigitalCenterMixLevel_ZERO_DB DolbyDigitalCenterMixLevel = "ZERO_DB" DolbyDigitalCenterMixLevel_MINUS_1_5_DB DolbyDigitalCenterMixLevel = "MINUS_1_5_DB" DolbyDigitalCenterMixLevel_MINUS_3_DB DolbyDigitalCenterMixLevel = "MINUS_3_DB" DolbyDigitalCenterMixLevel_MINUS_4_5_DB DolbyDigitalCenterMixLevel = "MINUS_4_5_DB" DolbyDigitalCenterMixLevel_MINUS_6_DB DolbyDigitalCenterMixLevel = "MINUS_6_DB" DolbyDigitalCenterMixLevel_MINUS_INFINITY_DB DolbyDigitalCenterMixLevel = "MINUS_INFINITY_DB" )
List of possible DolbyDigitalCenterMixLevel values
type DolbyDigitalChannelLayout ¶
type DolbyDigitalChannelLayout string
DolbyDigitalChannelLayout : DolbyDigitalChannelLayout model
const ( DolbyDigitalChannelLayout_NONE DolbyDigitalChannelLayout = "NONE" DolbyDigitalChannelLayout_MONO DolbyDigitalChannelLayout = "MONO" DolbyDigitalChannelLayout_CL_STEREO DolbyDigitalChannelLayout = "STEREO" DolbyDigitalChannelLayout_CL_SURROUND DolbyDigitalChannelLayout = "SURROUND" DolbyDigitalChannelLayout_CL_3_1 DolbyDigitalChannelLayout = "3.1" DolbyDigitalChannelLayout_CL_BACK_SURROUND DolbyDigitalChannelLayout = "BACK_SURROUND" DolbyDigitalChannelLayout_CL_BACK_SURROUND_LFE DolbyDigitalChannelLayout = "BACK_SURROUND_LFE" DolbyDigitalChannelLayout_CL_QUAD DolbyDigitalChannelLayout = "QUAD" DolbyDigitalChannelLayout_CL_QUAD_LFE DolbyDigitalChannelLayout = "QUAD_LFE" DolbyDigitalChannelLayout_CL_4_0 DolbyDigitalChannelLayout = "4.0" DolbyDigitalChannelLayout_CL_4_1 DolbyDigitalChannelLayout = "4.1" DolbyDigitalChannelLayout_CL_5_0 DolbyDigitalChannelLayout = "5.0" DolbyDigitalChannelLayout_CL_5_1 DolbyDigitalChannelLayout = "5.1" )
List of possible DolbyDigitalChannelLayout values
type DolbyDigitalDialogueIntelligence ¶
type DolbyDigitalDialogueIntelligence string
DolbyDigitalDialogueIntelligence : Whether to use the Dolby Dialogue Intelligence feature, which identifies and analyzes dialogue segments within audio as a basis for speech gating
const ( DolbyDigitalDialogueIntelligence_ENABLED DolbyDigitalDialogueIntelligence = "ENABLED" DolbyDigitalDialogueIntelligence_DISABLED DolbyDigitalDialogueIntelligence = "DISABLED" )
List of possible DolbyDigitalDialogueIntelligence values
type DolbyDigitalDownmixing ¶
type DolbyDigitalDownmixing struct { // The level shift applied to the C channel when adding to the L and R outputs as a result of downmixing to one Lo/Ro output. LoRoCenterMixLevel DolbyDigitalCenterMixLevel `json:"loRoCenterMixLevel,omitempty"` // The level shift applied to the C channel when adding to the L and R outputs as a result of downmixing to one Lt/Rt output. LtRtCenterMixLevel DolbyDigitalCenterMixLevel `json:"ltRtCenterMixLevel,omitempty"` // The level shift applied to the surround channels when downmixing to one Lo/Ro output. LoRoSurroundMixLevel DolbyDigitalSurroundMixLevel `json:"loRoSurroundMixLevel,omitempty"` // The level shift applied to the surround channels when downmixing to one Lt/Rt output. LtRtSurroundMixLevel DolbyDigitalSurroundMixLevel `json:"ltRtSurroundMixLevel,omitempty"` PreferredMode DolbyDigitalDownmixingPreferredMode `json:"preferredMode,omitempty"` }
Downmixing is used to reproduce the complete audio program when the actual decoder outputs do not match the encoded channel layout of the original audio signal. The process of downmixing takes the information in the channels that do not have corresponding outputs, and mixes this information into the remaining channels.
type DolbyDigitalDownmixingPreferredMode ¶
type DolbyDigitalDownmixingPreferredMode string
DolbyDigitalDownmixingPreferredMode : It indicates if downmixing mode is Dolby Surround compatible (`LT_RT`: Left total/Right total) or Dolby Pro Logic II (`PRO_LOGIC_II`). `LO_RO` for Left only/Right only: A downmix from a multichannel to a two‐channel output that is compatible for stereo or mono reproduction.
const ( DolbyDigitalDownmixingPreferredMode_LO_RO DolbyDigitalDownmixingPreferredMode = "LO_RO" DolbyDigitalDownmixingPreferredMode_LT_RT DolbyDigitalDownmixingPreferredMode = "LT_RT" DolbyDigitalDownmixingPreferredMode_PRO_LOGIC_II DolbyDigitalDownmixingPreferredMode = "PRO_LOGIC_II" )
List of possible DolbyDigitalDownmixingPreferredMode values
type DolbyDigitalDynamicRangeCompression ¶
type DolbyDigitalDynamicRangeCompression struct { // Line mode is intended for use in products providing line‐level or speaker‐level outputs, and is applicable to the widest range of products. Products such as set‐top boxes, DVD players, DTVs, A/V surround decoders, and outboard Dolby Digital decoders typically use this mode. LineMode DolbyDigitalDynamicRangeCompressionMode `json:"lineMode,omitempty"` // RF mode is intended for products such as a low‐cost television receivers. RfMode DolbyDigitalDynamicRangeCompressionMode `json:"rfMode,omitempty"` }
DolbyDigitalDynamicRangeCompression model
type DolbyDigitalDynamicRangeCompressionMode ¶
type DolbyDigitalDynamicRangeCompressionMode string
DolbyDigitalDynamicRangeCompressionMode : Dynamic range compression processing mode
const ( DolbyDigitalDynamicRangeCompressionMode_NONE DolbyDigitalDynamicRangeCompressionMode = "NONE" DolbyDigitalDynamicRangeCompressionMode_FILM_STANDARD DolbyDigitalDynamicRangeCompressionMode = "FILM_STANDARD" DolbyDigitalDynamicRangeCompressionMode_FILM_LIGHT DolbyDigitalDynamicRangeCompressionMode = "FILM_LIGHT" DolbyDigitalDynamicRangeCompressionMode_MUSIC_STANDARD DolbyDigitalDynamicRangeCompressionMode = "MUSIC_STANDARD" DolbyDigitalDynamicRangeCompressionMode_MUSIC_LIGHT DolbyDigitalDynamicRangeCompressionMode = "MUSIC_LIGHT" DolbyDigitalDynamicRangeCompressionMode_SPEECH DolbyDigitalDynamicRangeCompressionMode = "SPEECH" )
List of possible DolbyDigitalDynamicRangeCompressionMode values
type DolbyDigitalEvolutionFrameworkControl ¶
type DolbyDigitalEvolutionFrameworkControl string
DolbyDigitalEvolutionFrameworkControl : Enable Dolby Evolution Framework control feature
const ( DolbyDigitalEvolutionFrameworkControl_ENABLED DolbyDigitalEvolutionFrameworkControl = "ENABLED" DolbyDigitalEvolutionFrameworkControl_DISABLED DolbyDigitalEvolutionFrameworkControl = "DISABLED" )
List of possible DolbyDigitalEvolutionFrameworkControl values
type DolbyDigitalLfeLowPassFilter ¶
type DolbyDigitalLfeLowPassFilter string
DolbyDigitalLfeLowPassFilter : Low frequency effects low pass filter
const ( DolbyDigitalLfeLowPassFilter_ENABLED DolbyDigitalLfeLowPassFilter = "ENABLED" DolbyDigitalLfeLowPassFilter_DISABLED DolbyDigitalLfeLowPassFilter = "DISABLED" )
List of possible DolbyDigitalLfeLowPassFilter values
type DolbyDigitalLoudnessControl ¶
type DolbyDigitalLoudnessControl struct { // Dialogue Normalization value to be set on the bitstream metadata. Required if the mode is `PASSTHROUGH`, or if the mode is `CORRECTION` and regulationType is `MANUAL`. For all other combinations dialnorm must not be set. Dialnorm *int32 `json:"dialnorm,omitempty"` // This may only be set if the mode is `PASSTHROUGH`, or if the mode is `CORRECTION` and regulationType is `MANUAL`. For all other combinations dialogueIntelligence must not be set. DialogueIntelligence DolbyDigitalDialogueIntelligence `json:"dialogueIntelligence,omitempty"` Mode DolbyDigitalLoudnessControlMode `json:"mode,omitempty"` // The peak value in dB to use for loudness correction. This may only be set if the mode is `PASSTHROUGH`, or if the mode is `CORRECTION` and regulationType is `MANUAL`. For all other combinations peakLimit must not be set. PeakLimit *float64 `json:"peakLimit,omitempty"` // This is only allowed if the mode is CORRECTION. <table> <tr><th colspan=4 align=\"left\"> Predefined values for each regulation type: </th></tr> <tr><td> Regulation Type </td><td> EBU R128 </td><td> ATSC A/85 Fixed </td><td> ATSC A/85 Agile</td></tr> <tr><td> Limit Mode </td><td> `True Peak` </td><td> `True Peak` </td><td> `True Peak` </td></tr> <tr><td> Correction Mode </td><td> `PCM Normalization` </td><td> `PCM Normalization` </td><td> `Metadata Update` </td></tr> <tr><td> Peak Limit </td><td> `–3 dBTP` </td><td> `–2 dBTP` </td><td> `N/A` </td></tr> <tr><td> Dialogue Intelligence </td><td> `Off` </td><td> `On` </td><td> `On` </td></tr> <tr><td> Meter Mode </td><td> `ITU-R BS.1770-3` </td><td> `ITU-R BS.1770-3` </td><td> `ITU-R BS.1770-3` </td></tr> <tr><td> Speech Threshold </td><td> `20` </td><td> `20` </td><td> `20` </td></tr> <tr><td> Dialogue Normalization </td><td> `-23 dB` </td><td> `-24 dB` </td><td> `Set to measured loudness` </td></tr> </table> RegulationType DolbyDigitalLoudnessControlRegulationType `json:"regulationType,omitempty"` }
DolbyDigitalLoudnessControl model
type DolbyDigitalLoudnessControlMode ¶
type DolbyDigitalLoudnessControlMode string
DolbyDigitalLoudnessControlMode : DolbyDigitalLoudnessControlMode model
const ( DolbyDigitalLoudnessControlMode_PASSTHROUGH DolbyDigitalLoudnessControlMode = "PASSTHROUGH" DolbyDigitalLoudnessControlMode_CORRECTION DolbyDigitalLoudnessControlMode = "CORRECTION" )
List of possible DolbyDigitalLoudnessControlMode values
type DolbyDigitalLoudnessControlRegulationType ¶
type DolbyDigitalLoudnessControlRegulationType string
DolbyDigitalLoudnessControlRegulationType : DolbyDigitalLoudnessControlRegulationType model
const ( DolbyDigitalLoudnessControlRegulationType_EBU_R128 DolbyDigitalLoudnessControlRegulationType = "EBU_R128" DolbyDigitalLoudnessControlRegulationType_ATSC_A85_FIXED DolbyDigitalLoudnessControlRegulationType = "ATSC_A85_FIXED" DolbyDigitalLoudnessControlRegulationType_ATSC_A85_AGILE DolbyDigitalLoudnessControlRegulationType = "ATSC_A85_AGILE" DolbyDigitalLoudnessControlRegulationType_MANUAL DolbyDigitalLoudnessControlRegulationType = "MANUAL" )
List of possible DolbyDigitalLoudnessControlRegulationType values
type DolbyDigitalNinetyDegreePhaseShift ¶
type DolbyDigitalNinetyDegreePhaseShift string
DolbyDigitalNinetyDegreePhaseShift : A 90° phase shift can be applied to the surround channels during encoding. This is useful for generating multichannel bitstreams which, when downmixed, can create a true Dolby Surround compatible output (Left/Right)
const ( DolbyDigitalNinetyDegreePhaseShift_ENABLED DolbyDigitalNinetyDegreePhaseShift = "ENABLED" DolbyDigitalNinetyDegreePhaseShift_DISABLED DolbyDigitalNinetyDegreePhaseShift = "DISABLED" )
List of possible DolbyDigitalNinetyDegreePhaseShift values
type DolbyDigitalPlusAudioConfiguration ¶
type DolbyDigitalPlusAudioConfiguration struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. (required) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Target bitrate for the encoded audio in bps (required) Bitrate *int64 `json:"bitrate,omitempty"` // Audio sampling rate in Hz Rate *float64 `json:"rate,omitempty"` // BitstreamInfo defines metadata parameters contained in the Dolby Digital Plus audio bitstream BitstreamInfo *DolbyDigitalPlusBitstreamInfo `json:"bitstreamInfo,omitempty"` // Channel layout of the audio codec configuration. ChannelLayout DolbyDigitalPlusChannelLayout `json:"channelLayout,omitempty"` Downmixing *DolbyDigitalPlusDownmixing `json:"downmixing,omitempty"` // It provides a framework for signaling new evolution framework applications, such as Intelligent Loudness, in each Dolby codec. EvolutionFrameworkControl DolbyDigitalPlusEvolutionFrameworkControl `json:"evolutionFrameworkControl,omitempty"` // Settings for loudness control (required) LoudnessControl *DolbyDigitalPlusLoudnessControl `json:"loudnessControl,omitempty"` Preprocessing *DolbyDigitalPlusPreprocessing `json:"preprocessing,omitempty"` }
DolbyDigitalPlusAudioConfiguration model
func (DolbyDigitalPlusAudioConfiguration) CodecConfigType ¶
func (m DolbyDigitalPlusAudioConfiguration) CodecConfigType() CodecConfigType
func (DolbyDigitalPlusAudioConfiguration) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m DolbyDigitalPlusAudioConfiguration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type DolbyDigitalPlusBitstreamInfo ¶
type DolbyDigitalPlusBitstreamInfo struct { // This parameter indicates to a decoder whether the two‐channel encoded bitstream contains a Dolby Surround (Lt/Rt) program that requires Dolby Pro Logic decoding. When downmixing to stereo from a multichannel input, set this value according to the type of downmix performed (Lt/Rt: `ENABLED`, Lo/Ro: `DISABLED`). When transcoding a stereo Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus, or Dolby E input, the value must be passed through from the input bitstream to the output bitstream. When transcoding a third-party stereo input to stereo Dolby Digital set the value to `NOT_INDICATED`. SurroundMode DolbyDigitalPlusSurroundMode `json:"surroundMode,omitempty"` // This is used to identify the encoded audio as material encoded in Dolby Digital Surround EX. This parameter is used only if the encoded audio has two surround channels. An amplifier or receiver with Dolby Digital Surround EX decoding can use this parameter as a flag to switch the decoding on or off automatically. The behavior is similar to that of the `surroundMode` parameter. SurroundExMode DolbyDigitalPlusSurroundMode `json:"surroundExMode,omitempty"` }
DolbyDigitalPlusBitstreamInfo model
type DolbyDigitalPlusCenterMixLevel ¶
type DolbyDigitalPlusCenterMixLevel string
DolbyDigitalPlusCenterMixLevel : DolbyDigitalPlusCenterMixLevel model
const ( DolbyDigitalPlusCenterMixLevel_PLUS_3_DB DolbyDigitalPlusCenterMixLevel = "PLUS_3_DB" DolbyDigitalPlusCenterMixLevel_PLUS_1_5_DB DolbyDigitalPlusCenterMixLevel = "PLUS_1_5_DB" DolbyDigitalPlusCenterMixLevel_ZERO_DB DolbyDigitalPlusCenterMixLevel = "ZERO_DB" DolbyDigitalPlusCenterMixLevel_MINUS_1_5_DB DolbyDigitalPlusCenterMixLevel = "MINUS_1_5_DB" DolbyDigitalPlusCenterMixLevel_MINUS_3_DB DolbyDigitalPlusCenterMixLevel = "MINUS_3_DB" DolbyDigitalPlusCenterMixLevel_MINUS_4_5_DB DolbyDigitalPlusCenterMixLevel = "MINUS_4_5_DB" DolbyDigitalPlusCenterMixLevel_MINUS_6_DB DolbyDigitalPlusCenterMixLevel = "MINUS_6_DB" DolbyDigitalPlusCenterMixLevel_MINUS_INFINITY_DB DolbyDigitalPlusCenterMixLevel = "MINUS_INFINITY_DB" )
List of possible DolbyDigitalPlusCenterMixLevel values
type DolbyDigitalPlusChannelLayout ¶
type DolbyDigitalPlusChannelLayout string
DolbyDigitalPlusChannelLayout : DolbyDigitalPlusChannelLayout model
const ( DolbyDigitalPlusChannelLayout_NONE DolbyDigitalPlusChannelLayout = "NONE" DolbyDigitalPlusChannelLayout_MONO DolbyDigitalPlusChannelLayout = "MONO" DolbyDigitalPlusChannelLayout_CL_STEREO DolbyDigitalPlusChannelLayout = "STEREO" DolbyDigitalPlusChannelLayout_CL_SURROUND DolbyDigitalPlusChannelLayout = "SURROUND" DolbyDigitalPlusChannelLayout_CL_3_1 DolbyDigitalPlusChannelLayout = "3.1" DolbyDigitalPlusChannelLayout_CL_BACK_SURROUND DolbyDigitalPlusChannelLayout = "BACK_SURROUND" DolbyDigitalPlusChannelLayout_CL_BACK_SURROUND_LFE DolbyDigitalPlusChannelLayout = "BACK_SURROUND_LFE" DolbyDigitalPlusChannelLayout_CL_QUAD DolbyDigitalPlusChannelLayout = "QUAD" DolbyDigitalPlusChannelLayout_CL_QUAD_LFE DolbyDigitalPlusChannelLayout = "QUAD_LFE" DolbyDigitalPlusChannelLayout_CL_4_0 DolbyDigitalPlusChannelLayout = "4.0" DolbyDigitalPlusChannelLayout_CL_4_1 DolbyDigitalPlusChannelLayout = "4.1" DolbyDigitalPlusChannelLayout_CL_5_0 DolbyDigitalPlusChannelLayout = "5.0" DolbyDigitalPlusChannelLayout_CL_5_1 DolbyDigitalPlusChannelLayout = "5.1" )
List of possible DolbyDigitalPlusChannelLayout values
type DolbyDigitalPlusDialogueIntelligence ¶
type DolbyDigitalPlusDialogueIntelligence string
DolbyDigitalPlusDialogueIntelligence : Whether to use the Dolby Dialogue Intelligence feature, which identifies and analyzes dialogue segments within audio as a basis for speech gating
const ( DolbyDigitalPlusDialogueIntelligence_ENABLED DolbyDigitalPlusDialogueIntelligence = "ENABLED" DolbyDigitalPlusDialogueIntelligence_DISABLED DolbyDigitalPlusDialogueIntelligence = "DISABLED" )
List of possible DolbyDigitalPlusDialogueIntelligence values
type DolbyDigitalPlusDownmixing ¶
type DolbyDigitalPlusDownmixing struct { // The level shift applied to the C channel when adding to the L and R outputs as a result of downmixing to one Lo/Ro output. LoRoCenterMixLevel DolbyDigitalPlusCenterMixLevel `json:"loRoCenterMixLevel,omitempty"` // The level shift applied to the C channel when adding to the L and R outputs as a result of downmixing to one Lt/Rt output. LtRtCenterMixLevel DolbyDigitalPlusCenterMixLevel `json:"ltRtCenterMixLevel,omitempty"` // The level shift applied to the surround channels when downmixing to one Lo/Ro output. LoRoSurroundMixLevel DolbyDigitalPlusSurroundMixLevel `json:"loRoSurroundMixLevel,omitempty"` // The level shift applied to the surround channels when downmixing to one Lt/Rt output. LtRtSurroundMixLevel DolbyDigitalPlusSurroundMixLevel `json:"ltRtSurroundMixLevel,omitempty"` PreferredMode DolbyDigitalPlusDownmixingPreferredMode `json:"preferredMode,omitempty"` }
Downmixing is used to reproduce the complete audio program when the actual decoder outputs do not match the encoded channel layout of the original audio signal. The process of downmixing takes the information in the channels that do not have corresponding outputs, and mixes this information into the remaining channels.
type DolbyDigitalPlusDownmixingPreferredMode ¶
type DolbyDigitalPlusDownmixingPreferredMode string
DolbyDigitalPlusDownmixingPreferredMode : It indicates if downmixing mode is Dolby Surround compatible (`LT_RT`: Left total/Right total) or Dolby Pro Logic II (`PRO_LOGIC_II`). `LO_RO` for Left only/Right only: A downmix from a multichannel to a two‐channel output that is compatible for stereo or mono reproduction.
const ( DolbyDigitalPlusDownmixingPreferredMode_LO_RO DolbyDigitalPlusDownmixingPreferredMode = "LO_RO" DolbyDigitalPlusDownmixingPreferredMode_LT_RT DolbyDigitalPlusDownmixingPreferredMode = "LT_RT" DolbyDigitalPlusDownmixingPreferredMode_PRO_LOGIC_II DolbyDigitalPlusDownmixingPreferredMode = "PRO_LOGIC_II" )
List of possible DolbyDigitalPlusDownmixingPreferredMode values
type DolbyDigitalPlusDynamicRangeCompression ¶
type DolbyDigitalPlusDynamicRangeCompression struct { // Line mode is intended for use in products providing line‐level or speaker‐level outputs, and is applicable to the widest range of products. Products such as set‐top boxes, DVD players, DTVs, A/V surround decoders, and outboard Dolby Digital decoders typically use this mode. LineMode DolbyDigitalPlusDynamicRangeCompressionMode `json:"lineMode,omitempty"` // RF mode is intended for products such as a low‐cost television receiver. RfMode DolbyDigitalPlusDynamicRangeCompressionMode `json:"rfMode,omitempty"` }
DolbyDigitalPlusDynamicRangeCompression model
type DolbyDigitalPlusDynamicRangeCompressionMode ¶
type DolbyDigitalPlusDynamicRangeCompressionMode string
DolbyDigitalPlusDynamicRangeCompressionMode : Dynamic range compression processing mode
const ( DolbyDigitalPlusDynamicRangeCompressionMode_NONE DolbyDigitalPlusDynamicRangeCompressionMode = "NONE" DolbyDigitalPlusDynamicRangeCompressionMode_FILM_STANDARD DolbyDigitalPlusDynamicRangeCompressionMode = "FILM_STANDARD" DolbyDigitalPlusDynamicRangeCompressionMode_FILM_LIGHT DolbyDigitalPlusDynamicRangeCompressionMode = "FILM_LIGHT" DolbyDigitalPlusDynamicRangeCompressionMode_MUSIC_STANDARD DolbyDigitalPlusDynamicRangeCompressionMode = "MUSIC_STANDARD" DolbyDigitalPlusDynamicRangeCompressionMode_MUSIC_LIGHT DolbyDigitalPlusDynamicRangeCompressionMode = "MUSIC_LIGHT" DolbyDigitalPlusDynamicRangeCompressionMode_SPEECH DolbyDigitalPlusDynamicRangeCompressionMode = "SPEECH" )
List of possible DolbyDigitalPlusDynamicRangeCompressionMode values
type DolbyDigitalPlusEvolutionFrameworkControl ¶
type DolbyDigitalPlusEvolutionFrameworkControl string
DolbyDigitalPlusEvolutionFrameworkControl : Enable Dolby Evolution Framework control feature
const ( DolbyDigitalPlusEvolutionFrameworkControl_ENABLED DolbyDigitalPlusEvolutionFrameworkControl = "ENABLED" DolbyDigitalPlusEvolutionFrameworkControl_DISABLED DolbyDigitalPlusEvolutionFrameworkControl = "DISABLED" )
List of possible DolbyDigitalPlusEvolutionFrameworkControl values
type DolbyDigitalPlusLfeLowPassFilter ¶
type DolbyDigitalPlusLfeLowPassFilter string
DolbyDigitalPlusLfeLowPassFilter : Low frequency effects low pass filter
const ( DolbyDigitalPlusLfeLowPassFilter_ENABLED DolbyDigitalPlusLfeLowPassFilter = "ENABLED" DolbyDigitalPlusLfeLowPassFilter_DISABLED DolbyDigitalPlusLfeLowPassFilter = "DISABLED" )
List of possible DolbyDigitalPlusLfeLowPassFilter values
type DolbyDigitalPlusLoudnessControl ¶
type DolbyDigitalPlusLoudnessControl struct { // Dialogue Normalization value to be set on the bitstream metadata. Required if the mode is `PASSTHROUGH`, or if the mode is `CORRECTION` and regulationType is `MANUAL`. For all other combinations dialnorm must not be set. Dialnorm *int32 `json:"dialnorm,omitempty"` // This may only be set if the mode is `PASSTHROUGH`, or if the mode is `CORRECTION` and regulationType is `MANUAL`. For all other regulationType values dialogueIntelligence must not be set. DialogueIntelligence DolbyDigitalPlusDialogueIntelligence `json:"dialogueIntelligence,omitempty"` Mode DolbyDigitalPlusLoudnessControlMode `json:"mode,omitempty"` // The peak value in dB to use for loudness correction. This may only be set if the mode is `PASSTHROUGH`, or if the mode is `CORRECTION` and regulationType is `MANUAL`. For all other regulationType values peakLimit must not be set. PeakLimit *float64 `json:"peakLimit,omitempty"` // This is only allowed if the mode is CORRECTION. <table> <tr><th colspan=4 align=\"left\"> Predefined values for each regulation type: </th></tr> <tr><td> Regulation Type </td><td> EBU R128 </td><td> ATSC A/85 Fixed </td><td> ATSC A/85 Agile</td></tr> <tr><td> Limit Mode </td><td> `True Peak` </td><td> `True Peak` </td><td> `True Peak` </td></tr> <tr><td> Correction Mode </td><td> `PCM Normalization` </td><td> `PCM Normalization` </td><td> `Metadata Update` </td></tr> <tr><td> Peak Limit </td><td> `–3 dBTP` </td><td> `–2 dBTP` </td><td> `N/A` </td></tr> <tr><td> Dialogue Intelligence </td><td> `Off` </td><td> `On` </td><td> `On` </td></tr> <tr><td> Meter Mode </td><td> `ITU-R BS.1770-3` </td><td> `ITU-R BS.1770-3` </td><td> `ITU-R BS.1770-3` </td></tr> <tr><td> Speech Threshold </td><td> `20` </td><td> `20` </td><td> `20` </td></tr> <tr><td> Dialogue Normalization </td><td> `-23 dB` </td><td> `-24 dB` </td><td> `Set to measured loudness` </td></tr> </table> RegulationType DolbyDigitalPlusLoudnessControlRegulationType `json:"regulationType,omitempty"` }
DolbyDigitalPlusLoudnessControl model
type DolbyDigitalPlusLoudnessControlMode ¶
type DolbyDigitalPlusLoudnessControlMode string
DolbyDigitalPlusLoudnessControlMode : DolbyDigitalPlusLoudnessControlMode model
const ( DolbyDigitalPlusLoudnessControlMode_PASSTHROUGH DolbyDigitalPlusLoudnessControlMode = "PASSTHROUGH" DolbyDigitalPlusLoudnessControlMode_CORRECTION DolbyDigitalPlusLoudnessControlMode = "CORRECTION" )
List of possible DolbyDigitalPlusLoudnessControlMode values
type DolbyDigitalPlusLoudnessControlRegulationType ¶
type DolbyDigitalPlusLoudnessControlRegulationType string
DolbyDigitalPlusLoudnessControlRegulationType : DolbyDigitalPlusLoudnessControlRegulationType model
const ( DolbyDigitalPlusLoudnessControlRegulationType_EBU_R128 DolbyDigitalPlusLoudnessControlRegulationType = "EBU_R128" DolbyDigitalPlusLoudnessControlRegulationType_ATSC_A85_FIXED DolbyDigitalPlusLoudnessControlRegulationType = "ATSC_A85_FIXED" DolbyDigitalPlusLoudnessControlRegulationType_ATSC_A85_AGILE DolbyDigitalPlusLoudnessControlRegulationType = "ATSC_A85_AGILE" DolbyDigitalPlusLoudnessControlRegulationType_MANUAL DolbyDigitalPlusLoudnessControlRegulationType = "MANUAL" )
List of possible DolbyDigitalPlusLoudnessControlRegulationType values
type DolbyDigitalPlusNinetyDegreePhaseShift ¶
type DolbyDigitalPlusNinetyDegreePhaseShift string
DolbyDigitalPlusNinetyDegreePhaseShift : A 90° phase shift can be applied to the surround channels during encoding. This is useful for generating multichannel bitstreams which, when downmixed, can create a true Dolby Surround compatible output (Left/Right)
const ( DolbyDigitalPlusNinetyDegreePhaseShift_ENABLED DolbyDigitalPlusNinetyDegreePhaseShift = "ENABLED" DolbyDigitalPlusNinetyDegreePhaseShift_DISABLED DolbyDigitalPlusNinetyDegreePhaseShift = "DISABLED" )
List of possible DolbyDigitalPlusNinetyDegreePhaseShift values
type DolbyDigitalPlusPreprocessing ¶
type DolbyDigitalPlusPreprocessing struct { // It indicates a gain change to be applied in the Dolby Digital decoder in order to implement dynamic range compression. The values typically indicate gain reductions (cut) during loud passages and gain increases (boost) during quiet passages based on desired compression characteristics. DynamicRangeCompression *DolbyDigitalPlusDynamicRangeCompression `json:"dynamicRangeCompression,omitempty"` // It applies a 120 Hz low-pass filter to the low-frequency effects (LFE) channel. This is only allowed if the `channelLayout` contains a LFE channel. LfeLowPassFilter DolbyDigitalPlusLfeLowPassFilter `json:"lfeLowPassFilter,omitempty"` NinetyDegreePhaseShift DolbyDigitalPlusNinetyDegreePhaseShift `json:"ninetyDegreePhaseShift,omitempty"` ThreeDbAttenuation DolbyDigitalPlusThreeDbAttenuation `json:"threeDbAttenuation,omitempty"` }
DolbyDigitalPlusPreprocessing model
type DolbyDigitalPlusSurroundMixLevel ¶
type DolbyDigitalPlusSurroundMixLevel string
DolbyDigitalPlusSurroundMixLevel : DolbyDigitalPlusSurroundMixLevel model
const ( DolbyDigitalPlusSurroundMixLevel_MINUS_1_5_DB DolbyDigitalPlusSurroundMixLevel = "MINUS_1_5_DB" DolbyDigitalPlusSurroundMixLevel_MINUS_3_DB DolbyDigitalPlusSurroundMixLevel = "MINUS_3_DB" DolbyDigitalPlusSurroundMixLevel_MINUS_4_5_DB DolbyDigitalPlusSurroundMixLevel = "MINUS_4_5_DB" DolbyDigitalPlusSurroundMixLevel_MINUS_6_DB DolbyDigitalPlusSurroundMixLevel = "MINUS_6_DB" DolbyDigitalPlusSurroundMixLevel_MINUS_INFINITY_DB DolbyDigitalPlusSurroundMixLevel = "MINUS_INFINITY_DB" )
List of possible DolbyDigitalPlusSurroundMixLevel values
type DolbyDigitalPlusSurroundMode ¶
type DolbyDigitalPlusSurroundMode string
DolbyDigitalPlusSurroundMode : DolbyDigitalPlusSurroundMode model
const ( DolbyDigitalPlusSurroundMode_ENABLED DolbyDigitalPlusSurroundMode = "ENABLED" DolbyDigitalPlusSurroundMode_DISABLED DolbyDigitalPlusSurroundMode = "DISABLED" DolbyDigitalPlusSurroundMode_NOT_INDICATED DolbyDigitalPlusSurroundMode = "NOT_INDICATED" )
List of possible DolbyDigitalPlusSurroundMode values
type DolbyDigitalPlusThreeDbAttenuation ¶
type DolbyDigitalPlusThreeDbAttenuation string
DolbyDigitalPlusThreeDbAttenuation : –3 dB attenuation can be used to reduce the levels of the surround channels to compensate between the calibration of film dubbing stages and consumer replay environments. The surround channels in film studios are set 3 dB lower than the front channels (unlike consumer applications of 5.1), leading to the level on tape being 3 dB higher. Apply the 3 dB attenuation when using a master mixed in a film room.
const ( DolbyDigitalPlusThreeDbAttenuation_ENABLED DolbyDigitalPlusThreeDbAttenuation = "ENABLED" DolbyDigitalPlusThreeDbAttenuation_DISABLED DolbyDigitalPlusThreeDbAttenuation = "DISABLED" )
List of possible DolbyDigitalPlusThreeDbAttenuation values
type DolbyDigitalPreprocessing ¶
type DolbyDigitalPreprocessing struct { // It indicates a gain change to be applied in the Dolby Digital decoder in order to implement dynamic range compression. The values typically indicate gain reductions (cut) during loud passages and gain increases (boost) during quiet passages based on desired compression characteristics. DynamicRangeCompression *DolbyDigitalDynamicRangeCompression `json:"dynamicRangeCompression,omitempty"` // It applies a 120 Hz low-pass filter to the low-frequency effects (LFE) channel. This is only allowed if the `channelLayout` contains a LFE channel. LfeLowPassFilter DolbyDigitalLfeLowPassFilter `json:"lfeLowPassFilter,omitempty"` NinetyDegreePhaseShift DolbyDigitalNinetyDegreePhaseShift `json:"ninetyDegreePhaseShift,omitempty"` ThreeDbAttenuation DolbyDigitalThreeDbAttenuation `json:"threeDbAttenuation,omitempty"` }
DolbyDigitalPreprocessing model
type DolbyDigitalSurroundMixLevel ¶
type DolbyDigitalSurroundMixLevel string
DolbyDigitalSurroundMixLevel : DolbyDigitalSurroundMixLevel model
const ( DolbyDigitalSurroundMixLevel_MINUS_1_5_DB DolbyDigitalSurroundMixLevel = "MINUS_1_5_DB" DolbyDigitalSurroundMixLevel_MINUS_3_DB DolbyDigitalSurroundMixLevel = "MINUS_3_DB" DolbyDigitalSurroundMixLevel_MINUS_4_5_DB DolbyDigitalSurroundMixLevel = "MINUS_4_5_DB" DolbyDigitalSurroundMixLevel_MINUS_6_DB DolbyDigitalSurroundMixLevel = "MINUS_6_DB" DolbyDigitalSurroundMixLevel_MINUS_INFINITY_DB DolbyDigitalSurroundMixLevel = "MINUS_INFINITY_DB" )
List of possible DolbyDigitalSurroundMixLevel values
type DolbyDigitalSurroundMode ¶
type DolbyDigitalSurroundMode string
DolbyDigitalSurroundMode : DolbyDigitalSurroundMode model
const ( DolbyDigitalSurroundMode_ENABLED DolbyDigitalSurroundMode = "ENABLED" DolbyDigitalSurroundMode_DISABLED DolbyDigitalSurroundMode = "DISABLED" DolbyDigitalSurroundMode_NOT_INDICATED DolbyDigitalSurroundMode = "NOT_INDICATED" )
List of possible DolbyDigitalSurroundMode values
type DolbyDigitalThreeDbAttenuation ¶
type DolbyDigitalThreeDbAttenuation string
DolbyDigitalThreeDbAttenuation : –3 dB attenuation can be used to reduce the levels of the surround channels to compensate between the calibration of film dubbing stages and consumer replay environments. The surround channels in film studios are set 3 dB lower than the front channels (unlike consumer applications of 5.1), leading to the level on tape being 3 dB higher. Apply the 3 dB attenuation when using a master mixed in a film room.
const ( DolbyDigitalThreeDbAttenuation_ENABLED DolbyDigitalThreeDbAttenuation = "ENABLED" DolbyDigitalThreeDbAttenuation_DISABLED DolbyDigitalThreeDbAttenuation = "DISABLED" )
List of possible DolbyDigitalThreeDbAttenuation values
type DolbyVisionInputStream ¶
type DolbyVisionInputStream struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Id of input (required) InputId *string `json:"inputId,omitempty"` // Path to Dolby Vision input video file. (required) VideoInputPath *string `json:"videoInputPath,omitempty"` // Path to Dolby Vision Metadata file. This field is required when the metadata is not embedded in the video input file. MetadataInputPath *string `json:"metadataInputPath,omitempty"` }
DolbyVisionInputStream model
func (DolbyVisionInputStream) InputStreamType ¶
func (m DolbyVisionInputStream) InputStreamType() InputStreamType
func (DolbyVisionInputStream) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m DolbyVisionInputStream) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type DolbyVisionMetadata ¶
type DolbyVisionMetadata struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Dolby Vision Profile (required) Profile DolbyVisionProfile `json:"profile,omitempty"` // Dolby Vision Metadata Source (required) MetadataSource DolbyVisionMetadataSource `json:"metadataSource,omitempty"` // ID of the Dolby Vision Metadata Ingest Input Stream which provides the XML Metadata file. Required if metadataSource is set to INPUT_STREAM. MetadataInputStreamId *string `json:"metadataInputStreamId,omitempty"` }
DolbyVisionMetadata model
type DolbyVisionMetadataIngestInputStream ¶
type DolbyVisionMetadataIngestInputStream struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Id of input (required) InputId *string `json:"inputId,omitempty"` // Path to Dolby Vision Metadata file (required) InputPath *string `json:"inputPath,omitempty"` }
DolbyVisionMetadataIngestInputStream model
func (DolbyVisionMetadataIngestInputStream) InputStreamType ¶
func (m DolbyVisionMetadataIngestInputStream) InputStreamType() InputStreamType
func (DolbyVisionMetadataIngestInputStream) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m DolbyVisionMetadataIngestInputStream) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type DolbyVisionMetadataSource ¶
type DolbyVisionMetadataSource string
DolbyVisionMetadataSource : DolbyVisionMetadataSource model
const ( DolbyVisionMetadataSource_INPUT_STREAM DolbyVisionMetadataSource = "INPUT_STREAM" DolbyVisionMetadataSource_EMBEDDED DolbyVisionMetadataSource = "EMBEDDED" )
List of possible DolbyVisionMetadataSource values
type DolbyVisionMuxingConfiguration ¶
type DolbyVisionMuxingConfiguration struct {
TrackSampleEntryName DolbyVisionTrackSampleEntryName `json:"trackSampleEntryName,omitempty"`
DolbyVisionMuxingConfiguration model
type DolbyVisionPerStreamMode ¶
type DolbyVisionPerStreamMode string
DolbyVisionPerStreamMode : DolbyVisionPerStreamMode model
const ( DolbyVisionPerStreamMode_DISABLED DolbyVisionPerStreamMode = "DISABLED" DolbyVisionPerStreamMode_ENABLED DolbyVisionPerStreamMode = "ENABLED" )
List of possible DolbyVisionPerStreamMode values
type DolbyVisionProfile ¶
type DolbyVisionProfile string
DolbyVisionProfile : DolbyVisionProfile model
const ( DolbyVisionProfile_DVHE_04 DolbyVisionProfile = "DVHE_04" DolbyVisionProfile_DVHE_05 DolbyVisionProfile = "DVHE_05" DolbyVisionProfile_DVHE_07 DolbyVisionProfile = "DVHE_07" DolbyVisionProfile_HEV1_08 DolbyVisionProfile = "HEV1_08" DolbyVisionProfile_AVC3_09 DolbyVisionProfile = "AVC3_09" )
List of possible DolbyVisionProfile values
type DolbyVisionTrackSampleEntryName ¶
type DolbyVisionTrackSampleEntryName string
DolbyVisionTrackSampleEntryName : Dolby Vision track's sample entry name
const ( DolbyVisionTrackSampleEntryName_DVHE DolbyVisionTrackSampleEntryName = "DVHE" DolbyVisionTrackSampleEntryName_DVH1 DolbyVisionTrackSampleEntryName = "DVH1" )
List of possible DolbyVisionTrackSampleEntryName values
type Domain ¶
type Domain struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Host where the player is allowed to play (required) Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
Domain model
type DomainList ¶
type DomainList struct {
Domains []Domain `json:"domains,omitempty"`
DomainList model
type Drm ¶
type Drm interface { // DrmType returns the discriminator type of the polymorphic model DrmType() DrmType }
Drm model
func UnmarshalDrm ¶
UnmarshalDrm unmarshals polymorphic Drm
type DrmType ¶
type DrmType string
DrmType : The type of the drm
const ( DrmType_WIDEVINE DrmType = "WIDEVINE" DrmType_PLAYREADY DrmType = "PLAYREADY" DrmType_PRIMETIME DrmType = "PRIMETIME" DrmType_FAIRPLAY DrmType = "FAIRPLAY" DrmType_MARLIN DrmType = "MARLIN" DrmType_CLEARKEY DrmType = "CLEARKEY" DrmType_AES DrmType = "AES" DrmType_CENC DrmType = "CENC" DrmType_SPEKE DrmType = "SPEKE" )
List of possible DrmType values
type DtsAudioConfiguration ¶
type DtsAudioConfiguration struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. (required) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Target bitrate for the encoded audio in bps. Allowed values are: 255000, 384000, for DTS Express Audio. For DTS Digital Surround only 768000 is allowed. (required) Bitrate *int64 `json:"bitrate,omitempty"` // Audio sampling rate in Hz. Only 48000 is allowed. Rate *float64 `json:"rate,omitempty"` // There are two DTS modes available: DTS Express Audio (EXPRESS_AUDIO) and DTS Digital Surround (DIGITAL_SURROUND) Mode DtsMode `json:"mode,omitempty"` }
DtsAudioConfiguration model
func (DtsAudioConfiguration) CodecConfigType ¶
func (m DtsAudioConfiguration) CodecConfigType() CodecConfigType
func (DtsAudioConfiguration) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m DtsAudioConfiguration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type DtsPassthroughAudioConfiguration ¶
type DtsPassthroughAudioConfiguration struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. (required) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` }
DtsPassthroughAudioConfiguration model
func (DtsPassthroughAudioConfiguration) CodecConfigType ¶
func (m DtsPassthroughAudioConfiguration) CodecConfigType() CodecConfigType
func (DtsPassthroughAudioConfiguration) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m DtsPassthroughAudioConfiguration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type DtsXAudioConfiguration ¶
type DtsXAudioConfiguration struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. (required) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Bitrate MediaConfigBitrate `json:"bitrate,omitempty"` // Audio sampling rate in Hz. Must be 48000 Rate *float64 `json:"rate,omitempty"` ChannelLayout DtsXChannelLayout `json:"channelLayout,omitempty"` // Loudness relative to full scale (K-weighted). LkfsValue *float64 `json:"lkfsValue,omitempty"` OttLoudnessMode OttLoudnessMode `json:"ottLoudnessMode,omitempty"` // Specifies the sync interval which ranges from 1 to 10 SyncInterval *int64 `json:"syncInterval,omitempty"` }
The configuration for the DTS:X
func (DtsXAudioConfiguration) CodecConfigType ¶
func (m DtsXAudioConfiguration) CodecConfigType() CodecConfigType
func (DtsXAudioConfiguration) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m DtsXAudioConfiguration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type DtsXChannelLayout ¶
type DtsXChannelLayout string
DtsXChannelLayout : Can be 5.1 or 5.1.4
const ( DtsXChannelLayout_CL_5_1 DtsXChannelLayout = "5.1" DtsXChannelLayout_CL_5_1_4 DtsXChannelLayout = "5.1.4" )
List of possible DtsXChannelLayout values
type DvbSubtitleConfiguration ¶
type DvbSubtitleConfiguration struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. (required) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` }
DvbSubtitleConfiguration model
func (DvbSubtitleConfiguration) CodecConfigType ¶
func (m DvbSubtitleConfiguration) CodecConfigType() CodecConfigType
func (DvbSubtitleConfiguration) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m DvbSubtitleConfiguration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type DvbSubtitleInputStream ¶
type DvbSubtitleInputStream struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // ID of an Input resource defining the input storage InputId *string `json:"inputId,omitempty"` // Path to an input media file InputPath *string `json:"inputPath,omitempty"` // Specifies the strategy for selecting a stream from the input file. Supported values for VOD encodings: AUTO, POSITION_ABSOLUTE, SUBTITLE_RELATIVE. Supported values for LIVE encodings: POSITION_ABSOLUTE SelectionMode StreamSelectionMode `json:"selectionMode,omitempty"` // Position of the stream to be selected from the input file (zero-based). Must not be set in combination with selectionMode 'AUTO', defaults to 0 for any other selectionMode. Position *int32 `json:"position,omitempty"` }
DvbSubtitleInputStream model
func (DvbSubtitleInputStream) InputStreamType ¶
func (m DvbSubtitleInputStream) InputStreamType() InputStreamType
func (DvbSubtitleInputStream) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m DvbSubtitleInputStream) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type Eac3AudioConfiguration ¶
type Eac3AudioConfiguration struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. (required) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Target bitrate for the encoded audio in bps (required) Bitrate *int64 `json:"bitrate,omitempty"` // Audio sampling rate in Hz Rate *float64 `json:"rate,omitempty"` // Channel layout of the audio codec configuration ChannelLayout Ac3ChannelLayout `json:"channelLayout,omitempty"` // The highest frequency that will pass the audio encoder. This value is optional. CutoffFrequency *int32 `json:"cutoffFrequency,omitempty"` }
Eac3AudioConfiguration model
func (Eac3AudioConfiguration) CodecConfigType ¶
func (m Eac3AudioConfiguration) CodecConfigType() CodecConfigType
func (Eac3AudioConfiguration) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m Eac3AudioConfiguration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type EbuR128SinglePassFilter ¶
type EbuR128SinglePassFilter struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Set the targeted integrated loudness value. Range is from '-70.0' to '-5.0'. Default value is '-24.0'. Value is measured in LUFS (Loudness Units, referenced to Full Scale) IntegratedLoudness *float64 `json:"integratedLoudness,omitempty"` // Set the targeted loudness range target. Range is from '1.0' to '20.0'. Default value is '7.0'. Loudness range measures the variation of loudness on a macroscopic time-scale in units of LU (Loudness Units). For programmes shorter than 1 minute, the use of the measure Loudness Range is not recommended due to too few data points (Loudness Range is based on the Short-term-Loudness values (3-seconds-window)). LoudnessRange *float64 `json:"loudnessRange,omitempty"` // Set maximum true peak. Range is from '-9.0' to '0.0'. Default value is '-2.0'. Values are measured in dBTP (db True Peak) MaximumTruePeakLevel *float64 `json:"maximumTruePeakLevel,omitempty"` }
EbuR128SinglePassFilter model
func (EbuR128SinglePassFilter) FilterType ¶
func (m EbuR128SinglePassFilter) FilterType() FilterType
func (EbuR128SinglePassFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m EbuR128SinglePassFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type EgressCategory ¶
type EgressCategory string
EgressCategory : EgressCategory model
const ( EgressCategory_TRANSFER_RETRY EgressCategory = "TRANSFER_RETRY" EgressCategory_TRANSFER EgressCategory = "TRANSFER" )
List of possible EgressCategory values
type EgressInformation ¶
type EgressInformation struct { Category EgressCategory `json:"category,omitempty"` // The number of bytes that have been transferred to the output (required) Bytes *int64 `json:"bytes,omitempty"` OutputType OutputType `json:"outputType,omitempty"` OutputRegion CloudRegion `json:"outputRegion,omitempty"` }
EgressInformation model
type EmailNotification ¶
type EmailNotification struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Notify when condition resolves after it was met Resolve *bool `json:"resolve,omitempty"` // Specific resource, e.g. encoding id ResourceId *string `json:"resourceId,omitempty"` // Last time the notification was triggered TriggeredAt *DateTime `json:"triggeredAt,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` EventType *string `json:"eventType,omitempty"` Category *string `json:"category,omitempty"` ResourceType *string `json:"resourceType,omitempty"` Muted *bool `json:"muted,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Emails []string `json:"emails,omitempty"` }
EmailNotification model
type EmailNotificationWithStreamConditions ¶
type EmailNotificationWithStreamConditions struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Notify when condition resolves after it was met Resolve *bool `json:"resolve,omitempty"` // Specific resource, e.g. encoding id ResourceId *string `json:"resourceId,omitempty"` // Last time the notification was triggered TriggeredAt *DateTime `json:"triggeredAt,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` EventType *string `json:"eventType,omitempty"` Category *string `json:"category,omitempty"` ResourceType *string `json:"resourceType,omitempty"` Muted *bool `json:"muted,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Emails []string `json:"emails,omitempty"` Conditions *AbstractCondition `json:"conditions,omitempty"` }
EmailNotificationWithStreamConditions model
func (*EmailNotificationWithStreamConditions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *EmailNotificationWithStreamConditions) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals model EmailNotificationWithStreamConditions from a JSON structure
type EmailNotificationWithStreamConditionsRequest ¶
type EmailNotificationWithStreamConditionsRequest struct { // Notify when condition resolves after it was met Resolve *bool `json:"resolve,omitempty"` Emails []string `json:"emails,omitempty"` Muted *bool `json:"muted,omitempty"` Conditions *AbstractCondition `json:"conditions,omitempty"` }
EmailNotificationWithStreamConditionsRequest model
func (*EmailNotificationWithStreamConditionsRequest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *EmailNotificationWithStreamConditionsRequest) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals model EmailNotificationWithStreamConditionsRequest from a JSON structure
type Encoding ¶
type Encoding struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. (required) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Type of the encoding Type EncodingType `json:"type,omitempty"` // Timestamp when the encoding was started, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ StartedAt *DateTime `json:"startedAt,omitempty"` // Timestamp when the encoding status changed to \"QUEUED\", returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ QueuedAt *DateTime `json:"queuedAt,omitempty"` // Timestamp when the encoding status changed to \"RUNNING\", returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ RunningAt *DateTime `json:"runningAt,omitempty"` // Timestamp when the encoding status changed to 'FINISHED', 'ERROR', 'CANCELED', or 'TRANSFER_ERROR', returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ Note that this timestamp might be inaccurate for encodings which ran prior to the [1.50.0 REST API release]( FinishedAt *DateTime `json:"finishedAt,omitempty"` // Timestamp when the encoding status changed to 'ERROR', returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ Note that this timestamp is deprecated and is equivalent to finishedAt in case of an 'ERROR'. ErrorAt *DateTime `json:"errorAt,omitempty"` // Progress of the encoding in percent Progress *int32 `json:"progress,omitempty"` CloudRegion CloudRegion `json:"cloudRegion,omitempty"` // Specify a list of regions which are used in case the preferred region is down. Currently there are several restrictions. - The region has to be specific or AUTO - The region has to be for the same cloud provider as the default one - You can only configure at most 3 fallback regions FallbackCloudRegions []CloudRegion `json:"fallbackCloudRegions,omitempty"` // Version of the encoder EncoderVersion *string `json:"encoderVersion,omitempty"` Infrastructure *InfrastructureSettings `json:"infrastructure,omitempty"` // Specify an ID of a Static IP infrastructure resource this encoding should use. A Static IP cannot be used by multiple encodings at once. The encoding will go to an error state if the Static IP is already in use. This is currently only supported for live encodings. StaticIpId *string `json:"staticIpId,omitempty"` // After the encoding has been started, this will contain the encoder version that was actually used. Especially useful when starting an encoding with a version tag like STABLE or BETA. SelectedEncoderVersion *string `json:"selectedEncoderVersion,omitempty"` // After the encoding has been started, this will contain the encoding mode that was actually used. Especially useful when `encodingMode` was not set explicitly or set to STANDARD (which translates to one of the other possible values on encoding start). SelectedEncodingMode EncodingMode `json:"selectedEncodingMode,omitempty"` // After the encoding has been started, this will contain the cloud region that was actually used. This will differ from cloudRegion if cloudRegion was set to an unspecific region (e.g. 'AUTO') SelectedCloudRegion CloudRegion `json:"selectedCloudRegion,omitempty"` // After the encoding has been started, this will contain the fallback cloud regions that were actually used. This will differ from fallbackCloudRegions if any of the fallbackCloudRegions were set to an unspecific region (e.g. 'AUTO') SelectedFallbackCloudRegions []CloudRegion `json:"selectedFallbackCloudRegions,omitempty"` // The current status of the encoding. Status Status `json:"status,omitempty"` // You may pass a list of groups associated with this encoding. This will enable you to group results in the statistics resource Labels []string `json:"labels,omitempty"` // The chosen live option type of the live encoding LiveOptionsType LiveOptionsType `json:"liveOptionsType,omitempty"` }
Encoding model
type EncodingErrorDefinition ¶
type EncodingErrorDefinition struct { // The error code. Code *int32 `json:"code,omitempty"` // The error category. Category *string `json:"category,omitempty"` // The error message, optional. Can include placeholders like {1}, {2} which are replaced with the respective dependency when the error is thrown. Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"` // The returned error description. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Indicates if the call that caused the error should be retried. RetryHint ErrorRetryHint `json:"retryHint,omitempty"` }
EncodingErrorDefinition model
type EncodingErrorEmailNotification ¶
type EncodingErrorEmailNotification struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Notify when condition resolves after it was met Resolve *bool `json:"resolve,omitempty"` // Specific resource, e.g. encoding id ResourceId *string `json:"resourceId,omitempty"` // Last time the notification was triggered TriggeredAt *DateTime `json:"triggeredAt,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` EventType *string `json:"eventType,omitempty"` Category *string `json:"category,omitempty"` ResourceType *string `json:"resourceType,omitempty"` Muted *bool `json:"muted,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Emails []string `json:"emails,omitempty"` }
EncodingErrorEmailNotification model
type EncodingMode ¶
type EncodingMode string
EncodingMode : EncodingMode model
const ( EncodingMode_STANDARD EncodingMode = "STANDARD" EncodingMode_SINGLE_PASS EncodingMode = "SINGLE_PASS" EncodingMode_TWO_PASS EncodingMode = "TWO_PASS" EncodingMode_THREE_PASS EncodingMode = "THREE_PASS" )
List of possible EncodingMode values
type EncodingOutput ¶
type EncodingOutput struct { // Id of the corresponding output (required) OutputId *string `json:"outputId,omitempty"` // Subdirectory where to save the files to (required) OutputPath *string `json:"outputPath,omitempty"` // Determines accessibility of files written to this output. Only applies to output types that support ACLs. Defaults to PUBLIC_READ if the list is empty. The destination (e.g. cloud storage bucket) needs to allow the configured ACL Acl []AclEntry `json:"acl,omitempty"` }
EncodingOutput model
type EncodingOutputPaths ¶
type EncodingOutputPaths struct { Output *Output `json:"output,omitempty"` Paths *EncodingOutputPathsForOutput `json:"paths,omitempty"` }
EncodingOutputPaths model
func (*EncodingOutputPaths) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *EncodingOutputPaths) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals model EncodingOutputPaths from a JSON structure
type EncodingOutputPathsDashManifest ¶
type EncodingOutputPathsDashManifest struct { // Id of the dash manifest Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Path to the dash manifest on the given output Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` }
EncodingOutputPathsDashManifest model
type EncodingOutputPathsForOutput ¶
type EncodingOutputPathsForOutput struct { // Output paths for Dash manifests DashManifests []EncodingOutputPathsDashManifest `json:"dashManifests,omitempty"` // Output paths for HLS manifests HlsManifests []EncodingOutputPathsHlsManifest `json:"hlsManifests,omitempty"` // Output paths for Smooth manifests SmoothManifests []EncodingOutputPathsSmoothManifest `json:"smoothManifests,omitempty"` }
EncodingOutputPathsForOutput model
type EncodingOutputPathsHlsManifest ¶
type EncodingOutputPathsHlsManifest struct { // Id of the HLS manifest Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Path to the index file of the HLS manifest on the given output Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` }
EncodingOutputPathsHlsManifest model
type EncodingOutputPathsSmoothManifest ¶
type EncodingOutputPathsSmoothManifest struct { // Id of the Smooth manifest Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Path to the client manifest of the Smooth manifest on the given output ClientManifestPath *string `json:"clientManifestPath,omitempty"` // Path to the server manifest of the Smooth manifest on the given output ServerManifestPath *string `json:"serverManifestPath,omitempty"` }
EncodingOutputPathsSmoothManifest model
type EncodingStatistics ¶
type EncodingStatistics struct { // Date, format. yyyy-MM-dd (required) Date *Date `json:"date,omitempty"` // Bytes encoded for this encoding. (required) BytesEncoded *int64 `json:"bytesEncoded,omitempty"` // Time in seconds encoded for this encoding. (required) TimeEncoded *int64 `json:"timeEncoded,omitempty"` // Egress output generated by file transfers in bytes (required) BytesEgress *int64 `json:"bytesEgress,omitempty"` BillableEncodingMinutes []BillableEncodingMinutes `json:"billableEncodingMinutes,omitempty"` BillableEgressBytes []EgressInformation `json:"billableEgressBytes,omitempty"` Streams []StatisticsPerStream `json:"streams,omitempty"` Muxings []StatisticsPerMuxing `json:"muxings,omitempty"` Features []BillableEncodingFeatureMinutes `json:"features,omitempty"` // Billable minutes for the muxings. BillableTransmuxingMinutes *float64 `json:"billableTransmuxingMinutes,omitempty"` // Billable minutes for the features. BillableFeatureMinutes *float64 `json:"billableFeatureMinutes,omitempty"` }
EncodingStatistics model
type EncodingStatisticsLive ¶
type EncodingStatisticsLive struct { // Date, format. yyyy-MM-dd (required) Date *Date `json:"date,omitempty"` // Bytes encoded for this encoding. (required) BytesEncoded *int64 `json:"bytesEncoded,omitempty"` // Time in seconds encoded for this encoding. (required) TimeEncoded *int64 `json:"timeEncoded,omitempty"` // Egress output generated by file transfers in bytes (required) BytesEgress *int64 `json:"bytesEgress,omitempty"` BillableEncodingMinutes []BillableEncodingMinutes `json:"billableEncodingMinutes,omitempty"` BillableEgressBytes []EgressInformation `json:"billableEgressBytes,omitempty"` Streams []StatisticsPerStream `json:"streams,omitempty"` Muxings []StatisticsPerMuxing `json:"muxings,omitempty"` Features []BillableEncodingFeatureMinutes `json:"features,omitempty"` // Billable minutes for the muxings. BillableTransmuxingMinutes *float64 `json:"billableTransmuxingMinutes,omitempty"` // Billable minutes for the features. BillableFeatureMinutes *float64 `json:"billableFeatureMinutes,omitempty"` }
EncodingStatisticsLive model
type EncodingStatisticsVod ¶
type EncodingStatisticsVod struct { // Date, format. yyyy-MM-dd (required) Date *Date `json:"date,omitempty"` // Bytes encoded for this encoding. (required) BytesEncoded *int64 `json:"bytesEncoded,omitempty"` // Time in seconds encoded for this encoding. (required) TimeEncoded *int64 `json:"timeEncoded,omitempty"` // Egress output generated by file transfers in bytes (required) BytesEgress *int64 `json:"bytesEgress,omitempty"` BillableEncodingMinutes []BillableEncodingMinutes `json:"billableEncodingMinutes,omitempty"` BillableEgressBytes []EgressInformation `json:"billableEgressBytes,omitempty"` Streams []StatisticsPerStream `json:"streams,omitempty"` Muxings []StatisticsPerMuxing `json:"muxings,omitempty"` Features []BillableEncodingFeatureMinutes `json:"features,omitempty"` // Billable minutes for the muxings. BillableTransmuxingMinutes *float64 `json:"billableTransmuxingMinutes,omitempty"` // Billable minutes for the features. BillableFeatureMinutes *float64 `json:"billableFeatureMinutes,omitempty"` // Time in seconds encoded for this encoding. (required) TimeEnqueued *int64 `json:"timeEnqueued,omitempty"` // The realtime factor. (required) RealtimeFactor *float64 `json:"realtimeFactor,omitempty"` }
EncodingStatisticsVod model
type EncodingStats ¶
type EncodingStats struct { // Date, format. yyyy-MM-dd Date *Date `json:"date,omitempty"` // The id of the encoding (required) EncodingId *string `json:"encodingId,omitempty"` // Total bytes encoded BytesEncoded *int64 `json:"bytesEncoded,omitempty"` // Total time encoded TimeEncoded *int64 `json:"timeEncoded,omitempty"` // Downloaded size of the input file DownloadedSize *int64 `json:"downloadedSize,omitempty"` // Billable minutes BillableMinutes *float64 `json:"billableMinutes,omitempty"` // Billable egress output BillableEgressBytes []EgressInformation `json:"billableEgressBytes,omitempty"` // Detailed statistics per stream BillableEncodingMinutes []BillableEncodingMinutes `json:"billableEncodingMinutes,omitempty"` // Billable transmuxing minutes (required) BillableTransmuxingMinutes *float64 `json:"billableTransmuxingMinutes,omitempty"` // Billable feature minutes BillableFeatureMinutes *float64 `json:"billableFeatureMinutes,omitempty"` // Detailed statistics per stream (required) Streams []StatisticsPerStream `json:"streams,omitempty"` // Detailed statistics per muxing (required) Muxings []StatisticsPerMuxing `json:"muxings,omitempty"` // Detailed statistics per feature Features []BillableEncodingFeatureMinutes `json:"features,omitempty"` }
EncodingStats model
type EncodingStreamInput ¶
type EncodingStreamInput struct { // Input id (required) InputId *string `json:"inputId,omitempty"` // Path to media file (required) InputPath *string `json:"inputPath,omitempty"` Details *EncodingStreamInputDetails `json:"details,omitempty"` }
EncodingStreamInput model
type EncodingStreamInputDetails ¶
type EncodingStreamInputDetails struct { // Format name FormatName *string `json:"formatName,omitempty"` // The start time in seconds StartTime *float64 `json:"startTime,omitempty"` // Duration in seconds Duration *float64 `json:"duration,omitempty"` // Input file size in bytes Size *int64 `json:"size,omitempty"` // Bitrate in bps Bitrate *int64 `json:"bitrate,omitempty"` // Additional metadata saved in the input file Tags *map[string]interface{} `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Video streams in the input file VideoStreams []VideoStream `json:"videoStreams,omitempty"` // Audio stream in the input file AudioStreams []AudioStream `json:"audioStreams,omitempty"` // Meta data streams in the input file MetaStreams []MediaStream `json:"metaStreams,omitempty"` // Subtitle streams in the input file SubtitleStreams []SubtitleStream `json:"subtitleStreams,omitempty"` }
EncodingStreamInputDetails model
type EncodingTemplate ¶
type EncodingTemplate string
EncodingTemplate : EncodingTemplate model
const ( EncodingTemplate_H264 EncodingTemplate = "H264" EncodingTemplate_H264_FIXED_RESOLUTIONS EncodingTemplate = "H264_FIXED_RESOLUTIONS" EncodingTemplate_AV1 EncodingTemplate = "AV1" )
List of possible EncodingTemplate values
type EncodingTemplateDetails ¶ added in v1.211.0
type EncodingTemplateDetails struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Type EncodingTemplateType `json:"type,omitempty"` // The url to download the template file (required) Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
EncodingTemplateDetails model
type EncodingTemplateRequest ¶ added in v1.208.0
type EncodingTemplateRequest struct { }
The template request object can be either a string (YAML/JSON) or a generic object that includes all the fields. Please note that when sending the request as an object, the order of the fields is important, as it determines the sequence in which the Encoding resources are created.
