Overview ¶
This module takes care of steps 3 and 4 of “CSS 2.1 processing model”: Retrieve stylesheets associated with a document and annotate every Element with a value for every CSS property.
This module does this in more than two steps. The `getAllComputedStyles` function does everything, but it is itsef based on other functions in this module.
:copyright: Copyright 2011-2014 Simon Sapin and contributors, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
Index ¶
- func AnchorNameFromToken(anchorToken pr.ContentProperty) string
- func ComputedFromCascaded(element Element, cascaded cascadedStyle, parentStyle pr.ElementStyle, ...) pr.ElementStyle
- func NewFunctionKey(sourceBox Box, cssToken string) functionKey
- func NewOptionnalInt(i int) optionnalInt
- func ResolveColor(style pr.ElementStyle, key pr.KnownProp) pr.Color
- type AnonymousStyle
- func (c *AnonymousStyle) Cache() pr.TextRatioCache
- func (c *AnonymousStyle) Copy() pr.ElementStyle
- func (a *AnonymousStyle) Get(key pr.PropKey) pr.CssProperty
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetAlignContent() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetAlignItems() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetAlignSelf() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetAnchor() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetAppearance() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundAttachment() pr.Strings
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundClip() pr.Strings
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundColor() pr.Color
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundImage() pr.Images
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundOrigin() pr.Strings
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundPosition() pr.Centers
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundRepeat() pr.Repeats
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundSize() pr.Sizes
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBleedBottom() pr.Value
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBleedLeft() pr.Value
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBleedRight() pr.Value
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBleedTop() pr.Value
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBlockEllipsis() pr.TaggedString
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBookmarkLabel() pr.ContentProperties
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBookmarkLevel() pr.IntString
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBookmarkState() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderBottomColor() pr.Color
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderBottomLeftRadius() pr.Point
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderBottomRightRadius() pr.Point
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderBottomStyle() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderBottomWidth() pr.Value
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderCollapse() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderLeftColor() pr.Color
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderLeftStyle() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderLeftWidth() pr.Value
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderRightColor() pr.Color
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderRightStyle() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderRightWidth() pr.Value
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderSpacing() pr.Point
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderTopColor() pr.Color
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderTopLeftRadius() pr.Point
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderTopRightRadius() pr.Point
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderTopStyle() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderTopWidth() pr.Value
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBottom() pr.Value
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBoxDecorationBreak() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBoxSizing() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBreakAfter() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBreakBefore() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBreakInside() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetCaptionSide() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetClear() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetClip() pr.Values
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetColor() pr.Color
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetColumnCount() pr.IntString
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetColumnFill() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetColumnGap() pr.Value
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetColumnRuleColor() pr.Color
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetColumnRuleStyle() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetColumnRuleWidth() pr.Value
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetColumnSpan() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetColumnWidth() pr.Value
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetContent() pr.SContent
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetContinue() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetCounterIncrement() pr.SIntStrings
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetCounterReset() pr.SIntStrings
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetCounterSet() pr.SIntStrings
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetDirection() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetDisplay() pr.Display
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetEmptyCells() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFlexBasis() pr.Value
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFlexDirection() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFlexGrow() pr.Float
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFlexShrink() pr.Float
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFlexWrap() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFloat() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontFamily() pr.Strings
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontFeatureSettings() pr.SIntStrings
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontKerning() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontLanguageOverride() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontSize() pr.Value
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontStretch() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontStyle() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontVariant() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontVariantAlternates() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontVariantCaps() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontVariantEastAsian() pr.SStrings
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontVariantLigatures() pr.SStrings
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontVariantNumeric() pr.SStrings
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontVariantPosition() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontVariationSettings() pr.SFloatStrings
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontWeight() pr.IntString
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFootnoteDisplay() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFootnotePolicy() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetHeight() pr.Value
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetHyphenateCharacter() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetHyphenateLimitChars() pr.Ints3
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetHyphenateLimitZone() pr.Value
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetHyphens() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetImageOrientation() pr.SBoolFloat
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetImageRendering() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetImageResolution() pr.Value
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetJustifyContent() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetLang() pr.NamedString
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetLeft() pr.Value
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetLetterSpacing() pr.Value
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetLineHeight() pr.Value
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetLink() pr.NamedString
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetListStyleImage() pr.Image
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetListStylePosition() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetListStyleType() pr.CounterStyleID
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetMarginBottom() pr.Value
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetMarginBreak() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetMarginLeft() pr.Value
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetMarginRight() pr.Value
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetMarginTop() pr.Value
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetMarks() pr.Marks
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetMaxHeight() pr.Value
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetMaxLines() pr.TaggedInt
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetMaxWidth() pr.Value
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetMinHeight() pr.Value
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetMinWidth() pr.Value
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetObjectFit() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetObjectPosition() pr.Center
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetOpacity() pr.Float
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetOrder() pr.Int
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetOrphans() pr.Int
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetOutlineColor() pr.Color
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetOutlineStyle() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetOutlineWidth() pr.Value
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetOverflow() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetOverflowWrap() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetPaddingBottom() pr.Value
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetPaddingLeft() pr.Value
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetPaddingRight() pr.Value
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetPaddingTop() pr.Value
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetPage() pr.Page
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetPosition() pr.BoolString
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetQuotes() pr.Quotes
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetRight() pr.Value
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetSize() pr.Point
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetStringSet() pr.StringSet
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetTabSize() pr.Value
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetTableLayout() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetTextAlignAll() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetTextAlignLast() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetTextDecorationColor() pr.Color
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetTextDecorationLine() pr.Decorations
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetTextDecorationStyle() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetTextIndent() pr.Value
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetTextOverflow() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetTextTransform() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetTop() pr.Value
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetTransform() pr.Transforms
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetTransformOrigin() pr.Point
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetUnicodeBidi() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetVerticalAlign() pr.Value
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetVisibility() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetWhiteSpace() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetWidows() pr.Int
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetWidth() pr.Value
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetWordBreak() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetWordSpacing() pr.Value
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetZIndex() pr.IntString
- func (c *AnonymousStyle) ParentStyle() pr.ElementStyle
- func (c *AnonymousStyle) Set(key pr.PropKey, value pr.CssProperty)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetAlignContent(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetAlignItems(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetAlignSelf(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetAnchor(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetAppearance(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBackgroundAttachment(v pr.Strings)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBackgroundClip(v pr.Strings)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBackgroundColor(v pr.Color)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBackgroundImage(v pr.Images)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBackgroundOrigin(v pr.Strings)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBackgroundPosition(v pr.Centers)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBackgroundRepeat(v pr.Repeats)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBackgroundSize(v pr.Sizes)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBleedBottom(v pr.Value)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBleedLeft(v pr.Value)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBleedRight(v pr.Value)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBleedTop(v pr.Value)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBlockEllipsis(v pr.TaggedString)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBookmarkLabel(v pr.ContentProperties)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBookmarkLevel(v pr.IntString)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBookmarkState(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderBottomColor(v pr.Color)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderBottomLeftRadius(v pr.Point)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderBottomRightRadius(v pr.Point)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderBottomStyle(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderBottomWidth(v pr.Value)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderCollapse(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderLeftColor(v pr.Color)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderLeftStyle(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderLeftWidth(v pr.Value)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderRightColor(v pr.Color)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderRightStyle(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderRightWidth(v pr.Value)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderSpacing(v pr.Point)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderTopColor(v pr.Color)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderTopLeftRadius(v pr.Point)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderTopRightRadius(v pr.Point)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderTopStyle(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderTopWidth(v pr.Value)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBottom(v pr.Value)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBoxDecorationBreak(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBoxSizing(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBreakAfter(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBreakBefore(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBreakInside(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetCaptionSide(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetClear(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetClip(v pr.Values)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetColor(v pr.Color)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetColumnCount(v