Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func CheckWsError(msg map[string]string) *errs.Error
- func EnsureArrStr(text string) string
- func GetHostFlowChan(host string) chan struct{}
- func GetHostRetryWait(host string, randAdd bool) int64
- func GetWsOutChan[T any](e *Exchange, chanKey string, create func(int) T, args map[string]interface{}) T
- func IsContract(marketType string) bool
- func IsOrderDone(status string) bool
- func SetHostRetryWait(host string, waitMS int64)
- func WriteOutChan[T any](e *Exchange, chanKey string, msg T, popIfNeed bool) bool
- type Account
- type AccountConfig
- type ApiRes
- type Asset
- type AsyncConn
- type Balances
- type BanExchange
- type ChainNetwork
- type CodeLimits
- type Credential
- type Currency
- type CurrencyMap
- type Entry
- type Exchange
- func (e *Exchange) AddWsChanRefs(chanKey string, keys ...string)
- func (e *Exchange) CalcMaintMargin(symbol string, cost float64) (float64, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) CalculateFee(symbol, odType, side string, amount float64, price float64, isMaker bool, ...) (*Fee, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) Call(method string, params map[string]interface{}) (*HttpRes, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) CancelOrder(id string, symbol string, params map[string]interface{}) (*Order, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) CheckSymbols(symbols ...string) ([]string, []string)
- func (e *Exchange) Close() *errs.Error
- func (e *Exchange) CloseWsFile()
- func (e *Exchange) CreateOrder(symbol, odType, side string, amount float64, price float64, ...) (*Order, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) DelWsChanRefs(chanKey string, keys ...string) int
- func (e *Exchange) DumpWS(name string, data interface{})
- func (e *Exchange) EditOrder(symbol, orderId, side string, amount, price float64, ...) (*Order, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) FetchAccountPositions(symbols []string, params map[string]interface{}) ([]*Position, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) FetchBalance(params map[string]interface{}) (*Balances, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) FetchFundingRate(symbol string, params map[string]interface{}) (*FundingRateCur, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) FetchFundingRateHistory(symbol string, since int64, limit int, params map[string]interface{}) ([]*FundingRate, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) FetchFundingRates(symbols []string, params map[string]interface{}) ([]*FundingRateCur, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) FetchIncomeHistory(inType string, symbol string, since int64, limit int, ...) ([]*Income, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) FetchLastPrices(symbols []string, params map[string]interface{}) ([]*LastPrice, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) FetchOHLCV(symbol, timeframe string, since int64, limit int, ...) ([]*Kline, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) FetchOpenOrders(symbol string, since int64, limit int, params map[string]interface{}) ([]*Order, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) FetchOrder(symbol, orderId string, params map[string]interface{}) (*Order, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) FetchOrderBook(symbol string, limit int, params map[string]interface{}) (*OrderBook, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) FetchOrders(symbol string, since int64, limit int, params map[string]interface{}) ([]*Order, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) FetchPositions(symbols []string, params map[string]interface{}) ([]*Position, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) FetchTicker(symbol string, params map[string]interface{}) (*Ticker, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) FetchTickerPrice(symbol string, params map[string]interface{}) (map[string]float64, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) FetchTickers(symbols []string, params map[string]interface{}) ([]*Ticker, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) GetAccName(params map[string]interface{}) string
- func (e *Exchange) GetAccount(id string) (*Account, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) GetAccountCreds(id string) (string, *Credential, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) GetArgsMarket(symbol string, args map[string]interface{}) (*Market, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) GetArgsMarketType(args map[string]interface{}, symbol string) (string, string)
- func (e *Exchange) GetClient(wsUrl string, marketType, accName string) (*WsClient, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) GetCurMarkets() MarketMap
- func (e *Exchange) GetExg() *Exchange
- func (e *Exchange) GetHost(name string) string
- func (e *Exchange) GetID() string
- func (e *Exchange) GetLeverage(symbol string, notional float64, account string) (float64, float64)
- func (e *Exchange) GetMarket(symbol string) (*Market, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) GetMarketById(marketId, marketType string) *Market
- func (e *Exchange) GetMarketID(symbol string) (string, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) GetMarketIDByArgs(args map[string]interface{}, required bool) (string, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) GetPriceOnePip(pair string) (float64, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) GetReplayTo() int64
- func (e *Exchange) GetRetryNum(key string, defVal int) int
- func (e *Exchange) GetTimeFrame(timeframe string) string
