
v0.0.23 Latest Latest

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Published: Mar 19, 2023 License: MIT



Let's do useful things with LLMs from the command line, with a bent towards software engineering.



What is this thing?

  • I want to call GPT from the command line, pipe input/output, index and manipulate local files, etc.
  • I want to see the actual prompts.
  • I want to accelerate how I write and run code.
  • Not into Python, prefer Go.


  • This is an experimental MacOS/Linux command line tool for using GPT-3. You give it your OpenAI key and it runs queries.
  • What can you do with it?
    • Ask questions in your shell with recent history
    • Run raw GPT prompts.
    • Semantically summarize local content.
    • Generate and run shell commands.
    • Detect when a command fails and offer a fix.
    • Edit your prompts in a YAML file.
    • Generate and cache embeddings for text files.
    • Search and ask GPT questions based on those embeddings.
  • Experimenting with different modes of LLM invocation:
    • Command Line: directly from command line with butterfish <cmd>, e.g. butterfish gencmd 'list all .go files in current directory'.
    • Wrapped Shell: start with a Capital letter to prompt the LLM, prompts and autocomplete see recent history.
  • External contribution and feedback highly encouraged. Submit a PR!

Installation / Authentication

Butterfish works on MacOS and Linux. You can install via Homebrew:

brew install bakks/bakks/butterfish
butterfish prompt "Is this thing working?"

You can also install with go get, which is recommended for Linux:

go get github.com/bakks/butterfish/cmd/butterfish
butterfish prompt "Is this thing working?"

The first invocation will prompt you to paste in an OpenAI API secret key. You can get an OpenAI key at https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys.

The key will be written to ~/.config/butterfish/butterfish.env, which looks like:


It may also be useful to alias the butterfish command to something shorter. If you add the following line to your ~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc file then you can run it with only bf.

alias bf="butterfish"

Shell Mode

You might use your local terminal for lots of everyday tasks - building code, using git, logging into remote machines, etc. Do you remember off the top of your head how to unpackage a .tar.gz file? No one does!

Shell mode is an attempt to tightly integrate language models into your shell. Think Github Copilot for shell. The goals here are:

  • Make the user faster and more effective
  • Be unobtrusive, don't break current shell workflows
  • Don't require another window or using mouse
  • Use the recent shell history

How does this work? Shell mode wraps your shell rather than replacing it.

  • You run butterfish shell and get a transparent layer on top of your normal shell.
  • You start a command with a capital letter to prompt the LLM, e.g. "How do I do..."
  • You can autocomplete commands and prompt questions
  • Prompts and autocomplete use local context for answers, like ChatGPT

This pattern is shockingly effective - you can ask the LLM to solve the error that just printed, and if it suggests a command then autocomplete that command.

This is also very new code and there are likely bugs, please log issues in github.

> butterfish shell --help
Usage: butterfish shell

Start the Butterfish shell wrapper. Wrap your existing shell, giving you access
to LLM prompting by starting your command with a capital letter. Autosuggest
shell commands. LLM calls include prior shell context.

  -h, --help                       Show context-sensitive help.
  -v, --verbose                    Verbose mode, prints full LLM prompts.

  -b, --bin=STRING                 Shell to use (e.g. /bin/zsh), defaults to
  -m, --prompt-model="gpt-3.5-turbo"
                                   Model for when the user manually enters a
  -w, --prompt-history-window=3000
                                   Number of bytes of history to include when
  -a, --autosuggest-model="text-davinci-003"
                                   Model for autosuggest
  -t, --autosuggest-timeout=500    Time between when the user stops typing
                                   and an autosuggest is requested (lower
                                   values trigger more calls and are thus more
  -W, --autosuggest-history-window=3000
                                   Number of bytes of history to include when

Shell mode defaults to using gpt-3.5-turbo for prompting, if you have access to GPT-4 you can use it with:

butterfish shell -m 'gpt-4' -w 6000

CLI Examples

prompt - Straightforward LLM prompt


butterfish prompt "Write me a poem about placeholder text"
echo "Explain unix pipes to me:" | butterfish prompt
cat go.mod | butterfish prompt "Explain what this go project file contains:"
> butterfish prompt --help
Usage: butterfish prompt [<prompt> ...]

Run an LLM prompt without wrapping, stream results back. This is a
straight-through call to the LLM from the command line with a given prompt.
This accepts piped input, if there is both piped input and a prompt then they
will be concatenated together (prompt first). It is recommended that you wrap
the prompt with quotes. The default GPT model is gpt-3.5-turbo.

  [<prompt> ...]    Prompt to use.

  -h, --help                     Show context-sensitive help.
  -v, --verbose                  Verbose mode, prints full LLM prompts.

