Overview ¶
Package api defines all APIs supported by the BCC service of BCE.
Package api defines all APIs supported by the BCC service of BCE.
Package api defines all APIs supported by the BCC service of BCE.
Package api defines all APIs supported by the BCC service of BCE.
Package api defines all APIs supported by the BCC service of BCE.
Package api defines all APIs supported by the BCC service of BCE.
Package api defines all APIs supported by the BCC service of BCE.
Package api defines all APIs supported by the BCC service of BCE.
Package api defines all APIs supported by the BCC service of BCE.
util.go - define the utilities for api package of BCC service
Index ¶
- Constants
- func Aes128EncryptUseSecreteKey(sk string, data string) (string, error)
- func AttachAutoSnapshotPolicy(cli bce.Client, aspId string, args *AttachASPArgs) error
- func AttachKeypair(cli bce.Client, args *AttackKeypairArgs) error
- func AuthorizeSecurityGroupRule(cli bce.Client, securityGroupId string, args *AuthorizeSecurityGroupArgs) error
- func AutoReleaseInstance(cli bce.Client, instanceId string, args *AutoReleaseArgs) error
- func AutoRenewCDSVolume(cli bce.Client, args *AutoRenewCDSVolumeArgs) error
- func BatchCreateAutoRenewRules(cli bce.Client, reqBody *bce.Body) error
- func BatchDelIp(cli bce.Client, args *BatchDelIpArgs, reqBody *bce.Body) error
- func BatchDeleteAutoRenewRules(cli bce.Client, reqBody *bce.Body) error
- func BatchRebuildInstances(cli bce.Client, reqBody *bce.Body) error
- func BindInstanceToTags(cli bce.Client, instanceId string, reqBody *bce.Body) error
- func BindSecurityGroup(cli bce.Client, instanceId string, reqBody *bce.Body) error
- func CancelAutoRenewCDSVolume(cli bce.Client, args *CancelAutoRenewCDSVolumeArgs) error
- func CancelRemoteCopyImage(cli bce.Client, imageId string) error
- func ChangeInstancePass(cli bce.Client, instanceId string, reqBody *bce.Body) error
- func DelInstanceDeploy(cli bce.Client, clientToken string, reqBody *bce.Body) error
- func DeleteAutoSnapshotPolicy(cli bce.Client, aspId string) error
- func DeleteCDSVolume(cli bce.Client, volumeId string) error
- func DeleteCDSVolumeNew(cli bce.Client, volumeId string, args *DeleteCDSVolumeArgs) error
- func DeleteDeploySet(cli bce.Client, deploySetId string) error
- func DeleteImage(cli bce.Client, imageId string) error
- func DeleteInstance(cli bce.Client, instanceId string) error
- func DeleteInstanceWithRelatedResource(cli bce.Client, instanceId string, reqBody *bce.Body) error
- func DeleteKeypair(cli bce.Client, args *DeleteKeypairArgs) error
- func DeleteSecurityGroup(cli bce.Client, securityGroupId string) error
- func DeleteSnapshot(cli bce.Client, snapshotId string) error
- func DetachAutoSnapshotPolicy(cli bce.Client, aspId string, args *DetachASPArgs) error
- func DetachCDSVolume(cli bce.Client, volumeId string, args *DetachVolumeArgs) error
- func DetachKeypair(cli bce.Client, args *DetachKeypairArgs) error
- func GetCancelBidOrderUri() string
- func GetCreateBidInstanceUri() string
- func GetInstanceNoChargeListUri() string
- func InstanceChangeSubnet(cli bce.Client, reqBody *bce.Body) error
- func InstanceChangeVpc(cli bce.Client, reqBody *bce.Body) error
- func InstancePurchaseReserved(cli bce.Client, instanceId, relatedRenewFlag, clientToken string, ...) error
- func ModifyCDSVolume(cli bce.Client, volumeId string, args *ModifyCSDVolumeArgs) error
- func ModifyChargeTypeCDSVolume(cli bce.Client, volumeId string, args *ModifyChargeTypeCSDVolumeArgs) error
- func ModifyDeploySet(cli bce.Client, deploySetId string, clientToken string, reqBody *bce.Body) error
- func ModifyInstanceAttribute(cli bce.Client, instanceId string, reqBody *bce.Body) error
- func ModifyInstanceDesc(cli bce.Client, instanceId string, reqBody *bce.Body) error
- func ModifyInstanceHostname(cli bce.Client, instanceId string, reqBody *bce.Body) error
- func PurchaseReservedCDSVolume(cli bce.Client, volumeId string, args *PurchaseReservedCSDVolumeArgs) error
- func RebootInstance(cli bce.Client, instanceId string, reqBody *bce.Body) error
- func RebuildInstance(cli bce.Client, instanceId string, reqBody *bce.Body) error
- func RecoveryInstance(cli bce.Client, reqBody *bce.Body) error
- func RemoteCopyImage(cli bce.Client, imageId string, args *RemoteCopyImageArgs) error
