Built on top of Go Graphics with the idea to simplify visualizing Grids using 2D Graphics.
go get
Example 1
Exploring the GridConfig
configuration object. The Rows
and Columns
represent the rows and columns of the grid you wish to visualize. You can customize the grid by playing various options from style, color and width.
package main
import (
func main() {
imageConfig := gridder.ImageConfig{Name: "example1.png"}
gridConfig := gridder.GridConfig{
Rows: 4,
Columns: 8,
MarginWidth: 0,
LineDashes: 0,
LineStrokeWidth: 2,
BorderDashes: 0,
BorderStrokeWidth: 10,
LineColor: color.Gray{},
BorderColor: color.RGBA{B: 255, A: 255},
BackgroundColor: color.White,
grid, err := gridder.New(imageConfig, gridConfig)
if err != nil {
Example 2
Exploring the ImageConfig
configuration object. This defines the image that will be generated. You can customize the Width
and Height
to generate larger images.
package main
import (
func main() {
imageConfig := gridder.ImageConfig{
Width: 500,
Height: 500,
Name: "example2.png",
gridConfig := gridder.GridConfig{
Rows: 4,
Columns: 4,
MarginWidth: 20,
LineDashes: 10,
LineStrokeWidth: 2,
BorderDashes: 20,
BorderStrokeWidth: 4,
LineColor: color.RGBA{R: 255 / 2, A: 255},
BorderColor: color.RGBA{B: 255 / 2, A: 255},
BackgroundColor: color.RGBA{G: 255 / 2, A: 255},
grid, err := gridder.New(imageConfig, gridConfig)
if err != nil {
Example 3
Using PaintCell
to paint a cell by the grid's row and column
package main
import (
func main() {
imageConfig := gridder.ImageConfig{
Width: 500,
Height: 500,
Name: "example3.png",
gridConfig := gridder.GridConfig{
Rows: 4,
Columns: 4,
LineStrokeWidth: 2,
BorderStrokeWidth: 4,
grid, err := gridder.New(imageConfig, gridConfig)
if err != nil {
grid.PaintCell(1, 2, color.Black)
Example 4
Using DrawRectangle
to draw rectangles in cells with various stylistic properties
package main
import (
func main() {
imageConfig := gridder.ImageConfig{
Width: 500,
Height: 500,
Name: "example4.png",
gridConfig := gridder.GridConfig{
Rows: 4,
Columns: 4,
LineStrokeWidth: 2,
BorderStrokeWidth: 4,
grid, err := gridder.New(imageConfig, gridConfig)
if err != nil {
grid.DrawRectangle(0, 0, gridder.RectangleConfig{Width: 60, Height: 60, Color: color.Black, Stroke: true, Rotate: 45})
grid.DrawRectangle(3, 0, gridder.RectangleConfig{Width: 60, Height: 60, Color: color.Black, Stroke: true, Rotate: 45, Dashes: 10})
grid.DrawRectangle(0, 3, gridder.RectangleConfig{Width: 60, Height: 60, Color: color.Black, Stroke: true, StrokeWidth: 25})
grid.DrawRectangle(2, 1, gridder.RectangleConfig{Width: 180, Height: 180, Color: color.RGBA{R: 255 / 2, A: 255 / 2}})
grid.DrawRectangle(3, 3, gridder.RectangleConfig{Width: 60, Height: 60, Color: color.Black, Stroke: false})
Example 5
Using DrawCircle
to draw circles in cells with various stylistic properties
package main
import (
func main() {
imageConfig := gridder.ImageConfig{
Width: 500,
Height: 500,
Name: "example5.png",
gridConfig := gridder.GridConfig{
Rows: 4,
Columns: 4,
LineStrokeWidth: 2,
BorderStrokeWidth: 4,
grid, err := gridder.New(imageConfig, gridConfig)
if err != nil {
grid.DrawCircle(0, 0, gridder.CircleConfig{Radius: 30, Color: color.Black, Stroke: true})
grid.DrawCircle(3, 0, gridder.CircleConfig{Radius: 30, Color: color.Black, Stroke: true, Dashes: 10})
grid.DrawCircle(0, 3, gridder.CircleConfig{Radius: 30, Color: color.Black, Stroke: true, StrokeWidth: 25})
grid.DrawCircle(2, 1, gridder.CircleConfig{Radius: 90, Color: color.RGBA{R: 255 / 2, A: 255 / 2}})
grid.DrawCircle(3, 3, gridder.CircleConfig{Radius: 30, Color: color.Black, Stroke: false})
Example 6
Using DrawLine
to draw lines in cells with various stylistic properties
package main
import (
func main() {
imageConfig := gridder.ImageConfig{
Width: 500,
