Documentation ¶
Overview ¶
Package anaconda provides structs and functions for accessing version 1.1 of the Twitter API.
Successful API queries return native Go structs that can be used immediately, with no need for type assertions.
Authentication ¶
If you already have the access token (and secret) for your user (Twitter provides this for your own account on the developer portal), creating the client is simple:
anaconda.SetConsumerKey("your-consumer-key") anaconda.SetConsumerSecret("your-consumer-secret") api := anaconda.NewTwitterApi("your-access-token", "your-access-token-secret")
Queries ¶
Executing queries on an authenticated TwitterApi struct is simple.
searchResult, _ := api.GetSearch("golang", nil) for _ , tweet := range searchResult.Statuses { fmt.Print(tweet.Text) }
Certain endpoints allow separate optional parameter; if desired, these can be passed as the final parameter.
v := url.Values{} v.Set("count", "30") result, err := api.GetSearch("golang", v)
Endpoints ¶
Anaconda implements most of the endpoints defined in the Twitter API documentation: For clarity, in most cases, the function name is simply the name of the HTTP method and the endpoint (e.g., the endpoint `GET /friendships/incoming` is provided by the function `GetFriendshipsIncoming`).
In a few cases, a shortened form has been chosen to make life easier (for example, retweeting is simply the function `Retweet`)
More detailed information about the behavior of each particular endpoint can be found at the official Twitter API documentation.
Index ¶
- Constants
- func AuthorizationURL(callback string) (string, *oauth.Credentials, error)
- func GetCredentials(tempCred *oauth.Credentials, verifier string) (*oauth.Credentials, url.Values, error)
- func NewHTTP420ErrBackoff() backoff.Interface
- func NewHTTPErrBackoff() backoff.Interface
- func NewTCPIPErrBackoff() backoff.Interface
- func SetConsumerKey(consumer_key string)
- func SetConsumerSecret(consumer_secret string)
- type Account
- type AccountModel
- type AccountVideo
- type AccountVideos
- type Accounts
- type AddUserToListResponse
- type ApiError
- type Campaign
- type CampaignModel
- type Campaigns
- type ChunkedMedia
- type Configuration
- type Contributor
- type ConversionType
- type Coordinates
- type Cursor
- type Data
- type DirectMessage
- type DisconnectMessage
- type Entities
- type EntityMedia
- type Event
- type EventList
- type EventTweet
- type FollowersIdsPage
- type FollowersPage
- type FriendsIdsCursor
- type FriendsIdsPage
- type FriendsList
- type FriendsPage
- type Friendship
- type FundingInstrument
- type FundingInstruments
- type FundingModel
- type GeoSearchResult
- type Image
- type Job
- type Jobs
- type LimitNotice
- type LineItem
- type LineItemModel
- type LineItems
- type List
- type ListResponse
- type Location
- type LocationDeletionNotice
- type Logger
- type Media
- type MediaCreative
- type MediaCreativeModel
- type MediaCreatives
- type MediaSize
- type MediaSizes
- type Metric
- type Metrics
- type MobileConversion
- type MobileMetrics
- type OEmbed
- type Pagination
- type Place
- type PromotedTweet
- type PromotedTweetModel
- type PromotedTweets
- type Relationship
- type RelationshipResponse
- type SearchMetadata
- type SearchResponse
- type SegmentType
- type Settings
- type SleepTime
- type Source
- type StallWarning
- type Stats
- type StatsModel
- type StatsParams
- type StatsRequest
- type StatusDeletionNotice
- type StatusWithheldNotice
- type Stream
- type Target
- type TargetingCriteria
- type TargetingCriteriaModel
- type TimeZone
- type TooManyFollow
- type Trend
- type TrendLocation
- type TrendResponse
- type Tweet
- type TwitterApi
- func (a TwitterApi) AddUserToList(screenName string, listID int64, v url.Values) (users []User, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) Block(v url.Values) (user User, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) BlockUser(screenName string, v url.Values) (user User, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) BlockUserId(id int64, v url.Values) (user User, err error)
- func (c *TwitterApi) Close()
- func (a TwitterApi) CreateList(name, description string, v url.Values) (list List, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) DeleteTweet(id int64, trimUser bool) (tweet Tweet, err error)
- func (c *TwitterApi) DisableThrottling()
- func (c *TwitterApi) EnableThrottling(rate time.Duration, bufferSize int64)
- func (a TwitterApi) Favorite(id int64) (rt Tweet, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) FollowUser(screenName string) (user User, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) FollowUserId(userId int64, v url.Values) (user User, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GeoSearch(v url.Values) (c GeoSearchResult, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetAccountById(id string, values url.Values) (account Account, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetAccountSettings(v url.Values) (s Settings, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetAccountStats(id string, values url.Values) (stats Stats, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetAccountVideoById(accountid, videoid string, values url.Values) (video AccountVideo, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetAccountVideos(accountid string, values url.Values) (videos AccountVideos, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetAccounts(values url.Values) (accounts Accounts, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetAllCampaigns(accountid string, values url.Values) (campaigns Campaigns, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetAllFundingInstruments(accountid string, values url.Values) (instruments FundingInstruments, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetAllLineItems(accountid string, values url.Values) (items LineItems, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetAllMediaCreatives(accountid string, values url.Values) (creatives MediaCreatives, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetAllPromotedTweets(accountid string, values url.Values) (tweets PromotedTweets, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetBlocksIds(v url.Values) (c Cursor, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetBlocksList(v url.Values) (c UserCursor, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetCampaignById(accountid, campaignid string, values url.Values) (campaign Campaign, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetCampaigns(accountid string, values url.Values) (campaigns Campaigns, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetConfiguration(v url.Values) (conf Configuration, err error)
- func (c *TwitterApi) GetDelay() time.Duration
- func (a TwitterApi) GetDirectMessages(v url.Values) (messages []DirectMessage, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetDirectMessagesSent(v url.Values) (messages []DirectMessage, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetDirectMessagesShow(v url.Values) (messages []DirectMessage, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetFavorites(v url.Values) (favorites []Tweet, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetFollowersIds(v url.Values) (c Cursor, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetFollowersIdsAll(v url.Values) (result chan FollowersIdsPage)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetFollowersList(v url.Values) (c UserCursor, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetFollowersListAll(v url.Values) (result chan FollowersPage)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetFollowersUser(id int64, v url.Values) (c Cursor, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetFriendsIds(v url.Values) (c Cursor, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetFriendsIdsAll(v url.Values) (result chan FriendsIdsPage)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetFriendsList(v url.Values) (c UserCursor, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetFriendsListAll(v url.Values) (result chan FriendsPage)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetFriendsUser(id int64, v url.Values) (c Cursor, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetFriendshipsIncoming(v url.Values) (c Cursor, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetFriendshipsLookup(v url.Values) (friendships []Friendship, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetFriendshipsNoRetweets() (ids []int64, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetFriendshipsOutgoing(v url.Values) (c Cursor, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetFriendshipsShow(v url.Values) (relationshipResponse RelationshipResponse, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetFundingInstrumentById(accountid, instrumentid string, values url.Values) (instrument FundingInstrument, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetFundingInstruments(accountid string, values url.Values) (instruments FundingInstruments, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetHomeTimeline(v url.Values) (timeline []Tweet, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetLineItemById(accountid, itemid string, values url.Values) (item LineItem, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetLineItems(accountid string, values url.Values) (items LineItems, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetListTweets(listID int64, includeRTs bool, v url.Values) (tweets []Tweet, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetListsOwnedBy(userID int64, v url.Values) (lists []List, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetMediaCreativeById(accountid, creativeid string, values url.Values) (creative MediaCreative, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetMediaCreatives(accountid string, values url.Values) (creatives MediaCreatives, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetMentionsTimeline(v url.Values) (timeline []Tweet, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetMutedUsersIds(v url.Values) (c Cursor, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetMutedUsersList(v url.Values) (c UserCursor, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetOEmbed(v url.Values) (o OEmbed, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetOEmbedId(id int64, v url.Values) (o OEmbed, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetPromotedTweetById(accountid, tweetid string, values url.Values) (tweet PromotedTweet, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetPromotedTweets(accountid string, values url.Values) (tweets PromotedTweets, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetRetweets(id int64, v url.Values) (tweets []Tweet, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetRetweetsOfMe(v url.Values) (tweets []Tweet, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetSearch(queryString string, v url.Values) (sr SearchResponse, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetSelf(v url.Values) (u User, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetStatsJobs(idaccount string, values url.Values) (jobs Jobs, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetTargetingCriteria(accountid string, values url.Values) (tc TargetingCriteria, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetTrendsAvailableLocations(v url.Values) (locations []TrendLocation, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetTrendsByPlace(id int64, v url.Values) (trendResp TrendResponse, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetTrendsClosestLocations(lat float64, long float64, v url.Values) (locations []TrendLocation, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetTweet(id int64, v url.Values) (tweet Tweet, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetTweetsLookupByIds(ids []int64, v url.Values) (tweet []Tweet, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetUserSearch(searchTerm string, v url.Values) (u []User, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetUserTimeline(v url.Values) (timeline []Tweet, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetUsersLookup(usernames string, v url.Values) (u []User, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetUsersLookupByIds(ids []int64, v url.Values) (u []User, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetUsersShow(username string, v url.Values) (u User, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) GetUsersShowById(id int64, v url.Values) (u User, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) Mute(v url.Values) (user User, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) MuteUser(screenName string, v url.Values) (user User, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) MuteUserId(id int64, v url.Values) (user User, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) ParseStatsJobs(url string) (stats Stats, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) PostDMToScreenName(text, screenName string) (message DirectMessage, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) PostDMToUserId(text string, userId int64) (message DirectMessage, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) PostStatsJobs(idaccount string, values url.Values) (job Job, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) PostTweet(status string, v url.Values) (tweet Tweet, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) PublicStreamFilter(v url.Values) (stream *Stream)
- func (a TwitterApi) PublicStreamFirehose(v url.Values) (stream *Stream)
- func (a TwitterApi) PublicStreamSample(v url.Values) (stream *Stream)
- func (c *TwitterApi) ReturnRateLimitError(b bool)
- func (a TwitterApi) Retweet(id int64, trimUser bool) (rt Tweet, err error)
- func (c *TwitterApi) SetBaseUrl(baseUrl string)
- func (c *TwitterApi) SetDelay(t time.Duration)
- func (c *TwitterApi) SetLogger(l Logger)
- func (a TwitterApi) SiteStream(v url.Values) (stream *Stream)
- func (a TwitterApi) Unblock(v url.Values) (user User, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) UnblockUser(screenName string, v url.Values) (user User, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) UnblockUserId(id int64, v url.Values) (user User, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) Unfavorite(id int64) (rt Tweet, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) UnfollowUser(screenname string) (u User, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) UnfollowUserId(userId int64) (u User, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) Unmute(v url.Values) (user User, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) UnmuteUser(screenName string, v url.Values) (user User, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) UnmuteUserId(id int64, v url.Values) (user User, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) UploadMedia(base64String string) (media Media, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) UploadVideoAppend(mediaIdString string, segmentIndex int, base64String string) error
- func (a TwitterApi) UploadVideoFinalize(mediaIdString string) (videoMedia VideoMedia, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) UploadVideoInit(totalBytes int, mimeType string) (chunkedMedia ChunkedMedia, err error)
- func (a TwitterApi) UserStream(v url.Values) (stream *Stream)
- func (a TwitterApi) VerifyCredentials() (ok bool, err error)
- type TwitterError
- type TwitterErrorResponse
- type UrlEntity
- type User
- type UserCursor
- type UserWithheldNotice
- type Variant
- type Video
- type VideoInfo
- type VideoMedia
- type VideoModel
- type WebMetrics
Examples ¶
Constants ¶
const ( //Error code defintions match the Twitter documentation // TwitterErrorCouldNotAuthenticate = 32 TwitterErrorDoesNotExist = 34 TwitterErrorAccountSuspended = 64 TwitterErrorApi1Deprecation = 68 //This should never be needed TwitterErrorRateLimitExceeded = 88 TwitterErrorInvalidToken = 89 TwitterErrorOverCapacity = 130 TwitterErrorInternalError = 131 TwitterErrorCouldNotAuthenticateYou = 135 TwitterErrorStatusIsADuplicate = 187 TwitterErrorBadAuthenticationData = 215 TwitterErrorUserMustVerifyLogin = 231 // Undocumented by Twitter, but may be returned instead of 34 TwitterErrorDoesNotExist2 = 144 )
const ( BaseUrlUserStream = "" BaseUrlSiteStream = "" BaseUrlStream = "" )
const ( BaseUrlV1 = "" BaseUrl = "" UploadBaseUrl = "" )
const (
AdsUrl = ""
const DEFAULT_DELAY = 0 * time.Second
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func AuthorizationURL ¶
func AuthorizationURL(callback string) (string, *oauth.Credentials, error)
AuthorizationURL generates the authorization URL for the first part of the OAuth handshake. Redirect the user to this URL. This assumes that the consumer key has already been set (using SetConsumerKey).
func GetCredentials ¶
func GetCredentials(tempCred *oauth.Credentials, verifier string) (*oauth.Credentials, url.Values, error)
func NewHTTP420ErrBackoff ¶
Back off exponentially for HTTP 420 errors.