type EncodingTemplateResponse ¶ added in v1.211.0
type EncodingTemplateResponse struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Type EncodingTemplateType `json:"type,omitempty"` }
EncodingTemplateResponse model
type EncodingTemplateStartResponse ¶ added in v1.208.0
type EncodingTemplateStartResponse struct { // Id of the Encoding that is created (required) EncodingId *string `json:"encodingId,omitempty"` }
EncodingTemplateStartResponse model
type EncodingTemplateType ¶ added in v1.211.0
type EncodingTemplateType string
EncodingTemplateType : The Encoding Template type
const ( EncodingTemplateType_VOD EncodingTemplateType = "VOD" EncodingTemplateType_LIVE EncodingTemplateType = "LIVE" )
List of possible EncodingTemplateType values
type EncodingType ¶
type EncodingType string
EncodingType : EncodingType model
const ( EncodingType_LIVE EncodingType = "LIVE" EncodingType_VOD EncodingType = "VOD" EncodingType_NONE EncodingType = "NONE" )
List of possible EncodingType values
type EncryptionMode ¶
type EncryptionMode string
EncryptionMode : The encryption method to use.
const ( EncryptionMode_CTR EncryptionMode = "CTR" EncryptionMode_CBC EncryptionMode = "CBC" )
List of possible EncryptionMode values
type EnhancedDeinterlaceAutoEnable ¶
type EnhancedDeinterlaceAutoEnable string
EnhancedDeinterlaceAutoEnable : Specifies if the Enhanced Deinterlace Filter should be applied unconditionally or only on demand.
const ( EnhancedDeinterlaceAutoEnable_ALWAYS_ON EnhancedDeinterlaceAutoEnable = "ALWAYS_ON" EnhancedDeinterlaceAutoEnable_META_DATA_BASED EnhancedDeinterlaceAutoEnable = "META_DATA_BASED" )
List of possible EnhancedDeinterlaceAutoEnable values
type EnhancedDeinterlaceFilter ¶
type EnhancedDeinterlaceFilter struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Parity EnhancedDeinterlaceParity `json:"parity,omitempty"` Mode EnhancedDeinterlaceMode `json:"mode,omitempty"` AutoEnable EnhancedDeinterlaceAutoEnable `json:"autoEnable,omitempty"` }
EnhancedDeinterlaceFilter model
func (EnhancedDeinterlaceFilter) FilterType ¶
func (m EnhancedDeinterlaceFilter) FilterType() FilterType
func (EnhancedDeinterlaceFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m EnhancedDeinterlaceFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type EnhancedDeinterlaceMode ¶
type EnhancedDeinterlaceMode string
EnhancedDeinterlaceMode : Specifies the method how fields are converted to frames
const ( EnhancedDeinterlaceMode_FRAME EnhancedDeinterlaceMode = "FRAME" EnhancedDeinterlaceMode_FIELD EnhancedDeinterlaceMode = "FIELD" )
List of possible EnhancedDeinterlaceMode values
type EnhancedDeinterlaceParity ¶
type EnhancedDeinterlaceParity string
EnhancedDeinterlaceParity : Specifies which field of an interlaced frame is assumed to be the first one
const ( EnhancedDeinterlaceParity_TOP_FIELD_FIRST EnhancedDeinterlaceParity = "TOP_FIELD_FIRST" EnhancedDeinterlaceParity_BOTTOM_FIELD_FIRST EnhancedDeinterlaceParity = "BOTTOM_FIELD_FIRST" )
List of possible EnhancedDeinterlaceParity values
type EnhancedWatermarkFilter ¶
type EnhancedWatermarkFilter struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // URL of the file to be used as watermark image. Supported image formats: PNG, JPEG, BMP, GIF (required) Image *string `json:"image,omitempty"` // Distance from the left edge of the input video to the left edge of the watermark image. May not be set if 'right' is set. Left *float64 `json:"left,omitempty"` // Distance from the right edge of the input video to the right edge of the watermark image . May not be set if 'left' is set. Right *float64 `json:"right,omitempty"` // Distance from the top edge of the input video to the top edge of the watermark image. May not be set if 'bottom' is set. Top *float64 `json:"top,omitempty"` // Distance from the bottom edge of the input video to the bottom edge of the watermark image. May not be set if 'top' is set. Bottom *float64 `json:"bottom,omitempty"` Unit PositionUnit `json:"unit,omitempty"` // Opacity to apply on the watermark image. Valid values are from 0.0 (completely transparent) to 1.0 (not transparent at all) Opacity *float64 `json:"opacity,omitempty"` // Desired width of the watermark image, the unit of the parameter is specified separately by the parameter 'unit'. If both width and height are set the watermark size is fixed. If only one is set the aspect ratio of the image will be used to rescale it Width *float64 `json:"width,omitempty"` // Desired height of the watermark image, the unit of the parameter is specified separately by the parameter 'unit'. If both width and height are set the watermark size is fixed. If only one is set the aspect ratio of the image will be used to rescale it Height *float64 `json:"height,omitempty"` }
EnhancedWatermarkFilter model
func (EnhancedWatermarkFilter) FilterType ¶
func (m EnhancedWatermarkFilter) FilterType() FilterType
func (EnhancedWatermarkFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m EnhancedWatermarkFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type ErrorDetails ¶
type ErrorDetails struct { // Specific error code (required) Code *int32 `json:"code,omitempty"` // Error group name (required) Category *string `json:"category,omitempty"` // Detailed error message (required) Text *string `json:"text,omitempty"` // Information if the encoding could potentially succeed when retrying. (required) RetryHint RetryHint `json:"retryHint,omitempty"` }
ErrorDetails model
type ErrorRetryHint ¶
type ErrorRetryHint string
ErrorRetryHint : ErrorRetryHint model
const ( ErrorRetryHint_RETRY ErrorRetryHint = "RETRY" ErrorRetryHint_NO_RETRY ErrorRetryHint = "NO_RETRY" ErrorRetryHint_RETRY_IN_DIFFERENT_REGION ErrorRetryHint = "RETRY_IN_DIFFERENT_REGION" )
List of possible ErrorRetryHint values
type ExternalIdMode ¶
type ExternalIdMode string
ExternalIdMode : ExternalIdMode model
const ( ExternalIdMode_CUSTOM ExternalIdMode = "CUSTOM" ExternalIdMode_GLOBAL ExternalIdMode = "GLOBAL" ExternalIdMode_GENERATED ExternalIdMode = "GENERATED" )
List of possible ExternalIdMode values
type FairPlayDrm ¶
type FairPlayDrm struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Outputs []EncodingOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // 16 byte Encryption key, 32 hexadecimal characters (required) Key *string `json:"key,omitempty"` // 16 byte initialization vector (required) Iv *string `json:"iv,omitempty"` // Url of the licensing server Uri *string `json:"uri,omitempty"` }
FairPlayDrm model
func (FairPlayDrm) DrmType ¶
func (m FairPlayDrm) DrmType() DrmType
func (FairPlayDrm) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m FairPlayDrm) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type FileInputStream ¶
type FileInputStream struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Id of input (required) InputId *string `json:"inputId,omitempty"` // Path to file (required) InputPath *string `json:"inputPath,omitempty"` FileType FileInputStreamType `json:"fileType,omitempty"` }
FileInputStream model
func (FileInputStream) InputStreamType ¶
func (m FileInputStream) InputStreamType() InputStreamType
func (FileInputStream) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m FileInputStream) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type FileInputStreamType ¶
type FileInputStreamType string
FileInputStreamType : FileInputStreamType model
const ( FileInputStreamType_TTML FileInputStreamType = "TTML" FileInputStreamType_WEBVTT FileInputStreamType = "WEBVTT" FileInputStreamType_SRT FileInputStreamType = "SRT" )
List of possible FileInputStreamType values
type Filter ¶
type Filter interface { // FilterType returns the discriminator type of the polymorphic model FilterType() FilterType }
Filter model
func UnmarshalFilter ¶
UnmarshalFilter unmarshals polymorphic Filter
type FilterType ¶
type FilterType string
FilterType : FilterType model
const ( FilterType_CROP FilterType = "CROP" FilterType_CONFORM FilterType = "CONFORM" FilterType_WATERMARK FilterType = "WATERMARK" FilterType_ENHANCED_WATERMARK FilterType = "ENHANCED_WATERMARK" FilterType_ROTATE FilterType = "ROTATE" FilterType_DEINTERLACE FilterType = "DEINTERLACE" FilterType_ENHANCED_DEINTERLACE FilterType = "ENHANCED_DEINTERLACE" FilterType_AUDIO_MIX FilterType = "AUDIO_MIX" FilterType_DENOISE_HQDN3D FilterType = "DENOISE_HQDN3D" FilterType_TEXT FilterType = "TEXT" FilterType_UNSHARP FilterType = "UNSHARP" FilterType_SCALE FilterType = "SCALE" FilterType_INTERLACE FilterType = "INTERLACE" FilterType_AUDIO_VOLUME FilterType = "AUDIO_VOLUME" FilterType_EBU_R128_SINGLE_PASS FilterType = "EBU_R128_SINGLE_PASS" FilterType_AZURE_SPEECH_TO_CAPTIONS FilterType = "AZURE_SPEECH_TO_CAPTIONS" )
List of possible FilterType values
type Fmp4Muxing ¶
type Fmp4Muxing struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Streams []MuxingStream `json:"streams,omitempty"` Outputs []EncodingOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // Average bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. AvgBitrate *int64 `json:"avgBitrate,omitempty"` // Min bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. MinBitrate *int64 `json:"minBitrate,omitempty"` // Max bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. MaxBitrate *int64 `json:"maxBitrate,omitempty"` // This read-only property is set during the analysis step of the encoding. If it contains items, the Muxing has been ignored during the encoding process according to its 'streamConditionsMode' IgnoredBy []Ignoring `json:"ignoredBy,omitempty"` // Specifies how to proceed with the Muxing when some of its Streams are ignored (see 'condition' property of the Stream resource). The settings only make a difference for Muxings with more than one Stream. When retrieving the resource after the analysis step of the encoding has finished, 'ignoredBy' will indicate if and why it has been ignored. StreamConditionsMode StreamConditionsMode `json:"streamConditionsMode,omitempty"` // Length of the fragments in seconds (required) SegmentLength *float64 `json:"segmentLength,omitempty"` // Segment naming policy SegmentNaming *string `json:"segmentNaming,omitempty"` // Segment naming policy containing one or both of the following placeholders: - '{rand_chars:x}', which will be replaced by a random alphanumeric string of length x (default 32) on each (re)start of the encoding. The resulting string will be copied to the segmentNaming property. Intended to avoid re-use of segment names after restarting a live encoding. - '{segment_rand_chars:x}', which will be replaced by a random alphanumeric string of length x (default 32) for each different segment. This is intended to avoid guessing segment URLs by replacing segment numbers. If segmentNamingTemplate is set, segmentNaming must not be set. SegmentNamingTemplate *string `json:"segmentNamingTemplate,omitempty"` // Init segment name InitSegmentName *string `json:"initSegmentName,omitempty"` // Segment naming policy containing a placeholder of the format '{rand_chars:x}', which will be replaced by a random alphanumeric string of length x (default 32) on each (re)start of the encoding. The resulting string will be copied to the initSegmentName property. Intended to avoid re-use of segment names after restarting a live encoding. If initSegmentNameTemplate is set, initSegmentName must not be set. InitSegmentNameTemplate *string `json:"initSegmentNameTemplate,omitempty"` // Writes the duration per sample into the sample entry in the Track Fragment Run Box. This could help to fix playback issues on legacy players. Enabling this flag increases the muxing overhead by 4 bytes per sample/frame. WriteDurationPerSample *bool `json:"writeDurationPerSample,omitempty"` // Number of segments which have been encoded SegmentsMuxed *int32 `json:"segmentsMuxed,omitempty"` // Alignment mode for composition / presentation timestamps (CTS/PTS). Only applies to h.264 and h.265 PtsAlignMode *PtsAlignMode `json:"ptsAlignMode,omitempty"` }
Fmp4Muxing model
func (Fmp4Muxing) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m Fmp4Muxing) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (Fmp4Muxing) MuxingType ¶
func (m Fmp4Muxing) MuxingType() MuxingType
type Fmp4MuxingInformation ¶
type Fmp4MuxingInformation struct { // The mime type of the muxing MimeType *string `json:"mimeType,omitempty"` // The file size of the muxing in bytes FileSize *int64 `json:"fileSize,omitempty"` // The container format used ContainerFormat *string `json:"containerFormat,omitempty"` // The bitrate of the container if available (tracks + container overhead) ContainerBitrate *int64 `json:"containerBitrate,omitempty"` // The duration of the container in seconds Duration *float64 `json:"duration,omitempty"` // Information about the video tracks in the container VideoTracks []MuxingInformationVideoTrack `json:"videoTracks,omitempty"` // Information about the audio tracks in the container AudioTracks []MuxingInformationAudioTrack `json:"audioTracks,omitempty"` }
Fmp4MuxingInformation model
type ForceFlushMode ¶
type ForceFlushMode string
ForceFlushMode : Force the encoder to flush frames. Default is DISABLED.
const ( ForceFlushMode_DISABLED ForceFlushMode = "DISABLED" ForceFlushMode_ALL_FRAMES ForceFlushMode = "ALL_FRAMES" ForceFlushMode_SLICE_TYPE ForceFlushMode = "SLICE_TYPE" )
List of possible ForceFlushMode values
type FragmentedMp4MuxingManifestType ¶
type FragmentedMp4MuxingManifestType string
FragmentedMp4MuxingManifestType : Manifest type to be generated for the Fragmented MP4 Muxing. Only significant if a valid fragmentDuration is passed. If this is not set, Smooth Streaming is assumed.
const ( FragmentedMp4MuxingManifestType_SMOOTH FragmentedMp4MuxingManifestType = "SMOOTH" FragmentedMp4MuxingManifestType_DASH_ON_DEMAND FragmentedMp4MuxingManifestType = "DASH_ON_DEMAND" FragmentedMp4MuxingManifestType_HLS_BYTE_RANGES FragmentedMp4MuxingManifestType = "HLS_BYTE_RANGES" FragmentedMp4MuxingManifestType_NONE FragmentedMp4MuxingManifestType = "NONE" FragmentedMp4MuxingManifestType_HLS_BYTE_RANGES_AND_IFRAME_PLAYLIST FragmentedMp4MuxingManifestType = "HLS_BYTE_RANGES_AND_IFRAME_PLAYLIST" )
List of possible FragmentedMp4MuxingManifestType values
type FragmentedMuxingInformation ¶
type FragmentedMuxingInformation struct { // The mime type of the muxing MimeType *string `json:"mimeType,omitempty"` // The file size of the muxing in bytes FileSize *int64 `json:"fileSize,omitempty"` // The container format used ContainerFormat *string `json:"containerFormat,omitempty"` // The bitrate of the container if available (tracks + container overhead) ContainerBitrate *int64 `json:"containerBitrate,omitempty"` // The duration of the container in seconds Duration *float64 `json:"duration,omitempty"` // Information about the video tracks in the container VideoTracks []MuxingInformationVideoTrack `json:"videoTracks,omitempty"` // Information about the audio tracks in the container AudioTracks []MuxingInformationAudioTrack `json:"audioTracks,omitempty"` }
FragmentedMuxingInformation model
type FrameIdId3Tag ¶
type FrameIdId3Tag struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` PositionMode Id3TagPositionMode `json:"positionMode,omitempty"` // Frame number at which the Tag should be inserted Frame *int64 `json:"frame,omitempty"` // Time in seconds where the Tag should be inserted Time *float64 `json:"time,omitempty"` // Base64 Encoded Data (required) Bytes *string `json:"bytes,omitempty"` // 4 character long Frame ID (required) FrameId *string `json:"frameId,omitempty"` }
FrameIdId3Tag model
func (FrameIdId3Tag) Id3TagType ¶
func (m FrameIdId3Tag) Id3TagType() Id3TagType
func (FrameIdId3Tag) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m FrameIdId3Tag) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type FtpInput ¶
type FtpInput struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Host URL or IP of the FTP server (required) Host *string `json:"host,omitempty"` // Port to use, standard for FTP: 21 Port *int32 `json:"port,omitempty"` // Use passive mode. Default is true. Passive *bool `json:"passive,omitempty"` // Your FTP Username Username *string `json:"username,omitempty"` // Your FTP password Password *string `json:"password,omitempty"` // Ensure that connections originate from the declared ftp host. Default is true. RemoteVerificationEnabled *bool `json:"remoteVerificationEnabled,omitempty"` }
FtpInput model
func (FtpInput) MarshalJSON ¶
type FtpOutput ¶
type FtpOutput struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Deprecation notice: This property does not have any effect and will not be returned by GET endpoints Acl []AclEntry `json:"acl,omitempty"` // Host URL or IP of the FTP server (required) Host *string `json:"host,omitempty"` // Port to use, standard for FTP: 21 Port *int32 `json:"port,omitempty"` // Use passive mode. Default is true. Passive *bool `json:"passive,omitempty"` // Your FTP Username Username *string `json:"username,omitempty"` // Your FTP password Password *string `json:"password,omitempty"` // Controls which transfer version should be used TransferVersion TransferVersion `json:"transferVersion,omitempty"` // Restrict maximum concurrent connections. Requires at least version 1.1.0. MaxConcurrentConnections *int32 `json:"maxConcurrentConnections,omitempty"` }
FtpOutput model
func (FtpOutput) MarshalJSON ¶
func (FtpOutput) OutputType ¶
func (m FtpOutput) OutputType() OutputType
type GceAccount ¶
type GceAccount struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // GCP service account credentials JSON ServiceAccountCredentials *string `json:"serviceAccountCredentials,omitempty"` // Email address of the Google service account that will be used to spin up VMs ServiceAccountEmail *string `json:"serviceAccountEmail,omitempty"` // Google private key of the Google service account that will be used to spin up VMs PrivateKey *string `json:"privateKey,omitempty"` // ID of the GCP project in which the VMs are supposed to run. ProjectId *string `json:"projectId,omitempty"` }
GCE Cloud Connect Account. Configure either by passing a single service account credentials JSON string or by passing the service account email, private key and project ID individually.
type GceAccountRegionSettings ¶
type GceAccountRegionSettings struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Id of the network for encoding instances (required) Network *string `json:"network,omitempty"` // Id of the subnet for encoding instances (required) SubnetId *string `json:"subnetId,omitempty"` Region GoogleCloudRegion `json:"region,omitempty"` }
GceAccountRegionSettings model
type GcsInput ¶
type GcsInput struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Name of the bucket (required) BucketName *string `json:"bucketName,omitempty"` // The cloud region in which the bucket is located. Is used to determine the ideal location for your encodings automatically. CloudRegion GoogleCloudRegion `json:"cloudRegion,omitempty"` // GCS access key (required) AccessKey *string `json:"accessKey,omitempty"` // GCS secret key (required) SecretKey *string `json:"secretKey,omitempty"` }
GcsInput model
func (GcsInput) MarshalJSON ¶
type GcsOutput ¶
type GcsOutput struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Deprecation notice: This property does not have any effect and will not be returned by GET endpoints Acl []AclEntry `json:"acl,omitempty"` // GCS access key (required) AccessKey *string `json:"accessKey,omitempty"` // GCS secret key (required) SecretKey *string `json:"secretKey,omitempty"` // Name of the bucket (required) BucketName *string `json:"bucketName,omitempty"` // The cloud region in which the bucket is located. Is used to determine the ideal location for your encodings automatically. CloudRegion GoogleCloudRegion `json:"cloudRegion,omitempty"` }
GcsOutput model
func (GcsOutput) MarshalJSON ¶
func (GcsOutput) OutputType ¶
func (m GcsOutput) OutputType() OutputType
type GcsServiceAccountInput ¶
type GcsServiceAccountInput struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // GCS projectId (required) ServiceAccountCredentials *string `json:"serviceAccountCredentials,omitempty"` // Name of the bucket (required) BucketName *string `json:"bucketName,omitempty"` // The cloud region in which the bucket is located. Is used to determine the ideal location for your encodings automatically. CloudRegion GoogleCloudRegion `json:"cloudRegion,omitempty"` }
GcsServiceAccountInput model
func (GcsServiceAccountInput) InputType ¶
func (m GcsServiceAccountInput) InputType() InputType
func (GcsServiceAccountInput) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m GcsServiceAccountInput) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type GcsServiceAccountOutput ¶
type GcsServiceAccountOutput struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Deprecation notice: This property does not have any effect and will not be returned by GET endpoints Acl []AclEntry `json:"acl,omitempty"` // GCS projectId (required) ServiceAccountCredentials *string `json:"serviceAccountCredentials,omitempty"` // Name of the bucket (required) BucketName *string `json:"bucketName,omitempty"` // The cloud region in which the bucket is located. Is used to determine the ideal location for your encodings automatically. CloudRegion GoogleCloudRegion `json:"cloudRegion,omitempty"` }
GcsServiceAccountOutput model
func (GcsServiceAccountOutput) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m GcsServiceAccountOutput) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (GcsServiceAccountOutput) OutputType ¶
func (m GcsServiceAccountOutput) OutputType() OutputType
type GenericResponseEnvelope ¶
type GenericResponseEnvelope struct { // Unique correlation id RequestId string `json:"requestId"` // Response status information Status ResponseStatus `json:"status"` // Response information Data json.RawMessage `json:"data"` }
type GenericS3Input ¶
type GenericS3Input struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Your generic S3 bucket name (required) BucketName *string `json:"bucketName,omitempty"` // The generic S3 server hostname (or IP address) (required) Host *string `json:"host,omitempty"` // The port on which the generic S3 server is running on (if not provided 8000 will be used) Port *int32 `json:"port,omitempty"` // Controls whether SSL is used or not Ssl *bool `json:"ssl,omitempty"` // The signing region to use SigningRegion *string `json:"signingRegion,omitempty"` // Specifies the method used for authentication SignatureVersion S3SignatureVersion `json:"signatureVersion,omitempty"` // Your generic S3 access key (required) AccessKey *string `json:"accessKey,omitempty"` // Your generic S3 secret key (required) SecretKey *string `json:"secretKey,omitempty"` // Specifies the URL access style to use AccessStyle S3AccessStyle `json:"accessStyle,omitempty"` }
GenericS3Input model
func (GenericS3Input) InputType ¶
func (m GenericS3Input) InputType() InputType
func (GenericS3Input) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m GenericS3Input) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type GenericS3Output ¶
type GenericS3Output struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Deprecation notice: This property does not have any effect and will not be returned by GET endpoints Acl []AclEntry `json:"acl,omitempty"` // Your generic S3 access key (required) AccessKey *string `json:"accessKey,omitempty"` // Your generic S3 secret key (required) SecretKey *string `json:"secretKey,omitempty"` // Name of the bucket (required) BucketName *string `json:"bucketName,omitempty"` // The Generic S3 server hostname (or IP address) (required) Host *string `json:"host,omitempty"` // The port on which the Generic S3 server is running on (if not provided 8000 will be used) Port *int32 `json:"port,omitempty"` // Controls whether SSL is used or not Ssl *bool `json:"ssl,omitempty"` // The signing region to use SigningRegion *string `json:"signingRegion,omitempty"` // Specifies the method used for authentication SignatureVersion S3SignatureVersion `json:"signatureVersion,omitempty"` // Specifies the URL access style to use AccessStyle S3AccessStyle `json:"accessStyle,omitempty"` }
GenericS3Output model
func (GenericS3Output) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m GenericS3Output) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (GenericS3Output) OutputType ¶
func (m GenericS3Output) OutputType() OutputType
type GoogleCloudRegion ¶
type GoogleCloudRegion string
GoogleCloudRegion : GoogleCloudRegion model
const ( GoogleCloudRegion_US_CENTRAL_1 GoogleCloudRegion = "US_CENTRAL_1" GoogleCloudRegion_US_EAST_1 GoogleCloudRegion = "US_EAST_1" GoogleCloudRegion_ASIA_EAST_1 GoogleCloudRegion = "ASIA_EAST_1" GoogleCloudRegion_EUROPE_WEST_1 GoogleCloudRegion = "EUROPE_WEST_1" GoogleCloudRegion_US_WEST_1 GoogleCloudRegion = "US_WEST_1" GoogleCloudRegion_ASIA_EAST_2 GoogleCloudRegion = "ASIA_EAST_2" GoogleCloudRegion_ASIA_NORTHEAST_1 GoogleCloudRegion = "ASIA_NORTHEAST_1" GoogleCloudRegion_ASIA_SOUTH_1 GoogleCloudRegion = "ASIA_SOUTH_1" GoogleCloudRegion_ASIA_SOUTHEAST_1 GoogleCloudRegion = "ASIA_SOUTHEAST_1" GoogleCloudRegion_AUSTRALIA_SOUTHEAST_1 GoogleCloudRegion = "AUSTRALIA_SOUTHEAST_1" GoogleCloudRegion_EUROPE_NORTH_1 GoogleCloudRegion = "EUROPE_NORTH_1" GoogleCloudRegion_EUROPE_WEST_2 GoogleCloudRegion = "EUROPE_WEST_2" GoogleCloudRegion_EUROPE_WEST_3 GoogleCloudRegion = "EUROPE_WEST_3" GoogleCloudRegion_EUROPE_WEST_4 GoogleCloudRegion = "EUROPE_WEST_4" GoogleCloudRegion_NORTHAMERICA_NORTHEAST_1 GoogleCloudRegion = "NORTHAMERICA_NORTHEAST_1" GoogleCloudRegion_SOUTHAMERICA_EAST_1 GoogleCloudRegion = "SOUTHAMERICA_EAST_1" GoogleCloudRegion_US_EAST_4 GoogleCloudRegion = "US_EAST_4" GoogleCloudRegion_US_WEST_2 GoogleCloudRegion = "US_WEST_2" GoogleCloudRegion_ME_CENTRAL_2 GoogleCloudRegion = "ME_CENTRAL_2" )
List of possible GoogleCloudRegion values
type Group ¶
type Group struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. (required) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` }
Group model
type H262InterlaceMode ¶
type H262InterlaceMode string
H262InterlaceMode : Using TOP_FIELD_FIRST or BOTTOM_FIELD_FIRST will output interlaced video
const ( H262InterlaceMode_NONE H262InterlaceMode = "NONE" H262InterlaceMode_TOP_FIELD_FIRST H262InterlaceMode = "TOP_FIELD_FIRST" H262InterlaceMode_BOTTOM_FIELD_FIRST H262InterlaceMode = "BOTTOM_FIELD_FIRST" )
List of possible H262InterlaceMode values
type H262PresetConfiguration ¶
type H262PresetConfiguration string
H262PresetConfiguration : Codec specific settings for XDCAM HD 422.
const (
H262PresetConfiguration_XDCAM_HD_422 H262PresetConfiguration = "XDCAM_HD_422"
List of possible H262PresetConfiguration values
type H262VideoConfiguration ¶
type H262VideoConfiguration struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. (required) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Width of the encoded video in pixels Width *int32 `json:"width,omitempty"` // Height of the encoded video in pixels Height *int32 `json:"height,omitempty"` // Target bitrate for the encoded video in bps. Either bitrate or crf is required. Bitrate *int64 `json:"bitrate,omitempty"` // Target frame rate of the encoded video. Must be set for live encodings Rate *float64 `json:"rate,omitempty"` // Describes the color encoding, bit depth, and chroma subsampling of each pixel in the output image. PixelFormat PixelFormat `json:"pixelFormat,omitempty"` ColorConfig *ColorConfig `json:"colorConfig,omitempty"` // The numerator of the sample aspect ratio (also known as pixel aspect ratio). Must be set if sampleAspectRatioDenominator is set. If set then displayAspectRatio is not allowed. SampleAspectRatioNumerator *int32 `json:"sampleAspectRatioNumerator,omitempty"` // The denominator of the sample aspect ratio (also known as pixel aspect ratio). Must be set if sampleAspectRatioNumerator is set. If set then displayAspectRatio is not allowed. SampleAspectRatioDenominator *int32 `json:"sampleAspectRatioDenominator,omitempty"` // Specifies a display aspect ratio (DAR) to be enforced. The sample aspect ratio (SAR) will be adjusted accordingly. If set then sampleAspectRatioNumerator and sampleAspectRatioDenominator are not allowed. DisplayAspectRatio *DisplayAspectRatio `json:"displayAspectRatio,omitempty"` // The mode of the encoding. When this is set, `encodingMode` (`liveEncodingMode`) must not be set in the (live) encoding start request. EncodingMode EncodingMode `json:"encodingMode,omitempty"` // Use a set of well defined configurations preset to support certain use cases. Can be overwritten with more specific values. PresetConfiguration H262PresetConfiguration `json:"presetConfiguration,omitempty"` // When setting a profile, all other settings must not exceed the limits which are defined in the profile. Otherwise, a higher profile may be automatically chosen. (required) Profile ProfileH262 `json:"profile,omitempty"` // Amount of b frames. Bframes *int32 `json:"bframes,omitempty"` // Maximum Bitrate MaxBitrate *int64 `json:"maxBitrate,omitempty"` // Minimum Bitrate MinBitrate *int64 `json:"minBitrate,omitempty"` // Playback device buffer size Bufsize *int64 `json:"bufsize,omitempty"` // Minimum GOP length, the minimum distance between I-frames GopSize *int32 `json:"gopSize,omitempty"` // Specified set of constraints that indicate a degree of required decoder performance for a profile Level LevelH262 `json:"level,omitempty"` // Using TOP_FIELD_FIRST or BOTTOM_FIELD_FIRST will output interlaced video InterlaceMode H262InterlaceMode `json:"interlaceMode,omitempty"` }
H262VideoConfiguration model
func (H262VideoConfiguration) CodecConfigType ¶
func (m H262VideoConfiguration) CodecConfigType() CodecConfigType
func (H262VideoConfiguration) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m H262VideoConfiguration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type H264BPyramid ¶
type H264BPyramid string
H264BPyramid : Keep some B-frames as references
const ( H264BPyramid_NONE H264BPyramid = "NONE" H264BPyramid_STRICT H264BPyramid = "STRICT" H264BPyramid_NORMAL H264BPyramid = "NORMAL" )
List of possible H264BPyramid values
type H264DynamicRangeFormat ¶
type H264DynamicRangeFormat string
H264DynamicRangeFormat : Ouput should be in Standard Definition Range (SDR).
const (
H264DynamicRangeFormat_SDR H264DynamicRangeFormat = "SDR"
List of possible H264DynamicRangeFormat values
type H264InterlaceMode ¶
type H264InterlaceMode string
H264InterlaceMode : Using TOP_FIELD_FIRST or BOTTOM_FIELD_FIRST will output interlaced video
const ( H264InterlaceMode_NONE H264InterlaceMode = "NONE" H264InterlaceMode_TOP_FIELD_FIRST H264InterlaceMode = "TOP_FIELD_FIRST" H264InterlaceMode_BOTTOM_FIELD_FIRST H264InterlaceMode = "BOTTOM_FIELD_FIRST" )
List of possible H264InterlaceMode values
type H264MotionEstimationMethod ¶
type H264MotionEstimationMethod string
H264MotionEstimationMethod : Integer pixel motion estimation method
const ( H264MotionEstimationMethod_DIA H264MotionEstimationMethod = "DIA" H264MotionEstimationMethod_HEX H264MotionEstimationMethod = "HEX" H264MotionEstimationMethod_UMH H264MotionEstimationMethod = "UMH" )
List of possible H264MotionEstimationMethod values
type H264NalHrd ¶
type H264NalHrd string
H264NalHrd : Signal hypothetical reference decoder (HRD) information (requires bufsize to be set)
const ( H264NalHrd_NONE H264NalHrd = "NONE" H264NalHrd_VBR H264NalHrd = "VBR" H264NalHrd_CBR H264NalHrd = "CBR" )
List of possible H264NalHrd values
type H264Partition ¶
type H264Partition string
H264Partition : Partitions to consider. Analyzing more partition options improves quality at the cost of speed.
const ( H264Partition_NONE H264Partition = "NONE" H264Partition_P8X8 H264Partition = "P8X8" H264Partition_P4X4 H264Partition = "P4X4" H264Partition_B8X8 H264Partition = "B8X8" H264Partition_I8X8 H264Partition = "I8X8" H264Partition_I4X4 H264Partition = "I4X4" H264Partition_ALL H264Partition = "ALL" )
List of possible H264Partition values
type H264PerTitleConfiguration ¶
type H264PerTitleConfiguration struct { // The minimum bitrate that will be used by the Per-Title algorithm. MinBitrate *int32 `json:"minBitrate,omitempty"` // The maximum bitrate that will be used by the Per-Title algorithm. It will not generate any rendition with a higher bitrate. MaxBitrate *int32 `json:"maxBitrate,omitempty"` // The minimum ratio between the bitrates of generated renditions, e.g. if the first bitrate is 240,000, a minimum ratio of 1.5 will require the next higher bitrate to be at least 360,000 MinBitrateStepSize *float64 `json:"minBitrateStepSize,omitempty"` // The maximum ratio between the bitrates of neighbouring renditions, e.g., if the first bitrate is 240,000, a maximum ratio of 1.5 will require the next higher bitrate to be at most 360,000 MaxBitrateStepSize *float64 `json:"maxBitrateStepSize,omitempty"` AutoRepresentations *AutoRepresentation `json:"autoRepresentations,omitempty"` // Will modify the assumed complexity for the Per-Title algorithm (> 0.0). Values higher than 1 will increase complexity and thus select smaller resolutions for given bitrates. This will also result in a higher bitrate for the top rendition. Values lower than 1 will decrease assumed complexity and thus select higher resolutions for given bitrates and also decrease the bitrate of the top rendition ComplexityFactor *float64 `json:"complexityFactor,omitempty"` // Additional configuration for fixed resolution and bitrate templates FixedResolutionAndBitrateConfiguration *PerTitleFixedResolutionAndBitrateConfiguration `json:"fixedResolutionAndBitrateConfiguration,omitempty"` // Desired target quality of the highest representation expressed as CRF value TargetQualityCrf *float64 `json:"targetQualityCrf,omitempty"` // This factor influences the resolution selection of the per-title algorithm. The default value is 0.0. negative values will lead to results where the algorithm will choose lower resolutions for given bitrates. A positive value will result in higher resolutions to be selected. The range of the factor is -5.0 to +5.0. Please note that changing this factor might also lead to slightly different bitrate selection by the algorithm. ResolutionScaleFactor *float64 `json:"resolutionScaleFactor,omitempty"` // This factor doesn't have any impact! CodecMinBitrateFactor *float64 `json:"codecMinBitrateFactor,omitempty"` // This factor is used to calculate the maxBitrate of the codec configuration for the generated representations as a multiple of the targetBitrate CodecMaxBitrateFactor *float64 `json:"codecMaxBitrateFactor,omitempty"` // This factor is used to calculate the bufsize of the codec configuration for the generated representations as a multiple of the targetBitrate CodecBufsizeFactor *float64 `json:"codecBufsizeFactor,omitempty"` }
H264PerTitleConfiguration model
type H264PictureTimingTrimmingInputStream ¶
type H264PictureTimingTrimmingInputStream struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // The id of the ingest input stream that should be trimmed InputStreamId *string `json:"inputStreamId,omitempty"` // Defines the H264 SEI picture timing, as specified in ISO/IEC 14496-10:2008, of the frame from which the encoding should start. The frame indicated by this value will be included in the encoding StartPicTiming *string `json:"startPicTiming,omitempty"` // Defines the H264 SEI picture timing, as specified in ISO/IEC 14496-10:2008, of the frame at which the encoding should stop. The frame indicated by this value will be included in the encoding EndPicTiming *string `json:"endPicTiming,omitempty"` }
H264PictureTimingTrimmingInputStream model
func (H264PictureTimingTrimmingInputStream) InputStreamType ¶
func (m H264PictureTimingTrimmingInputStream) InputStreamType() InputStreamType
func (H264PictureTimingTrimmingInputStream) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m H264PictureTimingTrimmingInputStream) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type H264SubMe ¶
type H264SubMe string
H264SubMe : Subpixel motion estimation and mode decision
const ( H264SubMe_FULLPEL H264SubMe = "FULLPEL" H264SubMe_SAD H264SubMe = "SAD" H264SubMe_SATD H264SubMe = "SATD" H264SubMe_QPEL3 H264SubMe = "QPEL3" H264SubMe_QPEL4 H264SubMe = "QPEL4" H264SubMe_QPEL5 H264SubMe = "QPEL5" H264SubMe_RD_IP H264SubMe = "RD_IP" H264SubMe_RD_ALL H264SubMe = "RD_ALL" H264SubMe_RD_REF_IP H264SubMe = "RD_REF_IP" H264SubMe_RD_REF_ALL H264SubMe = "RD_REF_ALL" )
List of possible H264SubMe values
type H264Trellis ¶
type H264Trellis string
H264Trellis : Enables or disables Trellis quantization. NOTE: This requires cabac
const ( H264Trellis_DISABLED H264Trellis = "DISABLED" H264Trellis_ENABLED_FINAL_MB H264Trellis = "ENABLED_FINAL_MB" H264Trellis_ENABLED_ALL H264Trellis = "ENABLED_ALL" )
List of possible H264Trellis values
type H264VideoConfiguration ¶
type H264VideoConfiguration struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. (required) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Width of the encoded video in pixels Width *int32 `json:"width,omitempty"` // Height of the encoded video in pixels Height *int32 `json:"height,omitempty"` // Target bitrate for the encoded video in bps. Either bitrate or crf is required. Bitrate *int64 `json:"bitrate,omitempty"` // Target frame rate of the encoded video. Must be set for live encodings Rate *float64 `json:"rate,omitempty"` // Describes the color encoding, bit depth, and chroma subsampling of each pixel in the output image. PixelFormat PixelFormat `json:"pixelFormat,omitempty"` ColorConfig *ColorConfig `json:"colorConfig,omitempty"` // The numerator of the sample aspect ratio (also known as pixel aspect ratio). Must be set if sampleAspectRatioDenominator is set. If set then displayAspectRatio is not allowed. SampleAspectRatioNumerator *int32 `json:"sampleAspectRatioNumerator,omitempty"` // The denominator of the sample aspect ratio (also known as pixel aspect ratio). Must be set if sampleAspectRatioNumerator is set. If set then displayAspectRatio is not allowed. SampleAspectRatioDenominator *int32 `json:"sampleAspectRatioDenominator,omitempty"` // Specifies a display aspect ratio (DAR) to be enforced. The sample aspect ratio (SAR) will be adjusted accordingly. If set then sampleAspectRatioNumerator and sampleAspectRatioDenominator are not allowed. DisplayAspectRatio *DisplayAspectRatio `json:"displayAspectRatio,omitempty"` // The mode of the encoding. When this is set, `encodingMode` (`liveEncodingMode`) must not be set in the (live) encoding start request. EncodingMode EncodingMode `json:"encodingMode,omitempty"` // Choose from a set of preset configurations tailored for common use cases. Check out [H264 Presets]( to see which values get applied by each preset. Explicitly setting a property to a different value will override the preset's value for that property. PresetConfiguration PresetConfiguration `json:"presetConfiguration,omitempty"` // Automatically configures the H264 Video Codec to be compatible with the given SDR format. Bitmovin recommends to use the dynamic range format together with a preset configuration to achieve good results. Explicitly configured properties will take precedence over dynamic range format settings, which in turn will take precedence over preset configurations. DynamicRangeFormat H264DynamicRangeFormat `json:"dynamicRangeFormat,omitempty"` // Constant rate factor for quality-based variable bitrate. Either bitrate or crf is required. Crf *float64 `json:"crf,omitempty"` // When setting a profile, all other settings must not exceed the limits which are defined in the profile. Otherwise, a higher profile may be automatically chosen. (required) Profile ProfileH264 `json:"profile,omitempty"` // Amount of b frames Bframes *int32 `json:"bframes,omitempty"` // Amount of reference frames. RefFrames *int32 `json:"refFrames,omitempty"` // Minimum quantization factor QpMin *int32 `json:"qpMin,omitempty"` // Maximum quantization factor QpMax *int32 `json:"qpMax,omitempty"` MvPredictionMode MvPredictionMode `json:"mvPredictionMode,omitempty"` // Maximum motion vector search range MvSearchRangeMax *int32 `json:"mvSearchRangeMax,omitempty"` // Enable or disable CABAC Cabac *bool `json:"cabac,omitempty"` // Maximum Bitrate (bps) MaxBitrate *int64 `json:"maxBitrate,omitempty"` // Minimum Bitrate (bps) MinBitrate *int64 `json:"minBitrate,omitempty"` // Playback device buffer size (bits) Bufsize *int64 `json:"bufsize,omitempty"` // Minimum GOP length, the minimum distance between I-frames MinGop *int32 `json:"minGop,omitempty"` // Maximum GOP length, the maximum distance between I-frames MaxGop *int32 `json:"maxGop,omitempty"` // Enable open-gop, allows referencing frames from a previous gop OpenGop *bool `json:"openGop,omitempty"` // Minimum interval in seconds between key frames MinKeyframeInterval *float64 `json:"minKeyframeInterval,omitempty"` // Maximum interval in seconds between key frames MaxKeyframeInterval *float64 `json:"maxKeyframeInterval,omitempty"` // If three-pass encoding is used and a level is set for the encoder, the bitrate for some segments may exceed the bitrate limit which is defined by the level. Level LevelH264 `json:"level,omitempty"` BAdaptiveStrategy BAdapt `json:"bAdaptiveStrategy,omitempty"` MotionEstimationMethod H264MotionEstimationMethod `json:"motionEstimationMethod,omitempty"` // Number of frames for frame-type decision lookahead RcLookahead *int32 `json:"rcLookahead,omitempty"` // Subpixel motion estimation and mode decision SubMe H264SubMe `json:"subMe,omitempty"` // Enables or disables Trellis quantization. NOTE: This requires cabac Trellis H264Trellis `json:"trellis,omitempty"` // Partitions to consider. Analyzing more partition options improves quality at the cost of speed. Partitions []H264Partition `json:"partitions,omitempty"` // Number of slices per frame. Slices *int32 `json:"slices,omitempty"` // Using TOP_FIELD_FIRST or BOTTOM_FIELD_FIRST will output interlaced video InterlaceMode H264InterlaceMode `json:"interlaceMode,omitempty"` // Scene change sensitivity. The higher the value, the more likely an I-frame will be inserted. Set to 0 to disable it which is advised for scenarios where fixed GOP is required, e.g., adaptive streaming outputs like DASH, HLS and Smooth. Having this setting enabled can improve quality for progressive output with an increased internal chunk length (see `internalChunkLength` of muxings). SceneCutThreshold *int32 `json:"sceneCutThreshold,omitempty"` // Signal hypothetical reference decoder (HRD) information (requires bufsize to be set) NalHrd H264NalHrd `json:"nalHrd,omitempty"` // Keep some B-frames as references BPyramid H264BPyramid `json:"bPyramid,omitempty"` // Defines whether CEA 608/708 subtitles are copied from the input video stream Cea608708SubtitleConfig *Cea608708SubtitleConfiguration `json:"cea608708SubtitleConfig,omitempty"` // Strength of the in-loop deblocking filter. Higher values deblock more effectively but also soften the image DeblockAlpha *int32 `json:"deblockAlpha,omitempty"` // Threshold of the in-loop deblocking filter. Higher values apply deblocking stronger on non flat blocks, lower values on flat blocks DeblockBeta *int32 `json:"deblockBeta,omitempty"` // Controls the adaptive quantization algorithm AdaptiveQuantizationMode AdaptiveQuantMode `json:"adaptiveQuantizationMode,omitempty"` // Values greater than 1 reduce blocking and blurring in flat and textured areas. Values less than 1 reduces ringing artifacts at the cost of more banding artifacts. Negative values are not allowed AdaptiveQuantizationStrength *float64 `json:"adaptiveQuantizationStrength,omitempty"` // Allow references on a per partition basis, rather than per-macroblock basis MixedReferences *bool `json:"mixedReferences,omitempty"` // Enables adaptive spatial transform (high profile 8x8 transform) AdaptiveSpatialTransform *bool `json:"adaptiveSpatialTransform,omitempty"` // Enables fast skip detection on P-frames. Disabling this very slightly increases quality but at a large speed loss FastSkipDetectionPFrames *bool `json:"fastSkipDetectionPFrames,omitempty"` // Enable open-gop, allows referencing frames from a previous gop WeightedPredictionBFrames *bool `json:"weightedPredictionBFrames,omitempty"` // Defines the mode for weighted prediction for P-frames WeightedPredictionPFrames WeightedPredictionPFrames `json:"weightedPredictionPFrames,omitempty"` // Enable macroblock tree ratecontrol. Macroblock tree rate control tracks how often blocks of the frame are used for prediciting future frames MacroblockTreeRatecontrol *bool `json:"macroblockTreeRatecontrol,omitempty"` // Ratio between constant bitrate (0.0) and constant quantizer (1.0). Valid range 0.0 - 1.0 QuantizerCurveCompression *float64 `json:"quantizerCurveCompression,omitempty"` // Psychovisual Rate Distortion retains fine details like film grain at the expense of more blocking artifacts. Higher values make the video appear sharper and more detailed but with a higher risk of blocking artifacts. Needs to have subMe with RD_IP, RD_ALL, RD_REF_IP or RD_REF_ALL PsyRateDistortionOptimization *float64 `json:"psyRateDistortionOptimization,omitempty"` // Higher values will improve sharpness and detail retention but might come at costs of artifacts. Needs to have trellis enabled PsyTrellis *float64 `json:"psyTrellis,omitempty"` // Enable/disable automatic calculation of level, maxBitrate, and bufsize based on the least level that satisfies maximum property values for picture resolution, frame rate, and bit rate. In the case the target level is set explicitly, the maximum bitrate and buffer size are calculated based on the defined level. Explicitly setting maxBitrate, or bufsize properties will disable the automatic calculation. AutoLevelSetup AutoLevelSetup `json:"autoLevelSetup,omitempty"` }
H264VideoConfiguration model
func (H264VideoConfiguration) CodecConfigType ¶
func (m H264VideoConfiguration) CodecConfigType() CodecConfigType
func (H264VideoConfiguration) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m H264VideoConfiguration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type H265DynamicRangeFormat ¶
type H265DynamicRangeFormat string
H265DynamicRangeFormat : Configures what kind of dynamic range the output should conform to. Can be used to convert from SDR to HDR, from HDR to SDR or between different HDR formats
const ( H265DynamicRangeFormat_DOLBY_VISION H265DynamicRangeFormat = "DOLBY_VISION" H265DynamicRangeFormat_DOLBY_VISION_PROFILE_5 H265DynamicRangeFormat = "DOLBY_VISION_PROFILE_5" H265DynamicRangeFormat_DOLBY_VISION_PROFILE_8_1 H265DynamicRangeFormat = "DOLBY_VISION_PROFILE_8_1" H265DynamicRangeFormat_HDR10 H265DynamicRangeFormat = "HDR10" H265DynamicRangeFormat_HLG H265DynamicRangeFormat = "HLG" H265DynamicRangeFormat_SDR H265DynamicRangeFormat = "SDR" )
List of possible H265DynamicRangeFormat values
type H265PerTitleConfiguration ¶
