RSS Feed Filterer is a sophisticated tool designed to efficiently monitor, filter, and notify users about new releases in software projects based on their RSS feeds. It seamlessly integrates with AWS S3 to persist release data and provides a comprehensive mechanism to track multiple project releases.
RSS Feed Monitoring: Efficiently checks and parses RSS feeds for software releases.
Notifications: Notifies users about the latest releases. Only supports Slack notification but the architecture is designed to easily accommodate other notification services like email.
Cloud Integration: While AWS S3 is natively supported for persistent release data storage, the architecture is designed to easily accommodate other cloud providers' S3 services in upcoming releases. (Aliyun, GCP)
rss-feed-filterer [flags]
rss-feed-filterer [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
start starts the main process by reading the config file
-c, --config-file string path for the config file to be used
-h, --help help for rss-feed-filterer
--verbose verbose output of the logging library as 'debug' (default false)
-v, --version version for rss-feed-filterer
Use "rss-feed-filterer [command] --help" for more information about a command.