Photo by Ashley McNamara, via ashleymcnamara/gophers (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Multitenancy Approaches
There are three common approaches to multitenancy in a database:
- Shared database, shared schema
- Shared database, separate schemas
- Separate databases
This package implements the shared database, separate schemas approach to multitenancy, providing custom drivers for seamless integration with your existing database setup.
- GORM Integration: Uses the gorm ORM to manage the database, allowing for easy integration with your existing GORM setup.
- Custom Database Drivers: Provides custom drivers to support multitenancy, allowing you to easily swap and change with your existing drivers with minimal initialization reconfiguration.
- HTTP Middleware: Includes middleware for seamless integration with certain routers, enabling the retrieval of the tenant from the request and setting the tenant in context.
Database compatibility
Current supported databases are listed below. Pull requests for other drivers are welcome.
Router Integration
This package includes middleware that can be utilized with the routers listed below for seamless integration with the database drivers. While not a requirement, these routers are fully compatible with the provided middleware. Contributions for other routers are welcome.
go get -u github.com/bartventer/gorm-multitenancy/v2
PostgreSQL driver
- The driver uses the
schema for public models and the tenant specific schema for tenant specific models
- All models must implement the
- The table name for public models must be prefixed with
(e.g. public.books
), whereas the table name for tenant specific models must not contain any prefix (e.g. only books
- All tenant specific models must implement the TenantTabler interface, which classifies the model as a tenant specific model:
- The
interface has a single method IsTenantTable() bool
which returns true
if the model is tenant specific and false
- The
interface is used to determine which models to migrate when calling MigratePublicSchema
or CreateSchemaForTenant
- Models can be registered in two ways:
- When creating the dialect, by passing the models as variadic arguments to
(e.g. postgres.New(postgres.Config{...}, &Book{}, &Tenant{})
) or by calling postgres.Open
(e.g. postgres.Open("postgres://...", &Book{}, &Tenant{})
- By calling
(e.g. postgres.RegisterModels(db, &Book{}, &Tenant{})
- Migrations can be performed in two ways (after registering the models):
- To drop a tenant schema, call
; this will drop the schema and all tables in the schema
Foreign Key Constraints
- Conforming to the above conventions, foreign key constraints between public and tenant specific models can be created just as if you were using approach 1 (shared database, shared schema).
- The easiest way to get this working is to embed the postgres.TenantModel struct in your tenant model. This will add the necessary fields for the tenant model (e.g.
and SchemaName
), you can then create a foreign key constraint between the public and tenant specific models using the SchemaName
field as the foreign key (e.g. gorm:"foreignKey:TenantSchema;references:SchemaName"
); off course, you can also create foreign key constraints between any other fields in the models.
Operations on Tenant-Specific Models
Outlined below are two approaches to perform operations on tenant specific models. The first approach is for simple operations on tenant specific models, whereas the second approach is for more complex operations on tenant specific models, but does add ~0.200ms overhead per operation.