Start with a 1 minute wait and double each attempt. Note that every HTTP 420 received increases the time you must wait until rate limiting will no longer will be in effect for your account.
func NewHTTPErrBackoff ¶
Back off exponentially for HTTP errors for which reconnecting would be appropriate.
Start with a 5 second wait, doubling each attempt, up to 320 seconds.
func NewTCPIPErrBackoff ¶
Back off linearly for TCP/IP level network errors.
These problems are generally temporary and tend to clear quickly. Increase the delay in reconnects by 250ms each attempt, up to 16 seconds.
func SetConsumerKey ¶
func SetConsumerKey(consumer_key string)
SetConsumerKey will set the application-specific consumer_key used in the initial OAuth process This key is listed on
func SetConsumerSecret ¶
func SetConsumerSecret(consumer_secret string)
SetConsumerSecret will set the application-specific secret used in the initial OAuth process This secret is listed on
Types ¶
type Account ¶
type Account struct { Data AccountModel `json:"data"` Pagination }
type AccountModel ¶
type AccountModel struct { Id string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` ApprovalStatus string `json:"approval_status"` Salt string `json:"salt"` Deleted bool `json:"deleted"` Timezone string `json:"timezone"` TimezoneSwitchAt sql.NullTime `json:"timezone_switch_at"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at"` }
type AccountVideo ¶
type AccountVideo struct { Data VideoModel `json:"data"` Pagination }
type AccountVideos ¶
type AccountVideos struct { Data []VideoModel `json:"data"` Pagination }
type Accounts ¶
type Accounts struct { Data []AccountModel `json:"data"` Pagination }
type AddUserToListResponse ¶
type AddUserToListResponse struct {
Users []User `json:"users"`
type ApiError ¶
type ApiError struct { StatusCode int Header http.Header Body string Decoded TwitterErrorResponse URL *url.URL }
func NewApiError ¶
func (*ApiError) RateLimitCheck ¶
Check to see if an error is a Rate Limiting error. If so, find the next available window in the header. Use like so:
if aerr, ok := err.(*ApiError); ok { if isRateLimitError, nextWindow := aerr.RateLimitCheck(); isRateLimitError { <-time.After(nextWindow.Sub(time.Now())) } }
type Campaign ¶
type Campaign struct { Data CampaignModel `json:"data"` Pagination }
type CampaignModel ¶
type CampaignModel struct { Id string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` AccountId string `json:"account_id"` FundingInstrumentId string `json:"funding_instrument_id"` Currency string `json:"currency"` Paused bool `json:"paused"` Deleted bool `json:"deleted"` StandardDelivery bool `json:"standard_delivery"` TotalBudget int64 `json:"total_budget_amount_local_micro"` DailyBudget int64 `json:"daily_budget_amount_local_micro"` StartTime time.Time `json:"start_time"` EndTime sql.NullTime `json:"end_time"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at"` }
type Campaigns ¶
type Campaigns struct { Data []CampaignModel `json:"data"` Pagination }
type ChunkedMedia ¶
type Configuration ¶
type Configuration struct { CharactersReservedPerMedia int `json:"characters_reserved_per_media"` MaxMediaPerUpload int `json:"max_media_per_upload"` NonUsernamePaths []string `json:"non_username_paths"` PhotoSizeLimit int `json:"photo_size_limit"` PhotoSizes struct { Thumb photoSize `json:"thumb"` Small photoSize `json:"small"` Medium photoSize `json:"medium"` Large photoSize `json:"large"` } `json:"photo_sizes"` ShortUrlLength int `json:"short_url_length"` ShortUrlLengthHttps int `json:"short_url_length_https"` }
type Contributor ¶
type Contributor struct { Id int64 `json:"id"` IdStr string `json:"id_str"` ScreenName string `json:"screen_name"` }
Could also use User, since the fields match, but only these fields are possible in Contributor
type ConversionType ¶
type Coordinates ¶
type Data ¶
type Data struct { Id int64 `json:"id"` AccountId string `json:"account_id"` URL string `json:"url"` Entity string `json:"entity"` EntityIds []json.Number `json:"entity_ids"` Placement string `json:"placement"` Granularity string `json:"granularity"` SegmentationType string `json:"segmentation_type"` Country string `json:"country"` Platform string `json:"platform"` Status string `json:"status"` MetricGroups []string `json:"metric_groups"` StartTime time.Time `json:"start_time"` EndTime time.Time `json:"end_time"` }
type DirectMessage ¶
type DirectMessage struct { CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"` Entities Entities `json:"entities"` Id int64 `json:"id"` IdStr string `json:"id_str"` Recipient User `json:"recipient"` RecipientId int64 `json:"recipient_id"` RecipientScreenName string `json:"recipient_screen_name"` Sender User `json:"sender"` SenderId int64 `json:"sender_id"` SenderScreenName string `json:"sender_screen_name"` Text string `json:"text"` }
type DisconnectMessage ¶
type EntityMedia ¶
type EventTweet ¶
type FollowersIdsPage ¶
FIXME: Might want to consolidate this with FriendsIdsPage and just
have "UserIdsPage".