- func (e *Exchange) HasApi(key, market string) bool
- func (e *Exchange) Info() *ExgInfo
- func (e *Exchange) Init() *errs.Error
- func (e *Exchange) IsContract(marketType string) bool
- func (e *Exchange) LoadArgsMarket(symbol string, params map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, *Market, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) LoadArgsMarketType(args map[string]interface{}, symbols ...string) (string, string, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) LoadLeverageBrackets(reload bool, params map[string]interface{}) *errs.Error
- func (e *Exchange) LoadMarkets(reload bool, params map[string]interface{}) (MarketMap, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) MapMarket(exgSID string, year int) (*Market, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) MilliSeconds() int64
- func (e *Exchange) Nonce() int64
- func (e *Exchange) PopAccName(params map[string]interface{}) string
- func (e *Exchange) PrecAmount(m *Market, amount float64) (float64, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) PrecCost(m *Market, cost float64) (float64, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) PrecFee(m *Market, fee float64) (float64, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) PrecPrice(m *Market, price float64) (float64, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) PriceOnePip(symbol string) (float64, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) ReplayAll() *errs.Error
- func (e *Exchange) ReplayOne() *errs.Error
- func (e *Exchange) RequestApi(ctx context.Context, endpoint, cacheKey string, api *Entry, ...) *HttpRes
- func (e *Exchange) RequestApiRetry(ctx context.Context, endpoint string, params map[string]interface{}, ...) *HttpRes
- func (e *Exchange) SafeCurrency(currId string) *Currency
- func (e *Exchange) SafeCurrencyCode(currId string) string
- func (e *Exchange) SafeMarket(marketId, delimiter, marketType string) *Market
- func (e *Exchange) SafeSymbol(marketId, delimiter, marketType string) string
- func (e *Exchange) SetDump(path string) *errs.Error
- func (e *Exchange) SetFees(fees map[string]map[string]float64)
- func (e *Exchange) SetLeverage(leverage float64, symbol string, params map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) SetMarketType(marketType, contractType string) *errs.Error
- func (e *Exchange) SetOnHost(cb func(n string) string)
- func (e *Exchange) SetOnWsChan(cb FuncOnWsChan)
- func (e *Exchange) SetReplay(path string) *errs.Error
- func (e *Exchange) UnWatchMarkPrices(symbols []string, params map[string]interface{}) *errs.Error
- func (e *Exchange) UnWatchOHLCVs(jobs [][2]string, params map[string]interface{}) *errs.Error
- func (e *Exchange) UnWatchOrderBooks(symbols []string, params map[string]interface{}) *errs.Error
- func (e *Exchange) UnWatchTrades(symbols []string, params map[string]interface{}) *errs.Error
- func (e *Exchange) WatchAccountConfig(params map[string]interface{}) (chan *AccountConfig, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) WatchBalance(params map[string]interface{}) (chan *Balances, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) WatchMarkPrices(symbols []string, params map[string]interface{}) (chan map[string]float64, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) WatchMyTrades(params map[string]interface{}) (chan *MyTrade, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) WatchOHLCVs(jobs [][2]string, params map[string]interface{}) (chan *PairTFKline, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) WatchOrderBooks(symbols []string, limit int, params map[string]interface{}) (chan *OrderBook, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) WatchPositions(params map[string]interface{}) (chan []*Position, *errs.Error)
- func (e *Exchange) WatchTrades(symbols []string, params map[string]interface{}) (chan *Trade, *errs.Error)
- type ExgFee
- type ExgHosts
- type ExgInfo
- type Fee
- type FeeTierItem
- type FeeTiers
- type FuncAuthWS
- type FuncCalcFee
- type FuncCalcRateLimiterCost
- type FuncFetchCurr
- type FuncFetchMarkets
- type FuncGetWsJob
- type FuncOnWsChan
- type FuncOnWsClose
- type FuncOnWsErr
- type FuncOnWsMethod
- type FuncOnWsMsg
- type FuncOnWsReCon
- type FuncSign
- type FundingRate
- type FundingRateCur
- type HttpHeader
- type HttpReq
- type HttpRes
- type Income
- type Kline
- type LastPrice
- type LimitRange
- type Market
- type MarketArrMap
- type MarketLimits
- type MarketMap
- type MyTrade
- type OHLCVArr
- type OdBookShotLog
- type OdBookSide
- type Order
- type OrderBook
- type PairTFKline
- type Position
- type Precision
- type Ticker
- type Trade
- type TradeFee
- type WebSocket
- type WsClient
- func (c *WsClient) Close()
- func (c *WsClient) GetSubKeys(connID int) []string
- func (c *WsClient) HandleRawMsg(msgRaw []byte)
- func (c *WsClient) Prefix(key string) string
- func (c *WsClient) UpdateSubs(connID int, isSub bool, keys []string) (string, *AsyncConn)
- func (c *WsClient) Write(conn *AsyncConn, msg interface{}, info *WsJobInfo) *errs.Error
- type WsConn
- type WsJobInfo
- type WsLog
- type WsMsg
Constants ¶
const ( ParamClientOrderId = "clientOrderId" ParamOrderIds = "orderIdList" ParamOrigClientOrderIDs = "origClientOrderIdList" ParamSor = "sor" // smart order route, for create order in spot ParamPostOnly = "postOnly" ParamTimeInForce = "timeInForce" ParamTriggerPrice = "triggerPrice" ParamStopLossPrice = "stopLossPrice" ParamTakeProfitPrice = "takeProfitPrice" ParamTrailingDelta = "trailingDelta" ParamReduceOnly = "reduceOnly" ParamCost = "cost" ParamClosePosition = "closePosition" // 触发后全部平仓 ParamCallbackRate = "callbackRate" // 跟踪止损回调百分比 ParamRolling = "rolling" ParamTest = "test" ParamMarginMode = "marginMode" ParamSymbol = "symbol" ParamSymbols = "symbols" ParamPositionSide = "positionSide" ParamProxy = "proxy" ParamName = "name" ParamMethod = "method" ParamInterval = "interval" ParamAccount = "account" ParamMarket = "market" ParamContract = "contract" ParamBrokerId = "brokerId" ParamLimit = "limit" ParamUntil = "until" ParamRetry = "retry" )
