Overview ¶
This module takes care of steps 3 and 4 of “CSS 2.1 processing model”: Retrieve stylesheets associated with a document and annotate every Element with a value for every CSS property.
This module does this in more than two steps. The `getAllComputedStyles` function does everything, but it is itsef based on other functions in this module.
:copyright: Copyright 2011-2014 Simon Sapin and contributors, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
Index ¶
- func AnchorNameFromToken(anchorToken pr.ContentProperty) string
- func ComputedFromCascaded(element Element, cascaded cascadedStyle, parentStyle pr.ElementStyle, ...) pr.ElementStyle
- func NewFunctionKey(sourceBox Box, cssToken string) functionKey
- func NewOptionnalInt(i int) optionnalInt
- func ResolveColor(style pr.ElementStyle, key pr.KnownProp) pr.Color
- type AnonymousStyle
- func (c *AnonymousStyle) Cache() pr.TextRatioCache
- func (c *AnonymousStyle) Copy() pr.ElementStyle
- func (a *AnonymousStyle) Get(key pr.PropKey) pr.CssProperty
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetAlignContent() pr.Strings
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetAlignItems() pr.Strings
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetAlignSelf() pr.Strings
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetAnchor() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetAppearance() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundAttachment() pr.Strings
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundClip() pr.Strings
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundColor() pr.Color
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundImage() pr.Images
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundOrigin() pr.Strings
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundPosition() pr.Centers
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundRepeat() pr.Repeats
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundSize() pr.Sizes
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBleedBottom() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBleedLeft() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBleedRight() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBleedTop() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBlockEllipsis() pr.TaggedString
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBookmarkLabel() pr.ContentProperties
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBookmarkLevel() pr.TaggedInt
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBookmarkState() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderBottomColor() pr.Color
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderBottomLeftRadius() pr.Point
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderBottomRightRadius() pr.Point
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderBottomStyle() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderBottomWidth() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderCollapse() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderImageOutset() pr.Values
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderImageRepeat() pr.Strings
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderImageSlice() pr.Values
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderImageSource() pr.Image
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderImageWidth() pr.Values
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderLeftColor() pr.Color
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderLeftStyle() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderLeftWidth() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderRightColor() pr.Color
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderRightStyle() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderRightWidth() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderSpacing() pr.Point
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderTopColor() pr.Color
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderTopLeftRadius() pr.Point
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderTopRightRadius() pr.Point
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderTopStyle() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderTopWidth() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBottom() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBoxDecorationBreak() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBoxSizing() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBreakAfter() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBreakBefore() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBreakInside() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetCaptionSide() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetClear() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetClip() pr.Values
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetColor() pr.Color
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetColumnCount() pr.IntString
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetColumnFill() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetColumnGap() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetColumnRuleColor() pr.Color
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetColumnRuleStyle() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetColumnRuleWidth() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetColumnSpan() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetColumnWidth() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetContent() pr.SContent
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetContinue() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetCounterIncrement() pr.SIntStrings
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetCounterReset() pr.SIntStrings
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetCounterSet() pr.SIntStrings
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetDirection() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetDisplay() pr.Display
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetEmptyCells() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFlexBasis() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFlexDirection() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFlexGrow() pr.Float
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFlexShrink() pr.Float
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFlexWrap() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFloat() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontFamily() pr.Strings
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontFeatureSettings() pr.SIntStrings
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontKerning() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontLanguageOverride() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontSize() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontStretch() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontStyle() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontVariant() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontVariantAlternates() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontVariantCaps() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontVariantEastAsian() pr.SStrings
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontVariantLigatures() pr.SStrings
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontVariantNumeric() pr.SStrings
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontVariantPosition() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontVariationSettings() pr.SFloatStrings
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFontWeight() pr.IntString
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFootnoteDisplay() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFootnotePolicy() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetGridAutoColumns() pr.GridAuto
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetGridAutoFlow() pr.Strings
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetGridAutoRows() pr.GridAuto
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetGridColumnEnd() pr.GridLine
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetGridColumnStart() pr.GridLine
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetGridRowEnd() pr.GridLine
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetGridRowStart() pr.GridLine
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetGridTemplateAreas() pr.GridTemplateAreas
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetGridTemplateColumns() pr.GridTemplate
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetGridTemplateRows() pr.GridTemplate
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetHeight() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetHyphenateCharacter() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetHyphenateLimitChars() pr.Limits
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetHyphenateLimitZone() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetHyphens() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetImageOrientation() pr.SBoolFloat
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetImageRendering() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetImageResolution() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetJustifyContent() pr.Strings
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetJustifyItems() pr.Strings
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetJustifySelf() pr.Strings
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetLang() pr.TaggedString
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetLeft() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetLetterSpacing() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetLineHeight() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetLink() pr.NamedString
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetListStyleImage() pr.Image
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetListStylePosition() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetListStyleType() pr.CounterStyleID
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetMarginBottom() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetMarginBreak() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetMarginLeft() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetMarginRight() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetMarginTop() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetMarks() pr.Marks
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetMaxHeight() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetMaxLines() pr.TaggedInt
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetMaxWidth() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetMinHeight() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetMinWidth() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetObjectFit() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetObjectPosition() pr.Center
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetOpacity() pr.Float
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetOrder() pr.Int
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetOrphans() pr.Int
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetOutlineColor() pr.Color
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetOutlineStyle() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetOutlineWidth() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetOverflow() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetOverflowWrap() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetPaddingBottom() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetPaddingLeft() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetPaddingRight() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetPaddingTop() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetPage() pr.Page
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetPosition() pr.BoolString
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetQuotes() pr.Quotes
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetRight() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetRowGap() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetSize() pr.Point
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetStringSet() pr.StringSet
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetTabSize() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetTableLayout() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetTextAlignAll() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetTextAlignLast() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetTextDecorationColor() pr.Color
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetTextDecorationLine() pr.Decorations
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetTextDecorationStyle() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetTextIndent() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetTextOverflow() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetTextTransform() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetTop() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetTransform() pr.Transforms
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetTransformOrigin() pr.Point
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetUnicodeBidi() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetVerticalAlign() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetVisibility() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetWhiteSpace() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetWidows() pr.Int
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetWidth() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetWordBreak() pr.String
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetWordSpacing() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetZIndex() pr.IntString
- func (c *AnonymousStyle) ParentStyle() pr.ElementStyle
- func (c *AnonymousStyle) Set(key pr.PropKey, value pr.CssProperty)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetAlignContent(v pr.Strings)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetAlignItems(v pr.Strings)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetAlignSelf(v pr.Strings)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetAnchor(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetAppearance(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBackgroundAttachment(v pr.Strings)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBackgroundClip(v pr.Strings)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBackgroundColor(v pr.Color)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBackgroundImage(v pr.Images)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBackgroundOrigin(v pr.Strings)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBackgroundPosition(v pr.Centers)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBackgroundRepeat(v pr.Repeats)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBackgroundSize(v pr.Sizes)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBleedBottom(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBleedLeft(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBleedRight(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBleedTop(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBlockEllipsis(v pr.TaggedString)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBookmarkLabel(v pr.ContentProperties)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBookmarkLevel(v pr.TaggedInt)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBookmarkState(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderBottomColor(v pr.Color)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderBottomLeftRadius(v pr.Point)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderBottomRightRadius(v pr.Point)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderBottomStyle(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderBottomWidth(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderCollapse(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderImageOutset(v pr.Values)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderImageRepeat(v pr.Strings)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderImageSlice(v pr.Values)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderImageSource(v pr.Image)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderImageWidth(v pr.Values)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderLeftColor(v pr.Color)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderLeftStyle(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderLeftWidth(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderRightColor(v pr.Color)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderRightStyle(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderRightWidth(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderSpacing(v pr.Point)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderTopColor(v pr.Color)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderTopLeftRadius(v pr.Point)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderTopRightRadius(v pr.Point)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderTopStyle(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderTopWidth(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBottom(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBoxDecorationBreak(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBoxSizing(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBreakAfter(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBreakBefore(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBreakInside(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetCaptionSide(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetClear(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetClip(v pr.Values)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetColor(v pr.Color)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetColumnCount(v pr.IntString)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetColumnFill(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetColumnGap(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetColumnRuleColor(v