type FollowersPage ¶
type FriendsIdsCursor ¶
type FriendsIdsPage ¶
type FriendsList ¶
type FriendsList []int64
type FriendsPage ¶
type Friendship ¶
type FundingInstrument ¶
type FundingInstrument struct { Data FundingModel `json:"data"` DataType string `json:"data_type"` Request interface{} `json:"request"` }
type FundingInstruments ¶
type FundingInstruments struct { Data []FundingModel `json:"data"` Pagination }
type FundingModel ¶
type FundingModel struct { Id string `json:"id"` AccountId string `json:"account_id"` Currency string `json:"currency"` Type string `json:"type"` Description string `json:"description"` CreditLimit int64 `json:"credit_limit_local_micro"` FundedAmount int64 `json:"funded_amount_local_micro"` Deleted bool `json:"deleted"` Cancelled bool `json:"cancelled"` StartTime time.Time `json:"start_time"` EndTime sql.NullTime `json:"end_time"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at"` }
type GeoSearchResult ¶
type GeoSearchResult struct { Result struct { Places []struct { ID string `json:"id"` URL string `json:"url"` PlaceType string `json:"place_type"` Name string `json:"name"` FullName string `json:"full_name"` CountryCode string `json:"country_code"` Country string `json:"country"` ContainedWithin []struct { ID string `json:"id"` URL string `json:"url"` PlaceType string `json:"place_type"` Name string `json:"name"` FullName string `json:"full_name"` CountryCode string `json:"country_code"` Country string `json:"country"` Centroid []float64 `json:"centroid"` BoundingBox struct { Type string `json:"type"` Coordinates [][][]float64 `json:"coordinates"` } `json:"bounding_box"` Attributes struct { } `json:"attributes"` } `json:"contained_within"` Centroid []float64 `json:"centroid"` BoundingBox struct { Type string `json:"type"` Coordinates [][][]float64 `json:"coordinates"` } `json:"bounding_box"` Attributes struct { } `json:"attributes"` } `json:"places"` } `json:"result"` Query struct { URL string `json:"url"` Type string `json:"type"` Params struct { Accuracy float64 `json:"accuracy"` Granularity string `json:"granularity"` Query string `json:"query"` Autocomplete bool `json:"autocomplete"` TrimPlace bool `json:"trim_place"` } `json:"params"` } `json:"query"` }
type Job ¶
type Job struct { Data Data `json:"data"` Pagination }
type Jobs ¶
type Jobs struct { Data []Data `json:"data"` Pagination }
type LimitNotice ¶
type LimitNotice struct {
Track int64 `json:"track"`
type LineItem ¶
type LineItem struct { Data LineItemModel `json:"data"` Pagination }
type LineItemModel ¶
type LineItemModel struct { Id string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` AccountId string `json:"account_id"` CampaignId string `json:"campaign_id"` BidType string `json:"bid_type"` Placements []string `json:"placements"` ProductType string `json:"product_type"` BidAmount int64 `json:"bid_amount_local_micro"` AutomaticallySelectBid bool `json:"automatically_select_bid"` AdvertiserDomain string `json:"advertiser_domain"` PrimaryWebEventTag string `json:"primary_web_event_tag"` ChargeBy string `json:"charge_by"` BidUnit string `json:"bid_unit"` TotalBudget int64 `json:"total_budget_amount_local_micro"` Objective string `json:"objective"` Paused bool `json:"paused"` Deleted bool `json:"deleted"` Optimization string `json:"optimization"` Categories []string `json:"categories"` Currency string `json:"currency"` IncludeSentiment string `json:"include_sentiment"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at"` }
type LineItems ¶
type LineItems struct { Data []LineItemModel `json:"data"` Pagination }
type List ¶
type List struct { Slug string `json:"slug"` Name string `json:"name"` URL string `json:"uri"` CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"` Id int64 `json:"id"` SubscriberCount int64 `json:"subscriber_count"` MemberCount int64 `json:"member_count"` Mode string `json:"mode"` FullName string `json:"full_name"` Description string `json:"description"` User User `json:"user"` Following bool `json:"following"` }
type ListResponse ¶
type LocationDeletionNotice ¶
type Logger ¶
type Logger interface { Fatal(args ...interface{}) Fatalf(format string, args ...interface{}) Panic(args ...interface{}) Panicf(format string, args ...interface{}) // Log functions Critical(args ...interface{}) Criticalf(format string, args ...interface{}) Error(args ...interface{}) Errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) Warning(args ...interface{}) Warningf(format string, args ...interface{}) Notice(args ...interface{}) Noticef(format string, args ...interface{}) Info(args ...interface{}) Infof(format string, args ...interface{}) Debug(args ...interface{}) Debugf(format string, args ...interface{}) }
The Logger interface provides optional logging ability for the streaming API. It can also be used to log the rate limiting headers if desired.
var BasicLogger Logger
BasicLogger is the equivalent of using log from the standard library to print to STDERR.
type MediaCreative ¶
type MediaCreative struct { Data MediaCreativeModel `json:"data"` Pagination }
type MediaCreativeModel ¶
type MediaCreativeModel struct { Id string `json:"id"` LineItemId string `json:"line_item_id"` AccountMediaId string `json:"account_media_id"` LandingUrl string `json:"landing_url"` Deleted bool `json:"deleted"` ApprovalStatus string `json:"approval_status"` ServingStatus string `json:"serving_status"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at"` }
type MediaCreatives ¶
type MediaCreatives struct { Data []MediaCreativeModel `json:"data"` Pagination }
type MediaSizes ¶
type Metric ¶
type Metric struct { AppClicks []int64 `json:"app_clicks"` BilledCharge []int64 `json:"billed_charge_local_micro"` BilledEngagements []int64 `json:"billed_engagements"` CardEngagements []int64 `json:"card_engagements"` CarouselSwipes []int64 `json:"carousel_swipes"` Clicks []int64 `json:"clicks"` Engagements []int64 `json:"engagements"` Follows []int64 `json:"follows"` Impressions []int64 `json:"impressions"` Likes []int64 `json:"likes"` MediaEngagements []int64 `json:"media_engagements"` MediaViews []int64 `json:"media_views"` PollCardVote []int64 `json:"poll_card_vote"` QualifiedImpressions []int64 `json:"qualified_impressions"` Replies []int64 `json:"replies"` Retweets []int64 `json:"retweets"` TweetsSend []int64 `json:"tweets_send"` Unfollows []int64 `json:"unfollows"` UrlClicks []int64 `json:"url_clicks"` // video metrics ContentStarts []int64 `json:"video_content_starts"` CtaClicks []int64 `json:"video_cta_clicks"` MrcViews []int64 `json:"video_mrc_views"` TotalViews []int64 `json:"video_total_views"` Views25 []int64 `json:"video_views_25"` Views50 []int64 `json:"video_views_50"` Views75 []int64 `json:"video_views_75"` Views100 []int64 `json:"video_views_100"` Views3s100Pct []int64 `json:"video_3s100pct_views"` MobileMetrics WebMetrics }
type Metrics ¶
type Metrics struct { Metric Metric `json:"metrics"` Segment *SegmentType `json:"segment,omitempty"` }
type MobileConversion ¶
type MobileMetrics ¶
