gobndl is a tool to bundle Go dependencies inside your project so you don't
have to worry about external dependencies disappearing, and allowing you to lock
to a specific version of a dependency for your package.
Storage of dependencies in local bundle inside package (.bndl directory)
Execution of commands in bundled environment using gobndl exec
Recursively find and install all dependencies using gobndl get
Ability to check bundle into version control, locking dependency versions
~ go get github.com/beefsack/gobndl
# Initialise your bundle and install dependencies
~ cd github.com/beefsack/my-go-package
~ gobndl init
~ gobndl get
# Use the bundle with exec
~ gobndl exec go build
# You can also install binaries to your bundle
~ gobndl get github.com/robfig/revel/revel
~ gobndl exec revel run github.com/robfig/revel/samples/chat