- func RenameCDSVolume(cli bce.Client, volumeId string, args *RenameCSDVolumeArgs) error
- func RenameKeypair(cli bce.Client, args *RenameKeypairArgs) error
- func ResizeCDSVolume(cli bce.Client, volumeId string, args *ResizeCSDVolumeArgs) error
- func ResizeInstance(cli bce.Client, instanceId, clientToken string, reqBody *bce.Body) error
- func ResizeInstanceBySpec(cli bce.Client, instanceId, clientToken string, reqBody *bce.Body) error
- func RevokeSecurityGroupRule(cli bce.Client, securityGroupId string, args *RevokeSecurityGroupArgs) error
- func RollbackCDSVolume(cli bce.Client, volumeId string, args *RollbackCSDVolumeArgs) error
- func ShareImage(cli bce.Client, imageId string, args *SharedUser) error
- func StartInstance(cli bce.Client, instanceId string) error
- func StopInstance(cli bce.Client, instanceId string, reqBody *bce.Body) error
- func UnBindInstanceToTags(cli bce.Client, instanceId string, reqBody *bce.Body) error
- func UnBindSecurityGroup(cli bce.Client, instanceId string, reqBody *bce.Body) error
- func UnShareImage(cli bce.Client, imageId string, args *SharedUser) error
- func UpdateAutoSnapshotPolicy(cli bce.Client, args *UpdateASPArgs) error
- func UpdateInstanceDeploy(cli bce.Client, clientToken string, reqBody *bce.Body) error
- func UpdateKeypairDescription(cli bce.Client, args *KeypairUpdateDescArgs) error
- type AttachASPArgs
- type AttachVolumeArgs
- type AttachVolumeResult
- type AttackKeypairArgs
- type AuthorizeSecurityGroupArgs
- type AutoReleaseArgs
- type AutoRenewCDSVolumeArgs
- type AutoSnapshotPolicyModel
- type AzIntstanceStatis
- type AzIntstanceStatisDetail
- type BatchAddIpArgs
- type BatchAddIpResponse
- type BatchDelIpArgs
- type BbcStock
- type BccCreateAutoRenewArgs
- type BccDeleteAutoRenewArgs
- type BccFlavor
- type BccResource
- type BccResources
- type BccStock
- type Billing
- type BindSecurityGroupArgs
- type BindTagsRequest
- type CancelAutoRenewCDSVolumeArgs
- type CancelBidOrderRequest
- type ChangeInstancePassArgs
- type ChangeToPrepaidRequest
- type ChangeToPrepaidResponse
- type CreateASPArgs
- type CreateASPResult
- type CreateBidInstanceResult
- type CreateCDSVolumeArgs
- type CreateCDSVolumeResult
- type CreateCDSVolumeV3Args
- type CreateCdsModel
- type CreateCdsModelV3
- type CreateDeploySetArgs
- type CreateDeploySetResp
- type CreateDeploySetResult
- type CreateImageArgs
- type CreateImageResult
- type CreateInstanceArgs
- type CreateInstanceBySpecArgs
- type CreateInstanceBySpecResult
- type CreateInstanceResult
- type CreateInstanceStockArgs
- type CreateInstanceV3Args
- type CreateInstanceV3Result
- type CreateKeypairArgs
- type CreateSecurityGroupArgs
- type CreateSecurityGroupResult
- type CreateSnapshotArgs
- type CreateSnapshotResult
- type DataVolume
- type DataVolumeV3
- type DelInstanceDeployArgs
- type DeleteCDSVolumeArgs
- type DeleteInstanceIngorePaymentArgs
- type DeleteInstanceModel
- type DeleteInstanceResult
- type DeleteInstanceWithRelateResourceArgs
- type DeleteKeypairArgs
- type DeploySetModel
- type DeploySetResult
- type DeploySetSimpleModel
- type DetachASPArgs
- type DetachKeypairArgs
- type DetachVolumeArgs
- type DiskInfo
- type DiskZoneResource
- type Eni
- type EphemeralDisk
- type EphemeralDiskV3
- type Flavor
- type FlavorGroup
- type GetASPDetailResult
- type GetAllStocksResult
- type GetAvailableDiskInfoResult
- type GetBidInstancePriceArgs
- type GetBidInstancePriceResult
- type GetDeploySetResult
- type GetImageDetailResult
- type GetImageOsArgs
- type GetImageOsResult
- type GetImageSharedUserResult
- type GetInstanceDetailResult
- func GetInstanceDetail(cli bce.Client, instanceId string) (*GetInstanceDetailResult, error)
- func GetInstanceDetailWithDeploySet(cli bce.Client, instanceId string, isDeploySet bool) (*GetInstanceDetailResult, error)
- func GetInstanceDetailWithDeploySetAndFailed(cli bce.Client, instanceId string, isDeploySet bool, containsFailed bool) (*GetInstanceDetailResult, error)
- type GetInstanceVNCResult
- type GetPriceBySpecArgs
- type GetPriceBySpecResult
- type GetSnapshotDetailResult
- type GetStockWithDeploySetArgs
- type GetStockWithDeploySetResults
- type GetVolumeDetailResult
- type GetVolumeDetailResultV3
- type ImageModel
- type ImageStatus
- type ImageType
- type ImportKeypairArgs
- type InstanceChangeSubnetArgs
- type InstanceChangeVpcArgs
- type InstanceMarketOptions
- type InstanceModel
