BFE ingress controller e2e test
This test follows K8s project ingress-controller-conformance, and add more test cases for ingress-bfe special features.
How to run
To run all e2e test cases, execute following command in ingress-bfe project's top directory:
$ make e2e-test
It would automatically start the whole testing with following procedures:
- Build bfe-ingress-controller docker image
- Prepare test environment, including spining up a local k8s cluster with Kind, loading docker images, etc. All scripts used to prepare environment are located in test/script.
- Execute test cases by running, which actually build and execute program e2e_test.
We encourage contributors write e2e test case for new feature needed to be merged into ingress-bfe.
The test code is based on BDD testing framework godog, a testing framework of cucumber. It uses Gherkin Syntax to describe test case.
Steps to add new test case as below:
Step1: Create Gherkin feature
- Create feature file to describe your test case.
All feature files are under directory test/e2e/features. Please put your feature file into proper sub-directory. For example, features//.feature
Try to reuse steps from existing feature files if possible.
Step2: Create steps definition
- Generate steps.go for your case. Under directory test/e2e, run:
$ go run hack/codegen.go -dest-path=steps/<your-new-feature> features/<your-new-feature>/<your-new-feature>.feature
- Edit generated code, implement all generated functions. If you reuse step description from other feature file, you can also reuse corresponding function from that
file in this step.
Step3: Add Init function into e2e_test.go
- In e2e_test.go, add generated feature file and InitializeScenario function into map
var (
features = map[string]InitialFunc{
"features/conformance/host_rules.feature": {hostrules.InitializeScenario, nil},
Step4: Build and run
$ make build
- Run your case, using
to specify the feature file.
$ ./e2e_test --feature features/<your-new-feature>/<your-new-feature>.feature
Before running, your testing environment must be ready.
$ ./