pr.Color)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetColumnRuleStyle(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetColumnRuleWidth(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetColumnSpan(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetColumnWidth(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetContent(v pr.SContent)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetContinue(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetCounterIncrement(v pr.SIntStrings)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetCounterReset(v pr.SIntStrings)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetCounterSet(v pr.SIntStrings)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetDirection(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetDisplay(v pr.Display)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetEmptyCells(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFlexBasis(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFlexDirection(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFlexGrow(v pr.Float)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFlexShrink(v pr.Float)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFlexWrap(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFloat(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontFamily(v pr.Strings)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontFeatureSettings(v pr.SIntStrings)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontKerning(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontLanguageOverride(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontSize(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontStretch(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontStyle(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontVariant(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontVariantAlternates(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontVariantCaps(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontVariantEastAsian(v pr.SStrings)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontVariantLigatures(v pr.SStrings)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontVariantNumeric(v pr.SStrings)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontVariantPosition(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontVariationSettings(v pr.SFloatStrings)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFontWeight(v pr.IntString)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFootnoteDisplay(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFootnotePolicy(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetGridAutoColumns(v pr.GridAuto)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetGridAutoFlow(v pr.Strings)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetGridAutoRows(v pr.GridAuto)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetGridColumnEnd(v pr.GridLine)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetGridColumnStart(v pr.GridLine)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetGridRowEnd(v pr.GridLine)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetGridRowStart(v pr.GridLine)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetGridTemplateAreas(v pr.GridTemplateAreas)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetGridTemplateColumns(v pr.GridTemplate)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetGridTemplateRows(v pr.GridTemplate)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetHeight(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetHyphenateCharacter(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetHyphenateLimitChars(v pr.Limits)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetHyphenateLimitZone(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetHyphens(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetImageOrientation(v pr.SBoolFloat)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetImageRendering(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetImageResolution(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetJustifyContent(v pr.Strings)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetJustifyItems(v pr.Strings)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetJustifySelf(v pr.Strings)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetLang(v pr.TaggedString)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetLeft(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetLetterSpacing(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetLineHeight(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetLink(v pr.NamedString)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetListStyleImage(v pr.Image)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetListStylePosition(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetListStyleType(v pr.CounterStyleID)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetMarginBottom(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetMarginBreak(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetMarginLeft(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetMarginRight(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetMarginTop(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetMarks(v pr.Marks)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetMaxHeight(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetMaxLines(v pr.TaggedInt)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetMaxWidth(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetMinHeight(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetMinWidth(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetObjectFit(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetObjectPosition(v pr.Center)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetOpacity(v pr.Float)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetOrder(v pr.Int)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetOrphans(v pr.Int)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetOutlineColor(v pr.Color)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetOutlineStyle(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetOutlineWidth(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetOverflow(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetOverflowWrap(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetPaddingBottom(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetPaddingLeft(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetPaddingRight(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetPaddingTop(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetPage(v pr.Page)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetPosition(v pr.BoolString)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetQuotes(v pr.Quotes)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetRight(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetRowGap(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetSize(v pr.Point)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetStringSet(v pr.StringSet)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTabSize(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTableLayout(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTextAlignAll(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTextAlignLast(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTextDecorationColor(v pr.Color)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTextDecorationLine(v pr.Decorations)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTextDecorationStyle(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTextIndent(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTextOverflow(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTextTransform(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTop(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTransform(v pr.Transforms)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTransformOrigin(v pr.Point)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetUnicodeBidi(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetVerticalAlign(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetVisibility(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetWhiteSpace(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetWidows(v pr.Int)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetWidth(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetWordBreak(v pr.String)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetWordSpacing(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetZIndex(v pr.IntString)
- func (c *AnonymousStyle) Specified() pr.SpecifiedAttributes
- func (c *AnonymousStyle) Variables() map[string]pr.RawTokens
- type Box
- type CSS
- type ComputedStyle
- func (c *ComputedStyle) Cache() pr.TextRatioCache
- func (c *ComputedStyle) Copy() pr.ElementStyle
- func (c *ComputedStyle) Get(key pr.PropKey) pr.CssProperty
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetAlignContent() pr.Strings
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetAlignItems() pr.Strings
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetAlignSelf() pr.Strings
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetAnchor() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetAppearance() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundAttachment() pr.Strings
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundClip() pr.Strings
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundColor() pr.Color
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundImage() pr.Images
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundOrigin() pr.Strings
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundPosition() pr.Centers
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundRepeat() pr.Repeats
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundSize() pr.Sizes
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBleedBottom() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBleedLeft() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBleedRight() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBleedTop() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBlockEllipsis() pr.TaggedString
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBookmarkLabel() pr.ContentProperties
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBookmarkLevel() pr.TaggedInt
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBookmarkState() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderBottomColor() pr.Color
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderBottomLeftRadius() pr.Point
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderBottomRightRadius() pr.Point
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderBottomStyle() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderBottomWidth() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderCollapse() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderImageOutset() pr.Values
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderImageRepeat() pr.Strings
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderImageSlice() pr.Values
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderImageSource() pr.Image
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderImageWidth() pr.Values
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderLeftColor() pr.Color
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderLeftStyle() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderLeftWidth() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderRightColor() pr.Color
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderRightStyle() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderRightWidth() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderSpacing() pr.Point
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderTopColor() pr.Color
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderTopLeftRadius() pr.Point
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderTopRightRadius() pr.Point
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderTopStyle() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderTopWidth() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBottom() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBoxDecorationBreak() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBoxSizing() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBreakAfter() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBreakBefore() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBreakInside() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetCaptionSide() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetClear() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetClip() pr.Values
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetColor() pr.Color
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetColumnCount() pr.IntString
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetColumnFill() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetColumnGap() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetColumnRuleColor() pr.Color
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetColumnRuleStyle() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetColumnRuleWidth() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetColumnSpan() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetColumnWidth() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetContent() pr.SContent
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetContinue() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetCounterIncrement() pr.SIntStrings
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetCounterReset() pr.SIntStrings
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetCounterSet() pr.SIntStrings
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetDirection() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetDisplay() pr.Display
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetEmptyCells() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFlexBasis() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFlexDirection() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFlexGrow() pr.Float
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFlexShrink() pr.Float
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFlexWrap() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFloat() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontFamily() pr.Strings
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontFeatureSettings() pr.SIntStrings
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontKerning() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontLanguageOverride() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontSize() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontStretch() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontStyle() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontVariant() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontVariantAlternates() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontVariantCaps() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontVariantEastAsian() pr.SStrings
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontVariantLigatures() pr.SStrings
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontVariantNumeric() pr.SStrings
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontVariantPosition() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontVariationSettings() pr.SFloatStrings
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontWeight() pr.IntString
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFootnoteDisplay() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFootnotePolicy() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetGridAutoColumns() pr.GridAuto
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetGridAutoFlow() pr.Strings
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetGridAutoRows() pr.GridAuto
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetGridColumnEnd() pr.GridLine
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetGridColumnStart() pr.GridLine
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetGridRowEnd() pr.GridLine
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetGridRowStart() pr.GridLine
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetGridTemplateAreas() pr.GridTemplateAreas
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetGridTemplateColumns() pr.GridTemplate
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetGridTemplateRows() pr.GridTemplate
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetHeight() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetHyphenateCharacter() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetHyphenateLimitChars() pr.Limits
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetHyphenateLimitZone() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetHyphens() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetImageOrientation() pr.SBoolFloat
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetImageRendering() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetImageResolution() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetJustifyContent() pr.Strings
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetJustifyItems() pr.Strings
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetJustifySelf() pr.Strings
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetLang() pr.TaggedString
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetLeft() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetLetterSpacing() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetLineHeight() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetLink() pr.NamedString
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetListStyleImage() pr.Image
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetListStylePosition() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetListStyleType() pr.CounterStyleID
