Index ¶
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
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var Annotations = []Mapping{ annotateType("File", nil, role.File), annotateType("CommentGroup", nil, role.Comment, role.List), mapAST("Comment", MapObj(Obj{ "Text": UncommentCLike("text"), }, Obj{ uast.KeyToken: Var("text"), }), role.Comment), annotateType("BadExpr", nil, role.Incomplete), annotateType("Ident", FieldRoles{ "Name": {Rename: uast.KeyToken}, }, role.Identifier), annotateTypeCustom("BasicLit", MapObj(Obj{ "Value": Var("val"), "Kind": Var("kind"), }, Fields{ {Name: "Kind", Op: Var("kind")}, {Name: uast.KeyToken, Op: Var("val")}, }), LookupArrOpVar("kind", literalRoles), role.Literal, role.Primitive), annotateTypeCustom("BinaryExpr", MapObj(Obj{ "X": ObjectRoles("left"), "Y": ObjectRoles("right"), "Op": Var("op"), }, JoinObj(Fields{ operator("Op", "op", opRolesBinary, role.Binary), }, Obj{ "X": ObjectRoles("left", role.Binary, role.Left), "Y": ObjectRoles("right", role.Binary, role.Right), })), LookupArrOpVar("op", opRolesBinary), role.Binary), annotateTypeCustom("UnaryExpr", MapObj(Obj{ "X": Var("x"), "Op": Var("op"), }, Fields{ operator("Op", "op", opRolesUnary, role.Unary), {Name: "X", Op: Var("x")}, }), LookupArrOpVar("op", opRolesUnary), role.Unary), annotateTypeCustom("IncDecStmt", MapObj(Obj{ "X": Var("x"), "Tok": Var("op"), }, Fields{ operator("Op", "op", opIncDec, role.Unary), {Name: "X", Op: Var("x")}, }), LookupArrOpVar("op", opIncDec), role.Unary), annotateType("BlockStmt", nil, role.Block, role.Scope), annotateTypeCustom("AssignStmt", MapObj(Obj{ "Lhs": EachObjectRoles("left"), "Rhs": EachObjectRoles("right"), "Tok": Var("op"), }, Fields{ operator("Op", "op", opAssign, role.Operator, role.Assignment, role.Binary), {Name: "Lhs", Op: EachObjectRoles("left", role.Assignment, role.Binary, role.Left)}, {Name: "Rhs", Op: EachObjectRoles("right", role.Assignment, role.Binary, role.Right)}, }), LookupArrOpVar("op", opAssign), role.Assignment, role.Binary), annotateType("IfStmt", FieldRoles{ "Init": {Opt: true, Roles: role.Roles{role.If, role.Initialization}}, "Cond": {Roles: role.Roles{role.If, role.Condition}}, "Body": {Roles: role.Roles{role.Then, role.Body}}, "Else": {Opt: true, Roles: role.Roles{role.Else}}, }, role.If), annotateType("SwitchStmt", FieldRoles{ "Init": {Opt: true, Roles: role.Roles{role.Switch, role.Initialization}}, "Body": {Roles: role.Roles{role.Switch, role.Body}}, }, role.Switch), annotateType("TypeSwitchStmt", FieldRoles{ "Init": {Opt: true, Roles: role.Roles{role.Switch, role.Initialization}}, "Body": {Roles: role.Roles{role.Switch, role.Body}}, }, role.Switch, role.Incomplete), annotateType("SelectStmt", ObjRoles{ "Body": {role.Switch, role.Body}, }, role.Switch, role.Incomplete), annotateType("ForStmt", FieldRoles{ "Init": {Opt: true, Roles: role.Roles{role.For, role.Initialization}}, "Cond": {Opt: true, Roles: role.Roles{role.For, role.Condition}}, "Body": {Roles: role.Roles{role.For, role.Body}}, "Post": {Opt: true, Roles: role.Roles{role.For, role.Update}}, }, role.For), annotateType("RangeStmt", FieldRoles{ "Key": {Opt: true, Roles: role.Roles{role.For, role.Iterator, role.Key}}, "Value": {Opt: true, Roles: role.Roles{role.For, role.Iterator, role.Value}}, "X": {}, "Body": {Roles: role.Roles{role.For, role.Body}}, }, role.For, role.Iterator), annotateTypeCustom("BranchStmt", FieldRoles{ "Tok": {Op: Var("tok")}, "Label": {}, }, LookupArrOpVar("tok", branchRoles)), annotateType("ImportSpec", FieldRoles{ "Name": {Opt: true, Roles: