Akubra is a simple solution to keep an independent S3 storages in sync - almost
realtime, eventually consistent.
Keeping redundant storage clusters, which handle great volume of new objects
(about 300k obj/h), is the most efficient by feeding them with all incoming data
at once. That's what Akubra does, with a minimum memory and cpu footprint.
Synchronizing S3 storages offline is almost impossible with a high volume traffic.
It would require keeping track of new objects (or periodical bucket listing),
downloading and uploading them to other storage. It's slow, expensive and hard
to implement.
Akubra way is to put files in all storages at once by copying requests to multiple
backends. Sometimes one of clusters may reject request for various reason, but
that's not a big deal: we simply log that event, and sync that object in an
independent process.
You need go >= 1.7 compiler see
In main directory of this repository do:
make build
make test
Usage of Akubra:
usage: akubra [<flags>]
--help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
-c, --conf=CONF Configuration file e.g.: "conf/dev.yaml"
akubra -c devel.yaml
How it works?
Once a request comes to our proxy we copy all its headers and create pipes for
body streaming to each endpoint. If any endpoint returns a positive response it's
immediately returned to a client. If all endpoints return an error, then the
first response is passed to the client
If some nodes respond incorrectly we log which cluster has a problem, is it
storing or reading and where the erroneous file may be found. In that case
we also return positive response as stated above.
We also handle slow endpoint scenario. If there are more connections than safe
limit defined in configuration, the backend with most of them is taken out of
the pool and error is logged.
Configuration is read from a YAML configuration file with the following fields:
# Listen interface and port e.g. "0:8000", "localhost:9090", ":80"
Listen: ":8080"
# List of backend URI's e.g. "http://s3.mydaracenter.org"
- "http://s3.dc1.internal"
- "http://s3.dc2.internal"
# Limit of outgoing connections. When limit is reached, Akubra will omit external backend
# with greatest number of stalled connections
ConnLimit: 100
# Additional not AWS S3 specific headers proxy will add to original request
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': "*"
'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials': "true"
'Access-Control-Allow-Methods': "GET, POST, OPTIONS"
'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': "DNT,X-CustomHeader,Keep-Alive,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,If-Modified-Since,Cache-Control,Content-Type"
# Additional headers added to backend response
'Cache-Control': "public, s-maxage=600, max-age=600"
'X-Akubra-Version': '0.9.26'
# Read timeout on outgoing connections
ConnectionTimeout: "3s"
# Dial timeout on outgoing connections
ConnectionDialTimeout: "1s"
# Backend in maintenance mode. Akubra will skip this endpoint
# MaintainedBackend: "http://s3.dc2.internal"
# List request methods to be logged in synclog in case of backend failure
- User's credentials have to be identical on every backend
- We do not support S3 partial uploads