type H265PerTitleConfiguration struct { // The minimum bitrate that will be used by the Per-Title algorithm. MinBitrate *int32 `json:"minBitrate,omitempty"` // The maximum bitrate that will be used by the Per-Title algorithm. It will not generate any rendition with a higher bitrate. MaxBitrate *int32 `json:"maxBitrate,omitempty"` // The minimum ratio between the bitrates of generated renditions, e.g. if the first bitrate is 240,000, a minimum ratio of 1.5 will require the next higher bitrate to be at least 360,000 MinBitrateStepSize *float64 `json:"minBitrateStepSize,omitempty"` // The maximum ratio between the bitrates of neighbouring renditions, e.g., if the first bitrate is 240,000, a maximum ratio of 1.5 will require the next higher bitrate to be at most 360,000 MaxBitrateStepSize *float64 `json:"maxBitrateStepSize,omitempty"` AutoRepresentations *AutoRepresentation `json:"autoRepresentations,omitempty"` // Will modify the assumed complexity for the Per-Title algorithm (> 0.0). Values higher than 1 will increase complexity and thus select smaller resolutions for given bitrates. This will also result in a higher bitrate for the top rendition. Values lower than 1 will decrease assumed complexity and thus select higher resolutions for given bitrates and also decrease the bitrate of the top rendition ComplexityFactor *float64 `json:"complexityFactor,omitempty"` // Additional configuration for fixed resolution and bitrate templates FixedResolutionAndBitrateConfiguration *PerTitleFixedResolutionAndBitrateConfiguration `json:"fixedResolutionAndBitrateConfiguration,omitempty"` // Desired target quality of the highest representation expressed as CRF value TargetQualityCrf *float64 `json:"targetQualityCrf,omitempty"` // This factor influences the resolution selection of the per-title algorithm. The default value is 0.0. negative values will lead to results where the algorithm will choose lower resolutions for given bitrates. A positive value will result in higher resolutions to be selected. The range of the factor is -5.0 to +5.0. Please note that changing this factor might also lead to slightly different bitrate selection by the algorithm. ResolutionScaleFactor *float64 `json:"resolutionScaleFactor,omitempty"` // This factor is used to calculate the minBitrate of the codec configuration for the generated representations as a multiple of the targetBitrate CodecMinBitrateFactor *float64 `json:"codecMinBitrateFactor,omitempty"` // This factor is used to calculate the maxBitrate of the codec configuration for the generated representations as a multiple of the targetBitrate CodecMaxBitrateFactor *float64 `json:"codecMaxBitrateFactor,omitempty"` // This factor is used to calculate the bufsize of the codec configuration for the generated representations as a multiple of the targetBitrate CodecBufsizeFactor *float64 `json:"codecBufsizeFactor,omitempty"` }
H265PerTitleConfiguration model
type H265VideoConfiguration ¶
type H265VideoConfiguration struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. (required) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Width of the encoded video in pixels Width *int32 `json:"width,omitempty"` // Height of the encoded video in pixels Height *int32 `json:"height,omitempty"` // Target bitrate for the encoded video in bps. Either bitrate or crf is required. Bitrate *int64 `json:"bitrate,omitempty"` // Target frame rate of the encoded video. Must be set for live encodings Rate *float64 `json:"rate,omitempty"` // Describes the color encoding, bit depth, and chroma subsampling of each pixel in the output image. PixelFormat PixelFormat `json:"pixelFormat,omitempty"` ColorConfig *ColorConfig `json:"colorConfig,omitempty"` // The numerator of the sample aspect ratio (also known as pixel aspect ratio). Must be set if sampleAspectRatioDenominator is set. If set then displayAspectRatio is not allowed. SampleAspectRatioNumerator *int32 `json:"sampleAspectRatioNumerator,omitempty"` // The denominator of the sample aspect ratio (also known as pixel aspect ratio). Must be set if sampleAspectRatioNumerator is set. If set then displayAspectRatio is not allowed. SampleAspectRatioDenominator *int32 `json:"sampleAspectRatioDenominator,omitempty"` // Specifies a display aspect ratio (DAR) to be enforced. The sample aspect ratio (SAR) will be adjusted accordingly. If set then sampleAspectRatioNumerator and sampleAspectRatioDenominator are not allowed. DisplayAspectRatio *DisplayAspectRatio `json:"displayAspectRatio,omitempty"` // The mode of the encoding. When this is set, `encodingMode` (`liveEncodingMode`) must not be set in the (live) encoding start request. EncodingMode EncodingMode `json:"encodingMode,omitempty"` // Choose from a set of preset configurations tailored for common use cases. Check out [H265 Presets]( to see which values get applied by each preset. Explicitly setting a property to a different value will override the preset's value for that property. PresetConfiguration PresetConfiguration `json:"presetConfiguration,omitempty"` // Automatically configures the H265 Video Codec to be compatible with the given SDR/HDR format. Bitmovin recommends to use the dynamic range format together with a preset configuration to achieve good results. Explicitly configured properties will take precedence over dynamic range format settings, which in turn will take precedence over preset configurations. DynamicRangeFormat H265DynamicRangeFormat `json:"dynamicRangeFormat,omitempty"` // Constant rate factor for quality-based variable bitrate. Either bitrate or crf is required. Crf *float64 `json:"crf,omitempty"` Profile ProfileH265 `json:"profile,omitempty"` // Amount of b frames Bframes *int32 `json:"bframes,omitempty"` // Amount of reference frames RefFrames *int32 `json:"refFrames,omitempty"` // Quantization factor Qp *int32 `json:"qp,omitempty"` // Maximum Bitrate (bps) MaxBitrate *int64 `json:"maxBitrate,omitempty"` // Minimum Bitrate (bps) MinBitrate *int64 `json:"minBitrate,omitempty"` // Size of the VBV buffer (bits) Bufsize *int64 `json:"bufsize,omitempty"` // Minimum GOP length, the minimum distance between I-frames MinGop *int32 `json:"minGop,omitempty"` // Maximum GOP length, the maximum distance between I-frames MaxGop *int32 `json:"maxGop,omitempty"` // Enable open-gop, allows referencing frames from a previous gop OpenGop *bool `json:"openGop,omitempty"` // Minimum interval in seconds between key frames MinKeyframeInterval *float64 `json:"minKeyframeInterval,omitempty"` // Maximum interval in seconds between key frames MaxKeyframeInterval *float64 `json:"maxKeyframeInterval,omitempty"` Level LevelH265 `json:"level,omitempty"` // Number of frames for slice-type decision lookahead RcLookahead *int32 `json:"rcLookahead,omitempty"` // Set the level of effort in determining B frame placement BAdapt BAdapt `json:"bAdapt,omitempty"` MaxCTUSize MaxCtuSize `json:"maxCTUSize,omitempty"` TuIntraDepth TuIntraDepth `json:"tuIntraDepth,omitempty"` TuInterDepth TuInterDepth `json:"tuInterDepth,omitempty"` MotionSearch MotionSearch `json:"motionSearch,omitempty"` // Set the amount of subpel refinement to perform. SubMe *int32 `json:"subMe,omitempty"` // Set the Motion search range. MotionSearchRange *int32 `json:"motionSearchRange,omitempty"` // Enable weighted prediction in P slices WeightPredictionOnPSlice *bool `json:"weightPredictionOnPSlice,omitempty"` // Enable weighted prediction in B slices WeightPredictionOnBSlice *bool `json:"weightPredictionOnBSlice,omitempty"` // Toggle sample adaptive offset loop filter Sao *bool `json:"sao,omitempty"` // Set the mastering display color volume SEI info (SMPTE ST 2086). For example `G(13250,34500)B(7500,3000)R(34000,16000)WP(15635,16450)L(10000000,1)` describes a P3D65 1000-nits monitor, where G(x=0.265, y=0.690), B(x=0.150, y=0.060), R(x=0.680, y=0.320), WP(x=0.3127, y=0.3290), L(max=1000, min=0.0001). Part of HDR-10 metadata. If used on a Dolby Vision stream, this value must be set to `G(13250,34500)B(7500,3000)R(34000,16000)WP(15635,16450)L(10000000,1)`. MasterDisplay *string `json:"masterDisplay,omitempty"` // Set the max content light level (MaxCLL). Use together with maxPictureAverageLightLevel (which will be 0 if not set). Part of HDR-10 metadata. MaxContentLightLevel *int32 `json:"maxContentLightLevel,omitempty"` // Set the maximum picture average light level (MaxFALL). Use together with maxContentLightLevel (which will be 0 if not set). Part of HDR-10 metadata. MaxPictureAverageLightLevel *int32 `json:"maxPictureAverageLightLevel,omitempty"` // Force signaling of HDR parameters in SEI packets. Enabled automatically when masterDisplay or maxContentLightLevel/maxPictureAverageLightLevel are set. Useful when there is a desire to signal 0 values for maxContentLightLevel and maxPictureAverageLightLevel. Hdr *bool `json:"hdr,omitempty"` // Scene Change sensitivity. The higher the value, the more likely an I-Frame will be inserted. Set to 0 to disable it. SceneCutThreshold *int32 `json:"sceneCutThreshold,omitempty"` // Controls the adaptive quantization algorithm AdaptiveQuantizationMode AdaptiveQuantMode `json:"adaptiveQuantizationMode,omitempty"` // Enable SDR compatible HLG signaling. The container and bitstream will indicate BT.2020 but ARIB STD-B67 will be signaled in the alternative transfer characteristics SEI message. EnableHlgSignaling *bool `json:"enableHlgSignaling,omitempty"` // Specifies the source format of the original analog video prior to digitizing and encoding VideoFormat VideoFormat `json:"videoFormat,omitempty"` // Psycho-visual rate-distortion retains fine details like film grain at the expense of more blocking artifacts. Higher values make the video appear sharper and more detailed but with a higher risk of blocking artifacts. Needs to have subMe with RD_IP, RD_ALL, RD_REF_IP, RD_REF_ALL, QPRD or FULL_RD PsyRateDistortionOptimization *float64 `json:"psyRateDistortionOptimization,omitempty"` // Strength of psycho-visual optimizations in quantization. Only has an effect in presets which use RDOQ (rd-levels 4 and 5). The value must be between 0 and 50, 1.0 is typical PsyRateDistortionOptimizedQuantization *float64 `json:"psyRateDistortionOptimizedQuantization,omitempty"` // Signal hypothetical reference decoder (HRD) information EnableHrdSignaling *bool `json:"enableHrdSignaling,omitempty"` // Enables the use of lookahead’s lowres motion vector fields to determine the amount of reuse of each block to tune adaptive quantization factors. Cutree *bool `json:"cutree,omitempty"` // Minimum CU size (width and height). By using 16 or 32 the encoder will not analyze the cost of CUs below that minimum threshold, saving considerable amounts of compute with a predictable increase in bitrate. This setting has a large effect on performance on the faster presets. MinCodingUnitSize MinCodingUnitSize `json:"minCodingUnitSize,omitempty"` // Use multiple worker threads to measure the estimated cost of each frame within the lookahead. The higher this parameter, the less accurate the frame costs will be which will result in less accurate B-frame and scene-cut decisions. Valid range: 0 - 16 LookaheadSlices *int32 `json:"lookaheadSlices,omitempty"` // If enabled, limit references per depth, CU or both. LimitReferences LimitReferences `json:"limitReferences,omitempty"` // Enable analysis of rectangular motion partitions Nx2N and 2NxN. RectangularMotionPartitionsAnalysis *bool `json:"rectangularMotionPartitionsAnalysis,omitempty"` // Enable analysis of asymmetric motion partitions. AsymetricMotionPartitionsAnalysis *bool `json:"asymetricMotionPartitionsAnalysis,omitempty"` // When enabled, will limit modes analyzed for each CU using cost metrics from the 4 sub-CUs. This can significantly improve performance when `rectangularMotionPartitionsAnalysis` and/or `asymetricMotionPartitionsAnalysis` are enabled at minimal compression efficiency loss. LimitModes *bool `json:"limitModes,omitempty"` // Maximum number of neighbor (spatial and temporal) candidate blocks that the encoder may consider for merging motion predictions. Valid range: 1 - 5 MaxMerge *int32 `json:"maxMerge,omitempty"` // Measure 2Nx2N merge candidates first; if no residual is found, additional modes at that depth are not analysed. EarlySkip *bool `json:"earlySkip,omitempty"` // If enabled exits early from CU depth recursion. When a skip CU is found, additional heuristics are used to decide whether to terminate recursion. RecursionSkip *bool `json:"recursionSkip,omitempty"` // Enable faster search method for angular intra predictions. FastSearchForAngularIntraPredictions *bool `json:"fastSearchForAngularIntraPredictions,omitempty"` // Enables the evaluation of intra modes in B slices. EvaluationOfIntraModesInBSlices *bool `json:"evaluationOfIntraModesInBSlices,omitempty"` // Hide sign bit of one coefficient per coding tree unit. SignHide *bool `json:"signHide,omitempty"` // Level of rate-distortion optimization in mode decision. The lower the value the faster the encode, the higher the value higher the compression efficiency. Valid range: 0 - 4 RateDistortionLevelForModeDecision *int32 `json:"rateDistortionLevelForModeDecision,omitempty"` // Specifies the amount of rate-distortion analysis to use within quantization. RateDistortionLevelForQuantization RateDistortionLevelForQuantization `json:"rateDistortionLevelForQuantization,omitempty"` // Minimum quantization factor. Valid value range: 0 - 69 QpMin *int32 `json:"qpMin,omitempty"` // Maximum quantization factor. Valid value range: 0 - 69 QpMax *int32 `json:"qpMax,omitempty"` // The encoder may begin encoding a row as soon as the row above it is at least two CTUs ahead in the encode process. Default is enabled. WavefrontParallelProcessing *bool `json:"wavefrontParallelProcessing,omitempty"` // Encode each incoming frame as multiple parallel slices that may be decoded independently. Default is 1. Slices *int32 `json:"slices,omitempty"` // Copy buffers of input picture in frame. Default is enabled. CopyPicture *bool `json:"copyPicture,omitempty"` // If high tier is disabled the encoder will attempt to encode only at the main tier. Default is enabled. LevelHighTier *bool `json:"levelHighTier,omitempty"` // Enable skipping split rate distortion analysis when sum of split CU RD cost larger than one split CU RD cost for intra CU. Default disabled. SkipSplitRateDistortionAnalysis *bool `json:"skipSplitRateDistortionAnalysis,omitempty"` // If enabled, consider lossless mode in CU RDO decisions. Default is disabled. CodingUnitLossless *bool `json:"codingUnitLossless,omitempty"` // Enable evaluation of transform skip (bypass DCT but still use quantization) coding for 4x4 TU coded blocks. Default is NONE. TransformSkip TransformSkipMode `json:"transformSkip,omitempty"` // Enable QP based rate distortion refinement. Default is disabled. RefineRateDistortionCost *bool `json:"refineRateDistortionCost,omitempty"` // Enables early exit from transform unit depth recursion, for inter coded blocks. Default is DISABLED. LimitTransformUnitDepthRecursion LimitTransformUnitDepthRecursionMode `json:"limitTransformUnitDepthRecursion,omitempty"` // An integer value, which denotes strength of noise reduction in intra CUs. Default 0. NoiseReductionIntra *int32 `json:"noiseReductionIntra,omitempty"` // An integer value, which denotes strength of noise reduction in inter CUs. Default 0. NoiseReductionInter *int32 `json:"noiseReductionInter,omitempty"` // Penalty for 32x32 intra transform units in non-I slices. Default DISABLED. RateDistortionPenalty RateDistortionPenaltyMode `json:"rateDistortionPenalty,omitempty"` // Penalty for 32x32 intra transform units in non-I slices. Default DISABLED. MaximumTransformUnitSize MaxTransformUnitSize `json:"maximumTransformUnitSize,omitempty"` // Increases the RD level at points where quality drops due to VBV rate control enforcement. Default 0. DynamicRateDistortionStrength *int32 `json:"dynamicRateDistortionStrength,omitempty"` // It is used for mode selection during analysis of CTUs and can achieve significant gain in terms of objective quality metrics SSIM and PSNR. Default false. SsimRateDistortionOptimization *bool `json:"ssimRateDistortionOptimization,omitempty"` // Enable temporal motion vector predictors in P and B slices. Default true. TemporalMotionVectorPredictors *bool `json:"temporalMotionVectorPredictors,omitempty"` // Enable motion estimation with source frame pixels, in this mode, motion estimation can be computed independently. Default false. AnalyzeSourceFramePixels *bool `json:"analyzeSourceFramePixels,omitempty"` // Enable strong intra smoothing for 32x32 intra blocks. Default true. StrongIntraSmoothing *bool `json:"strongIntraSmoothing,omitempty"` // When generating intra predictions for blocks in inter slices, only intra-coded reference pixels are used. Default false. ConstrainedIntraPrediction *bool `json:"constrainedIntraPrediction,omitempty"` // This value represents the percentage difference between the inter cost and intra cost of a frame used in scenecut detection. Default 5.0. ScenecutBias *float64 `json:"scenecutBias,omitempty"` // Number of RADL pictures allowed infront of IDR. Requires fixed keyframe interval. Valid values 0 - `bframes`. Default 0. AllowedRADLBeforeIDR *int32 `json:"allowedRADLBeforeIDR,omitempty"` // Number of frames for GOP boundary decision lookahead. Valid values 0 - `rcLookahead`. Default 0 GopLookahead *int32 `json:"gopLookahead,omitempty"` // Bias towards B frames in slicetype decision. The higher the bias the more likely the encoder is to use B frames. Default 0 BframeBias *int32 `json:"bframeBias,omitempty"` // Force the encoder to flush frames. Default is DISABLED. ForceFlush ForceFlushMode `json:"forceFlush,omitempty"` // Adjust the strength of the adaptive quantization offsets. Default 1.0. AdaptiveQuantizationStrength *float64 `json:"adaptiveQuantizationStrength,omitempty"` // Adjust the AQ offsets based on the relative motion of each block with respect to the motion of the frame. Default false. AdaptiveQuantizationMotion *bool `json:"adaptiveQuantizationMotion,omitempty"` // Enable adaptive quantization for sub-CTUs. This parameter specifies the minimum CU size at which QP can be adjusted. Default is same as `maxCTUSize`. QuantizationGroupSize QuantizationGroupSize `json:"quantizationGroupSize,omitempty"` // Enables stricter conditions to control bitrate deviance from the target bitrate in ABR mode. Bit rate adherence is prioritised over quality. Default false. StrictCbr *bool `json:"strictCbr,omitempty"` // Offset of Cb chroma QP from the luma QP selected by rate control. This is a general way to spend more or less bits on the chroma channel. Default 0 QpOffsetChromaCb *int32 `json:"qpOffsetChromaCb,omitempty"` // Offset of Cr chroma QP from the luma QP selected by rate control. This is a general way to spend more or less bits on the chroma channel. Default 0 QpOffsetChromaCr *int32 `json:"qpOffsetChromaCr,omitempty"` // QP ratio factor between I and P slices. This ratio is used in all of the rate control modes. Default 1.4 IpRatio *float64 `json:"ipRatio,omitempty"` // QP ratio factor between P and B slices. This ratio is used in all of the rate control modes. Default 1.3 PbRatio *float64 `json:"pbRatio,omitempty"` // Quantizer curve compression factor. It weights the frame quantizer based on the complexity of residual (measured by lookahead). Default 0.6 QuantizerCurveCompressionFactor *float64 `json:"quantizerCurveCompressionFactor,omitempty"` // The maximum single adjustment in QP allowed to rate control. Default 4 QpStep *int32 `json:"qpStep,omitempty"` // Enables a specialised ratecontrol algorithm for film grain content. Default false. GrainOptimizedRateControl *bool `json:"grainOptimizedRateControl,omitempty"` // Temporally blur quants. Default 0.5 BlurQuants *float64 `json:"blurQuants,omitempty"` // Temporally blur complexity. Default 20.0 BlurComplexity *float64 `json:"blurComplexity,omitempty"` // Specify how to handle depencency between SAO and deblocking filter. When enabled, non-deblocked pixels are used for SAO analysis. When disabled, SAO analysis skips the right/bottom boundary areas. Default false. SaoNonDeblock *bool `json:"saoNonDeblock,omitempty"` // Limit SAO filter computation by early terminating SAO process based on inter prediction mode, CTU spatial-domain correlations, and relations between luma and chroma. Default false. LimitSao *bool `json:"limitSao,omitempty"` // Will use low-pass subband dct approximation instead of the standard dct for 16x16 and 32x32 blocks. Default false. LowpassDct *bool `json:"lowpassDct,omitempty"` // Defines whether CEA 608/708 subtitles are extracted from the input video stream Cea608708SubtitleConfig *Cea608708SubtitleConfiguration `json:"cea608708SubtitleConfig,omitempty"` // Enable/disable automatic calculation of level, maxBitrate, and bufsize based on the least level that satisfies maximum property values for picture resolution, frame rate, and bit rate. In the case the target level is set explicitly, the maximum bitrate and buffer size are calculated based on the defined level. Explicitly setting maxBitrate, or bufsize properties will disable the automatic calculation. AutoLevelSetup AutoLevelSetup `json:"autoLevelSetup,omitempty"` }
H265VideoConfiguration model
func (H265VideoConfiguration) CodecConfigType ¶
func (m H265VideoConfiguration) CodecConfigType() CodecConfigType
func (H265VideoConfiguration) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m H265VideoConfiguration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type HeAacV1AudioConfiguration ¶
type HeAacV1AudioConfiguration struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. (required) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Target bitrate for the encoded audio in bps (required) Bitrate *int64 `json:"bitrate,omitempty"` // Audio sampling rate in Hz Rate *float64 `json:"rate,omitempty"` // Channel layout of the audio codec configuration ChannelLayout AacChannelLayout `json:"channelLayout,omitempty"` // Spectral Band Replication (SBR) and Parameteric Stereo (PS) signaling style. Signaling HeAacV1Signaling `json:"signaling,omitempty"` }
HeAacV1AudioConfiguration model
func (HeAacV1AudioConfiguration) CodecConfigType ¶
func (m HeAacV1AudioConfiguration) CodecConfigType() CodecConfigType
func (HeAacV1AudioConfiguration) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m HeAacV1AudioConfiguration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type HeAacV1Signaling ¶
type HeAacV1Signaling string
HeAacV1Signaling : HeAacV1Signaling model
const ( HeAacV1Signaling_IMPLICIT HeAacV1Signaling = "IMPLICIT" HeAacV1Signaling_EXPLICIT_SBR HeAacV1Signaling = "EXPLICIT_SBR" HeAacV1Signaling_EXPLICIT_HIERARCHICAL HeAacV1Signaling = "EXPLICIT_HIERARCHICAL" )
List of possible HeAacV1Signaling values
type HeAacV2AudioConfiguration ¶
type HeAacV2AudioConfiguration struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. (required) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Target bitrate for the encoded audio in bps (required) Bitrate *int64 `json:"bitrate,omitempty"` // Audio sampling rate in Hz Rate *float64 `json:"rate,omitempty"` // Channel layout of the audio codec configuration ChannelLayout AacChannelLayout `json:"channelLayout,omitempty"` // Spectral Band Replication (SBR) and Parameteric Stereo (PS) signaling style. Signaling HeAacV2Signaling `json:"signaling,omitempty"` }
HeAacV2AudioConfiguration model
func (HeAacV2AudioConfiguration) CodecConfigType ¶
func (m HeAacV2AudioConfiguration) CodecConfigType() CodecConfigType
func (HeAacV2AudioConfiguration) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m HeAacV2AudioConfiguration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type HeAacV2Signaling ¶
type HeAacV2Signaling string
HeAacV2Signaling : HeAacV2Signaling model
const ( HeAacV2Signaling_IMPLICIT HeAacV2Signaling = "IMPLICIT" HeAacV2Signaling_EXPLICIT_SBR HeAacV2Signaling = "EXPLICIT_SBR" HeAacV2Signaling_EXPLICIT_PS HeAacV2Signaling = "EXPLICIT_PS" HeAacV2Signaling_EXPLICIT_HIERARCHICAL HeAacV2Signaling = "EXPLICIT_HIERARCHICAL" )
List of possible HeAacV2Signaling values
type HlsManifest ¶
type HlsManifest struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Type ManifestType `json:"type,omitempty"` // The outputs to store the manifest (required) Outputs []EncodingOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // Current status Status Status `json:"status,omitempty"` // The filename of your manifest. If this is not set, the `name` is used as output file name. Either one of `name` or `manifestName` is required. Be aware that spaces will be replaced with underlines (`_`) on the output. ManifestName *string `json:"manifestName,omitempty"` // If this is set, the EXT-X-VERSION tags of the Media Playlists are set to the provided version HlsMediaPlaylistVersion HlsVersion `json:"hlsMediaPlaylistVersion,omitempty"` // If this is set, the EXT-X-VERSION tag of the Master Playlist is set to the provided version HlsMasterPlaylistVersion HlsVersion `json:"hlsMasterPlaylistVersion,omitempty"` // Controls the behaviour of the CHANNELS attribute for the EXT-X-VERSION tag ChannelsAttributeForAudio ChannelsAttributeForAudio `json:"channelsAttributeForAudio,omitempty"` // The rounding applied to target duration. Two possible rouding modes exist: NORMAL_ROUNDING, when the target duration is rounded to the nearest integer, or UPWARDS_ROUNDING, when the target duration is rounded to the highest integer. TargetDurationRoundingMode HlsTargetDurationRoundingMode `json:"targetDurationRoundingMode,omitempty"` }
HlsManifest model
type HlsManifestAdMarkerSettings ¶ added in v1.181.0
type HlsManifestAdMarkerSettings struct { // Ad marker types that will be inserted. More than one type is possible. - EXT_X_CUE_OUT_IN: Ad markers will be inserted using `#EXT-X-CUE-OUT` and `#EXT-X-CUE-IN` tags - EXT_OATCLS_SCTE35: Ad markers will be inserted using `#EXT-OATCLS-SCTE35` tags. They contain the base64 encoded raw bytes of the original SCTE-35 trigger. - EXT_X_SPLICEPOINT_SCTE35: Ad markers will be inserted using `#EXT-X-SPLICEPOINT-SCTE35` tags. They contain the base64 encoded raw bytes of the original SCTE-35 trigger. - EXT_X_DATERANGE: Ad markers will be inserted using `#EXT-X-DATERANGE` tags. They contain the ID, start timestamp and hex encoded raw bytes of the original SCTE-35 trigger. - EXT_X_SCTE35: Ad markers will be inserted using `#EXT-X-SCTE35` tags. They contain the base64 encoded raw bytes of the original SCTE-35 trigger. EnabledMarkerTypes []HlsManifestAdMarkerType `json:"enabledMarkerTypes,omitempty"` }
HlsManifestAdMarkerSettings model
type HlsManifestAdMarkerType ¶ added in v1.181.0
type HlsManifestAdMarkerType string
HlsManifestAdMarkerType : HLS Manifest ad marker types
const ( HlsManifestAdMarkerType_EXT_X_CUE_OUT_IN HlsManifestAdMarkerType = "EXT_X_CUE_OUT_IN" HlsManifestAdMarkerType_EXT_OATCLS_SCTE35 HlsManifestAdMarkerType = "EXT_OATCLS_SCTE35" HlsManifestAdMarkerType_EXT_X_SPLICEPOINT_SCTE35 HlsManifestAdMarkerType = "EXT_X_SPLICEPOINT_SCTE35" HlsManifestAdMarkerType_EXT_X_DATERANGE HlsManifestAdMarkerType = "EXT_X_DATERANGE" HlsManifestAdMarkerType_EXT_X_SCTE35 HlsManifestAdMarkerType = "EXT_X_SCTE35" )
List of possible HlsManifestAdMarkerType values
type HlsManifestDefault ¶
type HlsManifestDefault struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Type ManifestType `json:"type,omitempty"` // The outputs to store the manifest (required) Outputs []EncodingOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // Current status Status Status `json:"status,omitempty"` // The filename of your manifest. If this is not set, the `name` is used as output file name. Either one of `name` or `manifestName` is required. Be aware that spaces will be replaced with underlines (`_`) on the output. ManifestName *string `json:"manifestName,omitempty"` // If this is set, the EXT-X-VERSION tags of the Media Playlists are set to the provided version HlsMediaPlaylistVersion HlsVersion `json:"hlsMediaPlaylistVersion,omitempty"` // If this is set, the EXT-X-VERSION tag of the Master Playlist is set to the provided version HlsMasterPlaylistVersion HlsVersion `json:"hlsMasterPlaylistVersion,omitempty"` // Controls the behaviour of the CHANNELS attribute for the EXT-X-VERSION tag ChannelsAttributeForAudio ChannelsAttributeForAudio `json:"channelsAttributeForAudio,omitempty"` // The rounding applied to target duration. Two possible rouding modes exist: NORMAL_ROUNDING, when the target duration is rounded to the nearest integer, or UPWARDS_ROUNDING, when the target duration is rounded to the highest integer. TargetDurationRoundingMode HlsTargetDurationRoundingMode `json:"targetDurationRoundingMode,omitempty"` // The id of the encoding to create a default manifest for (required) EncodingId *string `json:"encodingId,omitempty"` // Currently not in use Version HlsManifestDefaultVersion `json:"version,omitempty"` }
HlsManifestDefault model
type HlsManifestDefaultVersion ¶
type HlsManifestDefaultVersion string
HlsManifestDefaultVersion : HlsManifestDefaultVersion model
const (
HlsManifestDefaultVersion_V1 HlsManifestDefaultVersion = "V1"
List of possible HlsManifestDefaultVersion values
type HlsTargetDurationRoundingMode ¶
type HlsTargetDurationRoundingMode string
HlsTargetDurationRoundingMode : HlsTargetDurationRoundingMode model
const ( HlsTargetDurationRoundingMode_UPWARD_ROUNDING HlsTargetDurationRoundingMode = "UPWARD_ROUNDING" HlsTargetDurationRoundingMode_NORMAL_ROUNDING HlsTargetDurationRoundingMode = "NORMAL_ROUNDING" )
List of possible HlsTargetDurationRoundingMode values
type HlsVersion ¶
type HlsVersion string
HlsVersion : HlsVersion model
const ( HlsVersion_HLS_V3 HlsVersion = "3" HlsVersion_HLS_V4 HlsVersion = "4" HlsVersion_HLS_V5 HlsVersion = "5" HlsVersion_HLS_V6 HlsVersion = "6" HlsVersion_HLS_V7 HlsVersion = "7" HlsVersion_HLS_V8 HlsVersion = "8" )
List of possible HlsVersion values
type HttpInput ¶
type HttpInput struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Host Url or IP of the HTTP server (required) Host *string `json:"host,omitempty"` // Basic Auth Username, if required Username *string `json:"username,omitempty"` // Basic Auth Password, if required Password *string `json:"password,omitempty"` // Custom Port Port *int32 `json:"port,omitempty"` }
HttpInput model
func (HttpInput) MarshalJSON ¶
type HttpsInput ¶
type HttpsInput struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Host Url or IP of the HTTP server (required) Host *string `json:"host,omitempty"` // Basic Auth Username, if required Username *string `json:"username,omitempty"` // Basic Auth Password, if required Password *string `json:"password,omitempty"` // Custom Port Port *int32 `json:"port,omitempty"` }
HttpsInput model
func (HttpsInput) InputType ¶
func (m HttpsInput) InputType() InputType
func (HttpsInput) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m HttpsInput) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type IFramePlaylist ¶
type IFramePlaylist struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // The filename of your I-frame playlist (required) Filename *string `json:"filename,omitempty"` }
IFramePlaylist model
type Id3Tag ¶
type Id3Tag interface { // Id3TagType returns the discriminator type of the polymorphic model Id3TagType() Id3TagType }
Id3Tag model
func UnmarshalId3Tag ¶
UnmarshalId3Tag unmarshals polymorphic Id3Tag
type Id3TagPositionMode ¶
type Id3TagPositionMode string
Id3TagPositionMode : Id3TagPositionMode model
const ( Id3TagPositionMode_TIME Id3TagPositionMode = "TIME" Id3TagPositionMode_FRAME Id3TagPositionMode = "FRAME" )
List of possible Id3TagPositionMode values
type Id3TagType ¶
type Id3TagType string
Id3TagType : Id3TagType model
const ( Id3TagType_RAW Id3TagType = "RAW" Id3TagType_FRAME_ID Id3TagType = "FRAME_ID" Id3TagType_PLAIN_TEXT Id3TagType = "PLAIN_TEXT" )
List of possible Id3TagType values
type IgnoredBy ¶
type IgnoredBy string
IgnoredBy : IgnoredBy model
const (
List of possible IgnoredBy values
type Ignoring ¶
type Ignoring struct { IgnoredBy IgnoredBy `json:"ignoredBy,omitempty"` // Describes why ignoredBy has been set to its current value. IgnoredByDescription *string `json:"ignoredByDescription,omitempty"` }
Ignoring model
type ImageAdaptationSet ¶
type ImageAdaptationSet struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Custom adaptation set attributes CustomAttributes []CustomAttribute `json:"customAttributes,omitempty"` // Roles of the adaptation set Roles []AdaptationSetRole `json:"roles,omitempty"` // Provide signaling of CEA 607 and CEA 708 Accessibilities []Accessibility `json:"accessibilities,omitempty"` // List of labels Labels []Label `json:"labels,omitempty"` }
ImageAdaptationSet model
func (ImageAdaptationSet) AdaptationSetType ¶
func (m ImageAdaptationSet) AdaptationSetType() AdaptationSetType
func (ImageAdaptationSet) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m ImageAdaptationSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type ImscConfiguration ¶
type ImscConfiguration struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. (required) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Styling *ImscStyling `json:"styling,omitempty"` }
ImscConfiguration model
func (ImscConfiguration) CodecConfigType ¶
func (m ImscConfiguration) CodecConfigType() CodecConfigType
func (ImscConfiguration) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m ImscConfiguration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type ImscStyling ¶
type ImscStyling struct {
Mode ImscStylingMode `json:"mode,omitempty"`
ImscStyling model
type ImscStylingMode ¶
type ImscStylingMode string
ImscStylingMode : Determines how IMSC styling is handled.
const ( ImscStylingMode_PASSTHROUGH ImscStylingMode = "PASSTHROUGH" ImscStylingMode_DROP_STYLING ImscStylingMode = "DROP_STYLING" )
List of possible ImscStylingMode values
type InfrastructureSettings ¶
type InfrastructureSettings struct { // Id of a custom infrastructure, e.g., AWS Cloud Connect InfrastructureId *string `json:"infrastructureId,omitempty"` CloudRegion CloudRegion `json:"cloudRegion,omitempty"` }
InfrastructureSettings model
type IngestInputStream ¶
type IngestInputStream struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // ID of an Input resource defining the input storage (required) InputId *string `json:"inputId,omitempty"` // Path to an input media file (required) InputPath *string `json:"inputPath,omitempty"` // Specifies the strategy for selecting a stream from the input file SelectionMode StreamSelectionMode `json:"selectionMode,omitempty"` // Position of the stream to be selected from the input file (zero-based). Must not be set in combination with selectionMode 'AUTO', defaults to 0 for any other selectionMode. Position *int32 `json:"position,omitempty"` }
IngestInputStream model
func (IngestInputStream) InputStreamType ¶
func (m IngestInputStream) InputStreamType() InputStreamType
func (IngestInputStream) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m IngestInputStream) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type Input ¶
type Input interface { // InputType returns the discriminator type of the polymorphic model InputType() InputType }
Input model
func UnmarshalInput ¶
UnmarshalInput unmarshals polymorphic Input
type InputColorPrimaries ¶
type InputColorPrimaries string
InputColorPrimaries : InputColorPrimaries model
const ( InputColorPrimaries_UNSPECIFIED InputColorPrimaries = "UNSPECIFIED" InputColorPrimaries_BT709 InputColorPrimaries = "BT709" InputColorPrimaries_BT470M InputColorPrimaries = "BT470M" InputColorPrimaries_BT470BG InputColorPrimaries = "BT470BG" InputColorPrimaries_SMPTE170M InputColorPrimaries = "SMPTE170M" InputColorPrimaries_SMPTE240M InputColorPrimaries = "SMPTE240M" InputColorPrimaries_FILM InputColorPrimaries = "FILM" InputColorPrimaries_BT2020 InputColorPrimaries = "BT2020" InputColorPrimaries_SMPTE428 InputColorPrimaries = "SMPTE428" InputColorPrimaries_SMPTEST428_1 InputColorPrimaries = "SMPTEST428_1" InputColorPrimaries_SMPTE431 InputColorPrimaries = "SMPTE431" InputColorPrimaries_SMPTE432 InputColorPrimaries = "SMPTE432" InputColorPrimaries_JEDEC_P22 InputColorPrimaries = "JEDEC_P22" )
List of possible InputColorPrimaries values
type InputColorRange ¶
type InputColorRange string
InputColorRange : Override the color range detected in the input file. If not set the input color range will be automatically detected if possible.
const ( InputColorRange_UNSPECIFIED InputColorRange = "UNSPECIFIED" InputColorRange_MPEG InputColorRange = "MPEG" InputColorRange_JPEG InputColorRange = "JPEG" )
List of possible InputColorRange values
type InputColorSpace ¶
type InputColorSpace string
InputColorSpace : Override the color space detected in the input file. If not set the input color space will be automatically detected if possible.
const ( InputColorSpace_UNSPECIFIED InputColorSpace = "UNSPECIFIED" InputColorSpace_RGB InputColorSpace = "RGB" InputColorSpace_BT709 InputColorSpace = "BT709" InputColorSpace_FCC InputColorSpace = "FCC" InputColorSpace_BT470BG InputColorSpace = "BT470BG" InputColorSpace_SMPTE170M InputColorSpace = "SMPTE170M" InputColorSpace_SMPTE240M InputColorSpace = "SMPTE240M" InputColorSpace_YCGCO InputColorSpace = "YCGCO" InputColorSpace_YCOCG InputColorSpace = "YCOCG" InputColorSpace_BT2020_NCL InputColorSpace = "BT2020_NCL" InputColorSpace_BT2020_CL InputColorSpace = "BT2020_CL" InputColorSpace_SMPTE2085 InputColorSpace = "SMPTE2085" )
List of possible InputColorSpace values
type InputColorTransfer ¶
type InputColorTransfer string
InputColorTransfer : InputColorTransfer model
const ( InputColorTransfer_UNSPECIFIED InputColorTransfer = "UNSPECIFIED" InputColorTransfer_BT709 InputColorTransfer = "BT709" InputColorTransfer_GAMMA22 InputColorTransfer = "GAMMA22" InputColorTransfer_GAMMA28 InputColorTransfer = "GAMMA28" InputColorTransfer_SMPTE170M InputColorTransfer = "SMPTE170M" InputColorTransfer_SMPTE240M InputColorTransfer = "SMPTE240M" InputColorTransfer_LINEAR InputColorTransfer = "LINEAR" InputColorTransfer_LOG InputColorTransfer = "LOG" InputColorTransfer_LOG_SQRT InputColorTransfer = "LOG_SQRT" InputColorTransfer_IEC61966_2_4 InputColorTransfer = "IEC61966_2_4" InputColorTransfer_BT1361_ECG InputColorTransfer = "BT1361_ECG" InputColorTransfer_IEC61966_2_1 InputColorTransfer = "IEC61966_2_1" InputColorTransfer_BT2020_10 InputColorTransfer = "BT2020_10" InputColorTransfer_BT2020_12 InputColorTransfer = "BT2020_12" InputColorTransfer_SMPTE2084 InputColorTransfer = "SMPTE2084" InputColorTransfer_SMPTE428 InputColorTransfer = "SMPTE428" InputColorTransfer_ARIB_STD_B67 InputColorTransfer = "ARIB_STD_B67" )
List of possible InputColorTransfer values
type InputFactor ¶
type InputFactor struct { Codec *InputFactorCodec `json:"codec,omitempty"` Bitrate *InputFactorBitrate `json:"bitrate,omitempty"` }
InputFactor model
type InputFactorBitrate ¶
type InputFactorBitrate struct { Value *int64 `json:"value,omitempty"` Factor *float32 `json:"factor,omitempty"` }
InputFactorBitrate model
type InputFactorCodec ¶
type InputFactorCodec struct { Value *string `json:"value,omitempty"` Factor *float32 `json:"factor,omitempty"` }
InputFactorCodec model
type InputPath ¶
type InputPath struct { // Id of input (required) InputId *string `json:"inputId,omitempty"` // Path to media file (required) InputPath *string `json:"inputPath,omitempty"` }
InputPath model
type InputStream ¶
type InputStream interface { // InputStreamType returns the discriminator type of the polymorphic model InputStreamType() InputStreamType }
InputStream model
func UnmarshalInputStream ¶
UnmarshalInputStream unmarshals polymorphic InputStream
func UnmarshalInputStreamSlice ¶
UnmarshalInputStreamSlice unmarshals polymorphic slices of InputStream
type InputStreamType ¶
type InputStreamType string
InputStreamType : InputStreamType model
const ( InputStreamType_INGEST InputStreamType = "INGEST" InputStreamType_CONCATENATION InputStreamType = "CONCATENATION" InputStreamType_TRIMMING_TIME_BASED InputStreamType = "TRIMMING_TIME_BASED" InputStreamType_TRIMMING_TIME_CODE_TRACK InputStreamType = "TRIMMING_TIME_CODE_TRACK" InputStreamType_TRIMMING_H264_PICTURE_TIMING InputStreamType = "TRIMMING_H264_PICTURE_TIMING" InputStreamType_SIDECAR_DOLBY_VISION_METADATA InputStreamType = "SIDECAR_DOLBY_VISION_METADATA" InputStreamType_AUDIO_MIX InputStreamType = "AUDIO_MIX" InputStreamType_FILE InputStreamType = "FILE" InputStreamType_CAPTION_CEA608 InputStreamType = "CAPTION_CEA608" InputStreamType_CAPTION_CEA708 InputStreamType = "CAPTION_CEA708" InputStreamType_DVB_SUBTITLE InputStreamType = "DVB_SUBTITLE" InputStreamType_DOLBY_ATMOS InputStreamType = "DOLBY_ATMOS" InputStreamType_DOLBY_VISION InputStreamType = "DOLBY_VISION" )
List of possible InputStreamType values
type InputStreamTypeResponse ¶
type InputStreamTypeResponse struct { // The type of the input stream Type InputStreamType `json:"type,omitempty"` }
InputStreamTypeResponse model
type InputType ¶
type InputType string
InputType : InputType model
const ( InputType_AKAMAI_NETSTORAGE InputType = "AKAMAI_NETSTORAGE" InputType_ASPERA InputType = "ASPERA" InputType_AZURE InputType = "AZURE" InputType_REDUNDANT_RTMP InputType = "REDUNDANT_RTMP" InputType_FTP InputType = "FTP" InputType_GENERIC_S3 InputType = "GENERIC_S3" InputType_GCS InputType = "GCS" InputType_HTTP InputType = "HTTP" InputType_HTTPS InputType = "HTTPS" InputType_LOCAL InputType = "LOCAL" InputType_RTMP InputType = "RTMP" InputType_S3 InputType = "S3" InputType_S3_ROLE_BASED InputType = "S3_ROLE_BASED" InputType_SFTP InputType = "SFTP" InputType_ZIXI InputType = "ZIXI" InputType_SRT InputType = "SRT" InputType_GCS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT InputType = "GCS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT" InputType_DIRECT_FILE_UPLOAD InputType = "DIRECT_FILE_UPLOAD" )
List of possible InputType values
type InputTypeResponse ¶
type InputTypeResponse struct { // The type of the input Type InputType `json:"type,omitempty"` }
InputTypeResponse model
type InsertableContent ¶
type InsertableContent struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Either a list of movie files to be inserted in the live stream or a single image file. The movie files must have a video stream at stream position 0, which matches the codec, resolution and framerate of the livestream. The number of audio streams must also be the same and they have to match the sample format, number of channels and sample rate of the audio streams of the livestream. Supported image formats are: `.Y.U.V`, `Alias PIX`, `animated GIF`, `APNG`, `BMP`, `DPX`, `FITS`, `JPEG`, `JPEG 2000`, `JPEG-LS`, `PAM`, `PBM`, `PCX`, `PGM`, `PGMYUV`, `PNG`, `PPM`, `SGI`, `Sun Rasterfile`, `TIFF`, `Truevision Targa`, `WebP`, `XBM`, `XFace`, `XPM`, `XWD` Inputs []InsertableContentInput `json:"inputs,omitempty"` // Status of the insertable content. Status InsertableContentStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` }
InsertableContent model
type InsertableContentInput ¶
type InsertableContentInput struct { // Id of the input hosting the video file (required) InputId *string `json:"inputId,omitempty"` // Path to the file on the input (required) InputPath *string `json:"inputPath,omitempty"` // Description of this input Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` }
InsertableContentInput model
type InsertableContentStatus ¶
type InsertableContentStatus string
InsertableContentStatus : InsertableContentStatus model
const ( InsertableContentStatus_CREATED InsertableContentStatus = "CREATED" InsertableContentStatus_DOWNLOADING InsertableContentStatus = "DOWNLOADING" InsertableContentStatus_READY InsertableContentStatus = "READY" InsertableContentStatus_ERROR InsertableContentStatus = "ERROR" )
List of possible InsertableContentStatus values
type InterlaceFilter ¶
type InterlaceFilter struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Mode InterlaceMode `json:"mode,omitempty"` VerticalLowPassFilteringMode VerticalLowPassFilteringMode `json:"verticalLowPassFilteringMode,omitempty"` }
InterlaceFilter model
func (InterlaceFilter) FilterType ¶
func (m InterlaceFilter) FilterType() FilterType
func (InterlaceFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m InterlaceFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type InterlaceMode ¶
type InterlaceMode string
InterlaceMode : How to interleave the input frames
const ( InterlaceMode_TOP InterlaceMode = "TOP" InterlaceMode_BOTTOM InterlaceMode = "BOTTOM" InterlaceMode_DROP_EVEN InterlaceMode = "DROP_EVEN" InterlaceMode_DROP_ODD InterlaceMode = "DROP_ODD" InterlaceMode_PAD InterlaceMode = "PAD" InterlaceMode_INTERLACE_X2 InterlaceMode = "INTERLACE_X2" InterlaceMode_MERGE InterlaceMode = "MERGE" InterlaceMode_MERGE_X2 InterlaceMode = "MERGE_X2" )
List of possible InterlaceMode values
type Invitation ¶
type Invitation struct { Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Email address of the tenant. (required) Email *string `json:"email,omitempty"` Status InvitationStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` Company *string `json:"company,omitempty"` FirstName *string `json:"firstName,omitempty"` LastName *string `json:"lastName,omitempty"` // Creation date of the invitation in UTC format CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` JobTitle *string `json:"jobTitle,omitempty"` Phone *string `json:"phone,omitempty"` }
Invitation model
type InvitationStatus ¶
type InvitationStatus string
InvitationStatus : Status of the invitation
const ( InvitationStatus_PENDING InvitationStatus = "PENDING" InvitationStatus_ACCEPTED InvitationStatus = "ACCEPTED" )
List of possible InvitationStatus values
type Keyframe ¶
type Keyframe struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Time in seconds where the keyframe should be inserted (required) Time *float64 `json:"time,omitempty"` }
Keyframe model
type Label ¶
type Label struct { // Identifier of the label. Id *int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Specifies the language of the label. Lang *string `json:"lang,omitempty"` // Content of the label. (required) Value *string `json:"value,omitempty"` }
Label model
type LevelH262 ¶
type LevelH262 string
LevelH262 : Specified set of constraints that indicate a degree of required decoder performance for a profile, see:
type LevelH264 ¶
type LevelH264 string
LevelH264 : Specified set of constraints that indicate a degree of required decoder performance for a profile, see:
const ( LevelH264_L1 LevelH264 = "1" LevelH264_L1b LevelH264 = "1b" LevelH264_L1_1 LevelH264 = "1.1" LevelH264_L1_2 LevelH264 = "1.2" LevelH264_L1_3 LevelH264 = "1.3" LevelH264_L2 LevelH264 = "2" LevelH264_L2_1 LevelH264 = "2.1" LevelH264_L2_2 LevelH264 = "2.2" LevelH264_L3 LevelH264 = "3" LevelH264_L3_1 LevelH264 = "3.1" LevelH264_L3_2 LevelH264 = "3.2" LevelH264_L4 LevelH264 = "4" LevelH264_L4_1 LevelH264 = "4.1" LevelH264_L4_2 LevelH264 = "4.2" LevelH264_L5 LevelH264 = "5" LevelH264_L5_1 LevelH264 = "5.1" LevelH264_L5_2 LevelH264 = "5.2" )
List of possible LevelH264 values
type LevelH265 ¶
type LevelH265 string
LevelH265 : Specified set of constraints that indicate a degree of required decoder performance for a profile, see:
const ( LevelH265_L1 LevelH265 = "1" LevelH265_L2 LevelH265 = "2" LevelH265_L2_1 LevelH265 = "2.1" LevelH265_L3 LevelH265 = "3" LevelH265_L3_1 LevelH265 = "3.1" LevelH265_L4 LevelH265 = "4" LevelH265_L4_1 LevelH265 = "4.1" LevelH265_L5 LevelH265 = "5" LevelH265_L5_1 LevelH265 = "5.1" LevelH265_L5_2 LevelH265 = "5.2" LevelH265_L6 LevelH265 = "6" LevelH265_L6_1 LevelH265 = "6.1" LevelH265_L6_2 LevelH265 = "6.2" )
List of possible LevelH265 values
type LimitReferences ¶
type LimitReferences string
LimitReferences : LimitReferences model
const ( LimitReferences_DISABLED LimitReferences = "DISABLED" LimitReferences_DEPTH LimitReferences = "DEPTH" LimitReferences_CU LimitReferences = "CU" LimitReferences_DEPTH_AND_CU LimitReferences = "DEPTH_AND_CU" )
List of possible LimitReferences values
type LimitTransformUnitDepthRecursionMode ¶
type LimitTransformUnitDepthRecursionMode string
LimitTransformUnitDepthRecursionMode : Enables early exit from transform unit depth recursion, for inter coded blocks.