Height: 500,
Name: "example6.png",
gridConfig := gridder.GridConfig{
Rows: 4,
Columns: 4,
MarginWidth: 30,
LineStrokeWidth: 2,
BorderStrokeWidth: 4,
grid, err := gridder.New(imageConfig, gridConfig)
if err != nil {
grid.DrawLine(0, 0, gridder.LineConfig{Length: 60, Color: color.Black, Dashes: 0})
grid.DrawLine(0, 0, gridder.LineConfig{Length: 60, Color: color.Black, Dashes: 0, Rotate: 90})
grid.DrawLine(0, 3, gridder.LineConfig{Length: 60, Color: color.Black, Dashes: 0, StrokeWidth: 25})
grid.DrawLine(2, 1, gridder.LineConfig{Length: 90, Color: color.RGBA{R: 255 / 2, A: 255 / 2}, Rotate: 45})
grid.DrawLine(2, 1, gridder.LineConfig{Length: 90, Color: color.RGBA{R: 255 / 2, A: 255 / 2}, Rotate: 135})
grid.DrawLine(3, 3, gridder.LineConfig{Length: 60, Color: color.Black, Dashes: 5})
Example 7
Using DrawPath
to draw a path between two cells with various stylistic properties
package main
import (
func main() {
imageConfig := gridder.ImageConfig{
Width: 500,
Height: 500,
Name: "example7.png",
gridConfig := gridder.GridConfig{
Rows: 4,
Columns: 4,
LineStrokeWidth: 2,
BorderStrokeWidth: 4,
grid, err := gridder.New(imageConfig, gridConfig)
if err != nil {
grid.DrawPath(0, 0, 1, 1, gridder.PathConfig{Dashes: 0, StrokeWidth: 10, Color: color.Black})
grid.DrawPath(1, 1, 2, 1, gridder.PathConfig{Dashes: 5, StrokeWidth: 1, Color: color.Black})
grid.DrawPath(2, 1, 3, 1, gridder.PathConfig{Dashes: 8, StrokeWidth: 1, Color: color.Black})
grid.DrawPath(3, 1, 3, 2, gridder.PathConfig{Dashes: 0, StrokeWidth: 1, Color: color.Black})
Example 8
Using DrawString
to draw a string in a cell with various stylistic properties
package main
import (
func main() {
imageConfig := gridder.ImageConfig{
Width: 500,
Height: 500,
Name: "example8.png",
gridConfig := gridder.GridConfig{
Rows: 4,
Columns: 4,
LineStrokeWidth: 2,
BorderStrokeWidth: 4,
grid, err := gridder.New(imageConfig, gridConfig)
if err != nil {
font, err := truetype.Parse(goregular.TTF)
if err != nil {
fontFace1 := truetype.NewFace(font, &truetype.Options{Size: 24})
fontFace2 := truetype.NewFace(font, &truetype.Options{Size: 35})
grid.DrawString(0, 0, "Hello!", fontFace1)
grid.DrawString(1, 1, "Hello!", fontFace1, gridder.StringConfig{Rotate: 45})
grid.DrawString(2, 2, "Hello!", fontFace2, gridder.StringConfig{Color: color.RGBA{B: 255 / 2, A: 255 / 2}})
Example 9
Combining multiple features to draw the shortest path on a grid
package main
import (
func main() {
imageConfig := gridder.ImageConfig{
Width: 2000,
Height: 1000,
Name: "example9.png",
gridConfig := gridder.GridConfig{
Rows: 4,
Columns: 8,
MarginWidth: 32,
LineStrokeWidth: 2,
BorderStrokeWidth: 20,
grid, err := gridder.New(imageConfig, gridConfig)
if err != nil {
font, err := truetype.Parse(goregular.TTF)
if err != nil {
fontFace := truetype.NewFace(font, &truetype.Options{Size: 48})
lineConfig := gridder.PathConfig{Dashes: 10}
circleConfig := gridder.CircleConfig{Color: color.Gray{}, Radius: 10}
grid.PaintCell(1, 2, color.NRGBA{R: 0, G: 0, B: 0, A: 255 / 2})
grid.DrawString(1, 2, "Block", fontFace)
grid.DrawCircle(0, 0, gridder.CircleConfig{Color: color.NRGBA{R: 255 / 2, G: 0, B: 0, A: 255 / 2}, Radius: 60})
grid.DrawPath(0, 0, 1, 1, lineConfig)
grid.DrawCircle(1, 1, circleConfig)
grid.DrawPath(1, 1, 2, 2, lineConfig)
grid.DrawCircle(2, 2, circleConfig)
grid.DrawPath(2, 2, 2, 3, lineConfig)
grid.DrawCircle(2, 3, circleConfig)
grid.DrawPath(2, 3, 2, 4, lineConfig)
grid.DrawCircle(2, 4, circleConfig)
grid.DrawPath(2, 4, 2, 5, lineConfig)
grid.DrawCircle(2, 5, circleConfig)
grid.DrawPath(2, 5, 2, 6, lineConfig)
grid.DrawCircle(2, 6, circleConfig)
grid.DrawPath(2, 6, 3, 7, lineConfig)
grid.DrawCircle(3, 7, gridder.CircleConfig{Color: color.NRGBA{R: 0, G: 255 / 2, B: 0, A: 255 / 2}, Radius: 60})