type MobileMetrics struct { AchievementsUnlocked MobileConversion `json:"mobile_conversion_achievements_unlocked"` AddToCarts MobileConversion `json:"mobile_conversion_add_to_carts"` AddToWishLists MobileConversion `json:"mobile_conversion_add_to_wishlists"` CheckoutsInitiated MobileConversion `json:"mobile_conversion_checkouts_initiated"` ContentViews MobileConversion `json:"mobile_conversion_content_views"` Downloads MobileConversion `json:"mobile_conversion_downloads"` Installs MobileConversion `json:"mobile_conversion_installs"` Invites MobileConversion `json:"mobile_conversion_invites"` KeyPageViews MobileConversion `json:"mobile_conversion_key_page_views"` LevelsAchieved MobileConversion `json:"mobile_conversion_levels_achieved"` Logins MobileConversion `json:"mobile_conversion_logins"` PaymentInfoAdditions MobileConversion `json:"mobile_conversion_payment_info_additions"` Purchases MobileConversion `json:"mobile_conversion_purchases"` Rates MobileConversion `json:"mobile_conversion_rates"` ReEngages MobileConversion `json:"mobile_conversion_re_engages"` Reservations MobileConversion `json:"mobile_conversion_reservations"` Searches MobileConversion `json:"mobile_conversion_searches"` SignUps MobileConversion `json:"mobile_conversion_sign_ups"` SiteVisits MobileConversion `json:"mobile_conversion_site_visits"` SpentCredits MobileConversion `json:"mobile_conversion_spent_credits"` TutorialsCompleted MobileConversion `json:"mobile_conversion_tutorials_completed"` Updates MobileConversion `json:"mobile_conversion_updates"` }
type Pagination ¶
type Place ¶
type Place struct { Attributes map[string]string `json:"attributes"` BoundingBox struct { Coordinates [][][]float64 `json:"coordinates"` Type string `json:"type"` } `json:"bounding_box"` ContainedWithin []struct { Attributes map[string]string `json:"attributes"` BoundingBox struct { Coordinates [][][]float64 `json:"coordinates"` Type string `json:"type"` } `json:"bounding_box"` Country string `json:"country"` CountryCode string `json:"country_code"` FullName string `json:"full_name"` ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` PlaceType string `json:"place_type"` URL string `json:"url"` } `json:"contained_within"` Country string `json:"country"` CountryCode string `json:"country_code"` FullName string `json:"full_name"` Geometry struct { Coordinates [][][]float64 `json:"coordinates"` Type string `json:"type"` } `json:"geometry"` ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` PlaceType string `json:"place_type"` Polylines []string `json:"polylines"` URL string `json:"url"` }
type PromotedTweet ¶
type PromotedTweet struct { Data PromotedTweetModel `json:"data"` Pagination }
type PromotedTweetModel ¶
type PromotedTweetModel struct { Id string `json:"id"` TweetId string `json:"tweet_id"` LineItemId string `json:"line_item_id"` Paused bool `json:"paused"` Deleted bool `json:"deleted"` Cancelled bool `json:"cancelled"` ApprovalStatus string `json:"approval_status"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at"` }
type PromotedTweets ¶
type PromotedTweets struct { Data []PromotedTweetModel `json:"data"` Pagination }
type Relationship ¶
type RelationshipResponse ¶
type RelationshipResponse struct {
Relationship Relationship `json:"relationship"`
type SearchMetadata ¶
type SearchMetadata struct { CompletedIn float32 `json:"completed_in"` MaxId int64 `json:"max_id"` MaxIdString string `json:"max_id_str"` Query string `json:"query"` RefreshUrl string `json:"refresh_url"` Count int `json:"count"` SinceId int64 `json:"since_id"` SinceIdString string `json:"since_id_str"` NextResults string `json:"next_results"` }
type SearchResponse ¶
type SearchResponse struct { Statuses []Tweet `json:"statuses"` Metadata SearchMetadata `json:"search_metadata"` }
func (*SearchResponse) GetNext ¶
func (sr *SearchResponse) GetNext(a *TwitterApi) (SearchResponse, error)
type SegmentType ¶
type Settings ¶
type Settings struct { AlwaysUseHTTPS bool `json:"always_use_https"` DiscoverableByEmail bool `json:"discoverable_by_email"` GeoEnabled bool `json:"geo_enabled"` Language string `json:"language"` Protected bool `json:"protected"` ScreenName string `json:"screen_name"` ShowAllInlineMedia bool `json:"show_all_inline_media"` SleepTime SleepTime `json:"sleep_time"` TimeZone TimeZone `json:"time_zone"` Locations []TrendLocation `json:"trend_location"` UseCookiePersonalization bool `json:"use_cookie_personalization"` AllowContributorRequest string `json:"allow_contributor_request"` }
type StallWarning ¶
type Stats ¶
type Stats struct { Data []StatsModel `json:"data"` DataType string `json:"data_type"` NextCursor string `json:"next_cursor"` TimeSeriesLength int64 `json:"time_series_length"` Request StatsRequest `json:"request"` }
type StatsModel ¶
type StatsParams ¶
type StatsParams struct { Entity string `json:"entity"` EntityIds []json.Number `json:"entity_ids"` Segmentation string `json:"segmentation_type"` Placement string `json:"placement"` Granularity string `json:"granularity"` Platform string `json:"platform"` Country string `json:"country"` MetricGroups []string `json:"metric_groups"` StartTime time.Time `json:"start_time"` EndTime time.Time `json:"end_time"` }
type StatsRequest ¶
type StatsRequest struct {
Params StatsParams `json:"params"`
type StatusDeletionNotice ¶
type StatusWithheldNotice ¶
type TargetingCriteria ¶
type TargetingCriteria struct { Data []TargetingCriteriaModel `json:"data"` Pagination }
type TargetingCriteriaModel ¶
type TargetingCriteriaModel struct { Id string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` AccountId string `json:"account_id"` LineItemId string `json:"line_item_id"` TargetingType string `json:"targeting_type"` TargetingValue json.Number `json:"targeting_value"` LocationType string `json:"location_type"` Deleted bool `json:"deleted"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"` }
type TooManyFollow ¶
type TrendLocation ¶
type TrendResponse ¶
type Tweet ¶
type Tweet struct { Contributors []int64 `json:"contributors"` // Not yet generally available to all, so hard to test Coordinates *Coordinates `json:"coordinates"` CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"` Entities Entities `json:"entities"` ExtendedEntities Entities `json:"extended_entities"` FavoriteCount int `json:"favorite_count"` Favorited bool `json:"favorited"` FilterLevel string `json:"filter_level"` Id int64 `json:"id"` IdStr string `json:"id_str"` InReplyToScreenName string `json:"in_reply_to_screen_name"` InReplyToStatusID int64 `json:"in_reply_to_status_id"` InReplyToStatusIdStr string `json:"in_reply_to_status_id_str"` InReplyToUserID int64 `json:"in_reply_to_user_id"` InReplyToUserIdStr string `json:"in_reply_to_user_id_str"` Lang string `json:"lang"` Place Place `json:"place"` PossiblySensitive bool `json:"possibly_sensitive"` RetweetCount int `json:"retweet_count"` Retweeted bool `json:"retweeted"` RetweetedStatus *Tweet `json:"retweeted_status"` Source string `json:"source"` Scopes map[string]interface{} `json:"scopes"` Text string `json:"text"` Truncated bool `json:"truncated"` User User `json:"user"` WithheldCopyright bool `json:"withheld_copyright"` WithheldInCountries []string `json:"withheld_in_countries"` WithheldScope string `json:"withheld_scope"` }
func (Tweet) CreatedAtTime ¶
CreatedAtTime is a convenience wrapper that returns the Created_at time, parsed as a time.Time struct
func (Tweet) HasCoordinates ¶
HasCoordinates is a helper function to easily determine if a Tweet has coordinates associated with it
type TwitterApi ¶
type TwitterApi struct { Credentials *oauth.Credentials HttpClient *http.Client // Currently used only for the streaming API // and for checking rate-limiting headers // Default logger is silent Log Logger // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTwitterApi ¶
func NewTwitterApi(access_token string, access_token_secret string) *TwitterApi
NewTwitterApi takes an user-specific access token and secret and returns a TwitterApi struct for that user. The TwitterApi struct can be used for accessing any of the endpoints available.
