Index ¶
- Constants
- type BaseIntroducer
- type BaseRequester
- type Branch
- type BranchApplyOptions
- type BranchCommitLogOptions
- type BranchCreateOptions
- type BranchIntroducer
- type BranchPath
- type BranchPushOptions
- type BranchRebaseOptions
- type BranchRequester
- func (br *BranchRequester) Apply(branchName, beforeRef, afterRef string, options *BranchApplyOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (br *BranchRequester) ApplyCommitsRange(branchName string, before, after Commit, options *BranchApplyOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (br *BranchRequester) CommitLog(branchName string, buf *[]Commit, options *BranchCommitLogOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (br *BranchRequester) Create(branchName string, options *BranchCreateOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (br *BranchRequester) Delete(branchName string) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (br *BranchRequester) Get(branchName string, buf *Branch) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (br *BranchRequester) ListAll(buf *[]Branch) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (br *BranchRequester) Optimize(branchName string) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (br *BranchRequester) Pull(branchName, remote, remoteBranch string) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (br *BranchRequester) Push(branchName, remote, remoteBranch string, options *BranchPushOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (br *BranchRequester) Rebase(branchName string, rebaseFrom TerminusObjectPath, options *BranchRebaseOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (br *BranchRequester) RebaseFromPath(branchName, rebaseFrom string, options *BranchRebaseOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (br *BranchRequester) Reset(branchName string, commit Commit) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (br *BranchRequester) SchemaFrameAll(branchName string, buf *[]schema.RawSchemaItem, ...) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (br *BranchRequester) SchemaFrameType(branchName, docType string, buf *schema.RawSchemaItem, ...) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (br *BranchRequester) Squash(branchName string, options *BranchSquashOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (br *BranchRequester) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *BranchRequester
- type BranchSchemaFrameOptions
- type BranchSquashOptions
- type Client
- func (c *Client) Branches() *BranchIntroducer
- func (c *Client) Databases() *DatabaseIntroducer
- func (c *Client) Diffs() *DiffRequester
- func (c *Client) Files() *FilesIntroducer
- func (c *Client) GenericDocuments() *DocumentIntroducer[GenericDocument]
- func (c *Client) Organizations() *OrganizationRequester
- func (c *Client) Ping(ctx context.Context) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) Remotes() *RemoteIntroducer
- func (c *Client) Repos() *RepoIntroducer
- func (c *Client) Roles() *RoleRequester
- func (c *Client) Users() *UserIntroducer
- func (c *Client) VersionInfo(ctx context.Context, buf *TerminusVersionInfo) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) WOQL(ctx context.Context, query bare.RawQuery, buf *srverror.WOQLResponse, ...) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) WithBasicAuth(user, password string) *Client
- func (c *Client) WithJWTAuth(jwtToken string) *Client
- func (c *Client) WithTokenAuth(token string) *Client
- func (c *Client) WithUsernameAuth(header, username string) *Client
- type ClientWOQLOptions
- type Commit
- type CommitPath
- type ComponentVersion
- type Database
- type DatabaseCloneOptions
- type DatabaseCommitLogOptions
- type DatabaseCreateOptions
- type DatabaseDeleteOptions
- type DatabaseIntroducer
- func (di *DatabaseIntroducer) ListAll(buf *[]Database) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (di *DatabaseIntroducer) ListAllOwned(buf *[]Database) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (di *DatabaseIntroducer) OnOrganization(path OrganizationPath) *DatabaseRequester
- func (di *DatabaseIntroducer) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *DatabaseIntroducer
- type DatabasePackOptions
- type DatabasePath
- type DatabaseRequester
- func (dr *DatabaseRequester) Clone(newName, newLabel string, options *DatabaseCloneOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (dr *DatabaseRequester) CommitLog(name string, buf *[]Commit, options *DatabaseCommitLogOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (dr *DatabaseRequester) Create(name, label string, options *DatabaseCreateOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (dr *DatabaseRequester) Delete(name string, options *DatabaseDeleteOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (dr *DatabaseRequester) Get(name string, buf *Database) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (dr *DatabaseRequester) IsExists(name string) (exists bool, response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (dr *DatabaseRequester) ListAll(userName string, buf *[]Database) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (dr *DatabaseRequester) Optimize(dbName string) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (dr *DatabaseRequester) Pack(name string, w io.Writer, options *DatabasePackOptions) (writtenBytes int64, response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (dr *DatabaseRequester) Prefixes(dbName string, buf *Prefix) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (dr *DatabaseRequester) SchemaFrameAll(name string, buf *[]schema.RawSchemaItem, options *DatabaseSchemaFrameOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (dr *DatabaseRequester) SchemaFrameType(name, docType string, buf *schema.RawSchemaItem, ...) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (dr *DatabaseRequester) UnpackTusResource(dbName, tusLocation string) (readBytes int64, response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (dr *DatabaseRequester) UnpackUpload(dbName string, data io.Reader) (readBytes int64, response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (dr *DatabaseRequester) Update(name string, options *DatabaseUpdateOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (dr *DatabaseRequester) WOQL(name string, query bare.RawQuery, buf *srverror.WOQLResponse, ...) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (dr *DatabaseRequester) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *DatabaseRequester
- func (dr *DatabaseRequester) WithDataVersion(dataVersion string) *DatabaseRequester
- type DatabaseSchemaFrameOptions
- type DatabaseUpdateOptions
- type DatabaseWOQLOptions
- type Diff
- type DiffOp
- type DiffOptions
- type DiffRequester
- func (dr *DiffRequester) Diff(buf *Diff, options *DiffOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (dr *DiffRequester) DiffAllDocsRevisions(revisionBefore, revisionAfter string, buf *Diff, options *DiffShortOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (dr *DiffRequester) DiffDocRevisions(revisionBefore, revisionAfter string, buf *Diff, docID string, ...) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (dr *DiffRequester) DiffObjAndDocRevision(docRevision string, obj any, buf *Diff, docID string, ...) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (dr *DiffRequester) DiffObjs(objBefore, objAfter any, buf *Diff, options *DiffShortOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (dr *DiffRequester) Patch(before any, diff *Diff, buf any) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (dr *DiffRequester) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *DiffRequester
- type DiffShortOptions
- type DocumentCreateOptions
- type DocumentDeleteOptions
- type DocumentGetOptions
- type DocumentIntroducer
- type DocumentIsExistsOptions
- type DocumentListOptions
- type DocumentRequester
- func (dr *DocumentRequester[DocumentT]) Create(doc DocumentT, options *DocumentCreateOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (dr *DocumentRequester[DocumentT]) CreateBulk(docs []DocumentT, options *DocumentCreateOptions) (insertedIDs []string, response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (dr *DocumentRequester[DocumentT]) Delete(docID string, options *DocumentDeleteOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (dr *DocumentRequester[DocumentT]) DeleteBulk(docIDs []string, options *DocumentDeleteOptions) (deletedIDs []string, response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (dr *DocumentRequester[DocumentT]) Get(docID string, buf *DocumentT, options *DocumentGetOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (dr *DocumentRequester[DocumentT]) IsExists(options *DocumentIsExistsOptions) (exists bool, response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (dr *DocumentRequester[DocumentT]) ListAll(buf *[]DocumentT, options *DocumentListOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (dr *DocumentRequester[DocumentT]) ListAllIterator(items chan<- DocumentT, options *DocumentListOptions) (response *http.Response, err error)
- func (dr *DocumentRequester[DocumentT]) Update(doc DocumentT, options *DocumentUpdateOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (dr *DocumentRequester[DocumentT]) UpdateBulk(docs []DocumentT, options *DocumentUpdateOptions) (updatedIDs []string, response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (dr *DocumentRequester[DocumentT]) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *DocumentRequester[DocumentT]
- func (dr *DocumentRequester[DocumentT]) WithDataVersion(dataVersion string) *DocumentRequester[DocumentT]
- type DocumentUpdateOptions
- type FilesIntroducer
- type GenericDocument
- type GraphTypes
- type Organization
- type OrganizationPath
- type OrganizationRequester
- func (or *OrganizationRequester) Create(name string) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (or *OrganizationRequester) Delete(name string) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (or *OrganizationRequester) Get(name string, buf *Organization) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (or *OrganizationRequester) ListAll(buf *[]Organization) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (or *OrganizationRequester) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *OrganizationRequester
- type Prefix
- type Remote
- type RemoteIntroducer
- type RemoteRequester
- func (rr *RemoteRequester) Create(name, uri string) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (rr *RemoteRequester) Delete(name string) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (rr *RemoteRequester) Get(name string, buf *Remote) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (rr *RemoteRequester) ListAllNames(buf *[]string) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (rr *RemoteRequester) Update(name, uri string) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (rr *RemoteRequester) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *RemoteRequester
