The software and related documentation are under active development, all subjected to potential future
change without notification and not ready for production use. The code and security audit have not been fully
completed and not ready for any bug bounty.
Oracle Relayer
Oracle Relayer is responsible for relaying events of bsc to bbc.
Build binary:
$ make build
Build docker image:
$ make build_docker
There is a config template in config directory, you should create your own config to run your relayer correctly.
You can refer to config doc for more details.
Run locally:
$ ./build/relayer --bbc-network [0 for testnet, 1 for mainnet] --config-type [local or aws] --config-path config_file_path --aws-region [aws region or omit] --aws-secret-key [aws secret key for config or omit]
Run docker:
$ docker run -it -v /your/data/path:/relayer -e BBC_NETWORK={0 or 1} -e CONFIG_TYPE="local" -e CONFIG_FILE_PATH=/your/config/file/path/in/container -d oracle_relayer
Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0. See LICENSE for more information.