func (TwitterApi) AddUserToList ¶
func (a TwitterApi) AddUserToList(screenName string, listID int64, v url.Values) (users []User, err error)
AddUserToList implements /lists/members/create.json
func (TwitterApi) BlockUserId ¶
func (TwitterApi) CreateList ¶
CreateList implements /lists/create.json
func (TwitterApi) DeleteTweet ¶
func (a TwitterApi) DeleteTweet(id int64, trimUser bool) (tweet Tweet, err error)
DeleteTweet will destroy (delete) the status (tweet) with the specified ID, assuming that the authenticated user is the author of the status (tweet). If trimUser is set to true, only the user's Id will be provided in the user object returned.
func (*TwitterApi) DisableThrottling ¶
func (c *TwitterApi) DisableThrottling()
Disable query throttling
func (*TwitterApi) EnableThrottling ¶
func (c *TwitterApi) EnableThrottling(rate time.Duration, bufferSize int64)
Enable query throttling using the tokenbucket algorithm
func (TwitterApi) Favorite ¶
func (a TwitterApi) Favorite(id int64) (rt Tweet, err error)
Favorite will favorite the status (tweet) with the specified ID.
func (TwitterApi) FollowUser ¶
func (a TwitterApi) FollowUser(screenName string) (user User, err error)
FollowUserId follows the user with the specified screenname (username). This implements the /friendships/create endpoint, though the function name uses the terminology 'follow' as this is most consistent with colloquial Twitter terminology.
func (TwitterApi) FollowUserId ¶
FollowUserId follows the user with the specified userId. This implements the /friendships/create endpoint, though the function name uses the terminology 'follow' as this is most consistent with colloquial Twitter terminology.
func (TwitterApi) GeoSearch ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GeoSearch(v url.Values) (c GeoSearchResult, err error)
func (TwitterApi) GetAccountById ¶
func (TwitterApi) GetAccountSettings ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetAccountSettings(v url.Values) (s Settings, err error)
Returns settings for the authenticating user.
func (TwitterApi) GetAccountStats ¶
func (TwitterApi) GetAccountVideoById ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetAccountVideoById(accountid, videoid string, values url.Values) (video AccountVideo, err error)
func (TwitterApi) GetAccountVideos ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetAccountVideos(accountid string, values url.Values) (videos AccountVideos, err error)
func (TwitterApi) GetAccounts ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetAccounts(values url.Values) (accounts Accounts, err error)
func (TwitterApi) GetAllCampaigns ¶
func (TwitterApi) GetAllFundingInstruments ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetAllFundingInstruments(accountid string, values url.Values) (instruments FundingInstruments, err error)
func (TwitterApi) GetAllLineItems ¶
func (TwitterApi) GetAllMediaCreatives ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetAllMediaCreatives(accountid string, values url.Values) (creatives MediaCreatives, err error)
func (TwitterApi) GetAllPromotedTweets ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetAllPromotedTweets(accountid string, values url.Values) (tweets PromotedTweets, err error)
func (TwitterApi) GetBlocksIds ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetBlocksIds(v url.Values) (c Cursor, err error)
func (TwitterApi) GetBlocksList ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetBlocksList(v url.Values) (c UserCursor, err error)
func (TwitterApi) GetCampaignById ¶
func (TwitterApi) GetCampaigns ¶
func (TwitterApi) GetConfiguration ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetConfiguration(v url.Values) (conf Configuration, err error)
func (*TwitterApi) GetDelay ¶
func (c *TwitterApi) GetDelay() time.Duration
func (TwitterApi) GetDirectMessages ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetDirectMessages(v url.Values) (messages []DirectMessage, err error)
func (TwitterApi) GetDirectMessagesSent ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetDirectMessagesSent(v url.Values) (messages []DirectMessage, err error)
func (TwitterApi) GetDirectMessagesShow ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetDirectMessagesShow(v url.Values) (messages []DirectMessage, err error)
func (TwitterApi) GetFavorites ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetFavorites(v url.Values) (favorites []Tweet, err error)
func (TwitterApi) GetFollowersIds ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetFollowersIds(v url.Values) (c Cursor, err error)
func (TwitterApi) GetFollowersIdsAll ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetFollowersIdsAll(v url.Values) (result chan FollowersIdsPage)
Like GetFollowersIds, but returns a channel instead of a cursor and pre-fetches the remaining results This channel is closed once all values have been fetched
func (TwitterApi) GetFollowersList ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetFollowersList(v url.Values) (c UserCursor, err error)
func (TwitterApi) GetFollowersListAll ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetFollowersListAll(v url.Values) (result chan FollowersPage)
Like GetFollowersList, but returns a channel instead of a cursor and pre-fetches the remaining results This channel is closed once all values have been fetched
Example ¶
Fetch a list of all followers without any need for managing cursors (Each page is automatically fetched when the previous one is read)
pages := api.GetFollowersListAll(nil) for page := range pages { //Print the current page of followers fmt.Println(page.Followers) }
func (TwitterApi) GetFollowersUser ¶
func (TwitterApi) GetFriendsIds ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetFriendsIds(v url.Values) (c Cursor, err error)
func (TwitterApi) GetFriendsIdsAll ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetFriendsIdsAll(v url.Values) (result chan FriendsIdsPage)
Like GetFriendsIds, but returns a channel instead of a cursor and pre-fetches the remaining results This channel is closed once all values have been fetched
func (TwitterApi) GetFriendsList ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetFriendsList(v url.Values) (c UserCursor, err error)
func (TwitterApi) GetFriendsListAll ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetFriendsListAll(v url.Values) (result chan FriendsPage)
Like GetFriendsList, but returns a channel instead of a cursor and pre-fetches the remaining results This channel is closed once all values have been fetched
func (TwitterApi) GetFriendsUser ¶
func (TwitterApi) GetFriendshipsIncoming ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetFriendshipsIncoming(v url.Values) (c Cursor, err error)