const ( LimitTransformUnitDepthRecursionMode_DISABLED LimitTransformUnitDepthRecursionMode = "DISABLED" LimitTransformUnitDepthRecursionMode_LEVEL_1 LimitTransformUnitDepthRecursionMode = "LEVEL_1" LimitTransformUnitDepthRecursionMode_LEVEL_2 LimitTransformUnitDepthRecursionMode = "LEVEL_2" LimitTransformUnitDepthRecursionMode_LEVEL_3 LimitTransformUnitDepthRecursionMode = "LEVEL_3" LimitTransformUnitDepthRecursionMode_LEVEL_4 LimitTransformUnitDepthRecursionMode = "LEVEL_4" )
List of possible LimitTransformUnitDepthRecursionMode values
type Link ¶
type Link struct { // webpage target URL (required) Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` // Short description of the linked page Title *string `json:"title,omitempty"` }
Link model
type LiveAutoShutdownConfiguration ¶
type LiveAutoShutdownConfiguration struct { // Automatically shutdown the live stream if there is no input anymore for a predefined number of seconds. BytesReadTimeoutSeconds *int64 `json:"bytesReadTimeoutSeconds,omitempty"` // Automatically shutdown the live stream after a predefined runtime in minutes. StreamTimeoutMinutes *int64 `json:"streamTimeoutMinutes,omitempty"` // Automatically shutdown the live stream if input is never connected for a predefined number of minutes. WaitingForFirstConnectTimeoutMinutes *int64 `json:"waitingForFirstConnectTimeoutMinutes,omitempty"` }
LiveAutoShutdownConfiguration model
type LiveDashManifest ¶
type LiveDashManifest struct { // Dash manifest id (required) ManifestId *string `json:"manifestId,omitempty"` // Timeshift in seconds Timeshift *float64 `json:"timeshift,omitempty"` // Live edge offset in seconds LiveEdgeOffset *float64 `json:"liveEdgeOffset,omitempty"` // The suggestedPresentationDelay to be set in the DASH manifest. If nothing is set, no value will be set. SuggestedPresentationDelay *float64 `json:"suggestedPresentationDelay,omitempty"` // The minimumUpdatePeriod to be set in the DASH manifest. If nothing is set, the segment duration will be set. MinimumUpdatePeriod *float64 `json:"minimumUpdatePeriod,omitempty"` // The mode to trigger the availabilityStartTime initialization. AvailabilityStartTimeMode AvailabilityStartTimeMode `json:"availabilityStartTimeMode,omitempty"` }
LiveDashManifest model
type LiveEncoding ¶
type LiveEncoding struct { // Stream key of the live encoder (required) StreamKey *string `json:"streamKey,omitempty"` // IP address of the live encoder (required) EncoderIp *string `json:"encoderIp,omitempty"` // This will indicate the application 'live' Application *string `json:"application,omitempty"` }
LiveEncoding model
type LiveEncodingCodec ¶
type LiveEncodingCodec string
LiveEncodingCodec : LiveEncodingCodec model
const ( LiveEncodingCodec_H264 LiveEncodingCodec = "H264" LiveEncodingCodec_H265 LiveEncodingCodec = "H265" LiveEncodingCodec_AAC LiveEncodingCodec = "AAC" )
List of possible LiveEncodingCodec values
type LiveEncodingEventName ¶
type LiveEncodingEventName string
LiveEncodingEventName : LiveEncodingEventName model
const ( LiveEncodingEventName_FIRST_CONNECT LiveEncodingEventName = "FIRST_CONNECT" LiveEncodingEventName_DISCONNECT LiveEncodingEventName = "DISCONNECT" LiveEncodingEventName_RECONNECT LiveEncodingEventName = "RECONNECT" LiveEncodingEventName_RESYNCING LiveEncodingEventName = "RESYNCING" LiveEncodingEventName_IDLE LiveEncodingEventName = "IDLE" LiveEncodingEventName_ERROR LiveEncodingEventName = "ERROR" )
List of possible LiveEncodingEventName values
type LiveEncodingHeartbeatWebhook ¶ added in v1.197.0
type LiveEncodingHeartbeatWebhook struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Webhook URL (required) Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` // HTTP method used for the webhook Method WebhookHttpMethod `json:"method,omitempty"` // Skip verification of the SSL certificate InsecureSsl *bool `json:"insecureSsl,omitempty"` // Signature used for the webhook Signature *WebhookSignature `json:"signature,omitempty"` // JSON schema of the webhook payload Schema *map[string]interface{} `json:"schema,omitempty"` // The interval of the heartbeat in seconds. Interval *int32 `json:"interval,omitempty"` }
LiveEncodingHeartbeatWebhook model
type LiveEncodingOptionsStatistics ¶
type LiveEncodingOptionsStatistics struct { // The ID of the encoding (required) EncodingId *string `json:"encodingId,omitempty"` // Live option units used (required) UnitsUsed *float64 `json:"unitsUsed,omitempty"` Type LiveOptionsType `json:"type,omitempty"` }
LiveEncodingOptionsStatistics model
type LiveEncodingStats ¶
type LiveEncodingStats struct { Status LiveEncodingStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` // List of events Events []LiveEncodingStatsEvent `json:"events,omitempty"` // List of statistics Statistics []StreamInfos `json:"statistics,omitempty"` }
LiveEncodingStats model
type LiveEncodingStatsEvent ¶
type LiveEncodingStatsEvent struct { // Timestamp of the event, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ (required) Time *DateTime `json:"time,omitempty"` Details *LiveEncodingStatsEventDetails `json:"details,omitempty"` }
LiveEncodingStatsEvent model
type LiveEncodingStatsEventDetails ¶
type LiveEncodingStatsEventDetails struct { EventType LiveEncodingEventName `json:"eventType,omitempty"` // Short description of the event Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"` // Name of the mid roll asset name MidRollAssetNames []string `json:"midRollAssetNames,omitempty"` // Duration in seconds DurationInSeconds *float64 `json:"durationInSeconds,omitempty"` }
LiveEncodingStatsEventDetails model
type LiveEncodingStatus ¶
type LiveEncodingStatus string
LiveEncodingStatus : LiveEncodingStatus model
const ( LiveEncodingStatus_CONNECTED LiveEncodingStatus = "CONNECTED" LiveEncodingStatus_DISCONNECTED LiveEncodingStatus = "DISCONNECTED" LiveEncodingStatus_WAITING_FOR_FIRST_CONNECT LiveEncodingStatus = "WAITING_FOR_FIRST_CONNECT" LiveEncodingStatus_ERROR LiveEncodingStatus = "ERROR" LiveEncodingStatus_NOT_AVAILABLE LiveEncodingStatus = "NOT_AVAILABLE" LiveEncodingStatus_FINISHED LiveEncodingStatus = "FINISHED" )
List of possible LiveEncodingStatus values
type LiveHlsManifest ¶
type LiveHlsManifest struct { // HLS manifest id (required) ManifestId *string `json:"manifestId,omitempty"` // Timeshift in seconds. We recommend to use a timeshift value not greater than 3 hours (10800.0 seconds). Longer values could negatively impact the manifest update frequency. Timeshift *float64 `json:"timeshift,omitempty"` // Live edge offset in seconds LiveEdgeOffset *float64 `json:"liveEdgeOffset,omitempty"` // Specifies if the EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATETIME tag will be included InsertProgramDateTime *bool `json:"insertProgramDateTime,omitempty"` // Configuration for the EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATETIME tag ProgramDateTimeSettings *ProgramDateTimeSettings `json:"programDateTimeSettings,omitempty"` // Configuration for tags related to ad markers (e.g. Scte35) AdMarkerSettings *HlsManifestAdMarkerSettings `json:"adMarkerSettings,omitempty"` }
LiveHlsManifest model
type LiveMediaIngestOutput ¶
type LiveMediaIngestOutput struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Deprecation notice: This property does not have any effect and will not be returned by GET endpoints Acl []AclEntry `json:"acl,omitempty"` // URL specifying the publishing point for the output. Can use either http or https. (required) PublishingPoint *string `json:"publishingPoint,omitempty"` }
Live Media and Metadata Ingest Protocol. See
func (LiveMediaIngestOutput) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m LiveMediaIngestOutput) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (LiveMediaIngestOutput) OutputType ¶
func (m LiveMediaIngestOutput) OutputType() OutputType
type LiveOptionsBreakdownEntry ¶
type LiveOptionsBreakdownEntry struct { // Date, format: yyyy-MM-dd (required) Date *Date `json:"date,omitempty"` Hd *LiveOptionsEntry `json:"hd,omitempty"` }
LiveOptionsBreakdownEntry model
type LiveOptionsEntry ¶
type LiveOptionsEntry struct { // Live option units used (required) UnitsUsed *int64 `json:"unitsUsed,omitempty"` }
LiveOptionsEntry model
type LiveOptionsStatistics ¶
type LiveOptionsStatistics struct { Summary *LiveOptionsSummary `json:"summary,omitempty"` // Live options statistics aggregated per day (required) Breakdown []LiveOptionsBreakdownEntry `json:"breakdown,omitempty"` }
LiveOptionsStatistics model
type LiveOptionsSummary ¶
type LiveOptionsSummary struct {
Hd *LiveOptionsEntry `json:"hd,omitempty"`
LiveOptionsSummary model
type LiveOptionsType ¶
type LiveOptionsType string
LiveOptionsType : LiveOptionsType model
const (
LiveOptionsType_HD LiveOptionsType = "HD"
List of possible LiveOptionsType values
type LiveStandbyPoolDetails ¶ added in v1.212.0
type LiveStandbyPoolDetails struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Number of instances to keep ready for streaming while the pool is running (required) TargetPoolSize *int32 `json:"targetPoolSize,omitempty"` // Number of instances currently in ready state in the pool ReadyEncodings *int32 `json:"readyEncodings,omitempty"` // Number of instances currently being prepared in the pool PreparingEncodings *int32 `json:"preparingEncodings,omitempty"` // Number of instances currently in error state in the pool ErrorEncodings *int32 `json:"errorEncodings,omitempty"` // The name of the encoding template used with this Standby Pool EncodingTemplateName *string `json:"encodingTemplateName,omitempty"` PoolStatus LiveStandbyPoolStatus `json:"poolStatus,omitempty"` // Base64 encoded template used to start the encodings in the pool EncodingTemplate *string `json:"encodingTemplate,omitempty"` }
LiveStandbyPoolDetails model
type LiveStandbyPoolEncoding ¶ added in v1.212.0
type LiveStandbyPoolEncoding struct { Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` CreatedAt *string `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` ModifiedAt *string `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // ID of the encoding that ready for ingest in the standby pool EncodingId *string `json:"encodingId,omitempty"` Manifests []LiveStandbyPoolEncodingManifest `json:"manifests,omitempty"` IngestPoints []LiveStandbyPoolEncodingIngestPoint `json:"ingestPoints,omitempty"` Status LiveStandbyPoolEncodingStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` }
LiveStandbyPoolEncoding model
type LiveStandbyPoolEncodingIngestPoint ¶ added in v1.212.0
type LiveStandbyPoolEncodingIngestPoint struct { // URL to the RTMP/RTMPS endpoint for this live encoding StreamBaseUrl *string `json:"streamBaseUrl,omitempty"` // Stream key value of this live encoding StreamKey *string `json:"streamKey,omitempty"` }
LiveStandbyPoolEncodingIngestPoint model
type LiveStandbyPoolEncodingManifest ¶ added in v1.212.0
type LiveStandbyPoolEncodingManifest struct { // URL to the manifest Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` // ID of the manifest that was created for the encoding ManifestId *string `json:"manifestId,omitempty"` Type LiveStandbyPoolEncodingManifestType `json:"type,omitempty"` }
LiveStandbyPoolEncodingManifest model
type LiveStandbyPoolEncodingManifestType ¶ added in v1.212.0
type LiveStandbyPoolEncodingManifestType string
LiveStandbyPoolEncodingManifestType : Type of the manifest
const ( LiveStandbyPoolEncodingManifestType_DASH LiveStandbyPoolEncodingManifestType = "DASH" LiveStandbyPoolEncodingManifestType_HLS LiveStandbyPoolEncodingManifestType = "HLS" )
List of possible LiveStandbyPoolEncodingManifestType values
type LiveStandbyPoolEncodingStatus ¶ added in v1.212.0
type LiveStandbyPoolEncodingStatus string
LiveStandbyPoolEncodingStatus : Status of the standby pool encoding
const ( LiveStandbyPoolEncodingStatus_TO_BE_CREATED LiveStandbyPoolEncodingStatus = "TO_BE_CREATED" LiveStandbyPoolEncodingStatus_CREATING LiveStandbyPoolEncodingStatus = "CREATING" LiveStandbyPoolEncodingStatus_PREPARING LiveStandbyPoolEncodingStatus = "PREPARING" LiveStandbyPoolEncodingStatus_READY LiveStandbyPoolEncodingStatus = "READY" LiveStandbyPoolEncodingStatus_TO_BE_DELETED LiveStandbyPoolEncodingStatus = "TO_BE_DELETED" LiveStandbyPoolEncodingStatus_DELETING LiveStandbyPoolEncodingStatus = "DELETING" LiveStandbyPoolEncodingStatus_ACQUIRED LiveStandbyPoolEncodingStatus = "ACQUIRED" LiveStandbyPoolEncodingStatus_ERROR LiveStandbyPoolEncodingStatus = "ERROR" )
List of possible LiveStandbyPoolEncodingStatus values
type LiveStandbyPoolEventLog ¶ added in v1.212.0
type LiveStandbyPoolEventLog struct { // UUID of the entry Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Id of the standby_pool associated with the event log StandbyPoolId *string `json:"standbyPoolId,omitempty"` // (Optional) Id of the standby pool encoding associated with the event StandbyPoolEncodingId *string `json:"standbyPoolEncodingId,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *string `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Short description of the event Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"` // Detailed description, payloads, hints on how to resolve errors, etc Details *string `json:"details,omitempty"` EventType LiveStandbyPoolEventLogType `json:"eventType,omitempty"` }
LiveStandbyPoolEventLog model
type LiveStandbyPoolEventLogType ¶ added in v1.212.0
type LiveStandbyPoolEventLogType string
LiveStandbyPoolEventLogType : Event log type of the standby pool
const ( LiveStandbyPoolEventLogType_INFO LiveStandbyPoolEventLogType = "INFO" LiveStandbyPoolEventLogType_WARN LiveStandbyPoolEventLogType = "WARN" LiveStandbyPoolEventLogType_ERROR LiveStandbyPoolEventLogType = "ERROR" )
List of possible LiveStandbyPoolEventLogType values
type LiveStandbyPoolRequest ¶ added in v1.212.0
type LiveStandbyPoolRequest struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Number of instances to keep ready for streaming while the pool is running (required) TargetPoolSize *int32 `json:"targetPoolSize,omitempty"` // Base64 encoded template used to start the encodings in the pool (required) EncodingTemplate *string `json:"encodingTemplate,omitempty"` }
LiveStandbyPoolRequest model
type LiveStandbyPoolResponse ¶ added in v1.212.0
type LiveStandbyPoolResponse struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Number of instances to keep ready for streaming while the pool is running (required) TargetPoolSize *int32 `json:"targetPoolSize,omitempty"` // Number of instances currently in ready state in the pool ReadyEncodings *int32 `json:"readyEncodings,omitempty"` // Number of instances currently being prepared in the pool PreparingEncodings *int32 `json:"preparingEncodings,omitempty"` // Number of instances currently in error state in the pool ErrorEncodings *int32 `json:"errorEncodings,omitempty"` // The name of the encoding template used with this Standby Pool EncodingTemplateName *string `json:"encodingTemplateName,omitempty"` PoolStatus LiveStandbyPoolStatus `json:"poolStatus,omitempty"` }
LiveStandbyPoolResponse model
type LiveStandbyPoolStatus ¶ added in v1.212.0
type LiveStandbyPoolStatus string
LiveStandbyPoolStatus : Status of the live standby pool
const ( LiveStandbyPoolStatus_HEALTHY LiveStandbyPoolStatus = "HEALTHY" LiveStandbyPoolStatus_ERROR LiveStandbyPoolStatus = "ERROR" )
List of possible LiveStandbyPoolStatus values
type LiveStandbyPoolUpdate ¶ added in v1.212.0
type LiveStandbyPoolUpdate struct { // Number of instances to keep ready for streaming while the pool is running TargetPoolSize *int32 `json:"targetPoolSize,omitempty"` // Base64 encoded template used to start the encodings in the pool EncodingTemplate *string `json:"encodingTemplate,omitempty"` }
LiveStandbyPoolUpdate model
type LocalInput ¶
type LocalInput struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Path to your local storage (required) Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` }
LocalInput model
func (LocalInput) InputType ¶
func (m LocalInput) InputType() InputType
func (LocalInput) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m LocalInput) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type LocalOutput ¶
type LocalOutput struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Deprecation notice: This property does not have any effect and will not be returned by GET endpoints Acl []AclEntry `json:"acl,omitempty"` // Path to your local storage (required) Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` }
LocalOutput model
func (LocalOutput) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m LocalOutput) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (LocalOutput) OutputType ¶
func (m LocalOutput) OutputType() OutputType
type Manifest ¶
type Manifest struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Type ManifestType `json:"type,omitempty"` // The outputs to store the manifest (required) Outputs []EncodingOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // Current status Status Status `json:"status,omitempty"` }
Manifest model
type ManifestGenerator ¶
type ManifestGenerator string
ManifestGenerator : ManifestGenerator model
const ( ManifestGenerator_LEGACY ManifestGenerator = "LEGACY" ManifestGenerator_V2 ManifestGenerator = "V2" )
List of possible ManifestGenerator values
type ManifestResource ¶
type ManifestResource struct { // Id of the manifest resource (required) ManifestId *string `json:"manifestId,omitempty"` }
ManifestResource model
type ManifestType ¶
type ManifestType string
ManifestType : ManifestType model
const ( ManifestType_DASH ManifestType = "DASH" ManifestType_HLS ManifestType = "HLS" ManifestType_SMOOTH_STREAMING ManifestType = "SMOOTH_STREAMING" )
List of possible ManifestType values
type ManifestTypeResponse ¶
type ManifestTypeResponse struct { // The type of the manifest Type ManifestType `json:"type,omitempty"` }
ManifestTypeResponse model
type Marketplace ¶
type Marketplace string
Marketplace : Type of signup marketplace
const ( Marketplace_AWS Marketplace = "AWS" Marketplace_AZURE Marketplace = "AZURE" )
List of possible Marketplace values
type MarlinDrm ¶
type MarlinDrm struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Outputs []EncodingOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // 16 byte key in hex (32 characters) (required) Key *string `json:"key,omitempty"` // 16 byte key in hex (32 characters) (required) Kid *string `json:"kid,omitempty"` }
MarlinDrm model
func (MarlinDrm) MarshalJSON ¶
type MaxCtuSize ¶
type MaxCtuSize string
MaxCtuSize : Set the maximal CTU (Coding Tree Unit) size
const ( MaxCtuSize_S16 MaxCtuSize = "16" MaxCtuSize_S32 MaxCtuSize = "32" MaxCtuSize_S64 MaxCtuSize = "64" )
List of possible MaxCtuSize values
type MaxTransformUnitSize ¶
type MaxTransformUnitSize string
MaxTransformUnitSize : MaxTransformUnitSize model
const ( MaxTransformUnitSize_MTU_4x4 MaxTransformUnitSize = "MTU_4x4" MaxTransformUnitSize_MTU_8x8 MaxTransformUnitSize = "MTU_8x8" MaxTransformUnitSize_MTU_16x16 MaxTransformUnitSize = "MTU_16x16" MaxTransformUnitSize_MTU_32x32 MaxTransformUnitSize = "MTU_32x32" )
List of possible MaxTransformUnitSize values
type MediaConfigBitrate ¶
type MediaConfigBitrate string
MediaConfigBitrate : The supported bitrate
const ( MediaConfigBitrate_MCB_160000 MediaConfigBitrate = "160000" MediaConfigBitrate_MCB_192000 MediaConfigBitrate = "192000" MediaConfigBitrate_MCB_224000 MediaConfigBitrate = "224000" MediaConfigBitrate_MCB_256000 MediaConfigBitrate = "256000" MediaConfigBitrate_MCB_288000 MediaConfigBitrate = "288000" MediaConfigBitrate_MCB_320000 MediaConfigBitrate = "320000" MediaConfigBitrate_MCB_384000 MediaConfigBitrate = "384000" MediaConfigBitrate_MCB_448000 MediaConfigBitrate = "448000" )
List of possible MediaConfigBitrate values
type MediaInfoType ¶
type MediaInfoType string
MediaInfoType : MediaInfoType model
const ( MediaInfoType_AUDIO MediaInfoType = "AUDIO" MediaInfoType_VIDEO MediaInfoType = "VIDEO" MediaInfoType_SUBTITLES MediaInfoType = "SUBTITLES" MediaInfoType_CLOSED_CAPTIONS MediaInfoType = "CLOSED_CAPTIONS" MediaInfoType_VTT MediaInfoType = "VTT" )
List of possible MediaInfoType values
type MediaInfoTypeResponse ¶
type MediaInfoTypeResponse struct { // The type of the media-info Type MediaInfoType `json:"type,omitempty"` }
MediaInfoTypeResponse model
type MediaStream ¶
type MediaStream struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Position of the stream in the media, starting from 0. Position *int32 `json:"position,omitempty"` // Duration of the stream in seconds Duration *float64 `json:"duration,omitempty"` // Codec of the stream Codec *string `json:"codec,omitempty"` }
MediaStream model
type Message ¶
type Message struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Message type giving a hint on the importance of the message (log level) (required) Type MessageType `json:"type,omitempty"` // Message text (required) Text *string `json:"text,omitempty"` // Name of the field to which the message is referring to Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` // collection of links to webpages containing further information on the topic Links []Link `json:"links,omitempty"` // Service-specific information More *map[string]interface{} `json:"more,omitempty"` // Timestamp when the message occurred Date *DateTime `json:"date,omitempty"` }
Message model
type MessageType ¶
type MessageType string
MessageType : MessageType model
const ( MessageType_ERROR MessageType = "ERROR" MessageType_WARNING MessageType = "WARNING" MessageType_INFO MessageType = "INFO" MessageType_DEBUG MessageType = "DEBUG" MessageType_TRACE MessageType = "TRACE" )
List of possible MessageType values
type MinCodingUnitSize ¶
type MinCodingUnitSize string
MinCodingUnitSize : MinCodingUnitSize model
const ( MinCodingUnitSize_MCU_8x8 MinCodingUnitSize = "MCU_8x8" MinCodingUnitSize_MCU_16x16 MinCodingUnitSize = "MCU_16x16" MinCodingUnitSize_MCU_32x32 MinCodingUnitSize = "MCU_32x32" )
List of possible MinCodingUnitSize values
type MjpegVideoConfiguration ¶
type MjpegVideoConfiguration struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. (required) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Width of the encoded video Width *int32 `json:"width,omitempty"` // Height of the encoded video Height *int32 `json:"height,omitempty"` // Target frame rate of the encoded video! (required) Rate *float64 `json:"rate,omitempty"` // The quality scale parameter (required) QScale *int32 `json:"qScale,omitempty"` PixelFormat PixelFormat `json:"pixelFormat,omitempty"` }
MjpegVideoConfiguration model
func (MjpegVideoConfiguration) CodecConfigType ¶
func (m MjpegVideoConfiguration) CodecConfigType() CodecConfigType
func (MjpegVideoConfiguration) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m MjpegVideoConfiguration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type ModelTask ¶
type ModelTask struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Current status (required) Status Status `json:"status,omitempty"` // Estimated ETA in seconds Eta *float64 `json:"eta,omitempty"` // Progress in percent Progress *int32 `json:"progress,omitempty"` // List of subtasks Subtasks []Subtask `json:"subtasks,omitempty"` // Task specific messages Messages []Message `json:"messages,omitempty"` // Timestamp when the task was created, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Timestamp when the task status changed to \"QUEUED\", returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ QueuedAt *DateTime `json:"queuedAt,omitempty"` // Timestamp when the task status changed to \"RUNNING\", returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ RunningAt *DateTime `json:"runningAt,omitempty"` // Timestamp when the subtask status changed to a final state like 'FINISHED', 'ERROR', 'CANCELED', returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ Note that this timestamp might be inaccurate for tasks which ran prior to the [1.50.0 REST API release]( FinishedAt *DateTime `json:"finishedAt,omitempty"` // Timestamp when the subtask status changed to 'ERROR', returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ Note that this timestamp is deprecated and is equivalent to finishedAt in case of an 'ERROR'. ErrorAt *DateTime `json:"errorAt,omitempty"` // Additional optional error details Error *ErrorDetails `json:"error,omitempty"` }
ModelTask model
type MotionSearch ¶
type MotionSearch string
MotionSearch : Set the Motion search method
const ( MotionSearch_DIA MotionSearch = "DIA" MotionSearch_HEX MotionSearch = "HEX" MotionSearch_UMH MotionSearch = "UMH" MotionSearch_STAR MotionSearch = "STAR" MotionSearch_FULL MotionSearch = "FULL" )
List of possible MotionSearch values
type Mp2AudioConfiguration ¶
type Mp2AudioConfiguration struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. (required) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Target bitrate for the encoded audio in bps (required) Bitrate *int64 `json:"bitrate,omitempty"` // Audio sampling rate in Hz Rate *float64 `json:"rate,omitempty"` // Channel layout of the audio codec configuration ChannelLayout ChannelLayout `json:"channelLayout,omitempty"` }
Mp2AudioConfiguration model
func (Mp2AudioConfiguration) CodecConfigType ¶
func (m Mp2AudioConfiguration) CodecConfigType() CodecConfigType
func (Mp2AudioConfiguration) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m Mp2AudioConfiguration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type Mp3AudioConfiguration ¶
type Mp3AudioConfiguration struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. (required) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Target bitrate for the encoded audio in bps (required) Bitrate *int64 `json:"bitrate,omitempty"` // Audio sampling rate in Hz Rate *float64 `json:"rate,omitempty"` // Channel layout of the audio codec configuration ChannelLayout ChannelLayout `json:"channelLayout,omitempty"` }
Mp3AudioConfiguration model
func (Mp3AudioConfiguration) CodecConfigType ¶
func (m Mp3AudioConfiguration) CodecConfigType() CodecConfigType
func (Mp3AudioConfiguration) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m Mp3AudioConfiguration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type Mp3Muxing ¶
type Mp3Muxing struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Streams []MuxingStream `json:"streams,omitempty"` Outputs []EncodingOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // Average bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. AvgBitrate *int64 `json:"avgBitrate,omitempty"` // Min bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. MinBitrate *int64 `json:"minBitrate,omitempty"` // Max bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. MaxBitrate *int64 `json:"maxBitrate,omitempty"` // This read-only property is set during the analysis step of the encoding. If it contains items, the Muxing has been ignored during the encoding process according to its 'streamConditionsMode' IgnoredBy []Ignoring `json:"ignoredBy,omitempty"` // Specifies how to proceed with the Muxing when some of its Streams are ignored (see 'condition' property of the Stream resource). The settings only make a difference for Muxings with more than one Stream. When retrieving the resource after the analysis step of the encoding has finished, 'ignoredBy' will indicate if and why it has been ignored. StreamConditionsMode StreamConditionsMode `json:"streamConditionsMode,omitempty"` // Name of the output file (required) Filename *string `json:"filename,omitempty"` }
Mp3Muxing model
func (Mp3Muxing) MarshalJSON ¶
func (Mp3Muxing) MuxingType ¶
func (m Mp3Muxing) MuxingType() MuxingType
type Mp3MuxingInformation ¶
type Mp3MuxingInformation struct { // The mime type of the muxing MimeType *string `json:"mimeType,omitempty"` // The file size of the muxing in bytes FileSize *int64 `json:"fileSize,omitempty"` // The container format used ContainerFormat *string `json:"containerFormat,omitempty"` // The bitrate of the container if available (tracks + container overhead) ContainerBitrate *int64 `json:"containerBitrate,omitempty"` // The duration of the container in seconds Duration *float64 `json:"duration,omitempty"` // Information about the video tracks in the container VideoTracks []MuxingInformationVideoTrack `json:"videoTracks,omitempty"` // Information about the audio tracks in the container AudioTracks []MuxingInformationAudioTrack `json:"audioTracks,omitempty"` }
Mp3MuxingInformation model
type Mp4Muxing ¶
type Mp4Muxing struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Streams []MuxingStream `json:"streams,omitempty"` Outputs []EncodingOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // Average bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. AvgBitrate *int64 `json:"avgBitrate,omitempty"` // Min bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. MinBitrate *int64 `json:"minBitrate,omitempty"` // Max bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. MaxBitrate *int64 `json:"maxBitrate,omitempty"` // This read-only property is set during the analysis step of the encoding. If it contains items, the Muxing has been ignored during the encoding process according to its 'streamConditionsMode' IgnoredBy []Ignoring `json:"ignoredBy,omitempty"` // Specifies how to proceed with the Muxing when some of its Streams are ignored (see 'condition' property of the Stream resource). The settings only make a difference for Muxings with more than one Stream. When retrieving the resource after the analysis step of the encoding has finished, 'ignoredBy' will indicate if and why it has been ignored. StreamConditionsMode StreamConditionsMode `json:"streamConditionsMode,omitempty"` // Name of the output file (either `filename` or `name` is required, prefer `filename`) Filename *string `json:"filename,omitempty"` // Duration of fragments in milliseconds. Required for Fragmented MP4 Muxing (for Smooth Streaming or DASH On-Demand). Not setting this will result in unfragmented mp4. FragmentDuration *int32 `json:"fragmentDuration,omitempty"` FragmentedMP4MuxingManifestType FragmentedMp4MuxingManifestType `json:"fragmentedMP4MuxingManifestType,omitempty"` // Dolby Vision specific configuration DolbyVisionConfiguration *DolbyVisionMuxingConfiguration `json:"dolbyVisionConfiguration,omitempty"` }
Mp4Muxing model
func (Mp4Muxing) MarshalJSON ¶
func (Mp4Muxing) MuxingType ¶
func (m Mp4Muxing) MuxingType() MuxingType
type Mp4MuxingInformation ¶
type Mp4MuxingInformation struct { // The mime type of the muxing MimeType *string `json:"mimeType,omitempty"` // The file size of the muxing in bytes FileSize *int64 `json:"fileSize,omitempty"` // The container format used ContainerFormat *string `json:"containerFormat,omitempty"` // The bitrate of the container if available (tracks + container overhead) ContainerBitrate *int64 `json:"containerBitrate,omitempty"` // The duration of the container in seconds Duration *float64 `json:"duration,omitempty"` // Information about the video tracks in the container VideoTracks []MuxingInformationVideoTrack `json:"videoTracks,omitempty"` // Information about the audio tracks in the container AudioTracks []MuxingInformationAudioTrack `json:"audioTracks,omitempty"` }
Mp4MuxingInformation model
type Muxing ¶
type Muxing interface { // MuxingType returns the discriminator type of the polymorphic model MuxingType() MuxingType }
Muxing model
func UnmarshalMuxing ¶
UnmarshalMuxing unmarshals polymorphic Muxing
type MuxingInformationAudioTrack ¶
type MuxingInformationAudioTrack struct { // The stream index in the container Index *int32 `json:"index,omitempty"` // The codec used for the track Codec *string `json:"codec,omitempty"` // The codec string of the track CodecIso *string `json:"codecIso,omitempty"` // The bitrate of the audio track BitRate *int64 `json:"bitRate,omitempty"` Rate *int64 `json:"rate,omitempty"` // The sampling rate of the audio stream SampleRate *int32 `json:"sampleRate,omitempty"` // The number of channels in this audio stream Channels *int32 `json:"channels,omitempty"` // The duration in seconds Duration *float64 `json:"duration,omitempty"` }
MuxingInformationAudioTrack model
type MuxingInformationVideoTrack ¶
type MuxingInformationVideoTrack struct { // The stream index in the container Index *int32 `json:"index,omitempty"` // The codec used for the track Codec *string `json:"codec,omitempty"` // The codec string of the track CodecIso *string `json:"codecIso,omitempty"` // The bitrate of the video track BitRate *int64 `json:"bitRate,omitempty"` Rate *int64 `json:"rate,omitempty"` // The pixel format used PixelFormat *string `json:"pixelFormat,omitempty"` // The frame mode (e.g. progressive) FrameMode *string `json:"frameMode,omitempty"` // The width of the frame in pixel FrameWidth *int32 `json:"frameWidth,omitempty"` // The height of the frame in pixel FrameHeight *int32 `json:"frameHeight,omitempty"` // The frame rate of the stream in fractional format FrameRate *string `json:"frameRate,omitempty"` // The start time in seconds StartTime *float64 `json:"startTime,omitempty"` // The duration in seconds Duration *float64 `json:"duration,omitempty"` // The number of frames of that video track NumberOfFrames *int64 `json:"numberOfFrames,omitempty"` // The aspect ratio of the stream AspectRatio *string `json:"aspectRatio,omitempty"` }
MuxingInformationVideoTrack model
type MuxingStream ¶
type MuxingStream struct {
StreamId *string `json:"streamId,omitempty"`
MuxingStream model
type MuxingType ¶
type MuxingType string
MuxingType : MuxingType model
const ( MuxingType_FMP4 MuxingType = "FMP4" MuxingType_CMAF MuxingType = "CMAF" MuxingType_MP4 MuxingType = "MP4" MuxingType_TS MuxingType = "TS" MuxingType_WEBM MuxingType = "WEBM" MuxingType_MP3 MuxingType = "MP3" MuxingType_MXF MuxingType = "MXF" MuxingType_PROGRESSIVE_WAV MuxingType = "PROGRESSIVE_WAV" MuxingType_PROGRESSIVE_WEBM MuxingType = "PROGRESSIVE_WEBM" MuxingType_PROGRESSIVE_MOV MuxingType = "PROGRESSIVE_MOV" MuxingType_PROGRESSIVE_TS MuxingType = "PROGRESSIVE_TS" MuxingType_BROADCAST_TS MuxingType = "BROADCAST_TS" MuxingType_CHUNKED_TEXT MuxingType = "CHUNKED_TEXT" MuxingType_TEXT MuxingType = "TEXT" MuxingType_SEGMENTED_RAW MuxingType = "SEGMENTED_RAW" MuxingType_PACKED_AUDIO MuxingType = "PACKED_AUDIO" )
List of possible MuxingType values
type MuxingTypeResponse ¶
type MuxingTypeResponse struct { // The type of the Muxing Type MuxingType `json:"type,omitempty"` }
MuxingTypeResponse model
type MvPredictionMode ¶
type MvPredictionMode string
MvPredictionMode : Motion vector prediction mode
const ( MvPredictionMode_NONE MvPredictionMode = "NONE" MvPredictionMode_SPATIAL MvPredictionMode = "SPATIAL" MvPredictionMode_TEMPORAL MvPredictionMode = "TEMPORAL" MvPredictionMode_AUTO MvPredictionMode = "AUTO" )
List of possible MvPredictionMode values
type MxfMuxing ¶
type MxfMuxing struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Streams []MuxingStream `json:"streams,omitempty"` Outputs []EncodingOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // Average bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. AvgBitrate *int64 `json:"avgBitrate,omitempty"` // Min bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. MinBitrate *int64 `json:"minBitrate,omitempty"` // Max bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. MaxBitrate *int64 `json:"maxBitrate,omitempty"` // This read-only property is set during the analysis step of the encoding. If it contains items, the Muxing has been ignored during the encoding process according to its 'streamConditionsMode' IgnoredBy []Ignoring `json:"ignoredBy,omitempty"` // Specifies how to proceed with the Muxing when some of its Streams are ignored (see 'condition' property of the Stream resource). The settings only make a difference for Muxings with more than one Stream. When retrieving the resource after the analysis step of the encoding has finished, 'ignoredBy' will indicate if and why it has been ignored. StreamConditionsMode StreamConditionsMode `json:"streamConditionsMode,omitempty"` // Name of the output file (required) Filename *string `json:"filename,omitempty"` }
MxfMuxing model
func (MxfMuxing) MarshalJSON ¶
func (MxfMuxing) MuxingType ¶
func (m MxfMuxing) MuxingType() MuxingType
type NexGuardAbWatermarkingFeature ¶
type NexGuardAbWatermarkingFeature string
NexGuardAbWatermarkingFeature : NexGuardAbWatermarkingFeature model
const ( NexGuardAbWatermarkingFeature_OTT NexGuardAbWatermarkingFeature = "OTT" NexGuardAbWatermarkingFeature_DUPLICATED NexGuardAbWatermarkingFeature = "DUPLICATED" )
List of possible NexGuardABWatermarkingFeature values
type NexGuardFileMarker ¶
type NexGuardFileMarker struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Use the base64 license string that Nagra provides you. (required) License *string `json:"license,omitempty"` // The type of watermarking to be used: * `OTT` - A/B watermarking (for video streams only) * `DUPLICATED` - Stream duplication to match A/B video streams in CDN delivery (for audio streams only) WatermarkType NexGuardWatermarkingType `json:"watermarkType,omitempty"` // Specify the payload ID that you want to be associated with this output. Valid values vary depending on your Nagra NexGuard forensic watermarking workflow. For PreRelease Content (NGPR), specify an integer from 1 through 4,194,303. You must generate a unique ID for each asset you watermark, and keep a record of th ID. Neither Nagra nor Bitmovin keep track of this for you. Payload *int32 `json:"payload,omitempty"` // Enter one of the watermarking preset strings that Nagra provides you. Preset *string `json:"preset,omitempty"` // Optional. Ignore this setting unless Nagra support directs you to specify a value. When you don't specify a value here, the Nagra NexGuard library uses its default value. Strength NexGuardWatermarkingStrength `json:"strength,omitempty"` }
NexGuardFileMarker model
type NexGuardWatermarkingStrength ¶
type NexGuardWatermarkingStrength string
NexGuardWatermarkingStrength : NexGuardWatermarkingStrength model
const ( NexGuardWatermarkingStrength_LIGHTEST NexGuardWatermarkingStrength = "LIGHTEST" NexGuardWatermarkingStrength_LIGHTER NexGuardWatermarkingStrength = "LIGHTER" NexGuardWatermarkingStrength_DEFAULT NexGuardWatermarkingStrength = "DEFAULT" NexGuardWatermarkingStrength_STRONGER NexGuardWatermarkingStrength = "STRONGER" NexGuardWatermarkingStrength_STRONGEST NexGuardWatermarkingStrength = "STRONGEST" )
List of possible NexGuardWatermarkingStrength values
type NexGuardWatermarkingType ¶
type NexGuardWatermarkingType string
NexGuardWatermarkingType : NexGuardWatermarkingType model
const ( NexGuardWatermarkingType_OTT NexGuardWatermarkingType = "OTT" NexGuardWatermarkingType_DUPLICATED NexGuardWatermarkingType = "DUPLICATED" )
List of possible NexGuardWatermarkingType values
type Notification ¶
type Notification struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Notify when condition resolves after it was met Resolve *bool `json:"resolve,omitempty"` // Specific resource, e.g. encoding id ResourceId *string `json:"resourceId,omitempty"` // Last time the notification was triggered TriggeredAt *DateTime `json:"triggeredAt,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` EventType *string `json:"eventType,omitempty"` Category *string `json:"category,omitempty"` ResourceType *string `json:"resourceType,omitempty"` Muted *bool `json:"muted,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` }
Notification model
type NotificationStateEntry ¶
type NotificationStateEntry struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` State NotificationStates `json:"state,omitempty"` // Indicate if notification was sent (required) Muted *bool `json:"muted,omitempty"` // The notification this state belongs to (required) NotificationId *string `json:"notificationId,omitempty"` // Indicate if triggered for specific resource (required) ResourceId *string `json:"resourceId,omitempty"` TriggeredAt *DateTime `json:"triggeredAt,omitempty"` }
NotificationStateEntry model
type NotificationStates ¶
type NotificationStates string
NotificationStates : NotificationStates model
const ( NotificationStates_FIRED NotificationStates = "FIRED" NotificationStates_RESOLVED NotificationStates = "RESOLVED" )
List of possible NotificationStates values
type OpusAudioConfiguration ¶
type OpusAudioConfiguration struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. (required) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Target bitrate for the encoded audio in bps (required) Bitrate *int64 `json:"bitrate,omitempty"` // Audio sampling rate in Hz Rate *float64 `json:"rate,omitempty"` // Channel layout of the audio codec configuration ChannelLayout OpusChannelLayout `json:"channelLayout,omitempty"` }
OpusAudioConfiguration model
func (OpusAudioConfiguration) CodecConfigType ¶
func (m OpusAudioConfiguration) CodecConfigType() CodecConfigType
func (OpusAudioConfiguration) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m OpusAudioConfiguration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type OpusChannelLayout ¶
type OpusChannelLayout string
OpusChannelLayout : OpusChannelLayout model
const ( OpusChannelLayout_NONE OpusChannelLayout = "NONE" OpusChannelLayout_MONO OpusChannelLayout = "MONO" OpusChannelLayout_CL_STEREO OpusChannelLayout = "STEREO" OpusChannelLayout_CL_SURROUND OpusChannelLayout = "SURROUND" OpusChannelLayout_CL_QUAD OpusChannelLayout = "QUAD" OpusChannelLayout_CL_4_1 OpusChannelLayout = "4.1" OpusChannelLayout_CL_5_0_BACK OpusChannelLayout = "5.0_BACK" OpusChannelLayout_XCL_5_1_BACK OpusChannelLayout = "5.1_BACK" OpusChannelLayout_CL_6_1 OpusChannelLayout = "6.1" OpusChannelLayout_CL_7_1 OpusChannelLayout = "7.1" )
List of possible OpusChannelLayout values
type OrConjunction ¶
type OrConjunction struct { // Array to perform the AND/OR evaluation on Conditions []AbstractCondition `json:"conditions,omitempty"` }
OrConjunction model
func (OrConjunction) ConditionType ¶
func (m OrConjunction) ConditionType() ConditionType
func (OrConjunction) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m OrConjunction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*OrConjunction) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *OrConjunction) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals model OrConjunction from a JSON structure
type Organization ¶
type Organization struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. (required) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Specifies the type of the organization in the hierachy. Only sub-organizations can be newly created. (required) Type OrganizationType `json:"type,omitempty"` // ID of the parent organization ParentId *string `json:"parentId,omitempty"` // Hexadecimal color LabelColor *string `json:"labelColor,omitempty"` LimitsPerResource []ResourceLimitContainer `json:"limitsPerResource,omitempty"` // which platform initiated organisation creation SignupSource SignupSource `json:"signupSource,omitempty"` // Flag indicating if MFA is required for the organization MfaRequired *bool `json:"mfaRequired,omitempty"` }
Organization model
type OrganizationPendingInvitation ¶ added in v1.182.0
type OrganizationPendingInvitation struct { // Id of Tenant (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Email of Tenant (required) Email *string `json:"email,omitempty"` // Id of group (required) GroupId *string `json:"groupId,omitempty"` // Name of group (required) GroupName *string `json:"groupName,omitempty"` }
OrganizationPendingInvitation model
type OrganizationType ¶
type OrganizationType string
OrganizationType : OrganizationType model
const ( OrganizationType_ROOT_ORGANIZATION OrganizationType = "ROOT_ORGANIZATION" OrganizationType_SUB_ORGANIZATION OrganizationType = "SUB_ORGANIZATION" )
List of possible OrganizationType values
type OttLoudnessMode ¶
type OttLoudnessMode string
OttLoudnessMode : Specifies the OTT loudness mode. If the mode is `DTSX_OTT_LOUDNESS_DETECT`, the `lkfs` value will be calculated internally and does not need to be provided. A provided `lkfs` value will be ignored. For the modes `DTSX_OTT_LOUDNESS_INPUT` and `DTSX_OTT_LOUDNESS_TARGET` an `lkfs` value must be provided by the user.
List of possible OttLoudnessMode values
type Output ¶
type Output interface { // OutputType returns the discriminator type of the polymorphic model OutputType() OutputType }
Output model
func UnmarshalOutput ¶
UnmarshalOutput unmarshals polymorphic Output
type OutputType ¶
type OutputType string
OutputType : OutputType model
const ( OutputType_AKAMAI_NETSTORAGE OutputType = "AKAMAI_NETSTORAGE" OutputType_AZURE OutputType = "AZURE" OutputType_GENERIC_S3 OutputType = "GENERIC_S3" OutputType_GCS OutputType = "GCS" OutputType_FTP OutputType = "FTP" OutputType_LOCAL OutputType = "LOCAL" OutputType_S3 OutputType = "S3" OutputType_S3_ROLE_BASED OutputType = "S3_ROLE_BASED" OutputType_SFTP OutputType = "SFTP" OutputType_AKAMAI_MSL OutputType = "AKAMAI_MSL" OutputType_LIVE_MEDIA_INGEST OutputType = "LIVE_MEDIA_INGEST" OutputType_GCS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT OutputType = "GCS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT" OutputType_CDN OutputType = "CDN" )
List of possible OutputType values
type OutputTypeResponse ¶
type OutputTypeResponse struct { // The type of the output Type OutputType `json:"type,omitempty"` }
OutputTypeResponse model
type PackedAudioMuxing ¶
type PackedAudioMuxing struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Streams []MuxingStream `json:"streams,omitempty"` Outputs []EncodingOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // Average bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. AvgBitrate *int64 `json:"avgBitrate,omitempty"` // Min bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. MinBitrate *int64 `json:"minBitrate,omitempty"` // Max bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. MaxBitrate *int64 `json:"maxBitrate,omitempty"` // This read-only property is set during the analysis step of the encoding. If it contains items, the Muxing has been ignored during the encoding process according to its 'streamConditionsMode' IgnoredBy []Ignoring `json:"ignoredBy,omitempty"` // Specifies how to proceed with the Muxing when some of its Streams are ignored (see 'condition' property of the Stream resource). The settings only make a difference for Muxings with more than one Stream. When retrieving the resource after the analysis step of the encoding has finished, 'ignoredBy' will indicate if and why it has been ignored. StreamConditionsMode StreamConditionsMode `json:"streamConditionsMode,omitempty"` // Duration of a segment, given in seconds (required) SegmentLength *float64 `json:"segmentLength,omitempty"` // Segment naming policy. The required filename extension depends on the codec (e.g. '.aac' for AAC). Either this or *segmentNamingTemplate* must be set. SegmentNaming *string `json:"segmentNaming,omitempty"` // Segment naming policy containing one or both of the following placeholders: - '{rand_chars:x}', which will be replaced by a random alphanumeric string of length x (default 32) on each (re)start of the encoding. The resulting string will be copied to the segmentNaming property. Intended to avoid re-use of segment names after restarting a live encoding. - '{segment_rand_chars:x}', which will be replaced by a random alphanumeric string of length x (default 32) for each different segment. This is intended to avoid guessing segment URLs by replacing segment numbers. If segmentNamingTemplate is set, segmentNaming must not be set. The required filename extension depends on the codec (e.g. '.aac' for AAC). SegmentNamingTemplate *string `json:"segmentNamingTemplate,omitempty"` // Offset of MPEG-TS timestamps in seconds. E.g., first packet will start with PTS 900,000 for a 10 seconds offset (90,000 MPEG-TS timescale). StartOffset *int32 `json:"startOffset,omitempty"` // Number of segments which have been encoded SegmentsMuxed *int32 `json:"segmentsMuxed,omitempty"` }
PackedAudioMuxing model
func (PackedAudioMuxing) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m PackedAudioMuxing) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (PackedAudioMuxing) MuxingType ¶
func (m PackedAudioMuxing) MuxingType() MuxingType
type PackedAudioMuxingInformation ¶
type PackedAudioMuxingInformation struct { // The mime type of the muxing MimeType *string `json:"mimeType,omitempty"` // The file size of the muxing in bytes FileSize *int64 `json:"fileSize,omitempty"` // The container format used ContainerFormat *string `json:"containerFormat,omitempty"` // The bitrate of the container if available (tracks + container overhead) ContainerBitrate *int64 `json:"containerBitrate,omitempty"` // The duration of the container in seconds Duration *float64 `json:"duration,omitempty"` // Information about the video tracks in the container VideoTracks []MuxingInformationVideoTrack `json:"videoTracks,omitempty"` // Information about the audio tracks in the container AudioTracks []MuxingInformationAudioTrack `json:"audioTracks,omitempty"` }
PackedAudioMuxingInformation model
type PaddingDurationUnit ¶
type PaddingDurationUnit string
PaddingDurationUnit : PaddingDurationUnit model
const ( PaddingDurationUnit_SECONDS PaddingDurationUnit = "SECONDS" PaddingDurationUnit_FRAMES PaddingDurationUnit = "FRAMES" )
List of possible PaddingDurationUnit values
type PaddingSequence ¶
type PaddingSequence struct { // Duration of the padding sequence, given in the unit specified by the `unit` property. The maximum duration is 300 frames or 10 seconds. If the unit is `FRAMES`, this needs to be an integer value and will be interpreted based on the input frame rate of the main part of the ConcatenationInputStream that is used by your video output stream(s). `FRAMES` is not allowed if the encoding does not contain a video output stream. (required) Duration *float64 `json:"duration,omitempty"` // The unit of the `duration` property Unit PaddingDurationUnit `json:"unit,omitempty"` }
PaddingSequence model
type PaginationResponse ¶
type PassthroughAudioConfiguration ¶ added in v1.193.0
type PassthroughAudioConfiguration struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. (required) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` }
PassthroughAudioConfiguration model
func (PassthroughAudioConfiguration) CodecConfigType ¶ added in v1.193.0
func (m PassthroughAudioConfiguration) CodecConfigType() CodecConfigType
func (PassthroughAudioConfiguration) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.193.0
func (m PassthroughAudioConfiguration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type PassthroughMode ¶
type PassthroughMode string
PassthroughMode : Configure if the encoding should use the video stream as the passthrough mode or a dedicated caption stream.
const ( PassthroughMode_VIDEO_STREAM PassthroughMode = "VIDEO_STREAM" PassthroughMode_CAPTION_STREAM PassthroughMode = "CAPTION_STREAM" PassthroughMode_VIDEO_CAPTION_STREAM PassthroughMode = "VIDEO_CAPTION_STREAM" )
List of possible PassthroughMode values
type PcmAudioConfiguration ¶
type PcmAudioConfiguration struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. (required) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Target bitrate for the encoded audio in bps (required) Bitrate *int64 `json:"bitrate,omitempty"` // Audio sampling rate in Hz Rate *float64 `json:"rate,omitempty"` // Use a set of well defined configurations preset to support certain use cases. Can be overwritten with more specific values. PresetConfiguration PcmPresetConfiguration `json:"presetConfiguration,omitempty"` // Channel layout of the audio codec configuration ChannelLayout PcmChannelLayout `json:"channelLayout,omitempty"` // Sampling format of the audio codec configuration SampleFormat PcmSampleFormat `json:"sampleFormat,omitempty"` }
PcmAudioConfiguration model
func (PcmAudioConfiguration) CodecConfigType ¶
func (m PcmAudioConfiguration) CodecConfigType() CodecConfigType
func (PcmAudioConfiguration) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m PcmAudioConfiguration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type PcmChannelLayout ¶
type PcmChannelLayout string
PcmChannelLayout : PcmChannelLayout model
const ( PcmChannelLayout_MONO PcmChannelLayout = "MONO" PcmChannelLayout_STEREO PcmChannelLayout = "STEREO" )
List of possible PcmChannelLayout values
type PcmPresetConfiguration ¶
type PcmPresetConfiguration string
PcmPresetConfiguration : PcmPresetConfiguration model
const (
PcmPresetConfiguration_XDCAM PcmPresetConfiguration = "XDCAM"
List of possible PcmPresetConfiguration values
type PcmSampleFormat ¶
type PcmSampleFormat string
PcmSampleFormat : PcmSampleFormat model
const ( PcmSampleFormat_S16LE PcmSampleFormat = "S16LE" PcmSampleFormat_S24LE PcmSampleFormat = "S24LE" PcmSampleFormat_S32LE PcmSampleFormat = "S32LE" )
List of possible PcmSampleFormat values
type PerTitle ¶
type PerTitle struct { // Per-Title configuration for H264 H264Configuration *H264PerTitleConfiguration `json:"h264Configuration,omitempty"` // Per-Title configuration for H265 H265Configuration *H265PerTitleConfiguration `json:"h265Configuration,omitempty"` // Per-Title configuration for VP9 Vp9Configuration *Vp9PerTitleConfiguration `json:"vp9Configuration,omitempty"` // Per-Title configuration for AV1 Av1Configuration *Av1PerTitleConfiguration `json:"av1Configuration,omitempty"` }
PerTitle model
type PerTitleConfiguration ¶
type PerTitleConfiguration struct { // The minimum bitrate that will be used by the Per-Title algorithm. MinBitrate *int32 `json:"minBitrate,omitempty"` // The maximum bitrate that will be used by the Per-Title algorithm. It will not generate any rendition with a higher bitrate. MaxBitrate *int32 `json:"maxBitrate,omitempty"` // The minimum ratio between the bitrates of generated renditions, e.g. if the first bitrate is 240,000, a minimum ratio of 1.5 will require the next higher bitrate to be at least 360,000 MinBitrateStepSize *float64 `json:"minBitrateStepSize,omitempty"` // The maximum ratio between the bitrates of neighbouring renditions, e.g., if the first bitrate is 240,000, a maximum ratio of 1.5 will require the next higher bitrate to be at most 360,000 MaxBitrateStepSize *float64 `json:"maxBitrateStepSize,omitempty"` AutoRepresentations *AutoRepresentation `json:"autoRepresentations,omitempty"` // Will modify the assumed complexity for the Per-Title algorithm (> 0.0). Values higher than 1 will increase complexity and thus select smaller resolutions for given bitrates. This will also result in a higher bitrate for the top rendition. Values lower than 1 will decrease assumed complexity and thus select higher resolutions for given bitrates and also decrease the bitrate of the top rendition ComplexityFactor *float64 `json:"complexityFactor,omitempty"` // Additional configuration for fixed resolution and bitrate templates FixedResolutionAndBitrateConfiguration *PerTitleFixedResolutionAndBitrateConfiguration `json:"fixedResolutionAndBitrateConfiguration,omitempty"` // Desired target quality of the highest representation expressed as CRF value TargetQualityCrf *float64 `json:"targetQualityCrf,omitempty"` // This factor influences the resolution selection of the per-title algorithm. The default value is 0.0. negative values will lead to results where the algorithm will choose lower resolutions for given bitrates. A positive value will result in higher resolutions to be selected. The range of the factor is -5.0 to +5.0. Please note that changing this factor might also lead to slightly different bitrate selection by the algorithm. ResolutionScaleFactor *float64 `json:"resolutionScaleFactor,omitempty"` }
PerTitleConfiguration model
type PerTitleFixedResolutionAndBitrateConfiguration ¶
type PerTitleFixedResolutionAndBitrateConfiguration struct { // Number of forced renditions above the highest fixed representation (e.g. FIXED_RESOLUTION_AND_BITRATE). Forced renditions will be added, also if the Per-Title algorithm chooses the user defined force rendition to be the highest one. ForcedRenditionAboveHighestFixedRepresentation *int32 `json:"forcedRenditionAboveHighestFixedRepresentation,omitempty"` // The factor to calculate the bitrate that will be chosen based on the bitrate of the last FIXED_RESOLUTION. ForcedRenditionAboveHighestFixedRepresentationFactor *float64 `json:"forcedRenditionAboveHighestFixedRepresentationFactor,omitempty"` // Mode to calculate the bitrate of the next representation ForcedRenditionAboveHighestFixedRepresentationCalculationMode PerTitleFixedResolutionAndBitrateConfigurationMode `json:"forcedRenditionAboveHighestFixedRepresentationCalculationMode,omitempty"` }
PerTitleFixedResolutionAndBitrateConfiguration model
type PerTitleFixedResolutionAndBitrateConfigurationMode ¶
type PerTitleFixedResolutionAndBitrateConfigurationMode string
PerTitleFixedResolutionAndBitrateConfigurationMode : PerTitleFixedResolutionAndBitrateConfigurationMode model
const ( PerTitleFixedResolutionAndBitrateConfigurationMode_LAST_CALCULATED_BITRATE PerTitleFixedResolutionAndBitrateConfigurationMode = "LAST_CALCULATED_BITRATE" PerTitleFixedResolutionAndBitrateConfigurationMode_MINIMUM PerTitleFixedResolutionAndBitrateConfigurationMode = "MINIMUM" PerTitleFixedResolutionAndBitrateConfigurationMode_MAXIMUM PerTitleFixedResolutionAndBitrateConfigurationMode = "MAXIMUM" PerTitleFixedResolutionAndBitrateConfigurationMode_AVERAGE PerTitleFixedResolutionAndBitrateConfigurationMode = "AVERAGE" )
List of possible PerTitleFixedResolutionAndBitrateConfigurationMode values
type Period ¶
type Period struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Starting time in seconds Start *float64 `json:"start,omitempty"` // Duration in seconds.<br/>Please note that the duration of a Period is usually determined by the media contained therein.<br/>Setting the `duration` property to a specific value will override this default behaviour.<br/>Warning: Use at your own risk! Duration *float64 `json:"duration,omitempty"` }
Period model
type Permission ¶
type Permission string
Permission : Permission to assign.
const ( Permission_GET Permission = "GET" Permission_DELETE Permission = "DELETE" Permission_POST Permission = "POST" Permission_PUT Permission = "PUT" Permission_PATCH Permission = "PATCH" )
List of possible Permission values
type PictureFieldParity ¶
type PictureFieldParity string
PictureFieldParity : Specifies which field of an interlaced frame is assumed to be the first one
const ( PictureFieldParity_AUTO PictureFieldParity = "AUTO" PictureFieldParity_TOP_FIELD_FIRST PictureFieldParity = "TOP_FIELD_FIRST" PictureFieldParity_BOTTOM_FIELD_FIRST PictureFieldParity = "BOTTOM_FIELD_FIRST" )
List of possible PictureFieldParity values
type PixelFormat ¶
type PixelFormat string
PixelFormat : The pixel format to be set
const ( PixelFormat_YUV410P PixelFormat = "YUV410P" PixelFormat_YUV411P PixelFormat = "YUV411P" PixelFormat_YUV420P PixelFormat = "YUV420P" PixelFormat_YUV422P PixelFormat = "YUV422P" PixelFormat_YUV440P PixelFormat = "YUV440P" PixelFormat_YUV444P PixelFormat = "YUV444P" PixelFormat_YUVJ411P PixelFormat = "YUVJ411P" PixelFormat_YUVJ420P PixelFormat = "YUVJ420P" PixelFormat_YUVJ422P PixelFormat = "YUVJ422P" PixelFormat_YUVJ440P PixelFormat = "YUVJ440P" PixelFormat_YUVJ444P PixelFormat = "YUVJ444P" PixelFormat_YUV420P10LE PixelFormat = "YUV420P10LE" PixelFormat_YUV422P10LE PixelFormat = "YUV422P10LE" PixelFormat_YUV440P10LE PixelFormat = "YUV440P10LE" PixelFormat_YUV444P10LE PixelFormat = "YUV444P10LE" PixelFormat_YUV420P12LE PixelFormat = "YUV420P12LE" PixelFormat_YUV422P12LE PixelFormat = "YUV422P12LE" PixelFormat_YUV440P12LE PixelFormat = "YUV440P12LE" PixelFormat_YUV444P12LE PixelFormat = "YUV444P12LE" PixelFormat_YUV420P10BE PixelFormat = "YUV420P10BE" PixelFormat_YUV422P10BE PixelFormat = "YUV422P10BE" PixelFormat_YUV440P10BE PixelFormat = "YUV440P10BE" PixelFormat_YUV444P10BE PixelFormat = "YUV444P10BE" PixelFormat_YUV420P12BE PixelFormat = "YUV420P12BE" PixelFormat_YUV422P12BE PixelFormat = "YUV422P12BE" PixelFormat_YUV440P12BE PixelFormat = "YUV440P12BE" PixelFormat_YUV444P12BE PixelFormat = "YUV444P12BE" )
List of possible PixelFormat values
type PixelFormatBitDepth ¶
type PixelFormatBitDepth string
PixelFormatBitDepth : PixelFormatBitDepth model
const ( PixelFormatBitDepth_EIGHT_BIT PixelFormatBitDepth = "EIGHT_BIT" PixelFormatBitDepth_TEN_BIT PixelFormatBitDepth = "TEN_BIT" )
List of possible PixelFormatBitDepth values
type PlaintextId3Tag ¶
type PlaintextId3Tag struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` PositionMode Id3TagPositionMode `json:"positionMode,omitempty"` // Frame number at which the Tag should be inserted Frame *int64 `json:"frame,omitempty"` // Time in seconds where the Tag should be inserted Time *float64 `json:"time,omitempty"` // Plain Text Data (required) Text *string `json:"text,omitempty"` // 4 character long Frame ID (required) FrameId *string `json:"frameId,omitempty"` }
PlaintextId3Tag model
func (PlaintextId3Tag) Id3TagType ¶
func (m PlaintextId3Tag) Id3TagType() Id3TagType
func (PlaintextId3Tag) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m PlaintextId3Tag) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type PlayReadyAdditionalInformation ¶
type PlayReadyAdditionalInformation struct { // Custom attributes that you want to add to the WRM header. This string must be valid xml. Some DRM providers require some information in the custom attributes of the msr:pro tag of the DASH manifest, otherwise the content does not play on certain devices. WrmHeaderCustomAttributes *string `json:"wrmHeaderCustomAttributes,omitempty"` }
PlayReadyAdditionalInformation model
type PlayReadyDrm ¶
type PlayReadyDrm struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Outputs []EncodingOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // 16 byte encryption key, 32 hexadecimal characters. Either key or keySeed is required Key *string `json:"key,omitempty"` // Key seed to generate key. Either key or keySeed is required KeySeed *string `json:"keySeed,omitempty"` // URL of the license server LaUrl *string `json:"laUrl,omitempty"` // Base64 encoded pssh payload Pssh *string `json:"pssh,omitempty"` Method PlayReadyEncryptionMethod `json:"method,omitempty"` // Key identifier Kid *string `json:"kid,omitempty"` AdditionalInformation *PlayReadyAdditionalInformation `json:"additionalInformation,omitempty"` }
PlayReadyDrm model
func (PlayReadyDrm) DrmType ¶
func (m PlayReadyDrm) DrmType() DrmType
func (PlayReadyDrm) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m PlayReadyDrm) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type PlayReadyEncryptionMethod ¶
type PlayReadyEncryptionMethod string
PlayReadyEncryptionMethod : Encryption method
const ( PlayReadyEncryptionMethod_MPEG_CENC PlayReadyEncryptionMethod = "MPEG_CENC" PlayReadyEncryptionMethod_PIFF_CTR PlayReadyEncryptionMethod = "PIFF_CTR" )
List of possible PlayReadyEncryptionMethod values
type PlayerChannel ¶
type PlayerChannel struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource (required) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
PlayerChannel model
type PlayerLicense ¶
type PlayerLicense struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource (required) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ (required) CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // License Key (required) LicenseKey *string `json:"licenseKey,omitempty"` // Number of impressions recorded (required) Impressions *int32 `json:"impressions,omitempty"` // Maximum number of impressions (required) MaxImpressions *int32 `json:"maxImpressions,omitempty"` // Flag if third party licensing is enabled (required) ThirdPartyLicensingEnabled *bool `json:"thirdPartyLicensingEnabled,omitempty"` // Whitelisted domains (required) Domains []Domain `json:"domains,omitempty"` // Analytics License Key AnalyticsKey *string `json:"analyticsKey,omitempty"` }
PlayerLicense model
type PlayerLicenseAnalytics ¶
type PlayerLicenseAnalytics struct { // Analytics License Key (required) AnalyticsKey *string `json:"analyticsKey,omitempty"` }
PlayerLicenseAnalytics model
type PlayerThirdPartyLicensing ¶
type PlayerThirdPartyLicensing struct { // URL to your license check server (required) LicenseCheckServer *string `json:"licenseCheckServer,omitempty"` // Timeout in ms (required) LicenseCheckTimeout *int32 `json:"licenseCheckTimeout,omitempty"` // Specify if the Licensing Request should fail or not on Third Party Licensing Error (required) ErrorAction PlayerThirdPartyLicensingErrorAction `json:"errorAction,omitempty"` // Specify if the Licensing Request should fail or not on Third Party Licensing timeout (required) TimeoutAction PlayerThirdPartyLicensingErrorAction `json:"timeoutAction,omitempty"` }
PlayerThirdPartyLicensing model
type PlayerThirdPartyLicensingErrorAction ¶
type PlayerThirdPartyLicensingErrorAction string
PlayerThirdPartyLicensingErrorAction : PlayerThirdPartyLicensingErrorAction model
const ( PlayerThirdPartyLicensingErrorAction_ALLOW PlayerThirdPartyLicensingErrorAction = "ALLOW" PlayerThirdPartyLicensingErrorAction_DENY PlayerThirdPartyLicensingErrorAction = "DENY" )
List of possible PlayerThirdPartyLicensingErrorAction values
type PlayerVersion ¶
type PlayerVersion struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Version of the Player (required) Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` // URL of the specified player (required) CdnUrl *string `json:"cdnUrl,omitempty"` // Download URL of the specified player package (required) DownloadUrl *string `json:"downloadUrl,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ (required) CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` }
PlayerVersion model
type PositionMode ¶
type PositionMode string
PositionMode : PositionMode model
const ( PositionMode_KEYFRAME PositionMode = "KEYFRAME" PositionMode_TIME PositionMode = "TIME" PositionMode_SEGMENT PositionMode = "SEGMENT" )
List of possible PositionMode values
type PositionUnit ¶
type PositionUnit string
PositionUnit : PositionUnit model
const ( PositionUnit_PIXELS PositionUnit = "PIXELS" PositionUnit_PERCENTS PositionUnit = "PERCENTS" )
List of possible PositionUnit values
type PresetConfiguration ¶
type PresetConfiguration string
PresetConfiguration : PresetConfiguration model
const ( PresetConfiguration_LIVE_ULTRAHIGH_QUALITY PresetConfiguration = "LIVE_ULTRAHIGH_QUALITY" PresetConfiguration_LIVE_VERYHIGH_QUALITY PresetConfiguration = "LIVE_VERYHIGH_QUALITY" PresetConfiguration_LIVE_HIGH_QUALITY PresetConfiguration = "LIVE_HIGH_QUALITY" PresetConfiguration_LIVE_STANDARD PresetConfiguration = "LIVE_STANDARD" PresetConfiguration_LIVE_LOW_LATENCY PresetConfiguration = "LIVE_LOW_LATENCY" PresetConfiguration_LIVE_LOWER_LATENCY PresetConfiguration = "LIVE_LOWER_LATENCY" PresetConfiguration_LIVE_VERYLOW_LATENCY PresetConfiguration = "LIVE_VERYLOW_LATENCY" PresetConfiguration_VOD_HIGH_QUALITY PresetConfiguration = "VOD_HIGH_QUALITY" PresetConfiguration_VOD_QUALITY PresetConfiguration = "VOD_QUALITY" PresetConfiguration_VOD_STANDARD PresetConfiguration = "VOD_STANDARD" PresetConfiguration_VOD_SPEED PresetConfiguration = "VOD_SPEED" PresetConfiguration_VOD_HIGH_SPEED PresetConfiguration = "VOD_HIGH_SPEED" PresetConfiguration_VOD_VERYHIGH_SPEED PresetConfiguration = "VOD_VERYHIGH_SPEED" PresetConfiguration_VOD_EXTRAHIGH_SPEED PresetConfiguration = "VOD_EXTRAHIGH_SPEED" PresetConfiguration_VOD_SUPERHIGH_SPEED PresetConfiguration = "VOD_SUPERHIGH_SPEED" PresetConfiguration_VOD_ULTRAHIGH_SPEED PresetConfiguration = "VOD_ULTRAHIGH_SPEED" PresetConfiguration_VOD_HARDWARE_SHORTFORM PresetConfiguration = "VOD_HARDWARE_SHORTFORM" )
List of possible PresetConfiguration values
type PrewarmedEncoderDiskSize ¶
type PrewarmedEncoderDiskSize string
PrewarmedEncoderDiskSize : PrewarmedEncoderDiskSize model
const ( PrewarmedEncoderDiskSize_GB_500 PrewarmedEncoderDiskSize = "500" PrewarmedEncoderDiskSize_GB_1000 PrewarmedEncoderDiskSize = "1000" PrewarmedEncoderDiskSize_GB_2000 PrewarmedEncoderDiskSize = "2000" )
List of possible PrewarmedEncoderDiskSize values
type PrewarmedEncoderPool ¶
type PrewarmedEncoderPool struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // The encoder version which the pool's instances will be running (required) EncoderVersion *string `json:"encoderVersion,omitempty"` // The cloud region in which the pool's instances will be running. Must be a specific region (e.g. not 'AUTO', 'GOOGLE' or 'EUROPE') (required) CloudRegion CloudRegion `json:"cloudRegion,omitempty"` // Define an external infrastructure to run the pool on. InfrastructureId *string `json:"infrastructureId,omitempty"` // Disk size of the prewarmed instances in GB. Needs to be chosen depending on input file sizes and encoding features used. (required) DiskSize PrewarmedEncoderDiskSize `json:"diskSize,omitempty"` // Number of instances to keep prewarmed while the pool is running (required) TargetPoolSize *int32 `json:"targetPoolSize,omitempty"` // Activate dynamic pool behaviour. Pool will increase/decrease based on usage up until a size of 10 instances. Minimum pool size is set by targetPoolSize DynamicPool *bool `json:"dynamicPool,omitempty"` // Create pool with GPU instances for hardware encoding presets (e.g., VOD_HARDWARE_SHORTFORM). GpuEnabled *bool `json:"gpuEnabled,omitempty"` // Current status of the pool. Status PrewarmedEncoderPoolStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` }
PrewarmedEncoderPool model
type PrewarmedEncoderPoolAction ¶
type PrewarmedEncoderPoolAction string
PrewarmedEncoderPoolAction : PrewarmedEncoderPoolAction model
const ( PrewarmedEncoderPoolAction_START PrewarmedEncoderPoolAction = "START" PrewarmedEncoderPoolAction_STOP PrewarmedEncoderPoolAction = "STOP" )
List of possible PrewarmedEncoderPoolAction values
type PrewarmedEncoderPoolSchedule ¶
type PrewarmedEncoderPoolSchedule struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The action to be triggered by the schedule (start or stop) (required) Action PrewarmedEncoderPoolAction `json:"action,omitempty"` // An instant in the future when the specified action should be triggered. Given as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format (\"YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ\"). Seconds will be ignored. (required) TriggerDate *DateTime `json:"triggerDate,omitempty"` }
PrewarmedEncoderPoolSchedule model
type PrewarmedEncoderPoolStatus ¶
type PrewarmedEncoderPoolStatus string
PrewarmedEncoderPoolStatus : PrewarmedEncoderPoolStatus model
const ( PrewarmedEncoderPoolStatus_STARTED PrewarmedEncoderPoolStatus = "STARTED" PrewarmedEncoderPoolStatus_STOPPED PrewarmedEncoderPoolStatus = "STOPPED" )
List of possible PrewarmedEncoderPoolStatus values
type PrimeTimeDrm ¶
type PrimeTimeDrm struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Outputs []EncodingOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // 16 byte Encryption key, 32 hexadecimal characters (required) Key *string `json:"key,omitempty"` // 16 byte Key id, 32 hexadecimal characters (required) Kid *string `json:"kid,omitempty"` // Base 64 Encoded (required) Pssh *string `json:"pssh,omitempty"` }
PrimeTimeDrm model
func (PrimeTimeDrm) DrmType ¶
func (m PrimeTimeDrm) DrmType() DrmType
func (PrimeTimeDrm) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m PrimeTimeDrm) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type ProfileH262 ¶
type ProfileH262 string
ProfileH262 : ProfileH262 model
const (
ProfileH262_MPEG2_422 ProfileH262 = "MPEG2_422"
List of possible ProfileH262 values
type ProfileH264 ¶
type ProfileH264 string
ProfileH264 : ProfileH264 model
const ( ProfileH264_BASELINE ProfileH264 = "BASELINE" ProfileH264_MAIN ProfileH264 = "MAIN" ProfileH264_HIGH ProfileH264 = "HIGH" ProfileH264_HIGH422 ProfileH264 = "HIGH422" )
List of possible ProfileH264 values
type ProfileH265 ¶
type ProfileH265 string
ProfileH265 : ProfileH265 model
const ( ProfileH265_MAIN ProfileH265 = "main" ProfileH265_MAIN10 ProfileH265 = "main10" )
List of possible ProfileH265 values
type ProgramDateTimePlacement ¶ added in v1.218.0
type ProgramDateTimePlacement struct { ProgramDateTimePlacementMode ProgramDateTimePlacementMode `json:"programDateTimePlacementMode,omitempty"` // Interval for placing ProgramDateTime. Only required for SEGMENTS_INTERVAL or SECONDS_INTERVAL. Interval *int32 `json:"interval,omitempty"` }
ProgramDateTimePlacement model
type ProgramDateTimePlacementMode ¶ added in v1.218.0
type ProgramDateTimePlacementMode string
ProgramDateTimePlacementMode : Placement mode of the ProgramDateTime tag.
