tail log and do something
go install ./...
demo config.toml
# files to tail.
# These accept standard unix glob matching rules, but with the addition of
# ** as a "super asterisk". ie:
# "/var/log/**.log" -> recursively find all .log files in /var/log
# "/var/log/*/*.log" -> find all .log files with a parent dir in /var/log
# "/var/log/apache.log" -> just tail the apache log file
# See https://github.com/gobwas/glob for more examples
Files = ["testdata/*.log"]
# Read file from beginning.
FromBeginning = false
# Whether file is a named pipe
Pipe = false
# 前置匹配(子串包含)
Matches = ["[End]"]
PostURL = ""
# 匹配正则,优先级高
Capture = ''''''
# 正则匹配,捕获组序号
CaptureGroup = 0
# 在Capture为空时,使用锚点定位
# 起始锚点
AnchorStart = '''customerVerify(..)=['''
# 终止锚点
AnchorEnd = ''']^_^'''
Start the POST mock server
$ logtailmockserver
2019/12/05 20:39:57 start mock server on :8812
Start the logtail (Notice: remove offset cache file by rm -fr ~/.logtail*
to start to tail from beginning of log files)
$ logtail -i
./ctl created!
./config.toml created!
$ rm -fr ~/.logtail*
$ ./ctl start
logtail now is running already, pid=86594
$ ./ctl status ➜ logtail git:(master) ✗ ./ctl status
logtail started, pid=86594
$ logtail -h
Usage of logtail:
--anchorEnd string 终止锚点(在Capture为空时有效)
--anchorStart string 起始锚点(在Capture为空时有效)
--capture string 匹配正则
--captureGroup int 捕获组序号
-c, --cnf string cnf file path
--files string Files to tail
--fromBeginning Read file from beginning
-i, --init init to create template config file and ctl.sh
--logdir string log dir (default "var/logs")
--loglevel string debug/info/warn/error (default "info")
--logrus enable logrus (default true)
--matches string 前置匹配(子串包含)
--offsetSavePrefix string Offset save file prefix in in ~, default logtail
--pipe Whether file is a named pipe
--postURL string POST URL
-v, --version show version
--watchMethod string Method used to watch for file updates(inotify/poll), default inotify
pflag: help requested
- http://httpbin.org/ This is a simple HTTP Request & Response Service
- https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com A placeholder website to invoke REST APIs