👾 Chipper
Chipper is a small tool for testing CPUs.
It runs multiple tests and measures execution time. Based on that time, you can relatively compare CPUs.
Note: Keep in mind that results may vary from run to run, and results don't show the real picture of which CPU is
better. Speed of terminal, RAM, or even already running processes may dramatically affect results.
📋 Available tests
- Fibonacci sequence (
1, 1, 2, 3, 5
- Factorial (
1, 2, 6, 24, 120
- Trigonometry (
atan(tan(atan(... + e)))
⚡️ Install & Run
Install using go install
go install github.com/bingoohuang/chipper@latest
Note: Make sure to add $GOPATH/bin
to $PATH
Or run in pretty-ui
without pretty TUI (maybe slightly faster)
chipper -s