Svgen search for the constants of types which are the aliases for int or string types, i.e.:
package db
type RideStatus string
RideStatusStarted RideStatus = "started"
RideStatusComplete RideStatus = "completed"
Using found types and constants it generates sql.Scanner and driver.Valuer implementations for these types:
DO NOT EDIT! This code was generated automatically using v1.0
package db
import (
func (t *RideStatus) Scan(i interface{}) error {
var vv RideStatus
switch v := i.(type) {
case nil:
return nil
case []byte:
vv = RideStatus(v)
case string:
vv = RideStatus(v)
return fmt.Errorf("can't scan %T into %T", v, t)
switch vv {
case RideStatusInitiated:
case RideStatusComplete:
return fmt.Errorf("invalid value of type RideStatus: %v", *t)
*t = vv
return nil
func (t RideStatus) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
if t == "" {
return nil, nil
switch t {
case RideStatusInitiated:
case RideStatusComplete:
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid value of type RideStatus: %v", t)
return string(t), nil
Supported command line flags:
-i string
import path of the package containing type declarations
-o string
output file name (default "scanners_valuers.go")
Usage of svgen in go:generate instruction:
//go:generate svgen -i your.package/name -o scanners_valuers_generated.go
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