Function |
Description |
WithTenantSchema |
Use this scope function when you want to perform operations on a tenant table, which may include foreign key constraints to a public schema table(s). |
SetSearchPath |
Use this function when the tenant schema table has foreign key constraints you want to access belonging to other tables in the same tenant schema (and or foreign key relations to public tables). |
Basic example
For a complete example refer to the examples section)
import (
// For models that are tenant specific, ensure that TenantTabler is implemented
// This classifies the model as a tenant specific model when performing subsequent migrations
// Tenant is a public model
type Tenant struct {
gorm.Model // Embed the gorm.Model
postgres.TenantModel // Embed the TenantModel
// Implement the gorm.Tabler interface
func (t *Tenant) TableName() string {return "public.tenants"} // Note the public. prefix
// Book is a tenant specific model
type Book struct {
gorm.Model // Embed the gorm.Model
Title string
// FK to TenantSchema (same as if you were using approach 1; not realy needed if you use
// approach 2 as the schema is constrained to the tenant already, but included to show how
// to create foreign key constraints between public a tenant specific models)
TenantSchema string `gorm:"column:tenant_schema"`
Tenant Tenant `gorm:"foreignKey:TenantSchema;references:SchemaName"`
// Implement the gorm.Tabler interface
func (b *Book) TableName() string {return "books"} // Note the lack of prefix
// Implement the TenantTabler interface
func (b *Book) IsTenantTable() bool {return true} // This classifies the model as a tenant specific model
func main(){
// Create the database connection
db, err := gorm.Open(postgres.New(postgres.Config{
DSN: "host=localhost user=postgres password=postgres dbname=postgres port=5432 sslmode=disable",
}), &gorm.Config{})
if err != nil {
// Register the models
// Models are categorized as either public or tenant specific, which allow for simpler migrations
if err := postgres.RegisterModels(
db, // Database connection
// Public models (does not implement TenantTabler or implements TenantTabler with IsTenantTable() returning false)
// Tenant specific model (implements TenantTabler)
); err != nil {
// Migrate the database
// Calling AutoMigrate won't work, you must either call MigratePublicSchema or CreateSchemaForTenant
// MigratePublicSchema will create the public schema and migrate all public models
// CreateSchemaForTenant will create the schema for the tenant and migrate all tenant specific models
// Migrate the public schema (migrates all public models)
if err := postgres.MigratePublicSchema(db); err != nil {
// Create a tenant
tenant := &Tenant{
TenantModel: postgres.TenantModel{
DomainURL: "tenant1.example.com",
SchemaName: "tenant1",
if err := db.Create(tenant).Error; err != nil {
// Migrate the tenant schema
// This will create the schema and migrate all tenant specific models
if err := postgres.CreateSchemaForTenant(db, tenant.SchemaName); err != nil {
// Operations on tenant specific schemas (e.g. CRUD operations on books)
// Refer to Examples section for more details on how to use the middleware
// Drop the tenant schema
// This will drop the schema and all tables in the schema
if err := postgres.DropSchemaForTenant(db, tenant.SchemaName); err != nil {
// ... other operations
echo middleware
For a complete example refer to the PostgreSQL with echo example.
import (
multitenancymw "github.com/bartventer/gorm-multitenancy/v2/middleware/echo"
// ...
func main(){
// ...
e := echo.New()
// ... other middleware
// Add the multitenancy middleware
DB: db,
Skipper: func(r *http.Request) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(r.URL.Path, "/tenants") // skip tenant routes
TenantGetters: multitenancymw.DefaultTenantGetters,
// ... other middleware
// ... routes
e.GET("/books", func(c echo.Context) error {
// Get the tenant from context
tenant, _ := multitenancymw.TenantFromContext(c)
var books []Book
// Query the tenant specific schema
if err := db.Scopes(scopes.WithTenant(tenant)).Find(&books).Error; err != nil {
return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error())
return c.JSON(http.StatusOK, books)
// ... rest of code
net/http middleware
For a complete example refer to the PostgreSQL with net/http example.
import (
multitenancymw "github.com/bartventer/gorm-multitenancy/v2/middleware/nethttp"
// ...
func main(){
// ...
r := chi.NewRouter() // your router of choice
// ... other middleware
// Add the multitenancy middleware
DB: db,
Skipper: func(r *http.Request) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(r.URL.Path, "/tenants") // skip tenant routes
TenantGetters: multitenancymw.DefaultTenantGetters,
// ... other middleware
// ... routes
r.Get("/books", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// Get the tenant from context
tenant, _ := multitenancymw.TenantFromContext(r.Context())
var books []Book
// Query the tenant specific schema
if err := db.Scopes(scopes.WithTenant(tenant)).Find(&books).Error; err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
if err := json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(books); err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
// ... rest of code
All contributions are welcome! Open a pull request to request a feature or submit a bug report.
This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.