pr.IntString)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetColumnFill(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetColumnGap(v pr.Value)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetColumnRuleColor(v pr.Color)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetColumnRuleStyle(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetColumnRuleWidth(v pr.Value)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetColumnSpan(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetColumnWidth(v pr.Value)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetContent(v pr.SContent)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetContinue(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetCounterIncrement(v pr.SIntStrings)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetCounterReset(v pr.SIntStrings)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetCounterSet(v pr.SIntStrings)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetDirection(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetDisplay(v pr.Display)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetEmptyCells(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFlexBasis(v pr.Value)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFlexDirection(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFlexGrow(v pr.Float)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFlexShrink(v pr.Float)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFlexWrap(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFloat(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontFamily(v pr.Strings)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontFeatureSettings(v pr.SIntStrings)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontKerning(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontLanguageOverride(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontSize(v pr.Value)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontStretch(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontStyle(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontVariant(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontVariantAlternates(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontVariantCaps(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontVariantEastAsian(v pr.SStrings)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontVariantLigatures(v pr.SStrings)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontVariantNumeric(v pr.SStrings)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontVariantPosition(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontVariationSettings(v pr.SFloatStrings)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontWeight(v pr.IntString)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFootnoteDisplay(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFootnotePolicy(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetHeight(v pr.Value)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetHyphenateCharacter(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetHyphenateLimitChars(v pr.Ints3)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetHyphenateLimitZone(v pr.Value)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetHyphens(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetImageOrientation(v pr.SBoolFloat)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetImageRendering(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetImageResolution(v pr.Value)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetJustifyContent(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetLang(v pr.NamedString)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetLeft(v pr.Value)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetLetterSpacing(v pr.Value)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetLineHeight(v pr.Value)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetLink(v pr.NamedString)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetListStyleImage(v pr.Image)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetListStylePosition(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetListStyleType(v pr.CounterStyleID)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetMarginBottom(v pr.Value)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetMarginBreak(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetMarginLeft(v pr.Value)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetMarginRight(v pr.Value)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetMarginTop(v pr.Value)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetMarks(v pr.Marks)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetMaxHeight(v pr.Value)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetMaxLines(v pr.TaggedInt)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetMaxWidth(v pr.Value)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetMinHeight(v pr.Value)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetMinWidth(v pr.Value)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetObjectFit(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetObjectPosition(v pr.Center)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetOpacity(v pr.Float)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetOrder(v pr.Int)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetOrphans(v pr.Int)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetOutlineColor(v pr.Color)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetOutlineStyle(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetOutlineWidth(v pr.Value)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetOverflow(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetOverflowWrap(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetPaddingBottom(v pr.Value)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetPaddingLeft(v pr.Value)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetPaddingRight(v pr.Value)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetPaddingTop(v pr.Value)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetPage(v pr.Page)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetPosition(v pr.BoolString)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetQuotes(v pr.Quotes)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetRight(v pr.Value)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetSize(v pr.Point)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetStringSet(v pr.StringSet)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTabSize(v pr.Value)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTableLayout(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTextAlignAll(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTextAlignLast(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTextDecorationColor(v pr.Color)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTextDecorationLine(v pr.Decorations)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTextDecorationStyle(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTextIndent(v pr.Value)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTextOverflow(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTextTransform(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTop(v pr.Value)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTransform(v pr.Transforms)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTransformOrigin(v pr.Point)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetUnicodeBidi(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetVerticalAlign(v pr.Value)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetVisibility(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetWhiteSpace(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetWidows(v pr.Int)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetWidth(v pr.Value)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetWordBreak(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetWordSpacing(v pr.Value)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetZIndex(v pr.IntString)
- func (c *AnonymousStyle) Specified() pr.SpecifiedAttributes
- func (c *AnonymousStyle) Variables() map[string]pr.ValidatedProperty
- type Box
- type CSS
- type ComputedStyle
- func (c *ComputedStyle) Cache() pr.TextRatioCache
- func (c *ComputedStyle) Copy() pr.ElementStyle
- func (c *ComputedStyle) Get(key pr.PropKey) pr.CssProperty
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetAlignContent() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetAlignItems() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetAlignSelf() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetAnchor() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetAppearance() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundAttachment() pr.Strings
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundClip() pr.Strings
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundColor() pr.Color
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundImage() pr.Images
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundOrigin() pr.Strings
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundPosition() pr.Centers
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundRepeat() pr.Repeats
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundSize() pr.Sizes
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBleedBottom() pr.Value
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBleedLeft() pr.Value
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBleedRight() pr.Value
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBleedTop() pr.Value
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBlockEllipsis() pr.TaggedString
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBookmarkLabel() pr.ContentProperties
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBookmarkLevel() pr.IntString
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBookmarkState() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderBottomColor() pr.Color
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderBottomLeftRadius() pr.Point
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderBottomRightRadius() pr.Point
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderBottomStyle() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderBottomWidth() pr.Value
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderCollapse() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderLeftColor() pr.Color
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderLeftStyle() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderLeftWidth() pr.Value
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderRightColor() pr.Color
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderRightStyle() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderRightWidth() pr.Value
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderSpacing() pr.Point
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderTopColor() pr.Color
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderTopLeftRadius() pr.Point
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderTopRightRadius() pr.Point
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderTopStyle() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderTopWidth() pr.Value
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBottom() pr.Value
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBoxDecorationBreak() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBoxSizing() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBreakAfter() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBreakBefore() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBreakInside() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetCaptionSide() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetClear() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetClip() pr.Values
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetColor() pr.Color
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetColumnCount() pr.IntString
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetColumnFill() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetColumnGap() pr.Value
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetColumnRuleColor() pr.Color
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetColumnRuleStyle() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetColumnRuleWidth() pr.Value
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetColumnSpan() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetColumnWidth() pr.Value
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetContent() pr.SContent
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetContinue() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetCounterIncrement() pr.SIntStrings
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetCounterReset() pr.SIntStrings
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetCounterSet() pr.SIntStrings
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetDirection() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetDisplay() pr.Display
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetEmptyCells() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFlexBasis() pr.Value
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFlexDirection() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFlexGrow() pr.Float
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFlexShrink() pr.Float
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFlexWrap() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFloat() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontFamily() pr.Strings
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontFeatureSettings() pr.SIntStrings
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontKerning() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontLanguageOverride() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontSize() pr.Value
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontStretch() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontStyle() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontVariant() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontVariantAlternates() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontVariantCaps() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontVariantEastAsian() pr.SStrings
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontVariantLigatures() pr.SStrings
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontVariantNumeric() pr.SStrings
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontVariantPosition() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontVariationSettings() pr.SFloatStrings
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontWeight() pr.IntString
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFootnoteDisplay() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFootnotePolicy() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetHeight() pr.Value
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetHyphenateCharacter() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetHyphenateLimitChars() pr.Ints3
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetHyphenateLimitZone() pr.Value
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetHyphens() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetImageOrientation() pr.SBoolFloat
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetImageRendering() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetImageResolution() pr.Value
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetJustifyContent() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetLang() pr.NamedString
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetLeft() pr.Value
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetLetterSpacing() pr.Value
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetLineHeight() pr.Value
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetLink() pr.NamedString
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetListStyleImage() pr.Image
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetListStylePosition() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetListStyleType() pr.CounterStyleID
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetMarginBottom() pr.Value
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetMarginBreak() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetMarginLeft() pr.Value
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetMarginRight() pr.Value
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetMarginTop() pr.Value
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetMarks() pr.Marks
