Fast, distributed message queue for Golang and MongoDB
There are many, many message queue tools. Perhaps you should use one of those instead. But Turbine fills a unique niche in that it:
is a distributed queue that can be shared between several producer and consumer servers simultaneously
supports swappable storage providers, with the first provider being MongoDB.
supports fast, in-memory queues using Golang channels
can retry failed jobs (with exponential backoff)
can schedule jobs to in the future
Pushing Tasks to the Queue
// Create a Task with any parameters
task := queue.NewTask(
"TaskName" // Task Name
map[string]any{ // Parameters
"foo": "bar",
"baz": 42,
// Publish the task to the Queue (this will happen quickly)
if err := queue.Publish(task); err != nil {
// only errors related to queuing the task
Run the Queue
// Create and start a queue
q := queue.New(
queue.WithConsumers(), // one or more "consumer" functions (below)
queue.WithStorage(), // optional storage adapter persists tasks