const ( HasFail = 1 << iota HasOk HasEmulated )
const ( BoolNull = 0 BoolFalse = -1 BoolTrue = 1 )
const ( OptProxy = "Proxy" OptApiKey = "ApiKey" OptApiSecret = "ApiSecret" OptAccCreds = "Creds" OptAccName = "AccName" OptUserAgent = "UserAgent" OptReqHeaders = "ReqHeaders" OptCareMarkets = "CareMarkets" OptMarketType = "MarketType" OptContractType = "ContractType" OptTimeInForce = "TimeInForce" OptWsIntvs = "WsIntvs" // ws 订阅间隔 OptRetries = "Retries" OptWsConn = "WsConn" OptAuthRefreshSecs = "AuthRefreshSecs" OptPositionMethod = "PositionMethod" OptDebugWs = "DebugWs" OptDebugApi = "DebugApi" OptApiCaches = "ApiCaches" OptFees = "Fees" OptDumpPath = "DumpPath" OptDumpBatchSize = "DumpBatchSize" OptReplayPath = "ReplayPath" OptEnv = "Env" )
const ( PrecModeDecimalPlace = utils.PrecModeDecimalPlace // 保留小数点后位数 PrecModeSignifDigits = utils.PrecModeSignifDigits // 保留有效数字位数 PrecModeTickSize = utils.PrecModeTickSize // 返回给定数字的整数倍 )
const ( MarketSpot = "spot" // 现货交易 MarketMargin = "margin" // 保证金杠杆现货交易 margin trade MarketLinear = "linear" MarketInverse = "inverse" MarketOption = "option" // 期权 for option contracts MarketSwap = "swap" // 永续合约 for perpetual swap futures that don't have a delivery date MarketFuture = "future" // 有交割日的期货 for expiring futures contracts that have a delivery/settlement date )
const ( MarginCross = "cross" MarginIsolated = "isolated" )
const ( OdStatusOpen = "open" OdStatusPartFilled = "part_filled" OdStatusFilled = "filled" OdStatusCanceled = "canceled" OdStatusCanceling = "canceling" OdStatusRejected = "rejected" OdStatusExpired = "expired" )
const ( OdTypeMarket = "market" OdTypeLimit = "limit" OdTypeLimitMaker = "limit_maker" OdTypeStop = "stop" OdTypeStopMarket = "stop_market" OdTypeStopLoss = "stop_loss" OdTypeStopLossLimit = "stop_loss_limit" OdTypeTakeProfit = "take_profit" OdTypeTakeProfitLimit = "take_profit_limit" OdTypeTakeProfitMarket = "take_profit_market" OdTypeTrailingStopMarket = "trailing_stop_market" )
const ( OdSideBuy = "buy" OdSideSell = "sell" )
const ( PosSideLong = "long" PosSideShort = "short" PosSideBoth = "both" )
const ( TimeInForceGTC = "GTC" // Good Till Cancel 一直有效,直到被成交或取消 TimeInForceIOC = "IOC" // Immediate or Cancel 无法立即成交的部分取消 TimeInForceFOK = "FOK" // Fill or Kill 无法全部立即成交就撤销 TimeInForceGTX = "GTX" // Good Till Crossing 无法成为挂单方就取消 TimeInForceGTD = "GTD" // Good Till Date 在特定时间前有效,到期自动取消 TimeInForcePO = "PO" // Post Only )
const ( ApiFetchTicker = "FetchTicker" ApiFetchTickers = "FetchTickers" ApiFetchTickerPrice = "FetchTickerPrice" ApiLoadLeverageBrackets = "LoadLeverageBrackets" ApiFetchCurrencies = "FetchCurrencies" ApiGetLeverage = "GetLeverage" ApiFetchOHLCV = "FetchOHLCV" ApiFetchOrderBook = "FetchOrderBook" ApiFetchOrder = "FetchOrder" ApiFetchOrders = "FetchOrders" ApiFetchBalance = "FetchBalance" ApiFetchAccountPositions = "FetchAccountPositions" ApiFetchPositions = "FetchPositions" ApiFetchOpenOrders = "FetchOpenOrders" ApiCreateOrder = "CreateOrder" ApiEditOrder = "EditOrder" ApiCancelOrder = "CancelOrder" ApiSetLeverage = "SetLeverage" ApiCalcMaintMargin = "CalcMaintMargin" ApiWatchOrderBooks = "WatchOrderBooks" ApiUnWatchOrderBooks = "UnWatchOrderBooks" ApiWatchOHLCVs = "WatchOHLCVs" ApiUnWatchOHLCVs = "UnWatchOHLCVs" ApiWatchMarkPrices = "WatchMarkPrices" ApiUnWatchMarkPrices = "UnWatchMarkPrices" ApiWatchTrades = "WatchTrades" ApiUnWatchTrades = "UnWatchTrades" ApiWatchMyTrades = "WatchMyTrades" ApiWatchBalance = "WatchBalance" ApiWatchPositions = "WatchPositions" ApiWatchAccountConfig = "WatchAccountConfig" )
const (
DefTimeInForce = TimeInForceGTC
const (
MidListenKey = "listenKey"
Variables ¶
var ( DefReqHeaders = map[string]string{ "User-Agent": "Go-http-client/1.1", "Connection": "keep-alive", "Accept": "application/json", } DefCurrCodeMap = map[string]string{ "XBT": "BTC", "BCC": "BCH", "BCHSV": "BSV", } DefWsIntvs = map[string]int{ "WatchOrderBooks": 100, } DefRetries = map[string]int{ "FetchOrderBook": 1, "FetchPositionsRisk": 1, } HostRetryWaits = map[string]int64{} HostHttpConcurr = 3 // Maximum concurrent number of HTTP requests per domain name 每个域名发起http请求最大并发数 )
var ( AllMarketTypes = map[string]struct{}{ MarketSpot: {}, MarketMargin: {}, MarketLinear: {}, MarketInverse: {}, MarketOption: {}, } AllContractTypes = map[string]struct{}{ MarketSwap: {}, MarketFuture: {}, } )
var ( ParamHandshakeTimeout = "HandshakeTimeout" ParamChanCaps = "ChanCaps" ParamChanCap = "ChanCap" )
var (
DefChanCaps = map[string]int{
"@depth": 1000,
var (
LocUTC, _ = time.LoadLocation("UTC")
Functions ¶
func CheckWsError ¶ added in v0.1.2
CheckWsError 从websocket返回的消息结果中,检查是否有错误信息
func EnsureArrStr ¶ added in v0.2.0
func GetHostFlowChan ¶ added in v0.2.5
func GetHostFlowChan(host string) chan struct{}
func GetHostRetryWait ¶ added in v0.2.5
func GetWsOutChan ¶ added in v0.1.2
func GetWsOutChan[T any](e *Exchange, chanKey string, create func(int) T, args map[string]interface{}) T
GetWsOutChan 获取指定msgHash的输出通道 如果不存在则创建新的并存储
func IsContract ¶ added in v0.1.3
func IsOrderDone ¶ added in v0.2.1
func SetHostRetryWait ¶ added in v0.2.5
Types ¶
type Account ¶