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetMarginBottom() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetMarginBreak() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetMarginLeft() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetMarginRight() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetMarginTop() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetMarks() pr.Marks
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetMaxHeight() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetMaxLines() pr.TaggedInt
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetMaxWidth() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetMinHeight() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetMinWidth() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetObjectFit() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetObjectPosition() pr.Center
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetOpacity() pr.Float
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetOrder() pr.Int
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetOrphans() pr.Int
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetOutlineColor() pr.Color
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetOutlineStyle() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetOutlineWidth() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetOverflow() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetOverflowWrap() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetPaddingBottom() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetPaddingLeft() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetPaddingRight() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetPaddingTop() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetPage() pr.Page
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetPosition() pr.BoolString
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetQuotes() pr.Quotes
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetRight() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetRowGap() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetSize() pr.Point
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetStringSet() pr.StringSet
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTabSize() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTableLayout() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTextAlignAll() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTextAlignLast() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTextDecorationColor() pr.Color
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTextDecorationLine() pr.Decorations
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTextDecorationStyle() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTextIndent() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTextOverflow() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTextTransform() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTop() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTransform() pr.Transforms
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTransformOrigin() pr.Point
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetUnicodeBidi() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetVerticalAlign() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetVisibility() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetWhiteSpace() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetWidows() pr.Int
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetWidth() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetWordBreak() pr.String
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetWordSpacing() pr.DimOrS
- func (s *ComputedStyle) GetZIndex() pr.IntString
- func (c *ComputedStyle) ParentStyle() pr.ElementStyle
- func (c *ComputedStyle) Set(key pr.PropKey, value pr.CssProperty)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetAlignContent(v pr.Strings)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetAlignItems(v pr.Strings)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetAlignSelf(v pr.Strings)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetAnchor(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetAppearance(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundAttachment(v pr.Strings)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundClip(v pr.Strings)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundColor(v pr.Color)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundImage(v pr.Images)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundOrigin(v pr.Strings)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundPosition(v pr.Centers)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundRepeat(v pr.Repeats)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundSize(v pr.Sizes)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBleedBottom(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBleedLeft(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBleedRight(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBleedTop(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBlockEllipsis(v pr.TaggedString)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBookmarkLabel(v pr.ContentProperties)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBookmarkLevel(v pr.TaggedInt)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBookmarkState(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderBottomColor(v pr.Color)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderBottomLeftRadius(v pr.Point)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderBottomRightRadius(v pr.Point)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderBottomStyle(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderBottomWidth(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderCollapse(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderImageOutset(v pr.Values)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderImageRepeat(v pr.Strings)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderImageSlice(v pr.Values)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderImageSource(v pr.Image)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderImageWidth(v pr.Values)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderLeftColor(v pr.Color)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderLeftStyle(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderLeftWidth(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderRightColor(v pr.Color)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderRightStyle(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderRightWidth(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderSpacing(v pr.Point)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderTopColor(v pr.Color)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderTopLeftRadius(v pr.Point)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderTopRightRadius(v pr.Point)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderTopStyle(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderTopWidth(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBottom(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBoxDecorationBreak(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBoxSizing(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBreakAfter(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBreakBefore(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBreakInside(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetCaptionSide(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetClear(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetClip(v pr.Values)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetColor(v pr.Color)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetColumnCount(v pr.IntString)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetColumnFill(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetColumnGap(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetColumnRuleColor(v pr.Color)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetColumnRuleStyle(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetColumnRuleWidth(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetColumnSpan(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetColumnWidth(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetContent(v pr.SContent)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetContinue(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetCounterIncrement(v pr.SIntStrings)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetCounterReset(v pr.SIntStrings)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetCounterSet(v pr.SIntStrings)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetDirection(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetDisplay(v pr.Display)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetEmptyCells(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFlexBasis(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFlexDirection(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFlexGrow(v pr.Float)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFlexShrink(v pr.Float)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFlexWrap(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFloat(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontFamily(v pr.Strings)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontFeatureSettings(v pr.SIntStrings)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontKerning(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontLanguageOverride(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontSize(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontStretch(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontStyle(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontVariant(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontVariantAlternates(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontVariantCaps(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontVariantEastAsian(v pr.SStrings)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontVariantLigatures(v pr.SStrings)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontVariantNumeric(v pr.SStrings)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontVariantPosition(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontVariationSettings(v pr.SFloatStrings)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontWeight(v pr.IntString)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFootnoteDisplay(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFootnotePolicy(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetGridAutoColumns(v pr.GridAuto)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetGridAutoFlow(v pr.Strings)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetGridAutoRows(v pr.GridAuto)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetGridColumnEnd(v pr.GridLine)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetGridColumnStart(v pr.GridLine)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetGridRowEnd(v pr.GridLine)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetGridRowStart(v pr.GridLine)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetGridTemplateAreas(v pr.GridTemplateAreas)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetGridTemplateColumns(v pr.GridTemplate)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetGridTemplateRows(v pr.GridTemplate)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetHeight(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetHyphenateCharacter(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetHyphenateLimitChars(v pr.Limits)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetHyphenateLimitZone(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetHyphens(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetImageOrientation(v pr.SBoolFloat)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetImageRendering(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetImageResolution(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetJustifyContent(v pr.Strings)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetJustifyItems(v pr.Strings)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetJustifySelf(v pr.Strings)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetLang(v pr.TaggedString)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetLeft(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetLetterSpacing(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetLineHeight(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetLink(v pr.NamedString)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetListStyleImage(v pr.Image)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetListStylePosition(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetListStyleType(v pr.CounterStyleID)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetMarginBottom(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetMarginBreak(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetMarginLeft(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetMarginRight(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetMarginTop(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetMarks(v pr.Marks)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetMaxHeight(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetMaxLines(v pr.TaggedInt)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetMaxWidth(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetMinHeight(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetMinWidth(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetObjectFit(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetObjectPosition(v pr.Center)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetOpacity(v pr.Float)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetOrder(v pr.Int)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetOrphans(v pr.Int)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetOutlineColor(v pr.Color)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetOutlineStyle(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetOutlineWidth(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetOverflow(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetOverflowWrap(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetPaddingBottom(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetPaddingLeft(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetPaddingRight(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetPaddingTop(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetPage(v pr.Page)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetPosition(v pr.BoolString)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetQuotes(v pr.Quotes)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetRight(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetRowGap(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetSize(v pr.Point)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetStringSet(v pr.StringSet)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTabSize(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTableLayout(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTextAlignAll(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTextAlignLast(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTextDecorationColor(v pr.Color)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTextDecorationLine(v pr.Decorations)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTextDecorationStyle(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTextIndent(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTextOverflow(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTextTransform(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTop(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTransform(v pr.Transforms)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTransformOrigin(v pr.Point)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetUnicodeBidi(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetVerticalAlign(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetVisibility(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetWhiteSpace(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetWidows(v pr.Int)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetWidth(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetWordBreak(v pr.String)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetWordSpacing(v pr.DimOrS)
- func (s *ComputedStyle) SetZIndex(v pr.IntString)
- func (c *ComputedStyle) Specified() pr.SpecifiedAttributes
- func (c *ComputedStyle) Variables() map[string]pr.RawTokens
- type CounterLookupItem
- type CounterValues
- type Element
- type HTML
- type PageBreak
- type PageMaker
- type PageRule
- type PageState
- type ParseFunc
- type RemakeState
- type ResumeStack
- type StyleFor
- type TargetCollector
- func (tc *TargetCollector) CacheTargetPageCounters(anchorName string, pageCounterValues CounterValues, pageMakerIndex int, ...)
- func (tc *TargetCollector) CheckPendingTargets()
- func (tc *TargetCollector) CollectMissingCounters(parentBox Box, cssToken string, parseAgainFunction ParseFunc, ...)
- func (t *TargetCollector) IsCollecting() bool
- func (tc *TargetCollector) LookupTarget(anchorToken pr.ContentProperty, sourceBox Box, cssToken string, ...) *TargetLookupItem
- func (tc *TargetCollector) StoreTarget(anchorName string, targetCounterValues CounterValues, targetBox Box)
- type TargetLookupItem
- type Token
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func AnchorNameFromToken ¶
func AnchorNameFromToken(anchorToken pr.ContentProperty) string
Get anchor name from string or uri token.
func ComputedFromCascaded ¶
func ComputedFromCascaded(element Element, cascaded cascadedStyle, parentStyle pr.ElementStyle, textContext text.TextLayoutContext, ) pr.ElementStyle
Get a dict of computed style mixed from parent and cascaded styles.
func NewFunctionKey ¶
func NewOptionnalInt ¶
func NewOptionnalInt(i int) optionnalInt
func ResolveColor ¶
ResolveColor return the color for `key`, replacing `currentColor` with p["color"] It panics if the key has not concrete type `Color`.
