generate random data like name, email, uuid, address, images and etc.
- build and install:
- run:
$ gg-rand -n3 -tag String -len 10
$ gg-rand -h
Usage of gg-rand:
-dir,d string In which dir to generate random files. (default temp dir)
-input,i string Input file name.
-n int How many random values to generate. (default 1)
-len,l int Length.
-cost,c bool Time costed.
-tag string Which type to generate, like uuid, art, id, email and etc. (empty for prompt, all or all)
Providing the following random data types:
$ gg-rand -tag help | awk '{print ++i,$0}'
1 blake3hash-zeebo
2 blake3hash-luke
3 xxhash
4 md5-hash
5 sha256-hash
6 murmur3-32-hash
7 murmur3-64-hash
8 murmur3-128-hash
9 imo-hash
10 Base64Std
11 Base64RawStd
12 Base64RawURL
13 Base64URL
14 SillyName
15 Email
16 IP v4
17 IP v6
18 UserAgent
19 Pwd
20 Password
21 Password Easy
22 Numbers
23 Letters
25 String
26 Captcha Direct
27 Captcha SimpleMathFormula
28 sony/sonyflake
29 max
30 oklog/ulid
31 chilts/sid
32 kjk/betterguid
33 segmentio/ksuid
34 customized/ksuid base64
35 lithammer/shortuuid
36 google/uuid v4
37 satori/go.uuid v4
38 aidarkhanov/nanoid/v2
39 matoous/go-nanoid/v2
40 coolbed/mgo-oid Mongodb Object ID
41 rs/xid Mongo Object ID
42 BSON Object ID
43 snowflake ID
44 Random ID with fixed length 12
45 customized snowflake ID with fixed length 12
46 customized snowflake ID with uint32
47 姓名
48 性别
49 地址
50 手机
51 身份证
52 有效期
53 发证机关
54 邮箱
55 银行卡
56 日期
57 Generative art
58 Unsplash
59 Image
60 PBE Encrypt
61 PBE Decrypt
$ gg-rand -t all -extra
2022/02/18 12:51:28 blake3hash-zeebo: NHCQdMI36d87iJEQdlKAzhe-Hj-L-IhKRisBf_fNiPQ (len: 43), cost 81.024754ms
2022/02/18 12:51:28 blake3hash-luke: tHA_FGtStLU7OF9t_kAj0Rho4Xc8-7kh9faQxIRp-wU2K34EMWpgNm-_wYn3BStK07GqufPhZ31zLvsdYZXVVo2ZAzO7sEgEUU41VZHF4SvryAMDeNFxCKBTJFOY6RRrQGynH_5qAmA5flM7pDX5xGzUOrUqYviD-YjN8fxUk0IfmxN-b8KRw_ZZ7NlFIr7iAzD3IE8ekV92OfakOX0E1fbHDMb45dECta9kEFvsv8otiNGFAdkZsw-vZJ7TPCAI9q0nGscKpEPr84AzwLSjN285vPnbvOxAd1u-z3kYbAcell56jMjry4ogoYWvt4lwwKs43qLPVANdPfq9iaD_wQ (len: 342), cost 88.356272ms
2022/02/18 12:51:28 xxhash: 9_wX8E03ujk (len: 11), cost 88.075279ms
2022/02/18 12:51:28 md5-hash: J6dkyz7sTx4oElml0ubWuA (len: 22), cost 100.482214ms
2022/02/18 12:51:28 sha256-hash: dJuerNOhrUDg1EwcHriZiB0qfS0ppbKfsMMgFMm6KAY (len: 43), cost 105.760105ms