- type RepoIntroducer
- type RepoPath
- type RepoRequester
- func (rr *RepoRequester) Fetch(repoID, remoteAuthorization string) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (rr *RepoRequester) Optimize(repoID string) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (rr *RepoRequester) SchemaFrameAll(name string, buf *[]schema.RawSchemaItem, options *RepoSchemaFrameOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (rr *RepoRequester) SchemaFrameType(name, docType string, buf *schema.RawSchemaItem, ...) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (rr *RepoRequester) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *RepoRequester
- type RepoSchemaFrameOptions
- type Role
- type RoleAction
- type RoleCreateOptions
- type RoleRequester
- func (rr *RoleRequester) Create(name string, options *RoleCreateOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (rr *RoleRequester) Delete(name string) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (rr *RoleRequester) Get(name string, buf *Role) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (rr *RoleRequester) ListAll(buf *[]Role) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (rr *RoleRequester) Update(name string, options *RoleUpdateOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (rr *RoleRequester) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *RoleRequester
- type RoleUpdateOptions
- type TerminusObject
- type TerminusObjectPath
- type TerminusResponse
- type TerminusVersionInfo
- type TripleDumpOptions
- type TripleInsertOptions
- type TripleIntroducer
- type TripleRequester
- func (tr *TripleRequester) DumpAsStream(w io.Writer, options *TripleDumpOptions) (writtenBytes int64, response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (tr *TripleRequester) DumpAsString(buf *string, options *TripleDumpOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (tr *TripleRequester) Insert(data *string, options *TripleInsertOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (tr *TripleRequester) Update(data *string, options *TripleUpdateOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (tr *TripleRequester) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *TripleRequester
- type TripleUpdateOptions
- type User
- type UserCapabilitiesOperation
- type UserCapability
- type UserGetOptions
- type UserIntroducer
- type UserListAllOptions
- type UserPath
- type UserRequester
- func (ur *UserRequester) Create(name, password string) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (ur *UserRequester) Delete(name string) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (ur *UserRequester) Get(name string, buf *User, options *UserGetOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (ur *UserRequester) ListAll(buf *[]User, options *UserListAllOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (ur *UserRequester) UpdateCapabilities(name string, options *UserUpdateCapabilitiesOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (ur *UserRequester) UpdatePassword(name, password string) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
- func (ur *UserRequester) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *UserRequester
- type UserUpdateCapabilitiesOptions
Constants ¶
const ( DatabaseSystem = "_system" RepoMeta = "_meta" RepoLocal = "local" BranchCommits = "_commits" )
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type BaseIntroducer ¶
type BaseIntroducer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type BaseRequester ¶
type BaseRequester struct { Client *Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type BranchApplyOptions ¶
type BranchApplyOptions struct { Message string `json:"-" default:"Default commit message"` Author string `json:"-" default:"defaultAuthor"` Keep map[string]bool `json:"keep" default:"{\"@id\": true, \"@type\": true}"` // Fields to keep after apply MatchFinalState bool `json:"match_final_state" default:"true"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty" default:"squash"` }
type BranchCommitLogOptions ¶
type BranchCreateOptions ¶
type BranchIntroducer ¶
type BranchIntroducer BaseIntroducer
func (*BranchIntroducer) OnRepo ¶
func (bi *BranchIntroducer) OnRepo(path RepoPath) *BranchRequester
type BranchPath ¶
type BranchPath struct {
Organization, Database, Repo, Branch string
func (BranchPath) FromString ¶
func (bp BranchPath) FromString(s string) BranchPath
func (BranchPath) GetURL ¶
func (bp BranchPath) GetURL(action string) string
func (BranchPath) String ¶
func (bp BranchPath) String() string
type BranchPushOptions ¶
type BranchPushOptions struct {
PushPrefixes bool `json:"push_prefixes" default:"true"`
type BranchRebaseOptions ¶
type BranchRebaseOptions struct {
Author string `json:"author" default:"Default author"`
type BranchRequester ¶
type BranchRequester BaseRequester
func (*BranchRequester) Apply ¶
func (br *BranchRequester) Apply(branchName, beforeRef, afterRef string, options *BranchApplyOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
beforeRef/afterRef could be commit identifiers or branch names
func (*BranchRequester) ApplyCommitsRange ¶
