mango ![](
The fruitful web server.
A very simple web server using the out-of-the box Golang HTTP server.
$ mango <port number> <root directory>
$ mango 8080 $PWD
Executable files in the cgi-bin/
directory are run according to the CGI standard as implemented
by the Golang net/http/cgi module.
Invoke the dumping CGI to see the variables:
curl -v http://localhost:7777/cgi-bin/
Example: Invoke a CGI to render the date.
curl http://localhost:7777/cgi-bin/
Debug: See what curl is sending by targeting nc server
nc -l -p 6666 & curl -v --ipv4 --http1.0 -X POST -H 'Content-Type: text/plain' --data-binary @.gitignore -sS http://localhost:6666/cgi-bin/ 2>&1
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