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetMaxHeight() pr.Value
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetMaxLines() pr.TaggedInt
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetMaxWidth() pr.Value
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetMinHeight() pr.Value
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetMinWidth() pr.Value
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetObjectFit() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetObjectPosition() pr.Center
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetOpacity() pr.Float
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetOrder() pr.Int
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetOrphans() pr.Int
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetOutlineColor() pr.Color
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetOutlineStyle() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetOutlineWidth() pr.Value
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetOverflow() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetOverflowWrap() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetPaddingBottom() pr.Value
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetPaddingLeft() pr.Value
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetPaddingRight() pr.Value
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetPaddingTop() pr.Value
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetPage() pr.Page
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetPosition() pr.BoolString
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetQuotes() pr.Quotes
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetRight() pr.Value
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetSize() pr.Point
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetStringSet() pr.StringSet
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTabSize() pr.Value
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTableLayout() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTextAlignAll() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTextAlignLast() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTextDecorationColor() pr.Color
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTextDecorationLine() pr.Decorations
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTextDecorationStyle() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTextIndent() pr.Value
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTextOverflow() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTextTransform() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTop() pr.Value
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTransform() pr.Transforms
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTransformOrigin() pr.Point
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetUnicodeBidi() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetVerticalAlign() pr.Value
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetVisibility() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetWhiteSpace() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetWidows() pr.Int
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetWidth() pr.Value
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetWordBreak() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetWordSpacing() pr.Value
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetZIndex() pr.IntString
- func (c *ComputedStyle) ParentStyle() pr.ElementStyle
- func (c *ComputedStyle) Set(key pr.PropKey, value pr.CssProperty)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetAlignContent(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetAlignItems(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetAlignSelf(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetAnchor(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetAppearance(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundAttachment(v pr.Strings)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundClip(v pr.Strings)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundColor(v pr.Color)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundImage(v pr.Images)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundOrigin(v pr.Strings)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundPosition(v pr.Centers)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundRepeat(v pr.Repeats)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundSize(v pr.Sizes)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBleedBottom(v pr.Value)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBleedLeft(v pr.Value)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBleedRight(v pr.Value)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBleedTop(v pr.Value)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBlockEllipsis(v pr.TaggedString)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBookmarkLabel(v pr.ContentProperties)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBookmarkLevel(v pr.IntString)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBookmarkState(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderBottomColor(v pr.Color)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderBottomLeftRadius(v pr.Point)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderBottomRightRadius(v pr.Point)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderBottomStyle(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderBottomWidth(v pr.Value)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderCollapse(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderLeftColor(v pr.Color)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderLeftStyle(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderLeftWidth(v pr.Value)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderRightColor(v pr.Color)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderRightStyle(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderRightWidth(v pr.Value)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderSpacing(v pr.Point)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderTopColor(v pr.Color)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderTopLeftRadius(v pr.Point)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderTopRightRadius(v pr.Point)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderTopStyle(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderTopWidth(v pr.Value)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBottom(v pr.Value)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBoxDecorationBreak(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBoxSizing(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBreakAfter(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBreakBefore(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBreakInside(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetCaptionSide(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetClear(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetClip(v pr.Values)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetColor(v pr.Color)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetColumnCount(v pr.IntString)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetColumnFill(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetColumnGap(v pr.Value)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetColumnRuleColor(v pr.Color)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetColumnRuleStyle(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetColumnRuleWidth(v pr.Value)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetColumnSpan(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetColumnWidth(v pr.Value)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetContent(v pr.SContent)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetContinue(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetCounterIncrement(v pr.SIntStrings)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetCounterReset(v pr.SIntStrings)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetCounterSet(v pr.SIntStrings)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetDirection(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetDisplay(v pr.Display)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetEmptyCells(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFlexBasis(v pr.Value)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFlexDirection(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFlexGrow(v pr.Float)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFlexShrink(v pr.Float)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFlexWrap(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFloat(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontFamily(v pr.Strings)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontFeatureSettings(v pr.SIntStrings)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontKerning(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontLanguageOverride(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontSize(v pr.Value)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontStretch(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontStyle(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontVariant(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontVariantAlternates(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontVariantCaps(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontVariantEastAsian(v pr.SStrings)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontVariantLigatures(v pr.SStrings)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontVariantNumeric(v pr.SStrings)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontVariantPosition(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontVariationSettings(v pr.SFloatStrings)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontWeight(v pr.IntString)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFootnoteDisplay(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFootnotePolicy(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetHeight(v pr.Value)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetHyphenateCharacter(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetHyphenateLimitChars(v pr.Ints3)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetHyphenateLimitZone(v pr.Value)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetHyphens(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetImageOrientation(v pr.SBoolFloat)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetImageRendering(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetImageResolution(v pr.Value)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetJustifyContent(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetLang(v pr.NamedString)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetLeft(v pr.Value)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetLetterSpacing(v pr.Value)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetLineHeight(v pr.Value)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetLink(v pr.NamedString)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetListStyleImage(v pr.Image)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetListStylePosition(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetListStyleType(v pr.CounterStyleID)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetMarginBottom(v pr.Value)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetMarginBreak(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetMarginLeft(v pr.Value)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetMarginRight(v pr.Value)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetMarginTop(v pr.Value)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetMarks(v pr.Marks)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetMaxHeight(v pr.Value)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetMaxLines(v pr.TaggedInt)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetMaxWidth(v pr.Value)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetMinHeight(v pr.Value)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetMinWidth(v pr.Value)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetObjectFit(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetObjectPosition(v pr.Center)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetOpacity(v pr.Float)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetOrder(v pr.Int)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetOrphans(v pr.Int)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetOutlineColor(v pr.Color)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetOutlineStyle(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetOutlineWidth(v pr.Value)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetOverflow(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetOverflowWrap(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetPaddingBottom(v pr.Value)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetPaddingLeft(v pr.Value)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetPaddingRight(v pr.Value)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetPaddingTop(v pr.Value)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetPage(v pr.Page)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetPosition(v pr.BoolString)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetQuotes(v pr.Quotes)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetRight(v pr.Value)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetSize(v pr.Point)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetStringSet(v pr.StringSet)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTabSize(v pr.Value)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTableLayout(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTextAlignAll(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTextAlignLast(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTextDecorationColor(v pr.Color)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTextDecorationLine(v pr.Decorations)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTextDecorationStyle(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTextIndent(v pr.Value)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTextOverflow(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTextTransform(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTop(v pr.Value)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTransform(v pr.Transforms)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTransformOrigin(v pr.Point)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetUnicodeBidi(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetVerticalAlign(v pr.Value)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetVisibility(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetWhiteSpace(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetWidows(v pr.Int)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetWidth(v pr.Value)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetWordBreak(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetWordSpacing(v pr.Value)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetZIndex(v pr.IntString)
- func (c *ComputedStyle) Specified() pr.SpecifiedAttributes
- func (c *ComputedStyle) Variables() map[string]pr.ValidatedProperty
- type CounterLookupItem
- type CounterValues
- type Element
- type HTML
- type PageBreak
- type PageMaker
- type PageRule
- type PageState
- type ParseFunc
- type RemakeState
- type ResumeStack
- type StyleFor
- type TargetCollector
- func (tc *TargetCollector) CacheTargetPageCounters(anchorName string, pageCounterValues CounterValues, pageMakerIndex int, ...)
- func (tc *TargetCollector) CheckPendingTargets()
- func (tc *TargetCollector) CollectMissingCounters(parentBox Box, cssToken string, parseAgainFunction ParseFunc, ...)
- func (t *TargetCollector) IsCollecting() bool
- func (tc *TargetCollector) LookupTarget(anchorToken pr.ContentProperty, sourceBox Box, cssToken string, ...) *TargetLookupItem
- func (tc *TargetCollector) StoreTarget(anchorName string, targetCounterValues CounterValues, targetBox Box)
- type TargetLookupItem
- type Token
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func AnchorNameFromToken ¶
func AnchorNameFromToken(anchorToken pr.ContentProperty) string
Get anchor name from string or uri token.
func ComputedFromCascaded ¶
func ComputedFromCascaded(element Element, cascaded cascadedStyle, parentStyle pr.ElementStyle, textContext text.TextLayoutContext, ) pr.ElementStyle
Get a dict of computed style mixed from parent and cascaded styles.
