Use Package/Repo Management tool for a Project. In this project we are
Using Glide which is taking care of it.
You can find the glide.yaml of this project to know more.
Maintain a file to describe and document RESTful APIs in a Project. We are
Using Swagger Tool, Which can also
create the CLI for us using the swagger.yaml.
You can refer the swagger.yaml of this project to know more.
There are many libraries available in go, Use it whenever possible.
To build a CLI, In this project we are
using cli library,
viper for config file management and the
lists will go on as the feature increases.
Make use of free tools to keep your code clean and unbreakable whenever
possible to maintain the sanity of the project,
We are using Travis CI in
this project, which will be running on every PR's created. Many more tools are
available in this opensource world and try to make use of it.