Media tagger and organizer backend.
Hydron aims to be a much faster alternative to the
Hydrus Network and is currently in
early development.
Platforms: Linux, OSX, Win64
While it is possible to compile binaries on Windows with MinGW/MSYS2 similar
to how you would on Unix-like systems, it is a huge pain in the ass.
Just download statically precompiled binaries from the
release page.
Linux / OS X
Install dependencies listed below. On a Debian-based system those would
the following packages or similar:
golang build-essential pkg-config libpth-dev libavcodec-dev libavutil-dev
libavformat-dev libgraphicsmagick1-dev
Set up a Go workspace (not needed with Go >= 1.8)
`mkdir ~/go; echo 'export GOPATH=~/go' >> ~/.bashrc; . ~/.bashrc`
Add Go bin directory to your path
`echo 'export PATH=$PATH:~/go/bin' >> ~/.bashrc; . ~/.bashrc`
Download and install Hydron with `go get`