type Account struct { Name string Creds *Credential MarPositions map[string][]*Position // marketType: Position List MarBalances map[string]*Balances // marketType: Balances Leverages map[string]int // 币种当前的杠杆倍数 Data map[string]interface{} LockPos *sync.Mutex LockBalance *sync.Mutex LockLeverage *sync.Mutex LockData *sync.Mutex }
type AccountConfig ¶ added in v0.2.0
type Balances ¶
type BanExchange ¶
type BanExchange interface { LoadMarkets(reload bool, params map[string]interface{}) (MarketMap, *errs.Error) GetCurMarkets() MarketMap GetMarket(symbol string) (*Market, *errs.Error) /* Map the original variety ID of the exchange to a standard symbol, where year is the year where the K-line data is located 将交易所原始品种ID映射为标准symbol,year是K线数据所在年 */ MapMarket(rawID string, year int) (*Market, *errs.Error) FetchTicker(symbol string, params map[string]interface{}) (*Ticker, *errs.Error) FetchTickers(symbols []string, params map[string]interface{}) ([]*Ticker, *errs.Error) FetchTickerPrice(symbol string, params map[string]interface{}) (map[string]float64, *errs.Error) LoadLeverageBrackets(reload bool, params map[string]interface{}) *errs.Error GetLeverage(symbol string, notional float64, account string) (float64, float64) CheckSymbols(symbols ...string) ([]string, []string) Info() *ExgInfo FetchOHLCV(symbol, timeframe string, since int64, limit int, params map[string]interface{}) ([]*Kline, *errs.Error) FetchOrderBook(symbol string, limit int, params map[string]interface{}) (*OrderBook, *errs.Error) FetchLastPrices(symbols []string, params map[string]interface{}) ([]*LastPrice, *errs.Error) FetchFundingRate(symbol string, params map[string]interface{}) (*FundingRateCur, *errs.Error) FetchFundingRates(symbols []string, params map[string]interface{}) ([]*FundingRateCur, *errs.Error) FetchFundingRateHistory(symbol string, since int64, limit int, params map[string]interface{}) ([]*FundingRate, *errs.Error) // FetchOrder query given order FetchOrder(symbol, orderId string, params map[string]interface{}) (*Order, *errs.Error) // FetchOrders Get all account orders; active, canceled, or filled. (symbol required) FetchOrders(symbol string, since int64, limit int, params map[string]interface{}) ([]*Order, *errs.Error) FetchBalance(params map[string]interface{}) (*Balances, *errs.Error) // FetchAccountPositions Get account positions on all symbols FetchAccountPositions(symbols []string, params map[string]interface{}) ([]*Position, *errs.Error) // FetchPositions Get position risks (default) or account positions on all symbols FetchPositions(symbols []string, params map[string]interface{}) ([]*Position, *errs.Error) // FetchOpenOrders Get all open orders on a symbol or all symbol. FetchOpenOrders(symbol string, since int64, limit int, params map[string]interface{}) ([]*Order, *errs.Error) FetchIncomeHistory(inType string, symbol string, since int64, limit int, params map[string]interface{}) ([]*Income, *errs.Error) CreateOrder(symbol, odType, side string, amount, price float64, params map[string]interface{}) (*Order, *errs.Error) EditOrder(symbol, orderId, side string, amount, price float64, params map[string]interface{}) (*Order, *errs.Error) CancelOrder(id string, symbol string, params map[string]interface{}) (*Order, *errs.Error) SetFees(fees map[string]map[string]float64) CalculateFee(symbol, odType, side string, amount float64, price float64, isMaker bool, params map[string]interface{}) (*Fee, *errs.Error) SetLeverage(leverage float64, symbol string, params map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, *errs.Error) CalcMaintMargin(symbol string, cost float64) (float64, *errs.Error) Call(method string, params map[string]interface{}) (*HttpRes, *errs.Error) WatchOrderBooks(symbols []string, limit int, params map[string]interface{}) (chan *OrderBook, *errs.Error) UnWatchOrderBooks(symbols []string, params map[string]interface{}) *errs.Error WatchOHLCVs(jobs [][2]string, params map[string]interface{}) (chan *PairTFKline, *errs.Error) UnWatchOHLCVs(jobs [][2]string, params map[string]interface{}) *errs.Error WatchMarkPrices(symbols []string, params map[string]interface{}) (chan map[string]float64, *errs.Error) UnWatchMarkPrices(symbols []string, params map[string]interface{}) *errs.Error WatchTrades(symbols []string, params map[string]interface{}) (chan *Trade, *errs.Error) UnWatchTrades(symbols []string, params map[string]interface{}) *errs.Error WatchMyTrades(params map[string]interface{}) (chan *MyTrade, *errs.Error) WatchBalance(params map[string]interface{}) (chan *Balances, *errs.Error) WatchPositions(params map[string]interface{}) (chan []*Position, *errs.Error) WatchAccountConfig(params map[string]interface{}) (chan *AccountConfig, *errs.Error) // SetDump Record all websocket messages to the specified file 将websocket所有消息记录到指定文件 SetDump(path string) *errs.Error // SetReplay Replay all websocket messages from the specified file 从指定文件重放所有websocket消息 SetReplay(path string) *errs.Error // GetReplayTo Retrieve the 13 bit timestamp of the next message to be replayed, with sys. MaxInt64 indicating no next message 获取下一个要重放的消息13位时间戳,sys.MaxInt64表示无下一个消息 GetReplayTo() int64 // ReplayOne Replay the next websocket message 重放下一个websocket消息 ReplayOne() *errs.Error // ReplayAll Replay all recorded websocket messages 重放所有记录的websocket消息 ReplayAll() *errs.Error // SetOnWsChan Trigger callback when creating a new websocket message chan 创建新websocket消息chan时触发回调 SetOnWsChan(cb FuncOnWsChan) PrecAmount(m *Market, amount float64) (float64, *errs.Error) PrecPrice(m *Market, price float64) (float64, *errs.Error) PrecCost(m *Market, cost float64) (float64, *errs.Error) PrecFee(m *Market, fee float64) (float64, *errs.Error) HasApi(key, market string) bool SetOnHost(cb func(n string) string) PriceOnePip(symbol string) (float64, *errs.Error) IsContract(marketType string) bool MilliSeconds() int64 GetAccount(id string) (*Account, *errs.Error) SetMarketType(marketType, contractType string) *errs.Error GetExg() *Exchange Close() *errs.Error }