- type InstanceModelV3
- type InstanceStatus
- type InstanceStockResult
- type InstanceType
- type InstanceTypeModel
- type InternetAccessible
- type InternetChargeType
- type IpModel
- type IpModelV3
- type KeypairModel
- type KeypairResult
- type KeypairUpdateDescArgs
- type ListASPArgs
- type ListASPResult
- type ListBidFlavorResult
- type ListCDSVolumeArgs
- type ListCDSVolumeResult
- type ListCDSVolumeResultV3
- type ListDeploySetsResult
- type ListFlavorSpecArgs
- type ListFlavorSpecResult
- type ListImageArgs
- type ListImageResult
- type ListInstanceArgs
- type ListInstanceByInstanceIdArgs
- type ListInstanceEniResult
- type ListInstanceResult
- type ListInstancesResult
- type ListKeypairArgs
- type ListKeypairResult
- type ListRecycleInstanceArgs
- type ListRecycleInstanceResult
- type ListSecurityGroupArgs
- type ListSecurityGroupResult
- type ListServerRequestV3Args
- type ListSnapshotArgs
- type ListSnapshotChainArgs
- type ListSnapshotChainResult
- type ListSnapshotResult
- type ListSpecResult
- type ListTypeZonesArgs
- type ListTypeZonesResult
- type ListZoneResult
- type LogicMarkerResultResponseV3
- type ModifyCSDVolumeArgs
- type ModifyChargeTypeCSDVolumeArgs
- type ModifyDeploySetArgs
- type ModifyInstanceAttributeArgs
- type ModifyInstanceDescArgs
- type ModifyInstanceHostnameArgs
- type NicInfo
- type NicInfoV3
- type OsModel
- type PaymentTimingType
- type PrivateIP
- type PurchaseReservedArgs
- type PurchaseReservedCSDVolumeArgs
- type RebuildBatchInstanceArgs
- type RebuildInstanceArgs
- type RecoveryInstanceArgs
- type RecoveryInstanceModel
- type RecycleInstanceModel
- type RemoteCopyImageArgs
- type RemoteCopyImageModel
- type RemoteCopyImageResult
- type RenameCSDVolumeArgs
- type RenameKeypairArgs
- type Reservation
- type ResizeCSDVolumeArgs
- type ResizeInstanceArgs
- type ResizeInstanceStockArgs
- type RevokeSecurityGroupArgs
- type RollbackCSDVolumeArgs
- type SecurityGroupModel
- type SecurityGroupRuleModel
- type SharedUser
- type SnapchainModel
- type SnapshotModel
- type SnapshotStatus
- type SpecIdPrices
- type SpecPrices
- type StopInstanceArgs
- type StorageType
- type StorageTypeV3
- type SystemVolume
- type UnBindTagsRequest
- type UpdateASPArgs
- type UpdateInstanceDeployArgs
- type VolumeAttachmentModel
- type VolumeAttachmentsModel
- type VolumeDeleteResultModel
- type VolumeDeleteResultResponse
- type VolumeModel
- type VolumeModelV3
- type VolumePrepayDeleteRequestArgs
- type VolumeStatus
- type VolumeStatusV3
- type VolumeType
- type VolumeTypeV3
- type ZoneModel
- type ZoneResource
- type ZoneResourceDetailSpec
Constants ¶
const ( RelatedRenewFlagCDS string = "CDS" RelatedRenewFlagEIP string = "EIP" RelatedRenewFlagMKT string = "MKT" RelatedRenewFlagCDSEIP string = "CDS_EIP" RelatedRenewFlagCDSMKT string = "CDS_MKT" RelatedRenewFlagEIPMKT string = "EIP_MKT" RelatedRenewFlagCDSEIPMKT string = "CDS_EIP_MKT" )
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func AttachAutoSnapshotPolicy ¶
func AttachAutoSnapshotPolicy(cli bce.Client, aspId string, args *AttachASPArgs) error
AttachAutoSnapshotPolicy - attach an automatic snapshot policy to specified volumes
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- aspId: the id of the automatic snapshot policy
- args: the arguments to attach automatic snapshot policy
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func AttachKeypair ¶ added in v0.9.18
func AttachKeypair(cli bce.Client, args *AttackKeypairArgs) error
func AuthorizeSecurityGroupRule ¶
func AuthorizeSecurityGroupRule(cli bce.Client, securityGroupId string, args *AuthorizeSecurityGroupArgs) error
AuthorizeSecurityGroupRule - authorize a rule of security group
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- securityGroupId: id of the security group
- args: arguments to authorize security group rule
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func AutoReleaseInstance ¶ added in v0.9.66
func AutoReleaseInstance(cli bce.Client, instanceId string, args *AutoReleaseArgs) error
AutoReleaseInstance - set releaseTime of a postpay instance
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- instanceId: the specific instance ID
- args: the arguments to auto release instance
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func AutoRenewCDSVolume ¶ added in v0.9.18