Example 10
Combining multiple features to draw a Bingo card
package main
import (
func main() {
imageConfig := gridder.ImageConfig{
Width: 1000,
Height: 1200,
Name: "example10.png",
gridConfig := gridder.GridConfig{
Rows: 6,
Columns: 5,
MarginWidth: 32,
LineStrokeWidth: 2,
BackgroundColor: color.RGBA{R: 135, G: 211, B: 124, A: 255},
grid, err := gridder.New(imageConfig, gridConfig)
if err != nil {
font, err := truetype.Parse(goregular.TTF)
if err != nil {
headerFontFace := truetype.NewFace(font, &truetype.Options{Size: 100})
valueFontFace := truetype.NewFace(font, &truetype.Options{Size: 50})
headers := []string{"B", "I", "N", "G", "O"}
values := [][]string{
{"10", "22", "41", "53", "71"},
{"66", "20", "40", "50", "2"},
{"14", "26", "FREE", "52", "69"},
{"15", "29", "37", "51", "65"},
{"17", "6", "35", "55", "64"},
circleConfig := gridder.CircleConfig{Radius: 60, Color: color.White}
for i, header := range headers {
grid.DrawCircle(0, i, circleConfig)
grid.DrawString(0, i, header, headerFontFace)
for row := range values {
for column := range values[0] {
grid.PaintCell(row+1, column, color.White)
grid.DrawString(row+1, column, values[row][column], valueFontFace)
Example 11
Combining multiple features to draw a Tic Tac Toe game
package main
import (
func main() {
imageConfig := gridder.ImageConfig{
Width: 500,
Height: 500,
Name: "example11.png",
gridConfig := gridder.GridConfig{
Rows: 3,
Columns: 3,
LineStrokeWidth: 2,
BorderStrokeWidth: 4,
LineColor: color.Gray{},
BorderColor: color.Gray{},
BackgroundColor: color.NRGBA{R: 220, G: 220, B: 220, A: 255},
grid, err := gridder.New(imageConfig, gridConfig)
if err != nil {
blue := color.RGBA{B: 128, A: 255}
green := color.RGBA{G: 128, A: 255}
grid.DrawCircle(0, 0, gridder.CircleConfig{Radius: 60, Color: blue, StrokeWidth: 4, Stroke: true})
grid.DrawCircle(1, 1, gridder.CircleConfig{Radius: 60, Color: blue, StrokeWidth: 4, Stroke: true})
grid.DrawCircle(2, 2, gridder.CircleConfig{Radius: 60, Color: blue, StrokeWidth: 4, Stroke: true})
grid.DrawLine(2, 0, gridder.LineConfig{Length: 120, Color: green, StrokeWidth: 4, Rotate: 45})
grid.DrawLine(2, 0, gridder.LineConfig{Length: 120, Color: green, StrokeWidth: 4, Rotate: 135})
grid.DrawLine(2, 1, gridder.LineConfig{Length: 120, Color: green, StrokeWidth: 4, Rotate: 45})
grid.DrawLine(2, 1, gridder.LineConfig{Length: 120, Color: green, StrokeWidth: 4, Rotate: 135})
grid.DrawPath(0, 0, 2, 2, gridder.PathConfig{StrokeWidth: 4, Color: color.RGBA{R: 128, A: 255}})
Example 12
Extract image as a byte array. Useful for recording image in a store in text format as example below.
package main
import (
func main() {
imageConfig := gridder.ImageConfig{
Width: 500,
Height: 500,
Name: "example12.png",
gridConfig := gridder.GridConfig{
Rows: 20,
Columns: 20,
LineStrokeWidth: 2,
BorderStrokeWidth: 4,
LineColor: color.Gray{},
BorderColor: color.Gray{},
BackgroundColor: color.NRGBA{R: 220, G: 220, B: 220, A: 255},
grid, err := gridder.New(imageConfig, gridConfig)
if err != nil {
blue := color.RGBA{B: 128, A: 255}
// create a random chart
for col := 0; col < gridConfig.Columns; col++ {
height := rand.Intn(gridConfig.Rows-1)
for topRow := 0; topRow < height; topRow++ {
grid.DrawCircle(gridConfig.Rows-topRow, col, gridder.CircleConfig{Radius: 5, Color: blue, StrokeWidth: 4, Stroke: true})
// encode image as byte string
bImage := new(bytes.Buffer)
// convert to base64 string to support storing into database
imageString := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(bImage.Bytes())
// convert back from string and save as binary image
bDecodedImage, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(imageString)
if err != nil {
err = os.WriteFile(imageConfig.Name, bDecodedImage, 0644)
if err != nil {