Basic example
This example shows how to extend a Go application with an addition function
defined in WebAssembly.
$ go run add.go 7 9
7 + 9 = 16
wazero is a WebAssembly runtime, embedded in your host application. To run
WebAssembly functions, you need access to a WebAssembly Binary (Wasm),
typically a %.wasm
add.wasm was compiled from add.go with
TinyGo, as it is the most common way to compile Go source to Wasm. Here's
the minimal command to build a %.wasm
cd testdata; tinygo build -o add.wasm -target=wasi add.go
- Many other languages compile to (target) Wasm including AssemblyScript, C,
C++, Rust, and Zig!
- The embedding application is often called the "host" in WebAssembly.
- The Wasm binary is often called the "guest" in WebAssembly. Sometimes they
need imports to implement features such as console output.
target, requires WASI imports.