The PaaS operator delivers an opiniated 'Project as a Service' implementation where
development teams can request a 'Project as a Service' by defining a PaaS resource.
A PaaS resource is used by the operator uses as an input to create namespaces
limited by Cluster Resource Quota's, granting groups permissions and (together
with a clusterwide ArgoCD) creating capabilities such as a PaaS specific deployment
of ArgoCD (continuous deployment), Tekton (continuous integration), Grafana (observability),
and KeyCloak (Application level Signle Sign On).
A PaaS is all a team needs to hit the ground running.
Deploy the operator using the following command:
kubectl apply -f \
This will create:
- a namespace called paas-system
- 2 CRD's (PaaS and PaasNs)
- a service account, role, rolebinding, clusterrole and clusterrolebinding for all permissions required by the operator
- a viewer and an editor clusterrole for PaaS and PaasNs resources
- a configmap with all operator configuration options
- a secret with a newly generated keypair used for
- a deployment running the operator and a deployment running an encryption service
Feel free to change config as required.
Change configuration
The quickstart yaml file is a result from parts of the config folder, which is in this repo as an example only.
It is adviced to copy it to a config repo and use that to maintain your own deployment.
When changing the crd, first run make manifests
in the root of this repo.
Then copy config/crd/bases/cpet.belastingdienst.nl_paas.yaml to the opr-paas-config repo and dsitribute with ArgoCD from there
We want our developer teams to be able to create application environments with great ease and provide PaaS as an interface for this.
Application environments consist of:
- argocd (namespace, quota, argocd CR
- ci (namespace, quota, tekton example pipelines and tasks, etc.)
- SSO (namespace, quota, keycloak)
- Grafana (namepace, quota, Grafana)
Getting Started
Instalation CRC
You’ll need a Kubernetes cluster to run against.
We run on Code Ready Containers. Instructions:
Note operator-sdk uses KIND instead of CRC. KIND is lower in resource consumption, but also lacking a lot we use in BD, which is shipped by default in OpenShift.
Starting CRC
If you need to start CRC (like after a reboot, which is rerquired on BD DBO for some weird unknown reason), run crc start
in a terminal other than iterm2 (like terminal or kitty).
After that login using the oc command as display'ed in output of crc start
Running on the cluster
- Install Instances of Custom Resources:
oc apply -f config/samples/
- Build and push your image to the location specified by
make docker-build docker-push IMG=belastingdienst/opr-paas
- Deploy the controller to the cluster with the image specified by
make deploy IMG=belastingdienst/opr-paas
Uninstall CRDs
To delete the CRDs from the cluster:
make uninstall
Undeploy controller
UnDeploy the controller from the cluster:
make undeploy
Please refer to our documentation on how to contribute if you want to help us improve the PaaS solution.
Copyright 2024, Tax Administration of The Netherlands.
Licensed under the EUPL 1.2.
See LICENSE.md for details.