k2http is a application that forwards messages from kafka 0.9+ to an HTTP
endpoint using rbforwarder
To install this application ensure you have the GOPATH
environment variable
set and glide installed.
curl https://glide.sh/get | sh
And then:
Clone this repo and cd to the project
git clone https://github.com/redBorder/k2http.git && cd k2http
Install dependencies and compile
Install on desired directory
prefix=/opt/rb make install
Usage of k2http:
--config string
Config file
Show debug info
Print version info
To run k2http
just execute the following command:
k2http --config path/to/config/file
Example config file
queue: 1000 # Max internal queue size
backoff: 10 # Time to wait between retries in seconds
retries: 3 # Number of retries on fail (-1 not limited)
max_messages: 5000 # Max messages per second
# max_bytes: 5242880 # Max bytes per second
broker: "localhost:9092" # Kafka brokers
consumergroup: "k2http" # Consumer group ID
topics: # Kafka topics to listen
- rb_nmsp
- rb_radius
- rb_flow
- rb_loc
- rb_monitor
- rb_state
- rb_social
workers: 1 # Number of workers
size: 1000 # Max messages per batch
timeoutMillis: 100 # Max time to wait for send a batch
deflate: false # Use deflate to compress batches
workers: 1
url: "http://localhost:8888" # Number of workers, one connection per worker
insecure: false # Skip SSSL verification
Using with Docker
You can use the application with Docker. First you need to compile as usual and then generate the docker image:
docker build -t k2http-docker .
You can then use the app inside a docker container:
docker run --rm k2http-docker --version