2022/02/18 12:51:28 murmur3-32-hash: SLlhBQ (len: 6), cost 88.320255ms
2022/02/18 12:51:28 murmur3-64-hash: KHHKVUc_G_Q (len: 11), cost 86.119748ms
2022/02/18 12:51:28 murmur3-128-hash: 17tY7TSO6t4KNeyXR_bY6Q (len: 22), cost 80.836139ms
2022/02/18 12:51:28 imo-hash: gICABV-2lI5hWj5vdgf-4w (len: 22), cost 80.966643ms
2022/02/18 12:51:28 Base64Std: HZbpDZr2vwthi+i4obr8Wq+eHxcSh18u3ADAO/dHZQ8jZ8uzbbKu2vIniRAbsiE7IvcMsHLabR82L9cTg0h4C2dc9PA2C9fKRLG5OZb5oAyc0aGAtNVt+X5VQwNl4dhppdOSgg== (len: 136), cost 2.053µs
2022/02/18 12:51:28 Base64RawStd: 1Pv3+S2qRGvA0nlPju7+i8dJAcD/OLKsF764OMd7VV6k7veS9C62/h+7qKk17xytDy30N//c81EwtA9IMPg05KZXaqc28QeMyGRQAMHyPLT0+BD5zQyQMl7UdYasgXc0ONL0iA (len: 134), cost 685ns
2022/02/18 12:51:28 Base64RawURL: krmNZK4zVIds1EFms9-dJhvHZgeSXdkWQmTrE0VUxPhL1ShxxmnXBZaZgvi8M6dMUeprBG6anW1niN2cvdPbGQ9-rIhfhEGWB1xOeK66XK_HyqSyxBZ-xf0xLW0iv_hsxqFa_g (len: 134), cost 464ns
2022/02/18 12:51:28 Base64URL: pqbQSByIQ6wbIRbJPVu8iUlv1Emyi5DtVNLorGwM28UJ8hymbHxR4YVWvBVjOyk20mVgZdnXxEBG4Llm-czY5T_lHconRKXO3jlvwjA9z-fANHLo_HoYhpxTgGt8a3cJh0-9uQ== (len: 136), cost 563ns
2022/02/18 12:51:28 SillyName: Reapersouth (len: 11), cost 2.172µs
2022/02/18 12:51:28 Email: (len: 23), cost 2.645µs
2022/02/18 12:51:28 IP v4: (len: 13), cost 2.744µs
2022/02/18 12:51:28 IP v6: 535b:d234:e94d:4ef0:99f7:8c65:b319:f323 (len: 39), cost 6.589µs
2022/02/18 12:51:28 UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:50.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/50.0 (len: 73), cost 586ns
2022/02/18 12:51:28 Password: !AzkY-2w((&-cX$FD-U%R2 (len: 22), cost 44.946µs
2022/02/18 12:51:28 Password Easy: HBVgT-sMtw4-B6wEh-2y8f (len: 22), cost 34.234µs
2022/02/18 12:51:28 Numbers: 055896412259566545883041596158322132654915086038663600067540 (len: 60), cost 9.744µs
2022/02/18 12:51:28 Letters: tEXlXHrIgGBXFcmKTYvwmpDrtOEcQfmeblibIiCPBtcULdzkZXqBhGXWSPgD (len: 60), cost 2.125µs
2022/02/18 12:51:28 JSON: {"ardri":4.43,"prenumber":null,"regressor":null,"unmind":null,"deformative":"cephalomotor"} (len: 91), cost 14.841µs
2022/02/18 12:51:28 String: GdHCNafIDDEkXjUZUTHFgSAFHWDSGhldPdOEeBAalkQQTTigeBAgFWVMhHTC (len: 60), cost 943ns
2022/02/18 12:51:28 Captcha DirectString: 8JkrB /var/folders/c8/ft7qp47d6lj5579gmyflxbr80000gn/T/3865434016/25Giag2ItPNhuVSZUoT3CUXfqRQ.png (len: 97), cost 3.271063ms
2022/02/18 12:51:28 formula: [11 × 8 = ?]
