
v0.2.0-beta.4 Latest Latest

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Published: Aug 19, 2018 License: MIT


Skywire Wing Commander

Note: The Skycoin Cloud included in the logo above is the property of the Skycoin project, and has been used here with permission of the Skycoin project.

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Wing Commander is a Telegram bot written in Go designed to help the Skyfleet community monitor and manage their Skyminers and associated Nodes.

This is currently a Work In Progress (WIP). The initial ALPHA release phase has been completed, and the project is now being made available more broadly in BETA release form.

Please note that this is not an official Skycoin project. If you have issues or questions - please do not bother the Skycoin or Skywire teams - raise any issues or feature requests in GitHub. Also note that this is not my job - I am doing this as an active member of the Skyfleet community and will endeavor to get back to you and resolve issues when I can. Please have patience and bare with me.

The intention of this project is to have a specialised Telegram bot application (written in Go) to run on a Skycoin Skywire (Skyminer) Manager Node and provide its owner with realtime management and monitoring capabilities.

Wing Commander Setup

The following section should contain all the steps requied to setup and build the bot.

Create your Bot

Initiate a Telegram chat with the @BotFather. The @BotFather is a bot provided by Telegram and will guide you through the process of creating a new Telegram account for your bot.

I won't cover specifics here - I suggest you Google it.

Once you have created a new bot, the @BotFather will provide you with details similar to the below:

Done! Congratulations on your new bot. You will find it at{YOUR-BOT-NAME_bot}. 
You can now add a description, about section and profile picture for your bot, see /help for a list of commands. By the way, when you've finished creating your cool bot, ping our bot Support if you want a better username for it. Just make sure the bot is fully operational before you do this.

Use this token to access the HTTP API:

For a description of the bot API, see this page:

You will need to paste the (API) token provided by the @BotFather into your config.toml file .

Suggested Bot Settings

The @BotFather allows you to control certain settings for the bot - including its ability to participate in group chats. At this stage the bot has been designed for use in private chats only. Further, I would strongly recommend not allowing it to be used by anyone other than youself or within group context.

Install and Build

The Wing Commander bot is designed to operate on your Skywire Manager Node - it is not intended or expected to function on a subordinate Node that does not run the Skywire Manager.

It is expected that you have Go v1.10.x installed. I will leave the installation of this to you. The below steps assume Go is correctly installed and your $GOPATH is correctly defined.

To get and build the code use the following commands - note paths are case-sensitive:

mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
cd $GOPATH/src/
git clone
cd skywire-wing-commander
go install -v ./...

Update and Rebuild

To update and rebuild, use the following commands:

cd $GOPATH/src/
git pull origin master 
go install -v ./...


You MUST provide a valid configuration file for the bot or it will not launch. The config file must reside in the following location $HOME\.wingcommander\config.toml

Refer to the following example configuration file: config.example.toml.

It is recommended to copy the example configuration file to $HOME\.wingcommander\config.toml. Use the example file as a template and edit the details as needed.

The following commands can be used to setup the required folders and copy the example config file template:

cd ~
mkdir .wingcommander
cd .wingcommander
cp $GOPATH/src/ ~/.wingcommander/config.toml
cp $GOPATH/src/ ~/.wingcommander/
chmod +x 

Next run to assist you with updating the config file:


This script will ask you for your Bot API Key which will look similar to this:


On completion, the script should have updated all the required settings in the config.toml for you. You can review and tweak any of the other settings manually (if needed) by using the following command (this should not be needed however):

nano config.toml
Find your ChatID

NOTE: You can skip this section if you used the auto config script above.

To get your ChatID go into Telegram and send a chat message to your newly created bot (it will not respond). Once you have initiated a chat with your bot, then enter the following URL into your browser:{BOTTOKEN_FROM_BOTFATHER}/getUpdates

The above URL should produce JSON output for your bot, including the ChatID. Paste your ChatID into your config.toml file.

An example of the JSON output is as follows:


In the example above, "chat":{"id":000000000 is what you are looking for, and specifically the id which in this example is 000000000.