func NewFunctionKey ¶
func NewOptionnalInt ¶
func NewOptionnalInt(i int) optionnalInt
func ResolveColor ¶
ResolveColor return the color for `key`, replacing `currentColor` with p["color"] It panics if the key has not concrete type `Color` replace Python getColor function
Types ¶
type AnonymousStyle ¶
type AnonymousStyle struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AnonymousStyle provides on demand access of computed properties, optimized for anonymous boxes
func (*AnonymousStyle) Cache ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (c *AnonymousStyle) Cache() pr.TextRatioCache
func (*AnonymousStyle) Copy ¶
func (c *AnonymousStyle) Copy() pr.ElementStyle
func (*AnonymousStyle) Get ¶
func (a *AnonymousStyle) Get(key pr.PropKey) pr.CssProperty
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetAlignContent ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetAlignContent() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetAlignItems ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetAlignItems() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetAlignSelf ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetAlignSelf() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetAnchor ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetAnchor() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetAppearance ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetAppearance() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundAttachment ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundAttachment() pr.Strings
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundClip ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundClip() pr.Strings
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundColor ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundColor() pr.Color
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundImage ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundImage() pr.Images
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundOrigin ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundOrigin() pr.Strings
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundPosition ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundPosition() pr.Centers
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundRepeat ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundRepeat() pr.Repeats
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundSize ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundSize() pr.Sizes
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBleedBottom ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBleedBottom() pr.Value
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBleedLeft ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBleedLeft() pr.Value
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBleedRight ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBleedRight() pr.Value
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBleedTop ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBleedTop() pr.Value
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBlockEllipsis ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBlockEllipsis() pr.TaggedString
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBookmarkLabel ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBookmarkLabel() pr.ContentProperties
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBookmarkLevel ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBookmarkLevel() pr.IntString
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBookmarkState ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBookmarkState() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBorderBottomColor ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderBottomColor() pr.Color
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBorderBottomLeftRadius ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderBottomLeftRadius() pr.Point
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBorderBottomRightRadius ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderBottomRightRadius() pr.Point
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBorderBottomStyle ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderBottomStyle() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBorderBottomWidth ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderBottomWidth() pr.Value
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBorderCollapse ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderCollapse() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBorderLeftColor ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderLeftColor() pr.Color
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBorderLeftStyle ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderLeftStyle() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBorderLeftWidth ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderLeftWidth() pr.Value
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBorderRightColor ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderRightColor() pr.Color
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBorderRightStyle ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderRightStyle() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBorderRightWidth ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderRightWidth() pr.Value
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBorderSpacing ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderSpacing() pr.Point
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBorderTopColor ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderTopColor() pr.Color
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBorderTopLeftRadius ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderTopLeftRadius() pr.Point
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBorderTopRightRadius ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderTopRightRadius() pr.Point
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBorderTopStyle ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderTopStyle() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBorderTopWidth ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderTopWidth() pr.Value
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBottom ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBottom() pr.Value
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBoxDecorationBreak ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBoxDecorationBreak() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBoxSizing ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBoxSizing() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBreakAfter ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBreakAfter() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBreakBefore ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBreakBefore() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBreakInside ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBreakInside() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetCaptionSide ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetCaptionSide() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetClear ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetClear() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetClip ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetClip() pr.Values
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetColor ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetColor() pr.Color
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetColumnCount ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetColumnCount() pr.IntString
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetColumnFill ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetColumnFill() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetColumnGap ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetColumnGap() pr.Value
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetColumnRuleColor ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetColumnRuleColor() pr.Color
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetColumnRuleStyle ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetColumnRuleStyle() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetColumnRuleWidth ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetColumnRuleWidth() pr.Value
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetColumnSpan ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetColumnSpan() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetColumnWidth ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetColumnWidth() pr.Value
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetContent ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetContent() pr.SContent
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetContinue ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetContinue() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetCounterIncrement ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetCounterIncrement() pr.SIntStrings
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetCounterReset ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetCounterReset() pr.SIntStrings
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetCounterSet ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetCounterSet() pr.SIntStrings
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetDirection ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetDirection() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetDisplay ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetDisplay() pr.Display
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetEmptyCells ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetEmptyCells() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetFlexBasis ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFlexBasis() pr.Value
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetFlexDirection ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFlexDirection() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetFlexGrow ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFlexGrow() pr.Float
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetFlexShrink ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFlexShrink() pr.Float
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetFlexWrap ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFlexWrap() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetFloat ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFloat() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetFontFamily ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontFamily() pr.Strings
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetFontFeatureSettings ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontFeatureSettings() pr.SIntStrings
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetFontKerning ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontKerning() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetFontLanguageOverride ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontLanguageOverride() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetFontSize ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontSize() pr.Value
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetFontStretch ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontStretch() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetFontStyle ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontStyle() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetFontVariant ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontVariant() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetFontVariantAlternates ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontVariantAlternates() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetFontVariantCaps ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontVariantCaps() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetFontVariantEastAsian ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontVariantEastAsian() pr.SStrings
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetFontVariantLigatures ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontVariantLigatures() pr.SStrings
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetFontVariantNumeric ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontVariantNumeric() pr.SStrings
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetFontVariantPosition ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontVariantPosition() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetFontVariationSettings ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontVariationSettings() pr.SFloatStrings
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetFontWeight ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontWeight() pr.IntString
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetFootnoteDisplay ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFootnoteDisplay() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetFootnotePolicy ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFootnotePolicy() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetHeight ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetHeight() pr.Value
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetHyphenateCharacter ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetHyphenateCharacter() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetHyphenateLimitChars ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetHyphenateLimitChars() pr.Ints3
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetHyphenateLimitZone ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetHyphenateLimitZone() pr.Value
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetHyphens ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetHyphens() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetImageOrientation ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetImageOrientation() pr.SBoolFloat
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetImageRendering ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetImageRendering() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetImageResolution ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetImageResolution() pr.Value
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetJustifyContent ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetJustifyContent() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetLang ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetLang() pr.NamedString
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetLeft ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetLeft() pr.Value
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetLetterSpacing ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetLetterSpacing() pr.Value
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetLineHeight ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetLineHeight() pr.Value
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetLink ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetLink() pr.NamedString
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetListStyleImage ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetListStyleImage() pr.Image
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetListStylePosition ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetListStylePosition() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetListStyleType ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetListStyleType() pr.CounterStyleID
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetMarginBottom ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetMarginBottom() pr.Value
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetMarginBreak ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetMarginBreak() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetMarginLeft ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetMarginLeft() pr.Value
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetMarginRight ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetMarginRight() pr.Value
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetMarginTop ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetMarginTop() pr.Value
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetMarks ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetMarks() pr.Marks
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetMaxHeight ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetMaxHeight() pr.Value
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetMaxLines ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetMaxLines() pr.TaggedInt
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetMaxWidth ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetMaxWidth() pr.Value
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetMinHeight ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetMinHeight() pr.Value
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetMinWidth ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetMinWidth() pr.Value
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetObjectFit ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetObjectFit() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetObjectPosition ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetObjectPosition() pr.Center
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetOpacity ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetOpacity() pr.Float
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetOrder ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetOrder() pr.Int
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetOrphans ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetOrphans() pr.Int
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetOutlineColor ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetOutlineColor() pr.Color
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetOutlineStyle ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetOutlineStyle() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetOutlineWidth ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetOutlineWidth() pr.Value
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetOverflow ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetOverflow() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetOverflowWrap ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetOverflowWrap() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetPaddingBottom ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetPaddingBottom() pr.Value
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetPaddingLeft ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetPaddingLeft() pr.Value
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetPaddingRight ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetPaddingRight() pr.Value
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetPaddingTop ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetPaddingTop() pr.Value
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetPage ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetPage() pr.Page
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetPosition ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetPosition() pr.BoolString
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetQuotes ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetQuotes() pr.Quotes
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetRight ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetRight() pr.Value
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetSize ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetSize() pr.Point
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetStringSet ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetStringSet() pr.StringSet
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetTabSize ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetTabSize() pr.Value
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetTableLayout ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetTableLayout() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetTextAlignAll ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetTextAlignAll() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetTextAlignLast ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetTextAlignLast() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetTextDecorationColor ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetTextDecorationColor() pr.Color
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetTextDecorationLine ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetTextDecorationLine() pr.Decorations
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetTextDecorationStyle ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetTextDecorationStyle() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetTextIndent ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetTextIndent() pr.Value
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetTextOverflow ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetTextOverflow() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetTextTransform ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetTextTransform() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetTop ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetTop() pr.Value
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetTransform ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetTransform() pr.Transforms
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetTransformOrigin ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetTransformOrigin() pr.Point
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetUnicodeBidi ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetUnicodeBidi() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetVerticalAlign ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetVerticalAlign() pr.Value
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetVisibility ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetVisibility() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetWhiteSpace ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetWhiteSpace() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetWidows ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetWidows() pr.Int
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetWidth ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetWidth() pr.Value
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetWordBreak ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetWordBreak() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetWordSpacing ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetWordSpacing() pr.Value
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetZIndex ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetZIndex() pr.IntString
func (*AnonymousStyle) ParentStyle ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (c *AnonymousStyle) ParentStyle() pr.ElementStyle