func (br *BranchRequester) ApplyCommitsRange(branchName string, before, after Commit, options *BranchApplyOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*BranchRequester) CommitLog ¶
func (br *BranchRequester) CommitLog(branchName string, buf *[]Commit, options *BranchCommitLogOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*BranchRequester) Create ¶
func (br *BranchRequester) Create(branchName string, options *BranchCreateOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*BranchRequester) Delete ¶
func (br *BranchRequester) Delete(branchName string) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*BranchRequester) Get ¶
func (br *BranchRequester) Get(branchName string, buf *Branch) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*BranchRequester) ListAll ¶
func (br *BranchRequester) ListAll(buf *[]Branch) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*BranchRequester) Optimize ¶
func (br *BranchRequester) Optimize(branchName string) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*BranchRequester) Pull ¶
func (br *BranchRequester) Pull(branchName, remote, remoteBranch string) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*BranchRequester) Push ¶
func (br *BranchRequester) Push(branchName, remote, remoteBranch string, options *BranchPushOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
error conditions: - branch to push does not exist - repository does not exist - we tried to push to a repository that is not a remote - tried to push without having fetched first. The repository exists as an entity in our metadata graph but it hasn't got an associated commit graph. We always need one. - remote diverged - someone else committed and pushed and we know about that - We try to push an empty branch, but we know that remote is non-empty - remote returns an error -- history diverged (we check locally, but there's a race) -- remote doesn't know what we're talking about -- remote authorization failed - communication error while talking to the remote
func (*BranchRequester) Rebase ¶
func (br *BranchRequester) Rebase(branchName string, rebaseFrom TerminusObjectPath, options *BranchRebaseOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*BranchRequester) RebaseFromPath ¶
func (br *BranchRequester) RebaseFromPath(branchName, rebaseFrom string, options *BranchRebaseOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*BranchRequester) Reset ¶
func (br *BranchRequester) Reset(branchName string, commit Commit) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*BranchRequester) SchemaFrameAll ¶
func (br *BranchRequester) SchemaFrameAll(branchName string, buf *[]schema.RawSchemaItem, options *BranchSchemaFrameOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*BranchRequester) SchemaFrameType ¶
func (br *BranchRequester) SchemaFrameType(branchName, docType string, buf *schema.RawSchemaItem, options *BranchSchemaFrameOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*BranchRequester) Squash ¶
func (br *BranchRequester) Squash(branchName string, options *BranchSquashOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*BranchRequester) WithContext ¶
func (br *BranchRequester) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *BranchRequester
type BranchSquashOptions ¶
type Client ¶
TODO: move Client from rest to another place TODO: paths and filenames and headers
func (*Client) Branches ¶
func (c *Client) Branches() *BranchIntroducer
func (*Client) Databases ¶
func (c *Client) Databases() *DatabaseIntroducer
func (*Client) Diffs ¶
func (c *Client) Diffs() *DiffRequester
func (*Client) Files ¶
func (c *Client) Files() *FilesIntroducer
func (*Client) GenericDocuments ¶
func (c *Client) GenericDocuments() *DocumentIntroducer[GenericDocument]
func (*Client) Organizations ¶
func (c *Client) Organizations() *OrganizationRequester
func (*Client) Ping ¶
func (c *Client) Ping(ctx context.Context) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*Client) Remotes ¶
func (c *Client) Remotes() *RemoteIntroducer
func (*Client) Repos ¶
func (c *Client) Repos() *RepoIntroducer
func (*Client) Roles ¶
func (c *Client) Roles() *RoleRequester
func (*Client) Users ¶
func (c *Client) Users() *UserIntroducer
func (*Client) VersionInfo ¶
func (c *Client) VersionInfo(ctx context.Context, buf *TerminusVersionInfo) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*Client) WOQL ¶
func (c *Client) WOQL(ctx context.Context, query bare.RawQuery, buf *srverror.WOQLResponse, options *ClientWOQLOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
Query with empty db context
func (*Client) WithBasicAuth ¶
func (*Client) WithJWTAuth ¶
func (*Client) WithTokenAuth ¶
func (*Client) WithUsernameAuth ¶
type ClientWOQLOptions ¶
type Commit ¶
type Commit struct { ID string `json:"@id"` Type string `json:"@type"` Author string `json:"author"` Identifier string `json:"identifier"` Instance string `json:"instance"` Message string `json:"message"` Parent string `json:"parent"` Schema string `json:"schema"` Timestamp float64 `json:"timestamp"` }
type CommitPath ¶
type CommitPath struct {
Organization, Database, Repo, Branch, Commit string
func (CommitPath) FromString ¶
func (cp CommitPath) FromString(s string) CommitPath
func (CommitPath) GetURL ¶
func (cp CommitPath) GetURL(action string) string
func (CommitPath) String ¶
func (cp CommitPath) String() string
type ComponentVersion ¶
type DatabaseCloneOptions ¶
type DatabaseCreateOptions ¶
type DatabaseDeleteOptions ¶
