Go currency rate
This is a somewhat educational repository to show how to implement gRPC web service using
Mortar and Temporal orchestrator to achieve reliable
service that depends on external third-party services.
The code in this repository implements idea taken from one of the technical interviews: implementation of currency
conversion service, that relies on one of many currency exchange APIs available online. There is a catch though - the
service should be functioning even in case the external API is not available.
In general, this service could be divided into two:
- One service that periodically calls external API, fetches data and stores it in DB.
- Another service to provide REST/gRPC API for latest information stored in the DB.
Having said that, since there is not much code anyway, the above two functionalities are merged into one service that
resides in this repository.
High level architecture
The service is based on Mortar template, which provides a framework to implement
gRPC/REST API web service. The web API itself is located in currency_converter.proto
In addition, there is a code that uses Temporal Golang sdk to create a cron workflow, which runs periodically, fetches
currencies rates and stores rates in DB (MongoDB).
I chose to use fixer.io as a currency rates provider. If from some reason this choice doesn't suite you, feel free to
add a wrapper of you choice and replace exchange_client.go with your code.
How to run the code locally
In order to run the code locally, you need to have access to a Temporal cluster and to a Mongo DB instance.
Below commands show how one can easily achieve it using docker images provided by Temporal and Mongo.
Run Temporal server:
mkdir temporal && cd temporal
git clone https://github.com/temporalio/docker-compose.git
cd docker-compose
docker-compose up -d
The first time you run Temporal's docker-compose, it will take some time for initialization of all the components it needs.
Run MongoDB:
docker run --name mongo -p 27017:27017 -d mongo
That's it - you have all dependencies running locally, now you can run the service locally:
Run currency converter service:
make run
Once the service is up and running, you can start using it.
Example for getting conversion rate of 300 EUR to ILS:
curl -X "POST" "http://localhost:5381/v1/convert" \ 10060
-H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
-d $'{"currency_from": "EUR", "currency_to": "ILS", "amount_from": 300}'
Metrics and monitoring
Since Mortar comes with a built-in ability to report metrics, it's very easy to demonstrate it with this service.
In docker directory you can find all necessary files to run locally Graphana/Jaeger/Prometheus images.
Open a shell, change directory to go-currency-converter/docker
now run the following
docker-compose up
This should bring up the following services

- Prometheus and Grafana can be used to visualize reported metrics.
Since Mortar provides built-in metrics reports, one can enjoy it out of the box (in addition to metrics that are provided by Temporal.io as well):