const ( ProgramDateTimePlacementMode_ONCE_PER_PLAYLIST ProgramDateTimePlacementMode = "ONCE_PER_PLAYLIST" ProgramDateTimePlacementMode_SEGMENTS_INTERVAL ProgramDateTimePlacementMode = "SEGMENTS_INTERVAL" ProgramDateTimePlacementMode_SECONDS_INTERVAL ProgramDateTimePlacementMode = "SECONDS_INTERVAL" )
List of possible ProgramDateTimePlacementMode values
type ProgramDateTimeSettings ¶
type ProgramDateTimeSettings struct { ProgramDateTimeSource ProgramDateTimeSource `json:"programDateTimeSource,omitempty"` ProgramDateTimePlacement *ProgramDateTimePlacement `json:"programDateTimePlacement,omitempty"` }
ProgramDateTimeSettings model
type ProgramDateTimeSource ¶
type ProgramDateTimeSource string
ProgramDateTimeSource : Source for the EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATETIME tag
const ( ProgramDateTimeSource_SYSTEM_CLOCK ProgramDateTimeSource = "SYSTEM_CLOCK" ProgramDateTimeSource_EMBEDDED ProgramDateTimeSource = "EMBEDDED" )
List of possible ProgramDateTimeSource values
type ProgressiveMovMuxing ¶
type ProgressiveMovMuxing struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Streams []MuxingStream `json:"streams,omitempty"` Outputs []EncodingOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // Average bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. AvgBitrate *int64 `json:"avgBitrate,omitempty"` // Min bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. MinBitrate *int64 `json:"minBitrate,omitempty"` // Max bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. MaxBitrate *int64 `json:"maxBitrate,omitempty"` // This read-only property is set during the analysis step of the encoding. If it contains items, the Muxing has been ignored during the encoding process according to its 'streamConditionsMode' IgnoredBy []Ignoring `json:"ignoredBy,omitempty"` // Specifies how to proceed with the Muxing when some of its Streams are ignored (see 'condition' property of the Stream resource). The settings only make a difference for Muxings with more than one Stream. When retrieving the resource after the analysis step of the encoding has finished, 'ignoredBy' will indicate if and why it has been ignored. StreamConditionsMode StreamConditionsMode `json:"streamConditionsMode,omitempty"` // Name of the output file Filename *string `json:"filename,omitempty"` }
ProgressiveMovMuxing model
func (ProgressiveMovMuxing) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m ProgressiveMovMuxing) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (ProgressiveMovMuxing) MuxingType ¶
func (m ProgressiveMovMuxing) MuxingType() MuxingType
type ProgressiveMovMuxingInformation ¶
type ProgressiveMovMuxingInformation struct { // The mime type of the muxing MimeType *string `json:"mimeType,omitempty"` // The file size of the muxing in bytes FileSize *int64 `json:"fileSize,omitempty"` // The container format used ContainerFormat *string `json:"containerFormat,omitempty"` // The bitrate of the container if available (tracks + container overhead) ContainerBitrate *int64 `json:"containerBitrate,omitempty"` // The duration of the container in seconds Duration *float64 `json:"duration,omitempty"` // Information about the video tracks in the container VideoTracks []MuxingInformationVideoTrack `json:"videoTracks,omitempty"` // Information about the audio tracks in the container AudioTracks []MuxingInformationAudioTrack `json:"audioTracks,omitempty"` }
ProgressiveMovMuxingInformation model
type ProgressiveMuxingInformation ¶
type ProgressiveMuxingInformation struct { // The mime type of the muxing MimeType *string `json:"mimeType,omitempty"` // The file size of the muxing in bytes FileSize *int64 `json:"fileSize,omitempty"` // The container format used ContainerFormat *string `json:"containerFormat,omitempty"` // The bitrate of the container if available (tracks + container overhead) ContainerBitrate *int64 `json:"containerBitrate,omitempty"` // The duration of the container in seconds Duration *float64 `json:"duration,omitempty"` // Information about the video tracks in the container VideoTracks []MuxingInformationVideoTrack `json:"videoTracks,omitempty"` // Information about the audio tracks in the container AudioTracks []MuxingInformationAudioTrack `json:"audioTracks,omitempty"` }
ProgressiveMuxingInformation model
type ProgressiveTsMuxing ¶
type ProgressiveTsMuxing struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Streams []MuxingStream `json:"streams,omitempty"` Outputs []EncodingOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // Average bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. AvgBitrate *int64 `json:"avgBitrate,omitempty"` // Min bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. MinBitrate *int64 `json:"minBitrate,omitempty"` // Max bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. MaxBitrate *int64 `json:"maxBitrate,omitempty"` // This read-only property is set during the analysis step of the encoding. If it contains items, the Muxing has been ignored during the encoding process according to its 'streamConditionsMode' IgnoredBy []Ignoring `json:"ignoredBy,omitempty"` // Specifies how to proceed with the Muxing when some of its Streams are ignored (see 'condition' property of the Stream resource). The settings only make a difference for Muxings with more than one Stream. When retrieving the resource after the analysis step of the encoding has finished, 'ignoredBy' will indicate if and why it has been ignored. StreamConditionsMode StreamConditionsMode `json:"streamConditionsMode,omitempty"` // Length of the segments in seconds SegmentLength *float64 `json:"segmentLength,omitempty"` // Name of the output file Filename *string `json:"filename,omitempty"` // Offset of MPEG-TS timestamps in seconds. e.g. first packet will start with PTS 900,000 for a 10 seconds offset (90,000 MPEG-TS timescale). StartOffset *int32 `json:"startOffset,omitempty"` }
ProgressiveTsMuxing model
func (ProgressiveTsMuxing) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m ProgressiveTsMuxing) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (ProgressiveTsMuxing) MuxingType ¶
func (m ProgressiveTsMuxing) MuxingType() MuxingType
type ProgressiveTsMuxingInformation ¶
type ProgressiveTsMuxingInformation struct { // The mime type of the muxing MimeType *string `json:"mimeType,omitempty"` // The file size of the muxing in bytes FileSize *int64 `json:"fileSize,omitempty"` // The container format used ContainerFormat *string `json:"containerFormat,omitempty"` // The bitrate of the container if available (tracks + container overhead) ContainerBitrate *int64 `json:"containerBitrate,omitempty"` // The duration of the container in seconds Duration *float64 `json:"duration,omitempty"` // Information about the video tracks in the container VideoTracks []MuxingInformationVideoTrack `json:"videoTracks,omitempty"` // Information about the audio tracks in the container AudioTracks []MuxingInformationAudioTrack `json:"audioTracks,omitempty"` // Byte ranges for the segments within the TS file ByteRanges []ProgressiveTsMuxingInformationByteRanges `json:"byteRanges,omitempty"` }
ProgressiveTsMuxingInformation model
type ProgressiveTsMuxingInformationByteRanges ¶
type ProgressiveTsMuxingInformationByteRanges struct { // Number of the segment (starting at 0) (required) SegmentNumber *int32 `json:"segmentNumber,omitempty"` // The position of the first byte of the segment StartBytes *int64 `json:"startBytes,omitempty"` // The position of the last byte of the segment EndBytes *int64 `json:"endBytes,omitempty"` // The duration of the segment in seconds Duration *float64 `json:"duration,omitempty"` }
ProgressiveTsMuxingInformationByteRanges model
type ProgressiveWavMuxing ¶ added in v1.197.0
type ProgressiveWavMuxing struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Streams []MuxingStream `json:"streams,omitempty"` Outputs []EncodingOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // Average bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. AvgBitrate *int64 `json:"avgBitrate,omitempty"` // Min bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. MinBitrate *int64 `json:"minBitrate,omitempty"` // Max bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. MaxBitrate *int64 `json:"maxBitrate,omitempty"` // This read-only property is set during the analysis step of the encoding. If it contains items, the Muxing has been ignored during the encoding process according to its 'streamConditionsMode' IgnoredBy []Ignoring `json:"ignoredBy,omitempty"` // Specifies how to proceed with the Muxing when some of its Streams are ignored (see 'condition' property of the Stream resource). The settings only make a difference for Muxings with more than one Stream. When retrieving the resource after the analysis step of the encoding has finished, 'ignoredBy' will indicate if and why it has been ignored. StreamConditionsMode StreamConditionsMode `json:"streamConditionsMode,omitempty"` // Name of the output file (required) Filename *string `json:"filename,omitempty"` }
ProgressiveWavMuxing model
func (ProgressiveWavMuxing) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.197.0
func (m ProgressiveWavMuxing) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (ProgressiveWavMuxing) MuxingType ¶ added in v1.197.0
func (m ProgressiveWavMuxing) MuxingType() MuxingType
type ProgressiveWavMuxingInformation ¶ added in v1.197.0
type ProgressiveWavMuxingInformation struct { // The mime type of the muxing MimeType *string `json:"mimeType,omitempty"` // The file size of the muxing in bytes FileSize *int64 `json:"fileSize,omitempty"` // The container format used ContainerFormat *string `json:"containerFormat,omitempty"` // The bitrate of the container if available (tracks + container overhead) ContainerBitrate *int64 `json:"containerBitrate,omitempty"` // The duration of the container in seconds Duration *float64 `json:"duration,omitempty"` // Information about the video tracks in the container VideoTracks []MuxingInformationVideoTrack `json:"videoTracks,omitempty"` // Information about the audio tracks in the container AudioTracks []MuxingInformationAudioTrack `json:"audioTracks,omitempty"` }
ProgressiveWavMuxingInformation model
type ProgressiveWebmMuxing ¶
type ProgressiveWebmMuxing struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Streams []MuxingStream `json:"streams,omitempty"` Outputs []EncodingOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // Average bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. AvgBitrate *int64 `json:"avgBitrate,omitempty"` // Min bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. MinBitrate *int64 `json:"minBitrate,omitempty"` // Max bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. MaxBitrate *int64 `json:"maxBitrate,omitempty"` // This read-only property is set during the analysis step of the encoding. If it contains items, the Muxing has been ignored during the encoding process according to its 'streamConditionsMode' IgnoredBy []Ignoring `json:"ignoredBy,omitempty"` // Specifies how to proceed with the Muxing when some of its Streams are ignored (see 'condition' property of the Stream resource). The settings only make a difference for Muxings with more than one Stream. When retrieving the resource after the analysis step of the encoding has finished, 'ignoredBy' will indicate if and why it has been ignored. StreamConditionsMode StreamConditionsMode `json:"streamConditionsMode,omitempty"` // Name of the output file Filename *string `json:"filename,omitempty"` ManifestType ProgressiveWebmMuxingManifestType `json:"manifestType,omitempty"` // Determines the length of segments in seconds if manifestType is set to DASH_ON_DEMAND. Defaults to 4 seconds SegmentLength *float64 `json:"segmentLength,omitempty"` }
ProgressiveWebmMuxing model
func (ProgressiveWebmMuxing) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m ProgressiveWebmMuxing) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (ProgressiveWebmMuxing) MuxingType ¶
func (m ProgressiveWebmMuxing) MuxingType() MuxingType
type ProgressiveWebmMuxingInformation ¶
type ProgressiveWebmMuxingInformation struct { // The mime type of the muxing MimeType *string `json:"mimeType,omitempty"` // The file size of the muxing in bytes FileSize *int64 `json:"fileSize,omitempty"` // The container format used ContainerFormat *string `json:"containerFormat,omitempty"` // The bitrate of the container if available (tracks + container overhead) ContainerBitrate *int64 `json:"containerBitrate,omitempty"` // The duration of the container in seconds Duration *float64 `json:"duration,omitempty"` // Information about the video tracks in the container VideoTracks []MuxingInformationVideoTrack `json:"videoTracks,omitempty"` // Information about the audio tracks in the container AudioTracks []MuxingInformationAudioTrack `json:"audioTracks,omitempty"` }
ProgressiveWebmMuxingInformation model
type ProgressiveWebmMuxingManifestType ¶
type ProgressiveWebmMuxingManifestType string
ProgressiveWebmMuxingManifestType : Specifies the manifest type which will be allowed for the ProgressiveWebmMuxingManifestType Muxing.
const ( ProgressiveWebmMuxingManifestType_DASH_ON_DEMAND ProgressiveWebmMuxingManifestType = "DASH_ON_DEMAND" ProgressiveWebmMuxingManifestType_NONE ProgressiveWebmMuxingManifestType = "NONE" )
List of possible ProgressiveWebmMuxingManifestType values
type PsnrPerStreamMode ¶
type PsnrPerStreamMode string
PsnrPerStreamMode : PsnrPerStreamMode model
const ( PsnrPerStreamMode_DISABLED PsnrPerStreamMode = "DISABLED" PsnrPerStreamMode_ENABLED PsnrPerStreamMode = "ENABLED" )
List of possible PsnrPerStreamMode values
type PsnrQualityMetric ¶
type PsnrQualityMetric struct { TimeSpan *TimeSpan `json:"timeSpan,omitempty"` // Peak signal-to-noise ratio (required) Psnr *float64 `json:"psnr,omitempty"` }
PsnrQualityMetric model
type PtsAlignMode ¶
type PtsAlignMode string
PtsAlignMode : Alignmet mode for PTS
const (
List of possible PTSAlignMode values
type QuantizationGroupSize ¶
type QuantizationGroupSize string
QuantizationGroupSize : Enable adaptive quantization for sub-CTUs. This parameter specifies the minimum CU size at which QP can be adjusted.
const ( QuantizationGroupSize_QGS_8x8 QuantizationGroupSize = "QGS_8x8" QuantizationGroupSize_QGS_16x16 QuantizationGroupSize = "QGS_16x16" QuantizationGroupSize_QGS_32x32 QuantizationGroupSize = "QGS_32x32" QuantizationGroupSize_QGS_64x64 QuantizationGroupSize = "QGS_64x64" )
List of possible QuantizationGroupSize values
type RaiUnit ¶
type RaiUnit string
RaiUnit : Set the random access indicator (RAI) on appropriate access units (AUs).
type RateDistortionLevelForQuantization ¶
type RateDistortionLevelForQuantization string
RateDistortionLevelForQuantization : RateDistortionLevelForQuantization model
const ( RateDistortionLevelForQuantization_DISABLED RateDistortionLevelForQuantization = "DISABLED" RateDistortionLevelForQuantization_LEVELS RateDistortionLevelForQuantization = "LEVELS" RateDistortionLevelForQuantization_LEVELS_AND_CODING_GROUPS RateDistortionLevelForQuantization = "LEVELS_AND_CODING_GROUPS" )
List of possible RateDistortionLevelForQuantization values
type RateDistortionPenaltyMode ¶
type RateDistortionPenaltyMode string
RateDistortionPenaltyMode : Penalty for 32x32 intra transfer units in non-I slices.
const ( RateDistortionPenaltyMode_DISABLED RateDistortionPenaltyMode = "DISABLED" RateDistortionPenaltyMode_NORMAL RateDistortionPenaltyMode = "NORMAL" RateDistortionPenaltyMode_MAXIMUM RateDistortionPenaltyMode = "MAXIMUM" )
List of possible RateDistortionPenaltyMode values
type RawId3Tag ¶
type RawId3Tag struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` PositionMode Id3TagPositionMode `json:"positionMode,omitempty"` // Frame number at which the Tag should be inserted Frame *int64 `json:"frame,omitempty"` // Time in seconds where the Tag should be inserted Time *float64 `json:"time,omitempty"` // Base64 Encoded Data (required) Bytes *string `json:"bytes,omitempty"` }
RawId3Tag model
func (RawId3Tag) Id3TagType ¶
func (m RawId3Tag) Id3TagType() Id3TagType
func (RawId3Tag) MarshalJSON ¶
type RedundantRtmpInput ¶
type RedundantRtmpInput struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // When there is no input signal present and this threshold in seconds is reached it will switch to another ingest point DelayThreshold *int32 `json:"delayThreshold,omitempty"` // Configuration for ingest points that use a dynamic IP based endpoint to stream to e.g.: rtmp:// Either ingestPoints **or** staticIngestPoints can be set IngestPoints []RtmpIngestPoint `json:"ingestPoints,omitempty"` // Configuration for static ingest points. These ingest points use a consistent endpoint to stream to e.g.: rtmps:// Either ingestPoints **or** staticIngestPoints can be set StaticIngestPoints []StaticRtmpIngestPoint `json:"staticIngestPoints,omitempty"` }
RedundantRtmpInput model
func (RedundantRtmpInput) InputType ¶
func (m RedundantRtmpInput) InputType() InputType
func (RedundantRtmpInput) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m RedundantRtmpInput) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type ReprioritizeEncodingRequest ¶
type ReprioritizeEncodingRequest struct { // Priority of the Encoding (required) Priority *int32 `json:"priority,omitempty"` }
ReprioritizeEncodingRequest model
type RescheduleEncodingRequest ¶
type RescheduleEncodingRequest struct { // Id of a custom infrastructure, e.g., AWS Cloud Connect InfrastructureId *string `json:"infrastructureId,omitempty"` }
RescheduleEncodingRequest model
type ResetLiveManifestTimeShift ¶ added in v1.195.0
type ResetLiveManifestTimeShift struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Determines how many seconds will be left in the manifest after segments are removed. If this is not set, all but one segment will be removed. ResidualPeriodInSeconds *float64 `json:"residualPeriodInSeconds,omitempty"` // Offset in seconds from the start of the live event, defining the point from which all segments within that duration will be removed from the given manifests. E.g.: The segment length is 2 seconds and a timeshift of 120 seconds (2 minutes) is configured. The manifest contains 60 segments with the last segment number being 80 (`segment_80.ts`). This means the manifest contains `segment_20.ts` to `segment_80.ts` (timeshift of 2 minutes equals 60 segments in manifest) If you set `offsetInSeconds` to `120`, all segments below segment number 60 (`segment_60.ts`) will be removed. (`targetSegmentNumber = offsetInSeconds / segmentLength`) The manifests will then contain `segment_60.ts` to `segment_80.ts` *Note:* Only `offsetInSeconds` or `residualPeriodInSeconds` can be set. OffsetInSeconds *float64 `json:"offsetInSeconds,omitempty"` // The ids of the manifests to update. If this property is not set, all manifests tied to the encoding are updated. ManifestIds []string `json:"manifestIds,omitempty"` // If set to true, the Progressive muxing start position will be shifted to the start of the first remaining segment after the removal. NOTE: This only works for Progressive MP4 muxings. ShiftProgressiveMuxingStartPosition *bool `json:"shiftProgressiveMuxingStartPosition,omitempty"` }
ResetLiveManifestTimeShift model
type ResourceLimit ¶
type ResourceLimit struct { Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Value *string `json:"value,omitempty"` // Specifies the remaining limit value for limits divided to sub-organizations. This property is returned only for parent organizations and only for mentioned limits. EffectiveValue *string `json:"effectiveValue,omitempty"` }
ResourceLimit model
type ResourceLimitContainer ¶
type ResourceLimitContainer struct { Resource ResourceType `json:"resource,omitempty"` Limits []ResourceLimit `json:"limits,omitempty"` }
ResourceLimitContainer model
type ResourceType ¶
type ResourceType string
ResourceType : ResourceType model
const ( ResourceType_ACCOUNT ResourceType = "account" ResourceType_ENCODING ResourceType = "encoding" ResourceType_PLAYER ResourceType = "player" ResourceType_ANALYTICS ResourceType = "analytics" )
List of possible ResourceType values
type ResponseEnvelope ¶
type ResponseEnvelope struct { // Unique correlation id (required) RequestId *string `json:"requestId,omitempty"` // Response status information (required) Status ResponseStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` // Response information (required) Data *ResultWrapper `json:"data,omitempty"` // Additional endpoint specific information More *map[string]interface{} `json:"more,omitempty"` }
ResponseEnvelope model
type ResponseError ¶
type ResponseError struct { // Unique correlation id (required) RequestId *string `json:"requestId,omitempty"` // Response status information (required) Status ResponseStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` // Response information (required) Data *ResponseErrorData `json:"data,omitempty"` }
ResponseError model
type ResponseErrorData ¶
type ResponseErrorData struct { // Contains an error code as defined in (required) Code *int32 `json:"code,omitempty"` // General error message (required) Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"` // More detailed message meant for developers (required) DeveloperMessage *string `json:"developerMessage,omitempty"` // collection of links to webpages containing further information on the topic Links []Link `json:"links,omitempty"` // collection of messages containing more detailed information on the cause of the error Details []Message `json:"details,omitempty"` }
ResponseErrorData model
type ResponseStatus ¶
type ResponseStatus string
ResponseStatus : ResponseStatus model
const ( ResponseStatus_SUCCESS ResponseStatus = "SUCCESS" ResponseStatus_ERROR ResponseStatus = "ERROR" )
List of possible ResponseStatus values
type ResultWrapper ¶
type ResultWrapper struct {
Result json.RawMessage `json:"result,omitempty"`
type ReuploadSettings ¶
type ReuploadSettings struct { // Interval in seconds to reupload the DASH manifest. Valid values are either `null` to never reupload the dash manifest or at least `30`. DashManifestInterval *float64 `json:"dashManifestInterval,omitempty"` // Interval in seconds to reupload the HLS master file. Valid values are either `0` to never reupload the hls manifest or at least `30`. This is currently not used, as the master file will always be uploaded when one of the playlist files has changed. HlsManifestInterval *float64 `json:"hlsManifestInterval,omitempty"` // The interval in seconds to reupload the init file for segmented muxings, e.g. fMP4, WebM. Valid values are either `null` to never reupload the init file for segmented muxings or at least `30`. MuxingInitFileInterval *float64 `json:"muxingInitFileInterval,omitempty"` }
ReuploadSettings model
type RotateFilter ¶
type RotateFilter struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Rotation of the video in degrees. A positive value will rotate the video clockwise and a negative one counter clockwise. (required) Rotation *int32 `json:"rotation,omitempty"` }
RotateFilter model
func (RotateFilter) FilterType ¶
func (m RotateFilter) FilterType() FilterType
func (RotateFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m RotateFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type RtmpIngestPoint ¶
type RtmpIngestPoint struct { // The name of the application where the ingest is streamed to. This has to be unique for each ingest point (required) ApplicationName *string `json:"applicationName,omitempty"` // The stream key for the backup input (required) StreamKey *string `json:"streamKey,omitempty"` }
RtmpIngestPoint model
type RtmpInput ¶
type RtmpInput struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Is set automatically Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description for the resource. Is set automatically Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` }
RtmpInput model
func (RtmpInput) MarshalJSON ¶
type S3AccessStyle ¶ added in v1.181.0
type S3AccessStyle string
S3AccessStyle : Specifies whether to use path or virtual-hosted style access
const ( S3AccessStyle_VIRTUAL_HOSTED S3AccessStyle = "VIRTUAL_HOSTED" S3AccessStyle_PATH S3AccessStyle = "PATH" )
List of possible S3AccessStyle values
type S3Input ¶
type S3Input struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // The cloud region in which the bucket is located. Is used to determine the ideal location for your encodings automatically. CloudRegion AwsCloudRegion `json:"cloudRegion,omitempty"` // Name of the bucket (required) BucketName *string `json:"bucketName,omitempty"` // Amazon access key (required) AccessKey *string `json:"accessKey,omitempty"` // Amazon secret key (required) SecretKey *string `json:"secretKey,omitempty"` }
S3Input model
func (S3Input) MarshalJSON ¶
type S3Output ¶
type S3Output struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Deprecation notice: This property does not have any effect and will not be returned by GET endpoints Acl []AclEntry `json:"acl,omitempty"` // Amazon S3 bucket name (required) BucketName *string `json:"bucketName,omitempty"` // Amazon S3 access key (required) AccessKey *string `json:"accessKey,omitempty"` // Amazon S3 secret key (required) SecretKey *string `json:"secretKey,omitempty"` // If set a user defined tag (x-amz-meta-) with that key will be used to store the MD5 hash of the file. Md5MetaTag *string `json:"md5MetaTag,omitempty"` // The cloud region in which the bucket is located. Is used to determine the ideal location for your encodings automatically. CloudRegion AwsCloudRegion `json:"cloudRegion,omitempty"` // Specifies the method used for authentication. Must be set to S3_V2 if the region supports both V2 and V4, but the bucket allows V2 only (see SignatureVersion S3SignatureVersion `json:"signatureVersion,omitempty"` }
S3Output model
func (S3Output) MarshalJSON ¶
func (S3Output) OutputType ¶
func (m S3Output) OutputType() OutputType
type S3RoleBasedInput ¶
type S3RoleBasedInput struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Amazon S3 bucket name (required) BucketName *string `json:"bucketName,omitempty"` // Amazon ARN of the IAM Role (Identity and Access Management Role) that will be assumed for S3 access. This role has to be created by the owner of the account with the S3 bucket (i.e., you as a customer). For Bitmovin to be able to assume this role, the following has to be added to the trust policy of the role: “` { \"Effect\": \"Allow\", \"Principal\": { \"AWS\": \"arn:aws:iam::630681592166:user/bitmovinCustomerS3Access\" }, \"Action\": \"sts:AssumeRole\", \"Condition\": { \"StringEquals\": { \"sts:ExternalId\": \"{{externalId}}\" } } } “` where \"arn:aws:iam::630681592166:user/bitmovinCustomerS3Access\" is the Bitmovin user used for the access. The `Condition` is optional but we highly recommend it, see property `externalId` below for more information. This setup allows Bitmovin assume the provided IAM role and to read data from your S3 bucket. Please note that the IAM role has to have read access on S3. For more information about role creation please visit (required) RoleArn *string `json:"roleArn,omitempty"` // External ID used together with the IAM role identified by `roleArn` to assume S3 access. This ID is provided by the API if `externalIdMode` is set to `GLOBAL` or `GENERATED`. If present, it has to be added to the trust policy of the IAM role `roleArn` configured above, otherwise the API won't be able to read from the S3 bucket. An appropriate trust policy would look like this: “` { \"Effect\": \"Allow\", \"Principal\": { \"AWS\": \"arn:aws:iam::630681592166:user/bitmovinCustomerS3Access\" }, \"Action\": \"sts:AssumeRole\", \"Condition\": { \"StringEquals\": { \"sts:ExternalId\": \"{{externalId}}\" } } } “` where \"{{externalId}}\" is the generated ID. This property is optional but we recommend it as an additional security feature. We will use both the `roleArn` and the `externalId` to access your S3 data. If the Amazon IAM role has an external ID configured but it is not provided in the input configuration Bitmovin won't be able to read from the S3 bucket. Also if the external ID does not match the one configured for the IAM role on AWS side, Bitmovin won't be able to access the S3 bucket. If you need to change the external ID that is used by your IAM role, you need to create a new input, and use the external ID provided by the API to update your IAM role. For more information please visit ExternalId *string `json:"externalId,omitempty"` ExternalIdMode ExternalIdMode `json:"externalIdMode,omitempty"` CloudRegion AwsCloudRegion `json:"cloudRegion,omitempty"` }
S3RoleBasedInput model
func (S3RoleBasedInput) InputType ¶
func (m S3RoleBasedInput) InputType() InputType
func (S3RoleBasedInput) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m S3RoleBasedInput) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type S3RoleBasedOutput ¶
type S3RoleBasedOutput struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Deprecation notice: This property does not have any effect and will not be returned by GET endpoints Acl []AclEntry `json:"acl,omitempty"` // Amazon S3 bucket name (required) BucketName *string `json:"bucketName,omitempty"` // Amazon ARN of the IAM Role (Identity and Access Management Role) that will be assumed for S3 access. This role has to be created by the owner of the account with the S3 bucket (i.e., you as a customer). For Bitmovin to be able to assume this role, the following has to be added to the trust policy of the role: “` { \"Effect\": \"Allow\", \"Principal\": { \"AWS\": \"arn:aws:iam::630681592166:user/bitmovinCustomerS3Access\" }, \"Action\": \"sts:AssumeRole\", \"Condition\": { \"StringEquals\": { \"sts:ExternalId\": \"{{externalId}}\" } } } “` where \"arn:aws:iam::630681592166:user/bitmovinCustomerS3Access\" is the Bitmovin user used for the access. The `Condition` is optional but we highly recommend it, see property `externalId` below for more information. This setup allows Bitmovin assume the provided IAM role and to write data to your S3 bucket. Please note that the IAM role has to have write access to S3. For more information about role creation please visit (required) RoleArn *string `json:"roleArn,omitempty"` // External ID used together with the IAM role identified by `roleArn` to assume S3 access. This ID is provided by the API if `externalIdMode` is set to `GLOBAL` or `GENERATED`. If present, it has to be added to the trust policy of the IAM role `roleArn` configured above, otherwise the API won't be able to write to the S3 bucket. An appropriate trust policy would look like this: “` { \"Effect\": \"Allow\", \"Principal\": { \"AWS\": \"arn:aws:iam::630681592166:user/bitmovinCustomerS3Access\" }, \"Action\": \"sts:AssumeRole\", \"Condition\": { \"StringEquals\": { \"sts:ExternalId\": \"{{externalId}}\" } } } “` where \"{{externalId}}\" is the generated ID. This property is optional but we recommend it as an additional security feature. We will use both the `roleArn` and the `externalId` to access your S3 data. If the Amazon IAM role has an external ID configured but it is not provided in the output configuration Bitmovin won't be able to write to the S3 bucket. Also if the external ID does not match the one configured for the IAM role on AWS side, Bitmovin won't be able to access the S3 bucket. If you need to change the external ID that is used by your IAM role, you need to create a new output, and use the external ID provided by the API to update your IAM role. For more information please visit ExternalId *string `json:"externalId,omitempty"` ExternalIdMode ExternalIdMode `json:"externalIdMode,omitempty"` // If set a user defined tag (x-amz-meta-) with that key will be used to store the MD5 hash of the file. Md5MetaTag *string `json:"md5MetaTag,omitempty"` CloudRegion AwsCloudRegion `json:"cloudRegion,omitempty"` // Specifies the method used for authentication SignatureVersion S3SignatureVersion `json:"signatureVersion,omitempty"` }
S3RoleBasedOutput model
func (S3RoleBasedOutput) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m S3RoleBasedOutput) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (S3RoleBasedOutput) OutputType ¶
func (m S3RoleBasedOutput) OutputType() OutputType
type S3SignatureVersion ¶
type S3SignatureVersion string
S3SignatureVersion : S3SignatureVersion model
const ( S3SignatureVersion_V2 S3SignatureVersion = "S3_V2" S3SignatureVersion_V4 S3SignatureVersion = "S3_V4" )
List of possible S3SignatureVersion values
type ScaleFilter ¶
type ScaleFilter struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // The width of the output frame in pixels. If not set it will be based on the configured height by maintaining the original aspect ratio. If height is also not set, the original source dimensions will be applied. Width *int32 `json:"width,omitempty"` // The height of the output frame in pixels. If not set it will be based on the configured width by maintaining the original aspect ratio. If width is also not set, the original source dimensions will be applied. Height *int32 `json:"height,omitempty"` ScalingAlgorithm ScalingAlgorithm `json:"scalingAlgorithm,omitempty"` // The numerator of the sample aspect ratio (also known as pixel aspect ratio). Must be set if sampleAspectRatioDenominator is set. SampleAspectRatioNumerator *int32 `json:"sampleAspectRatioNumerator,omitempty"` // The denominator of the sample aspect ratio (also known as pixel aspect ratio). Must be set if sampleAspectRatioNumerator is set. SampleAspectRatioDenominator *int32 `json:"sampleAspectRatioDenominator,omitempty"` }
ScaleFilter model
func (ScaleFilter) FilterType ¶
func (m ScaleFilter) FilterType() FilterType
func (ScaleFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m ScaleFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type ScalingAlgorithm ¶
type ScalingAlgorithm string
ScalingAlgorithm : Determines the algorithm used for scaling
const ( ScalingAlgorithm_FAST_BILINEAR ScalingAlgorithm = "FAST_BILINEAR" ScalingAlgorithm_BILINEAR ScalingAlgorithm = "BILINEAR" ScalingAlgorithm_BICUBIC ScalingAlgorithm = "BICUBIC" ScalingAlgorithm_EXPERIMENTAL ScalingAlgorithm = "EXPERIMENTAL" ScalingAlgorithm_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR ScalingAlgorithm = "NEAREST_NEIGHBOR" ScalingAlgorithm_AVERAGING_AREA ScalingAlgorithm = "AVERAGING_AREA" ScalingAlgorithm_BICUBIC_LUMA_BILINEAR_CHROMA ScalingAlgorithm = "BICUBIC_LUMA_BILINEAR_CHROMA" ScalingAlgorithm_GAUSS ScalingAlgorithm = "GAUSS" ScalingAlgorithm_SINC ScalingAlgorithm = "SINC" ScalingAlgorithm_LANCZOS ScalingAlgorithm = "LANCZOS" ScalingAlgorithm_SPLINE ScalingAlgorithm = "SPLINE" )
List of possible ScalingAlgorithm values
type SccCaption ¶
type SccCaption struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Input location of the SCC file (required) Input *InputPath `json:"input,omitempty"` // Flavor of SMPTE timecodes in the SCC file (drop-frame or non-drop) SmpteTimecodeFlavor SmpteTimecodeFlavor `json:"smpteTimecodeFlavor,omitempty"` }
SccCaption model
type ScheduledInsertableContent ¶
type ScheduledInsertableContent struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Id of the insertable content to play instead of the live stream ContentId *string `json:"contentId,omitempty"` // Time to play the content in UTC: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ, if this property is not set the content will be played as soon as possible. RunAt *DateTime `json:"runAt,omitempty"` // Duration for how long to play the content. Cut off if shorter, loop if longer than actual duration. This property is required if the insertable content is an image. DurationInSeconds *float64 `json:"durationInSeconds,omitempty"` // Status of the scheduled insertable content. Status ScheduledInsertableContentStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` }
ScheduledInsertableContent model
type ScheduledInsertableContentStatus ¶
type ScheduledInsertableContentStatus string
ScheduledInsertableContentStatus : ScheduledInsertableContentStatus model
const ( ScheduledInsertableContentStatus_CREATED ScheduledInsertableContentStatus = "CREATED" ScheduledInsertableContentStatus_SCHEDULED ScheduledInsertableContentStatus = "SCHEDULED" ScheduledInsertableContentStatus_TO_BE_DESCHEDULED ScheduledInsertableContentStatus = "TO_BE_DESCHEDULED" ScheduledInsertableContentStatus_DESCHEDULED ScheduledInsertableContentStatus = "DESCHEDULED" ScheduledInsertableContentStatus_ERROR ScheduledInsertableContentStatus = "ERROR" )
List of possible ScheduledInsertableContentStatus values
type Scheduling ¶
type Scheduling struct { // Specifies the priority of this encoding (0 - 100). Higher numbers mean higher priority. Default is 50. Priority *int32 `json:"priority,omitempty"` // List of prewarmed encoder pools. If set, prewarmed encoders from pools with these IDs will be used for the encoding if available. The pool IDs will be tried in the order in which they are passed. PrewarmedEncoderPoolIds []string `json:"prewarmedEncoderPoolIds,omitempty"` }
Scheduling model
type Scte35Cue ¶
type Scte35Cue struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Cue out duration in seconds. (required) CueDuration *float64 `json:"cueDuration,omitempty"` // The ids of the manifests to update. If this property is not set, all the manifests tied to the encoding are updated. ManifestIds []string `json:"manifestIds,omitempty"` }
Scte35Cue model
type Scte35Trigger ¶ added in v1.216.0
type Scte35Trigger struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Time in seconds where the SCTE 35 trigger should be inserted (required) Time *float64 `json:"time,omitempty"` // The base 64 encoded data for the SCTE trigger (required) Base64EncodedMetadata *string `json:"base64EncodedMetadata,omitempty"` }
Scte35Trigger model
type SegmentedRawMuxing ¶
type SegmentedRawMuxing struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Streams []MuxingStream `json:"streams,omitempty"` Outputs []EncodingOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // Average bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. AvgBitrate *int64 `json:"avgBitrate,omitempty"` // Min bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. MinBitrate *int64 `json:"minBitrate,omitempty"` // Max bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. MaxBitrate *int64 `json:"maxBitrate,omitempty"` // This read-only property is set during the analysis step of the encoding. If it contains items, the Muxing has been ignored during the encoding process according to its 'streamConditionsMode' IgnoredBy []Ignoring `json:"ignoredBy,omitempty"` // Specifies how to proceed with the Muxing when some of its Streams are ignored (see 'condition' property of the Stream resource). The settings only make a difference for Muxings with more than one Stream. When retrieving the resource after the analysis step of the encoding has finished, 'ignoredBy' will indicate if and why it has been ignored. StreamConditionsMode StreamConditionsMode `json:"streamConditionsMode,omitempty"` // Length of the fragments in seconds (required) SegmentLength *float64 `json:"segmentLength,omitempty"` // Segment naming policy (required) SegmentNaming *string `json:"segmentNaming,omitempty"` // Number of segments which have been encoded SegmentsMuxed *int32 `json:"segmentsMuxed,omitempty"` }
SegmentedRawMuxing model
func (SegmentedRawMuxing) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m SegmentedRawMuxing) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (SegmentedRawMuxing) MuxingType ¶
func (m SegmentedRawMuxing) MuxingType() MuxingType
type SegmentsMediaInfo ¶
type SegmentsMediaInfo struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The value is a quoted-string which specifies the group to which the Rendition belongs. (required) GroupId *string `json:"groupId,omitempty"` // Primary language in the rendition. Language *string `json:"language,omitempty"` // Identifies a language that is associated with the Rendition. AssocLanguage *string `json:"assocLanguage,omitempty"` // Human readable description of the rendition. (required) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // If set to true, the client SHOULD play this Rendition of the content in the absence of information from the user. IsDefault *bool `json:"isDefault,omitempty"` // If set to true, the client MAY choose to play this Rendition in the absence of explicit user preference. Autoselect *bool `json:"autoselect,omitempty"` // Contains Uniform Type Identifiers Characteristics []string `json:"characteristics,omitempty"` // Path to segments. (required) SegmentPath *string `json:"segmentPath,omitempty"` // Id of the encoding. (required) EncodingId *string `json:"encodingId,omitempty"` // Id of the stream. (required) StreamId *string `json:"streamId,omitempty"` // Id of the muxing. (required) MuxingId *string `json:"muxingId,omitempty"` // Id of the DRM. DrmId *string `json:"drmId,omitempty"` // Number of the first segment. Default is 0. StartSegmentNumber *int64 `json:"startSegmentNumber,omitempty"` // Number of the last segment. Default is the last one that was encoded. EndSegmentNumber *int64 `json:"endSegmentNumber,omitempty"` }
SegmentsMediaInfo model
type SftpInput ¶
type SftpInput struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Host Url or IP of the SFTP server (required) Host *string `json:"host,omitempty"` // Port to use, standard for SFTP: 22 Port *int32 `json:"port,omitempty"` // Use passive mode. Default is true. Passive *bool `json:"passive,omitempty"` // Your SFTP Username Username *string `json:"username,omitempty"` // Your SFTP password Password *string `json:"password,omitempty"` }
SftpInput model
func (SftpInput) MarshalJSON ¶
type SftpOutput ¶
type SftpOutput struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Deprecation notice: This property does not have any effect and will not be returned by GET endpoints Acl []AclEntry `json:"acl,omitempty"` // Host Url or IP of the SFTP server (required) Host *string `json:"host,omitempty"` // Port to use, standard for SFTP: 22 Port *int32 `json:"port,omitempty"` // Use passive mode. Default is true. Passive *bool `json:"passive,omitempty"` // Your SFTP Username Username *string `json:"username,omitempty"` // Your SFTP password Password *string `json:"password,omitempty"` // Controls which transfer version should be used TransferVersion TransferVersion `json:"transferVersion,omitempty"` // Restrict maximum concurrent connections. Requires at least version 1.1.0. MaxConcurrentConnections *int32 `json:"maxConcurrentConnections,omitempty"` }
SftpOutput model
func (SftpOutput) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m SftpOutput) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (SftpOutput) OutputType ¶
func (m SftpOutput) OutputType() OutputType
type SidecarErrorMode ¶
type SidecarErrorMode string
SidecarErrorMode : SidecarErrorMode model
const ( SidecarErrorMode_FAIL_ON_ERROR SidecarErrorMode = "FAIL_ON_ERROR" SidecarErrorMode_CONTINUE_ON_ERROR SidecarErrorMode = "CONTINUE_ON_ERROR" )
List of possible SidecarErrorMode values
type SidecarFile ¶
type SidecarFile interface { // SidecarFileType returns the discriminator type of the polymorphic model SidecarFileType() SidecarFileType }
A file that is added to an encoding. The size limit for a sidecar file is 10 MB
func UnmarshalSidecarFile ¶
UnmarshalSidecarFile unmarshals polymorphic SidecarFile
func UnmarshalSidecarFileSlice ¶
UnmarshalSidecarFileSlice unmarshals polymorphic slices of SidecarFile
type SidecarFileType ¶
type SidecarFileType string
SidecarFileType : SidecarFileType model
const (
SidecarFileType_WEB_VTT SidecarFileType = "WEB_VTT"
List of possible SidecarFileType values
type SignatureType ¶
type SignatureType string
SignatureType : SignatureType model
const (
SignatureType_HMAC SignatureType = "HMAC"
List of possible SignatureType values
type SignupSource ¶
type SignupSource string
SignupSource : platform which initiated the creation of the resource
const ( SignupSource_AWS SignupSource = "AWS" SignupSource_AZURE SignupSource = "AZURE" SignupSource_BITMOVIN SignupSource = "BITMOVIN" SignupSource_GOOGLE SignupSource = "GOOGLE" )
List of possible SignupSource values
type SimpleEncodingLiveCloudRegion ¶
type SimpleEncodingLiveCloudRegion string
SimpleEncodingLiveCloudRegion : SimpleEncodingLiveCloudRegion model
const ( SimpleEncodingLiveCloudRegion_NORTH_AMERICA SimpleEncodingLiveCloudRegion = "NORTH_AMERICA" SimpleEncodingLiveCloudRegion_SOUTH_AMERICA SimpleEncodingLiveCloudRegion = "SOUTH_AMERICA" SimpleEncodingLiveCloudRegion_EUROPE SimpleEncodingLiveCloudRegion = "EUROPE" SimpleEncodingLiveCloudRegion_AFRICA SimpleEncodingLiveCloudRegion = "AFRICA" SimpleEncodingLiveCloudRegion_ASIA SimpleEncodingLiveCloudRegion = "ASIA" SimpleEncodingLiveCloudRegion_AUSTRALIA SimpleEncodingLiveCloudRegion = "AUSTRALIA" )
List of possible SimpleEncodingLiveCloudRegion values
type SimpleEncodingLiveJobAccessKeyCredentials ¶
type SimpleEncodingLiveJobAccessKeyCredentials struct { // The identifier of the access key (required) AccessKey *string `json:"accessKey,omitempty"` // The secret to be used for authentication (required) SecretKey *string `json:"secretKey,omitempty"` }
SimpleEncodingLiveJobAccessKeyCredentials model
type SimpleEncodingLiveJobAzureCredentials ¶
type SimpleEncodingLiveJobAzureCredentials struct { // Azure Account Key used for authentication (required) Key *string `json:"key,omitempty"` }
SimpleEncodingLiveJobAzureCredentials model
type SimpleEncodingLiveJobCdnOutput ¶
type SimpleEncodingLiveJobCdnOutput struct { // The maximum output resolution to be generated MaxResolution SimpleEncodingLiveMaxResolution `json:"maxResolution,omitempty"` }
SimpleEncodingLiveJobCdnOutput model
func (SimpleEncodingLiveJobCdnOutput) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m SimpleEncodingLiveJobCdnOutput) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (SimpleEncodingLiveJobCdnOutput) SimpleEncodingLiveJobOutputType ¶
func (m SimpleEncodingLiveJobCdnOutput) SimpleEncodingLiveJobOutputType() SimpleEncodingLiveJobOutputType
type SimpleEncodingLiveJobCredentials ¶
type SimpleEncodingLiveJobCredentials struct { }
SimpleEncodingLiveJobCredentials model
type SimpleEncodingLiveJobGcsServiceAccountCredentials ¶
type SimpleEncodingLiveJobGcsServiceAccountCredentials struct { // Service account credentials for Google (required) ServiceAccountCredentials *string `json:"serviceAccountCredentials,omitempty"` }
SimpleEncodingLiveJobGcsServiceAccountCredentials model
type SimpleEncodingLiveJobInput ¶
type SimpleEncodingLiveJobInput struct { // Defines which protocol is being used as input of the live stream. InputType SimpleEncodingLiveJobInputType `json:"inputType,omitempty"` }
SimpleEncodingLiveJobInput model
type SimpleEncodingLiveJobInputType ¶
type SimpleEncodingLiveJobInputType string
SimpleEncodingLiveJobInputType : SimpleEncodingLiveJobInputType model
const ( SimpleEncodingLiveJobInputType_RTMP SimpleEncodingLiveJobInputType = "RTMP" SimpleEncodingLiveJobInputType_SRT_LISTENER SimpleEncodingLiveJobInputType = "SRT_LISTENER" )
List of possible SimpleEncodingLiveJobInputType values
type SimpleEncodingLiveJobOutput ¶
type SimpleEncodingLiveJobOutput interface { // SimpleEncodingLiveJobOutputType returns the discriminator type of the polymorphic model SimpleEncodingLiveJobOutputType() SimpleEncodingLiveJobOutputType }
SimpleEncodingLiveJobOutput model
func UnmarshalSimpleEncodingLiveJobOutput ¶
func UnmarshalSimpleEncodingLiveJobOutput(reader io.Reader, consumer bitutils.Consumer) (SimpleEncodingLiveJobOutput, error)
UnmarshalSimpleEncodingLiveJobOutput unmarshals polymorphic SimpleEncodingLiveJobOutput
func UnmarshalSimpleEncodingLiveJobOutputSlice ¶
func UnmarshalSimpleEncodingLiveJobOutputSlice(reader io.Reader, consumer bitutils.Consumer) ([]SimpleEncodingLiveJobOutput, error)
UnmarshalSimpleEncodingLiveJobOutputSlice unmarshals polymorphic slices of SimpleEncodingLiveJobOutput
type SimpleEncodingLiveJobOutputType ¶
type SimpleEncodingLiveJobOutputType string
SimpleEncodingLiveJobOutputType : Output type
const ( SimpleEncodingLiveJobOutputType_URL SimpleEncodingLiveJobOutputType = "URL" SimpleEncodingLiveJobOutputType_CDN SimpleEncodingLiveJobOutputType = "CDN" )
List of possible SimpleEncodingLiveJobOutputType values
type SimpleEncodingLiveJobRequest ¶
type SimpleEncodingLiveJobRequest struct { // The profile that will be used for the live encoding. EncodingProfile SimpleEncodingLiveProfile `json:"encodingProfile,omitempty"` // Please take a look at the [documentation]( (required) Input *SimpleEncodingLiveJobInput `json:"input,omitempty"` // Please take a look at the [documentation]( (required) Outputs []SimpleEncodingLiveJobOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // The cloud region that will be used for the live encoding. This value has to be set. CloudRegion SimpleEncodingLiveCloudRegion `json:"cloudRegion,omitempty"` // This property will be used for naming the encoding. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
SimpleEncodingLiveJobRequest model
func (*SimpleEncodingLiveJobRequest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *SimpleEncodingLiveJobRequest) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals model SimpleEncodingLiveJobRequest from a JSON structure
type SimpleEncodingLiveJobResponse ¶
type SimpleEncodingLiveJobResponse struct { // The identifier of the Simple Encoding Live Job Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The current status of the Simple Encoding Live Job Status SimpleEncodingLiveJobStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` // The identifier of the encoding that has been created based on the job request. This is only returned once the job execution has been successful and the encoding could be started. EncodingId *string `json:"encodingId,omitempty"` // The IP address of the encoder for this job request. This is only returned once the job execution has been successful and the encoding could be started. Ingest is expected to be sent to this IP address. EncoderIp *string `json:"encoderIp,omitempty"` // Stream key of the live encoder StreamKey *string `json:"streamKey,omitempty"` Input *SimpleEncodingLiveJobInput `json:"input,omitempty"` Outputs []SimpleEncodingLiveJobOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // Describes all the errors in cases the status of the job is 'error'. Errors []SimpleEncodingVodJobErrors `json:"errors,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ. The job is updated for example when the status changes ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // This property will be used for naming the encoding and the manifests. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // The cloud region that will be used for the live encoding CloudRegion SimpleEncodingLiveCloudRegion `json:"cloudRegion,omitempty"` // The profile that will be used for the live encoding. EncodingProfile SimpleEncodingLiveProfile `json:"encodingProfile,omitempty"` }
SimpleEncodingLiveJobResponse model
func (*SimpleEncodingLiveJobResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *SimpleEncodingLiveJobResponse) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals model SimpleEncodingLiveJobResponse from a JSON structure
type SimpleEncodingLiveJobS3RoleBasedCredentials ¶
type SimpleEncodingLiveJobS3RoleBasedCredentials struct { // Amazon ARN of the IAM Role (Identity and Access Management Role) that will be assumed for S3 access. More details can be found [here]( (required) RoleArn *string `json:"roleArn,omitempty"` // Defines if the organization ID has to be used as externalId when assuming the role. More details can be found [here]( UseExternalId *bool `json:"useExternalId,omitempty"` }
SimpleEncodingLiveJobS3RoleBasedCredentials model
type SimpleEncodingLiveJobStatus ¶
type SimpleEncodingLiveJobStatus string
SimpleEncodingLiveJobStatus : SimpleEncodingLiveJobStatus model
const ( SimpleEncodingLiveJobStatus_CREATED SimpleEncodingLiveJobStatus = "CREATED" SimpleEncodingLiveJobStatus_EXECUTING SimpleEncodingLiveJobStatus = "EXECUTING" SimpleEncodingLiveJobStatus_FAILURE SimpleEncodingLiveJobStatus = "FAILURE" SimpleEncodingLiveJobStatus_STARTING SimpleEncodingLiveJobStatus = "STARTING" SimpleEncodingLiveJobStatus_RUNNING SimpleEncodingLiveJobStatus = "RUNNING" SimpleEncodingLiveJobStatus_STOPPED SimpleEncodingLiveJobStatus = "STOPPED" SimpleEncodingLiveJobStatus_ERROR SimpleEncodingLiveJobStatus = "ERROR" SimpleEncodingLiveJobStatus_CANCELED SimpleEncodingLiveJobStatus = "CANCELED" )
List of possible SimpleEncodingLiveJobStatus values
type SimpleEncodingLiveJobUrlOutput ¶
type SimpleEncodingLiveJobUrlOutput struct { // The maximum output resolution to be generated MaxResolution SimpleEncodingLiveMaxResolution `json:"maxResolution,omitempty"` // Define a URL pointing to a folder which will be used to upload the encoded assets. The output folder structure used looks the following way: <br><br> `http://host/my-folder` <ul> <li> `/video` <ul> <li>`/{width}x{height}_{bitrate}/` (multiple subfolders containing different output renditions)</li> </ul> </li> <li>`/audio` </li> <li>`/index.m3u8` (HLS manifest file) </li> <li>`/stream.mpd` (DASH manifest file) </li> </ul> Currently the following protocols/storages systems are supported: S3, GCS, Azure Blob Storage, Akamai NetStorage. Note that most protocols will require `credentials` to access the asset. Check the description below which ones are applicable. See below how to construct the URLs for the individual protocals/storage systems. **S3**: * `s3://<my-bucket>/path/` Authentication can be done via accesskey/secretkey or role-based authentication. Generic S3 is currently NOT supported. **GCS**: * `gcs://<my-bucket>/path/` Authentication can be done via accesskey/secretkey or a service account **Azure Blob Storage (ABS)**: * `https://<account><container>/path/` It is required to provide the Azure key credentials for authentication. **Akamai NetStorage**: * `https://<host><CP-code>/path/` It is required to provide username/password credentials for authentication. (required) Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` // Credentials to be used for authentication and accessing the folder. Credentials *SimpleEncodingLiveJobCredentials `json:"credentials,omitempty"` // Indicates if the output should be publically available so that playback immediately works over the internet. Note that not every storage provider supports public output, in this case the flag will be ignored (e.g., Akamai NetStorage). It might forbidden by some storage configuration to make files public, for example an S3 buckets can be configured to disallow public access. In this case set it to false. MakePublic *bool `json:"makePublic,omitempty"` }
SimpleEncodingLiveJobUrlOutput model
func (SimpleEncodingLiveJobUrlOutput) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m SimpleEncodingLiveJobUrlOutput) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (SimpleEncodingLiveJobUrlOutput) SimpleEncodingLiveJobOutputType ¶
func (m SimpleEncodingLiveJobUrlOutput) SimpleEncodingLiveJobOutputType() SimpleEncodingLiveJobOutputType
type SimpleEncodingLiveJobUsernamePasswordCredentials ¶
type SimpleEncodingLiveJobUsernamePasswordCredentials struct { // The username to be used for authentication. (required) Username *string `json:"username,omitempty"` // The password to be used for authentication (required) Password *string `json:"password,omitempty"` }
SimpleEncodingLiveJobUsernamePasswordCredentials model
type SimpleEncodingLiveMaxResolution ¶
type SimpleEncodingLiveMaxResolution string
SimpleEncodingLiveMaxResolution : SimpleEncodingLiveMaxResolution model
const ( SimpleEncodingLiveMaxResolution_FULL_HD SimpleEncodingLiveMaxResolution = "FULL_HD" SimpleEncodingLiveMaxResolution_HD SimpleEncodingLiveMaxResolution = "HD" SimpleEncodingLiveMaxResolution_SD SimpleEncodingLiveMaxResolution = "SD" )
List of possible SimpleEncodingLiveMaxResolution values
type SimpleEncodingLiveProfile ¶
type SimpleEncodingLiveProfile string
SimpleEncodingLiveProfile : SimpleEncodingLiveProfile model
const ( SimpleEncodingLiveProfile_INCREASED_QUALITY SimpleEncodingLiveProfile = "INCREASED_QUALITY" SimpleEncodingLiveProfile_LOWER_LATENCY SimpleEncodingLiveProfile = "LOWER_LATENCY" )
List of possible SimpleEncodingLiveProfile values
type SimpleEncodingVodJobAccessKeyCredentials ¶
type SimpleEncodingVodJobAccessKeyCredentials struct { // The identifier of the access key (required) AccessKey *string `json:"accessKey,omitempty"` // The secret to be used for authentication (required) SecretKey *string `json:"secretKey,omitempty"` }