type DatabaseDeleteOptions struct {
Force bool `url:"force,omitempty"`
type DatabaseIntroducer ¶
type DatabaseIntroducer struct { BaseIntroducer // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DatabaseIntroducer) ListAll ¶
func (di *DatabaseIntroducer) ListAll(buf *[]Database) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*DatabaseIntroducer) ListAllOwned ¶
func (di *DatabaseIntroducer) ListAllOwned(buf *[]Database) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*DatabaseIntroducer) OnOrganization ¶
func (di *DatabaseIntroducer) OnOrganization(path OrganizationPath) *DatabaseRequester
func (*DatabaseIntroducer) WithContext ¶
func (di *DatabaseIntroducer) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *DatabaseIntroducer
type DatabasePackOptions ¶
type DatabasePackOptions struct {
RepositoryHead string `json:"repository_head,omitempty"`
type DatabasePath ¶
type DatabasePath struct {
Organization, Database string
func (DatabasePath) FromString ¶
func (dp DatabasePath) FromString(s string) DatabasePath
func (DatabasePath) GetURL ¶
func (dp DatabasePath) GetURL(action string) string
func (DatabasePath) String ¶
func (dp DatabasePath) String() string
type DatabaseRequester ¶
type DatabaseRequester struct { BaseRequester // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DatabaseRequester) Clone ¶
func (dr *DatabaseRequester) Clone(newName, newLabel string, options *DatabaseCloneOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*DatabaseRequester) CommitLog ¶
func (dr *DatabaseRequester) CommitLog(name string, buf *[]Commit, options *DatabaseCommitLogOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*DatabaseRequester) Create ¶
func (dr *DatabaseRequester) Create(name, label string, options *DatabaseCreateOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*DatabaseRequester) Delete ¶
func (dr *DatabaseRequester) Delete(name string, options *DatabaseDeleteOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*DatabaseRequester) Get ¶
func (dr *DatabaseRequester) Get(name string, buf *Database) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*DatabaseRequester) IsExists ¶
func (dr *DatabaseRequester) IsExists(name string) (exists bool, response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*DatabaseRequester) ListAll ¶
func (dr *DatabaseRequester) ListAll(userName string, buf *[]Database) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*DatabaseRequester) Optimize ¶
func (dr *DatabaseRequester) Optimize(dbName string) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*DatabaseRequester) Pack ¶
func (dr *DatabaseRequester) Pack(name string, w io.Writer, options *DatabasePackOptions) (writtenBytes int64, response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*DatabaseRequester) Prefixes ¶
func (dr *DatabaseRequester) Prefixes(dbName string, buf *Prefix) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
TODO: figure out what prefixes are
func (*DatabaseRequester) SchemaFrameAll ¶
func (dr *DatabaseRequester) SchemaFrameAll(name string, buf *[]schema.RawSchemaItem, options *DatabaseSchemaFrameOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*DatabaseRequester) SchemaFrameType ¶
func (dr *DatabaseRequester) SchemaFrameType(name, docType string, buf *schema.RawSchemaItem, options *DatabaseSchemaFrameOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*DatabaseRequester) UnpackTusResource ¶
func (dr *DatabaseRequester) UnpackTusResource(dbName, tusLocation string) (readBytes int64, response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*DatabaseRequester) UnpackUpload ¶
func (dr *DatabaseRequester) UnpackUpload(dbName string, data io.Reader) (readBytes int64, response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*DatabaseRequester) Update ¶
func (dr *DatabaseRequester) Update(name string, options *DatabaseUpdateOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*DatabaseRequester) WOQL ¶
func (dr *DatabaseRequester) WOQL(name string, query bare.RawQuery, buf *srverror.WOQLResponse, options *DatabaseWOQLOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
Query with database context
func (*DatabaseRequester) WithContext ¶
func (dr *DatabaseRequester) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *DatabaseRequester
func (*DatabaseRequester) WithDataVersion ¶
func (dr *DatabaseRequester) WithDataVersion(dataVersion string) *DatabaseRequester
type DatabaseUpdateOptions ¶
type DatabaseWOQLOptions ¶
type DiffOptions ¶
type DiffRequester ¶
type DiffRequester BaseRequester
func (*DiffRequester) Diff ¶
func (dr *DiffRequester) Diff(buf *Diff, options *DiffOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*DiffRequester) DiffAllDocsRevisions ¶
func (dr *DiffRequester) DiffAllDocsRevisions(revisionBefore, revisionAfter string, buf *Diff, options *DiffShortOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*DiffRequester) DiffDocRevisions ¶
func (dr *DiffRequester) DiffDocRevisions(revisionBefore, revisionAfter string, buf *Diff, docID string, options *DiffShortOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*DiffRequester) DiffObjAndDocRevision ¶
func (dr *DiffRequester) DiffObjAndDocRevision(docRevision string, obj any, buf *Diff, docID string, options *DiffShortOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*DiffRequester) DiffObjs ¶
