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A simple slack bot create using slash commands integration to communicate with Sensu-Go API.
Now with insctructions when received a wrong command:
Go Installation
Install go
Install dependencies dep
dep ensure -update -v
go build
Create a App in Slack
Add feature Slash Command with these parameters:
- Command:
- Request URL:
- Short Description:
Talk with Monitoring System Sensu Go
- Usage Hint:
[get|execute|silence|describe] [check-name|check|entity] [check-name|server-name] [namespace]
TIP: instead namespace, configure with namespace itself, like: prod|stg.
Add feature "Bots" to this bot.
In Oauth permissions add:
- CONVERSATIONS chat:write:bot
- FILES files:write:user
Install these Application in a Channel.
Create an user in Sensu-Go
I create the sensu-go-slack-bot using these commands:
sensuctl user create sensu-go-bot --password "LONGPASSWORD"
sensuctl cluster-role create sensu-go-bot-role --verb get,list,create,update --resource checks,events,silenced,entities --namespace default
sensuctl cluster-role-binding create sensu-go-bot-rolebinding --cluster-role=sensu-go-bot-role --user=sensu-go-bot --namespace default
For test, use sensu-go in docker:
For more details, please consult sensu-go
$ docker run -d --name sensu-backend -p 2380:2380 -p 3000:3000 -p 8080:8080 -p 8081:8081 sensu/sensu:latest sensu-backend start
$ docker run --link sensu-backend -d --name sensu-agent sensu/sensu:latest sensu-agent start --backend-url ws://sensu-backend:8081 --subscriptions webserver,system --cache-dir /var/lib/sensu
$ sensuctl configure -n --username 'admin' --password 'DEFAULT' --namespace default --url ''
Configure the Slack App to use Request URL in your local environment with ngrok.
You need to configure these for local tests or real deployment.
Configure these environment variables:
- SENSU_USER="sensu-go-bot": same user create in Sensu-Go API.
- SENSU_URL="https://SENSU-URL:8080": Keep without a slash '/' in the end.
- SENSU_SECRET: Sensu bot password
- SLACK_TOKEN: App token from Oauth in Slack (start with xoxb-)
- SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET: App Signing secret from Slack App.
- SLACK_CHANNEL: Channel to listen.
In Kubernetes deployments you can use secrets for these 3 last variables.
Docker Build
docker build -t betorvs/sensu-go-slack-bot:test1 -f Dockerfile .
Deploy using Helm and Kubectl
A basic deploy:
kubect create ns sensu-go-slack-bot
kubectl apply -f deployment/sensu-go-slack-bot/secrets.yaml -n sensu-go-slack-bot
helm upgrade --install sensu-go-slack-bot deployment/sensu-go-slack-bot/ --namespace sensu-go-slack-bot
In prod
Configure a proper values-prod.yaml and run:
helm upgrade --install sensu-go-slack-bot deployment/sensu-go-slack-bot/ -f sensu-go-slack-bot/values-prod.yaml --namespace sensu-go-slack-bot
Private repositories
Include ImagePullSecrets
in deployment/sensu-go-slack-bot/templates/deployment.yaml.
Create these extras checks on Sensu-Go to create a possibility to run a small troubleshooting from these slash command:
sensuctl check create list-process --command 'ps -ef' --publish=false --interval 60 --subscriptions linux --handlers default --namespace default
To run on Slack (that channel where it was installed):
/sensu-go execute list-process server-hostname default
To get the results:
/sensu-go get list-process server-hostname default
Executions in Slack
Execute a check:
Get a result:
Special Commands
Describe a entity (Server):
Describe an entity:
/sensu-go describe entity 2e0b36603488 default
Describe a check:
/sensu-go describe check list-process default
Get all checks:
/sensu-go get all check default
Get all entities:
/sensu-go get all entity default