Types ¶
type AnonymousStyle ¶
type AnonymousStyle struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AnonymousStyle provides on demand access of computed properties, optimized for anonymous boxes
func (*AnonymousStyle) Cache ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (c *AnonymousStyle) Cache() pr.TextRatioCache
func (*AnonymousStyle) Copy ¶
func (c *AnonymousStyle) Copy() pr.ElementStyle
func (*AnonymousStyle) Get ¶
func (a *AnonymousStyle) Get(key pr.PropKey) pr.CssProperty
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetAlignContent ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetAlignContent() pr.Strings
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetAlignItems ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetAlignItems() pr.Strings
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetAlignSelf ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetAlignSelf() pr.Strings
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetAnchor ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetAnchor() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetAppearance ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetAppearance() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundAttachment ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundAttachment() pr.Strings
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundClip ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundClip() pr.Strings
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundColor ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundColor() pr.Color
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundImage ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundImage() pr.Images
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundOrigin ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundOrigin() pr.Strings
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundPosition ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundPosition() pr.Centers
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundRepeat ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundRepeat() pr.Repeats
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundSize ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBackgroundSize() pr.Sizes
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBleedBottom ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBleedBottom() pr.DimOrS
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBleedLeft ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBleedLeft() pr.DimOrS
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBleedRight ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBleedRight() pr.DimOrS
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBleedTop ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBleedTop() pr.DimOrS
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBlockEllipsis ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBlockEllipsis() pr.TaggedString
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBookmarkLabel ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBookmarkLabel() pr.ContentProperties
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBookmarkLevel ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBookmarkLevel() pr.TaggedInt
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBookmarkState ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBookmarkState() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBorderBottomColor ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderBottomColor() pr.Color
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBorderBottomLeftRadius ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderBottomLeftRadius() pr.Point
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBorderBottomRightRadius ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderBottomRightRadius() pr.Point
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBorderBottomStyle ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderBottomStyle() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBorderBottomWidth ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderBottomWidth() pr.DimOrS
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBorderCollapse ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderCollapse() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBorderImageOutset ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderImageOutset() pr.Values
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBorderImageRepeat ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderImageRepeat() pr.Strings
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBorderImageSlice ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderImageSlice() pr.Values
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBorderImageSource ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderImageSource() pr.Image
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBorderImageWidth ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderImageWidth() pr.Values
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBorderLeftColor ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderLeftColor() pr.Color
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBorderLeftStyle ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderLeftStyle() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBorderLeftWidth ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderLeftWidth() pr.DimOrS
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBorderRightColor ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderRightColor() pr.Color
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBorderRightStyle ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderRightStyle() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBorderRightWidth ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderRightWidth() pr.DimOrS
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBorderSpacing ¶
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func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderTopColor() pr.Color
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBorderTopLeftRadius ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderTopLeftRadius() pr.Point
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBorderTopRightRadius ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBorderTopRightRadius() pr.Point
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBorderTopStyle ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBorderTopWidth ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBottom ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetBottom() pr.DimOrS
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBoxSizing ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBreakAfter ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBreakBefore ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetBreakInside ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetClear ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetClear() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetClip ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetClip() pr.Values
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetColumnRuleColor ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetColumnRuleStyle ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetColumnRuleWidth ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetColumnSpan ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetColumnWidth ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetContent ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetCounterReset ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetCounterSet ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetDirection ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetDirection() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetDisplay ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetDisplay() pr.Display
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetEmptyCells ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetFlexDirection ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetFlexGrow ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetFlexShrink ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetFlexWrap ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFlexWrap() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetFloat ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFloat() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetFontFamily ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetFontKerning ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetFontVariantEastAsian ¶
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func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetFootnotePolicy() pr.String
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetGridRowStart ¶ added in v0.0.10
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetGridTemplateAreas ¶ added in v0.0.10
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetGridTemplateColumns ¶ added in v0.0.10
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetGridTemplateRows ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetGridTemplateRows() pr.GridTemplate
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetHeight ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetHyphenateLimitChars ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetHyphenateLimitZone ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetHyphens ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetHyphens() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetImageOrientation ¶ added in v0.0.3
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetImageRendering ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetImageRendering() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetImageResolution ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetJustifyContent ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetJustifyItems ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetJustifyItems() pr.Strings
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetJustifySelf ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetJustifySelf() pr.Strings
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetLang ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetLeft ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetLetterSpacing ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetLineHeight ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetMarginBreak ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetMarginLeft ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetMarginRight ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetMarginTop ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetMarks ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetMaxLines ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetMaxWidth ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetMinHeight ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetMinWidth ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetOrphans ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetOutlineWidth ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetOverflow ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetOverflow() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetOverflowWrap ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetPaddingLeft ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetPaddingRight ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetRight ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetRight() pr.DimOrS
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetSize ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetSize() pr.Point
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetStringSet ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetTextAlignLast ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetTextIndent ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetTextOverflow ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetTop ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetTransformOrigin ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetVerticalAlign ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetVisibility ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetVisibility() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetWhiteSpace ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetWhiteSpace() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetWidows ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) GetWidth ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetWidth() pr.DimOrS
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetWordBreak ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetWordBreak() pr.String
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetWordSpacing ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) GetWordSpacing() pr.DimOrS
func (*AnonymousStyle) GetZIndex ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) ParentStyle ¶ added in v0.0.3
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetAlignContent ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetAlignItems ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetAlignSelf ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBackgroundClip ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBackgroundImage ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBleedLeft ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBleedRight ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBleedTop ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBorderBottomRightRadius ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBorderBottomStyle ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBorderBottomWidth ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBorderImageWidth ¶ added in v0.0.10
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBorderLeftColor ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBorderLeftStyle ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBorderLeftWidth ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBorderRightColor ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBorderRightStyle ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBorderRightWidth ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBorderSpacing ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBorderTopColor ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBorderTopLeftRadius ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetBorderTopLeftRadius(v pr.Point)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBorderTopRightRadius ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBorderTopStyle ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBorderTopWidth ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBottom ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBoxSizing ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBreakAfter ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBreakBefore ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetBreakInside ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetClear ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetClip ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetColor ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetColumnFill ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetColumnRuleStyle ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetColumnRuleWidth ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetColumnWidth ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetCounterReset ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetCounterSet ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetDirection ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetDisplay ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetFlexBasis ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetFlexDirection ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetFlexGrow ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetFlexShrink ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetFlexWrap ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetFontKerning ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetFontLanguageOverride ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetFontSize ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetFontStretch ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetFontStyle ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetFontVariantLigatures ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetFontVariationSettings ¶ added in v0.0.3
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetFootnoteDisplay ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFootnoteDisplay(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetFootnotePolicy ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetFootnotePolicy(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetGridAutoColumns ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetGridAutoColumns(v pr.GridAuto)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetGridAutoFlow ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetGridAutoFlow(v pr.Strings)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetGridAutoRows ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetGridAutoRows(v pr.GridAuto)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetGridColumnEnd ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetGridColumnEnd(v pr.GridLine)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetGridColumnStart ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetGridColumnStart(v pr.GridLine)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetGridRowEnd ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetGridRowEnd(v pr.GridLine)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetGridRowStart ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetGridRowStart(v pr.GridLine)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetGridTemplateAreas ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetGridTemplateAreas(v pr.GridTemplateAreas)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetGridTemplateColumns ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetGridTemplateColumns(v pr.GridTemplate)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetGridTemplateRows ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetGridTemplateRows(v pr.GridTemplate)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetHeight ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetHeight(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetHyphenateCharacter ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetHyphenateLimitChars ¶