func (TwitterApi) GetFriendshipsLookup ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetFriendshipsLookup(v url.Values) (friendships []Friendship, err error)
func (TwitterApi) GetFriendshipsNoRetweets ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetFriendshipsNoRetweets() (ids []int64, err error)
GetFriendshipsNoRetweets s a collection of user_ids that the currently authenticated user does not want to receive retweets from. It does not currently support the stringify_ids parameter
func (TwitterApi) GetFriendshipsOutgoing ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetFriendshipsOutgoing(v url.Values) (c Cursor, err error)
func (TwitterApi) GetFriendshipsShow ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetFriendshipsShow(v url.Values) (relationshipResponse RelationshipResponse, err error)
func (TwitterApi) GetFundingInstrumentById ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetFundingInstrumentById(accountid, instrumentid string, values url.Values) (instrument FundingInstrument, err error)
func (TwitterApi) GetFundingInstruments ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetFundingInstruments(accountid string, values url.Values) (instruments FundingInstruments, err error)
func (TwitterApi) GetHomeTimeline ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetHomeTimeline(v url.Values) (timeline []Tweet, err error)
GetHomeTimeline returns the most recent tweets and retweets posted by the user and the users that they follow. By default, include_entities is set to "true"
func (TwitterApi) GetLineItemById ¶
func (TwitterApi) GetLineItems ¶
func (TwitterApi) GetListTweets ¶
func (TwitterApi) GetListsOwnedBy ¶
GetListsOwnedBy implements /lists/ownerships.json screen_name, count, and cursor are all optional values
func (TwitterApi) GetMediaCreativeById ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetMediaCreativeById(accountid, creativeid string, values url.Values) (creative MediaCreative, err error)
func (TwitterApi) GetMediaCreatives ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetMediaCreatives(accountid string, values url.Values) (creatives MediaCreatives, err error)
func (TwitterApi) GetMentionsTimeline ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetMentionsTimeline(v url.Values) (timeline []Tweet, err error)
func (TwitterApi) GetMutedUsersIds ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetMutedUsersIds(v url.Values) (c Cursor, err error)
func (TwitterApi) GetMutedUsersList ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetMutedUsersList(v url.Values) (c UserCursor, err error)
func (TwitterApi) GetOEmbed ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetOEmbed(v url.Values) (o OEmbed, err error)
No authorization on this endpoint. Its the only one.
func (TwitterApi) GetOEmbedId ¶
Calls GetOEmbed with the corresponding id. Convenience wrapper for GetOEmbed()
func (TwitterApi) GetPromotedTweetById ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetPromotedTweetById(accountid, tweetid string, values url.Values) (tweet PromotedTweet, err error)
func (TwitterApi) GetPromotedTweets ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetPromotedTweets(accountid string, values url.Values) (tweets PromotedTweets, err error)
func (TwitterApi) GetRetweets ¶
func (TwitterApi) GetRetweetsOfMe ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetRetweetsOfMe(v url.Values) (tweets []Tweet, err error)
func (TwitterApi) GetSearch ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetSearch(queryString string, v url.Values) (sr SearchResponse, err error)
Example ¶
package main import ( "fmt" anaconda "." ) func main() { anaconda.SetConsumerKey("your-consumer-key") anaconda.SetConsumerSecret("your-consumer-secret") api := anaconda.NewTwitterApi("your-access-token", "your-access-token-secret") search_result, err := api.GetSearch("golang", nil) if err != nil { panic(err) } for _, tweet := range search_result.Statuses { fmt.Print(tweet.Text) } }
func (TwitterApi) GetSelf ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetSelf(v url.Values) (u User, err error)
Get the user object for the authenticated user. Requests /account/verify_credentials
func (TwitterApi) GetStatsJobs ¶
func (TwitterApi) GetTargetingCriteria ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetTargetingCriteria(accountid string, values url.Values) (tc TargetingCriteria, err error)
func (TwitterApi) GetTrendsAvailableLocations ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetTrendsAvailableLocations(v url.Values) (locations []TrendLocation, err error)
func (TwitterApi) GetTrendsByPlace ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetTrendsByPlace(id int64, v url.Values) (trendResp TrendResponse, err error)
func (TwitterApi) GetTrendsClosestLocations ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetTrendsClosestLocations(lat float64, long float64, v url.Values) (locations []TrendLocation, err error)
func (TwitterApi) GetTweetsLookupByIds ¶
func (TwitterApi) GetUserSearch ¶
func (TwitterApi) GetUserTimeline ¶
func (a TwitterApi) GetUserTimeline(v url.Values) (timeline []Tweet, err error)
func (TwitterApi) GetUsersLookup ¶
func (TwitterApi) GetUsersLookupByIds ¶
func (TwitterApi) GetUsersShow ¶
func (TwitterApi) GetUsersShowById ¶
func (TwitterApi) MuteUserId ¶
func (TwitterApi) ParseStatsJobs ¶
func (a TwitterApi) ParseStatsJobs(url string) (stats Stats, err error)
func (TwitterApi) PostDMToScreenName ¶
func (a TwitterApi) PostDMToScreenName(text, screenName string) (message DirectMessage, err error)
func (TwitterApi) PostDMToUserId ¶
func (a TwitterApi) PostDMToUserId(text string, userId int64) (message DirectMessage, err error)
func (TwitterApi) PostStatsJobs ¶
func (TwitterApi) PublicStreamFilter ¶
func (a TwitterApi) PublicStreamFilter(v url.Values) (stream *Stream)
XXX: PublicStream(Track|Follow|Locations) func is needed?
func (TwitterApi) PublicStreamFirehose ¶
func (a TwitterApi) PublicStreamFirehose(v url.Values) (stream *Stream)
XXX: To use this API authority is requied. but I dont have this. I cant test.
func (TwitterApi) PublicStreamSample ¶
func (a TwitterApi) PublicStreamSample(v url.Values) (stream *Stream)
func (*TwitterApi) ReturnRateLimitError ¶
func (c *TwitterApi) ReturnRateLimitError(b bool)
ReturnRateLimitError specifies behavior when the Twitter API returns a rate-limit error. If set to true, the query will fail and return the error instead of automatically queuing and retrying the query when the rate limit expires
func (TwitterApi) Retweet ¶
func (a TwitterApi) Retweet(id int64, trimUser bool) (rt Tweet, err error)
Retweet will retweet the status (tweet) with the specified ID. trimUser functions as in DeleteTweet
func (*TwitterApi) SetBaseUrl ¶
func (c *TwitterApi) SetBaseUrl(baseUrl string)
SetBaseUrl is experimental and may be removed in future releases.
