Siebel Exporter

A Prometheus exporter for Oracle Siebel CRM. It uses the srvrmgr utility to retrieve Siebel status information, parse the output and construct metrics in Prometheus format.
Binary Release
Pre-compiled versions for Linux 64 bit can be found under releases.
Ensure that the environment variable SRVRMGR_CONNECT_CMD
is set correctly before starting.
It is imperative that the command contains the /s
flag indicating a specific server.
Otherwise, the connection will not be established.
For example:
# export Siebel vars:
source /path/to/siebsrvr/
# export connection command:
export SRVRMGR_CONNECT_CMD="srvrmgr /g sbldevgtw /e SBA_82 /s sbldevapp /u SADMIN /p SADMIN /q"
# run the exporter:
/path/to/binary/siebel_exporter --log.level error
Usage of siebel_exporter:
--srvrmgr.connect-command (env: SRVRMGR_CONNECT_CMD)
Command for connect to srvrmgr. (env: SRVRMGR_READ_BUFFER_SIZE)
Size of buffer for reading command output.
Default: "4096". (env: SRVRMGR_DATE_FORMAT)
Date format (in GO-style) used by srvrmgr.
Default: "2006-01-02 15:04:05" (is equal to 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS').
--exporter.default-metrics (env: EXP_DEFAULT_METRICS)
Path to TOML-file with default metrics.
Default: "default-metrics.toml".
--exporter.custom-metrics (env: EXP_CUSTOM_METRICS)
Path to TOML-file that may contain various custom metrics.
--exporter.disable-empty-metrics-override (env: EXP_DISABLE_EMPTY_METRICS_OVERRIDE)
Disable overriding empty metric values with '0'.
Default: "false".
--exporter.disable-extended-metrics (env: EXP_DISABLE_EXTENDED_METRICS)
Disable metrics with Extended flag.
Default: "false".
--web.listen-port (env: WEB_LISTEN_PORT)
Port to listen on for web interface and metrics.
Default: "9870".
--web.metrics-endpoint (env: WEB_METRICS_ENDPOINT)
Path under which to expose metrics.
Default: "/metrics".
--web.http-read-timeout (env: WEB_HTTP_READ_TIMEOUT)
Maximum duration for reading the entire request.
Default: "30".
--web.http-write-timeout (env: WEB_HTTP_WRITE_TIMEOUT)
Maximum duration before timing out writes of the response.
Default: "30".
--web.http-idle-timeout (env: WEB_HTTP_IDLE_TIMEOUT)
Maximum duration to wait for the next request.
Default: "60".
--web.http-max-requests-in-flight (env: WEB_HTTP_MAX_REQUESTS_IN_FLIGHT)
Number of concurrent HTTP-requests. Additional requests are responded to with 503 Service Unavailable. If '0', no limit is applied.
Default: "0".
--web.shutdown-timeout (env: WEB_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT)
Maximum duration to wait for web-server shutdown before forced terminate.
Default: "3".
Expose metrics using https.
Default: "false".
Path to the PEM encoded certificate.
Path to the PEM encoded key.
Only log messages with the given severity or above. Valid levels: [debug, info, warn, error, fatal].
Default: "info".
If set use a syslog logger or JSON logging.
Default: "stderr".
Default metrics
This exporter comes with a set of default metrics defined in default-metrics.toml.
The following metrics are exposed currently:
- siebel_exporter_last_scrape_duration_seconds
- siebel_exporter_last_scrape_error
- siebel_exporter_scrape_errors_total
- siebel_exporter_scrapes_total
- siebel_gateway_server_up
- siebel_application_server_up
- siebel_list_server_sblsrvr_state
- siebel_list_server_start_time
- siebel_list_server_end_time
- siebel_list_compgroup_ca_run_state
- siebel_list_compgroup_cg_num_components
- siebel_list_comp_cp_actv_mts_procs
- siebel_list_comp_cp_disp_run_state
- siebel_list_comp_cp_end_time
- siebel_list_comp_cp_max_mts_procs
- siebel_list_comp_cp_max_tasks
- siebel_list_comp_cp_num_run_tasks
- siebel_list_comp_cp_start_time
- siebel_list_state_values_server_*
- siebel_list_statistics_server_*
Custom metrics
If this exporter does not have the metrics you want, you can provide new one using TOML-file.
To specify this file to the exporter, you can:
Use exporter.custom-metrics
option followed by the TOML-file path;
variable environment:
export EXP_CUSTOM_METRICS="path/to/custom-metrics.toml"
This file must contain the following elements:
- One or several metric section (
- For each section:
, Command
and section [Metric.Help]
with a map between a field of command and a help-string;
Other elements are optional.