  -m, --model="gpt-3.5-turbo"    GPT model to use for the prompt.
  -n, --num-tokens=1024          Maximum number of tokens to generate.
  -T, --temperature=0.7          Temperature to use for the prompt, higher
                                 temperature indicates more freedom/randomness
                                 when generating each token.

gencmd - Generate a shell command

Use the -f flag to execute sight unseen.

butterfish gencmd -f "Find all of the go files in the current directory, recursively"
> butterfish gencmd --help
Usage: butterfish gencmd <prompt> ...

Generate a shell command from a prompt, i.e. pass in what you want, a shell
command will be generated. Accepts piped input. You can use the -f command to
execute it sight-unseen.

  <prompt> ...    Prompt describing the desired shell command.

  -h, --help       Show context-sensitive help.
  -v, --verbose    Verbose mode, prints full LLM prompts.

  -f, --force      Execute the command without prompting.

rewrite - Rewrite a file with LLM instructions
butterfish rewrite -I "Add comments to all functions" < main.go
butterfish rewrite -i ./Makefile "Add a command for updating go modules"
> butterfish rewrite --help
Usage: butterfish rewrite <prompt>

Rewrite a file using a prompt, must specify either a file path or provide piped
input, and can output to stdout, output to a given file, or edit the input file
in-place. This command uses the OpenAI edit API rather than the completion API.

  <prompt>    Instruction to the model on how to rewrite.

  -h, --help                 Show context-sensitive help.
  -v, --verbose              Verbose mode, prints full LLM prompts.

  -i, --inputfile=STRING     Source file for content to rewrite. If not set then
                             there must be piped input.
  -o, --outputfile=STRING    File to write the rewritten output to.
  -I, --inplace              Rewrite the input file in place. This is
                             potentially destructive, use with caution! Cannot
                             be set at the same time as the outputfile flag.
  -m, --model="code-davinci-edit-001"
                             GPT model to use for editing. At compile time
                             this should be either 'code-davinci-edit-001' or
  -T, --temperature=0.6      Temperature to use for the prompt, higher
                             temperature indicates more freedom/randomness when
                             generating each token.
  -c, --chunk-size=4000      Number of bytes to rewrite at a time if the file
                             must be split up.
  -C, --max-chunks=128       Maximum number of chunks to rewrite from a specific

summarize - Get a semantic summary of file content

If necessary, this command will split the file into chunks, summarize chunks, then produce a final summary.

butterfish summarize README.md
cat go/main.go | butterfish summarize
> butterfish summarize --help
Usage: butterfish summarize [<files> ...]

Semantically summarize a list of files (or piped input). We read in the file,
if it is short then we hand it directly to the LLM and ask for a summary. If it
is longer then we break it into chunks and ask for a list of facts from each
chunk (max 8 chunks), then concatenate facts and ask GPT for an overall summary.

  [<files> ...]    File paths to summarize.

  -h, --help               Show context-sensitive help.
  -v, --verbose            Verbose mode, prints full LLM prompts.

  -c, --chunk-size=3600    Number of bytes to summarize at a time if the file
                           must be split up.
  -C, --max-chunks=8       Maximum number of chunks to summarize from a specific

exec - Run a command and suggest a fix if it fails
butterfish exec 'find -nam foobar'
index - Index local files with embeddings
butterfish index .
butterfish indexsearch "compare indexed embeddings against this string"
butterfish indexquestion "inject similar indexed embeddings into a prompt"


Here's the command help:

> butterfish --help
Usage: butterfish <command>

Do useful things with LLMs from the command line, with a bent towards software
engineering. v0.0.22 darwin amd64 (commit 87baf41) (built 2023-03-19T01:52:20Z)
MIT License - Copyright (c) 2023 Peter Bakkum

  -h, --help       Show context-sensitive help.
  -v, --verbose    Verbose mode, prints full LLM prompts.

    Start the Butterfish shell wrapper. Wrap your existing shell, giving you
    access to LLM prompting by starting your command with a capital letter.
    Autosuggest shell commands. LLM calls include prior shell context.

  prompt [<prompt> ...]
    Run an LLM prompt without wrapping, stream results back. This is a
    straight-through call to the LLM from the command line with a given prompt.
    This accepts piped input, if there is both piped input and a prompt then
    they will be concatenated together (prompt first). It is recommended that
    you wrap the prompt with quotes. The default GPT model is gpt-3.5-turbo.

  summarize [<files> ...]
    Semantically summarize a list of files (or piped input). We read in the
    file, if it is short then we hand it directly to the LLM and ask for a
    summary. If it is longer then we break it into chunks and ask for a list of
    facts from each chunk (max 8 chunks), then concatenate facts and ask GPT for
    an overall summary.