2022/02/18 12:51:28 Captcha SimpleMathFormula: 88 /var/folders/c8/ft7qp47d6lj5579gmyflxbr80000gn/T/3865434016/25GiahEJyhsQH3ZT2sDqu32RBo0.png (len: 94), cost 3.25333ms
2022/02/18 12:51:28 sony/sonyflake: uV2a2BnNzoWTkB (len: 14), cost 84.08µs
2022/02/18 12:51:28 max:
int64: 9223372036854775807 (len: 19), uint64: 18446744073709551615 (len: 20) (len: 78) [
int32: 2147483647 (len: 10), uint32: 4294967295 (len: 10)
int16: 32767 (len: 5), uint16: 65535 (len: 5)
int8: 127 (len: 3), uint8: 255 (len: 3)
float64: 179769313486231570814527423731704356798070567525844996598917476803157260780028538760589558632766878171540458953514382464234321326889464182768467546703537516986049910576551282076245490090389328944075868508455133942304583236903222948165808559332123348274797826204144723168738177180919299881250404026184124858368.000000, float32 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000], cost 19.074µs
2022/02/18 12:51:28 oklog/ulid: 01FW5JQE1RRARKVCYBY7R519KV (len: 26) [base32固定26位,48位时间(ms)+80位随机], cost 7.139µs
2022/02/18 12:51:28 chilts/sid: 1RKn3FRk91d-5bOymEA1zqH (len: 23) [32位时间(ns)+64位随机], cost 2.57µs
2022/02/18 12:51:28 kjk/betterguid: -MwA9vVszx6JReLZiqJB (len: 20) [32位时间(ms)+72位随机], cost 1.18µs
2022/02/18 12:51:28 segmentio/ksuid: 25GiafVbOsNMzg15wWwHVKRl75o (len: 27) [32位时间(s)+128位随机,20字节,base62固定27位,优选], cost 5.224µs
2022/02/18 12:51:28 customized/ksuid base64: 25GiabtZKlp5SMyM9A4dYQjT6Tw (len: 27) [25Giafr7LrbCRIbMx9xSnCMv9XQ 25GiajgdMz5RXqe7tJrmLJqio63 a<=b: true b<=c: true], cost 11.876µs
2022/02/18 12:51:28 lithammer/shortuuid: aghKjPHdBcwJnk2XU8kvq4 (len: 22) [UUIDv4 or v5, 紧凑编码], cost 26.285µs
2022/02/18 12:51:28 google/uuid v4: 242e763c-2aa5-4360-8fa0-62e9418d3e4c (len: 36) [128位随机], cost 1.929µs
2022/02/18 12:51:28 satori/go.uuid v4: f939e15a-abe4-453d-ab0a-c2e18ed3e4e4 (len: 36) [UUIDv4 from RFC 4112 for comparison], cost 1.898µs
2022/02/18 12:51:28 aidarkhanov/nanoid/v2: ZV4uObe6DmZyvz7odmmq_ (len: 21), cost 4.011µs
2022/02/18 12:51:28 matoous/go-nanoid/v2: GkxWbCDP5fQjxqM6agYAW (len: 21), cost 2.018µs
2022/02/18 12:51:28 coolbed/mgo-oid Mongodb Object ID: 620f25d0c3666e6a0cd918d0 (len: 24) [Timestamp: 1645159888], cost 1.065µs
2022/02/18 12:51:28 rs/xid Mongo Object ID: c87ibk7m20rmk34omjmg (len: 20) [32 位Time: 2022-02-18 12:51:28 +0800 CST, 24位Machine: 9hA3, Pid: 27148, , Counter: 10007789 4B time(s) + 3B machine id + 2B pid + 3Brandom], cost 14.914µs
2022/02/18 12:51:28 BSON Object ID: 620f25d0c3666e6a0c000001 (len: 24), cost 14.85µs