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetAlignContent ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetAlignContent(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetAlignItems ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetAlignItems(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetAlignSelf ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetAlignSelf(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetAnchor ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetAnchor(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetAppearance ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetAppearance(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBackgroundAttachment ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBackgroundAttachment(v pr.Strings)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBackgroundClip ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBackgroundClip(v pr.Strings)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBackgroundColor ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBackgroundColor(v pr.Color)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBackgroundImage ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBackgroundImage(v pr.Images)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBackgroundOrigin ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBackgroundOrigin(v pr.Strings)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBackgroundPosition ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBackgroundPosition(v pr.Centers)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBackgroundRepeat ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBackgroundRepeat(v pr.Repeats)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBackgroundSize ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBackgroundSize(v pr.Sizes)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBleedBottom ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBleedBottom(v pr.Value)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBleedLeft ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBleedLeft(v pr.Value)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBleedRight ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBleedRight(v pr.Value)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBleedTop ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBleedTop(v pr.Value)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBlockEllipsis ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBlockEllipsis(v pr.TaggedString)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBookmarkLabel ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBookmarkLabel(v pr.ContentProperties)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBookmarkLevel ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBookmarkLevel(v pr.IntString)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBookmarkState ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBookmarkState(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBorderBottomColor ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderBottomColor(v pr.Color)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBorderBottomLeftRadius ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderBottomLeftRadius(v pr.Point)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBorderBottomRightRadius ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderBottomRightRadius(v pr.Point)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBorderBottomStyle ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderBottomStyle(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBorderBottomWidth ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderBottomWidth(v pr.Value)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBorderCollapse ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderCollapse(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBorderLeftColor ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderLeftColor(v pr.Color)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBorderLeftStyle ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderLeftStyle(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBorderLeftWidth ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderLeftWidth(v pr.Value)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBorderRightColor ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderRightColor(v pr.Color)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBorderRightStyle ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderRightStyle(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBorderRightWidth ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderRightWidth(v pr.Value)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBorderSpacing ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderSpacing(v pr.Point)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBorderTopColor ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderTopColor(v pr.Color)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBorderTopLeftRadius ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderTopLeftRadius(v pr.Point)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBorderTopRightRadius ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderTopRightRadius(v pr.Point)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBorderTopStyle ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderTopStyle(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBorderTopWidth ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderTopWidth(v pr.Value)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBottom ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBottom(v pr.Value)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBoxDecorationBreak ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBoxDecorationBreak(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBoxSizing ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBoxSizing(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBreakAfter ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBreakAfter(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBreakBefore ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBreakBefore(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBreakInside ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBreakInside(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetCaptionSide ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetCaptionSide(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetClear ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetClear(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetClip ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetClip(v pr.Values)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetColor ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetColor(v pr.Color)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetColumnCount ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetColumnCount(v pr.IntString)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetColumnFill ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetColumnFill(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetColumnGap ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetColumnGap(v pr.Value)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetColumnRuleColor ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetColumnRuleColor(v pr.Color)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetColumnRuleStyle ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetColumnRuleStyle(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetColumnRuleWidth ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetColumnRuleWidth(v pr.Value)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetColumnSpan ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetColumnSpan(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetColumnWidth ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetColumnWidth(v pr.Value)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetContent ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetContent(v pr.SContent)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetContinue ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetContinue(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetCounterIncrement ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetCounterIncrement(v pr.SIntStrings)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetCounterReset ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetCounterReset(v pr.SIntStrings)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetCounterSet ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetCounterSet(v pr.SIntStrings)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetDirection ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetDirection(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetDisplay ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetDisplay(v pr.Display)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetEmptyCells ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetEmptyCells(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetFlexBasis ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFlexBasis(v pr.Value)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetFlexDirection ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFlexDirection(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetFlexGrow ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFlexGrow(v pr.Float)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetFlexShrink ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFlexShrink(v pr.Float)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetFlexWrap ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFlexWrap(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetFloat ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFloat(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetFontFamily ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontFamily(v pr.Strings)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetFontFeatureSettings ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontFeatureSettings(v pr.SIntStrings)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetFontKerning ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontKerning(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetFontLanguageOverride ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontLanguageOverride(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetFontSize ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontSize(v pr.Value)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetFontStretch ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontStretch(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetFontStyle ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontStyle(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetFontVariant ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontVariant(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetFontVariantAlternates ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontVariantAlternates(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetFontVariantCaps ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontVariantCaps(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetFontVariantEastAsian ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontVariantEastAsian(v pr.SStrings)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetFontVariantLigatures ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontVariantLigatures(v pr.SStrings)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetFontVariantNumeric ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontVariantNumeric(v pr.SStrings)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetFontVariantPosition ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontVariantPosition(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetFontVariationSettings ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontVariationSettings(v pr.SFloatStrings)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetFontWeight ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontWeight(v pr.IntString)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetFootnoteDisplay ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFootnoteDisplay(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetFootnotePolicy ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFootnotePolicy(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetHeight ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetHeight(v pr.Value)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetHyphenateCharacter ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetHyphenateCharacter(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetHyphenateLimitChars ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetHyphenateLimitChars(v pr.Ints3)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetHyphenateLimitZone ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetHyphenateLimitZone(v pr.Value)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetHyphens ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetHyphens(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetImageOrientation ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetImageOrientation(v pr.SBoolFloat)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetImageRendering ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetImageRendering(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetImageResolution ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetImageResolution(v pr.Value)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetJustifyContent ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetJustifyContent(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetLang ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetLang(v pr.NamedString)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetLeft ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetLeft(v pr.Value)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetLetterSpacing ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetLetterSpacing(v pr.Value)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetLineHeight ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetLineHeight(v pr.Value)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetLink ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetLink(v pr.NamedString)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetListStyleImage ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetListStyleImage(v pr.Image)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetListStylePosition ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetListStylePosition(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetListStyleType ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetListStyleType(v pr.CounterStyleID)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetMarginBottom ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetMarginBottom(v pr.Value)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetMarginBreak ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetMarginBreak(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetMarginLeft ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetMarginLeft(v pr.Value)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetMarginRight ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetMarginRight(v pr.Value)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetMarginTop ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetMarginTop(v pr.Value)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetMarks ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetMarks(v pr.Marks)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetMaxHeight ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetMaxHeight(v pr.Value)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetMaxLines ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetMaxLines(v pr.TaggedInt)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetMaxWidth ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetMaxWidth(v pr.Value)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetMinHeight ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetMinHeight(v pr.Value)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetMinWidth ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetMinWidth(v pr.Value)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetObjectFit ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetObjectFit(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetObjectPosition ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetObjectPosition(v pr.Center)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetOpacity ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetOpacity(v pr.Float)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetOrder ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetOrder(v pr.Int)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetOrphans ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetOrphans(v pr.Int)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetOutlineColor ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetOutlineColor(v pr.Color)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetOutlineStyle ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetOutlineStyle(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetOutlineWidth ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetOutlineWidth(v pr.Value)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetOverflow ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetOverflow(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetOverflowWrap ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetOverflowWrap(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetPaddingBottom ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetPaddingBottom(v pr.Value)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetPaddingLeft ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetPaddingLeft(v pr.Value)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetPaddingRight ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetPaddingRight(v pr.Value)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetPaddingTop ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetPaddingTop(v pr.Value)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetPage ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetPage(v pr.Page)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetPosition ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetPosition(v pr.BoolString)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetQuotes ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetQuotes(v pr.Quotes)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetRight ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetRight(v pr.Value)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetSize ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetSize(v pr.Point)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetStringSet ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetStringSet(v pr.StringSet)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetTabSize ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTabSize(v pr.Value)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetTableLayout ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTableLayout(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetTextAlignAll ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTextAlignAll(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetTextAlignLast ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTextAlignLast(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetTextDecorationColor ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTextDecorationColor(v pr.Color)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetTextDecorationLine ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTextDecorationLine(v pr.Decorations)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetTextDecorationStyle ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTextDecorationStyle(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetTextIndent ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTextIndent(v pr.Value)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetTextOverflow ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTextOverflow(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetTextTransform ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTextTransform(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetTop ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTop(v pr.Value)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetTransform ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTransform(v pr.Transforms)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetTransformOrigin ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTransformOrigin(v pr.Point)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetUnicodeBidi ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetUnicodeBidi(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetVerticalAlign ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetVerticalAlign(v pr.Value)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetVisibility ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetVisibility(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetWhiteSpace ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetWhiteSpace(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetWidows ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetWidows(v pr.Int)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetWidth ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetWidth(v pr.Value)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetWordBreak ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetWordBreak(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetWordSpacing ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetWordSpacing(v pr.Value)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetZIndex ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetZIndex(v pr.IntString)
func (*AnonymousStyle) Specified ¶
func (c *AnonymousStyle) Specified() pr.SpecifiedAttributes
func (*AnonymousStyle) Variables ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (c *AnonymousStyle) Variables() map[string]pr.ValidatedProperty
type Box ¶
type Box interface { CachedCounterValues() CounterValues SetCachedCounterValues(cv CounterValues) MissingLink() Box SetMissingLink(b Box) GetBookmarkLabel() string }
type CSS ¶
type CSS struct { Matcher matcher // contains filtered or unexported fields }
CSS represents a parsed CSS stylesheet. An instance is created in the same way as `HTML`, except that the “tree“ argument is not available. All other arguments are the same. An additional argument called “font_config“ must be provided to handle “@font-config“ rules. The same “fonts.FontConfiguration“ object must be used for different “CSS“ objects applied to the same document. “CSS“ objects have no public attribute or method. They are only meant to be used in the `HTML.WritePdf`, `HTML.WritePng` and `HTML.Render` methods of `HTML` objects.