role.Roles{role.Import, role.Alias}}, "Path": {Roles: role.Roles{role.Import, role.Pathname}}, }, role.Import, role.Declaration), annotateType("ValueSpec", ObjRoles{ "Type": {role.Type}, }, role.Declaration), annotateType("TypeSpec", ObjRoles{ "Type": {role.Type}, }, role.Declaration), annotateType("ArrayType", ObjRoles{ "Elt": {role.Entry}, }, role.Type, role.List), annotateType("MapType", ObjRoles{ "Key": {role.Key}, "Value": {role.Entry}, }, role.Type, role.Map), annotateType("FuncLit", ObjRoles{ "Type": {role.Type}, "Body": {role.Body}, }), annotateType("StructType", FieldRoles{ "Fields": {Sub: FieldRoles{ "List": {Arr: true, Sub: astField{ Roles: role.Roles{role.Entry}, }}, }}, }, role.Type), annotateType("InterfaceType", FieldRoles{ "Methods": {Sub: FieldRoles{ "List": {Arr: true, Sub: astField{Roles: role.Roles{role.Entry}}, }, }, Roles: role.Roles{role.Function, role.List}}, }, role.Type, role.Incomplete), annotateType("FuncType", FieldRoles{ "Params": {Sub: FieldRoles{ "List": {Arr: true, Sub: astField{Roles: role.Roles{role.Argument}}, }, }, Roles: role.Roles{role.ArgsList}}, "Results": {Opt: true, Sub: FieldRoles{ "List": {Arr: true, Sub: astField{Roles: role.Roles{role.Return, role.Argument}}, }, }, Roles: role.Roles{role.Return, role.ArgsList}}, }, role.Function, role.Type), annotateType("FuncDecl", FieldRoles{ "Recv": {Opt: true, Sub: FieldRoles{ "List": {Arr: true, Sub: astField{ Inherit: true, Roles: role.Roles{role.Function, role.Receiver}, }}, }, Roles: role.Roles{role.Function, role.Receiver, role.List}}, "Name": {Roles: role.Roles{role.Function, role.Name}}, "Type": {Roles: role.Roles{role.Function, role.Type}}, "Body": {Roles: role.Roles{role.Function, role.Body}}, }, role.Function, role.Declaration), annotateType("GenDecl", FieldRoles{ "Tok": {Op: isGoTok(token.VAR)}, "Specs": {Arr: true, Sub: FieldRoles{ "Names": {Arr: true, Roles: role.Roles{role.Variable, role.Name}}, }}, }, role.Variable, role.Declaration), annotateType("GenDecl", FieldRoles{ "Tok": {Op: isGoTok(token.CONST)}, "Specs": {Arr: true, Sub: FieldRoles{ "Names": {Arr: true, Roles: role.Roles{role.Name}}, }}, }, role.Incomplete, role.Declaration), annotateType("GenDecl", FieldRoles{ "Tok": {Op: isGoTok(token.TYPE)}, "Specs": {Arr: true, Sub: FieldRoles{ "Name": {Roles: role.Roles{role.Type, role.Name}}, }}, }, role.Type, role.Declaration), annotateType("GenDecl", FieldRoles{ "Tok": {Op: isGoTok(token.IMPORT)}, }, role.Declaration), annotateType("CallExpr", FieldRoles{ "Fun": {Roles: role.Roles{role.Callee}}, "Args": {Arr: true, Roles: role.Roles{role.Argument, role.Positional}}, }, role.Call), annotateType("KeyValueExpr", ObjRoles{ "Key": {role.Key}, "Value": {role.Value}, }), annotateType("CaseClause", nil, role.Case), annotateType("CommClause", nil, role.Case, role.Incomplete), annotateType("ReturnStmt", nil, role.Return), annotateType("GoStmt", nil, role.Incomplete), annotateType("SelectorExpr", nil, role.Incomplete), annotateType("CompositeLit", nil, role.Literal), annotateType("ChanType", nil, role.Type, role.Incomplete), annotateType("ExprStmt", nil), annotateType("DeclStmt", nil), annotateType("DeferStmt", nil, role.Incomplete), annotateType("SendStmt", nil, role.Incomplete), annotateType("LabeledStmt", nil), annotateType("Ellipsis", nil), annotateType("SliceExpr", nil), annotateType("IndexExpr", nil), annotateType("StarExpr", nil), annotateType("TypeAssertExpr", nil, role.Incomplete), annotateType("ParenExpr", nil, role.Incomplete), }
Annotations is a list of individual transformations to annotate a native AST with roles.