func AutoRenewCDSVolume(cli bce.Client, args *AutoRenewCDSVolumeArgs) error
AutoRenewCDSVolume - auto renew the specified cds volume
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- args: the arguments to auto renew the cds volume
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func BatchCreateAutoRenewRules ¶ added in v0.9.21
BatchCreateAutoRenewRules - Batch Create AutoRenew Rules
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- reqBody: http request body
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func BatchDelIp ¶ added in v0.9.8
BatchDelIp - Delete ips of instance
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- reqBody: http request body
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func BatchDeleteAutoRenewRules ¶ added in v0.9.21
BatchDeleteAutoRenewRules - Batch Delete AutoRenew Rules
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- reqBody: http request body
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func BatchRebuildInstances ¶ added in v0.9.15
BatchRebuildInstances - batch rebuild instances
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- reqBody: the request body to rebuild instance
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func BindInstanceToTags ¶ added in v0.9.15
bindInstanceToTags - bind instance to tags
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- reqBody: the request body to bindInstanceToTags
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func BindSecurityGroup ¶
BindSecurityGroup - bind security group for a specified instance
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- instanceId: id of the instance
- reqBody: the request body to bind security group associate to the instance
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func CancelAutoRenewCDSVolume ¶ added in v0.9.18
func CancelAutoRenewCDSVolume(cli bce.Client, args *CancelAutoRenewCDSVolumeArgs) error
CancelAutoRenewCDSVolume - cancel auto renew the specified cds volume
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- args: the arguments to cancel auto renew the cds volume
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func CancelRemoteCopyImage ¶
CancelRemoteCopyImage - cancel the image copy across regions
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- imageId: id of the image
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func ChangeInstancePass ¶
ChangeInstancePass - change password of specified instance
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- instanceId: id of the instance
- reqBody: the request body to change paasword of instance
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func DelInstanceDeploy ¶ added in v0.9.66
func DeleteAutoSnapshotPolicy ¶
DeleteAutoSnapshotPolicy - delete an automatic snapshot policy
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- aspId: the id of the automatic snapshot policy
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func DeleteCDSVolume ¶
DeleteCDSVolume - delete a specified cds volume
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- volumeId: id of the cds volume to be deleted
- :
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func DeleteCDSVolumeNew ¶
func DeleteCDSVolumeNew(cli bce.Client, volumeId string, args *DeleteCDSVolumeArgs) error
DeleteCDSVolumeNew - delete a specified cds volume, the difference from the above api is that \ can control whether to delete the snapshot associated with the volume
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- volumeId: id of the cds volume to be deleted
- args: the arguments to delete cds volume
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func DeleteDeploySet ¶ added in v0.9.11
DeleteDeploySet - delete a deploy set
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- deploySetId: the id of the deploy set
- clientToken: idempotent token, an ASCII string no longer than 64 bits
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func DeleteImage ¶
DeleteImage - delete a specified image
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- imageId: id of image to be deleted
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func DeleteInstance ¶
DeleteInstance - delete a specified instance
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- instanceId: id of the instance to be deleted
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func DeleteInstanceWithRelatedResource ¶