SimpleEncodingVodJobAccessKeyCredentials model
type SimpleEncodingVodJobAzureCredentials ¶
type SimpleEncodingVodJobAzureCredentials struct { // Azure Account Key used for authentication (required) Key *string `json:"key,omitempty"` }
SimpleEncodingVodJobAzureCredentials model
type SimpleEncodingVodJobCdnOutput ¶
type SimpleEncodingVodJobCdnOutput struct { // List of artifacts created by the encoding job. Artifacts are files essential for playback of the generated content, e.g. manifests. Artifacts []SimpleEncodingVodJobOutputArtifact `json:"artifacts,omitempty"` // The maximum output resolution to be generated MaxResolution SimpleEncodingLiveMaxResolution `json:"maxResolution,omitempty"` }
SimpleEncodingVodJobCdnOutput model
func (SimpleEncodingVodJobCdnOutput) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m SimpleEncodingVodJobCdnOutput) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (SimpleEncodingVodJobCdnOutput) SimpleEncodingVodJobOutputType ¶
func (m SimpleEncodingVodJobCdnOutput) SimpleEncodingVodJobOutputType() SimpleEncodingVodJobOutputType
type SimpleEncodingVodJobCredentials ¶
type SimpleEncodingVodJobCredentials struct { }
SimpleEncodingVodJobCredentials model
type SimpleEncodingVodJobDirectFileUploadInput ¶
type SimpleEncodingVodJobDirectFileUploadInput struct { // Id of a DirectFileUploadInput (required) InputId *string `json:"inputId,omitempty"` // Defines the type of the input file, if no type is set it is assumed that the input file contains at least one video stream and optionally one or multiple audio streams. Note that when defining video and audio inputs, you can either - add one single input without inputType, in which case that source file must contain a video stream and (if you want audio) one audio stream, or - add one single input with inputType=VIDEO and (if you want audio) one or more inputs with inputType=AUDIO (each containing one audio stream) Other combinations are not valid. InputType SimpleEncodingVodJobInputType `json:"inputType,omitempty"` // The language of the audio track, the subtitles, or closed captions file. The language code must be compliant with [BCP 47]( This property is mandatory if the input provided is of type SUBTITLES or CLOSED_CAPTIONS and recommended for input type AUDIO and an input that does not specify an input type (combined audio and video). If an audio input does not specify the language, it is defaulted to `und` (undefined). Language *string `json:"language,omitempty"` }
SimpleEncodingVodJobDirectFileUploadInput model
func (SimpleEncodingVodJobDirectFileUploadInput) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m SimpleEncodingVodJobDirectFileUploadInput) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (SimpleEncodingVodJobDirectFileUploadInput) SimpleEncodingVodJobInputSourceType ¶
func (m SimpleEncodingVodJobDirectFileUploadInput) SimpleEncodingVodJobInputSourceType() SimpleEncodingVodJobInputSourceType
type SimpleEncodingVodJobErrors ¶
type SimpleEncodingVodJobErrors struct { // Stable code that identifies the error type. ErrorCode *string `json:"errorCode,omitempty"` // Human readable description of the error. Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"` // Additional details of the error if available. Details *string `json:"details,omitempty"` }
SimpleEncodingVodJobErrors model
type SimpleEncodingVodJobGcsServiceAccountCredentials ¶
type SimpleEncodingVodJobGcsServiceAccountCredentials struct { // Service account credentials for Google (required) ServiceAccountCredentials *string `json:"serviceAccountCredentials,omitempty"` }
SimpleEncodingVodJobGcsServiceAccountCredentials model
type SimpleEncodingVodJobInput ¶
type SimpleEncodingVodJobInput interface { // SimpleEncodingVodJobInputSourceType returns the discriminator type of the polymorphic model SimpleEncodingVodJobInputSourceType() SimpleEncodingVodJobInputSourceType }
SimpleEncodingVodJobInput model
func UnmarshalSimpleEncodingVodJobInput ¶
func UnmarshalSimpleEncodingVodJobInput(reader io.Reader, consumer bitutils.Consumer) (SimpleEncodingVodJobInput, error)
UnmarshalSimpleEncodingVodJobInput unmarshals polymorphic SimpleEncodingVodJobInput
func UnmarshalSimpleEncodingVodJobInputSlice ¶
func UnmarshalSimpleEncodingVodJobInputSlice(reader io.Reader, consumer bitutils.Consumer) ([]SimpleEncodingVodJobInput, error)
UnmarshalSimpleEncodingVodJobInputSlice unmarshals polymorphic slices of SimpleEncodingVodJobInput
type SimpleEncodingVodJobInputSourceType ¶
type SimpleEncodingVodJobInputSourceType string
SimpleEncodingVodJobInputSourceType : Input source type
const ( SimpleEncodingVodJobInputSourceType_URL SimpleEncodingVodJobInputSourceType = "URL" SimpleEncodingVodJobInputSourceType_DIRECT_FILE_UPLOAD SimpleEncodingVodJobInputSourceType = "DIRECT_FILE_UPLOAD" )
List of possible SimpleEncodingVodJobInputSourceType values
type SimpleEncodingVodJobInputType ¶
type SimpleEncodingVodJobInputType string
SimpleEncodingVodJobInputType : SimpleEncodingVodJobInputType model
const ( SimpleEncodingVodJobInputType_VIDEO SimpleEncodingVodJobInputType = "VIDEO" SimpleEncodingVodJobInputType_AUDIO SimpleEncodingVodJobInputType = "AUDIO" SimpleEncodingVodJobInputType_SUBTITLES SimpleEncodingVodJobInputType = "SUBTITLES" SimpleEncodingVodJobInputType_CLOSED_CAPTIONS SimpleEncodingVodJobInputType = "CLOSED_CAPTIONS" )
List of possible SimpleEncodingVodJobInputType values
type SimpleEncodingVodJobOptions ¶
type SimpleEncodingVodJobOptions struct { // Defines if the job should additionally produce a single file as output (e.g., an MP4) for every rendition the Per-Title algorithm produces. This can be useful to provide customers with features such as downloading of videos for different screen sizes. The single file contains both audio and video streams along the segmented output. Note that currently we do not include subtitles in this file. SingleFileOutput *bool `json:"singleFileOutput,omitempty"` }
SimpleEncodingVodJobOptions model
type SimpleEncodingVodJobOutput ¶
type SimpleEncodingVodJobOutput interface { // SimpleEncodingVodJobOutputType returns the discriminator type of the polymorphic model SimpleEncodingVodJobOutputType() SimpleEncodingVodJobOutputType }
SimpleEncodingVodJobOutput model
func UnmarshalSimpleEncodingVodJobOutput ¶
func UnmarshalSimpleEncodingVodJobOutput(reader io.Reader, consumer bitutils.Consumer) (SimpleEncodingVodJobOutput, error)
UnmarshalSimpleEncodingVodJobOutput unmarshals polymorphic SimpleEncodingVodJobOutput
func UnmarshalSimpleEncodingVodJobOutputSlice ¶
func UnmarshalSimpleEncodingVodJobOutputSlice(reader io.Reader, consumer bitutils.Consumer) ([]SimpleEncodingVodJobOutput, error)
UnmarshalSimpleEncodingVodJobOutputSlice unmarshals polymorphic slices of SimpleEncodingVodJobOutput
type SimpleEncodingVodJobOutputArtifact ¶
type SimpleEncodingVodJobOutputArtifact struct { // Name of the artifact. Currently we provide the URL of the HLS manifest with name 'HLS_MANIFEST_URL' and the URL of the DASH manifest with name 'DASH_MANIFEST_URL' Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // A string value described by the 'name' property. Typically this is an absolute URL pointing to a file on the output you specified for the encoding job. The protocol depends on the type of output: \"s3://\" for AWS S3,\"gcs://\" for Google Cloud Storage, \"https://\" for Azure Blob Storage and Akamai NetStorage ) Value *string `json:"value,omitempty"` }
SimpleEncodingVodJobOutputArtifact model
type SimpleEncodingVodJobOutputType ¶
type SimpleEncodingVodJobOutputType string
SimpleEncodingVodJobOutputType : Output type
const ( SimpleEncodingVodJobOutputType_URL SimpleEncodingVodJobOutputType = "URL" SimpleEncodingVodJobOutputType_CDN SimpleEncodingVodJobOutputType = "CDN" )
List of possible SimpleEncodingVodJobOutputType values
type SimpleEncodingVodJobRequest ¶
type SimpleEncodingVodJobRequest struct { // The template that will be used for the encoding. EncodingTemplate EncodingTemplate `json:"encodingTemplate,omitempty"` // Please take a look at the [documentation]( (required) Inputs []SimpleEncodingVodJobInput `json:"inputs,omitempty"` // Please take a look at the [documentation]( (required) Outputs []SimpleEncodingVodJobOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // Options to customize the Simple Encoding Job Options *SimpleEncodingVodJobOptions `json:"options,omitempty"` // This property will be used for naming the encoding and the manifests. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
SimpleEncodingVodJobRequest model
func (*SimpleEncodingVodJobRequest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *SimpleEncodingVodJobRequest) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals model SimpleEncodingVodJobRequest from a JSON structure
type SimpleEncodingVodJobResponse ¶
type SimpleEncodingVodJobResponse struct { // The identifier of the Simple Encoding VOD Job Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The current status of the Simple Encoding VOD Job Status SimpleEncodingVodJobStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` // The template that has been used for the encoding. EncodingTemplate EncodingTemplate `json:"encodingTemplate,omitempty"` // The identifier of the encoding that has been created based on the job request. This is only returned once the job execution has been successful and the encoding could be started. EncodingId *string `json:"encodingId,omitempty"` Inputs []SimpleEncodingVodJobInput `json:"inputs,omitempty"` Outputs []SimpleEncodingVodJobOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // Options to customize the Simple Encoding Job Options *SimpleEncodingVodJobOptions `json:"options,omitempty"` // Describes all the errors in cases the status of the job is 'error'. Errors []SimpleEncodingVodJobErrors `json:"errors,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ. The job is updated for example when the status changes ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // This property will be used for naming the encoding and the manifests. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
SimpleEncodingVodJobResponse model
func (*SimpleEncodingVodJobResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *SimpleEncodingVodJobResponse) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals model SimpleEncodingVodJobResponse from a JSON structure
type SimpleEncodingVodJobS3RoleBasedCredentials ¶
type SimpleEncodingVodJobS3RoleBasedCredentials struct { // Amazon ARN of the IAM Role (Identity and Access Management Role) that will be assumed for S3 access. More details can be found [here]( (required) RoleArn *string `json:"roleArn,omitempty"` // Defines if the organization ID has to be used as externalId when assuming the role. More details can be found [here]( UseExternalId *bool `json:"useExternalId,omitempty"` }
SimpleEncodingVodJobS3RoleBasedCredentials model
type SimpleEncodingVodJobStatus ¶
type SimpleEncodingVodJobStatus string
SimpleEncodingVodJobStatus : SimpleEncodingVodJobStatus model
const ( SimpleEncodingVodJobStatus_CREATED SimpleEncodingVodJobStatus = "CREATED" SimpleEncodingVodJobStatus_EXECUTING SimpleEncodingVodJobStatus = "EXECUTING" SimpleEncodingVodJobStatus_FAILURE SimpleEncodingVodJobStatus = "FAILURE" SimpleEncodingVodJobStatus_RUNNING SimpleEncodingVodJobStatus = "RUNNING" SimpleEncodingVodJobStatus_FINISHED SimpleEncodingVodJobStatus = "FINISHED" SimpleEncodingVodJobStatus_ERROR SimpleEncodingVodJobStatus = "ERROR" SimpleEncodingVodJobStatus_CANCELED SimpleEncodingVodJobStatus = "CANCELED" )
List of possible SimpleEncodingVodJobStatus values
type SimpleEncodingVodJobUrlInput ¶
type SimpleEncodingVodJobUrlInput struct { // Define a URL pointing to the asset that should be encoded. The URL has to point to a file. Currently the following protocols/storages systems are supported: HTTP(S), (S)FTP, S3, GCS, Azure Blob Storage, Akamai NetStorage. Note that most protocols will require `credentials` to access the asset. Check the description below which ones are applicable. See below how to construct the URLs for the individual protocols/storage systems. --- **HTTP** and **HTTPS**: * `http://<host>[:<port>]/path/file.mp4` * `https://<host>[:<port>]/path/file.mp4` The port is defaulted to 80 if it's not provided. If the content is secured by Basic Authentication please provide corresponding credentials. **FTP** and **SFTP**: * `ftp://<host>[:<port>]/path/file.mp4` * `sftp://<host>[:<port>]/path/file.mp4` The port is defaulted to 21 (ftp) or 22 (sftp) if it's not provided. If the content is secured please provide corresponding credentials. **S3**: * `s3://<my-bucket>/path/file.mp4` Authentication can be done via accesskey/secretkey or role-based authentication. Generic S3 is currently NOT supported. **GCS**: * `gcs://<my-bucket>/path/file.mp4` Authentication can be done via accesskey/secretkey or a service account **Azure Blob Storage (ABS)**: * `https://<account><container>/path/file.mp4` It is required to provide the Azure key credentials for authentication. **Akamai NetStorage**: * `https://<host><CP-code>/path/file.mp4` It is required to provide username/password credentials for authentication. (required) Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` // Credentials to be used for authentication and accessing the file. Check out the examples on how to define the credentials correctly. Credentials *SimpleEncodingVodJobCredentials `json:"credentials,omitempty"` // Defines the type of the input file, if no type is set it is assumed that the input file contains at least one video stream and optionally one or multiple audio streams. Note that when defining video and audio inputs, you can either - add one single input without inputType, in which case that source file must contain a video stream and (if you want audio) one audio stream, or - add one single input with inputType=VIDEO and (if you want audio) one or more inputs with inputType=AUDIO (each containing one audio stream) Other combinations are not valid. InputType SimpleEncodingVodJobInputType `json:"inputType,omitempty"` // The language of the audio track, the subtitles, or closed captions file. The language code must be compliant with [BCP 47]( This property is mandatory if the input provided is of type SUBTITLES or CLOSED_CAPTIONS and recommended for input type AUDIO and an input that does not specify an input type (combined audio and video). If an audio input does not specify the language, it is defaulted to `und` (undefined). Language *string `json:"language,omitempty"` }
SimpleEncodingVodJobUrlInput model
func (SimpleEncodingVodJobUrlInput) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m SimpleEncodingVodJobUrlInput) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (SimpleEncodingVodJobUrlInput) SimpleEncodingVodJobInputSourceType ¶
func (m SimpleEncodingVodJobUrlInput) SimpleEncodingVodJobInputSourceType() SimpleEncodingVodJobInputSourceType
type SimpleEncodingVodJobUrlOutput ¶
type SimpleEncodingVodJobUrlOutput struct { // List of artifacts created by the encoding job. Artifacts are files essential for playback of the generated content, e.g. manifests. Artifacts []SimpleEncodingVodJobOutputArtifact `json:"artifacts,omitempty"` // Define a URL pointing to a folder which will be used to upload the encoded assets. The output folder structure used looks the following way: <br><br> `http://host/my-folder` <ul> <li> `/video` <ul> <li>`/h264/{width}x{height}_{bitrate}/` (multiple subfolders containing different output renditions)</li> </ul> </li> <li>`/audio` <ul> <li>`/aac/{language}/` - if language is unique (subfolder containing audio output files)</li> <li>`/aac/{language}_{index}/` - if language is not unique (subfolder containing audio output files)</li> </ul> </li> <li>`/subtitles` (subfolder containing subtitles files)</li> <li>`/captions` (subfolder containing subtitles files)</li> <li>`/sprites` (subfolder containing generated sprites)</li> <li>`/thumbnails` (subfolder containing generated thumbnails)</li> <li>`/index.m3u8` (HLS manifest file) </li> <li>`/stream.mpd` (DASH manifest file) </li> </ul> Currently the following protocols/storages systems are supported: S3, GCS, Azure Blob Storage, Akamai NetStorage. Note that most protocols will require `credentials` to access the asset. Check in the descriptions below which properties can or need to be provided within the `credentials` key. See below how to construct the URLs for the individual protocols/storage systems. ___ **Recommendation** To ensure uniqueness of output paths accross multiple encodings, make use of the following placeholders in the output's URL: {uuid} - will be replaced with a random UUID {asset} - will be replaced with the asset file name (only for the input type VIDEO or DEFAULT) Examples: * using the `{uuid}` placeholder: The output URL `s3://<my-bucket>/{uuid}/path/` will be transformed to e.g. `s3://<my-bucket>/d59295f3-1548-4bd9-843d-6ac6896dbdb6/path/`. * using the `{asset}` placeholder: Given an input `s3://my-bucket/path/filename.mp4` of type VIDEO or DEFAULT, the output URL `s3://<my-bucket>/{asset}/path/` will be transformed to `s3://<my-bucket>/filename/path/` Notes: - Placeholders can be combined or used multiple times in the same URL. - Placeholders are ignored when used in conjunction with `DirectFileUploadInput`s because in this case the asset file name cannot be set. ___ **S3**: * `s3://<my-bucket>/path/` Authentication can be done via accesskey/secretkey or role-based authentication. Generic S3 is currently NOT supported. **GCS**: * `gcs://<my-bucket>/path/` Authentication can be done via accesskey/secretkey or a service account **Azure Blob Storage (ABS)**: * `https://<account><container>/path/` It is required to provide the Azure key credentials for authentication. **Akamai NetStorage**: * `https://<host><CP-code>/path/` It is required to provide username/password credentials for authentication. (required) Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` // Credentials to be used for authentication and accessing the folder Credentials *SimpleEncodingVodJobCredentials `json:"credentials,omitempty"` // Indicates if the output should be publically available so that playback immediately works over the internet. Note that not every storage provider supports public output, in this case the flag will be ignored (e.g., Akamai NetStorage). It might forbidden by some storage configuration to make files public, for example an S3 buckets can be configured to disallow public access. In this case set it to false. MakePublic *bool `json:"makePublic,omitempty"` }
SimpleEncodingVodJobUrlOutput model
func (SimpleEncodingVodJobUrlOutput) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m SimpleEncodingVodJobUrlOutput) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (SimpleEncodingVodJobUrlOutput) SimpleEncodingVodJobOutputType ¶
func (m SimpleEncodingVodJobUrlOutput) SimpleEncodingVodJobOutputType() SimpleEncodingVodJobOutputType
type SimpleEncodingVodJobUsernamePasswordCredentials ¶
type SimpleEncodingVodJobUsernamePasswordCredentials struct { // The username to be used for authentication. (required) Username *string `json:"username,omitempty"` // The password to be used for authentication (required) Password *string `json:"password,omitempty"` }
SimpleEncodingVodJobUsernamePasswordCredentials model
type SmoothManifestContentProtection ¶
type SmoothManifestContentProtection struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Id of the encoding. (required) EncodingId *string `json:"encodingId,omitempty"` // Id of the muxing. (required) MuxingId *string `json:"muxingId,omitempty"` // Id of the drm. (required) DrmId *string `json:"drmId,omitempty"` }
SmoothManifestContentProtection model
type SmoothManifestDefault ¶
type SmoothManifestDefault struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Type ManifestType `json:"type,omitempty"` // The outputs to store the manifest (required) Outputs []EncodingOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // Current status Status Status `json:"status,omitempty"` // Filename of the server manifest ServerManifestName *string `json:"serverManifestName,omitempty"` // Filename of the client manifest ClientManifestName *string `json:"clientManifestName,omitempty"` // The id of the encoding to create a default manifest for (required) EncodingId *string `json:"encodingId,omitempty"` // Currently not in use Version SmoothManifestDefaultVersion `json:"version,omitempty"` }
SmoothManifestDefault model
type SmoothManifestDefaultVersion ¶
type SmoothManifestDefaultVersion string
SmoothManifestDefaultVersion : SmoothManifestDefaultVersion model
const (
SmoothManifestDefaultVersion_V1 SmoothManifestDefaultVersion = "V1"
List of possible SmoothManifestDefaultVersion values
type SmoothStreamingManifest ¶
type SmoothStreamingManifest struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Type ManifestType `json:"type,omitempty"` // The outputs to store the manifest (required) Outputs []EncodingOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // Current status Status Status `json:"status,omitempty"` // Filename of the server manifest ServerManifestName *string `json:"serverManifestName,omitempty"` // Filename of the client manifest ClientManifestName *string `json:"clientManifestName,omitempty"` }
SmoothStreamingManifest model
type SmoothStreamingRepresentation ¶
type SmoothStreamingRepresentation struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Id of the encoding (required) EncodingId *string `json:"encodingId,omitempty"` // Id of the muxing. (required) MuxingId *string `json:"muxingId,omitempty"` // The Smooth Streaming ismv or isma file that will be referenced in the manifest. (required) MediaFile *string `json:"mediaFile,omitempty"` // Language of the MP4 file Language *string `json:"language,omitempty"` // Track where this MP4 shoudl be added TrackName *string `json:"trackName,omitempty"` // Specifies the priority of this representation. In the manifest, representations will appear ordered by descending priority values. Priority *int32 `json:"priority,omitempty"` }
SmoothStreamingRepresentation model
type SmpteTimecodeFlavor ¶
type SmpteTimecodeFlavor string
SmpteTimecodeFlavor : SmpteTimecodeFlavor model
const ( SmpteTimecodeFlavor_AUTO SmpteTimecodeFlavor = "AUTO" SmpteTimecodeFlavor_NON_DROP_FRAME SmpteTimecodeFlavor = "NON_DROP_FRAME" SmpteTimecodeFlavor_DROP_FRAME SmpteTimecodeFlavor = "DROP_FRAME" )
List of possible SmpteTimecodeFlavor values
type SourceChannel ¶
type SourceChannel struct { // Gain for this source channel. Default is 1.0. Gain *float64 `json:"gain,omitempty"` Type SourceChannelType `json:"type,omitempty"` // Number of this source channel. If type is 'CHANNEL_NUMBER', this must be set. ChannelNumber *int32 `json:"channelNumber,omitempty"` }
SourceChannel model
type SourceChannelType ¶
type SourceChannelType string
SourceChannelType : Type of this source channel
const ( SourceChannelType_CHANNEL_NUMBER SourceChannelType = "CHANNEL_NUMBER" SourceChannelType_FRONT_LEFT SourceChannelType = "FRONT_LEFT" SourceChannelType_FRONT_RIGHT SourceChannelType = "FRONT_RIGHT" SourceChannelType_CENTER SourceChannelType = "CENTER" SourceChannelType_LOW_FREQUENCY SourceChannelType = "LOW_FREQUENCY" SourceChannelType_BACK_LEFT SourceChannelType = "BACK_LEFT" SourceChannelType_BACK_RIGHT SourceChannelType = "BACK_RIGHT" SourceChannelType_SURROUND_LEFT SourceChannelType = "SURROUND_LEFT" SourceChannelType_SURROUND_RIGHT SourceChannelType = "SURROUND_RIGHT" )
List of possible SourceChannelType values
type SpekeDrm ¶
type SpekeDrm struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Outputs []EncodingOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // Unique Identifier of the content, will be generated if not set ContentId *string `json:"contentId,omitempty"` // Optional key identifier, will be generated if not set. For SPEKE DRM Configurations with the same contentId and kid the key provider will provide the same keys. Kid *string `json:"kid,omitempty"` // 16 byte initialization vector represented by a 32-character text string. It is mandatory if systemIds contains AES128 or FairPlay. Iv *string `json:"iv,omitempty"` // Key provider configuration for SPEKE (required) Provider *SpekeDrmProvider `json:"provider,omitempty"` // DRM system identifier of the content protection scheme. At minimum one is expected. Not all systemIds are currently supported, support depends on the muxing type. Relates to SPEKE implementation. See (required) SystemIds []string `json:"systemIds,omitempty"` }
SpekeDrm model
func (SpekeDrm) MarshalJSON ¶
type SpekeDrmProvider ¶
type SpekeDrmProvider struct { // URL of the endpoint (required) Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` // Your username for Basic Authentication Username *string `json:"username,omitempty"` // Your password for Basic Authentication Password *string `json:"password,omitempty"` // Your API key for authentication via X-API-Key HTTP Header ApiKey *string `json:"apiKey,omitempty"` // AWS role that will be assumed for the key exchange in case the provider runs on AWS. During the key exchange the role will be assumed to be able to access the key provider. This role is to be created in the customer's account and must be granted access to the API Gateway of the SPEKE server. For Bitmovin to be able to assume this role, the following has to be added to the trust policy of the role: “` { \"Effect\": \"Allow\", \"Principal\": { \"AWS\": \"arn:aws:iam::630681592166:user/bitmovinCustomerSpekeAccess\" }, \"Action\": \"sts:AssumeRole\", \"Condition\": { \"StringEquals\": { \"sts:ExternalId\": \"{{externalId}}\" } } } “` It is recommended to also set the {{externalId}} due to security reasons but it can also be ommitted. Additionally the role needs a policy similar to the following to be able to invoke the API gateway: “` { \"Version\": \"2012-10-17\", \"Statement\": [ { \"Effect\": \"Allow\", \"Action\": [ \"execute-api:Invoke\" ], \"Resource\": [ \"arn:aws:execute-api:{{region}}:*:*_/_*_/POST/_*\" ] } ] } “` where `{{region}}` is the region of the API gateway (for example `us-west-2`), the same has to be set in the property 'gatewayRegion'. It's also possible to set `{{region}` to `*` to give the role access to all regions. RoleArn *string `json:"roleArn,omitempty"` // External ID used together with the IAM role identified by `roleArn` to assume access to the SPEKE server on AWS. ExternalId *string `json:"externalId,omitempty"` ExternalIdMode ExternalIdMode `json:"externalIdMode,omitempty"` // Describes the region of the AWS API Gateway that is used to access the SPEKE server. This property is mandatory when setting 'roleArn' and has to indicate in which region the AWS API Gateway is setup. This usually corresponds to the `{{region}}` one sets in the execute-api policy for the role as described in 'roleArn'. GatewayRegion *string `json:"gatewayRegion,omitempty"` }
SpekeDrmProvider model
type Sprite ¶
type Sprite struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Height of one thumbnail, either height or width are required fields. If only one is given the encoder will calculate the other way value based on the aspect ratio of the video file. If the encoder version is below 2.83.0 both are required Height *int32 `json:"height,omitempty"` // Width of one thumbnail, either height or width are required fields. If only one is given the encoder will calculate the other way value based on the aspect ratio of the video file. If the encoder version is below 2.83.0 both are required Width *int32 `json:"width,omitempty"` Unit SpriteUnit `json:"unit,omitempty"` // Distance in the given unit between a screenshot Distance *float64 `json:"distance,omitempty"` // Name of the sprite image. File extension \".jpg\"/\".jpeg\" or \".png\" is required. (required) SpriteName *string `json:"spriteName,omitempty"` // Filename of the sprite image. If not set, spriteName will be used, but without an extension. Filename *string `json:"filename,omitempty"` // Filename of the vtt-file. The file-extension \".vtt\" is required. VttName *string `json:"vttName,omitempty"` Outputs []EncodingOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // Number of images per file. If more images are generated than specified in this value, multiple sprites will be created. You can use the placeholder '%number%' in the spriteName to specify the naming policy. Either this property must be set or hTiles and vTiles. ImagesPerFile *int32 `json:"imagesPerFile,omitempty"` // Number of rows of images per file. Has to be set together with vTiles. If this property and vTiles are set, the imagesPerFile property must not be set. It is recommended to use the placeholder '%number%' in the spriteName to allow the generation of multiple sprites. Only supported starting with encoder version `2.76.0`. HTiles *int32 `json:"hTiles,omitempty"` // Number of columns of images per file. Has to be set together with hTiles. If this property and hTiles are set, the imagesPerFile property must not be set. It is recommended to use the placeholder '%number%' in the spriteName to allow the generation of multiple sprites. Only supported starting with encoder version `2.76.0`. VTiles *int32 `json:"vTiles,omitempty"` // Additional configuration for JPEG sprite generation. If this property is set the extension of the file must be '.jpg.' or '.jpeg' Only supported starting with encoder version `2.76.0` JpegConfig *SpriteJpegConfig `json:"jpegConfig,omitempty"` // The creation mode for the thumbnails in the Sprite. Two possible creation modes exist: generate thumbnails starting with the beginning of the video or after the first configured period. When using distance=10 and unit=SECONDS and INTERVAL_END, the first image of the sprite is from the second 10 of the video. When using distance=10 and unit=SECONDS and INTERVAL_START, the first image of the sprite is from the very start of the video, while the second image is from second 10 of the video. It is recommended to use 'INTERVAL_START' when using the sprites for trick play so that there is an additional thumbnail from the beginning of the video. Only supported starting with encoder version `2.76.0`. CreationMode SpriteCreationMode `json:"creationMode,omitempty"` // Specifies the aspect mode that is used when both height and width are specified Only supported starting with encoder version `2.85.0`. AspectMode ThumbnailAspectMode `json:"aspectMode,omitempty"` }
Sprite model
type SpriteCreationMode ¶
type SpriteCreationMode string
SpriteCreationMode : SpriteCreationMode model
const ( SpriteCreationMode_INTERVAL_END SpriteCreationMode = "INTERVAL_END" SpriteCreationMode_INTERVAL_START SpriteCreationMode = "INTERVAL_START" )
List of possible SpriteCreationMode values
type SpriteJpegConfig ¶
type SpriteJpegConfig struct { // Quality of the JPEG file in percent. Allowed values 20 - 100 (required) Quality *int32 `json:"quality,omitempty"` }
SpriteJpegConfig model
type SpriteRepresentation ¶
type SpriteRepresentation struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // UUID of an encoding (required) EncodingId *string `json:"encodingId,omitempty"` // UUID of a stream (required) StreamId *string `json:"streamId,omitempty"` // UUID of a Sprite (required) SpriteId *string `json:"spriteId,omitempty"` // Path to sprite segments. Will be used as the representation id in the manifest. (required) SegmentPath *string `json:"segmentPath,omitempty"` }
SpriteRepresentation model
func (SpriteRepresentation) DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator ¶
func (m SpriteRepresentation) DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator() DashRepresentationTypeDiscriminator
func (SpriteRepresentation) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m SpriteRepresentation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type SpriteUnit ¶
type SpriteUnit string
SpriteUnit : SpriteUnit model
const ( SpriteUnit_SECONDS SpriteUnit = "SECONDS" SpriteUnit_PERCENTS SpriteUnit = "PERCENTS" )
List of possible SpriteUnit values
type SrtInput ¶
type SrtInput struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // The SRT mode to use (required) Mode SrtMode `json:"mode,omitempty"` // The name or IP of the host providing the SRT stream (only used in CALLER mode) Host *string `json:"host,omitempty"` // The port to connect to or listen on. Has to be one of [2088, 2089, 2090, 2091] when using LISTENER mode. (required) Port *int32 `json:"port,omitempty"` // The path parameter of the SRT stream Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` // The maximum accepted transmission latency in milliseconds (when both parties set different values, the maximum of the two is used for both) Latency *int32 `json:"latency,omitempty"` // The passphrase used to secure the SRT stream. For AES-128 encryption, you must enter a 16-character passphrase; for AES-256, you must enter a 32-character passphrase Passphrase *string `json:"passphrase,omitempty"` // The type of AES encryption determines the length of the key (passphrase). AES-128 uses a 16-character (128-bit) passphrase, and AES-256 uses a 32-character (256-bit) passphrase. KeyLength *int32 `json:"keyLength,omitempty"` BackupSrtInputs *BackupSrtInputs `json:"backupSrtInputs,omitempty"` }
SrtInput model
func (SrtInput) MarshalJSON ¶
type SrtStatisticLink ¶
type SrtStatisticLink struct { Bandwidth *float64 `json:"bandwidth,omitempty"` MaxBandwidth *float64 `json:"maxBandwidth,omitempty"` Rtt *float64 `json:"rtt,omitempty"` }
SrtStatisticLink model
type SrtStatisticRecv ¶
type SrtStatisticRecv struct { Bytes *int64 `json:"bytes,omitempty"` BytesDropped *int64 `json:"bytesDropped,omitempty"` BytesLost *int64 `json:"bytesLost,omitempty"` MbitRate *float64 `json:"mbitRate,omitempty"` Packets *int64 `json:"packets,omitempty"` PacketsBelated *int64 `json:"packetsBelated,omitempty"` PacketsDropped *int64 `json:"packetsDropped,omitempty"` PacketsLost *int64 `json:"packetsLost,omitempty"` PacketsRetransmitted *int64 `json:"packetsRetransmitted,omitempty"` }
SrtStatisticRecv model
type SrtStatisticSend ¶
type SrtStatisticSend struct { Bytes *int64 `json:"bytes,omitempty"` BytesDropped *int64 `json:"bytesDropped,omitempty"` MbitRate *float64 `json:"mbitRate,omitempty"` Packets *int64 `json:"packets,omitempty"` PacketsDropped *int64 `json:"packetsDropped,omitempty"` PacketsLost *int64 `json:"packetsLost,omitempty"` PacketsRetransmitted *int64 `json:"packetsRetransmitted,omitempty"` }
SrtStatisticSend model
type SrtStatisticWindow ¶
type SrtStatisticWindow struct { Congestion *int64 `json:"congestion,omitempty"` Flight *int64 `json:"flight,omitempty"` Flow *int64 `json:"flow,omitempty"` }
SrtStatisticWindow model
type SrtStatistics ¶
type SrtStatistics struct { // UUID of the statistic event Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Timestamp when the srt statistics event was created, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // UUID of an encoding EncodingId *string `json:"encodingId,omitempty"` // UUID of the SRT input used to capture this statistics SrtInputId *string `json:"srtInputId,omitempty"` // Whether the SRT input that generated this statistics was selected (i.e. actively used) at the time or not SrtInputSelected *bool `json:"srtInputSelected,omitempty"` // UUID of the associated organization OrgId *string `json:"orgId,omitempty"` // UUID of the associated api-user UserId *string `json:"userId,omitempty"` Link *SrtStatisticLink `json:"link,omitempty"` Window *SrtStatisticWindow `json:"window,omitempty"` Recv *SrtStatisticRecv `json:"recv,omitempty"` Send *SrtStatisticSend `json:"send,omitempty"` }
SrtStatistics model
type SrtToCea608708Caption ¶ added in v1.208.0
type SrtToCea608708Caption struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Input location of the SRT file (required) Input *InputPath `json:"input,omitempty"` // The channel number to embed the CEA subtitles in (required) CcChannel Cea608ChannelType `json:"ccChannel,omitempty"` // Character encoding of the input SRT file (required) CharacterEncoding CaptionCharacterEncoding `json:"characterEncoding,omitempty"` }
SrtToCea608708Caption model
type StandardMediaInfo ¶
type StandardMediaInfo struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The value is a quoted-string which specifies the group to which the Rendition belongs. (required) GroupId *string `json:"groupId,omitempty"` // Primary language in the rendition. Language *string `json:"language,omitempty"` // Identifies a language that is associated with the Rendition. AssocLanguage *string `json:"assocLanguage,omitempty"` // Human readable description of the rendition. (required) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // If set to true, the client SHOULD play this Rendition of the content in the absence of information from the user. IsDefault *bool `json:"isDefault,omitempty"` // If set to true, the client MAY choose to play this Rendition in the absence of explicit user preference. Autoselect *bool `json:"autoselect,omitempty"` // Contains Uniform Type Identifiers Characteristics []string `json:"characteristics,omitempty"` // Path to segments. (required) SegmentPath *string `json:"segmentPath,omitempty"` // Id of the encoding. (required) EncodingId *string `json:"encodingId,omitempty"` // Id of the stream. (required) StreamId *string `json:"streamId,omitempty"` // Id of the muxing. (required) MuxingId *string `json:"muxingId,omitempty"` // Id of the DRM. DrmId *string `json:"drmId,omitempty"` // Number of the first segment. Default is 0. StartSegmentNumber *int64 `json:"startSegmentNumber,omitempty"` // Number of the last segment. Default is the last one that was encoded. EndSegmentNumber *int64 `json:"endSegmentNumber,omitempty"` // The URI of the Rendition (required) Uri *string `json:"uri,omitempty"` }
StandardMediaInfo model
type StartEncodingRequest ¶
type StartEncodingRequest struct { // Allows to encode only part of the input. Defines start (offset) and duration of the desired section. This is not allowed when the Encoding uses any kind of Input Stream resource. Trimming *Trimming `json:"trimming,omitempty"` // Scheduling parameters of the encoding. Scheduling *Scheduling `json:"scheduling,omitempty"` // Special tweaks for your encoding job. Tweaks *Tweaks `json:"tweaks,omitempty"` // Enable frame dropping/duplication to handle variable frames per seconds of video input streams HandleVariableInputFps *bool `json:"handleVariableInputFps,omitempty"` // The pass mode of the encoding. Must only be set when `encodingMode` is not set on any codec configuration used by this encoding. EncodingMode EncodingMode `json:"encodingMode,omitempty"` // DASH manifests to be generated for previewing while the encoding is still running. See [documentation]( PreviewDashManifests []ManifestResource `json:"previewDashManifests,omitempty"` // HLS manifests to be generated for previewing while the encoding is still running. See [documentation]( PreviewHlsManifests []ManifestResource `json:"previewHlsManifests,omitempty"` // DASH manifests to be generated right after encoding (just-in-time). See [documentation]( VodDashManifests []ManifestResource `json:"vodDashManifests,omitempty"` // HLS manifests to be generated right after encoding (just-in-time). See [documentation]( VodHlsManifests []ManifestResource `json:"vodHlsManifests,omitempty"` // Smooth Streaming manifests to be generated right after encoding (just-in-time). See [documentation]( VodSmoothManifests []ManifestResource `json:"vodSmoothManifests,omitempty"` // Major version of the manifest generator to be used for manifests referenced in this request (by properties vodDashManifests, vodHlsManifests, vodSmoothManifests, previewDashManifests, previewHlsManifests). `V2` is available for encoder versions 2.70.0 and above and is the recommended option. The default value depends on the sign-up date of your organization. See [documentation]( page for a detailed explanation. ManifestGenerator ManifestGenerator `json:"manifestGenerator,omitempty"` // Per-Title settings PerTitle *PerTitle `json:"perTitle,omitempty"` }
StartEncodingRequest model
type StartLiveChannelEncodingRequest ¶
type StartLiveChannelEncodingRequest struct { // Key for the stream. (a-zA-Z, 3-20 characters) (required) StreamKey *string `json:"streamKey,omitempty"` // HLS manifests to be generated during the encoding. See [documentation]( HlsManifests []LiveHlsManifest `json:"hlsManifests,omitempty"` // DASH manifests to be generated during the encoding. See [documentation]( DashManifests []LiveDashManifest `json:"dashManifests,omitempty"` // The pass mode of the encoding. Must only be set when `encodingMode` is not set on any codec configuration used by this encoding. LiveEncodingMode EncodingMode `json:"liveEncodingMode,omitempty"` // Reupload specific files during a live encoding. This can be helpful if an automatic life cycle policy is enabled on the output storage ReuploadSettings *ReuploadSettings `json:"reuploadSettings,omitempty"` // Major version of the manifest generator to be used for manifests referenced in this request (by properties dashManifests, dashManifests). `V2` is available for encoder versions 2.70.0 and above and is the recommended option. The default value depends on the sign-up date of your organization. See [documentation]( page for a detailed explanation. ManifestGenerator ManifestGenerator `json:"manifestGenerator,omitempty"` // Configuration for auto restarting the live encoding AutoRestartConfiguration *AutoRestartConfiguration `json:"autoRestartConfiguration,omitempty"` // Configuration for auto shutdown of the live encoding AutoShutdownConfiguration *LiveAutoShutdownConfiguration `json:"autoShutdownConfiguration,omitempty"` }
StartLiveChannelEncodingRequest model
type StartLiveEncodingRequest ¶
type StartLiveEncodingRequest struct { // Key for the stream. (a-zA-Z, 3-20 characters) (required) StreamKey *string `json:"streamKey,omitempty"` // HLS manifests to be generated during the encoding. See [documentation]( HlsManifests []LiveHlsManifest `json:"hlsManifests,omitempty"` // DASH manifests to be generated during the encoding. See [documentation]( DashManifests []LiveDashManifest `json:"dashManifests,omitempty"` // The pass mode of the encoding. Must only be set when `encodingMode` is not set on any codec configuration used by this encoding. LiveEncodingMode EncodingMode `json:"liveEncodingMode,omitempty"` // Reupload specific files during a live encoding. This can be helpful if an automatic life cycle policy is enabled on the output storage ReuploadSettings *ReuploadSettings `json:"reuploadSettings,omitempty"` // Major version of the manifest generator to be used for manifests referenced in this request (by properties dashManifests, dashManifests). `V2` is available for encoder versions 2.70.0 and above and is the recommended option. The default value depends on the sign-up date of your organization. See [documentation]( page for a detailed explanation. ManifestGenerator ManifestGenerator `json:"manifestGenerator,omitempty"` // Configuration for auto restarting the live encoding AutoRestartConfiguration *AutoRestartConfiguration `json:"autoRestartConfiguration,omitempty"` // Configuration for auto shutdown of the live encoding AutoShutdownConfiguration *LiveAutoShutdownConfiguration `json:"autoShutdownConfiguration,omitempty"` }
StartLiveEncodingRequest model
type StartManifestRequest ¶
type StartManifestRequest struct { // Major version of the manifest generator to be used. `V2` is the recommended option and requires the following minimum encoder versions: 2.121.0 for DASH, 2.111.0 for HLS, 2.108.0 for SMOOTH. The default value depends on the sign-up date of your organization. See [documentation]( page for a detailed explanation. ManifestGenerator ManifestGenerator `json:"manifestGenerator,omitempty"` }
StartManifestRequest model
type StaticIp ¶
type StaticIp struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The IPv4 address of the static ip IpAddress *string `json:"ipAddress,omitempty"` // Required if the static IP should be created for an AWS infrastructure account. If this is left blank the static Ip will be created for the managed cloud. InfrastructureId *string `json:"infrastructureId,omitempty"` // Status of the Static Ip Status StaticIpStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` // The region of the static Ip (required) Region CloudRegion `json:"region,omitempty"` }
StaticIp model
type StaticIpStatus ¶
type StaticIpStatus string
StaticIpStatus : StaticIpStatus model
const ( StaticIpStatus_CREATING StaticIpStatus = "CREATING" StaticIpStatus_UNUSED StaticIpStatus = "UNUSED" StaticIpStatus_ERROR StaticIpStatus = "ERROR" StaticIpStatus_USED StaticIpStatus = "USED" )
List of possible StaticIpStatus values
type StaticRtmpIngestPoint ¶ added in v1.184.1
type StaticRtmpIngestPoint struct { // The ID of the created static rtmp ingest point Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the ingest point. This can be helpful for easier identifying your ingest points Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` StreamKeyConfiguration *StreamKeyConfiguration `json:"streamKeyConfiguration,omitempty"` }
StaticRtmpIngestPoint model
type Statistics ¶
type Statistics struct { // Bytes encoded total. (required) BytesEncodedTotal *int64 `json:"bytesEncodedTotal,omitempty"` // Time in seconds encoded for all contained daily statistics. (required) TimeEncodedTotal *int64 `json:"timeEncodedTotal,omitempty"` // Egress output generated by file transfers in bytes BytesEgressTotal *int64 `json:"bytesEgressTotal,omitempty"` }
Statistics model
type StatisticsPerLabel ¶
type StatisticsPerLabel struct { // Bytes encoded total. (required) BytesEncodedTotal *int64 `json:"bytesEncodedTotal,omitempty"` // Time in seconds encoded for all contained daily statistics. (required) TimeEncodedTotal *int64 `json:"timeEncodedTotal,omitempty"` // Egress output generated by file transfers in bytes BytesEgressTotal *int64 `json:"bytesEgressTotal,omitempty"` // An optional error message, when the event is in error state (occurs at event: ERROR) (required) Label *string `json:"label,omitempty"` // The billable minutes. BillableMinutes *float64 `json:"billableMinutes,omitempty"` // Billable minutes for each encoding configuration BillableEncodingMinutes []BillableEncodingMinutes `json:"billableEncodingMinutes,omitempty"` // Billable minutes for muxings. BillableTransmuxingMinutes *float64 `json:"billableTransmuxingMinutes,omitempty"` // Billable minutes for features BillableFeatureMinutes []BillableEncodingFeatureMinutes `json:"billableFeatureMinutes,omitempty"` // Billable egress output BillableEgressBytes []EgressInformation `json:"billableEgressBytes,omitempty"` }
StatisticsPerLabel model
type StatisticsPerMuxing ¶
type StatisticsPerMuxing struct { // ID of the stream (required) StreamId *string `json:"streamId,omitempty"` // ID of the muxing (required) MuxingId *string `json:"muxingId,omitempty"` // Multiplier for the encoded minutes. Depends on muxing type. (required) Multiplicator *float64 `json:"multiplicator,omitempty"` // Encoded bytes. (required) EncodedBytes *int64 `json:"encodedBytes,omitempty"` // Resulting minutes you will be charged for. (required) BillableMinutes *float64 `json:"billableMinutes,omitempty"` MuxingType MuxingType `json:"muxingType,omitempty"` }
StatisticsPerMuxing model
type StatisticsPerStream ¶
type StatisticsPerStream struct { // ID of the stream (required) StreamId *string `json:"streamId,omitempty"` // ID of the condec configuration (required) CodecConfigId *string `json:"codecConfigId,omitempty"` // Multiplier for the encoded minutes. Depends on muxing type. (required) Multiplicator *float64 `json:"multiplicator,omitempty"` // Encoded bytes. (required) EncodedBytes *int64 `json:"encodedBytes,omitempty"` // Length of the stream. (required) EncodedSeconds *float64 `json:"encodedSeconds,omitempty"` // Minutes you will be charged for (billableMinutes = encodedSeconds * multiplicator) (required) BillableMinutes *float64 `json:"billableMinutes,omitempty"` // Video width, only if video stream Width *int64 `json:"width,omitempty"` // Video height, only if video stream Height *int64 `json:"height,omitempty"` // If it' a video stream this value is the FPS, for audio it's the sample rate. (required) Rate *float64 `json:"rate,omitempty"` // Bitrate of the stream (required) Bitrate *int64 `json:"bitrate,omitempty"` Codec CodecConfigType `json:"codec,omitempty"` Resolution StatisticsResolution `json:"resolution,omitempty"` EncodingMode EncodingMode `json:"encodingMode,omitempty"` // The output minutes multiplicator for the given encodingMode EncodingModeMultiplicator *float64 `json:"encodingModeMultiplicator,omitempty"` PerTitleResultStream StatisticsPerTitleStream `json:"perTitleResultStream,omitempty"` // The output minutes multiplicator for per-title PerTitleMultiplicator *float64 `json:"perTitleMultiplicator,omitempty"` PsnrMode PsnrPerStreamMode `json:"psnrMode,omitempty"` // The output minutes multiplicator for psnr streams PsnrMultiplicator *float64 `json:"psnrMultiplicator,omitempty"` DolbyVisionMode DolbyVisionPerStreamMode `json:"dolbyVisionMode,omitempty"` // The output minutes multiplicator for Dolby Vision streams DolbyVisionMultiplicator *float64 `json:"dolbyVisionMultiplicator,omitempty"` // Name of the preset configuration used for the codec configuration or \"CUSTOM\" if any preset values were overridden Preset *string `json:"preset,omitempty"` // The output minutes multiplicator for the used codec configuration preset. PresetMultiplicator *float64 `json:"presetMultiplicator,omitempty"` // Indicates if the stream was part of a live encoding. Live *bool `json:"live,omitempty"` // The output minutes multiplicator for live streams. LiveMultiplicator *float64 `json:"liveMultiplicator,omitempty"` // Indicates if an enhanced interlace filter was used. EnhancedDeinterlace *bool `json:"enhancedDeinterlace,omitempty"` // The output minutes multiplicator for streams using an enhanced Deinterlace Filter. EnhancedDeinterlaceMultiplicator *float64 `json:"enhancedDeinterlaceMultiplicator,omitempty"` // Indicates if the conversion from Dolby Vision to HDR was triggered. DolbyVisionToHdr *bool `json:"dolbyVisionToHdr,omitempty"` // The output minutes multiplicator for streams using the conversion from Dolby Vision to HDR. DolbyVisionToHdrMultiplicator *float64 `json:"dolbyVisionToHdrMultiplicator,omitempty"` // Indicates if the conversion from Dolby Vision to SDR was triggered. DolbyVisionToSdr *bool `json:"dolbyVisionToSdr,omitempty"` // The output minutes multiplicator for streams using the conversion from Dolby Vision to SDR. DolbyVisionToSdrMultiplicator *float64 `json:"dolbyVisionToSdrMultiplicator,omitempty"` // Indicates if the conversion from HDR10/HLG to SDR was triggered. HdrHlgToSdr *bool `json:"hdrHlgToSdr,omitempty"` // The output minutes multiplicator for streams using the conversion from HDR10/HLG to SDR. HdrHlgToSdrMultiplicator *float64 `json:"hdrHlgToSdrMultiplicator,omitempty"` NexGuardABWatermarkingType *NexGuardAbWatermarkingFeature `json:"nexGuardABWatermarkingType,omitempty"` // The output minutes multiplicator for streams using a NexGuard A/B Watermarking. NexGuardABWatermarkingMultiplicator *float64 `json:"nexGuardABWatermarkingMultiplicator,omitempty"` PixelFormatBitDepth PixelFormatBitDepth `json:"pixelFormatBitDepth,omitempty"` // The output minutes multiplicator for the pixel format bit depth PixelFormatMultiplicator *float64 `json:"pixelFormatMultiplicator,omitempty"` InputFactor *InputFactor `json:"inputFactor,omitempty"` }
StatisticsPerStream model
type StatisticsPerTitleStream ¶
type StatisticsPerTitleStream string
StatisticsPerTitleStream : StatisticsPerTitleStream model
const ( StatisticsPerTitleStream_DISABLED StatisticsPerTitleStream = "DISABLED" StatisticsPerTitleStream_ENABLED StatisticsPerTitleStream = "ENABLED" )
List of possible StatisticsPerTitleStream values
type StatisticsResolution ¶
type StatisticsResolution string
StatisticsResolution : StatisticsResolution model
const ( StatisticsResolution_SD StatisticsResolution = "SD" StatisticsResolution_HD StatisticsResolution = "HD" StatisticsResolution_UHD StatisticsResolution = "UHD" StatisticsResolution_UHD_8K StatisticsResolution = "UHD_8K" )
List of possible StatisticsResolution values
type Stream ¶
type Stream struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Determines the input source(s) for the stream. All video streams of an encoding need to have identical input configurations (required) InputStreams []StreamInput `json:"inputStreams,omitempty"` Outputs []EncodingOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // Set true to create quality metadata for this stream CreateQualityMetaData *bool `json:"createQualityMetaData,omitempty"` // Id of the codec configuration (required) CodecConfigId *string `json:"codecConfigId,omitempty"` // Number of encoded segments. Available after encoding finishes. SegmentsEncoded *int32 `json:"segmentsEncoded,omitempty"` // Defines a condition that is evaluated against the input of the Stream. If the condition is not fulfilled, the Stream will be ignored during the encoding process. The 'streamConditionMode' of a Muxing allows to control how ignored Streams affect the Muxing. When retrieving the resource after the analysis step of the encoding has finished, 'ignoredBy' will indicate if and why it has been ignored. See [Stream Conditions]( for more information Conditions *AbstractCondition `json:"conditions,omitempty"` // This read-only property is set during the analysis step of the encoding. If it contains items, the Stream has been ignored during the encoding process due to its 'conditions' IgnoredBy []Ignoring `json:"ignoredBy,omitempty"` // Mode of the stream Mode StreamMode `json:"mode,omitempty"` // The encoding mode that was used for this stream. This is derived from `encodingMode`, which can be specified in the codec configuration or in the encoding start request. Note that all streams of an encoding need to use the same encoding mode. This will therefore always match `selectedEncodingMode` of the related Encoding resource. Especially useful when `encodingMode` was not set explicitly or set to STANDARD (which translates to one of the other possible values on encoding start). SelectedEncodingMode EncodingMode `json:"selectedEncodingMode,omitempty"` // Settings to configure Per-Title on stream level PerTitleSettings *StreamPerTitleSettings `json:"perTitleSettings,omitempty"` Metadata *StreamMetadata `json:"metadata,omitempty"` // Determines how to react to errors during decoding DecodingErrorMode DecodingErrorMode `json:"decodingErrorMode,omitempty"` // Contains stream properties which may not have been defined in the configuration AppliedSettings *AppliedStreamSettings `json:"appliedSettings,omitempty"` }
Stream model
func (*Stream) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals model Stream from a JSON structure
type StreamCaptionOutputFormat ¶
type StreamCaptionOutputFormat string
StreamCaptionOutputFormat : StreamCaptionOutputFormat model
const (
StreamCaptionOutputFormat_WEBVTT StreamCaptionOutputFormat = "WEBVTT"
List of possible StreamCaptionOutputFormat values
type StreamConditionsMode ¶
type StreamConditionsMode string
StreamConditionsMode : StreamConditionsMode model
const ( StreamConditionsMode_DROP_MUXING StreamConditionsMode = "DROP_MUXING" StreamConditionsMode_DROP_STREAM StreamConditionsMode = "DROP_STREAM" )
List of possible StreamConditionsMode values
type StreamFilter ¶
type StreamFilter struct { // The id of the filter that should be used in the stream (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Defines the order in which filters are applied. Filters are applied in ascending order. (required) Position *int32 `json:"position,omitempty"` }
StreamFilter model
type StreamFilterList ¶
type StreamFilterList struct { // List of stream filters (required) Filters []StreamFilter `json:"filters,omitempty"` }
StreamFilterList model
type StreamInfo ¶
