Overview ¶
Tagfmt formats struct tag within Go programs. It uses blanks for alignment. tag must be in key:"value" pair format
usage: tagfmt [flags] [path ...]
-P string field name with inverse regular expression pattern -a align with nearby field's tag (default true) -cpuprofile string write cpu profile to this file -d display diffs instead of rewriting files -e report all errors (not just the first 10 on different lines) -f string fill key and value for field e.g json=lower(_val)|yaml=snake(_val) -l list files whose formatting differs from tagfmt's -p string field name with regular expression pattern (default ".*") -s sort struct tag by key -sP string struct name with inverse regular expression pattern -so string sort struct tag keys order e.g json|yaml|desc -sp string struct name with regular expression pattern (default ".*") -w write result to (source) file instead of stdout
Debugging support:
-cpuprofile filename Write cpu profile to the specified file.
struct tag format example: //tagfmt struct User struct { Name string `json:"name" xml:"name" yaml:"name"` Password string `json:"password" xml:"password" yaml:"password"` } // after format struct User struct { Name string `json:"name" xml:"name" yaml:"name" ` Password string `json:"password" xml:"password" yaml:"password"` }
When invoke with -s tagfmt will sort struct tags by key.
struct tag key example: //tagfmt -s struct User struct { Name string `xml:"name" json:"name" yaml:"name"` } // after format struct User struct { Name string `json:"name" xml:"name" yaml:"name"` }
When invoke with -so <order> and -s will sort struct tags by your custom <order>
//tagfmt -s -so "json|yaml|desc" package main type Example struct { Data string `desc:"some inuse data" yaml:"data" json:"data" ` } type Example struct { Data string `json:"data" yaml:"data" desc:"some inuse data"` }
When invoke with -sw <weight> and -s will sort struct tags by your custom <weight>
//tagfmt -s -sw "json=2|yaml=1|toml=1|desc=-1" package main type Example struct { Data string `desc:"some inuse data" yaml:"data" toml:"data" binding:"required" json:"data" ` } package main type Example struct { Data string `json:"data" toml:"data" yaml:"data" binding:"required" desc:"some inuse data"` }
When invoke with -f "*" tagfmt will fill missing key and empty value in group(group split by black line or field without tag)
struct tag fill example: //tagfmt -f "*" type User struct { Name string `json:"name"` Password string `xml:"password"` EmptyTag string City string `json:"group" xml:"group"` State string `gorm:"type:varchar(64)" xml:"state"` } // after format type User struct { Name string `json:"name" xml:""` Password string `xml:"password" json:""` EmptyTag string City string `json:"group" xml:"group" gorm:""` State string `gorm:"type:varchar(64)" xml:"state" json:""` }
You also can only fill "json" tag key and field name as its value
struct tag fill example: //tagfmt -f "json=:field" type Order struct { ID string `` Tag string `` Fee float32 `` } // after format type Order struct { ID string `json:"ID"` Tag string `json:"Tag"` Fee float32 `json:"Fee"` }
use `// tagfill: [key1 key2]` to filter below struct requires key
struct tag fill example: //tagfmt -f "json=snake(:tag)|yaml=lower_camel(:tag)|bson=lower_camel(:tag)|toml=upper_camel(:tag)" package main // tagfill: toml yaml type OrderConfig struct { Name string `` UserName string `` Pay int `` } // tagfill: json bson type OrderDetail struct { ID string `` UserName string `` Pay int `` } //after format package main // tagfill: toml yaml type OrderConfig struct { Name string `toml:"" yaml:""` UserName string `toml:"" yaml:""` Pay int `toml:"" yaml:""` } // tagfill: json bson type OrderDetail struct { ID string `bson:"" json:""` UserName string `bson:"" json:""` Pay int `bson:"" json:""` } fill rule are rich and flexible here is example about fill json key and snake converted field name as its value, final keep it's origin extra tag struct tag fill example: //tagfmt -f "json=snake(:field)+:tag_extra" package main type OrderDetail struct { ID string `json:",omitempty"` UserName string `json:",omitempty"` OrderID string `json:",omitempty"` Callback string `` Address []string `` } // after format type OrderDetail struct { ID string `json:"id,omitempty"` UserName string `json:"user_name,omitempty"` OrderID string `json:"order_id,omitempty"` Callback string `json:"callback"` Address []string `json:"address"` } fill rule: multiple key rule split with '|' <key>[=<function or placehold_val or string>[+ <function or placehold_val or string> ]] '*' is special key, it will fill missing key and empty value in group(group split by black line or field without tag) fill rule functions: upper(s string) // a-z to A-Z lower(s string) // A-Z to a-z snake(s string) // convert upper_camel/lower_camel word to snake case upper_camel(s string) // convert snake case/lower camel case to upper camel case lower_camel(s string) // convert upper camel case/snake case to lower camel case or(s string, s string) // return return first params if it's not zero,else return the second fill rule placehold value: :field // replace with struct field name :tag // replace with struct field existed tag's value :tag_basic // replace with field existed tag's basic value (the value before the first ',' ) :tag_extra // replace with field existed tag's extra data (the value after the first ',' ) fill Concatenated string fill rule also support use '+' to concatenated string //tagfmt -f "json=snake(:tag_basic)+',omitempty'" type OrderDetail struct { ID string `json:"id"` UserName string `json:"user_name"` OrderID string `json:"order_id"` Callback string `json:"callback"` Address []string `json:"address"` } type OrderDetail struct { ID string `json:"id,omitempty"` UserName string `json:"user_name,omitempty"` OrderID string `json:"order_id,omitempty"` Callback string `json:"callback,omitempty"` Address []string `json:"address,omitempty"` }
/* * Copyright 2020 bigpigeon. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a MIT style * license that can be found in the LICENSE file. * */