func (*TwitterApi) SetDelay ¶
func (c *TwitterApi) SetDelay(t time.Duration)
SetDelay will set the delay between throttled queries To turn of throttling, set it to 0 seconds
func (*TwitterApi) SetLogger ¶
func (c *TwitterApi) SetLogger(l Logger)
SetLogger sets the Logger used by the API client. The default logger is silent. BasicLogger will log to STDERR using the log package from the standard library.
func (TwitterApi) SiteStream ¶
func (a TwitterApi) SiteStream(v url.Values) (stream *Stream)
XXX: To use this API authority is requied. but I dont have this. I cant test.
func (TwitterApi) UnblockUser ¶
func (TwitterApi) UnblockUserId ¶
func (TwitterApi) Unfavorite ¶
func (a TwitterApi) Unfavorite(id int64) (rt Tweet, err error)
Un-favorites the status specified in the ID parameter as the authenticating user. Returns the un-favorited status in the requested format when successful.
func (TwitterApi) UnfollowUser ¶
func (a TwitterApi) UnfollowUser(screenname string) (u User, err error)
UnfollowUser unfollows the user with the specified screenname (username) This implements the /friendships/destroy endpoint, though the function name uses the terminology 'unfollow' as this is most consistent with colloquial Twitter terminology.
func (TwitterApi) UnfollowUserId ¶
func (a TwitterApi) UnfollowUserId(userId int64) (u User, err error)
UnfollowUserId unfollows the user with the specified userId. This implements the /friendships/destroy endpoint, though the function name uses the terminology 'unfollow' as this is most consistent with colloquial Twitter terminology.
func (TwitterApi) UnmuteUser ¶
func (TwitterApi) UnmuteUserId ¶
func (TwitterApi) UploadMedia ¶
func (a TwitterApi) UploadMedia(base64String string) (media Media, err error)
func (TwitterApi) UploadVideoAppend ¶
func (a TwitterApi) UploadVideoAppend(mediaIdString string, segmentIndex int, base64String string) error
func (TwitterApi) UploadVideoFinalize ¶
func (a TwitterApi) UploadVideoFinalize(mediaIdString string) (videoMedia VideoMedia, err error)
func (TwitterApi) UploadVideoInit ¶
func (a TwitterApi) UploadVideoInit(totalBytes int, mimeType string) (chunkedMedia ChunkedMedia, err error)
func (TwitterApi) UserStream ¶
func (a TwitterApi) UserStream(v url.Values) (stream *Stream)
func (TwitterApi) VerifyCredentials ¶
func (a TwitterApi) VerifyCredentials() (ok bool, err error)
Verify the credentials by making a very small request
type TwitterError ¶
TwitterError represents a single Twitter error messages/code pair
func (TwitterError) Error ¶
func (te TwitterError) Error() string
type TwitterErrorResponse ¶
type TwitterErrorResponse struct {
Errors []TwitterError `json:"errors"`
TwitterErrorResponse has an array of Twitter error messages It satisfies the "error" interface For the most part, Twitter seems to return only a single error message Currently, we assume that this always contains exactly one error message
func (TwitterErrorResponse) Error ¶
func (tr TwitterErrorResponse) Error() string
func (TwitterErrorResponse) First ¶
func (tr TwitterErrorResponse) First() error
type User ¶
type User struct { ContributorsEnabled bool `json:"contributors_enabled"` CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"` DefaultProfile bool `json:"default_profile"` DefaultProfileImage bool `json:"default_profile_image"` Description string `json:"description"` Entities Entities `json:"entities"` FavouritesCount int `json:"favourites_count"` FollowRequestSent bool `json:"follow_request_sent"` FollowersCount int `json:"followers_count"` Following bool `json:"following"` FriendsCount int `json:"friends_count"` GeoEnabled bool `json:"geo_enabled"` Id int64 `json:"id"` IdStr string `json:"id_str"` IsTranslator bool `json:"is_translator"` Lang string `json:"lang"` // BCP-47 code of user defined language ListedCount int64 `json:"listed_count"` Location string `json:"location"` // User defined location Name string `json:"name"` Notifications bool `json:"notifications"` ProfileBackgroundColor string `json:"profile_background_color"` ProfileBackgroundImageURL string `json:"profile_background_image_url"` ProfileBackgroundImageUrlHttps string `json:"profile_background_image_url_https"` ProfileBackgroundTile bool `json:"profile_background_tile"` ProfileBannerURL string `json:"profile_banner_url"` ProfileImageURL string `json:"profile_image_url"` ProfileImageUrlHttps string `json:"profile_image_url_https"` ProfileLinkColor string `json:"profile_link_color"` ProfileSidebarBorderColor string `json:"profile_sidebar_border_color"` ProfileSidebarFillColor string `json:"profile_sidebar_fill_color"` ProfileTextColor string `json:"profile_text_color"` ProfileUseBackgroundImage bool `json:"profile_use_background_image"` Protected bool `json:"protected"` ScreenName string `json:"screen_name"` ShowAllInlineMedia bool `json:"show_all_inline_media"` Status *Tweet `json:"status"` // Only included if the user is a friend StatusesCount int64 `json:"statuses_count"` TimeZone string `json:"time_zone"` URL string `json:"url"` // From UTC in seconds UtcOffset int `json:"utc_offset"` Verified bool `json:"verified"` WithheldInCountries []string `json:"withheld_in_countries"` WithheldScope string `json:"withheld_scope"` }
type UserCursor ¶
type UserWithheldNotice ¶
type VideoMedia ¶
type VideoModel ¶
type VideoModel struct { Id string `json:"id"` Title string `json:"title"` Tweeted bool `json:"tweeted"` ReadyToTweet bool `json:"ready_to_tweet"` Deleted bool `json:"deleted"` Duration int64 `json:"duration"` Description string `json:"description"` PreviewUrl string `json:"preview_url"` ReasonsNotServable []string `json:"reasons_not_servable"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at"` }
type WebMetrics ¶
type WebMetrics struct { ConversionCustom ConversionType `json:"conversion_custom"` ConversionDownloads ConversionType `json:"conversion_downloads"` ConversionPurchases ConversionType `json:"conversion_purchases"` ConversionSignUps ConversionType `json:"conversion_sign_ups"` ConversionSiteVisits ConversionType `json:"conversion_site_visits"` }
Source Files ¶
- account.go
- ads.go
- backoff.go
- blocks.go
- configuration.go
- directmessage.go
- directmessages.go
- errors.go
- favorites.go
- friends_followers.go
- geosearch.go
- jobs.go
- list.go
- lists.go
- log.go
- media.go
- mutes.go
- oembed.go
- place.go
- relationship.go
- search.go
- streaming.go
- timeline.go
- trends.go
- tweet.go
- tweets.go
- twitter.go
- twitter_account.go
- twitter_ads.go
- twitter_entities.go
- twitter_stats.go
- twitter_user.go
- users.go