type StreamInfo struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // It MUST match the value of the GROUP-ID attribute of an Audio EXT-X-MEDIA tag elsewhere in the Master Playlist. Either this or `audioGroups` must be set. Audio *string `json:"audio,omitempty"` // HLS Audio Group Configuration. You will want to use this configuration property in case you specify conditions on audio streams. The first matching audio group will be used for the specific variant stream. Either this or `audio` must be set. AudioGroups *AudioGroupConfiguration `json:"audioGroups,omitempty"` // It MUST match the value of the GROUP-ID attribute of a Video EXT-X-MEDIA tag elsewhere in the Master Playlist Video *string `json:"video,omitempty"` // It MUST match the value of the GROUP-ID attribute of a Subtitles EXT-X-MEDIA tag elsewhere in the Master Playlist Subtitles *string `json:"subtitles,omitempty"` // If the value is not 'NONE', it MUST match the value of the GROUP-ID attribute of a Closed Captions EXT-X-MEDIA tag elsewhere in the Playlist (required) ClosedCaptions *string `json:"closedCaptions,omitempty"` // Id of the encoding. (required) EncodingId *string `json:"encodingId,omitempty"` // Id of the stream. (required) StreamId *string `json:"streamId,omitempty"` // Id of the muxing. (required) MuxingId *string `json:"muxingId,omitempty"` // Id of the DRM. DrmId *string `json:"drmId,omitempty"` // Path to segments. (required) SegmentPath *string `json:"segmentPath,omitempty"` // The URI of the playlist file. (required) Uri *string `json:"uri,omitempty"` // Number of the first segment. Default is 0. StartSegmentNumber *int64 `json:"startSegmentNumber,omitempty"` // Number of the last segment. Default is the last one that was encoded. EndSegmentNumber *int64 `json:"endSegmentNumber,omitempty"` // Force the addition of the frame rate attribute to all stream infos. ForceFrameRateAttribute *bool `json:"forceFrameRateAttribute,omitempty"` // Force the addition of the video-range attribute to all stream infos. ForceVideoRangeAttribute *bool `json:"forceVideoRangeAttribute,omitempty"` }
StreamInfo model
type StreamInfos ¶
type StreamInfos struct { // Timestamp of the event, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ (required) Time *DateTime `json:"time,omitempty"` // Details about billable minutes for each resolution category StreamInfos []StreamInfosDetails `json:"streamInfos,omitempty"` }
StreamInfos model
type StreamInfosDetails ¶
type StreamInfosDetails struct { // The id of the stream (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The media type of the stream (required) MediaType MediaType `json:"mediaType,omitempty"` // The width of the stream, if it is a video stream Width *int32 `json:"width,omitempty"` // The height of the stream, if it is a video stream Height *int32 `json:"height,omitempty"` // The rate (sample rate / fps) of the stream (required) Rate *float64 `json:"rate,omitempty"` // The codec of the input stream (required) Codec LiveEncodingCodec `json:"codec,omitempty"` // The minimum samples read per second within the last minute (required) SamplesReadPerSecondMin *float64 `json:"samplesReadPerSecondMin,omitempty"` // The maximum samples read per second within the last minute (required) SamplesReadPerSecondMax *float64 `json:"samplesReadPerSecondMax,omitempty"` // The average samples read per second within the last minute (required) SamplesReadPerSecondAvg *float64 `json:"samplesReadPerSecondAvg,omitempty"` // The minimum amount of backup samples used per second within the last minute. This will be written when no live stream is ingested. The last picture will be repeated with silent audio. (required) SamplesBackupPerSecondMin *float64 `json:"samplesBackupPerSecondMin,omitempty"` // The maximum amount of backup samples used per second within the last minute. This will be written when no live stream is ingested. The last picture will be repeated with silent audio. (required) SamplesBackupPerSecondMax *float64 `json:"samplesBackupPerSecondMax,omitempty"` // The average amount of backup samples used per second within the last minute. This will be written when no live stream is ingested. The last picture will be repeated with silent audio. (required) SamplesBackupPerSecondAvg *float64 `json:"samplesBackupPerSecondAvg,omitempty"` // The minimum bytes read per second within the last minute (required) BytesReadPerSecondMin *float64 `json:"bytesReadPerSecondMin,omitempty"` // The maximum bytes read per second within the last minute (required) BytesReadPerSecondMax *float64 `json:"bytesReadPerSecondMax,omitempty"` // The average bytes read per second within the last minute (required) BytesReadPerSecondAvg *float64 `json:"bytesReadPerSecondAvg,omitempty"` // The minimum amount of backup bytes used per second within the last minute. This will be written when no live stream is ingested. The last picture will be repeated with silent audio. (required) BytesBackupPerSecondMin *float64 `json:"bytesBackupPerSecondMin,omitempty"` // The maximum amount of backup bytes used per second within the last minute. This will be written when no live stream is ingested. The last picture will be repeated with silent audio. (required) BytesBackupPerSecondMax *float64 `json:"bytesBackupPerSecondMax,omitempty"` // The average amount of backup bytes used per second within the last minute. This will be written when no live stream is ingested. The last picture will be repeated with silent audio. (required) BytesBackupPerSecondAvg *float64 `json:"bytesBackupPerSecondAvg,omitempty"` }
StreamInfosDetails model
type StreamInput ¶
type StreamInput struct { // ID of an Input resource defining the input storage. Required if 'inputStreamId' is not set. InputId *string `json:"inputId,omitempty"` // Path to an input media file. Required if 'inputStreamId' is not set. InputPath *string `json:"inputPath,omitempty"` // Specifies the strategy for selecting a stream from the input file. Must not be set when 'inputStreamId' is set. SelectionMode StreamSelectionMode `json:"selectionMode,omitempty"` // Position of the stream to be selected from the input file (zero-based). Must not be set in combination with selectionMode 'AUTO', defaults to 0 for any other selectionMode. Position *int32 `json:"position,omitempty"` // Set this property instead of all others to reference an InputStream resource (e.g. an Ingest-, Trimming- or ConcatenationInputStream) InputStreamId *string `json:"inputStreamId,omitempty"` // Input analysis details This property is populated after the encoding has finished AnalysisDetails *EncodingStreamInputDetails `json:"analysisDetails,omitempty"` }
StreamInput model
type StreamKey ¶ added in v1.184.1
type StreamKey struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Stream key used for live streaming. This stream key is reserved and can be re-used with different live encodings. If this value is not provided, a unique random stream key will be generated. **Important:** This value has to be globally unique. If it is set manually, be sure to use a secure value. If the stream key value is guessed by others your live encoding can be compromised. Value *string `json:"value,omitempty"` // Status of the stream key Status StreamKeyStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` // Type of the stream key Type StreamKeyType `json:"type,omitempty"` // ID of the encoding that is assigned to this stream key. Not set if status is UNASSIGNED AssignedEncodingId *string `json:"assignedEncodingId,omitempty"` // ID of the ingest point that is assigned to this stream key. Not set if status is UNASSIGNED AssignedIngestPointId *string `json:"assignedIngestPointId,omitempty"` }
StreamKey model
type StreamKeyConfiguration ¶ added in v1.184.1
type StreamKeyConfiguration struct { Type StreamKeyConfigurationType `json:"type,omitempty"` // Id of the previously generated stream key. Only needed when the type is `ASSIGN`. StreamKeyId *string `json:"streamKeyId,omitempty"` }
StreamKeyConfiguration model
type StreamKeyConfigurationType ¶ added in v1.184.1
type StreamKeyConfigurationType string
StreamKeyConfigurationType : StreamKeyConfigurationType model
const ( StreamKeyConfigurationType_GENERATE StreamKeyConfigurationType = "GENERATE" StreamKeyConfigurationType_ASSIGN StreamKeyConfigurationType = "ASSIGN" )
List of possible StreamKeyConfigurationType values
type StreamKeyStatus ¶ added in v1.184.1
type StreamKeyStatus string
StreamKeyStatus : Status of the stream key
const ( StreamKeyStatus_ASSIGNED StreamKeyStatus = "ASSIGNED" StreamKeyStatus_UNASSIGNED StreamKeyStatus = "UNASSIGNED" )
List of possible StreamKeyStatus values
type StreamKeyType ¶ added in v1.184.1
type StreamKeyType string
StreamKeyType : Type of the stream key
const ( StreamKeyType_RESERVED StreamKeyType = "RESERVED" StreamKeyType_TEMPORARY StreamKeyType = "TEMPORARY" )
List of possible StreamKeyType values
type StreamKeysUnassignAction ¶ added in v1.191.0
type StreamKeysUnassignAction struct { // Encoding ID for which stream keys should be unassigned EncodingId *string `json:"encodingId,omitempty"` }
StreamKeysUnassignAction model
type StreamMetadata ¶
type StreamMetadata struct { // Language of the media contained in the stream. If the value is not set, then no metadata tag is set for the media stream. Language *string `json:"language,omitempty"` }
StreamMetadata model
type StreamMode ¶
type StreamMode string
StreamMode : StreamMode model
List of possible StreamMode values
type StreamPerTitleFixedResolutionAndBitrateSettings ¶
type StreamPerTitleFixedResolutionAndBitrateSettings struct { // The minimum bitrate that will be used for that template. MinBitrate *int32 `json:"minBitrate,omitempty"` // The maximum bitrate that will be used for that template. MaxBitrate *int32 `json:"maxBitrate,omitempty"` // Bitrate selection mode BitrateSelectionMode BitrateSelectionMode `json:"bitrateSelectionMode,omitempty"` // Low complexity boundary for max bitrate LowComplexityBoundaryForMaxBitrate *int32 `json:"lowComplexityBoundaryForMaxBitrate,omitempty"` // High complexity boundary for max bitrate HighComplexityBoundaryForMaxBitrate *int32 `json:"highComplexityBoundaryForMaxBitrate,omitempty"` }
StreamPerTitleFixedResolutionAndBitrateSettings model
type StreamPerTitleSettings ¶
type StreamPerTitleSettings struct { // Settings for PER_TITLE_TEMPLATE_FIXED_RESOLUTION_AND_BITRATE mode FixedResolutionAndBitrateSettings *StreamPerTitleFixedResolutionAndBitrateSettings `json:"fixedResolutionAndBitrateSettings,omitempty"` // This factor is used to calculate the maxBitrate of the codec configuration for the generated representation as a multiple of the targetBitrate(generated by Per-Title algorithm). This value will take precedence over the 'codecMaxBitrateFactor' from the pertitleStartConfiguration. This value will only have an impact on streams with h264 or h265 video configurations. CodecMaxBitrateFactor *float64 `json:"codecMaxBitrateFactor,omitempty"` // This factor is used to calculate the bufsize of the codec configuration for the generated representations as a multiple of the targetBitrate(generated by Per-Title algorithm). This value will take precedence over the 'codecBufsizeFactor' from the pertitleStartConfiguration.. This value will only have an impact on streams with h264 or h265 video configurations. CodecBufsizeFactor *float64 `json:"codecBufsizeFactor,omitempty"` }
StreamPerTitleSettings model
type StreamSelectionMode ¶
type StreamSelectionMode string
StreamSelectionMode : StreamSelectionMode model
const ( StreamSelectionMode_AUTO StreamSelectionMode = "AUTO" StreamSelectionMode_POSITION_ABSOLUTE StreamSelectionMode = "POSITION_ABSOLUTE" StreamSelectionMode_VIDEO_RELATIVE StreamSelectionMode = "VIDEO_RELATIVE" StreamSelectionMode_AUDIO_RELATIVE StreamSelectionMode = "AUDIO_RELATIVE" StreamSelectionMode_SUBTITLE_RELATIVE StreamSelectionMode = "SUBTITLE_RELATIVE" )
List of possible StreamSelectionMode values
type StreamsAdConfigAd ¶
type StreamsAdConfigAd struct { Position *string `json:"position,omitempty"` Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
StreamsAdConfigAd model
type StreamsAdConfigResponse ¶
type StreamsAdConfigResponse struct { // The identifier of the streams ad config Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Ads []StreamsAdConfigAd `json:"ads,omitempty"` }
StreamsAdConfigResponse model
type StreamsDomainRestrictionCreateRequest ¶ added in v1.188.0
type StreamsDomainRestrictionCreateRequest struct { // The list of allowed domains (required) AllowedDomains []string `json:"allowedDomains,omitempty"` // Controls if requests to domain restricted streams without referer header should be allowed or denied AllowNoReferer *bool `json:"allowNoReferer,omitempty"` AllowShare *bool `json:"allowShare,omitempty"` }
StreamsDomainRestrictionCreateRequest model
type StreamsDomainRestrictionResponse ¶ added in v1.187.1
type StreamsDomainRestrictionResponse struct { // The identifier of the streams domain restriction entity Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The list of allowed domains AllowedDomains []string `json:"allowedDomains,omitempty"` // Controls if requests to domain restricted streams without referer header should be allowed or denied AllowNoReferer *bool `json:"allowNoReferer,omitempty"` AllowShare *bool `json:"allowShare,omitempty"` }
StreamsDomainRestrictionResponse model
type StreamsDomainRestrictionUpdateRequest ¶ added in v1.188.0
type StreamsDomainRestrictionUpdateRequest struct { // The list of allowed domains AllowedDomains []string `json:"allowedDomains,omitempty"` // Controls if requests to domain restricted streams without referer header should be allowed or denied AllowNoReferer *bool `json:"allowNoReferer,omitempty"` AllowShare *bool `json:"allowShare,omitempty"` }
StreamsDomainRestrictionUpdateRequest model
type StreamsEncodingProfile ¶
type StreamsEncodingProfile string
StreamsEncodingProfile : StreamsEncodingProfile model
const ( StreamsEncodingProfile_PER_TITLE StreamsEncodingProfile = "PER_TITLE" StreamsEncodingProfile_FIXED_RESOLUTIONS StreamsEncodingProfile = "FIXED_RESOLUTIONS" )
List of possible StreamsEncodingProfile values
type StreamsLiveCreateRequest ¶
type StreamsLiveCreateRequest struct { // Title of the stream Title *string `json:"title,omitempty"` // Description of the stream Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Id of the domain restriction config to use DomainRestrictionId *string `json:"domainRestrictionId,omitempty"` }
StreamsLiveCreateRequest model
type StreamsLiveLifeCycle ¶
type StreamsLiveLifeCycle string
StreamsLiveLifeCycle : StreamsLiveLifeCycle model
const ( StreamsLiveLifeCycle_PROVISIONING StreamsLiveLifeCycle = "PROVISIONING" StreamsLiveLifeCycle_STOPPED StreamsLiveLifeCycle = "STOPPED" StreamsLiveLifeCycle_RUNNING StreamsLiveLifeCycle = "RUNNING" StreamsLiveLifeCycle_ERROR StreamsLiveLifeCycle = "ERROR" )
List of possible StreamsLiveLifeCycle values
type StreamsLiveResponse ¶
type StreamsLiveResponse struct { // The identifier of the stream Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The title of the stream Title *string `json:"title,omitempty"` // The description of the stream Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Type of the Stream contained in the StreamsResponse Type StreamsType `json:"type,omitempty"` // The streamKey of the stream StreamKey *string `json:"streamKey,omitempty"` // The life cycle of the stream LifeCycle StreamsLiveLifeCycle `json:"lifeCycle,omitempty"` StyleConfig *StreamsStyleConfigResponse `json:"styleConfig,omitempty"` // Poster URL PosterUrl *string `json:"posterUrl,omitempty"` AdConfig *StreamsAdConfigResponse `json:"adConfig,omitempty"` DomainRestriction *StreamsDomainRestrictionResponse `json:"domainRestriction,omitempty"` // Stream trimming information Trimming StreamsTrimmingStatus `json:"trimming,omitempty"` }
StreamsLiveResponse model
func (StreamsLiveResponse) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.181.0
func (m StreamsLiveResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (StreamsLiveResponse) StreamsType ¶ added in v1.181.0
func (m StreamsLiveResponse) StreamsType() StreamsType
type StreamsLiveUpdateRequest ¶
type StreamsLiveUpdateRequest struct { // The new title of the stream Title *string `json:"title,omitempty"` // The new description of the stream Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // URL to hosted poster image PosterUrl *string `json:"posterUrl,omitempty"` // Id of the domain restriction config to use DomainRestrictionId *string `json:"domainRestrictionId,omitempty"` }
StreamsLiveUpdateRequest model
type StreamsPublicSigningKey ¶
type StreamsPublicSigningKey struct { // The unique identifier of the key KeyId *string `json:"keyId,omitempty"` CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` }
StreamsPublicSigningKey model
type StreamsPublicSigningKeyResponse ¶
type StreamsPublicSigningKeyResponse struct {
PublicKeys []StreamsPublicSigningKey `json:"publicKeys,omitempty"`
StreamsPublicSigningKeyResponse model
type StreamsResponse ¶ added in v1.181.0
type StreamsResponse interface { // StreamsType returns the discriminator type of the polymorphic model StreamsType() StreamsType }
StreamsResponse model
func UnmarshalStreamsResponse ¶ added in v1.181.0
func UnmarshalStreamsResponse(reader io.Reader, consumer bitutils.Consumer) (StreamsResponse, error)
UnmarshalStreamsResponse unmarshals polymorphic StreamsResponse
func UnmarshalStreamsResponseSlice ¶ added in v1.181.0
func UnmarshalStreamsResponseSlice(reader io.Reader, consumer bitutils.Consumer) ([]StreamsResponse, error)
UnmarshalStreamsResponseSlice unmarshals polymorphic slices of StreamsResponse
type StreamsSigningKeyResponse ¶
type StreamsSigningKeyResponse struct { // base64-encoded PEM file of the private key PrivateKey *string `json:"privateKey,omitempty"` // The unique identifier of the key KeyId *string `json:"keyId,omitempty"` Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"` }
StreamsSigningKeyResponse model
type StreamsStyleConfigPlayerStyle ¶
type StreamsStyleConfigPlayerStyle struct { // Playback marker background color PlaybackMarkerBgColor *string `json:"playbackMarkerBgColor,omitempty"` // Playback marker border color PlaybackMarkerBorderColor *string `json:"playbackMarkerBorderColor,omitempty"` // Playback track played color PlaybackTrackPlayedColor *string `json:"playbackTrackPlayedColor,omitempty"` // Playback track buffered color PlaybackTrackBufferedColor *string `json:"playbackTrackBufferedColor,omitempty"` // Playback track background color PlaybackTrackBgColor *string `json:"playbackTrackBgColor,omitempty"` // Text color TextColor *string `json:"textColor,omitempty"` // Background color BackgroundColor *string `json:"backgroundColor,omitempty"` }
Player style config
type StreamsStyleConfigResponse ¶
type StreamsStyleConfigResponse struct { // The identifier of the style config Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // UUID of the associated organization OrgId *string `json:"orgId,omitempty"` PlayerStyle *StreamsStyleConfigPlayerStyle `json:"playerStyle,omitempty"` // URL of the watermark image WatermarkUrl *string `json:"watermarkUrl,omitempty"` // Target link of the watermark image WatermarkTargetLink *string `json:"watermarkTargetLink,omitempty"` }
StreamsStyleConfigResponse model
type StreamsTrimmingStatus ¶
type StreamsTrimmingStatus string
StreamsTrimmingStatus : StreamsTrimmingStatus model
const ( StreamsTrimmingStatus_UNAVAILABLE StreamsTrimmingStatus = "UNAVAILABLE" StreamsTrimmingStatus_AVAILABLE StreamsTrimmingStatus = "AVAILABLE" StreamsTrimmingStatus_STARTED StreamsTrimmingStatus = "STARTED" StreamsTrimmingStatus_ERROR StreamsTrimmingStatus = "ERROR" StreamsTrimmingStatus_FINISHED StreamsTrimmingStatus = "FINISHED" )
List of possible StreamsTrimmingStatus values
type StreamsType ¶
type StreamsType string
StreamsType : StreamsType model
const ( StreamsType_VIDEO StreamsType = "VIDEO" StreamsType_LIVE StreamsType = "LIVE" )
List of possible StreamsType values
type StreamsVideoCreateRequest ¶
type StreamsVideoCreateRequest struct { // The streams input asset URL AssetUrl *string `json:"assetUrl,omitempty"` // Title of the stream Title *string `json:"title,omitempty"` // Description of the stream Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Id of the domain restriction config to use DomainRestrictionId *string `json:"domainRestrictionId,omitempty"` // Profile to be used in encoding EncodingProfile StreamsEncodingProfile `json:"encodingProfile,omitempty"` // If set to true the Stream is only accessible via a token Signed *bool `json:"signed,omitempty"` }
StreamsVideoCreateRequest model
type StreamsVideoEncodingStatus ¶
type StreamsVideoEncodingStatus string
StreamsVideoEncodingStatus : StreamsVideoEncodingStatus model
const ( StreamsVideoEncodingStatus_STARTED StreamsVideoEncodingStatus = "STARTED" StreamsVideoEncodingStatus_ERROR StreamsVideoEncodingStatus = "ERROR" StreamsVideoEncodingStatus_FINISHED StreamsVideoEncodingStatus = "FINISHED" )
List of possible StreamsVideoEncodingStatus values
type StreamsVideoEncodingTask ¶
type StreamsVideoEncodingTask struct { // Quality of the encoding Quality StreamsVideoQuality `json:"quality,omitempty"` // Current state of the encoding Status StreamsVideoEncodingStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` }
StreamsVideoEncodingTask model
type StreamsVideoQuality ¶
type StreamsVideoQuality string
StreamsVideoQuality : StreamsVideoQuality model
const ( StreamsVideoQuality_NONE StreamsVideoQuality = "NONE" StreamsVideoQuality_PREVIEW StreamsVideoQuality = "PREVIEW" StreamsVideoQuality_DEFAULT StreamsVideoQuality = "DEFAULT" )
List of possible StreamsVideoQuality values
type StreamsVideoResponse ¶
type StreamsVideoResponse struct { // The identifier of the stream Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The title of the stream Title *string `json:"title,omitempty"` // The description of the stream Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Type of the Stream contained in the StreamsResponse Type StreamsType `json:"type,omitempty"` // The asset URL of the stream AssetUrl *string `json:"assetUrl,omitempty"` // The status of the stream Status StreamsVideoStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` StyleConfig *StreamsStyleConfigResponse `json:"styleConfig,omitempty"` // List of encoding status information EncodingTasks []StreamsVideoEncodingTask `json:"encodingTasks,omitempty"` // Poster URL PosterUrl *string `json:"posterUrl,omitempty"` AdConfig *StreamsAdConfigResponse `json:"adConfig,omitempty"` DomainRestriction *StreamsDomainRestrictionResponse `json:"domainRestriction,omitempty"` // Stream trimming information Trimming StreamsTrimmingStatus `json:"trimming,omitempty"` // Single-file download URL of the unaltered video in the best available quality DownloadUrl *string `json:"downloadUrl,omitempty"` // True if the stream is signature protected Signed *bool `json:"signed,omitempty"` }
StreamsVideoResponse model
func (StreamsVideoResponse) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.181.0
func (m StreamsVideoResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (StreamsVideoResponse) StreamsType ¶ added in v1.181.0
func (m StreamsVideoResponse) StreamsType() StreamsType
type StreamsVideoStatus ¶
type StreamsVideoStatus string
StreamsVideoStatus : StreamsVideoStatus model
const ( StreamsVideoStatus_PUBLISHED StreamsVideoStatus = "PUBLISHED" StreamsVideoStatus_UNPUBLISHED StreamsVideoStatus = "UNPUBLISHED" )
List of possible StreamsVideoStatus values
type StreamsVideoUpdateRequest ¶
type StreamsVideoUpdateRequest struct { // The new status of the stream Status StreamsVideoStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` // The new title of the stream Title *string `json:"title,omitempty"` // The new description of the stream Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // URL to hosted poster image PosterUrl *string `json:"posterUrl,omitempty"` // Id of the domain restriction config to use DomainRestrictionId *string `json:"domainRestrictionId,omitempty"` }
StreamsVideoUpdateRequest model
type Subtask ¶
type Subtask struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Current status (required) Status Status `json:"status,omitempty"` // Progress in percent Progress *int32 `json:"progress,omitempty"` // Name of the subtask (required) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Task specific messages Messages []Message `json:"messages,omitempty"` // Timestamp when the subtask was created, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Timestamp when the subtask was last updated, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ UpdatedAt *DateTime `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"` // Timestamp when the subtask was started, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ StartedAt *DateTime `json:"startedAt,omitempty"` // Timestamp when the subtask status changed to 'QUEUED', returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ QueuedAt *DateTime `json:"queuedAt,omitempty"` // Timestamp when the subtask status changed to 'RUNNING', returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ RunningAt *DateTime `json:"runningAt,omitempty"` // Timestamp when the subtask status changed to a final state like 'FINISHED', 'ERROR', 'CANCELED', returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ Note that this timestamp might be inaccurate for subtasks which ran prior to the [1.50.0 REST API release]( FinishedAt *DateTime `json:"finishedAt,omitempty"` // Timestamp when the subtask status changed to 'ERROR', returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ Note that this timestamp is deprecated and is equivalent to finishedAt in case of an 'ERROR'. ErrorAt *DateTime `json:"errorAt,omitempty"` }
Subtask model
type SubtitleAdaptationSet ¶
type SubtitleAdaptationSet struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Custom adaptation set attributes CustomAttributes []CustomAttribute `json:"customAttributes,omitempty"` // Roles of the adaptation set Roles []AdaptationSetRole `json:"roles,omitempty"` // Provide signaling of CEA 607 and CEA 708 Accessibilities []Accessibility `json:"accessibilities,omitempty"` // List of labels Labels []Label `json:"labels,omitempty"` // ISO 639-1 (Alpha-2) code identifying the language of the subtitle adaptation set (required) Lang *string `json:"lang,omitempty"` }
SubtitleAdaptationSet model
func (SubtitleAdaptationSet) AdaptationSetType ¶
func (m SubtitleAdaptationSet) AdaptationSetType() AdaptationSetType
func (SubtitleAdaptationSet) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m SubtitleAdaptationSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type SubtitleStream ¶
type SubtitleStream struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Position of the stream in the media, starting from 0. Position *int32 `json:"position,omitempty"` // Duration of the stream in seconds Duration *float64 `json:"duration,omitempty"` // Codec of the stream Codec *string `json:"codec,omitempty"` // Language of the stream Language *string `json:"language,omitempty"` // Hearing impaired support HearingImpaired *bool `json:"hearingImpaired,omitempty"` }
SubtitleStream model
type SubtitlesMediaInfo ¶
type SubtitlesMediaInfo struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The value is a quoted-string which specifies the group to which the Rendition belongs. (required) GroupId *string `json:"groupId,omitempty"` // Primary language in the rendition. Language *string `json:"language,omitempty"` // Identifies a language that is associated with the Rendition. AssocLanguage *string `json:"assocLanguage,omitempty"` // Human readable description of the rendition. (required) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // If set to true, the client SHOULD play this Rendition of the content in the absence of information from the user. IsDefault *bool `json:"isDefault,omitempty"` // If set to true, the client MAY choose to play this Rendition in the absence of explicit user preference. Autoselect *bool `json:"autoselect,omitempty"` // Contains Uniform Type Identifiers Characteristics []string `json:"characteristics,omitempty"` // Path to segments. (required) SegmentPath *string `json:"segmentPath,omitempty"` // Id of the encoding. (required) EncodingId *string `json:"encodingId,omitempty"` // Id of the stream. (required) StreamId *string `json:"streamId,omitempty"` // Id of the muxing. (required) MuxingId *string `json:"muxingId,omitempty"` // Id of the DRM. DrmId *string `json:"drmId,omitempty"` // Number of the first segment. Default is 0. StartSegmentNumber *int64 `json:"startSegmentNumber,omitempty"` // Number of the last segment. Default is the last one that was encoded. EndSegmentNumber *int64 `json:"endSegmentNumber,omitempty"` // The URI of the Rendition (required) Uri *string `json:"uri,omitempty"` // A value of true indicates that the Rendition contains content which is considered essential to play. Forced *bool `json:"forced,omitempty"` }
SubtitlesMediaInfo model
type Tenant ¶
type Tenant struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Email address of the tenant. (required) EMail *string `json:"eMail,omitempty"` }
Tenant model
type TenantGroupDetail ¶
type TenantGroupDetail struct { // Id of Group Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of Group Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
TenantGroupDetail model
type TenantWithGroups ¶
type TenantWithGroups struct { // Id of Tenant (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Email of Tenant (required) Email *string `json:"email,omitempty"` // List of all groups of Tenant (required) Groups []TenantGroupDetail `json:"groups,omitempty"` }
TenantWithGroups model
type TextFilter ¶
type TextFilter struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Font TextFilterFont `json:"font,omitempty"` // If set to true a box is drawn around the text using the background color. Box *bool `json:"box,omitempty"` // The width of the box drawn around the text. BoxBorderWidth *int32 `json:"boxBorderWidth,omitempty"` // The background color to be used for drawing the box. BoxColor *string `json:"boxColor,omitempty"` // Line spacing of the border around the box in pixels LineSpacing *int32 `json:"lineSpacing,omitempty"` // Width of the border around the text BorderWidth *int32 `json:"borderWidth,omitempty"` // If set to true, it will fix text coordinates to avoid clipping if necessary FixBounds *bool `json:"fixBounds,omitempty"` // The color to be used to draw the text FontColor *string `json:"fontColor,omitempty"` // Font size to be used to draw the text FontSize *int32 `json:"fontSize,omitempty"` // An expression for the Font size. Either fontSize or fontSizeExpression can be set at the same time. The following variables are valid: main_h, h, H for input height and main_w, w, W for the input_width FontSizeExpression *string `json:"fontSizeExpression,omitempty"` // If set, alpha blending for the text is applied. Values are valid between 0.0 and 1.0. Alpha *float64 `json:"alpha,omitempty"` // Color of the shadow ShadowColor *string `json:"shadowColor,omitempty"` // X offset of the shadow ShadowX *int32 `json:"shadowX,omitempty"` // Y offset of the shadow ShadowY *int32 `json:"shadowY,omitempty"` // If set, the timecode representation in \"hh:mm:ss[:;.]ff\" format will be applied. Drop-frame timecodes (containing \";\" or \".\") must only be used with video frame rates of 29.97, 30, 59.94 or 60 FPS, according to the SMPTE standard Timecode *string `json:"timecode,omitempty"` // String to be drawn Text *string `json:"text,omitempty"` // X position of the text. Also an expression can be used. The following variables are valid: line_h - height of each text line; main_h - input height; main_w - input width; n - number of input frame; text_h - Text height; text_w - Text width (required) X *string `json:"x,omitempty"` // Y position of the text. Also an expression can be used. The following variables are valid: line_h - height of each text line; main_h - input height; main_w - input width; n - number of input frame; text_h - Text height; text_w - Text width (required) Y *string `json:"y,omitempty"` // Video frame rate Rate *string `json:"rate,omitempty"` }
Only one of those properties may be set: fontSize, fontSizeExpression.
func (TextFilter) FilterType ¶
func (m TextFilter) FilterType() FilterType
func (TextFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m TextFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type TextFilterFont ¶
type TextFilterFont string
TextFilterFont : TextFilterFont model
const ( TextFilterFont_DEJAVUSANS TextFilterFont = "DEJAVUSANS" TextFilterFont_DEJAVUSERIF TextFilterFont = "DEJAVUSERIF" TextFilterFont_DEJAVUSANSMONO TextFilterFont = "DEJAVUSANSMONO" TextFilterFont_ROBOTOMONO TextFilterFont = "ROBOTOMONO" TextFilterFont_ROBOTOBLACK TextFilterFont = "ROBOTOBLACK" TextFilterFont_ROBOTO TextFilterFont = "ROBOTO" TextFilterFont_ROBOTOCONDENSED TextFilterFont = "ROBOTOCONDENSED" )
List of possible TextFilterFont values
type TextMuxing ¶
type TextMuxing struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Streams []MuxingStream `json:"streams,omitempty"` Outputs []EncodingOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // Average bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. AvgBitrate *int64 `json:"avgBitrate,omitempty"` // Min bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. MinBitrate *int64 `json:"minBitrate,omitempty"` // Max bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. MaxBitrate *int64 `json:"maxBitrate,omitempty"` // This read-only property is set during the analysis step of the encoding. If it contains items, the Muxing has been ignored during the encoding process according to its 'streamConditionsMode' IgnoredBy []Ignoring `json:"ignoredBy,omitempty"` // Specifies how to proceed with the Muxing when some of its Streams are ignored (see 'condition' property of the Stream resource). The settings only make a difference for Muxings with more than one Stream. When retrieving the resource after the analysis step of the encoding has finished, 'ignoredBy' will indicate if and why it has been ignored. StreamConditionsMode StreamConditionsMode `json:"streamConditionsMode,omitempty"` // Name of the output file (required) Filename *string `json:"filename,omitempty"` // Offset of MPEG-TS timestamps in seconds. This only affects streams with [WebVttConfiguration](#/Encoding/PostEncodingConfigurationsSubtitlesWebVtt). If set, the X-TIMESTAMP-MAP will be added as described in the [HLS specification]( For example, if set to 10 seconds, *X-TIMESTAMP-MAP=MPEGTS:900000,LOCAL:00:00:00.000* will be added after each *WEBVTT* header. The default for TextMuxing is that the X-TIMESTAMP-MAP will not be written. Important to note is that the default for `startOffset` for [TsMuxings](#/Encoding/PostEncodingEncodingsMuxingsTsByEncodingId) and [ProgressiveTsMuxings](#/Encoding/PostEncodingEncodingsMuxingsProgressiveTsByEncodingId) is 10 seconds. If the output of this muxing is used for HLS together with video/audio streams using TsMuxings and ProgressiveTsMuxings, this value should be set to the same `startOffset`. StartOffset *int32 `json:"startOffset,omitempty"` }
TextMuxing model
func (TextMuxing) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m TextMuxing) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (TextMuxing) MuxingType ¶
func (m TextMuxing) MuxingType() MuxingType
type Thumbnail ¶
type Thumbnail struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Height of the thumbnail, either height or width are required fields. If only one is given the encoder will calculate the other way value based on the aspect ratio of the video file. If the encoder version is below 2.83.0 only height is supported and mandatory. Height *int32 `json:"height,omitempty"` // Width of the thumbnail, either height or width are required fields. If only one is given the encoder will calculate the other way value based on the aspect ratio of the video file. If the encoder version is below 2.83.0 only height is supported Width *int32 `json:"width,omitempty"` // Pattern which describes the thumbnail filenames. For example with thumbnail-%number%.png as pattern and 3 positions: thumbnail-3_0.png, thumbnail-5_0.png and thumbnail-25_5.png. (The number represents the position in the source video in seconds, in the previous example the first filename represents the thumbnail at 3s, the second one at 5s and the third one at 25.5s). (required) Pattern *string `json:"pattern,omitempty"` // The interval in which to create thumbnails. In seconds (E.g. a value of 4 means create a thumbnail every 4 seconds). Mutually exclusive with positions/unit. Has to be equal to or greater than 1. Interval *float64 `json:"interval,omitempty"` // Position in the unit where the thumbnail should be created from. Mutually exclusive with interval. Positions []float64 `json:"positions,omitempty"` Outputs []EncodingOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // Unit of the values in the positions array. Unit ThumbnailUnit `json:"unit,omitempty"` // Specifies the aspect mode that is used when both height and width are specified Only supported starting with encoder version `2.85.0`. AspectMode ThumbnailAspectMode `json:"aspectMode,omitempty"` }
Thumbnail model
type ThumbnailAspectMode ¶
type ThumbnailAspectMode string
ThumbnailAspectMode : ThumbnailAspectMode model
const ( ThumbnailAspectMode_PAD ThumbnailAspectMode = "PAD" ThumbnailAspectMode_CROP ThumbnailAspectMode = "CROP" ThumbnailAspectMode_STRETCH ThumbnailAspectMode = "STRETCH" )
List of possible ThumbnailAspectMode values
type ThumbnailUnit ¶
type ThumbnailUnit string
ThumbnailUnit : ThumbnailUnit model
const ( ThumbnailUnit_SECONDS ThumbnailUnit = "SECONDS" ThumbnailUnit_PERCENTS ThumbnailUnit = "PERCENTS" )
List of possible ThumbnailUnit values
type TimeBasedTrimmingInputStream ¶
type TimeBasedTrimmingInputStream struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // The id of the ingest input stream that should be trimmed InputStreamId *string `json:"inputStreamId,omitempty"` // Defines the offset in seconds at which the encoding should start, beginning at 0. The frame indicated by this value will be included in the encoding Offset *float64 `json:"offset,omitempty"` // Defines how many seconds of the input will be encoded. Not defining or setting it to null indicates that the remaining input (considering offset) will be encoded. Duration *float64 `json:"duration,omitempty"` }
TimeBasedTrimmingInputStream model
func (TimeBasedTrimmingInputStream) InputStreamType ¶
func (m TimeBasedTrimmingInputStream) InputStreamType() InputStreamType
func (TimeBasedTrimmingInputStream) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m TimeBasedTrimmingInputStream) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type TimeSpan ¶
type TimeSpan struct { // Start offset of the time frame in milliseconds (required) From *int64 `json:"from,omitempty"` // End offset of the time frame in milliseconds (required) To *int64 `json:"to,omitempty"` }
TimeSpan model
type TimecodeTrackTrimmingInputStream ¶
type TimecodeTrackTrimmingInputStream struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // The id of the ingest input stream that should be trimmed (required) InputStreamId *string `json:"inputStreamId,omitempty"` // Defines the timecode, in SMPTE-12M format, of the frame from which the encoding should start. The frame indicated by this value will be included in the encoding (required) StartTimeCode *string `json:"startTimeCode,omitempty"` // Defines the timecode, in SMPTE-12M format, of the frame at which the encoding should stop. The frame indicated by this value will be included in the encoding (required) EndTimeCode *string `json:"endTimeCode,omitempty"` }
TimecodeTrackTrimmingInputStream model
func (TimecodeTrackTrimmingInputStream) InputStreamType ¶
func (m TimecodeTrackTrimmingInputStream) InputStreamType() InputStreamType
func (TimecodeTrackTrimmingInputStream) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m TimecodeTrackTrimmingInputStream) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type TransferRetry ¶
type TransferRetry struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // The current status of the transfer-retry. Status Status `json:"status,omitempty"` // Timestamp when the transfer-retry was started, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ StartedAt *DateTime `json:"startedAt,omitempty"` // Timestamp when the transfer-retry status changed to 'FINISHED', returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ FinishedAt *DateTime `json:"finishedAt,omitempty"` // Timestamp when the transfer-retry status changed to 'ERROR', returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ErrorAt *DateTime `json:"errorAt,omitempty"` }
TransferRetry model
type TransferVersion ¶
type TransferVersion string
TransferVersion : TransferVersion model
const ( TransferVersion_DEFAULT TransferVersion = "DEFAULT" TransferVersion_POOL TransferVersion = "POOL" )
List of possible TransferVersion values
type TransformSkipMode ¶
type TransformSkipMode string
TransformSkipMode : Enable evaluation of transform skip (bypass DCT but still use quantization) coding for 4x4 TU coded blocks.
const ( TransformSkipMode_NONE TransformSkipMode = "NONE" TransformSkipMode_NORMAL TransformSkipMode = "NORMAL" TransformSkipMode_FAST TransformSkipMode = "FAST" )
List of possible TransformSkipMode values
type Trimming ¶
type Trimming struct { // Defines the offset in seconds from which the encoding should start, beginning at 0. Offset *float64 `json:"offset,omitempty"` // Defines how many seconds from the input will be encoded. If not set, the input will be encoded until its end. Duration *float64 `json:"duration,omitempty"` // When true, \"duration\" will be interpreted as a maximum and not cause an error if the input is too short IgnoreDurationIfInputTooShort *bool `json:"ignoreDurationIfInputTooShort,omitempty"` // Defines the H264 picture timing of the first frame from which the encoding should start. Any defined offset or duration in seconds will be ignored. StartPicTiming *string `json:"startPicTiming,omitempty"` // Defines the H264 picture timing of the last frame, that will be included in the encoding. Any defined offset or duration in seconds will be ignored. EndPicTiming *string `json:"endPicTiming,omitempty"` }
Trimming model
type TsAudioStreamConfiguration ¶
type TsAudioStreamConfiguration struct { // The UUID of the stream to which this configuration belongs to. This has to be a ID of a stream that has been added to the current muxing. (required) StreamId *string `json:"streamId,omitempty"` // An integer value. MPEG Transport Stream Packet Identifier (PID) for this audio stream. (required) Pid *int32 `json:"pid,omitempty"` }
TsAudioStreamConfiguration model
type TsMuxing ¶
type TsMuxing struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Streams []MuxingStream `json:"streams,omitempty"` Outputs []EncodingOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // Average bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. AvgBitrate *int64 `json:"avgBitrate,omitempty"` // Min bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. MinBitrate *int64 `json:"minBitrate,omitempty"` // Max bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. MaxBitrate *int64 `json:"maxBitrate,omitempty"` // This read-only property is set during the analysis step of the encoding. If it contains items, the Muxing has been ignored during the encoding process according to its 'streamConditionsMode' IgnoredBy []Ignoring `json:"ignoredBy,omitempty"` // Specifies how to proceed with the Muxing when some of its Streams are ignored (see 'condition' property of the Stream resource). The settings only make a difference for Muxings with more than one Stream. When retrieving the resource after the analysis step of the encoding has finished, 'ignoredBy' will indicate if and why it has been ignored. StreamConditionsMode StreamConditionsMode `json:"streamConditionsMode,omitempty"` // Length of the fragments in seconds SegmentLength *float64 `json:"segmentLength,omitempty"` // Segment naming policy SegmentNaming *string `json:"segmentNaming,omitempty"` // Segment naming policy containing one or both of the following placeholders: - '{rand_chars:x}', which will be replaced by a random alphanumeric string of length x (default 32) on each (re)start of the encoding. The resulting string will be copied to the segmentNaming property. Intended to avoid re-use of segment names after restarting a live encoding. - '{segment_rand_chars:x}', which will be replaced by a random alphanumeric string of length x (default 32) for each different segment. This is intended to avoid guessing segment URLs by replacing segment numbers. If segmentNamingTemplate is set, segmentNaming must not be set. SegmentNamingTemplate *string `json:"segmentNamingTemplate,omitempty"` // Offset of MPEG-TS timestamps in seconds. E.g., first packet will start with PTS 900,000 for a 10 seconds offset (90,000 MPEG-TS timescale). StartOffset *int32 `json:"startOffset,omitempty"` // Number of segments which have been encoded SegmentsMuxed *int32 `json:"segmentsMuxed,omitempty"` // Advanced Configuration of the MPEG Transport Stream Parameters Configuration *TsMuxingConfiguration `json:"configuration,omitempty"` }
TsMuxing model
func (TsMuxing) MarshalJSON ¶
func (TsMuxing) MuxingType ¶
func (m TsMuxing) MuxingType() MuxingType
type TsMuxingConfiguration ¶
type TsMuxingConfiguration struct { // An integer value. Value for program_number field in the MPEG Transport Stream Program Map Table (PMT). The value zero is reserved for the NIT PID entry in the PAT. ProgramNumber *int32 `json:"programNumber,omitempty"` Pmt *TsProgramMapTableConfiguration `json:"pmt,omitempty"` Pcr *TsProgramClockReferenceConfiguration `json:"pcr,omitempty"` VideoStreams []TsVideoStreamConfiguration `json:"videoStreams,omitempty"` AudioStreams []TsAudioStreamConfiguration `json:"audioStreams,omitempty"` }
TsMuxingConfiguration model
type TsProgramClockReferenceConfiguration ¶
type TsProgramClockReferenceConfiguration struct { // An integer value. Packet Identifier (PID) for the MPEG Transport Stream PCR. This should generally point to the video stream PID. If it is not explicitly set it will point to the video stream PID if exists, otherwise to the audio stream PID. Pid *int32 `json:"pid,omitempty"` // An integer value. Nominal time between MPEG Transport Stream PCRs in milliseconds. Interval *int32 `json:"interval,omitempty"` }
TsProgramClockReferenceConfiguration model
type TsProgramMapTableConfiguration ¶
type TsProgramMapTableConfiguration struct { // An integer value. Packet Identifier (PID) for the MPEG Transport Stream PMT. Pid *int32 `json:"pid,omitempty"` }
TsProgramMapTableConfiguration model
type TsStreamConfiguration ¶
type TsStreamConfiguration struct { // The UUID of the stream to which this configuration belongs to. This has to be a ID of a stream that has been added to the current muxing. (required) StreamId *string `json:"streamId,omitempty"` // An integer value. MPEG Transport Stream Packet Identifier (PID) for this stream. (required) Pid *int32 `json:"pid,omitempty"` }
TsStreamConfiguration model
type TsVideoStreamConfiguration ¶
type TsVideoStreamConfiguration struct { // The UUID of the stream to which this configuration belongs to. This has to be a ID of a stream that has been added to the current muxing. (required) StreamId *string `json:"streamId,omitempty"` // An integer value. MPEG Transport Stream Packet Identifier (PID) for this video stream. (required) Pid *int32 `json:"pid,omitempty"` }
TsVideoStreamConfiguration model
type TuInterDepth ¶
type TuInterDepth string
TuInterDepth : Extra recursion depth for intra coded units
const ( TuInterDepth_D1 TuInterDepth = "1" TuInterDepth_D2 TuInterDepth = "2" TuInterDepth_D3 TuInterDepth = "3" TuInterDepth_D4 TuInterDepth = "4" )
List of possible TuInterDepth values
type TuIntraDepth ¶
type TuIntraDepth string
TuIntraDepth : Extra recursion depth for inter coded units
const ( TuIntraDepth_D1 TuIntraDepth = "1" TuIntraDepth_D2 TuIntraDepth = "2" TuIntraDepth_D3 TuIntraDepth = "3" TuIntraDepth_D4 TuIntraDepth = "4" )
List of possible TuIntraDepth values
type Tweaks ¶
type Tweaks struct { // Different modes for syncing the start and end of audio input streams with the video inputs. This feature does not work with Dolby Digital (Plus) or Dolby Atmos. AudioVideoSyncMode AudioVideoSyncMode `json:"audioVideoSyncMode,omitempty"` }
Tweaks model
type UnsharpFilter ¶
type UnsharpFilter struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Must be an odd integer between 3 and 23 LumaMatrixHorizontalSize *int32 `json:"lumaMatrixHorizontalSize,omitempty"` // Must be an odd integer between 3 and 23 LumaMatrixVerticalSize *int32 `json:"lumaMatrixVerticalSize,omitempty"` // Negative value: blur, positive value: sharpen, floating point number, valid value range: -1.5 - 1.5 LumaEffectStrength *float64 `json:"lumaEffectStrength,omitempty"` // Must be an odd integer between 3 and 23 ChromaMatrixHorizontalSize *int32 `json:"chromaMatrixHorizontalSize,omitempty"` // Must be an odd integer between 3 and 23 ChromaMatrixVerticalSize *int32 `json:"chromaMatrixVerticalSize,omitempty"` // Negative value: blur, positive value: sharpen, floating point number, valid value range: -1.5 - 1.5 ChromaEffectStrength *float64 `json:"chromaEffectStrength,omitempty"` }
UnsharpFilter model
func (UnsharpFilter) FilterType ¶
func (m UnsharpFilter) FilterType() FilterType
func (UnsharpFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m UnsharpFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type UpdateOrganizationRequest ¶
type UpdateOrganizationRequest struct { Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Hexadecimal color LabelColor *string `json:"labelColor,omitempty"` }
UpdateOrganizationRequest model
type UtcTiming ¶
type UtcTiming struct { // The server to get the time from (required) Value *string `json:"value,omitempty"` // The scheme id to use. Please refer to the DASH standard. (required) SchemeIdUri *string `json:"schemeIdUri,omitempty"` }
UtcTiming model
type VariantStreamDroppingMode ¶
type VariantStreamDroppingMode string
VariantStreamDroppingMode : Variant stream dropping mode.
const ( VariantStreamDroppingMode_STREAM VariantStreamDroppingMode = "STREAM" VariantStreamDroppingMode_AUDIO VariantStreamDroppingMode = "AUDIO" )
List of possible VariantStreamDroppingMode values
type VerticalLowPassFilteringMode ¶
type VerticalLowPassFilteringMode string
VerticalLowPassFilteringMode : Mode for vertical low pass filtering
const ( VerticalLowPassFilteringMode_DISABLED VerticalLowPassFilteringMode = "DISABLED" VerticalLowPassFilteringMode_LOW_PASS VerticalLowPassFilteringMode = "LOW_PASS" VerticalLowPassFilteringMode_COMPLEX VerticalLowPassFilteringMode = "COMPLEX" )
List of possible VerticalLowPassFilteringMode values
type VideoAdaptationSet ¶
type VideoAdaptationSet struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Custom adaptation set attributes CustomAttributes []CustomAttribute `json:"customAttributes,omitempty"` // Roles of the adaptation set Roles []AdaptationSetRole `json:"roles,omitempty"` // Provide signaling of CEA 607 and CEA 708 Accessibilities []Accessibility `json:"accessibilities,omitempty"` // List of labels Labels []Label `json:"labels,omitempty"` }
VideoAdaptationSet model
func (VideoAdaptationSet) AdaptationSetType ¶
func (m VideoAdaptationSet) AdaptationSetType() AdaptationSetType
func (VideoAdaptationSet) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m VideoAdaptationSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type VideoFormat ¶
type VideoFormat string
VideoFormat : VideoFormat model
const ( VideoFormat_UNDEFINED VideoFormat = "UNDEFINED" VideoFormat_COMPONENT VideoFormat = "COMPONENT" VideoFormat_PAL VideoFormat = "PAL" VideoFormat_NTSC VideoFormat = "NTSC" VideoFormat_SECAM VideoFormat = "SECAM" VideoFormat_MAC VideoFormat = "MAC" )
List of possible VideoFormat values
type VideoMediaInfo ¶
type VideoMediaInfo struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The value is a quoted-string which specifies the group to which the Rendition belongs. (required) GroupId *string `json:"groupId,omitempty"` // Primary language in the rendition. Language *string `json:"language,omitempty"` // Identifies a language that is associated with the Rendition. AssocLanguage *string `json:"assocLanguage,omitempty"` // Human readable description of the rendition. (required) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // If set to true, the client SHOULD play this Rendition of the content in the absence of information from the user. IsDefault *bool `json:"isDefault,omitempty"` // If set to true, the client MAY choose to play this Rendition in the absence of explicit user preference. Autoselect *bool `json:"autoselect,omitempty"` // Contains Uniform Type Identifiers Characteristics []string `json:"characteristics,omitempty"` // Path to segments. (required) SegmentPath *string `json:"segmentPath,omitempty"` // Id of the encoding. (required) EncodingId *string `json:"encodingId,omitempty"` // Id of the stream. (required) StreamId *string `json:"streamId,omitempty"` // Id of the muxing. (required) MuxingId *string `json:"muxingId,omitempty"` // Id of the DRM. DrmId *string `json:"drmId,omitempty"` // Number of the first segment. Default is 0. StartSegmentNumber *int64 `json:"startSegmentNumber,omitempty"` // Number of the last segment. Default is the last one that was encoded. EndSegmentNumber *int64 `json:"endSegmentNumber,omitempty"` // The URI of the Rendition (required) Uri *string `json:"uri,omitempty"` }
VideoMediaInfo model
type VideoStream ¶
type VideoStream struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Position of the stream in the media, starting from 0. Position *int32 `json:"position,omitempty"` // Duration of the stream in seconds Duration *float64 `json:"duration,omitempty"` // Codec of the stream Codec *string `json:"codec,omitempty"` // Frame rate of the video Fps *string `json:"fps,omitempty"` // Bitrate in bps Bitrate *string `json:"bitrate,omitempty"` // Bitrate in bps (the same as bitrate, but represented as an integer value) Rate *int64 `json:"rate,omitempty"` // Width of the video (required) Width *int32 `json:"width,omitempty"` // Height of the video (required) Height *int32 `json:"height,omitempty"` // Pixel aspect ratio of the video. Default is 1.0 Par *float64 `json:"par,omitempty"` // Rotation of the video for mobile devices. Default is 0. Rotation *int32 `json:"rotation,omitempty"` }
VideoStream model
type VorbisAudioConfiguration ¶
type VorbisAudioConfiguration struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. (required) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Target bitrate for the encoded audio in bps (required) Bitrate *int64 `json:"bitrate,omitempty"` // Audio sampling rate in Hz Rate *float64 `json:"rate,omitempty"` // Channel layout of the audio codec configuration ChannelLayout VorbisChannelLayout `json:"channelLayout,omitempty"` }
VorbisAudioConfiguration model
func (VorbisAudioConfiguration) CodecConfigType ¶
func (m VorbisAudioConfiguration) CodecConfigType() CodecConfigType
func (VorbisAudioConfiguration) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m VorbisAudioConfiguration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type VorbisChannelLayout ¶
type VorbisChannelLayout string
VorbisChannelLayout : VorbisChannelLayout model
const ( VorbisChannelLayout_NONE VorbisChannelLayout = "NONE" VorbisChannelLayout_MONO VorbisChannelLayout = "MONO" VorbisChannelLayout_CL_STEREO VorbisChannelLayout = "STEREO" VorbisChannelLayout_CL_SURROUND VorbisChannelLayout = "SURROUND" VorbisChannelLayout_CL_QUAD VorbisChannelLayout = "QUAD" VorbisChannelLayout_CL_2_1 VorbisChannelLayout = "2.1" VorbisChannelLayout_CL_2_2 VorbisChannelLayout = "2.2" VorbisChannelLayout_CL_3_1 VorbisChannelLayout = "3.1" VorbisChannelLayout_CL_4_0 VorbisChannelLayout = "4.0" VorbisChannelLayout_CL_5_1 VorbisChannelLayout = "5.1" VorbisChannelLayout_CL_5_1_BACK VorbisChannelLayout = "5.1_BACK" )
List of possible VorbisChannelLayout values
type Vp8ArnrType ¶
type Vp8ArnrType string
Vp8ArnrType : altref noise reduction filter type
const ( Vp8ArnrType_BACKWARD Vp8ArnrType = "BACKWARD" Vp8ArnrType_FORWARD Vp8ArnrType = "FORWARD" Vp8ArnrType_CENTERED Vp8ArnrType = "CENTERED" )
List of possible Vp8ArnrType values
type Vp8NoiseSensitivity ¶
type Vp8NoiseSensitivity string
Vp8NoiseSensitivity : Noise sensitivity (frames to blur).
const ( Vp8NoiseSensitivity_OFF Vp8NoiseSensitivity = "OFF" Vp8NoiseSensitivity_ON_Y_ONLY Vp8NoiseSensitivity = "ON_Y_ONLY" Vp8NoiseSensitivity_ON_YUV Vp8NoiseSensitivity = "ON_YUV" Vp8NoiseSensitivity_ON_YUV_AGGRESSIVE Vp8NoiseSensitivity = "ON_YUV_AGGRESSIVE" Vp8NoiseSensitivity_ADAPTIVE Vp8NoiseSensitivity = "ADAPTIVE" )
List of possible Vp8NoiseSensitivity values
type Vp8Quality ¶
type Vp8Quality string
Vp8Quality : Determines quality for the price of speed.
