Easy to use mediator implementation in Golang. Provides in-process messaging ability to your apps.
You should install godiator via Go package manager:
$ go get -v https://github.com/baranius/godiator
Use GetInstance() method to get godiator object. Take a look to complete API reference for details.
type GetItemController struct {
g godiator.IGodiator
func NewGetItemController() *GetItemController {
return &GetItemController{g: godiator.GetInstance()}
Handlers are the main objects that runs your business logic.
A handler is a struct that contains Handle method.
Handle method should get a request object and return a tuple of response object and error.
type (
SampleRequest struct{
PayloadString *string
SampleResponse struct{
ResultString *string
SampleHandler struct{
//Registering handlers in godiator requires an init function.
func NewSampleHandler() interface{} {
return &SampleHandler{}
func (h *SampleHandler) Handle(request *SampleRequest) (*SampleResponse, error){
return &SampleResponse{ResultString: request.PayloadString}, nil
Handle method can take additional parameters
type (
SampleRequest struct{
PayloadString *string
SampleResponse struct{
ResultString *string
SampleHandler struct{
func NewSampleHandler() interface{} {
return &SampleHandler{}
func (h *SampleHandler) Handle(request *SampleRequest, ctx context.Context) (*SampleResponse, error){
return &SampleResponse{ResultString: request.PayloadString}, nil
Registering Handlers
Register method takes request model
and handler's initializer method as arguments.
func RegisterHandlers() {
g := godiator.GetInstance()
g.Register(&SampleRequest{}, NewSampleHandler)
Calling Handlers
Calling Send method with request object executes the related handler.
type GetItemController struct {
g godiator.IGodiator
func NewGetItemController() *GetItemController {
return &GetItemController{g: godiator.GetInstance()}
func (c *GetItemController) GetItem() {
payloadValue := "sample_value"
request := &SampleRequest{PayloadString: &payloadValue}
response, err := c.g.Send(request)
// If your handle method takes additional parameters, don't forget to pass them to 'Send'
response, err := c.g.Send(request, context.TODO())
Subscriptions are observers.
They operate quite similar to message broadcasting.
type (
SubscriptionRequest struct {
PayloadString *string
SubscriptionHandler struct {}
func NewSubscriptionHandler() interface{} {
return &SubscriptionHandler{}
func (n *SubscriptionHandler) Handle(request interface{}) {
r := request.(*SubscriptionRequest)
fmt.Printf("Subscription called with payload : '%v'", *r.PayloadString)
Registering Subscriptions
RegisterSubscription method takes request model
and related handler(s).
func RegisterSubscriptions() {
g := godiator.GetInstance()
g.RegisterSubscription(&SubscriptionRequest{}, NewSubscriptionHandler, NewSubscriptionHandlerA, NewSubscriptionHandlerB)
Calling Subscriptions
Calling Publish method with request object notifies the related handler(s).
type GetItemController struct {
g godiator.IGodiator
func NewGetItemController() *GetItemController {
return &GetItemController{g: godiator.GetInstance()}
func (c *GetItemController) GetItem() {
payloadValue := "sample_value"
request := &SubscriptionRequest{PayloadString: &payloadValue}
Pipelines are interceptors that runs before each handler call.
They should be derived from godiator.Pipeline struct and include a Handle method just like handlers.
Important: params ...interface{} is optional. But you should define them in your Pipeline's Handle method
type ValidationPipeline struct {
func (p *ValidationPipeline) Handle(request interface{}, params ...interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
r := request.(*handler.SampleRequest)
if r.PayloadString == nil {
return nil, errors.New("PayloadString_should_not_be_null")
return p.Next().Handle(request, params...)
Registering Pipelines
Call RegisterPipeline method to register pipelines.
Important: Pipelines run in the definition order.
func RegisterPipelines() {
g := godiator.GetInstance()
g.RegisterPipeline(&ValidationPipeline{}) // Will run first
You can mock Send and Notify methods of godiator via MockGodiator.
The only thing you need to do is delegating OnSend or OnNotify methods.
mockGodiator := MockGodiator{}
mockGodiator.OnSend = func(request interface{}, params ...interface{}) (i interface{}, err error){
return &Response{}, nil
mockGodiator := MockGodiator{}
mockGodiator.OnNotify = func(request interface{}, params ...interface{}) {
RegisterPipeline(h IPipeline)
- h:
A struct derived from godiator.Pipeline
Register(request interface{}, handler func()interface{})
- request:
- handler:
Initialize function which returns Handler instance
RegisterSubscription(request interface{}, handler func()interface{})
- request:
- handler:
Initialize function which returns Subscription handler instance
Send(request interface{}, params ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)
- request:
Handler's request model
- params (optional):
Optional list of objects
Publish(request interface{}, params ...interface{})
- request:
Handler's request model
- params (optional):
Optional list of objects
Handle(request interface{}, params ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)
- request:
Handler's request model
- params (optional):
Optional list of objects
Publish(request interface{}, params ...interface{})
- request:
Handler's request model
- params (optional):
Optional list of objects
Handle(request interface{}, params ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)
- request:
Handler's request model
- params (optional):
Optional list of objects
You're very welcome to contribute the project. Please feel free to contribute or asking questions.