  gencmd <prompt> ...
    Generate a shell command from a prompt, i.e. pass in what you want, a shell
    command will be generated. Accepts piped input. You can use the -f command
    to execute it sight-unseen.

  rewrite <prompt>
    Rewrite a file using a prompt, must specify either a file path or provide
    piped input, and can output to stdout, output to a given file, or edit the
    input file in-place. This command uses the OpenAI edit API rather than the
    completion API.

  exec [<command> ...]
    Execute a command and try to debug problems. The command can either passed
    in or in the command register (if you have run gencmd in Console Mode).

  execremote [<command> ...]
    Execute a command in a wrapped shell, either passed in or in command
    register. This is specifically for Console Mode after you have run gencmd
    when you have a wrapped terminal open.

  index [<paths> ...]
    Recursively index the current directory using embeddings. This will
    read each file, split it into chunks, embed the chunks, and write a
    .butterfish_index file to each directory caching the embeddings. If you
    re-run this it will skip over previously embedded files unless you force a
    re-index. This implements an exponential backoff if you hit OpenAI API rate

  clearindex [<paths> ...]
    Clear paths from the index, both from the in-memory index (if in Console
    Mode) and to delete .butterfish_index files. Defaults to loading from the
    current directory but allows you to pass in paths to load.

  loadindex [<paths> ...]
    Load paths into the index. This is specifically for Console Mode when you
    want to load a set of cached indexes into memory. Defaults to loading from
    the current directory but allows you to pass in paths to load.

  showindex [<paths> ...]
    Show which files are present in the loaded index. You can pass in a path but
    it defaults to the current directory.

  indexsearch <query>
    Search embedding index and return relevant file snippets. This uses the
    embedding API to embed the search string, then does a brute-force cosine
    similarity against every indexed chunk of text, returning those chunks and
    their scores.

  indexquestion <question>
    Ask a question using the embeddings index. This fetches text snippets from
    the index and passes them to the LLM to generate an answer, thus you need to
    run the index command first.

Run "butterfish <command> --help" for more information on a command.

Prompt Library

A goal of Butterfish is to make prompts transparent and easily editable. Butterfish will write a prompt library to ~/.config/butterfish/prompts.yaml and load this every time it runs. You can edit prompts in that file to tweak them. If you edit a prompt then set OkToReplace: false, which prevents overwriting.

> head -n 8 ~/.config/butterfish/prompts.yaml
- name: watch_shell_output
  prompt: The following is output from a user inside a "{shell_name}" shell, the user
    ran the command "{command}", if the output contains an error then print the specific
    segment that is an error and explain briefly how to solve the error, otherwise
    respond with only "NOOP". "{output}"
  oktoreplace: true
- name: summarize
  prompt: |-

If you want to see the exact communication between Butterfish and the OpenAI API then set the verbose flag (-v) when you run Butterfish, this will print the full prompt and response. For example:

butterfish -v gencmd "find all go files"
Loaded 7 prompts from /Users/bakks/.config/butterfish/prompts.yaml
↑ ---
Write a shell command that accomplishes the following goal. Respond with only the shell command.
find all go files


butterfish index .
butterfish indexsearch 'Lorem ipsem dolor sit amet'
butterfish indexquestion 'Lorem ipsem dolor sit amet?'

Butterfish supports creating embeddings for local files and caching them on disk. This is the strategy many projects have been using to add external context into LLM prompts.

You can build an index by running butterfish index in a specific directory. This will recursively find all non-binary files, split files into chunks, use the OpenAI embedding API to embed each chunk, and cache the embeddings in a file called .butterfish_index in each directory. You can then run butterfish indexsearch '[search text]', which will embed the search text and then search cached embeddings for the most similar chunk. You can also run butterfish indexquestion '[question]', which injects related snippets into a prompt.

You can run butterfish index again later to update the index, this will skip over files that haven't been recently changed. Running butterfish clearindex will recursively remove .butterfish_index files.

The .butterfish_index cache files are binary files written using the protobuf schema in proto/butterfish.proto. If you check out this repo you can then inspect specific index files with a command like:

protoc --decode DirectoryIndex butterfish/proto/butterfish.proto < .butterfish_index

Dev Setup

I've been developing Butterfish on an Intel Mac, but it should work fine on ARM Macs and probably work on Linux (untested). Here is how to get set up for development on MacOS:

brew install git go protoc protoc-gen-go protoc-gen-go-grpc
git clone https://github.com/bakks/butterfish
cd butterfish
./bin/butterfish prompt "Is this thing working?"


Path Synopsis

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL