The cylinder program is designed for selected members involved in threshold signature scheme (TSS) message signing.
The cylinder program is designed for selected members involved in threshold signature scheme (TSS) message signing. It streamlines the process for participants required to sign a TSS message, ensuring secure and efficient collaboration within the signing group.
Key features of cylinder include:
- Nonce Submission: Allows users to submit nonces that are used during the signing process, ensuring proper coordination for message signing.
- Message Signing: Enables users to sign newly requested messages as part of the TSS protocol.
This tool is essential for members who need to maintain constant engagement and coordination during TSS message signing operations.
Run cylinder on BandChain mainnet
1. Installation
The document is written based on the assumption that the program runs on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.
Before beginning instructions, the following variables should be set to be used in further instructions. Please make sure that these variables are set every time when using the new shell session.
# Chain ID of the target chain, e.g. bandchain
# Wallet name to be used as a granter account, please change this into your name (no whitespace).
# The path for the data and configurations of the program are stored in, e.g. $HOME/.cylinder-account1
# url for connecting to the target chain, e.g. tcp://localhost:26657
Step 1.1: Install prerequisite programs
To install and run cylinder, the following tools and packages are required:
- make, gcc, g++ (can be obtained from the build-essential package on linux)
- wget, curl, openssl for downloading files
- go version 1.22.3
To install required tools, run the following code
# install required tools
sudo apt-get update && \
sudo apt-get upgrade -y && \
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential curl wget openssl
To install Go version 1.22.3, run the following commands
# Install Go 1.22.3
tar xf go1.22.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz
sudo mv go /usr/local/go
# Set Go path to $PATH variable
echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:~/go/bin" >> $HOME/.profile
source ~/.profile
run go version
to check if go is successfully installed. It should display the go version that is installed.
Step 1.2: Install BandChain and cylinder program
The cylinder program can be installed via cloning the Github repository. To install the BandChain executable program and cylinder, run the following commands.
cd ~
# Clone BandChain version v3.x.x; TODO: fix BandChain version
git clone
cd chain
git fetch && git checkout v3.x.x
# Install binaries to $GOPATH/bin
make install
To check if bandd and cylinder programs are successfully installed, run bandd version
and cylinder version
2. Post-Installation Configuration
After successfully installing both the bandd and cylinder programs, there are additional configuration steps that need to be completed before running the cylinder program. These steps ensure that the system is properly set up and ready for operation.
Step 2.1: Provide granter account to the system
Create a new account using the command below.
bandd keys add $WALLET_NAME --keyring-backend test
If you choose to use an existing account, add the --recover
flag to the command mentioned above.
whether a granter account is created or recovered, please ensure that the account has sufficient tokens to cover transaction fees.
To verify that the new account has been added to the system, run bandd keys show $WALLET_NAME -a --keyring-backend test
to display the wallet address associated with the account.
Run the following command to set the configuration of the cylinder program and add signer account to the program.
cylinder config chain-id $CHAIN_ID --home $CYLINDER_HOME_PATH
cylinder config node $RPC_URL --home $CYLINDER_HOME_PATH
cylinder config granter $(bandd keys show $WALLET_NAME -a --keyring-backend test) --home $CYLINDER_HOME_PATH
cylinder config gas-prices "0uband" --home $CYLINDER_HOME_PATH
cylinder config max-messages 20 --home $CYLINDER_HOME_PATH
cylinder config broadcast-timeout "5m" --home $CYLINDER_HOME_PATH
cylinder config rpc-poll-interval "1s" --home $CYLINDER_HOME_PATH
cylinder config max-try 5 --home $CYLINDER_HOME_PATH
cylinder config min-de 100 --home $CYLINDER_HOME_PATH
cylinder config gas-adjust-start 1.6 --home $CYLINDER_HOME_PATH
cylinder config gas-adjust-step 0.2 --home $CYLINDER_HOME_PATH
cylinder config random-secret "$(openssl rand -hex 32)" --home $CYLINDER_HOME_PATH
cylinder config checking-de-interval "1m" --home $CYLINDER_HOME_PATH
cylinder keys add signer1 --home $CYLINDER_HOME_PATH
cylinder keys add signer2 --home $CYLINDER_HOME_PATH
cylinder keys add signer3 --home $CYLINDER_HOME_PATH
cylinder keys add signer4 --home $CYLINDER_HOME_PATH
below is the meaning of the configuration of the system
type Config struct {
ChainID string // ChainID of the target chain
NodeURI string // Remote RPC URI of BandChain node to connect to
Granter string // The granter address
GasPrices string // Gas prices of the transaction
LogLevel string // Log level of the logger
MaxMessages uint64 // The maximum number of messages in a transaction
BroadcastTimeout time.Duration // The time that cylinder will wait for tx commit
RPCPollInterval time.Duration // The duration of rpc poll interval
MaxTry uint64 // The maximum number of tries to submit a report transaction
MinDE uint64 // The minimum number of DE
GasAdjustStart float64 // The start value of gas adjustment
GasAdjustStep float64 // The increment step of gas adjustment
RandomSecret tss.Scalar // The secret value that is used for random D,E
CheckingDEInterval time.Duration // The interval for updating DE
To check that if the signer account is added into the program, run the following command
cylinder keys list --home $CYLINDER_HOME_PATH
. The configuration is updated in the $CYLINDER_HOME_PATH/config.yaml
Step 2.3: Set grantee and send tokens to the signer account.
Run the following commands to send 1 BAND to the predefined signer accounts and designate them as grantees of the granter account.
bandd tx multi-send 1000000uband $(cylinder keys list -a --home $CYLINDER_HOME_PATH) --gas-prices 0.0025uband --keyring-backend test --chain-id $CHAIN_ID --from $WALLET_NAME -b sync -y --node $RPC_URL
bandd tx tss add-grantees $(cylinder keys list -a --home $CYLINDER_HOME_PATH) --gas-prices 0.0025uband --keyring-backend test --chain-id $CHAIN_ID --gas 350000 --from $WALLET_NAME -b sync -y --node $RPC_URL
Run the cylinder program
Run the cylinder program using the command line below
cylinder run --home $CYLINDER_HOME_PATH
Run cylinder on BandChain local network
- Go to chain directory
- Run
make install
- Run
chmod +x scripts/
to change the access permission of
- Run
to start Cylinder