func (dr *DiffRequester) DiffObjs(objBefore, objAfter any, buf *Diff, options *DiffShortOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*DiffRequester) Patch ¶
func (dr *DiffRequester) Patch(before any, diff *Diff, buf any) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*DiffRequester) WithContext ¶
func (dr *DiffRequester) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *DiffRequester
type DiffShortOptions ¶
type DocumentCreateOptions ¶
type DocumentCreateOptions struct { GraphType GraphTypes `url:"graph_type" default:"instance"` Message string `url:"message" default:"Default message"` Author string `url:"author" default:"Default author"` RawJSON bool `url:"raw_json,omitempty"` FullReplace bool `url:"full_replace,omitempty"` }
type DocumentDeleteOptions ¶
type DocumentDeleteOptions struct { GraphType GraphTypes `url:"graph_type" default:"instance"` Message string `url:"message" default:"Default message"` Author string `url:"author" default:"Default author"` Nuke bool `url:"nuke,omitempty"` ID string `url:"id,omitempty"` }
type DocumentGetOptions ¶
type DocumentGetOptions struct { CompressIDs bool `url:"compress_ids" default:"true"` Type string `url:"type,omitempty"` Unfold bool `url:"unfold" default:"true"` GraphType GraphTypes `url:"graph_type" default:"instance"` Prefixed bool `url:"prefixed" default:"true"` }
type DocumentIntroducer ¶
type DocumentIntroducer[DocumentT any] BaseIntroducer
TODO: Mention that DocumentT must have proper json tags to be unmarshalled from response
func (*DocumentIntroducer[DocumentT]) OnBranch ¶
func (di *DocumentIntroducer[DocumentT]) OnBranch(path BranchPath) *DocumentRequester[DocumentT]
func (*DocumentIntroducer[DocumentT]) OnCommit ¶
func (di *DocumentIntroducer[DocumentT]) OnCommit(path CommitPath) *DocumentRequester[DocumentT]
func (*DocumentIntroducer[DocumentT]) OnDatabase ¶
func (di *DocumentIntroducer[DocumentT]) OnDatabase(path DatabasePath) *DocumentRequester[DocumentT]
type DocumentIsExistsOptions ¶
type DocumentIsExistsOptions struct {
GraphType GraphTypes `url:"graph_type" default:"instance"`
type DocumentListOptions ¶
type DocumentListOptions struct { CompressIDs bool `url:"compress_ids" default:"true"` Type string `url:"type,omitempty"` Unfold bool `url:"unfold" default:"true"` Count int `url:"count,omitempty"` Skip int `url:"skip" default:"0"` GraphType GraphTypes `url:"graph_type" default:"instance"` Prefixed bool `url:"prefixed" default:"true"` }
type DocumentRequester ¶
type DocumentRequester[DocumentT any] struct { BaseRequester // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DocumentRequester[DocumentT]) Create ¶
func (dr *DocumentRequester[DocumentT]) Create(doc DocumentT, options *DocumentCreateOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*DocumentRequester[DocumentT]) CreateBulk ¶
func (dr *DocumentRequester[DocumentT]) CreateBulk(docs []DocumentT, options *DocumentCreateOptions) (insertedIDs []string, response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*DocumentRequester[DocumentT]) Delete ¶
func (dr *DocumentRequester[DocumentT]) Delete(docID string, options *DocumentDeleteOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*DocumentRequester[DocumentT]) DeleteBulk ¶
func (dr *DocumentRequester[DocumentT]) DeleteBulk(docIDs []string, options *DocumentDeleteOptions) (deletedIDs []string, response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*DocumentRequester[DocumentT]) Get ¶
func (dr *DocumentRequester[DocumentT]) Get(docID string, buf *DocumentT, options *DocumentGetOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*DocumentRequester[DocumentT]) IsExists ¶
func (dr *DocumentRequester[DocumentT]) IsExists(options *DocumentIsExistsOptions) (exists bool, response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*DocumentRequester[DocumentT]) ListAll ¶
func (dr *DocumentRequester[DocumentT]) ListAll(buf *[]DocumentT, options *DocumentListOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*DocumentRequester[DocumentT]) ListAllIterator ¶
func (dr *DocumentRequester[DocumentT]) ListAllIterator(items chan<- DocumentT, options *DocumentListOptions) (response *http.Response, err error)
func (*DocumentRequester[DocumentT]) Update ¶
func (dr *DocumentRequester[DocumentT]) Update(doc DocumentT, options *DocumentUpdateOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*DocumentRequester[DocumentT]) UpdateBulk ¶
func (dr *DocumentRequester[DocumentT]) UpdateBulk(docs []DocumentT, options *DocumentUpdateOptions) (updatedIDs []string, response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*DocumentRequester[DocumentT]) WithContext ¶
func (dr *DocumentRequester[DocumentT]) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *DocumentRequester[DocumentT]
func (*DocumentRequester[DocumentT]) WithDataVersion ¶
func (dr *DocumentRequester[DocumentT]) WithDataVersion(dataVersion string) *DocumentRequester[DocumentT]
type DocumentUpdateOptions ¶
type DocumentUpdateOptions struct { GraphType GraphTypes `url:"graph_type" default:"instance"` Message string `url:"message" default:"Default message"` Author string `url:"author" default:"Default author"` RawJSON bool `url:"raw_json,omitempty"` Create bool `url:"create,omitempty"` }
type FilesIntroducer ¶
type FilesIntroducer struct { BaseIntroducer // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*FilesIntroducer) GetClient ¶
func (fi *FilesIntroducer) GetClient() *tusc.Client
func (*FilesIntroducer) WithContext ¶
func (fi *FilesIntroducer) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *FilesIntroducer
func (*FilesIntroducer) WithRemoteBaseURI ¶
func (fi *FilesIntroducer) WithRemoteBaseURI(baseURI string) *FilesIntroducer
type GenericDocument ¶
TODO: document can be also a list, a schema for instance
type GraphTypes ¶
type GraphTypes string
const ( GraphTypeInstance GraphTypes = "instance" GraphTypeSchema GraphTypes = "schema" )
type Organization ¶
type Organization struct { ID string `json:"@id"` Type string `json:"@type"` Name string `json:"name"` DatabaseIDs []string `json:"database"` }
TODO: seems that these structures are items of system_schema items and should be aligned with it (lack of `child` field below for example) (but no Remote in system_schema for example)
type OrganizationPath ¶
type OrganizationPath struct {
Organization string
func (OrganizationPath) FromString ¶
func (op OrganizationPath) FromString(s string) OrganizationPath
func (OrganizationPath) GetURL ¶
func (op OrganizationPath) GetURL(action string) string
func (OrganizationPath) String ¶
func (op OrganizationPath) String() string
type OrganizationRequester ¶
type OrganizationRequester BaseRequester
func (*OrganizationRequester) Create ¶
func (or *OrganizationRequester) Create(name string) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*OrganizationRequester) Delete ¶
func (or *OrganizationRequester) Delete(name string) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*OrganizationRequester) Get ¶
func (or *OrganizationRequester) Get(name string, buf *Organization) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*OrganizationRequester) ListAll ¶
func (or *OrganizationRequester) ListAll(buf *[]Organization) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*OrganizationRequester) WithContext ¶
func (or *OrganizationRequester) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *OrganizationRequester
type RemoteIntroducer ¶
type RemoteIntroducer BaseIntroducer
func (*RemoteIntroducer) OnDatabase ¶
func (ri *RemoteIntroducer) OnDatabase(path DatabasePath) *RemoteRequester
type RemoteRequester ¶
type RemoteRequester BaseRequester
func (*RemoteRequester) Create ¶
func (rr *RemoteRequester) Create(name, uri string) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*RemoteRequester) Delete ¶
func (rr *RemoteRequester) Delete(name string) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*RemoteRequester) Get ¶
func (rr *RemoteRequester) Get(name string, buf *Remote) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*RemoteRequester) ListAllNames ¶
func (rr *RemoteRequester) ListAllNames(buf *[]string) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*RemoteRequester) Update ¶
func (rr *RemoteRequester) Update(name, uri string) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*RemoteRequester) WithContext ¶
func (rr *RemoteRequester) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *RemoteRequester
type RepoIntroducer ¶
type RepoIntroducer BaseIntroducer
func (*RepoIntroducer) OnDatabase ¶
func (ri *RepoIntroducer) OnDatabase(path DatabasePath) *RepoRequester
type RepoPath ¶
type RepoPath struct {
Organization, Database, Repo string
func (RepoPath) FromString ¶
type RepoRequester ¶
type RepoRequester struct {
func (*RepoRequester) Fetch ¶
func (rr *RepoRequester) Fetch(repoID, remoteAuthorization string) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*RepoRequester) Optimize ¶
func (rr *RepoRequester) Optimize(repoID string) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*RepoRequester) SchemaFrameAll ¶
func (rr *RepoRequester) SchemaFrameAll(name string, buf *[]schema.RawSchemaItem, options *RepoSchemaFrameOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*RepoRequester) SchemaFrameType ¶
func (rr *RepoRequester) SchemaFrameType(name, docType string, buf *schema.RawSchemaItem, options *RepoSchemaFrameOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*RepoRequester) WithContext ¶
func (rr *RepoRequester) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *RepoRequester
type RepoSchemaFrameOptions ¶
type Role ¶
type Role struct { ID string `json:"@id"` Type string `json:"@type"` Name string `json:"name"` Action []RoleAction `json:"action"` }
type RoleAction ¶
type RoleAction string
const ( RoleActionCreateDatabase RoleAction = "create_database" RoleActionDeleteDatabase RoleAction = "delete_database" RoleActionClassFrame RoleAction = "class_frame" RoleActionClone RoleAction = "clone" RoleActionFetch RoleAction = "fetch" RoleActionPush RoleAction = "push" RoleActionBranch RoleAction = "branch" RoleActionRebase RoleAction = "rebase" RoleActionInstanceReadAccess RoleAction = "instance_read_access" RoleActionInstanceWriteAccess RoleAction = "instance_write_access" RoleActionSchemaReadAccess RoleAction = "schema_read_access" RoleActionSchemaWriteAccess RoleAction = "schema_write_access" RoleActionMetaReadAccess RoleAction = "meta_read_access" RoleActionMetaWriteAccess RoleAction = "meta_write_access" RoleActionCommitReadAccess RoleAction = "commit_read_access" RoleActionCommitWriteAccess RoleAction = "commit_write_access" RoleActionManageCapabilities RoleAction = "manage_capabilities" )
type RoleCreateOptions ¶
type RoleCreateOptions struct {
Action []RoleAction `json:"action"`
type RoleRequester ¶
type RoleRequester BaseRequester
func (*RoleRequester) Create ¶