var ( // Html5UAStylesheet is the user agent style sheet Html5UAStylesheet CSS // Html5UAFormsStylesheet is the user agent style sheet used when forms are enabled. Html5UAFormsStylesheet CSS // Html5PHStylesheet is the presentational hints style sheet Html5PHStylesheet CSS // TestUAStylesheet is a lightweight style sheet TestUAStylesheet CSS // The counters defined in the user agent style sheet UACounterStyle counters.CounterStyle )
func NewCSS ¶
func NewCSS(input utils.ContentInput, baseUrl string, urlFetcher utils.UrlFetcher, checkMimeType bool, mediaType string, fontConfig text.FontConfiguration, matcher *matcher, pageRules *[]PageRule, counterStyle counters.CounterStyle, ) (CSS, error)
checkMimeType = false
func NewCSSDefault ¶
func NewCSSDefault(input utils.ContentInput) (CSS, error)
type ComputedStyle ¶
type ComputedStyle struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ComputedStyle provides on demand access of computed properties
func (*ComputedStyle) Cache ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (c *ComputedStyle) Cache() pr.TextRatioCache
func (*ComputedStyle) Copy ¶
func (c *ComputedStyle) Copy() pr.ElementStyle
func (*ComputedStyle) Get ¶
func (c *ComputedStyle) Get(key pr.PropKey) pr.CssProperty
provide on demand computation
func (*ComputedStyle) GetAlignContent ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetAlignContent() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetAlignItems ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetAlignItems() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetAlignSelf ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetAlignSelf() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetAnchor ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetAnchor() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetAppearance ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetAppearance() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundAttachment ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundAttachment() pr.Strings
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundClip ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundClip() pr.Strings
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundColor ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundColor() pr.Color
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundImage ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundImage() pr.Images
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundOrigin ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundOrigin() pr.Strings
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundPosition ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundPosition() pr.Centers
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundRepeat ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundRepeat() pr.Repeats
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundSize ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundSize() pr.Sizes
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBleedBottom ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBleedBottom() pr.Value
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBleedLeft ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBleedLeft() pr.Value
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBleedRight ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBleedRight() pr.Value
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBleedTop ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBleedTop() pr.Value
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBlockEllipsis ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBlockEllipsis() pr.TaggedString
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBookmarkLabel ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBookmarkLabel() pr.ContentProperties
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBookmarkLevel ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBookmarkLevel() pr.IntString
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBookmarkState ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBookmarkState() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBorderBottomColor ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderBottomColor() pr.Color
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBorderBottomLeftRadius ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderBottomLeftRadius() pr.Point
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBorderBottomRightRadius ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderBottomRightRadius() pr.Point
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBorderBottomStyle ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderBottomStyle() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBorderBottomWidth ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderBottomWidth() pr.Value
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBorderCollapse ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderCollapse() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBorderLeftColor ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderLeftColor() pr.Color
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBorderLeftStyle ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderLeftStyle() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBorderLeftWidth ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderLeftWidth() pr.Value
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBorderRightColor ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderRightColor() pr.Color
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBorderRightStyle ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderRightStyle() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBorderRightWidth ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderRightWidth() pr.Value
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBorderSpacing ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderSpacing() pr.Point
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBorderTopColor ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderTopColor() pr.Color
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBorderTopLeftRadius ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderTopLeftRadius() pr.Point
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBorderTopRightRadius ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderTopRightRadius() pr.Point
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBorderTopStyle ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderTopStyle() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBorderTopWidth ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderTopWidth() pr.Value
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBottom ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBottom() pr.Value
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBoxDecorationBreak ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBoxDecorationBreak() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBoxSizing ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBoxSizing() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBreakAfter ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBreakAfter() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBreakBefore ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBreakBefore() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBreakInside ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBreakInside() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetCaptionSide ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetCaptionSide() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetClear ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetClear() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetClip ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetClip() pr.Values
func (*ComputedStyle) GetColor ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetColor() pr.Color
func (*ComputedStyle) GetColumnCount ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetColumnCount() pr.IntString
func (*ComputedStyle) GetColumnFill ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetColumnFill() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetColumnGap ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetColumnGap() pr.Value
func (*ComputedStyle) GetColumnRuleColor ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetColumnRuleColor() pr.Color
func (*ComputedStyle) GetColumnRuleStyle ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetColumnRuleStyle() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetColumnRuleWidth ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetColumnRuleWidth() pr.Value
func (*ComputedStyle) GetColumnSpan ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetColumnSpan() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetColumnWidth ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetColumnWidth() pr.Value
func (*ComputedStyle) GetContent ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetContent() pr.SContent
func (*ComputedStyle) GetContinue ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetContinue() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetCounterIncrement ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetCounterIncrement() pr.SIntStrings
func (*ComputedStyle) GetCounterReset ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetCounterReset() pr.SIntStrings
func (*ComputedStyle) GetCounterSet ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetCounterSet() pr.SIntStrings
func (*ComputedStyle) GetDirection ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetDirection() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetDisplay ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetDisplay() pr.Display
func (*ComputedStyle) GetEmptyCells ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetEmptyCells() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFlexBasis ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFlexBasis() pr.Value
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFlexDirection ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFlexDirection() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFlexGrow ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFlexGrow() pr.Float
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFlexShrink ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFlexShrink() pr.Float
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFlexWrap ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFlexWrap() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFloat ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFloat() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFontFamily ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontFamily() pr.Strings
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFontFeatureSettings ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontFeatureSettings() pr.SIntStrings
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFontKerning ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontKerning() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFontLanguageOverride ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontLanguageOverride() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFontSize ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontSize() pr.Value
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFontStretch ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontStretch() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFontStyle ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontStyle() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFontVariant ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontVariant() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFontVariantAlternates ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontVariantAlternates() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFontVariantCaps ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontVariantCaps() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFontVariantEastAsian ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontVariantEastAsian() pr.SStrings
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFontVariantLigatures ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontVariantLigatures() pr.SStrings
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFontVariantNumeric ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontVariantNumeric() pr.SStrings
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFontVariantPosition ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontVariantPosition() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFontVariationSettings ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontVariationSettings() pr.SFloatStrings
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFontWeight ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontWeight() pr.IntString
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFootnoteDisplay ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFootnoteDisplay() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFootnotePolicy ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFootnotePolicy() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetHeight ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetHeight() pr.Value
func (*ComputedStyle) GetHyphenateCharacter ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetHyphenateCharacter() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetHyphenateLimitChars ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetHyphenateLimitChars() pr.Ints3
func (*ComputedStyle) GetHyphenateLimitZone ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetHyphenateLimitZone() pr.Value
func (*ComputedStyle) GetHyphens ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetHyphens() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetImageOrientation ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetImageOrientation() pr.SBoolFloat
func (*ComputedStyle) GetImageRendering ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetImageRendering() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetImageResolution ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetImageResolution() pr.Value
func (*ComputedStyle) GetJustifyContent ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetJustifyContent() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetLang ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetLang() pr.NamedString
func (*ComputedStyle) GetLeft ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetLeft() pr.Value
func (*ComputedStyle) GetLetterSpacing ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetLetterSpacing() pr.Value
func (*ComputedStyle) GetLineHeight ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetLineHeight() pr.Value
func (*ComputedStyle) GetLink ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetLink() pr.NamedString
func (*ComputedStyle) GetListStyleImage ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetListStyleImage() pr.Image
func (*ComputedStyle) GetListStylePosition ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetListStylePosition() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetListStyleType ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetListStyleType() pr.CounterStyleID
func (*ComputedStyle) GetMarginBottom ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetMarginBottom() pr.Value
func (*ComputedStyle) GetMarginBreak ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetMarginBreak() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetMarginLeft ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetMarginLeft() pr.Value
func (*ComputedStyle) GetMarginRight ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetMarginRight() pr.Value
func (*ComputedStyle) GetMarginTop ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetMarginTop() pr.Value
func (*ComputedStyle) GetMarks ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetMarks() pr.Marks
func (*ComputedStyle) GetMaxHeight ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetMaxHeight() pr.Value
func (*ComputedStyle) GetMaxLines ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetMaxLines() pr.TaggedInt
func (*ComputedStyle) GetMaxWidth ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetMaxWidth() pr.Value
func (*ComputedStyle) GetMinHeight ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetMinHeight() pr.Value
func (*ComputedStyle) GetMinWidth ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetMinWidth() pr.Value
func (*ComputedStyle) GetObjectFit ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetObjectFit() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetObjectPosition ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetObjectPosition() pr.Center
func (*ComputedStyle) GetOpacity ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetOpacity() pr.Float
func (*ComputedStyle) GetOrder ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetOrder() pr.Int
func (*ComputedStyle) GetOrphans ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetOrphans() pr.Int
func (*ComputedStyle) GetOutlineColor ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetOutlineColor() pr.Color
func (*ComputedStyle) GetOutlineStyle ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetOutlineStyle() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetOutlineWidth ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetOutlineWidth() pr.Value
func (*ComputedStyle) GetOverflow ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetOverflow() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetOverflowWrap ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetOverflowWrap() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetPaddingBottom ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetPaddingBottom() pr.Value
func (*ComputedStyle) GetPaddingLeft ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetPaddingLeft() pr.Value
func (*ComputedStyle) GetPaddingRight ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetPaddingRight() pr.Value
func (*ComputedStyle) GetPaddingTop ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetPaddingTop() pr.Value
func (*ComputedStyle) GetPage ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetPage() pr.Page
func (*ComputedStyle) GetPosition ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetPosition() pr.BoolString
func (*ComputedStyle) GetQuotes ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetQuotes() pr.Quotes
func (*ComputedStyle) GetRight ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetRight() pr.Value
func (*ComputedStyle) GetSize ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetSize() pr.Point
func (*ComputedStyle) GetStringSet ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetStringSet() pr.StringSet
func (*ComputedStyle) GetTabSize ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTabSize() pr.Value
func (*ComputedStyle) GetTableLayout ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTableLayout() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetTextAlignAll ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTextAlignAll() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetTextAlignLast ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTextAlignLast() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetTextDecorationColor ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTextDecorationColor() pr.Color
func (*ComputedStyle) GetTextDecorationLine ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTextDecorationLine() pr.Decorations
func (*ComputedStyle) GetTextDecorationStyle ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTextDecorationStyle() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetTextIndent ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTextIndent() pr.Value
func (*ComputedStyle) GetTextOverflow ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTextOverflow() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetTextTransform ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTextTransform() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetTop ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTop() pr.Value
func (*ComputedStyle) GetTransform ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTransform() pr.Transforms
func (*ComputedStyle) GetTransformOrigin ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTransformOrigin() pr.Point
func (*ComputedStyle) GetUnicodeBidi ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetUnicodeBidi() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetVerticalAlign ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetVerticalAlign() pr.Value
func (*ComputedStyle) GetVisibility ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetVisibility() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetWhiteSpace ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetWhiteSpace() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetWidows ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetWidows() pr.Int
func (*ComputedStyle) GetWidth ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetWidth() pr.Value
func (*ComputedStyle) GetWordBreak ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetWordBreak() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetWordSpacing ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetWordSpacing() pr.Value
func (*ComputedStyle) GetZIndex ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetZIndex() pr.IntString
func (*ComputedStyle) ParentStyle ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (c *ComputedStyle) ParentStyle() pr.ElementStyle