Running Wing Commander

Background process

To run Wing Commander as a background process (detached from the terminal):

cd $GOPATH/bin
nohup ./wcbot /dev/null 2>&1 & echo $! > &
Forground process

To run Wing Commander as a foreground process (debug info logged to the terminal):

cd $GOPATH/bin
Automatic restart

Use the following commands to setup an automatic startup script to check and restart the Wing Commander bot incase the Manager Node goes offline.

cp $GOPATH/src/ /etc/init.d/
cd /etc/init.d
chmod 755 
crontab -e 

Go to the bottom of the file and enter the following:

@reboot /etc/init.d/

Then press CTRL+O & ENTER to Save, then press CTRL+X to Exit.

Stopping Wing Commander

cd $GOPATH/bin
pkill -F

Alternatively, if you are running Wing Commander interactively from the command line, you can press CTRL+C to shut it down gracefully.

Wing Commander Commands

This section outlines the Telegram Bot commands that are currently supported by Wing Commander:



Provides the user with information on the commands supported by Wing Commander (listed below).



Shows information and credits about the creator of Wing Commander and any key contributors.



Manually request current status of the Wing Commander Bot. The Status message will return the same information that is returned as part of the periodic Heartbeat. Status will also inform you if Monitoring is currently running or not.

Show Config


Show the current runtime configuration for the bot based on the content of the config.toml file.



Wing Commander will start monitoring the Skyminer that it is running on. Once started, Wing Commander will provide notification updates via Telegram when any Node managed by the Skyminer Manager connects or disconnects. Additionally, the /start command will initiate a Heartbeat which will provide a periodic status update (interval set in config.toml). The Heartbeat will help you to ensure that the bot and/or the Skyminer itself is still running. The Heartbeat also checks that all connected local Nodes are registered with the Discovery Server and reports the count back as part of the Heartbear message. If you stop receiving the Heartbeat, you need to check whats going on.

Heartbeat screenshot



Wing Commander will stop monitoring the Skyminer. This will also stop the heartbeat.

Check Update


Wing Commander will check the GitHub repository to determine if there are updates available or not and will report back the findings.

Note: This command will not perform the upgrade. At this point you must still perform the upgrade. This provides information of the availablity of a new version only.

Known Issues

The following section outlines some known issues that need to be taken into consideration by anyone running this software:

  • DNS level blocking/filtering of Telegram API domain on the Skywire nodes (or routers). More detail provided below.

  • Repository renamed. The repository has recently been renamed. It was previously skywire-telegram-notify-bot. It is now called skywire-wing-commander (note that this is case sensitive). Please make sure you update any references to the new repo name.

I have built and tested this on the following setups:


OpenDNS Errors

If you are running OpenDNS or other DNS which protects and prevents access to certain domains, you may need to update the settings to ensure that the Telegram API domain ( is not blocked. In OpenDNS this is blocked by the Chat and Instant message areas.

Access to the Telegram API is being blocked if you get the following error when trying to run the Bot:

PANI[0000] Post{BOTTOKEN_FROM_BOTFATHER}/getMe: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority 

You can verify this by using curl. Run the following command and if you get the error shown below, the domain is being blocked. If the domain isn't blocked you should get a JSON response from Telegrams API.


curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate

Date-Time set incorrectly

If the Date-time on your Node is set incorrectly you will get certificate issues as well. If you get the following error messages (when running interactivly) you need to check the date on your node.

INFO[0000] Initiating Bot instance.
ERRO[0001] Failed to initialize Telegram API: Post{BOTTOKEN_FROM_BOTFATHER}/getMe: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid
INFO[0001] Skywire Wing Commander Telegram Bot - Stopped.

Check your system date


Change your system date with this command (replacing the example date and time with the current):

timedatectl set-time '2018-08-10 11:57'


This is not my job, but I enjoy building things for the Skyfleet community. If you find my work useful, please consider donating to support it.

Skycoin:    ES5LccJDhBCK275APmW9tmQNEgiYwTFKQF


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? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
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