DeleteInstanceWithRelatedResource - delete an instance with related resources
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- instanceId: id of the instance to be deleted
- reqBody: request body to delete instance
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func DeleteKeypair ¶ added in v0.9.18
func DeleteKeypair(cli bce.Client, args *DeleteKeypairArgs) error
func DeleteSecurityGroup ¶
DeleteSecurityGroup - delete a security group
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- securityGroupId: id of the security group to be deleted
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func DeleteSnapshot ¶
DeleteSnapshot - delete a snapshot
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- snapshotId: id of the snapshot to be deleted
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func DetachAutoSnapshotPolicy ¶
func DetachAutoSnapshotPolicy(cli bce.Client, aspId string, args *DetachASPArgs) error
DetachAutoSnapshotPolicy - detach an automatic snapshot policy for specified volumes
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- aspId: the id of the automatic snapshot policy
- args: the arguments to detach automatic snapshot policy
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func DetachCDSVolume ¶
func DetachCDSVolume(cli bce.Client, volumeId string, args *DetachVolumeArgs) error
DetachCDSVolume - detach an cds volume for a specified instance
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- volumeId: id of the cds volume
- args: the arguments of instance id detached from
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func DetachKeypair ¶ added in v0.9.18
func DetachKeypair(cli bce.Client, args *DetachKeypairArgs) error
func GetCancelBidOrderUri ¶ added in v0.9.15
func GetCancelBidOrderUri() string
func GetCreateBidInstanceUri ¶ added in v0.9.15
func GetCreateBidInstanceUri() string
func GetInstanceNoChargeListUri ¶ added in v0.9.15
func GetInstanceNoChargeListUri() string
func InstanceChangeSubnet ¶
InstanceChangeSubnet - change the subnet to which the instance belongs
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- reqBody: request body to change subnet of instance
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func InstanceChangeVpc ¶ added in v0.9.58
InstanceChangeVpc - change the vpc to which the instance belongs
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- reqBody: request body to change vpc of instance
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func InstancePurchaseReserved ¶
func InstancePurchaseReserved(cli bce.Client, instanceId, relatedRenewFlag, clientToken string, reqBody *bce.Body) error
InstancePurchaseReserved - renew a specified instance
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- instanceId: id of the instance to be renewed
- reqBody: the request body to renew instance
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func ModifyCDSVolume ¶
func ModifyCDSVolume(cli bce.Client, volumeId string, args *ModifyCSDVolumeArgs) error
ModifyCDSVolume - modify attributes of the specified cds volume
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- volumeId: id of the volume to be modified
- args: arguments to modify volume
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func ModifyChargeTypeCDSVolume ¶
func ModifyChargeTypeCDSVolume(cli bce.Client, volumeId string, args *ModifyChargeTypeCSDVolumeArgs) error
ModifyChargeTypeCDSVolume - modify the volume billing method, only support Postpaid to Prepaid and Prepaid to Postpaid
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- volumeId: id of the volume to be modified
- args: the arguments to modify volume billing method
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func ModifyDeploySet ¶ added in v0.9.11
func ModifyDeploySet(cli bce.Client, deploySetId string, clientToken string, reqBody *bce.Body) error
ModifyDeploySet - modify the deploy set atrribute
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- deploySetId: the id of the deploy set
- clientToken: idempotent token, an ASCII string no longer than 64 bits
- reqBody: http request body
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func ModifyInstanceAttribute ¶
ModifyInstanceAttribute - modify attribute of a specified instance
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- instanceId: id of the instance to be modified