func (*ComputedStyle) SetAlignContent ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetAlignContent(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetAlignItems ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetAlignItems(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetAlignSelf ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetAlignSelf(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetAnchor ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetAnchor(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetAppearance ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetAppearance(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundAttachment ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundAttachment(v pr.Strings)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundClip ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundClip(v pr.Strings)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundColor ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundColor(v pr.Color)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundImage ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundImage(v pr.Images)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundOrigin ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundOrigin(v pr.Strings)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundPosition ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundPosition(v pr.Centers)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundRepeat ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundRepeat(v pr.Repeats)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundSize ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundSize(v pr.Sizes)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBleedBottom ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBleedBottom(v pr.Value)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBleedLeft ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBleedLeft(v pr.Value)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBleedRight ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBleedRight(v pr.Value)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBleedTop ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBleedTop(v pr.Value)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBlockEllipsis ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBlockEllipsis(v pr.TaggedString)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBookmarkLabel ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBookmarkLabel(v pr.ContentProperties)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBookmarkLevel ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBookmarkLevel(v pr.IntString)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBookmarkState ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBookmarkState(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBorderBottomColor ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderBottomColor(v pr.Color)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBorderBottomLeftRadius ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderBottomLeftRadius(v pr.Point)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBorderBottomRightRadius ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderBottomRightRadius(v pr.Point)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBorderBottomStyle ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderBottomStyle(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBorderBottomWidth ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderBottomWidth(v pr.Value)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBorderCollapse ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderCollapse(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBorderLeftColor ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderLeftColor(v pr.Color)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBorderLeftStyle ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderLeftStyle(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBorderLeftWidth ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderLeftWidth(v pr.Value)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBorderRightColor ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderRightColor(v pr.Color)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBorderRightStyle ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderRightStyle(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBorderRightWidth ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderRightWidth(v pr.Value)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBorderSpacing ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderSpacing(v pr.Point)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBorderTopColor ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderTopColor(v pr.Color)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBorderTopLeftRadius ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderTopLeftRadius(v pr.Point)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBorderTopRightRadius ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderTopRightRadius(v pr.Point)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBorderTopStyle ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderTopStyle(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBorderTopWidth ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderTopWidth(v pr.Value)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBottom ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBottom(v pr.Value)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBoxDecorationBreak ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBoxDecorationBreak(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBoxSizing ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBoxSizing(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBreakAfter ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBreakAfter(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBreakBefore ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBreakBefore(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBreakInside ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBreakInside(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetCaptionSide ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetCaptionSide(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetClear ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetClear(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetClip ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetClip(v pr.Values)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetColor ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetColor(v pr.Color)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetColumnCount ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetColumnCount(v pr.IntString)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetColumnFill ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetColumnFill(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetColumnGap ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetColumnGap(v pr.Value)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetColumnRuleColor ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetColumnRuleColor(v pr.Color)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetColumnRuleStyle ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetColumnRuleStyle(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetColumnRuleWidth ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetColumnRuleWidth(v pr.Value)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetColumnSpan ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetColumnSpan(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetColumnWidth ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetColumnWidth(v pr.Value)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetContent ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetContent(v pr.SContent)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetContinue ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetContinue(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetCounterIncrement ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetCounterIncrement(v pr.SIntStrings)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetCounterReset ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetCounterReset(v pr.SIntStrings)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetCounterSet ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetCounterSet(v pr.SIntStrings)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetDirection ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetDirection(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetDisplay ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetDisplay(v pr.Display)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetEmptyCells ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetEmptyCells(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFlexBasis ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFlexBasis(v pr.Value)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFlexDirection ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFlexDirection(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFlexGrow ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFlexGrow(v pr.Float)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFlexShrink ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFlexShrink(v pr.Float)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFlexWrap ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFlexWrap(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFloat ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFloat(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFontFamily ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontFamily(v pr.Strings)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFontFeatureSettings ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontFeatureSettings(v pr.SIntStrings)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFontKerning ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontKerning(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFontLanguageOverride ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontLanguageOverride(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFontSize ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontSize(v pr.Value)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFontStretch ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontStretch(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFontStyle ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontStyle(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFontVariant ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontVariant(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFontVariantAlternates ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontVariantAlternates(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFontVariantCaps ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontVariantCaps(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFontVariantEastAsian ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontVariantEastAsian(v pr.SStrings)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFontVariantLigatures ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontVariantLigatures(v pr.SStrings)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFontVariantNumeric ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontVariantNumeric(v pr.SStrings)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFontVariantPosition ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontVariantPosition(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFontVariationSettings ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontVariationSettings(v pr.SFloatStrings)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFontWeight ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontWeight(v pr.IntString)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFootnoteDisplay ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFootnoteDisplay(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFootnotePolicy ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFootnotePolicy(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetHeight ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetHeight(v pr.Value)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetHyphenateCharacter ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetHyphenateCharacter(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetHyphenateLimitChars ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetHyphenateLimitChars(v pr.Ints3)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetHyphenateLimitZone ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetHyphenateLimitZone(v pr.Value)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetHyphens ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetHyphens(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetImageOrientation ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetImageOrientation(v pr.SBoolFloat)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetImageRendering ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetImageRendering(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetImageResolution ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetImageResolution(v pr.Value)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetJustifyContent ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetJustifyContent(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetLang ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetLang(v pr.NamedString)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetLeft ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetLeft(v pr.Value)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetLetterSpacing ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetLetterSpacing(v pr.Value)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetLineHeight ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetLineHeight(v pr.Value)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetLink ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetLink(v pr.NamedString)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetListStyleImage ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetListStyleImage(v pr.Image)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetListStylePosition ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetListStylePosition(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetListStyleType ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetListStyleType(v pr.CounterStyleID)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetMarginBottom ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetMarginBottom(v pr.Value)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetMarginBreak ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetMarginBreak(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetMarginLeft ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetMarginLeft(v pr.Value)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetMarginRight ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetMarginRight(v pr.Value)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetMarginTop ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetMarginTop(v pr.Value)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetMarks ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetMarks(v pr.Marks)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetMaxHeight ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetMaxHeight(v pr.Value)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetMaxLines ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetMaxLines(v pr.TaggedInt)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetMaxWidth ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetMaxWidth(v pr.Value)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetMinHeight ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetMinHeight(v pr.Value)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetMinWidth ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetMinWidth(v pr.Value)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetObjectFit ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetObjectFit(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetObjectPosition ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetObjectPosition(v pr.Center)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetOpacity ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetOpacity(v pr.Float)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetOrder ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetOrder(v pr.Int)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetOrphans ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetOrphans(v pr.Int)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetOutlineColor ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetOutlineColor(v pr.Color)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetOutlineStyle ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetOutlineStyle(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetOutlineWidth ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetOutlineWidth(v pr.Value)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetOverflow ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetOverflow(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetOverflowWrap ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetOverflowWrap(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetPaddingBottom ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetPaddingBottom(v pr.Value)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetPaddingLeft ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetPaddingLeft(v pr.Value)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetPaddingRight ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetPaddingRight(v pr.Value)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetPaddingTop ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetPaddingTop(v pr.Value)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetPage ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetPage(v pr.Page)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetPosition ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetPosition(v pr.BoolString)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetQuotes ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetQuotes(v pr.Quotes)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetRight ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetRight(v pr.Value)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetSize ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetSize(v pr.Point)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetStringSet ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetStringSet(v pr.StringSet)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetTabSize ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTabSize(v pr.Value)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetTableLayout ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTableLayout(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetTextAlignAll ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTextAlignAll(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetTextAlignLast ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTextAlignLast(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetTextDecorationColor ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTextDecorationColor(v pr.Color)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetTextDecorationLine ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTextDecorationLine(v pr.Decorations)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetTextDecorationStyle ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTextDecorationStyle(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetTextIndent ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTextIndent(v pr.Value)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetTextOverflow ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTextOverflow(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetTextTransform ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTextTransform(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetTop ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTop(v pr.Value)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetTransform ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTransform(v pr.Transforms)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetTransformOrigin ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTransformOrigin(v pr.Point)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetUnicodeBidi ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetUnicodeBidi(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetVerticalAlign ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetVerticalAlign(v pr.Value)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetVisibility ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetVisibility(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetWhiteSpace ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetWhiteSpace(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetWidows ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetWidows(v pr.Int)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetWidth ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetWidth(v pr.Value)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetWordBreak ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetWordBreak(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetWordSpacing ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetWordSpacing(v pr.Value)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetZIndex ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetZIndex(v pr.IntString)
func (*ComputedStyle) Specified ¶
func (c *ComputedStyle) Specified() pr.SpecifiedAttributes
func (*ComputedStyle) Variables ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (c *ComputedStyle) Variables() map[string]pr.ValidatedProperty
type CounterLookupItem ¶
type CounterLookupItem struct { // Function that have to been called to check Pending counter. ParseAgain ParseFunc // Missing counters and target counters MissingCounters utils.Set MissingTargetCounters map[string]utils.Set // Targeting box's pageCounters during pagination CachedPageCounterValues CounterValues // Box position during pagination (pageNumber - 1) PageMakerIndex optionnalInt // Marker for remakePage Pending bool }
Item controlling page based counters.