type ChainNetwork ¶
type CodeLimits ¶
type CodeLimits struct { Amount *LimitRange Withdraw *LimitRange Deposit *LimitRange }
func (*CodeLimits) ToString ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (l *CodeLimits) ToString() string
type Credential ¶
func (*Credential) CheckFilled ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (c *Credential) CheckFilled(keys map[string]bool) *errs.Error
type Currency ¶
type Currency struct { ID string Name string Code string Type string NumericID int Precision float64 PrecMode int // 保留精度的模式:PrecModeDecimalPlace/PrecModeSignifDigits/PrecModeTickSize Active bool Deposit bool Withdraw bool Networks []*ChainNetwork Fee float64 Fees map[string]float64 Limits *CodeLimits Info interface{} }
type CurrencyMap ¶
************************** Currency **************************
type Exchange ¶
type Exchange struct { *ExgInfo Hosts *ExgHosts Fees *ExgFee Apis map[string]*Entry // 所有API的路径 Has map[string]map[string]int // 是否定义了某个API Options map[string]interface{} // 用户传入的配置 Proxy *url.URL CredKeys map[string]bool // cred keys required for exchange Accounts map[string]*Account // name: account DefAccName string // default account name EnableRateLimit int // 是否启用请求速率控制:BoolNull/BoolTrue/BoolFalse RateLimit int64 // 请求速率控制毫秒数,最小间隔单位 CalcRateLimiterCost FuncCalcRateLimiterCost MarketsWait chan interface{} // whether is loading markets CareMarkets []string // markets to be fetch: spot/linear/inverse/option Symbols []string IDs []string TimeFrames map[string]string // map timeframe from common to specific CurrCodeMap map[string]string // common code maps Retries map[string]int // retry nums for methods TimeDelay int64 // 系统时钟延迟的毫秒数 HttpClient *http.Client WSClients map[string]*WsClient // accName@url: websocket clients WsIntvs map[string]int // milli secs interval for ws endpoints WsOutChans map[string]interface{} // accName@url+msgHash: chan Type WsChanRefs map[string]map[string]struct{} // accName@url+msgHash: symbols use this chan WsCache []*WsLog // websocket cache logs waiting for replay/dump WsNextMS int64 // timestamp of next replay log WsReplayTo int64 // timestamp of latest replay log WsFile *os.File // file to replay/dump WsWriter *gzip.Writer WsEncoder *gob.Encoder WsReader *gzip.Reader WsDecoder *gob.Decoder WsBatchSize int WsReplayFn map[string]func(item *WsLog) *errs.Error KeyTimeStamps map[string]int64 // key: int64 更新的时间戳 // for calling sub struct func in parent struct Sign FuncSign FetchCurrencies FuncFetchCurr FetchMarkets FuncFetchMarkets AuthWS FuncAuthWS CalcFee FuncCalcFee GetRetryWait func(e *errs.Error) int // 根据错误信息计算重试间隔秒数,<0表示无需重试 OnWsMsg FuncOnWsMsg OnWsErr FuncOnWsErr OnWsClose FuncOnWsClose OnWsReCon FuncOnWsReCon OnWsChan FuncOnWsChan Flags map[string]string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Exchange) AddWsChanRefs ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (*Exchange) CalcMaintMargin ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (*Exchange) CalculateFee ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (*Exchange) CancelOrder ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (*Exchange) CheckSymbols ¶ added in v0.1.3
CheckSymbols split valid and invalid symbols
func (*Exchange) CloseWsFile ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (e *Exchange) CloseWsFile()
func (*Exchange) CreateOrder ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (*Exchange) DelWsChanRefs ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (*Exchange) FetchAccountPositions ¶ added in v0.2.6
func (*Exchange) FetchBalance ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (*Exchange) FetchFundingRate ¶ added in v0.2.7
func (*Exchange) FetchFundingRateHistory ¶ added in v0.2.6
func (*Exchange) FetchFundingRates ¶ added in v0.2.7
func (*Exchange) FetchIncomeHistory ¶ added in v0.2.6
func (*Exchange) FetchLastPrices ¶ added in v0.2.7
func (*Exchange) FetchOHLCV ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (*Exchange) FetchOpenOrders ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (*Exchange) FetchOrder ¶ added in v0.2.6
func (*Exchange) FetchOrderBook ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (*Exchange) FetchOrders ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (*Exchange) FetchPositions ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (*Exchange) FetchTicker ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (*Exchange) FetchTickerPrice ¶ added in v0.2.6
func (*Exchange) FetchTickers ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (*Exchange) GetAccName ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (*Exchange) GetAccount ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (*Exchange) GetAccountCreds ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (*Exchange) GetArgsMarket ¶ added in v0.1.2
GetArgsMarket 从symbol和args中的market+inverse得到对应的Market对象
func (*Exchange) GetArgsMarketType ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (*Exchange) GetCurMarkets ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (*Exchange) GetLeverage ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (*Exchange) GetMarket ¶ added in v0.1.2
GetMarket 获取市场信息
symbol ccxt的symbol、交易所的ID,必须严格正确,如果可能错误, 根据当前的MarketType和MarketInverse过滤匹配
func (*Exchange) GetMarketById ¶ added in v0.1.2
GetMarketById get market by exchange id (Upper Required!)