const ( Vp8Quality_REALTIME Vp8Quality = "REALTIME" Vp8Quality_GOOD Vp8Quality = "GOOD" Vp8Quality_BEST Vp8Quality = "BEST" )
List of possible Vp8Quality values
type Vp8VideoConfiguration ¶
type Vp8VideoConfiguration struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. (required) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Width of the encoded video in pixels Width *int32 `json:"width,omitempty"` // Height of the encoded video in pixels Height *int32 `json:"height,omitempty"` // Target bitrate for the encoded video in bps. Either bitrate or crf is required. Bitrate *int64 `json:"bitrate,omitempty"` // Target frame rate of the encoded video. Must be set for live encodings Rate *float64 `json:"rate,omitempty"` // Describes the color encoding, bit depth, and chroma subsampling of each pixel in the output image. PixelFormat PixelFormat `json:"pixelFormat,omitempty"` ColorConfig *ColorConfig `json:"colorConfig,omitempty"` // The numerator of the sample aspect ratio (also known as pixel aspect ratio). Must be set if sampleAspectRatioDenominator is set. If set then displayAspectRatio is not allowed. SampleAspectRatioNumerator *int32 `json:"sampleAspectRatioNumerator,omitempty"` // The denominator of the sample aspect ratio (also known as pixel aspect ratio). Must be set if sampleAspectRatioNumerator is set. If set then displayAspectRatio is not allowed. SampleAspectRatioDenominator *int32 `json:"sampleAspectRatioDenominator,omitempty"` // Specifies a display aspect ratio (DAR) to be enforced. The sample aspect ratio (SAR) will be adjusted accordingly. If set then sampleAspectRatioNumerator and sampleAspectRatioDenominator are not allowed. DisplayAspectRatio *DisplayAspectRatio `json:"displayAspectRatio,omitempty"` // The mode of the encoding. When this is set, `encodingMode` (`liveEncodingMode`) must not be set in the (live) encoding start request. EncodingMode EncodingMode `json:"encodingMode,omitempty"` // Constant rate factor for quality-based variable bitrate. Either bitrate or crf is required. Crf *int32 `json:"crf,omitempty"` // Number of frames to look ahead for alternate reference frame selection. LagInFrames *int32 `json:"lagInFrames,omitempty"` // Maximum I-frame bitrate (percentage) 0=unlimited MaxIntraRate *int64 `json:"maxIntraRate,omitempty"` // Minimum quantization factor. QpMin *int32 `json:"qpMin,omitempty"` // Maximum quantization factor. QpMax *int32 `json:"qpMax,omitempty"` // Datarate undershoot (min) target (percentage). RateUndershootPct *int32 `json:"rateUndershootPct,omitempty"` // Datarate overshoot (max) target (percentage). RateOvershootPct *int32 `json:"rateOvershootPct,omitempty"` CpuUsed *int32 `json:"cpuUsed,omitempty"` NoiseSensitivity Vp8NoiseSensitivity `json:"noiseSensitivity,omitempty"` // Loop filter sharpness. Sharpness *int32 `json:"sharpness,omitempty"` // Minimum GOP length, the minimum distance between I-frames. MinGop *int32 `json:"minGop,omitempty"` // Maximum GOP length, the maximum distance between I-frames MaxGop *int32 `json:"maxGop,omitempty"` // Minimum interval in seconds between key frames MinKeyframeInterval *float64 `json:"minKeyframeInterval,omitempty"` // Maximum interval in seconds between key frames MaxKeyframeInterval *float64 `json:"maxKeyframeInterval,omitempty"` Quality Vp8Quality `json:"quality,omitempty"` // A change threshold on blocks below which they will be skipped by the encoder. StaticThresh *int32 `json:"staticThresh,omitempty"` // altref noise reduction max frame count. ArnrMaxFrames *int32 `json:"arnrMaxFrames,omitempty"` // altref noise reduction filter strength. ArnrStrength *int32 `json:"arnrStrength,omitempty"` ArnrType Vp8ArnrType `json:"arnrType,omitempty"` }
Vp8VideoConfiguration model
func (Vp8VideoConfiguration) CodecConfigType ¶
func (m Vp8VideoConfiguration) CodecConfigType() CodecConfigType
func (Vp8VideoConfiguration) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m Vp8VideoConfiguration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type Vp9ArnrType ¶
type Vp9ArnrType string
Vp9ArnrType : altref noise reduction filter type
const ( Vp9ArnrType_BACKWARD Vp9ArnrType = "BACKWARD" Vp9ArnrType_FORWARD Vp9ArnrType = "FORWARD" Vp9ArnrType_CENTERED Vp9ArnrType = "CENTERED" )
List of possible Vp9ArnrType values
type Vp9DynamicRangeFormat ¶
type Vp9DynamicRangeFormat string
Vp9DynamicRangeFormat : Configures what kind of dynamic range the output should conform to. Can be used to convert from SDR to HLG, from HLG to SDR.
const ( Vp9DynamicRangeFormat_HLG Vp9DynamicRangeFormat = "HLG" Vp9DynamicRangeFormat_SDR Vp9DynamicRangeFormat = "SDR" )
List of possible Vp9DynamicRangeFormat values
type Vp9PerTitleConfiguration ¶
type Vp9PerTitleConfiguration struct { // The minimum bitrate that will be used by the Per-Title algorithm. MinBitrate *int32 `json:"minBitrate,omitempty"` // The maximum bitrate that will be used by the Per-Title algorithm. It will not generate any rendition with a higher bitrate. MaxBitrate *int32 `json:"maxBitrate,omitempty"` // The minimum ratio between the bitrates of generated renditions, e.g. if the first bitrate is 240,000, a minimum ratio of 1.5 will require the next higher bitrate to be at least 360,000 MinBitrateStepSize *float64 `json:"minBitrateStepSize,omitempty"` // The maximum ratio between the bitrates of neighbouring renditions, e.g., if the first bitrate is 240,000, a maximum ratio of 1.5 will require the next higher bitrate to be at most 360,000 MaxBitrateStepSize *float64 `json:"maxBitrateStepSize,omitempty"` AutoRepresentations *AutoRepresentation `json:"autoRepresentations,omitempty"` // Will modify the assumed complexity for the Per-Title algorithm (> 0.0). Values higher than 1 will increase complexity and thus select smaller resolutions for given bitrates. This will also result in a higher bitrate for the top rendition. Values lower than 1 will decrease assumed complexity and thus select higher resolutions for given bitrates and also decrease the bitrate of the top rendition ComplexityFactor *float64 `json:"complexityFactor,omitempty"` // Additional configuration for fixed resolution and bitrate templates FixedResolutionAndBitrateConfiguration *PerTitleFixedResolutionAndBitrateConfiguration `json:"fixedResolutionAndBitrateConfiguration,omitempty"` // Desired target quality of the highest representation expressed as CRF value TargetQualityCrf *float64 `json:"targetQualityCrf,omitempty"` // This factor influences the resolution selection of the per-title algorithm. The default value is 0.0. negative values will lead to results where the algorithm will choose lower resolutions for given bitrates. A positive value will result in higher resolutions to be selected. The range of the factor is -5.0 to +5.0. Please note that changing this factor might also lead to slightly different bitrate selection by the algorithm. ResolutionScaleFactor *float64 `json:"resolutionScaleFactor,omitempty"` }
Vp9PerTitleConfiguration model
type Vp9Quality ¶
type Vp9Quality string
Vp9Quality : Determines quality for the price of speed.
const ( Vp9Quality_REALTIME Vp9Quality = "REALTIME" Vp9Quality_GOOD Vp9Quality = "GOOD" Vp9Quality_BEST Vp9Quality = "BEST" )
List of possible Vp9Quality values
type Vp9VideoConfiguration ¶
type Vp9VideoConfiguration struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. (required) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Width of the encoded video in pixels Width *int32 `json:"width,omitempty"` // Height of the encoded video in pixels Height *int32 `json:"height,omitempty"` // Target bitrate for the encoded video in bps. Either bitrate or crf is required. Bitrate *int64 `json:"bitrate,omitempty"` // Target frame rate of the encoded video. Must be set for live encodings Rate *float64 `json:"rate,omitempty"` // Describes the color encoding, bit depth, and chroma subsampling of each pixel in the output image. PixelFormat PixelFormat `json:"pixelFormat,omitempty"` ColorConfig *ColorConfig `json:"colorConfig,omitempty"` // The numerator of the sample aspect ratio (also known as pixel aspect ratio). Must be set if sampleAspectRatioDenominator is set. If set then displayAspectRatio is not allowed. SampleAspectRatioNumerator *int32 `json:"sampleAspectRatioNumerator,omitempty"` // The denominator of the sample aspect ratio (also known as pixel aspect ratio). Must be set if sampleAspectRatioNumerator is set. If set then displayAspectRatio is not allowed. SampleAspectRatioDenominator *int32 `json:"sampleAspectRatioDenominator,omitempty"` // Specifies a display aspect ratio (DAR) to be enforced. The sample aspect ratio (SAR) will be adjusted accordingly. If set then sampleAspectRatioNumerator and sampleAspectRatioDenominator are not allowed. DisplayAspectRatio *DisplayAspectRatio `json:"displayAspectRatio,omitempty"` // The mode of the encoding. When this is set, `encodingMode` (`liveEncodingMode`) must not be set in the (live) encoding start request. EncodingMode EncodingMode `json:"encodingMode,omitempty"` // Choose from a set of preset configurations tailored for common use cases. Check out [VP9 Presets]( to see which values get applied by each preset. Explicitly setting a property to a different value will override the preset's value for that property. PresetConfiguration PresetConfiguration `json:"presetConfiguration,omitempty"` // Automatically configures the VP9 Video Codec to be compatible with the given SDR/HLG format. Bitmovin recommends to use the dynamic range format together with a preset configuration to achieve good results. Explicitly configured properties will take precedence over dynamic range format settings, which in turn will take precedence over preset configurations. DynamicRangeFormat Vp9DynamicRangeFormat `json:"dynamicRangeFormat,omitempty"` // Constant rate factor for quality-based variable bitrate. Either bitrate or crf is required. Crf *int32 `json:"crf,omitempty"` // Number of frames to look ahead for alternate reference frame selection. LagInFrames *int32 `json:"lagInFrames,omitempty"` // Enables error resiliency feature ErrorResiliencyEnabled *bool `json:"errorResiliencyEnabled,omitempty"` // Number of tile columns to use, log2. Depending on the encoding width there are limitations on this value. The minimum values are 2 for width >= 1920 and 1 for width >= 1280. The minimum width of each tile is 256 pixels so the maximum values are 0 for width < 256, 1 for width < 512, 2 for width < 1024, 3 for width < 2048, 4 for width < 4096, 5 for width < 8192. If the value is too high or too low it will be overridden. TileColumns *int32 `json:"tileColumns,omitempty"` // Number of tile rows to use, log2. TileRows *int32 `json:"tileRows,omitempty"` // Enable frame parallel decodability features FrameParallel *bool `json:"frameParallel,omitempty"` // Maximum I-frame bitrate (percentage) 0=unlimited MaxIntraRate *int64 `json:"maxIntraRate,omitempty"` // Minimum quantization factor. QpMin *int32 `json:"qpMin,omitempty"` // Maximum quantization factor. QpMax *int32 `json:"qpMax,omitempty"` // Datarate undershoot (min) target (percentage). RateUndershootPct *int32 `json:"rateUndershootPct,omitempty"` // Datarate overshoot (max) target (percentage). RateOvershootPct *int32 `json:"rateOvershootPct,omitempty"` // Client buffer size (ms) ClientBufferSize *int64 `json:"clientBufferSize,omitempty"` // Client initial buffer size (ms) ClientInitialBufferSize *int64 `json:"clientInitialBufferSize,omitempty"` // CBR/VBR bias (0=CBR, 100=VBR) BiasPct *int32 `json:"biasPct,omitempty"` // Enable noise sensitivity on Y channel NoiseSensitivity *bool `json:"noiseSensitivity,omitempty"` // Controls the tradeoff between compression efficiency and encoding speed. Higher values indicate a faster encoding. The minimum value for width * height >= 1280 * 720 is 2. If the value is too low it will be overridden. CpuUsed *int32 `json:"cpuUsed,omitempty"` // Enable automatic alternate reference frames (2pass only) AutomaticAltRefFramesEnabled *bool `json:"automaticAltRefFramesEnabled,omitempty"` // Target level (255: off, 0: only keep level stats; 10: level 1.0; 11: level 1.1; ... 62: level 6.2) TargetLevel *int32 `json:"targetLevel,omitempty"` // Enable row based non-deterministic multi-threading RowMultiThreadingEnabled *bool `json:"rowMultiThreadingEnabled,omitempty"` // Loop filter sharpness. Sharpness *int32 `json:"sharpness,omitempty"` // Minimum GOP length, the minimum distance between I-frames. MinGop *int32 `json:"minGop,omitempty"` // Maximum GOP length, the maximum distance between I-frames MaxGop *int32 `json:"maxGop,omitempty"` // Minimum interval in seconds between key frames MinKeyframeInterval *float64 `json:"minKeyframeInterval,omitempty"` // Maximum interval in seconds between key frames MaxKeyframeInterval *float64 `json:"maxKeyframeInterval,omitempty"` Quality Vp9Quality `json:"quality,omitempty"` // Lossless mode Lossless *bool `json:"lossless,omitempty"` // A change threshold on blocks below which they will be skipped by the encoder. StaticThresh *int32 `json:"staticThresh,omitempty"` AqMode Vp9AqMode `json:"aqMode,omitempty"` // altref noise reduction max frame count. ArnrMaxFrames *int32 `json:"arnrMaxFrames,omitempty"` // altref noise reduction filter strength. ArnrStrength *int32 `json:"arnrStrength,omitempty"` ArnrType Vp9ArnrType `json:"arnrType,omitempty"` // Enable/disable automatic calculation of level, maxBitrate, and bufsize based on the least level that satisfies maximum property values for picture resolution, frame rate, and bit rate. In the case the target level is set explicitly, the maximum bitrate and buffer size are calculated based on the defined level. Explicitly setting rateOvershootPct, or clientBufferSize properties will disable the automatic calculation. AutoLevelSetup AutoLevelSetup `json:"autoLevelSetup,omitempty"` }
Vp9VideoConfiguration model
func (Vp9VideoConfiguration) CodecConfigType ¶
func (m Vp9VideoConfiguration) CodecConfigType() CodecConfigType
func (Vp9VideoConfiguration) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m Vp9VideoConfiguration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type VttMediaInfo ¶
type VttMediaInfo struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The value is a quoted-string which specifies the group to which the Rendition belongs. (required) GroupId *string `json:"groupId,omitempty"` // Primary language in the rendition. Language *string `json:"language,omitempty"` // Identifies a language that is associated with the Rendition. AssocLanguage *string `json:"assocLanguage,omitempty"` // Human readable description of the rendition. (required) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // If set to true, the client SHOULD play this Rendition of the content in the absence of information from the user. IsDefault *bool `json:"isDefault,omitempty"` // If set to true, the client MAY choose to play this Rendition in the absence of explicit user preference. Autoselect *bool `json:"autoselect,omitempty"` // Contains Uniform Type Identifiers Characteristics []string `json:"characteristics,omitempty"` // The URL of the referenced VTT file (required) VttUrl *string `json:"vttUrl,omitempty"` // The URI of the Rendition (required) Uri *string `json:"uri,omitempty"` // A value of true indicates that the Rendition contains content which is considered essential to play. Forced *bool `json:"forced,omitempty"` }
VttMediaInfo model
type WatchFolder ¶
type WatchFolder struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Input *WatchFolderInput `json:"input,omitempty"` Outputs []WatchFolderOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // The current status of the Watch Folder. The default value is `STOPPED` (required) Status WatchFolderStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` // A description text of the current status (required) StatusText *string `json:"statusText,omitempty"` }
WatchFolder model
type WatchFolderInput ¶
type WatchFolderInput struct { // Input id (required) InputId *string `json:"inputId,omitempty"` // Path of the directory to monitor (required) InputPath *string `json:"inputPath,omitempty"` }
WatchFolderInput model
type WatchFolderOutput ¶
type WatchFolderOutput struct { // Id of the corresponding output (required) OutputId *string `json:"outputId,omitempty"` // Subdirectory where to save the files to (required) OutputPath *string `json:"outputPath,omitempty"` }
WatchFolderOutput model
type WatchFolderStatus ¶
type WatchFolderStatus string
WatchFolderStatus : WatchFolderStatus model
const ( WatchFolderStatus_STOPPED WatchFolderStatus = "STOPPED" WatchFolderStatus_STARTED WatchFolderStatus = "STARTED" WatchFolderStatus_ERROR WatchFolderStatus = "ERROR" )
List of possible WatchFolderStatus values
type WatermarkFilter ¶
type WatermarkFilter struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // URL of the file to be used as watermark image. Supported image formats: PNG, JPEG, BMP, GIF (required) Image *string `json:"image,omitempty"` // Distance from the left edge of the input video to the left edge of the watermark image. May not be set if 'right' is set. Left *int32 `json:"left,omitempty"` // Distance from the right edge of the input video to the right edge of the watermark image . May not be set if 'left' is set. Right *int32 `json:"right,omitempty"` // Distance from the top edge of the input video to the top edge of the watermark image. May not be set if 'bottom' is set. Top *int32 `json:"top,omitempty"` // Distance from the bottom edge of the input video to the bottom edge of the watermark image. May not be set if 'top' is set. Bottom *int32 `json:"bottom,omitempty"` // Specifies if the values of 'left', 'right', 'top' and 'bottom' are interpreted as pixels or as a percentage of the input video's dimensions. Unit PositionUnit `json:"unit,omitempty"` }
WatermarkFilter model
func (WatermarkFilter) FilterType ¶
func (m WatermarkFilter) FilterType() FilterType
func (WatermarkFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m WatermarkFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type WebVttConfiguration ¶
type WebVttConfiguration struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. (required) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // If set to true, the hours section on webvtt timestamp values will explicitely have zeroes instead of being omitted for values where hours = 0. AppendOptionalZeroHour *bool `json:"appendOptionalZeroHour,omitempty"` // If set to true, the region information of the resulting webvtt file will be omitted. Defaults to false. IgnoreRegion *bool `json:"ignoreRegion,omitempty"` CueIdentifierPolicy WebVttCueIdentifierPolicy `json:"cueIdentifierPolicy,omitempty"` Styling *WebVttStyling `json:"styling,omitempty"` }
WebVttConfiguration model
func (WebVttConfiguration) CodecConfigType ¶
func (m WebVttConfiguration) CodecConfigType() CodecConfigType
func (WebVttConfiguration) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m WebVttConfiguration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type WebVttCueIdentifierPolicy ¶
type WebVttCueIdentifierPolicy string
WebVttCueIdentifierPolicy : WebVttCueIdentifierPolicy model
const ( WebVttCueIdentifierPolicy_INCLUDE_IDENTIFIERS WebVttCueIdentifierPolicy = "INCLUDE_IDENTIFIERS" WebVttCueIdentifierPolicy_OMIT_IDENTIFIERS WebVttCueIdentifierPolicy = "OMIT_IDENTIFIERS" )
List of possible WebVttCueIdentifierPolicy values
type WebVttSidecarFile ¶
type WebVttSidecarFile struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Id of input (required) InputId *string `json:"inputId,omitempty"` // Path to sidecar file (required) InputPath *string `json:"inputPath,omitempty"` Outputs []EncodingOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // This defines how errors should be handled ErrorMode SidecarErrorMode `json:"errorMode,omitempty"` Segmentation *WebVttSidecarFileSegmentation `json:"segmentation,omitempty"` }
An external WebVTT file that is added to an encoding. The size limit for a sidecar file is 10 MB
func (WebVttSidecarFile) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m WebVttSidecarFile) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (WebVttSidecarFile) SidecarFileType ¶
func (m WebVttSidecarFile) SidecarFileType() SidecarFileType
type WebVttSidecarFileSegmentation ¶
type WebVttSidecarFileSegmentation struct { // The length of the WebVTT fragments in seconds (required) SegmentLength *float64 `json:"segmentLength,omitempty"` }
The segmenting configuration for this WebVTT sidecar file. If this is set, the given vtt file will be chunked.
type WebVttStyling ¶
type WebVttStyling struct {
Mode WebVttStylingMode `json:"mode,omitempty"`
WebVttStyling model
type WebVttStylingMode ¶
type WebVttStylingMode string
WebVttStylingMode : Determines how WebVTT styling is handled.
const ( WebVttStylingMode_PASSTHROUGH WebVttStylingMode = "PASSTHROUGH" WebVttStylingMode_DROP_STYLING WebVttStylingMode = "DROP_STYLING" )
List of possible WebVttStylingMode values
type Webhook ¶
type Webhook struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // Webhook URL (required) Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` // HTTP method used for the webhook Method WebhookHttpMethod `json:"method,omitempty"` // Skip verification of the SSL certificate InsecureSsl *bool `json:"insecureSsl,omitempty"` // Signature used for the webhook Signature *WebhookSignature `json:"signature,omitempty"` // JSON schema of the webhook payload Schema *map[string]interface{} `json:"schema,omitempty"` }
Webhook model
type WebhookHttpMethod ¶
type WebhookHttpMethod string
WebhookHttpMethod : WebhookHttpMethod model
const ( WebhookHttpMethod_POST WebhookHttpMethod = "POST" WebhookHttpMethod_PUT WebhookHttpMethod = "PUT" )
List of possible WebhookHttpMethod values
type WebhookNotification ¶
type WebhookNotification struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Notify when condition resolves after it was met Resolve *bool `json:"resolve,omitempty"` // Specific resource, e.g. encoding id ResourceId *string `json:"resourceId,omitempty"` // Last time the notification was triggered TriggeredAt *DateTime `json:"triggeredAt,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` EventType *string `json:"eventType,omitempty"` Category *string `json:"category,omitempty"` ResourceType *string `json:"resourceType,omitempty"` Muted *bool `json:"muted,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // The destination URL where the webhook data is send to (required) Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` // HTTP method used for the webhook Method WebhookHttpMethod `json:"method,omitempty"` // Skip verification of the SSL certificate InsecureSsl *bool `json:"insecureSsl,omitempty"` // Signature used for the webhook Signature *WebhookSignature `json:"signature,omitempty"` }
WebhookNotification model
type WebhookNotificationWithStreamConditions ¶
type WebhookNotificationWithStreamConditions struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Notify when condition resolves after it was met Resolve *bool `json:"resolve,omitempty"` // Specific resource, e.g. encoding id ResourceId *string `json:"resourceId,omitempty"` // Last time the notification was triggered TriggeredAt *DateTime `json:"triggeredAt,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` EventType *string `json:"eventType,omitempty"` Category *string `json:"category,omitempty"` ResourceType *string `json:"resourceType,omitempty"` Muted *bool `json:"muted,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // The destination URL where the webhook data is send to (required) Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` // HTTP method used for the webhook Method WebhookHttpMethod `json:"method,omitempty"` // Skip verification of the SSL certificate InsecureSsl *bool `json:"insecureSsl,omitempty"` // Signature used for the webhook Signature *WebhookSignature `json:"signature,omitempty"` Conditions *AbstractCondition `json:"conditions,omitempty"` }
WebhookNotificationWithStreamConditions model
func (*WebhookNotificationWithStreamConditions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *WebhookNotificationWithStreamConditions) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals model WebhookNotificationWithStreamConditions from a JSON structure
type WebhookNotificationWithStreamConditionsRequest ¶
type WebhookNotificationWithStreamConditionsRequest struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Notify when the given conditions are resolved. E.g. when the input stream is online again after a disconnect Resolve *bool `json:"resolve,omitempty"` // Specific resource, e.g. encoding id ResourceId *string `json:"resourceId,omitempty"` // Last time the notification was triggered TriggeredAt *DateTime `json:"triggeredAt,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` EventType *string `json:"eventType,omitempty"` Category *string `json:"category,omitempty"` ResourceType *string `json:"resourceType,omitempty"` Muted *bool `json:"muted,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` // The destination URL where the webhook data is send to (required) Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` // HTTP method used for the webhook Method WebhookHttpMethod `json:"method,omitempty"` // Skip verification of the SSL certificate InsecureSsl *bool `json:"insecureSsl,omitempty"` // Signature used for the webhook Signature *WebhookSignature `json:"signature,omitempty"` Conditions *AbstractCondition `json:"conditions,omitempty"` }
WebhookNotificationWithStreamConditionsRequest model
func (*WebhookNotificationWithStreamConditionsRequest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *WebhookNotificationWithStreamConditionsRequest) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals model WebhookNotificationWithStreamConditionsRequest from a JSON structure
type WebhookSignature ¶
type WebhookSignature struct { // The signature type used for the webhook. Selects one of the supported signatures. The signature is attached to the list of headers with the key `Bitmovin-Signature`. In case of the `HMAC` type the SHA512 hashing algorithm is used to generate an authentication code from the webhook body. (required) Type SignatureType `json:"type,omitempty"` // The key of the signature (required) Key *string `json:"key,omitempty"` }
WebhookSignature model
type WebmMuxing ¶
type WebmMuxing struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Streams []MuxingStream `json:"streams,omitempty"` Outputs []EncodingOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // Average bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. AvgBitrate *int64 `json:"avgBitrate,omitempty"` // Min bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. MinBitrate *int64 `json:"minBitrate,omitempty"` // Max bitrate. Available after encoding finishes. MaxBitrate *int64 `json:"maxBitrate,omitempty"` // This read-only property is set during the analysis step of the encoding. If it contains items, the Muxing has been ignored during the encoding process according to its 'streamConditionsMode' IgnoredBy []Ignoring `json:"ignoredBy,omitempty"` // Specifies how to proceed with the Muxing when some of its Streams are ignored (see 'condition' property of the Stream resource). The settings only make a difference for Muxings with more than one Stream. When retrieving the resource after the analysis step of the encoding has finished, 'ignoredBy' will indicate if and why it has been ignored. StreamConditionsMode StreamConditionsMode `json:"streamConditionsMode,omitempty"` // Length of the fragments in seconds (required) SegmentLength *float64 `json:"segmentLength,omitempty"` // Segment naming policy SegmentNaming *string `json:"segmentNaming,omitempty"` // Segment naming policy containing one or both of the following placeholders: - '{rand_chars:x}', which will be replaced by a random alphanumeric string of length x (default 32) on each (re)start of the encoding. The resulting string will be copied to the segmentNaming property. Intended to avoid re-use of segment names after restarting a live encoding. - '{segment_rand_chars:x}', which will be replaced by a random alphanumeric string of length x (default 32) for each different segment. This is intended to avoid guessing segment URLs by replacing segment numbers. If segmentNamingTemplate is set, segmentNaming must not be set. SegmentNamingTemplate *string `json:"segmentNamingTemplate,omitempty"` // Init segment name InitSegmentName *string `json:"initSegmentName,omitempty"` // Segment naming policy containing a placeholder of the format '{rand_chars:x}', which will be replaced by a random alphanumeric string of length x (default 32) on each (re)start of the encoding. The resulting string will be copied to the initSegmentName property. Intended to avoid re-use of segment names after restarting a live encoding. If initSegmentNameTemplate is set, initSegmentName must not be set. InitSegmentNameTemplate *string `json:"initSegmentNameTemplate,omitempty"` // Number of segments which have been encoded SegmentsMuxed *int32 `json:"segmentsMuxed,omitempty"` }
WebmMuxing model
func (WebmMuxing) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m WebmMuxing) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (WebmMuxing) MuxingType ¶
func (m WebmMuxing) MuxingType() MuxingType
type WeightedPredictionPFrames ¶
type WeightedPredictionPFrames string
WeightedPredictionPFrames : Defines the mode for weighted prediction for P-frames
const ( WeightedPredictionPFrames_DISABLED WeightedPredictionPFrames = "DISABLED" WeightedPredictionPFrames_SIMPLE WeightedPredictionPFrames = "SIMPLE" WeightedPredictionPFrames_SMART WeightedPredictionPFrames = "SMART" )
List of possible WeightedPredictionPFrames values
type WidevineDrm ¶
type WidevineDrm struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Outputs []EncodingOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // 16 byte Encryption key, 32 hexadecimal characters (required) Key *string `json:"key,omitempty"` // 16 byte Key id, 32 hexadecimal characters (required) Kid *string `json:"kid,omitempty"` // Base 64 Encoded (required) Pssh *string `json:"pssh,omitempty"` }
WidevineDrm model
func (WidevineDrm) DrmType ¶
func (m WidevineDrm) DrmType() DrmType
func (WidevineDrm) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m WidevineDrm) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type XmlNamespace ¶
type XmlNamespace struct { // Name of the XML Namespace reference (required) Prefix *string `json:"prefix,omitempty"` // Source of the XML Namespace reference (required) Uri *string `json:"uri,omitempty"` }
XmlNamespace model
type ZixiInput ¶
type ZixiInput struct { // Id of the resource (required) Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Creation timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Modified timestamp, returned as UTC expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ ModifiedAt *DateTime `json:"modifiedAt,omitempty"` // User-specific meta data. This can hold anything. CustomData *map[string]interface{} `json:"customData,omitempty"` Host *string `json:"host,omitempty"` Port *int32 `json:"port,omitempty"` Stream *string `json:"stream,omitempty"` Password *string `json:"password,omitempty"` Latency *int32 `json:"latency,omitempty"` MinBitrate *int32 `json:"minBitrate,omitempty"` DecryptionType *string `json:"decryptionType,omitempty"` DecryptionKey *string `json:"decryptionKey,omitempty"` }
ZixiInput model
func (ZixiInput) MarshalJSON ¶
Source Files
- aac_audio_configuration.go
- aac_channel_layout.go
- abstract_condition.go
- ac3_audio_configuration.go
- ac3_channel_layout.go
- accessibility.go
- account_api_key.go
- account_information.go
- acl.go
- acl_entry.go
- acl_permission.go
- ad_analytics_abstract_filter.go
- ad_analytics_attribute.go
- ad_analytics_avg_query_request.go
- ad_analytics_contains_filter.go
- ad_analytics_count_query_request.go
- ad_analytics_equal_filter.go
- ad_analytics_greater_than_filter.go
- ad_analytics_greater_than_or_equal_filter.go
- ad_analytics_in_filter.go
- ad_analytics_less_than_filter.go
- ad_analytics_less_than_or_equal_filter.go
- ad_analytics_max_query_request.go
- ad_analytics_median_query_request.go
- ad_analytics_min_query_request.go
- ad_analytics_not_contains_filter.go
- ad_analytics_not_equal_filter.go
- ad_analytics_order_by_entry.go
- ad_analytics_percentile_query_request.go
- ad_analytics_query_request.go
- ad_analytics_stddev_query_request.go
- ad_analytics_sum_query_request.go
- ad_analytics_variance_query_request.go
- adaptation_set.go
- adaptation_set_role.go
- adaptation_set_type.go
- adaptation_set_type_response.go
- adaptive_quant_mode.go
- aes_encryption_drm.go
- aes_encryption_method.go
- akamai_account.go
- akamai_account_region_settings.go
- akamai_cloud_region.go
- akamai_msl_output.go
- akamai_msl_stream_format.go
- akamai_msl_version.go
- akamai_net_storage_input.go
- akamai_net_storage_output.go
- analytics_abstract_filter.go
- analytics_attribute.go
- analytics_avg_concurrent_viewers_response.go
- analytics_avg_dropped_frames_response.go
- analytics_avg_query_request.go
- analytics_azure_output.go
- analytics_column_label.go
- analytics_contains_filter.go
- analytics_context_description.go
- analytics_count_query_request.go
- analytics_equal_filter.go
- analytics_error_data.go
- analytics_error_detail.go
- analytics_error_details_response.go
- analytics_export_file_format.go
- analytics_export_status.go
- analytics_export_task.go
- analytics_export_task_output_target.go
- analytics_export_type.go
- analytics_gcs_service_account_output.go
- analytics_greater_than_filter.go
- analytics_greater_than_or_equal_filter.go
- analytics_http_request.go
- analytics_http_request_type.go
- analytics_impression_list_item.go
- analytics_impressions_query.go
- analytics_impressions_response.go
- analytics_in_filter.go
- analytics_insights_organization_settings.go
- analytics_insights_organization_settings_request.go
- analytics_interval.go
- analytics_less_than_filter.go
- analytics_less_than_or_equal_filter.go
- analytics_license.go
- analytics_license_custom_data_field_labels.go
- analytics_license_domain.go
- analytics_license_error_details_config.go
- analytics_license_features.go
- analytics_license_key.go
- analytics_max_concurrent_viewers_response.go
- analytics_max_query_request.go
- analytics_median_query_request.go
- analytics_metrics_query_request.go
- analytics_min_query_request.go
- analytics_not_contains_filter.go
- analytics_not_equal_filter.go
- analytics_order.go
- analytics_order_by_entry.go
- analytics_output.go
- analytics_output_type.go
- analytics_percentile_query_request.go
- analytics_query_operator.go
- analytics_query_request.go
- analytics_query_timeframe.go
- analytics_response.go
- analytics_s3_role_based_output.go
- analytics_stddev_query_request.go
- analytics_sum_query_request.go
- analytics_variance_query_request.go
- analytics_virtual_license.go
- analytics_virtual_license_licenses_list_item.go
- analytics_virtual_license_request.go
- and_conjunction.go
- api_error_definition.go
- applied_stream_settings.go
- aspect_mode.go
- aspera_input.go
- audio_adaptation_set.go
- audio_group.go
- audio_group_configuration.go
- audio_media_info.go
- audio_mix_channel.go
- audio_mix_channel_layout.go
- audio_mix_channel_type.go
- audio_mix_filter.go
- audio_mix_input_channel_layout.go
- audio_mix_input_stream.go
- audio_mix_input_stream_channel.go
- audio_mix_input_stream_source_channel.go
- audio_mix_source_channel_type.go
- audio_stream.go
- audio_video_sync_mode.go
- audio_volume_filter.go
- audio_volume_format.go
- audio_volume_unit.go
- auto_level_setup.go
- auto_representation.go
- auto_restart_configuration.go
- av1_per_title_configuration.go
- av1_preset_configuration.go
- av1_video_configuration.go
- availability_start_time_mode.go
- aws_account.go
- aws_account_region_settings.go
- aws_cloud_region.go
- azure_account.go
- azure_account_region_settings.go
- azure_cloud_region.go
- azure_input.go
- azure_output.go
- azure_speech_services_credentials.go
- azure_speech_to_captions_filter.go
- azure_speech_to_captions_profanity.go
- azure_speech_to_captions_settings.go
- b_adapt.go
- backup_srt_inputs.go
- basic_media_info.go
- bif.go
- billable_encoding_feature_minutes.go
- billable_encoding_minutes.go
- billable_encoding_minutes_details.go
- bitmovin_resource.go
- bitmovin_response.go
- bitmovin_response_list.go
- bitrate_selection_mode.go
- broadcast_ts_audio_input_stream_configuration.go
- broadcast_ts_input_stream_configuration.go
- broadcast_ts_muxing.go
- broadcast_ts_muxing_configuration.go
- broadcast_ts_muxing_information.go
- broadcast_ts_program_configuration.go
- broadcast_ts_subtitle_input_stream_configuration.go
- broadcast_ts_transport_configuration.go
- broadcast_ts_video_input_stream_configuration.go
- burn_in_subtitle_dvb_sub.go
- burn_in_subtitle_srt.go
- caption_character_encoding.go
- cdn_output.go
- cdn_provider.go
- cdn_usage.go
- cdn_usage_statistics.go
- cea608708_subtitle_configuration.go
- cea608_caption_input_stream.go
- cea608_channel_type.go
- cea708_caption_input_stream.go
- cenc_drm.go
- cenc_fair_play.go
- cenc_marlin.go
- cenc_play_ready.go
- cenc_widevine.go
- channel_layout.go
- channels_attribute_for_audio.go
- check_output_permissions_request.go
- check_output_permissions_response.go
- chroma_location.go
- chunked_text_muxing.go
- clear_key_drm.go
- closed_captions_media_info.go
- cloud_region.go
- cmaf_muxing.go
- codec_config_type.go
- codec_config_type_response.go
- codec_configuration.go
- color_config.go
- color_primaries.go
- color_range.go
- color_space.go
- color_transfer.go
- concatenation_input_configuration.go
- concatenation_input_stream.go
- condition.go
- condition_attribute.go
- condition_operator.go
- condition_type.go
- conform_filter.go
- content_protection.go
- convert_scc_caption.go
- convert_scc_caption_web_vtt_settings.go
- convert_scc_position_mode.go
- crop_filter.go
- custom_attribute.go
- custom_data.go
- custom_player_build_details.go
- custom_player_build_download.go
- custom_player_build_status.go
- custom_tag.go
- custom_web_player_build_domain.go
- custom_xml_element.go
- daily_statistics.go
- daily_statistics_per_label.go
- dash_chunked_text_representation.go
- dash_cmaf_representation.go
- dash_edition_compatibility.go
- dash_fmp4_drm_representation.go
- dash_fmp4_representation.go
- dash_imsc_representation.go
- dash_iso8601_timestamp_format.go
- dash_manifest.go
- dash_manifest_default.go
- dash_manifest_default_version.go
- dash_mp4_drm_representation.go
- dash_mp4_representation.go
- dash_on_demand_representation_type.go
- dash_profile.go
- dash_progressive_webm_representation.go
- dash_representation.go
- dash_representation_type.go
- dash_representation_type_discriminator.go
- dash_representation_type_mode.go
- dash_representation_type_response.go
- dash_vtt_representation.go
- dash_webm_representation.go
- date_time.go
- decoding_error_mode.go
- default_dash_manifest_period.go
- default_manifest_and_condition.go
- default_manifest_attribute_condition.go
- default_manifest_condition.go
- default_manifest_or_condition.go
- deinterlace_auto_enable.go
- deinterlace_filter.go
- deinterlace_frame_selection_mode.go
- deinterlace_mode.go
- denoise_hqdn3d_filter.go
- direct_file_upload_input.go
- display_aspect_ratio.go
- dolby_atmos_audio_configuration.go
- dolby_atmos_dialogue_intelligence.go
- dolby_atmos_ingest_input_stream.go
- dolby_atmos_input_format.go
- dolby_atmos_loudness_control.go
- dolby_atmos_metering_mode.go
- dolby_digital_audio_configuration.go
- dolby_digital_bitstream_info.go
- dolby_digital_center_mix_level.go
- dolby_digital_channel_layout.go
- dolby_digital_dialogue_intelligence.go
- dolby_digital_downmixing.go
- dolby_digital_downmixing_preferred_mode.go
- dolby_digital_dynamic_range_compression.go
- dolby_digital_dynamic_range_compression_mode.go
- dolby_digital_evolution_framework_control.go
- dolby_digital_lfe_low_pass_filter.go
- dolby_digital_loudness_control.go
- dolby_digital_loudness_control_mode.go
- dolby_digital_loudness_control_regulation_type.go
- dolby_digital_ninety_degree_phase_shift.go
- dolby_digital_plus_audio_configuration.go
- dolby_digital_plus_bitstream_info.go
- dolby_digital_plus_center_mix_level.go
- dolby_digital_plus_channel_layout.go
- dolby_digital_plus_dialogue_intelligence.go
- dolby_digital_plus_downmixing.go
- dolby_digital_plus_downmixing_preferred_mode.go
- dolby_digital_plus_dynamic_range_compression.go
- dolby_digital_plus_dynamic_range_compression_mode.go
- dolby_digital_plus_evolution_framework_control.go
- dolby_digital_plus_lfe_low_pass_filter.go
- dolby_digital_plus_loudness_control.go
- dolby_digital_plus_loudness_control_mode.go
- dolby_digital_plus_loudness_control_regulation_type.go
- dolby_digital_plus_ninety_degree_phase_shift.go
- dolby_digital_plus_preprocessing.go
- dolby_digital_plus_surround_mix_level.go
- dolby_digital_plus_surround_mode.go
- dolby_digital_plus_three_db_attenuation.go
- dolby_digital_preprocessing.go
- dolby_digital_surround_mix_level.go
- dolby_digital_surround_mode.go
- dolby_digital_three_db_attenuation.go
- dolby_vision_input_stream.go
- dolby_vision_metadata.go
- dolby_vision_metadata_ingest_input_stream.go
- dolby_vision_metadata_source.go
- dolby_vision_muxing_configuration.go
- dolby_vision_per_stream_mode.go
- dolby_vision_profile.go
- dolby_vision_track_sample_entry_name.go
- domain.go
- domain_list.go
- drm.go
- drm_type.go
- dts_audio_configuration.go
- dts_mode.go
- dts_passthrough_audio_configuration.go
- dts_x_audio_configuration.go
- dts_x_channel_layout.go
- dvb_subtitle_configuration.go
- dvb_subtitle_input_stream.go
- eac3_audio_configuration.go
- ebu_r128_single_pass_filter.go
- egress_category.go
- egress_information.go
- email_notification.go
- email_notification_with_stream_conditions.go
- email_notification_with_stream_conditions_request.go
- encoding.go
- encoding_error_definition.go
- encoding_error_email_notification.go
- encoding_mode.go
- encoding_output.go
- encoding_output_paths.go
- encoding_output_paths_dash_manifest.go
- encoding_output_paths_for_output.go
- encoding_output_paths_hls_manifest.go
- encoding_output_paths_smooth_manifest.go
- encoding_statistics.go
- encoding_statistics_live.go
- encoding_statistics_vod.go
- encoding_stats.go
- encoding_stream_input.go
- encoding_stream_input_details.go
- encoding_template.go
- encoding_template_details.go
- encoding_template_request.go
- encoding_template_response.go
- encoding_template_start_response.go
- encoding_template_type.go
- encoding_type.go
- encryption_mode.go
- enhanced_deinterlace_auto_enable.go
- enhanced_deinterlace_filter.go
- enhanced_deinterlace_mode.go
- enhanced_deinterlace_parity.go
- enhanced_watermark_filter.go
- error_details.go
- error_retry_hint.go
- external_id_mode.go
- fair_play_drm.go
- file_input_stream.go
- file_input_stream_type.go
- filter.go
- filter_type.go
- fmp4_muxing.go
- fmp4_muxing_information.go
- force_flush_mode.go
- fragmented_mp4_muxing_manifest_type.go
- fragmented_muxing_information.go
- frame_id_id3_tag.go
- ftp_input.go
- ftp_output.go
- gce_account.go
- gce_account_region_settings.go
- gcs_input.go
- gcs_output.go
- gcs_service_account_input.go
- gcs_service_account_output.go
- generic_response_envelope.go
- generic_s3_input.go
- generic_s3_output.go
- google_cloud_region.go
- group.go
- h262_interlace_mode.go
- h262_preset_configuration.go
- h262_video_configuration.go
- h264_b_pyramid.go
- h264_dynamic_range_format.go
- h264_interlace_mode.go
- h264_motion_estimation_method.go
- h264_nal_hrd.go
- h264_partition.go
- h264_per_title_configuration.go
- h264_picture_timing_trimming_input_stream.go
- h264_sub_me.go
- h264_trellis.go
- h264_video_configuration.go
- h265_dynamic_range_format.go
- h265_per_title_configuration.go
- h265_video_configuration.go
- he_aac_v1_audio_configuration.go
- he_aac_v1_signaling.go
- he_aac_v2_audio_configuration.go
- he_aac_v2_signaling.go
- hls_manifest.go
- hls_manifest_ad_marker_settings.go
- hls_manifest_ad_marker_type.go
- hls_manifest_default.go
- hls_manifest_default_version.go
- hls_target_duration_rounding_mode.go
- hls_version.go
- http_input.go
- https_input.go
- i_frame_playlist.go
- id3_tag.go
- id3_tag_position_mode.go
- id3_tag_type.go
- ignored_by.go
- ignoring.go
- image_adaptation_set.go
- imsc_configuration.go
- imsc_styling.go
- imsc_styling_mode.go
- infrastructure_settings.go
- ingest_input_stream.go
- input.go
- input_color_primaries.go
- input_color_range.go
- input_color_space.go
- input_color_transfer.go
- input_factor.go
- input_factor_bitrate.go
- input_factor_codec.go
- input_path.go
- input_stream.go
- input_stream_type.go
- input_stream_type_response.go
- input_type.go
- input_type_response.go
- insertable_content.go
- insertable_content_input.go
- insertable_content_status.go
- interlace_filter.go
- interlace_mode.go
- invitation.go
- invitation_status.go
- iv_size.go
- keyframe.go
- label.go
- level_h262.go
- level_h264.go
- level_h265.go
- limit_references.go
- limit_transform_unit_depth_recursion_mode.go
- link.go
- live_auto_shutdown_configuration.go
- live_dash_manifest.go
- live_encoding.go
- live_encoding_codec.go
- live_encoding_event_name.go
- live_encoding_heartbeat_webhook.go
- live_encoding_options_statistics.go
- live_encoding_stats.go
- live_encoding_stats_event.go
- live_encoding_stats_event_details.go
- live_encoding_status.go
- live_hls_manifest.go
- live_media_ingest_output.go
- live_options_breakdown_entry.go
- live_options_entry.go
- live_options_statistics.go
- live_options_summary.go
- live_options_type.go
- live_standby_pool_details.go
- live_standby_pool_encoding.go
- live_standby_pool_encoding_ingest_point.go
- live_standby_pool_encoding_manifest.go
- live_standby_pool_encoding_manifest_type.go
- live_standby_pool_encoding_status.go
- live_standby_pool_event_log.go
- live_standby_pool_event_log_type.go
- live_standby_pool_request.go
- live_standby_pool_response.go
- live_standby_pool_status.go
- live_standby_pool_update.go
- local_input.go
- local_output.go
- manifest.go
- manifest_generator.go
- manifest_resource.go
- manifest_type.go
- manifest_type_response.go
- marketplace.go
- marlin_drm.go
- max_ctu_size.go
- max_transform_unit_size.go
- media_config_bitrate.go
- media_info_type.go
- media_info_type_response.go
- media_stream.go
- media_type.go
- message.go
- message_type.go
- min_coding_unit_size.go
- mjpeg_video_configuration.go
- model_task.go
- motion_search.go
- mp2_audio_configuration.go
- mp3_audio_configuration.go
- mp3_muxing.go
- mp3_muxing_information.go
- mp4_muxing.go
- mp4_muxing_information.go
- muxing.go
- muxing_information_audio_track.go
- muxing_information_video_track.go
- muxing_stream.go
- muxing_type.go
- muxing_type_response.go
- mv_prediction_mode.go
- mxf_muxing.go
- nex_guard_ab_watermarking_feature.go
- nex_guard_file_marker.go
- nex_guard_watermarking_strength.go
- nex_guard_watermarking_type.go
- notification.go
- notification_state_entry.go
- notification_states.go
- opus_audio_configuration.go
- opus_channel_layout.go
- or_conjunction.go
- organization.go
- organization_pending_invitation.go
- organization_type.go
- ott_loudness_mode.go
- output.go
- output_type.go
- output_type_response.go
- packed_audio_muxing.go
- packed_audio_muxing_information.go
- padding_duration_unit.go
- padding_sequence.go
- pagination_response.go
- passthrough_audio_configuration.go
- passthrough_mode.go
- pcm_audio_configuration.go
- pcm_channel_layout.go
- pcm_preset_configuration.go
- pcm_sample_format.go
- per_title.go
- per_title_configuration.go
- per_title_fixed_resolution_and_bitrate_configuration.go
- per_title_fixed_resolution_and_bitrate_configuration_mode.go
- period.go
- permission.go
- picture_field_parity.go
- pixel_format.go
- pixel_format_bit_depth.go
- plaintext_id3_tag.go
- play_ready_additional_information.go
- play_ready_drm.go
- play_ready_encryption_method.go
- player_channel.go
- player_license.go
- player_license_analytics.go
- player_third_party_licensing.go
- player_third_party_licensing_error_action.go
- player_version.go
- policy.go
- position_mode.go
- position_unit.go
- preset_configuration.go
- prewarmed_encoder_disk_size.go
- prewarmed_encoder_pool.go
- prewarmed_encoder_pool_action.go
- prewarmed_encoder_pool_schedule.go
- prewarmed_encoder_pool_status.go
- prime_time_drm.go
- profile_h262.go
- profile_h264.go
- profile_h265.go
- program_date_time_placement.go
- program_date_time_placement_mode.go
- program_date_time_settings.go
- program_date_time_source.go
- progressive_mov_muxing.go
- progressive_mov_muxing_information.go
- progressive_muxing_information.go
- progressive_ts_muxing.go
- progressive_ts_muxing_information.go
- progressive_ts_muxing_information_byte_ranges.go
- progressive_wav_muxing.go
- progressive_wav_muxing_information.go
- progressive_webm_muxing.go
- progressive_webm_muxing_information.go
- progressive_webm_muxing_manifest_type.go
- psnr_per_stream_mode.go
- psnr_quality_metric.go
- pts_align_mode.go
- quantization_group_size.go
- rai_unit.go
- rate_distortion_level_for_quantization.go
- rate_distortion_penalty_mode.go
- raw_id3_tag.go
- redundant_rtmp_input.go
- reprioritize_encoding_request.go
- reschedule_encoding_request.go
- reset_live_manifest_time_shift.go
- resource_limit.go
- resource_limit_container.go
- resource_type.go
- response_envelope.go
- response_error.go
- response_error_data.go
- response_status.go
- result_wrapper.go
- retry_hint.go
- reupload_settings.go
- rotate_filter.go
- rtmp_ingest_point.go
- rtmp_input.go
- s3_access_style.go
- s3_input.go
- s3_output.go
- s3_role_based_input.go
- s3_role_based_output.go
- s3_signature_version.go
- scale_filter.go
- scaling_algorithm.go
- scc_caption.go
- scheduled_insertable_content.go
- scheduled_insertable_content_status.go
- scheduling.go
- scte35_cue.go
- scte35_trigger.go
- segmented_raw_muxing.go
- segments_media_info.go
- sftp_input.go
- sftp_output.go
- sidecar_error_mode.go
- sidecar_file.go
- sidecar_file_type.go
- signature_type.go
- signup_source.go
- simple_encoding_live_cloud_region.go
- simple_encoding_live_job_access_key_credentials.go
- simple_encoding_live_job_azure_credentials.go
- simple_encoding_live_job_cdn_output.go
- simple_encoding_live_job_credentials.go
- simple_encoding_live_job_gcs_service_account_credentials.go
- simple_encoding_live_job_input.go
- simple_encoding_live_job_input_type.go
- simple_encoding_live_job_output.go
- simple_encoding_live_job_output_type.go
- simple_encoding_live_job_request.go
- simple_encoding_live_job_response.go
- simple_encoding_live_job_s3_role_based_credentials.go
- simple_encoding_live_job_status.go
- simple_encoding_live_job_url_output.go
- simple_encoding_live_job_username_password_credentials.go
- simple_encoding_live_max_resolution.go
- simple_encoding_live_profile.go
- simple_encoding_vod_job_access_key_credentials.go
- simple_encoding_vod_job_azure_credentials.go
- simple_encoding_vod_job_cdn_output.go
- simple_encoding_vod_job_credentials.go
- simple_encoding_vod_job_direct_file_upload_input.go
- simple_encoding_vod_job_errors.go
- simple_encoding_vod_job_gcs_service_account_credentials.go
- simple_encoding_vod_job_input.go
- simple_encoding_vod_job_input_source_type.go
- simple_encoding_vod_job_input_type.go
- simple_encoding_vod_job_options.go
- simple_encoding_vod_job_output.go
- simple_encoding_vod_job_output_artifact.go
- simple_encoding_vod_job_output_type.go
- simple_encoding_vod_job_request.go
- simple_encoding_vod_job_response.go
- simple_encoding_vod_job_s3_role_based_credentials.go
- simple_encoding_vod_job_status.go
- simple_encoding_vod_job_url_input.go
- simple_encoding_vod_job_url_output.go
- simple_encoding_vod_job_username_password_credentials.go
- smooth_manifest_content_protection.go
- smooth_manifest_default.go
- smooth_manifest_default_version.go
- smooth_streaming_manifest.go
- smooth_streaming_representation.go
- smpte_timecode_flavor.go
- source_channel.go
- source_channel_type.go
- speke_drm.go
- speke_drm_provider.go
- sprite.go
- sprite_creation_mode.go
- sprite_jpeg_config.go
- sprite_representation.go
- sprite_unit.go
- srt_input.go
- srt_mode.go
- srt_statistic_link.go
- srt_statistic_recv.go
- srt_statistic_send.go
- srt_statistic_window.go
- srt_statistics.go
- srt_to_cea608708_caption.go
- standard_media_info.go
- start_encoding_request.go
- start_live_channel_encoding_request.go
- start_live_encoding_request.go
- start_manifest_request.go
- static_ip.go
- static_ip_status.go
- static_rtmp_ingest_point.go
- statistics.go
- statistics_per_label.go
- statistics_per_muxing.go
- statistics_per_stream.go
- statistics_per_title_stream.go
- statistics_resolution.go
- status.go
- stream.go
- stream_caption_output_format.go
- stream_conditions_mode.go
- stream_filter.go
- stream_filter_list.go
- stream_info.go
- stream_infos.go
- stream_infos_details.go
- stream_input.go
- stream_key.go
- stream_key_configuration.go
- stream_key_configuration_type.go
- stream_key_status.go
- stream_key_type.go
- stream_keys_unassign_action.go
- stream_metadata.go
- stream_mode.go
- stream_per_title_fixed_resolution_and_bitrate_settings.go
- stream_per_title_settings.go
- stream_selection_mode.go
- streams_ad_config_ad.go
- streams_ad_config_response.go
- streams_domain_restriction_create_request.go
- streams_domain_restriction_response.go
- streams_domain_restriction_update_request.go
- streams_encoding_profile.go
- streams_live_create_request.go
- streams_live_life_cycle.go
- streams_live_response.go
- streams_live_update_request.go
- streams_public_signing_key.go
- streams_public_signing_key_response.go
- streams_response.go
- streams_signing_key_response.go
- streams_style_config_player_style.go
- streams_style_config_response.go
- streams_trimming_status.go
- streams_type.go
- streams_video_create_request.go
- streams_video_encoding_status.go
- streams_video_encoding_task.go
- streams_video_quality.go
- streams_video_response.go
- streams_video_status.go
- streams_video_update_request.go
- subtask.go
- subtitle_adaptation_set.go
- subtitle_stream.go
- subtitles_media_info.go
- tenant.go
- tenant_group_detail.go
- tenant_with_groups.go
- text_filter.go
- text_filter_font.go
- text_muxing.go
- thumbnail.go
- thumbnail_aspect_mode.go
- thumbnail_unit.go
- time_based_trimming_input_stream.go
- time_span.go
- timecode_track_trimming_input_stream.go
- transfer_retry.go
- transfer_version.go
- transform_skip_mode.go
- trimming.go
- ts_audio_stream_configuration.go
- ts_muxing.go
- ts_muxing_configuration.go
- ts_program_clock_reference_configuration.go
- ts_program_map_table_configuration.go
- ts_stream_configuration.go
- ts_video_stream_configuration.go
- tu_inter_depth.go
- tu_intra_depth.go
- tweaks.go
- unsharp_filter.go
- update_organization_request.go
- utc_timing.go
- variant_stream_dropping_mode.go
- vertical_low_pass_filtering_mode.go
- video_adaptation_set.go
- video_format.go
- video_media_info.go
- video_stream.go
- vorbis_audio_configuration.go
- vorbis_channel_layout.go
- vp8_arnr_type.go
- vp8_noise_sensitivity.go
- vp8_quality.go
- vp8_video_configuration.go
- vp9_aq_mode.go
- vp9_arnr_type.go
- vp9_dynamic_range_format.go
- vp9_per_title_configuration.go
- vp9_quality.go
- vp9_video_configuration.go
- vtt_media_info.go
- watch_folder.go
- watch_folder_input.go
- watch_folder_output.go
- watch_folder_status.go
- watermark_filter.go
- web_vtt_configuration.go
- web_vtt_cue_identifier_policy.go
- web_vtt_sidecar_file.go
- web_vtt_sidecar_file_segmentation.go
- web_vtt_styling.go
- web_vtt_styling_mode.go
- webhook.go
- webhook_http_method.go
- webhook_notification.go
- webhook_notification_with_stream_conditions.go
- webhook_notification_with_stream_conditions_request.go
- webhook_signature.go
- webm_muxing.go
- weighted_prediction_p_frames.go
- widevine_drm.go
- xml_namespace.go
- zixi_input.go