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func (*AnonymousStyle) SetHyphenateLimitZone ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetHyphenateLimitZone(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetHyphens ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetHyphens(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetImageOrientation ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetImageOrientation(v pr.SBoolFloat)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetImageRendering ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetImageRendering(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetImageResolution ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetImageResolution(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetJustifyContent ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetJustifyContent(v pr.Strings)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetJustifyItems ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetJustifyItems(v pr.Strings)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetJustifySelf ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetJustifySelf(v pr.Strings)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetLang ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetLang(v pr.TaggedString)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetLeft ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetLeft(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetLetterSpacing ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetLetterSpacing(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetLineHeight ¶
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func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetListStylePosition(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetListStyleType ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetListStyleType(v pr.CounterStyleID)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetMarginBottom ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetMarginBottom(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetMarginBreak ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetMarginBreak(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetMarginLeft ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetMarginLeft(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetMarginRight ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetMarginRight(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetMarginTop ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetMarginTop(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetMarks ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetMarks(v pr.Marks)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetMaxHeight ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetMaxHeight(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetMaxLines ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetMaxLines(v pr.TaggedInt)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetMaxWidth ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetMaxWidth(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetMinHeight ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetMinHeight(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetMinWidth ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetMinWidth(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetObjectFit ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetObjectFit(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetObjectPosition ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetObjectPosition(v pr.Center)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetOpacity ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetOpacity(v pr.Float)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetOrder ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetOrder(v pr.Int)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetOrphans ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetOrphans(v pr.Int)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetOutlineColor ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetOutlineColor(v pr.Color)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetOutlineStyle ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetOutlineStyle(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetOutlineWidth ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetOutlineWidth(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetOverflow ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetOverflow(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetOverflowWrap ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetOverflowWrap(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetPaddingBottom ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetPaddingBottom(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetPaddingLeft ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetPaddingLeft(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetPaddingRight ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetPaddingRight(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetPaddingTop ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetPaddingTop(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetPage ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetPage(v pr.Page)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetPosition ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetPosition(v pr.BoolString)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetQuotes ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetQuotes(v pr.Quotes)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetRight ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetRight(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetRowGap ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetRowGap(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetSize ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetSize(v pr.Point)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetStringSet ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetStringSet(v pr.StringSet)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetTabSize ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTabSize(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetTableLayout ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTableLayout(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetTextAlignAll ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTextAlignAll(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetTextAlignLast ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTextAlignLast(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetTextDecorationColor ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTextDecorationColor(v pr.Color)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetTextDecorationLine ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTextDecorationLine(v pr.Decorations)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetTextDecorationStyle ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTextDecorationStyle(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetTextIndent ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTextIndent(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetTextOverflow ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTextOverflow(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetTextTransform ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTextTransform(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetTop ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTop(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetTransform ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTransform(v pr.Transforms)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetTransformOrigin ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetTransformOrigin(v pr.Point)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetUnicodeBidi ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetUnicodeBidi(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetVerticalAlign ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetVerticalAlign(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetVisibility ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetVisibility(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetWhiteSpace ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetWhiteSpace(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetWidows ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetWidows(v pr.Int)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetWidth ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetWidth(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetWordBreak ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetWordBreak(v pr.String)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetWordSpacing ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetWordSpacing(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*AnonymousStyle) SetZIndex ¶
func (s *AnonymousStyle) SetZIndex(v pr.IntString)
func (*AnonymousStyle) Specified ¶
func (c *AnonymousStyle) Specified() pr.SpecifiedAttributes
type Box ¶
type Box interface { CachedCounterValues() CounterValues SetCachedCounterValues(cv CounterValues) MissingLink() Box SetMissingLink(b Box) GetBookmarkLabel() string }
type CSS ¶
type CSS struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CSS represents a parsed CSS stylesheet.
var ( // Html5UAStylesheet is the user agent style sheet Html5UAStylesheet CSS // Html5UAFormsStylesheet is the user agent style sheet used when forms are enabled. Html5UAFormsStylesheet CSS // Html5PHStylesheet is the presentational hints style sheet Html5PHStylesheet CSS // TestUAStylesheet is a lightweight style sheet TestUAStylesheet CSS // The counters defined in the user agent style sheet UACounterStyle counters.CounterStyle )
func NewCSSDefault ¶
func NewCSSDefault(input utils.ContentInput) (CSS, error)
NewCSSDefault processes a CSS input.
type ComputedStyle ¶
type ComputedStyle struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ComputedStyle provides on demand access of computed properties
func (*ComputedStyle) Cache ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (c *ComputedStyle) Cache() pr.TextRatioCache
func (*ComputedStyle) Copy ¶
func (c *ComputedStyle) Copy() pr.ElementStyle
func (*ComputedStyle) Get ¶
func (c *ComputedStyle) Get(key pr.PropKey) pr.CssProperty
provide on demand computation
func (*ComputedStyle) GetAlignContent ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetAlignContent() pr.Strings
func (*ComputedStyle) GetAlignItems ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetAlignItems() pr.Strings
func (*ComputedStyle) GetAlignSelf ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetAlignSelf() pr.Strings
func (*ComputedStyle) GetAnchor ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetAnchor() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetAppearance ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetAppearance() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundAttachment ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundAttachment() pr.Strings
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundClip ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundClip() pr.Strings
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundColor ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundColor() pr.Color
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundImage ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundImage() pr.Images
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundOrigin ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundOrigin() pr.Strings
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundPosition ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundPosition() pr.Centers
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundRepeat ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundRepeat() pr.Repeats
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundSize ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBackgroundSize() pr.Sizes
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBleedBottom ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBleedBottom() pr.DimOrS
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBleedLeft ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBleedLeft() pr.DimOrS
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBleedRight ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBleedRight() pr.DimOrS
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBleedTop ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBleedTop() pr.DimOrS
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBlockEllipsis ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBlockEllipsis() pr.TaggedString
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBookmarkLabel ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBookmarkLabel() pr.ContentProperties
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBookmarkLevel ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBookmarkLevel() pr.TaggedInt
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBookmarkState ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBookmarkState() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBorderBottomColor ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderBottomColor() pr.Color
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBorderBottomLeftRadius ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderBottomLeftRadius() pr.Point
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBorderBottomRightRadius ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderBottomRightRadius() pr.Point
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBorderBottomStyle ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderBottomStyle() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBorderBottomWidth ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderBottomWidth() pr.DimOrS
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBorderCollapse ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderCollapse() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBorderImageOutset ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderImageOutset() pr.Values
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBorderImageRepeat ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderImageRepeat() pr.Strings
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBorderImageSlice ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderImageSlice() pr.Values
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBorderImageSource ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderImageSource() pr.Image
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBorderImageWidth ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderImageWidth() pr.Values
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBorderLeftColor ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderLeftColor() pr.Color
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBorderLeftStyle ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderLeftStyle() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBorderLeftWidth ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderLeftWidth() pr.DimOrS
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBorderRightColor ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderRightColor() pr.Color
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBorderRightStyle ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderRightStyle() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBorderRightWidth ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderRightWidth() pr.DimOrS
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBorderSpacing ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderSpacing() pr.Point
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBorderTopColor ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderTopColor() pr.Color
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBorderTopLeftRadius ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderTopLeftRadius() pr.Point
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBorderTopRightRadius ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderTopRightRadius() pr.Point
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBorderTopStyle ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderTopStyle() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBorderTopWidth ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBorderTopWidth() pr.DimOrS
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBottom ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBottom() pr.DimOrS
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBoxDecorationBreak ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBoxDecorationBreak() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBoxSizing ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBoxSizing() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBreakAfter ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBreakAfter() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBreakBefore ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBreakBefore() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetBreakInside ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetBreakInside() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetCaptionSide ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetCaptionSide() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetClear ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetClear() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetClip ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetClip() pr.Values
func (*ComputedStyle) GetColor ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetColor() pr.Color
func (*ComputedStyle) GetColumnCount ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetColumnCount() pr.IntString
func (*ComputedStyle) GetColumnFill ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetColumnFill() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetColumnGap ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetColumnGap() pr.DimOrS
func (*ComputedStyle) GetColumnRuleColor ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetColumnRuleColor() pr.Color
func (*ComputedStyle) GetColumnRuleStyle ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetColumnRuleStyle() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetColumnRuleWidth ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetColumnRuleWidth() pr.DimOrS
func (*ComputedStyle) GetColumnSpan ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetColumnSpan() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetColumnWidth ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetColumnWidth() pr.DimOrS
func (*ComputedStyle) GetContent ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetContent() pr.SContent
func (*ComputedStyle) GetContinue ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetContinue() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetCounterIncrement ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetCounterIncrement() pr.SIntStrings
func (*ComputedStyle) GetCounterReset ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetCounterReset() pr.SIntStrings
func (*ComputedStyle) GetCounterSet ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetCounterSet() pr.SIntStrings
func (*ComputedStyle) GetDirection ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetDirection() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetDisplay ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetDisplay() pr.Display