func (rr *RoleRequester) Create(name string, options *RoleCreateOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*RoleRequester) Delete ¶
func (rr *RoleRequester) Delete(name string) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*RoleRequester) Get ¶
func (rr *RoleRequester) Get(name string, buf *Role) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*RoleRequester) ListAll ¶
func (rr *RoleRequester) ListAll(buf *[]Role) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*RoleRequester) Update ¶
func (rr *RoleRequester) Update(name string, options *RoleUpdateOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*RoleRequester) WithContext ¶
func (rr *RoleRequester) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *RoleRequester
type RoleUpdateOptions ¶
type RoleUpdateOptions struct {
Action []RoleAction `json:"action"`
type TerminusObject ¶
type TerminusObject any
type TerminusObjectPath ¶
type TerminusResponse ¶
type TerminusVersionInfo ¶
type TerminusVersionInfo struct { Authority string `json:"authority"` Storage ComponentVersion `json:"storage"` TerminusDB ComponentVersion `json:"terminusdb"` TerminusDBStore ComponentVersion `json:"terminusdb_store"` }
type TripleDumpOptions ¶
type TripleDumpOptions struct { GraphType GraphTypes `url:"-" default:"instance"` Format string `url:"format" default:"turtle"` }
type TripleInsertOptions ¶
type TripleInsertOptions struct { GraphType GraphTypes `json:"-" default:"instance"` Author string `json:"author" default:"defaultAuthor"` Message string `json:"message" default:"Default commit message"` }
type TripleIntroducer ¶
type TripleIntroducer BaseIntroducer
func (*TripleIntroducer) OnBranch ¶
func (di *TripleIntroducer) OnBranch(path BranchPath) *TripleRequester
func (*TripleIntroducer) OnCommit ¶
func (di *TripleIntroducer) OnCommit(path CommitPath) *TripleRequester
func (*TripleIntroducer) OnDatabase ¶
func (di *TripleIntroducer) OnDatabase(path DatabasePath) *TripleRequester
func (*TripleIntroducer) OnRepo ¶
func (di *TripleIntroducer) OnRepo(path RepoPath) *TripleRequester
type TripleRequester ¶
type TripleRequester BaseRequester
func (*TripleRequester) DumpAsStream ¶
func (tr *TripleRequester) DumpAsStream(w io.Writer, options *TripleDumpOptions) (writtenBytes int64, response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*TripleRequester) DumpAsString ¶
func (tr *TripleRequester) DumpAsString(buf *string, options *TripleDumpOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*TripleRequester) Insert ¶
func (tr *TripleRequester) Insert(data *string, options *TripleInsertOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*TripleRequester) Update ¶
func (tr *TripleRequester) Update(data *string, options *TripleUpdateOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*TripleRequester) WithContext ¶
func (tr *TripleRequester) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *TripleRequester
type TripleUpdateOptions ¶
type TripleUpdateOptions struct { GraphType GraphTypes `json:"-" default:"instance"` Author string `json:"author" default:"defaultAuthor"` Message string `json:"message" default:"Default commit message"` }
type UserCapabilitiesOperation ¶
type UserCapabilitiesOperation string
const ( UserCapabilitiesGrant UserCapabilitiesOperation = "grant" UserCapabilitiesRevoke UserCapabilitiesOperation = "revoke" )
type UserCapability ¶
type UserCapability struct { ID string `json:"@id"` Type string `json:"@type"` Role []Role `json:"role"` Scope TerminusObject `json:"scope"` }
type UserGetOptions ¶
type UserGetOptions struct {
Capability bool `url:"capability" default:"false"` // True to expand `capability` into "Capability" schema item list, False to get them as string list
type UserIntroducer ¶
type UserIntroducer BaseIntroducer
func (*UserIntroducer) OnOrganization ¶
func (ui *UserIntroducer) OnOrganization(path OrganizationPath) *UserRequester
func (*UserIntroducer) OnServer ¶
func (ui *UserIntroducer) OnServer() *UserRequester
type UserListAllOptions ¶
type UserListAllOptions struct {
Capability bool `url:"capability" default:"false"` // True to expand `capability` into "Capability" schema item list, False to get them as string list
type UserRequester ¶
type UserRequester BaseRequester
func (*UserRequester) Create ¶
func (ur *UserRequester) Create(name, password string) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*UserRequester) Delete ¶
func (ur *UserRequester) Delete(name string) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*UserRequester) Get ¶
func (ur *UserRequester) Get(name string, buf *User, options *UserGetOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*UserRequester) ListAll ¶
func (ur *UserRequester) ListAll(buf *[]User, options *UserListAllOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*UserRequester) UpdateCapabilities ¶
func (ur *UserRequester) UpdateCapabilities(name string, options *UserUpdateCapabilitiesOptions) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*UserRequester) UpdatePassword ¶
func (ur *UserRequester) UpdatePassword(name, password string) (response TerminusResponse, err error)
func (*UserRequester) WithContext ¶
func (ur *UserRequester) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *UserRequester
type UserUpdateCapabilitiesOptions ¶
type UserUpdateCapabilitiesOptions struct { Scope TerminusObject Roles []Role Operation UserCapabilitiesOperation `default:"revoke"` }