
command module
v0.0.3 Latest Latest

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Published: Aug 9, 2021 License: MIT Imports: 16 Imported by: 0


Query AWS CloudWatch Logs

query-aws-logs is a wrapper tool for CloudWatch Logs Insights Query API that help your CloudWatch Logs investigation. You can retrieve the CloudWatch Logs Insights Query result in JSON format more easily than using aws-cli. Additionally, you can retrieve the logs around the logs which exactly match query. This would be helpful when you try investigating the logs in CloudWatch Logs.

The query result will be returned JSON array which is easily manipulated by the JSON tools like jq.


$ brew install bananaumai/query-aws-logs/query-aws-logs
Other platform

If you are using Go, perform the following command.

$ go get github.com/bananaumai/query-aws-logs

Otherwise, go to release page and download the binary appropriate for your platform.


$ query-aws-logs [-h] [-v] [-d] [-s start] [-e end] [-l limit] [-b before] [-a after] -g group(s) -q query
Required options:
  • -q Query string. Consolidating with CloudWatch Logs Insights query syntax.
  • -g Log group name(s). If you want to specify multiple log groups, delimit each log group by ","(comma).

See official documentation for the detailed syntax. Note "limit" won't work instead use -l options to limit the number of the logs events to be returned.

Non-required options:
  • -h Help flag. If specified, the command usage will be displayed. False by default.
  • -v Version flag. If specified, version information is displayed. False by default.
  • -d Debug flag. If specified, the printDebug print will be output in stderr. False by default.
  • -v Verbose flag. If specified, the debug print will be output in stderr. False by default.
  • -s Start time in RFC3339 format. The logs after this timestamp will be queried. One hour before current time by default.
  • -e End time in RFC3339 format. The logs before this time stamp will be queried. Current time by default.
  • -l Limit of the number of returned logs events which match against query. 1000 by default
  • -b Before. A time duration parameter specifying how long before the query matched log event timestamp to be used to search the logs around.
  • -a After. A time duration parameter specifying how long after the query matched log event timestamp to be used to search the logs around.

You are supposed to specify -b and -a option by the duration string: 1s => 1 second, 1ms => 1 milli-sec.

Query results will be JSON array whose element consist of two fields "result" and "surroundings". The "result" field simply reflects the result of the query string that you specify. The "surroundings" field reflects the logs around the logs in "result" field in the same log stream.


Actually it's possible to acquire exactly same results, getting CloudWatch Logs Insights query result and seeing the related logs from CloudWatch Logs stream, by using aws-cli and/or AWS Console.

But it is a little cumbersome to perform this.

For example, let's imagine the situation, if you want to get "ERROR" logs from a log group and you want to see the some amount log lines recorded just before the each "ERROR" logs.

If you use aws-cli for this purpose, you may need to perform the following steps:

$ aws logs start-query --query-string 'fields @timestamp, @message, @log, @logStream | filter @message like "ERROR"' --start-time ... --end-time ... --log-group ...
# query id will be returned

$ aws logs get-query-result --query-id ...
# try until the query execution status would be "Complete"
# then parse the results json.
# By parsing each event in the returned json, you need to perform following command.

$ aws logs get-log-events --log-group-name=... --log-stream-name=... --start-time=... --end-time=...
# you need to translate the AWS CloudWatch Logs Insights query result
# * @log => extract log-group-name
# * @logStream => use as log-stream-name
# * @timestamp => convert to epoch milli seconds


How to get "surroundings" fields:

you may need to follow the following conventions to get "surroundings" field properly;

  • In -q(query) option, make sure that "@timestamp", "@log", "@logStream" fields are output.
  • Specify either or both of -b(before) and -a(after) options.
Specify AWS region, profile, credentials by your env vars

query-aws-logs doesn't provide the way to specify AWS related parameters. Use AWS standard env vars to specify them; i.e. AWS_DEFAULT_REGION, AWS_PROFILE, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY


Example1 - retrieving logs:
$ query-aws-logs -g my-log-group -q 'fields @timestamp, @message'

This command would output the JSON looking like below:

    "result": {
      "@message": "[ERROR] an error log",
      "@timestamp": "2021-08-13 00:01:05.923",
Example2 - retrieving logs that contain "ERROR" string with surrounding logs:
$ query-aws-logs -g my-log-group -q 'fields @timestamp,@message,@log,@logStream | @message like "ERROR"' -b 10ms

This command would output the JSON looking like below:

    "result": {
      "@log": "7825xxxxxxxx:my-log-group",
      "@logStream": "my/log/stream/2bs4b5b05b0a3ebd1201871s32486f0z",
      "@message": "[ERROR] an error log",
      "@timestamp": "2021-08-13 00:01:05.923",
    "surroundings": [
        "message": "[INFO] some logs in 10 ms before a log event that has matched against the query"
        "timestamp": "2021-08-13 00:01:05.915"


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