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var Code []CodeTransformer // deprecated
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var Native = Transformers([][]Transformer{ {Mappings(Annotations...)}, { Mappings( AnnotateIfNoRoles("FieldList", role.Incomplete), ), RolesDedup(), }, }...)
Native is the of list `transformer.Transformer` to apply to a native AST. To learn more about the Transformers and the available ones take a look to:
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var Normalize = Transformers([][]Transformer{ {Mappings(Normalizers...)}, }...)
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var Normalizers = []Mapping{ MapSemanticPos("Ident", uast.Identifier{}, map[string]string{ "NamePos": "start", }, ObjMap{"Name": Var("name")}, ), MapSemanticPos("BasicLit", uast.String{}, map[string]string{ "ValuePos": "start", }, MapObj( Obj{ "Kind": isGoTok(token.STRING), "Value": Quote(Var("val")), }, Obj{ "Value": Var("val"), "Format": String(""), }, ), ), MapSemanticPos("Comment", uast.Comment{}, map[string]string{ "Slash": "start", }, MapObj( Obj{ "Text": commentNorm{ text: "text", block: "block", pref: "pref", suff: "suff", tab: "tab", }, }, Fields{ {Name: "Block", Op: Var("block")}, {Name: "Prefix", Op: Var("pref")}, {Name: "Suffix", Op: Var("suff")}, {Name: "Tab", Op: Var("tab")}, {Name: "Text", Op: Var("text")}, }, ), ), MapSemanticPos("BlockStmt", uast.Block{}, map[string]string{ "Lbrace": "start", "Rbrace": "rbrace", }, MapObj( Obj{ "List": Var("stmts"), }, Obj{ "Statements": Var("stmts"), }, ), ), MapPart("flist", ObjMap{ uast.KeyType: String("FieldList"), "List": Map( fieldSplit{vr: "fields"}, Var("fields"), ), }), MapSemanticPos("ImportSpec", uast.Import{}, map[string]string{ "EndPos": "endp", }, MapObj( Obj{ "Comment": Is(nil), "Doc": Is(nil), "Path": Var("path"), "Name": Cases("case", Is(nil), UASTType(uast.Identifier{}, Obj{ uast.KeyPos: AnyNode(nil), "Name": String("_"), }), UASTType(uast.Identifier{}, Obj{ uast.KeyPos: AnyNode(nil), "Name": String("."), }), ), }, CasesObj("case", Obj{ "Path": Var("path"), }, Objs{ { "All": Bool(true), "Names": Arr(), "Target": Is(nil), }, { "All": Bool(false), "Names": Arr(), "Target": Is(nil), }, { "All": Bool(true), "Names": Arr(), "Target": Obj{"Scope": String(".")}, }, }, ), ), ), MapSemanticPos("ImportSpec", uast.Import{}, map[string]string{ "EndPos": "endp", }, MapObj( Obj{ "Comment": Is(nil), "Doc": Is(nil), "Name": UASTType(uast.Identifier{}, Obj{ uast.KeyPos: Var("alias_pos"), "Name": Var("alias"), }), "Path": UASTType(uast.String{}, Obj{ uast.KeyPos: Var("path_pos"), "Value": Var("path"), "Format": String(""), }), }, Obj{ "Path": UASTType(uast.Alias{}, Obj{ "Name": UASTType(uast.Identifier{}, Obj{ uast.KeyPos: Var("alias_pos"), "Name": Var("alias"), }), "Node": UASTType(uast.String{}, Obj{ uast.KeyPos: Var("path_pos"), "Value": Var("path"), "Format": String(""), }), }), "All": Bool(true), "Names": Arr(), }, ), ), MapPart("func", ObjMap{ uast.KeyType: String("FuncType"), "Params": Map( Obj{ uast.KeyType: String("FieldList"), uast.KeyPos: AnyNode(nil), "List": Cases("list", Is(nil), Check(NotNil(), Var("args")), ), }, Cases("list", Arr(), Check(NotNil(), Var("args")), ), ), "Results": Map( Cases("res", Is(nil), Obj{ uast.KeyType: String("FieldList"), uast.KeyPos: AnyNode(nil), "List": Var("out"), }, ), Cases("res", Is(nil), Var("out"), ), ), }), MapPart("func", ObjMap{ uast.KeyType: String("FuncType"), "Params": MapEach("args", fieldMap), "Results": MapEach("res", fieldMap), }), MapSemanticPos("FuncType", uast.FunctionType{}, map[string]string{ "Func": "pos_func", }, MapObj( Obj{ "Params": Var("args"), "Results": Var("out"), }, Obj{ "Arguments": Var("args"), "Returns": Var("out"), }, ), ), MapPart("func", ObjMap{ uast.KeyType: String("FuncDecl"), "Recv": Map( Cases("recv", Is(nil), Obj{ uast.KeyType: String("FieldList"), uast.KeyPos: AnyNode(nil), "List": Var("out"), }, ), Cases("recv", Is(nil), Var("out"), ), ), }), MapPart("func", ObjMap{ uast.KeyType: String("FuncDecl"), "Recv": MapEach("recv", fieldMap), }), MapSemantic("FuncDecl", uast.FunctionGroup{}, MapObj( CasesObj("recv_case", Obj{ "Name": Var("name"), "Body": Var("body"), "Doc": Var("doc"), }, Objs{ { "Type": Var("type"), "Recv": Is(nil), }, { "Type": UASTTypePart("type", uast.FunctionType{}, Obj{ "Arguments": Var("args"), }), "Recv": One( UASTTypePart("recv", uast.Argument{}, Obj{ "Receiver": Bool(false), }), ), }, }, ), Obj{ "Nodes": Arr( Var("doc"), UASTType(uast.Alias{}, Obj{ "Name": Var("name"), "Node": UASTType(uast.Function{}, CasesObj("recv_case", Obj{ "Body": Var("body"), }, Objs{ { "Type": Var("type"), }, { "Type": UASTTypePart("type", uast.FunctionType{}, Obj{ "Arguments": PrependOne( UASTTypePart("recv", uast.Argument{}, Obj{ "Receiver": Bool(true), }), Var("args"), ), }), }, }, )), }), ), }, ), ), }
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var Preprocess = Transformers([][]Transformer{ {Mappings( MapPart("_", MapObj( Obj{ uast.KeyType: String("File"), "Unresolved": AnyNode(nil), }, Obj{ uast.KeyType: String("File"), }, )), )}, }...)
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var PreprocessCode []CodeTransformer
PreprocessCode is a special block of transformations that are applied at the end and can access original source code file. It can be used to improve or fix positional information.
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var Transforms = driver.Transforms{ Namespace: "go", Preprocess: Preprocess, PreprocessCode: PreprocessCode, Normalize: Normalize, Annotations: Native, Code: Code, }
Functions ¶
Types ¶
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