func (*ComputedStyle) GetEmptyCells ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetEmptyCells() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFlexBasis ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFlexBasis() pr.DimOrS
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFlexDirection ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFlexDirection() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFlexGrow ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFlexGrow() pr.Float
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFlexShrink ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFlexShrink() pr.Float
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFlexWrap ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFlexWrap() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFloat ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFloat() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFontFamily ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontFamily() pr.Strings
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFontFeatureSettings ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontFeatureSettings() pr.SIntStrings
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFontKerning ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontKerning() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFontLanguageOverride ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontLanguageOverride() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFontSize ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontSize() pr.DimOrS
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFontStretch ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontStretch() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFontStyle ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontStyle() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFontVariant ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontVariant() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFontVariantAlternates ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontVariantAlternates() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFontVariantCaps ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontVariantCaps() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFontVariantEastAsian ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontVariantEastAsian() pr.SStrings
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFontVariantLigatures ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontVariantLigatures() pr.SStrings
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFontVariantNumeric ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontVariantNumeric() pr.SStrings
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFontVariantPosition ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontVariantPosition() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFontVariationSettings ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontVariationSettings() pr.SFloatStrings
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFontWeight ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFontWeight() pr.IntString
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFootnoteDisplay ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFootnoteDisplay() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetFootnotePolicy ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetFootnotePolicy() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetGridAutoColumns ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetGridAutoColumns() pr.GridAuto
func (*ComputedStyle) GetGridAutoFlow ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetGridAutoFlow() pr.Strings
func (*ComputedStyle) GetGridAutoRows ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetGridAutoRows() pr.GridAuto
func (*ComputedStyle) GetGridColumnEnd ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetGridColumnEnd() pr.GridLine
func (*ComputedStyle) GetGridColumnStart ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetGridColumnStart() pr.GridLine
func (*ComputedStyle) GetGridRowEnd ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetGridRowEnd() pr.GridLine
func (*ComputedStyle) GetGridRowStart ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetGridRowStart() pr.GridLine
func (*ComputedStyle) GetGridTemplateAreas ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetGridTemplateAreas() pr.GridTemplateAreas
func (*ComputedStyle) GetGridTemplateColumns ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetGridTemplateColumns() pr.GridTemplate
func (*ComputedStyle) GetGridTemplateRows ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetGridTemplateRows() pr.GridTemplate
func (*ComputedStyle) GetHeight ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetHeight() pr.DimOrS
func (*ComputedStyle) GetHyphenateCharacter ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetHyphenateCharacter() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetHyphenateLimitChars ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetHyphenateLimitChars() pr.Limits
func (*ComputedStyle) GetHyphenateLimitZone ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetHyphenateLimitZone() pr.DimOrS
func (*ComputedStyle) GetHyphens ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetHyphens() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetImageOrientation ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetImageOrientation() pr.SBoolFloat
func (*ComputedStyle) GetImageRendering ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetImageRendering() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetImageResolution ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetImageResolution() pr.DimOrS
func (*ComputedStyle) GetJustifyContent ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetJustifyContent() pr.Strings
func (*ComputedStyle) GetJustifyItems ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetJustifyItems() pr.Strings
func (*ComputedStyle) GetJustifySelf ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetJustifySelf() pr.Strings
func (*ComputedStyle) GetLang ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetLang() pr.TaggedString
func (*ComputedStyle) GetLeft ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetLeft() pr.DimOrS
func (*ComputedStyle) GetLetterSpacing ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetLetterSpacing() pr.DimOrS
func (*ComputedStyle) GetLineHeight ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetLineHeight() pr.DimOrS
func (*ComputedStyle) GetLink ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetLink() pr.NamedString
func (*ComputedStyle) GetListStyleImage ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetListStyleImage() pr.Image
func (*ComputedStyle) GetListStylePosition ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetListStylePosition() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetListStyleType ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetListStyleType() pr.CounterStyleID
func (*ComputedStyle) GetMarginBottom ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetMarginBottom() pr.DimOrS
func (*ComputedStyle) GetMarginBreak ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetMarginBreak() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetMarginLeft ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetMarginLeft() pr.DimOrS
func (*ComputedStyle) GetMarginRight ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetMarginRight() pr.DimOrS
func (*ComputedStyle) GetMarginTop ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetMarginTop() pr.DimOrS
func (*ComputedStyle) GetMarks ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetMarks() pr.Marks
func (*ComputedStyle) GetMaxHeight ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetMaxHeight() pr.DimOrS
func (*ComputedStyle) GetMaxLines ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetMaxLines() pr.TaggedInt
func (*ComputedStyle) GetMaxWidth ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetMaxWidth() pr.DimOrS
func (*ComputedStyle) GetMinHeight ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetMinHeight() pr.DimOrS
func (*ComputedStyle) GetMinWidth ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetMinWidth() pr.DimOrS
func (*ComputedStyle) GetObjectFit ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetObjectFit() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetObjectPosition ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetObjectPosition() pr.Center
func (*ComputedStyle) GetOpacity ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetOpacity() pr.Float
func (*ComputedStyle) GetOrder ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetOrder() pr.Int
func (*ComputedStyle) GetOrphans ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetOrphans() pr.Int
func (*ComputedStyle) GetOutlineColor ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetOutlineColor() pr.Color
func (*ComputedStyle) GetOutlineStyle ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetOutlineStyle() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetOutlineWidth ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetOutlineWidth() pr.DimOrS
func (*ComputedStyle) GetOverflow ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetOverflow() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetOverflowWrap ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetOverflowWrap() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetPaddingBottom ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetPaddingBottom() pr.DimOrS
func (*ComputedStyle) GetPaddingLeft ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetPaddingLeft() pr.DimOrS
func (*ComputedStyle) GetPaddingRight ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetPaddingRight() pr.DimOrS
func (*ComputedStyle) GetPaddingTop ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetPaddingTop() pr.DimOrS
func (*ComputedStyle) GetPage ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetPage() pr.Page
func (*ComputedStyle) GetPosition ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetPosition() pr.BoolString
func (*ComputedStyle) GetQuotes ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetQuotes() pr.Quotes
func (*ComputedStyle) GetRight ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetRight() pr.DimOrS
func (*ComputedStyle) GetRowGap ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetRowGap() pr.DimOrS
func (*ComputedStyle) GetSize ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetSize() pr.Point
func (*ComputedStyle) GetStringSet ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetStringSet() pr.StringSet
func (*ComputedStyle) GetTabSize ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTabSize() pr.DimOrS
func (*ComputedStyle) GetTableLayout ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTableLayout() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetTextAlignAll ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTextAlignAll() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetTextAlignLast ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTextAlignLast() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetTextDecorationColor ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTextDecorationColor() pr.Color
func (*ComputedStyle) GetTextDecorationLine ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTextDecorationLine() pr.Decorations
func (*ComputedStyle) GetTextDecorationStyle ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTextDecorationStyle() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetTextIndent ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTextIndent() pr.DimOrS
func (*ComputedStyle) GetTextOverflow ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTextOverflow() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetTextTransform ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTextTransform() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetTop ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTop() pr.DimOrS
func (*ComputedStyle) GetTransform ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTransform() pr.Transforms
func (*ComputedStyle) GetTransformOrigin ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetTransformOrigin() pr.Point
func (*ComputedStyle) GetUnicodeBidi ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetUnicodeBidi() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetVerticalAlign ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetVerticalAlign() pr.DimOrS
func (*ComputedStyle) GetVisibility ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetVisibility() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetWhiteSpace ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetWhiteSpace() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetWidows ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetWidows() pr.Int
func (*ComputedStyle) GetWidth ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetWidth() pr.DimOrS
func (*ComputedStyle) GetWordBreak ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetWordBreak() pr.String
func (*ComputedStyle) GetWordSpacing ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetWordSpacing() pr.DimOrS
func (*ComputedStyle) GetZIndex ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) GetZIndex() pr.IntString
func (*ComputedStyle) ParentStyle ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (c *ComputedStyle) ParentStyle() pr.ElementStyle
func (*ComputedStyle) SetAlignContent ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetAlignContent(v pr.Strings)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetAlignItems ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetAlignItems(v pr.Strings)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetAlignSelf ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetAlignSelf(v pr.Strings)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetAnchor ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetAnchor(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetAppearance ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetAppearance(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundAttachment ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundAttachment(v pr.Strings)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundClip ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundClip(v pr.Strings)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundColor ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundColor(v pr.Color)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundImage ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundImage(v pr.Images)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundOrigin ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundOrigin(v pr.Strings)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundPosition ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundPosition(v pr.Centers)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundRepeat ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundRepeat(v pr.Repeats)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundSize ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBackgroundSize(v pr.Sizes)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBleedBottom ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBleedBottom(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBleedLeft ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBleedLeft(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBleedRight ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBleedRight(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBleedTop ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBleedTop(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBlockEllipsis ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBlockEllipsis(v pr.TaggedString)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBookmarkLabel ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBookmarkLabel(v pr.ContentProperties)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBookmarkLevel ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBookmarkLevel(v pr.TaggedInt)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBookmarkState ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBookmarkState(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBorderBottomColor ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderBottomColor(v pr.Color)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBorderBottomLeftRadius ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderBottomLeftRadius(v pr.Point)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBorderBottomRightRadius ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderBottomRightRadius(v pr.Point)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBorderBottomStyle ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderBottomStyle(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBorderBottomWidth ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderBottomWidth(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBorderCollapse ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderCollapse(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBorderImageOutset ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderImageOutset(v pr.Values)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBorderImageRepeat ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderImageRepeat(v pr.Strings)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBorderImageSlice ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderImageSlice(v pr.Values)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBorderImageSource ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderImageSource(v pr.Image)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBorderImageWidth ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderImageWidth(v pr.Values)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBorderLeftColor ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderLeftColor(v pr.Color)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBorderLeftStyle ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderLeftStyle(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBorderLeftWidth ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderLeftWidth(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBorderRightColor ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderRightColor(v pr.Color)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBorderRightStyle ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderRightStyle(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBorderRightWidth ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderRightWidth(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBorderSpacing ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderSpacing(v pr.Point)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBorderTopColor ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderTopColor(v pr.Color)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBorderTopLeftRadius ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderTopLeftRadius(v