- reqBody: the request body to modify instance
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func ModifyInstanceDesc ¶
ModifyInstanceDesc - modify desc of a specified instance
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- instanceId: id of the instance to be modified
- reqBody: the request body to modify instance
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func ModifyInstanceHostname ¶ added in v0.9.34
ModifyInstanceHostname - modify hostname of a specified instance
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- instanceId: id of the instance to be modified
- reqBody: the request body to modify instance
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func PurchaseReservedCDSVolume ¶
func PurchaseReservedCDSVolume(cli bce.Client, volumeId string, args *PurchaseReservedCSDVolumeArgs) error
PurchaseReservedCDSVolume - renew a specified volume to extend expiration time.
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- volumeId: id of the volume to be renewed
- args: the arguments to renew cds volume
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func RebootInstance ¶
RebootInstance - reboot a specified instance
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- instanceId: id of the instance to be rebooted
- reqBody: the request body to reboot instance
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func RebuildInstance ¶
RebuildInstance - rebuild a specified instance
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- instanceId: id of the instance to be rebuilded
- reqBody: the request body to rebuild instance
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func RecoveryInstance ¶ added in v0.9.29
func RemoteCopyImage ¶
func RemoteCopyImage(cli bce.Client, imageId string, args *RemoteCopyImageArgs) error
RemoteCopyImage - copy custom images across regions, only custom images supported, the system \ and service integration images cannot be copied.
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- imageId: id of the image to be copied
- args: the arguments to copy image
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func RenameCDSVolume ¶
func RenameCDSVolume(cli bce.Client, volumeId string, args *RenameCSDVolumeArgs) error
RenameCDSVolume - rename a specified cds volume
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- volumeId: id of the volume to be renamed
- args: the arguments to rename volume
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func RenameKeypair ¶ added in v0.9.18
func RenameKeypair(cli bce.Client, args *RenameKeypairArgs) error
func ResizeCDSVolume ¶
func ResizeCDSVolume(cli bce.Client, volumeId string, args *ResizeCSDVolumeArgs) error
ResizeCDSVolume - resize a specified cds volume
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- volumeId: id of the cds volume to be resized
- args: the arguments to resize cds volume
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func ResizeInstance ¶
ResizeInstance - resize a specified instance
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- instanceId: id of the instance to be resized
- reqBody: the request body to resize instance
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func ResizeInstanceBySpec ¶ added in v0.9.15
ResizeInstanceBySpec - resize a specified instance
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- instanceId: id of the instance to be resized
- reqBody: the request body to resize instance
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func RevokeSecurityGroupRule ¶
func RevokeSecurityGroupRule(cli bce.Client, securityGroupId string, args *RevokeSecurityGroupArgs) error
RevokeSecurityGroupRule - revoke a rule of security group
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- securityGroupId: id of the security group
- args: arguments to revoke security group rule
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func RollbackCDSVolume ¶
func RollbackCDSVolume(cli bce.Client, volumeId string, args *RollbackCSDVolumeArgs) error
RollbackCDSVolume - roll back a specified cds volume
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- volumeId: id of the cds volume to be rolled back
- args: the arguments to roll back the cds volume
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func ShareImage ¶
func ShareImage(cli bce.Client, imageId string, args *SharedUser) error