func (*Exchange) GetMarketIDByArgs ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (*Exchange) GetPriceOnePip ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (*Exchange) GetReplayTo ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (*Exchange) GetRetryNum ¶ added in v0.1.2
GetRetryNum 返回失败时重试次数,未设置时默认0
func (*Exchange) GetTimeFrame ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (*Exchange) IsContract ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (*Exchange) LoadArgsMarket ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (e *Exchange) LoadArgsMarket(symbol string, params map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, *Market, *errs.Error)
LoadArgsMarket LoadMarkets && GetArgsMarket
func (*Exchange) LoadArgsMarketType ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (*Exchange) LoadLeverageBrackets ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (*Exchange) LoadMarkets ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (*Exchange) MilliSeconds ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (*Exchange) PopAccName ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (*Exchange) PrecAmount ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (*Exchange) PriceOnePip ¶ added in v0.1.2
PriceOnePip Get's the "1 pip" value for this pair.
Used in PriceFilter to calculate the 1pip movements.
func (*Exchange) RequestApi ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (e *Exchange) RequestApi(ctx context.Context, endpoint, cacheKey string, api *Entry, params map[string]interface{}) *HttpRes
RequestApi Request exchange API without checking cache Concurrent control: Same host, default concurrent 3 times at the same time
请求交易所API,不检查缓存 并发控制:同一个host,默认同时并发3
func (*Exchange) RequestApiRetry ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (*Exchange) SafeCurrency ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (*Exchange) SafeCurrencyCode ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (*Exchange) SafeSymbol ¶ added in v0.1.2
SafeSymbol 将交易所品种ID转为规范化品种ID
marketType TradeSpot/TradeMargin/TradeSwap/TradeFuture/TradeOption
func (*Exchange) SetLeverage ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (*Exchange) SetMarketType ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (*Exchange) SetOnWsChan ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (e *Exchange) SetOnWsChan(cb FuncOnWsChan)
func (*Exchange) UnWatchMarkPrices ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (*Exchange) UnWatchOHLCVs ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (*Exchange) UnWatchOrderBooks ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (*Exchange) UnWatchTrades ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (*Exchange) WatchAccountConfig ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (e *Exchange) WatchAccountConfig(params map[string]interface{}) (chan *AccountConfig, *errs.Error)
func (*Exchange) WatchBalance ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (*Exchange) WatchMarkPrices ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (*Exchange) WatchMyTrades ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (*Exchange) WatchOHLCVs ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (*Exchange) WatchOrderBooks ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (*Exchange) WatchPositions ¶ added in v0.2.1
type ExgHosts ¶
type ExgInfo ¶ added in v0.2.1
type ExgInfo struct { ID string // 交易所ID Name string // 显示名称 Countries []string // 可用国家 NoHoliday bool // true表示365天全年开放 FullDay bool // true表示一天24小时可交易 Min1mHole int // 1分钟K线空洞的最小间隔,少于此认为正常无交易而非空洞 FixedLvg bool // 杠杆倍率是否固定不可修改 DebugWS bool // 是否输出WS调试信息 DebugAPI bool // 是否输出API请求测试信息 UserAgent string // UserAgent of http request ReqHeaders map[string]string // http headers for request exchange CurrenciesById CurrencyMap // CurrencyMap index by id CurrenciesByCode CurrencyMap // CurrencyMap index by code Markets MarketMap // cache for all markets MarketsById MarketArrMap // markets index by id OrderBooks map[string]*OrderBook // symbol: OrderBook update by wss MarkPrices map[string]map[string]float64 // marketType: symbol: mark price OdBookLock sync.Mutex PrecPadZero bool // padding zero for precision MarketType string // MarketSpot/MarketMargin/MarketLinear/MarketInverse/MarketOption ContractType string // MarketSwap/MarketFuture MarginMode string // MarginCross/MarginIsolated TimeInForce string // GTC/IOC/FOK }
type FeeTierItem ¶
type FeeTiers ¶
type FeeTiers struct { Taker []*FeeTierItem Maker []*FeeTierItem }
type FuncAuthWS ¶ added in v0.2.1
type FuncCalcFee ¶ added in v0.2.1
type FuncCalcRateLimiterCost ¶ added in v0.2.5
type FuncFetchCurr ¶
type FuncFetchCurr = func(params map[string]interface{}) (CurrencyMap, *errs.Error)
type FuncFetchMarkets ¶
type FuncOnWsChan ¶ added in v0.2.3
type FuncOnWsChan = func(key string, out interface{})
key: acc@url#marketType@method
type FuncOnWsClose ¶
type FuncOnWsErr ¶
type FuncOnWsMethod ¶
type FuncOnWsMsg ¶
type FuncOnWsReCon ¶ added in v0.2.1
type FundingRate ¶ added in v0.2.6
type FundingRateCur ¶ added in v0.2.7
