helper to generate sql on various conditions.
go get github.com/bingoohuang/sqx/...
type Cond struct {
Name string `cond:"name like ?" modifier:"%v%"` // like的示例
Addr string `cond:"addr = ?"`
Code int `cond:"code > ?" zero:"-1"` // Code == -1时,忽略本字段的条件
Nooo string `cond:"-"` // 忽略本字段作为条件
ret, err := sqx.CreateSQL(`select code, name, addr, email from person order by code`, Cond{
Name: "天问一号",
Addr: "火星基地",
Code: -1,
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("%+v", ret), err)
// &{Query:select code, name, addr, email from person where name like ? and addr = ? order by code Vars:[%天问一号% 火星基地]}
ret, err = sqx.CreateSQL(`select code, name, addr, email from person order by code`, Cond{
Name: "嫦娥",
Addr: "广寒宫",
Code: 100,
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("%+v", ret), err)
// &{Query:select code, name, addr, email from person where name like ? and addr = ? and code > ? order by code Vars:[%嫦娥% 广寒宫 100]}
ret.Append("limit ?, ?", 1, 10) // 手动附加语句
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("%+v", ret), err)
// &{Query:select code, name, addr, email from person where name like ? and addr = ? and code > ? order by code limit ?, ? Vars:[%嫦娥% 广寒宫 100 1 10]}
create counting sql:
ret, err := sqx.SQL{
Query: `select a, b, c from t where a = ? and b = ? order by a limit ?, ?`,
Vars: []interface{}{"地球", "亚洲", 0, 100},
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("%+v", ret), err)
// &{Query:select count(*) from t where a = ? and b = ? Vars:[地球 亚洲]}
do update or query to database:
// 创建数据库连接池
db, _ := sql.Open("sqlite3", ":memory:")
sqx.NewSQL("create table person(id varchar(100), age int)").Update(db)
sqx.NewSQL("insert into person(id, age) values(?, ?)", "嫦娥", 1000).Update(db)
sqx.NewSQL("insert into person(id, age) values(?, ?)", "悟空", 500).Update(db)
m, _ := sqx.NewSQL("select id, age from person where id=?", "嫦娥").QueryAsMap(db)
fmt.Println(m) // // map[age:1000 id:嫦娥]
r, _ := sqx.NewSQL("select id, age from person where id=?", "嫦娥").QueryAsRow(db)
fmt.Println(r) // // [嫦娥 1000]
type Person struct {
ID string
Ag int `col:"AGE"`
var ps []Person
sqx.NewSQL("select id, age from person where id=?", "嫦娥").QueryAsBeans(db, &ps)
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", ps) // [{ID:嫦娥 Ag:1000}]
var p Person
sqx.NewSQL("select id, age from person where id=?", "嫦娥").QueryAsBeans(db, &p)
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", p) // {ID:嫦娥 Ag:1000}
age, _ := sqx.NewSQL("select age from person where id=?", "嫦娥").QueryAsNumber(db)
fmt.Println(age) // 1000
id, _ := sqx.NewSQL("select id from person where id=?", "嫦娥").QueryAsString(db)
fmt.Println(id) // 嫦娥