A Homemade Discord Bot for Golang practice and development...also for funsies.
Setting Up
Release Notes
BuddieBot is an open source Discord bot written in Golang that I initially created to develop and maintain new Golang technologies and practices. What originally started as a fun idea and grown into a full personal pet project. I love working on BuddieBot to improve it with new features and utilities all the time. I enjoy using BuddieBot in my personal servers and plan to continue growing this bot for the foreseeable future!
If you liked this repository, feel free to leave a star ⭐ to help promote BuddieBot!
100+ commands and counting!
BuddieBot also comes packed with a variety of features, such as:
- Play/Stop/Queue music from YouTube links
- Receive your daily Horoscope
- Insult your friends
- Slash Commands!
- Moderator only commands
- Manipulate Text
- And much more!
You can invite BuddieBot to your server with the [Temporarily Removed]
link. 🤖😁 Alternatively, you can clone this repo and host the bot yourself.
git clone https://github.com/Beamer64/BuddieBot.git
After cloning, run an
go get ./...
to snag all the dependencies.
Setting Up
You have to create a config.yaml
file in order to run the bot (you can use the example file provided as a base). Your file should look something like this:
# Tokens/API Keys
prodBotToken: ""
testBotToken: ""
webHookToken: ""
botPublicKey: ""
dagpiAPIkey: ""
tenorAPIkey: ""
steamAPI: "http://api.steampowered.com/ISteamApps/GetAppList/v0002/?key=STEAMKEY&format=json"
affirmationAPI: "https://www.affirmations.dev/"
kanyeAPI: "https://api.kanye.rest/"
adviceAPI: "https://api.adviceslip.com/advice"
doggoAPI: "https://api.thedogapi.com/v1/images/search"
albumPickerAPI: "http://recommended-album-api-dev.us-east-1.elasticbeanstalk.com/prediction/"
wyrAPI: "https://would-you-rather-api.abaanshanid.repl.co/"
# IDs relating to Discord or Bot
currentBotAppID: "" # Don't set. This gets set later.
prodBotAppID: ""
testBotAppID: ""
masterGuildID: ""
testGuildID: ""
webHookID: ""
errorLogChannelID: ""
eventNotifChannelID: ""
# Custom Settings
botPrefix: ""
botAdminRole: ""
# Used for email sending
email: ""
emailPassword: ""
tableName: ""
region: ""
accessKey: ""
secretKey: ""
Sections like "database" and various "IDs" are used for specfic functions or features. This can be omitted if unused. That part of the bot just wont work until supplied.
Visit the Discord developer portal to create an app and use the client token you are given for the token
option. To get keys for supported APIs,
After your config.yaml
file is built, you have to enable Privileged Intents
on your Discord developer portal. You can find these intents under
the "Bot" section, and there are two ticks you have to switch on. For more information on Gateway Intents, check out this link.
Once done, feel free to launch BuddieBot using the command go run cmd/discord-bot/main.go
BuddieBot is in a continuous state of development. New features/updates may come at any time. Some pending ideas are:
- Games
- Be Funnier
- Skip songs
- Multiple Music Sources
- Rename Repo
- DM Your Mother
- Custom tag/reaction system
- Server specific settings
- BuddieBot Website
- Txt commands
- Guild - This is what Discord refers to your server as. Servers are 'Guilds'.
- botToken - Given when a new bot is created. Located in the Bot section of the Discord Dev portal.
- webHookToken - Can be easily found in the Webhook URL.††
- botPublicKey - Given when a new bot is created. Located in the Gen Info section of the Discord Dev portal.
- webHookID - Can be easily found in the Webhook URL.††
- errorLogChannelID - The ID of the Channel you'd like the bot to update with any errors it encounters.†
- botPrefix - The prefix given when the bot recognizes a command. For example, the one I use is '$'.
- botAdminRole - The name of the Role you create to restrict users from certain commands or actions. E.g. Mine was 'Bot Admin Role'.
† To get the ID's of things in Discord, you will need to Enable Dev Mode in Discord.
†† You will need to Create a Webhook in Discord first. Then the ID and Token respectively can be found in the Webhook
URL. E.g. https://discord.com/api/webhooks/WEBHOOK_ID/WEBHOOK_TOKEN
Release Notes
Release notes (when updated) can be found in the res folder of the project or at:
Released under the GNU GPL v3 license.
This is just a list of various credits to any person(s) whose work are contributed to this open source project.
To give credit where credit is due 😁
The Tenor API is used to deliver gifs from the BuddieBot. The website can be found here. The API site can be found here.
The horoscope.com daily horoscopes are used to allow our BuddieBot to deliver a daily horoscope to our users. The website can be found here.
The icon for BuddieBot was made by wanicon from www.flaticon.com
Dagpi API
Thanks to Dagpi, BuddieBot has a new wide variety of tools and features. A Dagpi API key can be applied for from the Dagpi website.