type FundingRateCur struct { Symbol string `json:"symbol"` FundingRate float64 `json:"fundingRate"` Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"` MarkPrice float64 `json:"markPrice,omitempty"` IndexPrice float64 `json:"indexPrice,omitempty"` InterestRate float64 `json:"interestRate,omitempty"` EstimatedSettlePrice float64 `json:"estimatedSettlePrice,omitempty"` FundingTimestamp int64 `json:"fundingTimestamp,omitempty"` NextFundingRate float64 `json:"nextFundingRate,omitempty"` NextFundingTimestamp int64 `json:"nextFundingTimestamp,omitempty"` PrevFundingRate float64 `json:"prevFundingRate,omitempty"` PrevFundingTimestamp int64 `json:"prevFundingTimestamp,omitempty"` Interval string `json:"interval,omitempty"` Info interface{} `json:"info"` }
type HttpHeader ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (HttpHeader) MarshalLogObject ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (h HttpHeader) MarshalLogObject(enc zapcore.ObjectEncoder) error
type Kline ¶
type LimitRange ¶
func (*LimitRange) ToString ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (r *LimitRange) ToString() string
type Market ¶
type Market struct { ID string `json:"id"` LowercaseID string `json:"lowercaseId"` Symbol string `json:"symbol"` Base string `json:"base"` Quote string `json:"quote"` Settle string `json:"settle"` BaseID string `json:"baseId"` QuoteID string `json:"quoteId"` SettleID string `json:"settleId"` ExgReal string `json:"exgReal"` Type string `json:"type"` // spot/linear/inverse/option 无法区分margin 和ccxt的值不同 Combined bool `json:"combined"` // 是否是二次组合的数据 Spot bool `json:"spot"` // 现货市场 Margin bool `json:"margin"` // 保证金杠杆市场 Swap bool `json:"swap"` // 期货永续合约市场 Future bool `json:"future"` // 期货市场 Option bool `json:"option"` // 期权市场 Active bool `json:"active"` // 是否可交易 Contract bool `json:"contract"` // 是否是合约 Linear bool `json:"linear"` // usd-based contract Inverse bool `json:"inverse"` // coin-based contract Taker float64 `json:"taker"` // 吃单方费率 Maker float64 `json:"maker"` // 挂单方费率 ContractSize float64 `json:"contractSize"` Expiry int64 `json:"expiry"` // 过期的13毫秒数 ExpiryDatetime string `json:"expiryDatetime"` Strike float64 `json:"strike"` OptionType string `json:"optionType"` DayTimes [][2]int64 `json:"dayTimes"` // 日盘交易时间 NightTimes [][2]int64 `json:"nightTimes"` // 夜盘交易时间 Precision *Precision `json:"precision"` Limits *MarketLimits `json:"limits"` Created int64 `json:"created"` FeeSide string `json:"feeSide"` // get/give/base/quote/other Info interface{} `json:"info"` }
func (*Market) GetTradeTimes ¶ added in v0.2.1
type MarketArrMap ¶
type MarketLimits ¶
type MarketLimits struct { Leverage *LimitRange `json:"leverage"` Amount *LimitRange `json:"amount"` Price *LimitRange `json:"price"` Cost *LimitRange `json:"cost"` Market *LimitRange `json:"market"` }
func (*MarketLimits) ToString ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (l *MarketLimits) ToString() string
type MyTrade ¶
type MyTrade struct { Trade Filled float64 `json:"filled"` // 订单累计成交量(不止当前交易) ClientID string `json:"clientID"` // 客户端订单ID Average float64 `json:"average"` // 平均成交价格 State string `json:"state"` // 状态 PosSide string `json:"posSide"` // 持仓方向 long/short ReduceOnly bool `json:"reduceOnly"` // 是否是只减仓单 Info interface{} `json:"info"` }
type OdBookShotLog ¶ added in v0.2.3
type OdBookSide ¶ added in v0.2.3
type OdBookSide struct { IsBuy bool Price []float64 // bid: desc ask: asc Size []float64 Depth int Lock sync.Mutex }
OdBookSide On one side of the order book. No need to add a lock, as only one goroutine can be modified 订单簿一侧。不需要加锁,因为只有一个goroutine可以修改
func NewOdBookSide ¶ added in v0.2.3
func NewOdBookSide(isBuy bool, depth int, deltas [][2]float64) *OdBookSide
func (*OdBookSide) AvgPrice ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (obs *OdBookSide) AvgPrice(volume float64) (float64, float64, float64)
AvgPrice return average price, filled rate, change rate of first & last
func (*OdBookSide) Level ¶ added in v0.2.6
func (obs *OdBookSide) Level(i int) (float64, float64)
Level return price&size for given level (i is started from 0)
func (*OdBookSide) Set ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (obs *OdBookSide) Set(price, size float64)
func (*OdBookSide) SumVolTo ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (obs *OdBookSide) SumVolTo(price float64) (float64, float64)
SumVolTo return (total volume to price, filled rate)
func (*OdBookSide) Update ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (obs *OdBookSide) Update(deltas [][2]float64)
type Order ¶
type Order struct { Info interface{} `json:"info"` ID string `json:"id"` ClientOrderID string `json:"clientOrderId"` Datetime string `json:"datetime"` Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"` LastTradeTimestamp int64 `json:"lastTradeTimestamp"` LastUpdateTimestamp int64 `json:"lastUpdateTimestamp"` Status string `json:"status"` Symbol string `json:"symbol"` Type string `json:"type"` TimeInForce string `json:"timeInForce"` PositionSide string `json:"positionSide"` Side string `json:"side"` Price float64 `json:"price"` Average float64 `json:"average"` Amount float64 `json:"amount"` Filled float64 `json:"filled"` Remaining float64 `json:"remaining"` TriggerPrice float64 `json:"triggerPrice"` StopPrice float64 `json:"stopPrice"` TakeProfitPrice float64 `json:"takeProfitPrice"` StopLossPrice float64 `json:"stopLossPrice"` Cost float64 `json:"cost"` PostOnly bool `json:"postOnly"` ReduceOnly bool `json:"reduceOnly"` Trades []*Trade `json:"trades"` Fee *Fee `json:"fee"` }