ShareImage - share a specified custom image
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- imageId: id of the image to be shared
- args: the arguments to share image
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func StartInstance ¶
StartInstance - start a specified instance
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- instanceId: id of the instance to be started
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func StopInstance ¶
StopInstance - stop a specified instance
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- instanceId: id of the instance to be stoped
- reqBody: the request body to stop instance
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func UnBindInstanceToTags ¶ added in v0.9.15
UnBindInstanceToTags - unbind instance to tags
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- reqBody: the request body to unbindInstanceToTags
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func UnBindSecurityGroup ¶
UnBindSecurityGroup - unbind security group for a specified instance
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- instanceId: id of the instance
- reqBody: the request body to unbind security group associate to the instance
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func UnShareImage ¶
func UnShareImage(cli bce.Client, imageId string, args *SharedUser) error
UnShareImage - unshare a specified image
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- imageId: id of the image to be unshared
- args: the arguments to unshare image
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func UpdateAutoSnapshotPolicy ¶
func UpdateAutoSnapshotPolicy(cli bce.Client, args *UpdateASPArgs) error
UpdateAutoSnapshotPolicy - update an automatic snapshot policy
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- args: the arguments to update automatic snapshot policy
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func UpdateInstanceDeploy ¶ added in v0.9.66
func UpdateKeypairDescription ¶ added in v0.9.18
func UpdateKeypairDescription(cli bce.Client, args *KeypairUpdateDescArgs) error
Types ¶
type AttachASPArgs ¶
type AttachASPArgs struct {
VolumeIds []string `json:"volumeIds"`
type AttachVolumeArgs ¶
type AttachVolumeArgs struct {
InstanceId string `json:"instanceId"`
type AttachVolumeResult ¶
type AttachVolumeResult struct {
VolumeAttachment *VolumeAttachmentModel `json:"volumeAttachment"`
func AttachCDSVolume ¶
func AttachCDSVolume(cli bce.Client, volumeId string, args *AttachVolumeArgs) (*AttachVolumeResult, error)
AttachCDSVolume - attach an cds volume to a specified instance
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- volumeId: id of the cds volume
- args: the arguments of instance id
- *AttachVolumeResult: the result of the attachment
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type AttackKeypairArgs ¶ added in v0.9.18
type AuthorizeSecurityGroupArgs ¶
type AuthorizeSecurityGroupArgs struct { ClientToken string `json:"-"` Rule *SecurityGroupRuleModel `json:"rule"` }
type AutoReleaseArgs ¶ added in v0.9.66
type AutoReleaseArgs struct {
ReleaseTime string `json:"releaseTime"`
type AutoRenewCDSVolumeArgs ¶ added in v0.9.18
type AutoSnapshotPolicyModel ¶
type AutoSnapshotPolicyModel struct { CreatedTime string `json:"createdTime"` Id string `json:"id"` Status string `json:"status"` RetentionDays int `json:"retentionDays"` UpdatedTime string `json:"updatedTime"` DeletedTime string `json:"deletedTime"` LastExecuteTime string `json:"lastExecuteTime"` VolumeCount int `json:"volumeCount"` Name string `json:"name"` TimePoints []int `json:"timePoints"` RepeatWeekdays []int `json:"repeatWeekdays"` }
type AzIntstanceStatis ¶ added in v0.9.11
type AzIntstanceStatisDetail ¶ added in v0.9.18
type AzIntstanceStatisDetail struct { ZoneName string `json:"zoneName"` Count int `json:"instanceCount"` BccCount int `json:"bccInstanceCnt"` BbcCount int `json:"bbcInstanceCnt"` Total int `json:"instanceTotal"` InstanceIds []string `json:"instanceIds"` BccInstanceIds []string `json:"bccInstanceIds"` BbcInstanceIds []string `json:"bbcInstanceIds"` }
type BatchAddIpArgs ¶ added in v0.9.8
type BatchAddIpResponse ¶ added in v0.9.18
type BatchAddIpResponse struct {
PrivateIps []string `json:"privateIps"`
func BatchAddIp ¶ added in v0.9.8
func BatchAddIp(cli bce.Client, args *BatchAddIpArgs, reqBody *bce.Body) (*BatchAddIpResponse, error)