2022/02/18 12:51:28 snowflake ID: 1494535013352345600 (len: 19) [41位 Time: 1645159888958, 10位 Node: 1, 12位 Step:0], cost 1.401µs
2022/02/18 12:51:28 Random ID with fixed length 12: 101335860980 (len: 12), cost 7.671µs
2022/02/18 12:51:28 customized snowflake ID with fixed length 12: 100754487808 (len: 12), cost 782ns
2022/02/18 12:51:28 customized snowflake ID with uint32: 5894424 (len: 7), cost 555ns
2022/02/18 12:51:28 姓名: 唐棍蚘 (len: 9), cost 7.795µs
2022/02/18 12:51:28 性别: 男 (len: 3), cost 298ns
2022/02/18 12:51:28 地址: 安徽省宿州市訊攔路4057号婐徿小区15单元380室 (len: 60), cost 1.586µs
2022/02/18 12:51:28 手机: 18278881764 (len: 11), cost 2.644µs
2022/02/18 12:51:28 身份证: 428929197706083004 (len: 18), cost 4.625µs
2022/02/18 12:51:28 有效期: 20030623-20230623 (len: 17), cost 1.617µs
2022/02/18 12:51:28 发证机关: 乐山市公安局某某分局 (len: 30), cost 451ns
2022/02/18 12:51:28 邮箱: (len: 20), cost 966ns
2022/02/18 12:51:28 银行卡: 6214869843396646 (len: 16), cost 2.188µs
2022/02/18 12:51:28 日期: 2012年03月18日 (len: 17), cost 1.121µs
2022/02/18 12:51:28 Generative art: Junas: /var/folders/c8/ft7qp47d6lj5579gmyflxbr80000gn/T/3865434016/25GiaikJX26mWeNlGBZTBj7a5dP.png (len: 98), cost 15.272492ms
2022/02/18 12:51:33 Unsplash: /var/folders/c8/ft7qp47d6lj5579gmyflxbr80000gn/T/3865434016/25GibCS3FbU3QJMO5zNEKqSLMy9.png (len: 91), cost 4.043413278s
2022/02/18 12:51:33 Image: 17KiB 1433886362_640x320.jpg (len: 28), cost 15.307691ms
2022/02/18 12:51:33 PBE Encrypt: <nil> , cost 451ns
2022/02/18 12:51:33 PBE Decrypt: <nil> , cost 232ns
gg-rand -tag captcha -n 10
to generate 10 captcha images.
gg-rand -t formula -n 10
$ GG_IMG_SIZE=640X320 GG_IMG_FORMAT=JPG GG_IMG_FAST=N GG_IMG_FILE_SIZE=2MiB gg-rand -tag image -n 10
hash functions
🕙[2022-01-23 18:32:34.382] ❯ gg-rand -t hash -i '魔戒首部曲:魔戒现身.终极加长版.mkv' -c
2022/01/23 18:34:44 Started
2022/01/23 18:34:46 blake3hash-zeebo: 6p2D6TWec8knuEcmwbjw4F7_ubnBp9qYTWO787waCO8
2022/01/23 18:34:46 Completed, cost 2.418253944s
2022/01/23 18:34:46 Started
2022/01/23 18:34:49 blake3hash-luke: 6p2D6TWec8knuEcmwbjw4F7_ubnBp9qYTWO787waCO_4Ihzid_d0qYz6kU3gacZ0eYMg_Twhzm6ioui51N9Xq4mWT9Xo-kuAYiouqvwjD7sLmYGg7FeW-W6exOhRBowjcKbVJyCNnsqgucqw8Ca2EzJ4tYd27QNWuoGTsLMoSKfC08LTWMuHIhEH5kRSR6_J2d6NtnMrAUc9t9XVBNEtDPkXbLCTihr_YXTCfUuQb7WrCUnAhInzvuSfFiTR8gPss_OBpXbvVYxFEH0JAgPjtzZbBz6es_UkdCPBdUTbbZte12gaheQA1Y6bwI0bjmCUxw3h_t6OPrtNTFRL6_CYdw
2022/01/23 18:34:49 Completed, cost 2.904523985s
2022/01/23 18:34:49 Started
2022/01/23 18:34:50 xxhash: SN4WkuaIrVE
2022/01/23 18:34:50 Completed, cost 1.173249351s
2022/01/23 18:34:50 Started
2022/01/23 18:34:58 md5-hash: W2WtAp9nzHZGRDYabofufQ