type OrderBook ¶
type OrderBook struct { Symbol string `json:"symbol"` TimeStamp int64 `json:"timestamp"` Asks *OdBookSide `json:"asks"` Bids *OdBookSide `json:"bids"` Nonce int64 `json:"nonce"` // latest update id Limit int `json:"limit"` Cache []map[string]string }
type PairTFKline ¶ added in v0.1.3
type Position ¶
type Position struct { ID string `json:"id"` Symbol string `json:"symbol"` TimeStamp int64 `json:"timestamp"` Isolated bool `json:"isolated"` // 隔离 Hedged bool `json:"hedged"` // 对冲 Side string `json:"side"` // long or short Contracts float64 `json:"contracts"` // 合约数量 ContractSize float64 `json:"contractSize"` // 单份合约价值 EntryPrice float64 `json:"entryPrice"` // 入场价格 MarkPrice float64 `json:"markPrice"` // 标记价格 Notional float64 `json:"notional"` // 名义价值 Leverage int `json:"leverage"` // 杠杆倍数 Collateral float64 `json:"collateral"` // 当前保证金:初始保证金+未实现盈亏 InitialMargin float64 `json:"initialMargin"` // 初始保证金额 MaintMargin float64 `json:"maintenanceMargin"` // 维持保证金额 InitialMarginPct float64 `json:"initialMarginPercentage"` // 初始保证金率 MaintMarginPct float64 `json:"maintenanceMarginPercentage"` // 维持保证金率 UnrealizedPnl float64 `json:"unrealizedPnl"` // 未实现盈亏 LiquidationPrice float64 `json:"liquidationPrice"` // 清算价格 MarginMode string `json:"marginMode"` // cross/isolated MarginRatio float64 `json:"marginRatio"` Percentage float64 `json:"percentage"` // 未实现盈亏百分比 Info interface{} `json:"info"` }
type Precision ¶
type Precision struct { Amount float64 `json:"amount"` Price float64 `json:"price"` Base float64 `json:"base"` Quote float64 `json:"quote"` ModeAmount int `json:"modeAmount"` // PrecModeTickSize/PrecModeSignifDigits/PrecModeDecimalPlace ModePrice int `json:"modePrice"` ModeBase int `json:"modeBase"` ModeQuote int `json:"modeQuote"` }
type Ticker ¶
type Ticker struct { Symbol string `json:"symbol"` TimeStamp int64 `json:"timestamp"` Bid float64 `json:"bid"` BidVolume float64 `json:"bidVolume"` Ask float64 `json:"ask"` AskVolume float64 `json:"askVolume"` High float64 `json:"high"` Low float64 `json:"low"` Open float64 `json:"open"` Close float64 `json:"close"` Last float64 `json:"last"` Change float64 `json:"change"` Percentage float64 `json:"percentage"` Average float64 `json:"average"` Vwap float64 `json:"vwap"` BaseVolume float64 `json:"baseVolume"` QuoteVolume float64 `json:"quoteVolume"` PreviousClose float64 `json:"previousClose"` MarkPrice float64 `json:"markPrice"` IndexPrice float64 `json:"indexPrice"` Info interface{} `json:"info"` }
type Trade ¶
type Trade struct { ID string `json:"id"` // 交易ID Symbol string `json:"symbol"` // 币种ID Side string `json:"side"` // buy/sell Type string `json:"type"` // market/limit Amount float64 `json:"amount"` // 当前交易的数量 Price float64 `json:"price"` // 价格 Cost float64 `json:"cost"` // 当前交易花费 Order string `json:"order"` // 当前交易所属订单号 Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"` // 时间戳 Maker bool `json:"maker"` // 是否maker Fee *Fee `json:"fee"` // 手续费 Info interface{} `json:"info"` }
type WebSocket ¶
func (*WebSocket) NextWriter ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (ws *WebSocket) NextWriter() (io.WriteCloser, error)
func (*WebSocket) WriteClose ¶ added in v0.1.2
type WsClient ¶
type WsClient struct { Exg *Exchange Conns map[int]*AsyncConn URL string AccName string MarketType string Key string Debug bool JobInfos map[string]*WsJobInfo // request id: Sub Data ChanCaps map[string]int // msgHash: cap size of cache msg SubscribeKeys map[string]int // Subscription key, used to restore subscription after reconnection 订阅的key,用于重连后恢复订阅 OdBookLimits map[string]int // Record the depth of each target subscription order book for easy cancellation 记录每个标的订阅订单簿的深度,方便取消 OnMessage func(client *WsClient, msg *WsMsg) OnError func(client *WsClient, err *errs.Error) OnClose func(client *WsClient, err *errs.Error) OnReConn func(client *WsClient, connID int) *errs.Error NextConnId int LimitsLock sync.Mutex // for OdBookLimits // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*WsClient) GetSubKeys ¶ added in v0.2.4
func (*WsClient) HandleRawMsg ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (*WsClient) UpdateSubs ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (*WsClient) Write ¶ added in v0.1.2
Write send a message to the WS server to set the information required for processing task results 发送消息到ws服务器,可设置处理任务结果需要的信息 jobID: The task ID of this message uniquely identifies this request 此次消息的任务ID,唯一标识此次请求 jobInfo: The main information of this task will be used when receiving the task results 此次任务的主要信息,在收到任务结果时使用
type WsJobInfo ¶
type WsJobInfo struct { ID string MsgHash string Name string Symbols []string Method func(client *WsClient, msg map[string]string, info *WsJobInfo) Params map[string]interface{} }
WsJobInfo store callback data for calling websocket API. Used for processing when returning results. 调用websocket api时暂存的任务信息。用于返回结果时处理。