pr.Point)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBorderTopRightRadius ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderTopRightRadius(v pr.Point)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBorderTopStyle ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderTopStyle(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBorderTopWidth ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBorderTopWidth(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBottom ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBottom(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBoxDecorationBreak ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBoxDecorationBreak(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBoxSizing ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBoxSizing(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBreakAfter ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBreakAfter(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBreakBefore ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBreakBefore(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetBreakInside ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetBreakInside(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetCaptionSide ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetCaptionSide(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetClear ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetClear(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetClip ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetClip(v pr.Values)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetColor ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetColor(v pr.Color)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetColumnCount ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetColumnCount(v pr.IntString)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetColumnFill ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetColumnFill(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetColumnGap ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetColumnGap(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetColumnRuleColor ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetColumnRuleColor(v pr.Color)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetColumnRuleStyle ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetColumnRuleStyle(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetColumnRuleWidth ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetColumnRuleWidth(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetColumnSpan ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetColumnSpan(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetColumnWidth ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetColumnWidth(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetContent ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetContent(v pr.SContent)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetContinue ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetContinue(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetCounterIncrement ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetCounterIncrement(v pr.SIntStrings)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetCounterReset ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetCounterReset(v pr.SIntStrings)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetCounterSet ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetCounterSet(v pr.SIntStrings)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetDirection ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetDirection(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetDisplay ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetDisplay(v pr.Display)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetEmptyCells ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetEmptyCells(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFlexBasis ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFlexBasis(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFlexDirection ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFlexDirection(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFlexGrow ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFlexGrow(v pr.Float)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFlexShrink ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFlexShrink(v pr.Float)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFlexWrap ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFlexWrap(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFloat ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFloat(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFontFamily ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontFamily(v pr.Strings)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFontFeatureSettings ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontFeatureSettings(v pr.SIntStrings)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFontKerning ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontKerning(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFontLanguageOverride ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontLanguageOverride(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFontSize ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontSize(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFontStretch ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontStretch(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFontStyle ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontStyle(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFontVariant ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontVariant(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFontVariantAlternates ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontVariantAlternates(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFontVariantCaps ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontVariantCaps(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFontVariantEastAsian ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontVariantEastAsian(v pr.SStrings)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFontVariantLigatures ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontVariantLigatures(v pr.SStrings)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFontVariantNumeric ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontVariantNumeric(v pr.SStrings)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFontVariantPosition ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontVariantPosition(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFontVariationSettings ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontVariationSettings(v pr.SFloatStrings)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFontWeight ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFontWeight(v pr.IntString)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFootnoteDisplay ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFootnoteDisplay(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetFootnotePolicy ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetFootnotePolicy(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetGridAutoColumns ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetGridAutoColumns(v pr.GridAuto)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetGridAutoFlow ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetGridAutoFlow(v pr.Strings)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetGridAutoRows ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetGridAutoRows(v pr.GridAuto)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetGridColumnEnd ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetGridColumnEnd(v pr.GridLine)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetGridColumnStart ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetGridColumnStart(v pr.GridLine)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetGridRowEnd ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetGridRowEnd(v pr.GridLine)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetGridRowStart ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetGridRowStart(v pr.GridLine)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetGridTemplateAreas ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetGridTemplateAreas(v pr.GridTemplateAreas)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetGridTemplateColumns ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetGridTemplateColumns(v pr.GridTemplate)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetGridTemplateRows ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetGridTemplateRows(v pr.GridTemplate)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetHeight ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetHeight(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetHyphenateCharacter ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetHyphenateCharacter(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetHyphenateLimitChars ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetHyphenateLimitChars(v pr.Limits)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetHyphenateLimitZone ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetHyphenateLimitZone(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetHyphens ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetHyphens(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetImageOrientation ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetImageOrientation(v pr.SBoolFloat)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetImageRendering ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetImageRendering(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetImageResolution ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetImageResolution(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetJustifyContent ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetJustifyContent(v pr.Strings)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetJustifyItems ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetJustifyItems(v pr.Strings)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetJustifySelf ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetJustifySelf(v pr.Strings)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetLang ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetLang(v pr.TaggedString)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetLeft ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetLeft(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetLetterSpacing ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetLetterSpacing(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetLineHeight ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetLineHeight(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetLink ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetLink(v pr.NamedString)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetListStyleImage ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetListStyleImage(v pr.Image)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetListStylePosition ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetListStylePosition(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetListStyleType ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetListStyleType(v pr.CounterStyleID)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetMarginBottom ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetMarginBottom(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetMarginBreak ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetMarginBreak(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetMarginLeft ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetMarginLeft(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetMarginRight ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetMarginRight(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetMarginTop ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetMarginTop(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetMarks ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetMarks(v pr.Marks)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetMaxHeight ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetMaxHeight(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetMaxLines ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetMaxLines(v pr.TaggedInt)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetMaxWidth ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetMaxWidth(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetMinHeight ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetMinHeight(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetMinWidth ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetMinWidth(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetObjectFit ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetObjectFit(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetObjectPosition ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetObjectPosition(v pr.Center)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetOpacity ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetOpacity(v pr.Float)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetOrder ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetOrder(v pr.Int)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetOrphans ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetOrphans(v pr.Int)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetOutlineColor ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetOutlineColor(v pr.Color)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetOutlineStyle ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetOutlineStyle(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetOutlineWidth ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetOutlineWidth(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetOverflow ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetOverflow(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetOverflowWrap ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetOverflowWrap(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetPaddingBottom ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetPaddingBottom(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetPaddingLeft ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetPaddingLeft(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetPaddingRight ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetPaddingRight(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetPaddingTop ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetPaddingTop(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetPage ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetPage(v pr.Page)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetPosition ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetPosition(v pr.BoolString)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetQuotes ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetQuotes(v pr.Quotes)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetRight ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetRight(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetRowGap ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetRowGap(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetSize ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetSize(v pr.Point)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetStringSet ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetStringSet(v pr.StringSet)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetTabSize ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTabSize(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetTableLayout ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTableLayout(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetTextAlignAll ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTextAlignAll(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetTextAlignLast ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTextAlignLast(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetTextDecorationColor ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTextDecorationColor(v pr.Color)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetTextDecorationLine ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTextDecorationLine(v pr.Decorations)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetTextDecorationStyle ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTextDecorationStyle(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetTextIndent ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTextIndent(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetTextOverflow ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTextOverflow(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetTextTransform ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTextTransform(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetTop ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTop(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetTransform ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTransform(v pr.Transforms)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetTransformOrigin ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetTransformOrigin(v pr.Point)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetUnicodeBidi ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetUnicodeBidi(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetVerticalAlign ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetVerticalAlign(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetVisibility ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetVisibility(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetWhiteSpace ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetWhiteSpace(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetWidows ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetWidows(v pr.Int)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetWidth ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetWidth(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetWordBreak ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetWordBreak(v pr.String)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetWordSpacing ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetWordSpacing(v pr.DimOrS)
func (*ComputedStyle) SetZIndex ¶
func (s *ComputedStyle) SetZIndex(v pr.IntString)
func (*ComputedStyle) Specified ¶
func (c *ComputedStyle) Specified() pr.SpecifiedAttributes
type CounterLookupItem ¶
type CounterLookupItem struct { // Function that have to been called to check Pending counter. ParseAgain ParseFunc // Missing counters and target counters MissingCounters utils.Set MissingTargetCounters map[string]utils.Set // Targeting box's pageCounters during pagination CachedPageCounterValues CounterValues // Box position during pagination (pageNumber - 1) PageMakerIndex optionnalInt // Marker for remakePage Pending bool }
Item controlling page based counters.