2022/01/23 18:34:58 Completed, cost 8.076151521s
2022/01/23 18:34:58 Started
2022/01/23 18:35:13 sha256-hash: YEaOGH6VGtCuz4LOgC-dM-fK2N6o4HxRmKrU3pOSzV4
2022/01/23 18:35:13 Completed, cost 14.625180691s
2022/01/23 18:35:13 Started
2022/01/23 18:35:13 imo-hash: _6ClwBZqBTM3Q9wZJOFVLQ
2022/01/23 18:35:13 Completed, cost 105.436µs
Unique IDs
$ gg-rand -t id
2022/02/18 12:53:06 oklog/ulid: 01FW5JTCZWVRTAGCGJ4B6E0DNT (len: 26) [base32固定26位,48位时间(ms)+80位随机], cost 4.938µs
2022/02/18 12:53:06 chilts/sid: 1RKn4ezVuGt-6a4qNe_bDsZ (len: 23) [32位时间(ns)+64位随机], cost 4.572µs
2022/02/18 12:53:06 kjk/betterguid: -MwAAIEw6eMXaJwRyDl9 (len: 20) [32位时间(ms)+72位随机], cost 995ns
2022/02/18 12:53:06 segmentio/ksuid: 25Gin0uvPFI2YB0EAWW9Pwo0Xs8 (len: 27) [32位时间(s)+128位随机,20字节,base62固定27位,优选], cost 5.711µs
2022/02/18 12:53:06 customized/ksuid base64: 25GimvRwpjg07Gzp6dkWpYCI2ka (len: 27) [25GimzuwbAddDE0nyVjmlVheS2U 25Gin3F0rwwMCkfaqnXfcRJXkMh a<=b: true b<=c: true], cost 7.841µs
2022/02/18 12:53:06 lithammer/shortuuid: CGrL8k8ciS7A3NAqES35cB (len: 22) [UUIDv4 or v5, 紧凑编码], cost 26.529µs
2022/02/18 12:53:06 google/uuid v4: b3c9b1be-c2e2-4d7e-98d6-215a5c540390 (len: 36) [128位随机], cost 1.94µs
2022/02/18 12:53:06 satori/go.uuid v4: 077430aa-a5dc-48f3-9d03-c9788c303721 (len: 36) [UUIDv4 from RFC 4112 for comparison], cost 2.006µs
2022/02/18 12:53:06 aidarkhanov/nanoid/v2: I1ddyW-pL7i0lW219B2ve (len: 21), cost 1.798µs
2022/02/18 12:53:06 matoous/go-nanoid/v2: qxDCUAGlpGbkuZkcpSOEb (len: 21), cost 1.993µs
2022/02/18 12:53:06 coolbed/mgo-oid Mongodb Object ID: 620f2632c3666e6a714e0afd (len: 24) [Timestamp: 1645159986], cost 4.259µs
2022/02/18 12:53:06 rs/xid Mongo Object ID: c87iccnm20rmks9t7c00 (len: 20) [32 位Time: 2022-02-18 12:53:06 +0800 CST, 24位Machine: 9hA3, Pid: 27249, , Counter: 4012800 4B time(s) + 3B machine id + 2B pid + 3Brandom], cost 7.879µs
2022/02/18 12:53:06 BSON Object ID: 620f2632c3666e6a71000001 (len: 24), cost 9.101µs
2022/02/18 12:53:06 snowflake ID: 1494535421097414656 (len: 19) [41位 Time: 1645159986172, 10位 Node: 1, 12位 Step:0], cost 1.244µs
2022/02/18 12:53:06 Random ID with fixed length 12: 101349623713 (len: 12), cost 6.027µs
2022/02/18 12:53:06 customized snowflake ID with fixed length 12: 100754587648 (len: 12), cost 1.673µs
2022/02/18 12:53:06 customized snowflake ID with uint32: 5895208 (len: 7), cost 665ns
- Generating good unique ids in Go
- A brief history of the UUID
- Fast, high quality alternative to math/rand and, SFC64 是 Chris Doty-Humphrey 的小型快速混沌 PRNG 的 256 位实现