Collected in the TargetCollector's “CounterLookupItems“.
func NewCounterLookupItem ¶
type CounterValues ¶
func (CounterValues) Copy ¶
func (c CounterValues) Copy() CounterValues
Copy performs a deep copy of c
func (CounterValues) Equal ¶
func (c CounterValues) Equal(other CounterValues) bool
Equal deeply compare each elements of c and other
func (CounterValues) Update ¶
func (c CounterValues) Update(other CounterValues)
type Element ¶
type Element interface {
ToKey(pseudoType string) utils.ElementKey
either a html node or a page type
type HTML ¶
type HTML struct { Root *utils.HTMLNode UrlFetcher utils.UrlFetcher BaseUrl string UAStyleSheet CSS FormStyleSheet CSS PHStyleSheet CSS // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents an HTML document parsed by net/html.
func NewHTML ¶
func NewHTML(htmlContent utils.ContentInput, baseUrl string, urlFetcher utils.UrlFetcher, mediaType string) (*HTML, error)
`baseUrl` is the base used to resolve relative URLs (e.g. in “<img src="../foo.png">“). If not provided, is is infered from the input filename or the URL
`urlFetcher` is a function called to fetch external resources such as stylesheets and images. and defaults to utils.DefaultUrlFetcher
`mediaType` is the media type to use for “@media“, and defaults to "print".
func (HTML) GetMetadata ¶
func (h HTML) GetMetadata() utils.DocumentMetadata
type PageMaker ¶
type PageMaker struct { InitialResumeAt ResumeStack InitialPageState PageState InitialNextPage PageBreak RemakeState RemakeState RightPage bool }
type PageState ¶
type PageState struct { QuoteDepth []int CounterValues CounterValues CounterScopes []utils.Set }
type ParseFunc ¶
type ParseFunc = func(CounterValues)
type RemakeState ¶
type RemakeState struct { // first occurrence of anchor Anchors []string // first occurrence of content-CounterLookupItem ContentLookups []*CounterLookupItem ContentChanged, PagesWanted bool }
Handle target-counter, target-counters && target-text.
The TargetCollector is a structure providing required targets" counterValues && stuff needed to build Pending targets later, when the layout of all targetted anchors has been done.
type ResumeStack ¶
type ResumeStack map[int]ResumeStack
ResumeStack is a tree of index boxes where layout has been interrupted and should resume, following the box tree structure. At each level, several boxes may be selected.
func (ResumeStack) Equals ¶
func (r ResumeStack) Equals(other ResumeStack) bool
Equals returns true if the two stacks are deeply equals. nil and 0-sized map are compared equal.
func (ResumeStack) String ¶
func (r ResumeStack) String() string
func (ResumeStack) Unpack ¶
func (r ResumeStack) Unpack() (int, ResumeStack)
Unpack returns the first element and the corresponding stack. It will panic if the stack is empty.
type StyleFor ¶
type StyleFor struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
StyleFor provides a convenience function `Get` to get the computed styles for an Element.
func GetAllComputedStyles ¶
func GetAllComputedStyles(html *HTML, userStylesheets []CSS, presentationalHints bool, fontConfig text.FontConfiguration, counterStyle counters.CounterStyle, pageRules *[]PageRule, targetCollector *TargetCollector, forms bool, textContext text.TextLayoutContext, ) *StyleFor
Compute all the computed styles of all elements in `html` document. Do everything from finding author stylesheets to parsing and applying them.
Return a `StyleFor` function like object that takes an Element and an optional pseudo-Element type, and return a style dict object. presentationalHints=false
func (StyleFor) SetPageComputedStylesT ¶
func (styleFor StyleFor) SetPageComputedStylesT(pageType utils.PageElement, html *HTML)
Set style for page types and pseudo-types matching “pageType“.
type TargetCollector ¶
type TargetCollector struct { // Lookup items for targets and page counters TargetLookupItems map[string]*TargetLookupItem CounterLookupItems map[functionKey]*CounterLookupItem // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Collector of HTML targets used by CSS content with “target-*“.
func NewTargetCollector ¶
func NewTargetCollector() TargetCollector
func (*TargetCollector) CacheTargetPageCounters ¶
func (tc *TargetCollector) CacheTargetPageCounters(anchorName string, pageCounterValues CounterValues, pageMakerIndex int, pageMaker []PageMaker, )
Store target's current “PageMakerIndex“ and page counter values.
Eventually update associated targeting boxes.
func (*TargetCollector) CheckPendingTargets ¶
func (tc *TargetCollector) CheckPendingTargets()
Check Pending targets if needed.
func (*TargetCollector) CollectMissingCounters ¶
func (tc *TargetCollector) CollectMissingCounters(parentBox Box, cssToken string, parseAgainFunction ParseFunc, missingCounters utils.Set, missingTargetCounters map[string]utils.Set, )
Collect missing (probably page-based) counters during formatting.
The “MissingCounters“ are re-used during pagination.
The “missingLink“ attribute added to the parentBox is required to connect the paginated boxes to their originating “parentBox“.
func (*TargetCollector) IsCollecting ¶
func (t *TargetCollector) IsCollecting() bool
func (*TargetCollector) LookupTarget ¶
func (tc *TargetCollector) LookupTarget(anchorToken pr.ContentProperty, sourceBox Box, cssToken string, parseAgain ParseFunc) *TargetLookupItem
Get a TargetLookupItem corresponding to “anchorToken“.
If it is already filled by a previous anchor-Element, the status is "up-to-date". Otherwise, it is "Pending", we must parse the whole tree again.
func (*TargetCollector) StoreTarget ¶
func (tc *TargetCollector) StoreTarget(anchorName string, targetCounterValues CounterValues, targetBox Box)
Store a target called “anchorName“.
If there is a Pending TargetLookupItem, it is updated. Only previously collected anchors are stored.
type TargetLookupItem ¶
type TargetLookupItem struct { // Required by target-counter and target-counters to access the // target's .cachedCounterValues. // Needed for target-text via extract_text. TargetBox Box // TargetBox's pageCounters during pagination CachedPageCounterValues CounterValues // Anchor position during pagination (pageNumber - 1) PageMakerIndex int // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Item controlling Pending targets and page based target counters.
Collected in the TargetCollector"s “items“.
func (TargetLookupItem) IsUpToDate ¶
func (t TargetLookupItem) IsUpToDate() bool