Collected in the TargetCollector's “CounterLookupItems“.
func NewCounterLookupItem ¶
type CounterValues ¶
func (CounterValues) Copy ¶
func (c CounterValues) Copy() CounterValues
Copy performs a deep copy of c
func (CounterValues) Equal ¶
func (c CounterValues) Equal(other CounterValues) bool
Equal deeply compare each elements of c and other
func (CounterValues) Update ¶
func (c CounterValues) Update(other CounterValues)
type Element ¶
type Element interface {
ToKey(pseudoType string) utils.ElementKey
either a html node or a page type
type HTML ¶
type HTML struct { Root *utils.HTMLNode UrlFetcher utils.UrlFetcher BaseUrl string UAStyleSheet CSS FormStyleSheet CSS PHStyleSheet CSS // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents an HTML document parsed by net/html.
func NewHTML ¶
func NewHTML(htmlContent utils.ContentInput, baseUrl string, urlFetcher utils.UrlFetcher, mediaType string) (*HTML, error)
`baseUrl` is the base used to resolve relative URLs (e.g. in “<img src="../foo.png">“). If not provided, is is infered from the input filename or the URL
`urlFetcher` is a function called to fetch external resources such as stylesheets and images. and defaults to utils.DefaultUrlFetcher
`mediaType` is the media type to use for “@media“, and defaults to "print".
func (HTML) GetMetadata ¶
func (h HTML) GetMetadata() utils.DocumentMetadata
type PageMaker ¶
type PageMaker struct { InitialResumeAt ResumeStack InitialPageState PageState InitialNextPage PageBreak RemakeState RemakeState RightPage bool }
type PageState ¶
type PageState struct { QuoteDepth []int CounterValues CounterValues CounterScopes []utils.Set }
type ParseFunc ¶
type ParseFunc = func(CounterValues)
type RemakeState ¶
type RemakeState struct { // first occurrence of anchor Anchors []string // first occurrence of content-CounterLookupItem ContentLookups []*CounterLookupItem ContentChanged, PagesWanted bool }
Handle target-counter, target-counters && target-text.
The TargetCollector is a structure providing required targets" counterValues && stuff needed to build Pending targets later, when the layout of all targetted anchors has been done.
type ResumeStack ¶
type ResumeStack map[int]ResumeStack
ResumeStack is a tree of index boxes where layout has been interrupted and should resume, following the box tree structure. At each level, several boxes may be selected.
func (ResumeStack) Equals ¶
func (r ResumeStack) Equals(other ResumeStack) bool
Equals returns true if the two stacks are deeply equals. nil and 0-sized map are compared equal.
func (ResumeStack) String ¶
func (r ResumeStack) String() string
func (ResumeStack) Unpack ¶
func (r ResumeStack) Unpack() (int, ResumeStack)
Unpack returns the first element and the corresponding stack. It will panic if the stack is empty.
type StyleFor ¶
type StyleFor struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
StyleFor provides a convenience function `Get` to get the computed styles for an Element.
func GetAllComputedStyles ¶
func GetAllComputedStyles(html *HTML, userStylesheets []CSS, presentationalHints bool, fontConfig text.FontConfiguration, counterStyle counters.CounterStyle, pageRules *[]PageRule, targetCollector *TargetCollector, forms bool, textContext text.TextLayoutContext, ) *StyleFor
Compute all the computed styles of all elements in `html` document. Do everything from finding author stylesheets to parsing and applying them.
Return a `StyleFor` function like object that takes an Element and an optional pseudo-Element type, and return a style dict object. presentationalHints=false
func (StyleFor) SetPageComputedStylesT ¶
func (styleFor StyleFor) SetPageComputedStylesT(pageType utils.PageElement, html *HTML)
Set style for page types and pseudo-types matching “pageType“.
type TargetCollector ¶
type TargetCollector struct { // Lookup items for targets and page counters TargetLookupItems map[string]*TargetLookupItem CounterLookupItems map[functionKey]*CounterLookupItem // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Collector of HTML targets used by CSS content with “target-*“.
func NewTargetCollector ¶
func NewTargetCollector() TargetCollector
func (*TargetCollector) CacheTargetPageCounters ¶
func (tc *TargetCollector) CacheTargetPageCounters(anchorName string, pageCounterValues CounterValues, pageMakerIndex int, pageMaker []PageMaker, )
Store target's current “PageMakerIndex“ and page counter values.
Eventually update associated targeting boxes.
func (*TargetCollector) CheckPendingTargets ¶
func (tc *TargetCollector) CheckPendingTargets()
Check Pending targets if needed.
func (*TargetCollector) CollectMissingCounters ¶
func (tc *TargetCollector) CollectMissingCounters(parentBox Box, cssToken string, parseAgainFunction ParseFunc, missingCounters utils.Set, missingTargetCounters map[string]utils.Set, )
Collect missing (probably page-based) counters during formatting.
The “MissingCounters“ are re-used during pagination.
The “missingLink“ attribute added to the parentBox is required to connect the paginated boxes to their originating “parentBox“.
func (*TargetCollector) IsCollecting ¶
func (t *TargetCollector) IsCollecting() bool
func (*TargetCollector) LookupTarget ¶
func (tc *TargetCollector) LookupTarget(anchorToken pr.ContentProperty, sourceBox Box, cssToken string, parseAgain ParseFunc) *TargetLookupItem
Get a TargetLookupItem corresponding to “anchorToken“.
If it is already filled by a previous anchor-Element, the status is "up-to-date". Otherwise, it is "Pending", we must parse the whole tree again.
func (*TargetCollector) StoreTarget ¶
func (tc *TargetCollector) StoreTarget(anchorName string, targetCounterValues CounterValues, targetBox Box)
Store a target called “anchorName“.
If there is a Pending TargetLookupItem, it is updated. Only previously collected anchors are stored.
type TargetLookupItem ¶
type TargetLookupItem struct { // Required by target-counter and target-counters to access the // target's .cachedCounterValues. // Needed for target-text via extract_text. TargetBox Box // TargetBox's pageCounters during pagination CachedPageCounterValues CounterValues // Anchor position during pagination (pageNumber - 1) PageMakerIndex int // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Item controlling Pending targets and page based target counters.
Collected in the TargetCollector"s “items“.
func (TargetLookupItem) IsUpToDate ¶
func (t TargetLookupItem) IsUpToDate() bool