BatchAddIp - Add ips to instance
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- reqBody: http request body
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type BatchDelIpArgs ¶ added in v0.9.8
type BccCreateAutoRenewArgs ¶ added in v0.9.21
type BccDeleteAutoRenewArgs ¶ added in v0.9.21
type BccDeleteAutoRenewArgs struct {
InstanceId string `json:"instanceId"`
type BccFlavor ¶ added in v0.9.18
type BccFlavor struct { CpuCount int `json:"cpuCount"` MemoryCapacityInGB int `json:"memoryCapacityInGB"` EphemeralDiskInGb int `json:"ephemeralDiskInGb"` EphemeralDiskCount int `json:"ephemeralDiskCount"` EphemeralDiskType string `json:"ephemeralDiskType"` GpuCardType string `json:"gpuCardType"` GpuCardCount int `json:"gpuCardCount"` FpgaCardType string `json:"fpgaCardType"` FpgaCardCount int `json:"fpgaCardCount"` ProductType string `json:"productType"` Spec string `json:"spec"` SpecId string `json:"specId"` CpuModel string `json:"cpuModel"` CpuGHz string `json:"cpuGHz"` NetworkBandwidth string `json:"networkBandwidth"` NetworkPackage string `json:"networkPackage"` }
type BccResource ¶ added in v0.9.18
type BccResource struct { InstanceType InstanceType `json:"instanceType"` Flavors []Flavor `json:"flavors"` }
type BccResources ¶ added in v0.9.18
type BccResources struct {
FlavorGroups []FlavorGroup `json:"flavorGroups"`
type Billing ¶
type Billing struct { PaymentTiming PaymentTimingType `json:"paymentTiming,omitempty"` Reservation *Reservation `json:"reservation,omitempty"` }
type BindSecurityGroupArgs ¶
type BindSecurityGroupArgs struct {
SecurityGroupId string `json:"securityGroupId"`
type BindTagsRequest ¶ added in v0.9.15
type CancelAutoRenewCDSVolumeArgs ¶ added in v0.9.18
type CancelBidOrderRequest ¶ added in v0.9.15
type ChangeInstancePassArgs ¶
type ChangeInstancePassArgs struct {
AdminPass string `json:"adminPass"`
type ChangeToPrepaidRequest ¶ added in v0.9.15
type ChangeToPrepaidResponse ¶ added in v0.9.15
type ChangeToPrepaidResponse struct {
OrderId string `json:"orderId"`
func ChangeToPrepaid ¶ added in v0.9.15
func ChangeToPrepaid(cli bce.Client, instanceId string, reqBody *bce.Body) (*ChangeToPrepaidResponse, error)
ChangeToPrepaid - to prepaid
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- reqBody: the request body to ChangeToPrepaid
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type CreateASPArgs ¶
type CreateASPResult ¶
type CreateASPResult struct {
AspId string `json:"aspId"`
func CreateAutoSnapshotPolicy ¶
func CreateAutoSnapshotPolicy(cli bce.Client, args *CreateASPArgs) (*CreateASPResult, error)
CreateAutoSnapshotPolicy - create an automatic snapshot policy
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- args: the arguments to create automatic snapshot policy
- *CreateASPResult: the ID of the automatic snapshot policy newly created
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type CreateBidInstanceResult ¶ added in v0.9.15
type CreateBidInstanceResult struct {
OrderId string `json:"orderId"`
func CancelBidOrder ¶ added in v0.9.15
func CancelBidOrder(cli bce.Client, clientToken string, reqBody *bce.Body) (*CreateBidInstanceResult, error)
CancelBidOrder - Cancel the bidding instance order.
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- reqBody: the request body to cancel bid order
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type CreateCDSVolumeArgs ¶
type CreateCDSVolumeArgs struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` SnapshotId string `json:"snapshotId,omitempty"` ZoneName string `json:"zoneName,omitempty"` PurchaseCount int `json:"purchaseCount,omitempty"` CdsSizeInGB int `json:"cdsSizeInGB,omitempty"` StorageType StorageType `json:"storageType,omitempty"` Billing *Billing `json:"billing"` EncryptKey string `json:"encryptKey"` ClientToken string `json:"-"` }
type CreateCDSVolumeResult ¶
type CreateCDSVolumeResult struct {
VolumeIds []string `json:"volumeIds"`
func CreateCDSVolume ¶
func CreateCDSVolume(cli bce.Client, args *CreateCDSVolumeArgs) (*CreateCDSVolumeResult, error)
CreateCDSVolume - create a specified count of cds volumes
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- args: the arguments to create cds volumes
- *CreateCDSVolumeResult: the result of volume ids newly created
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func CreateCDSVolumeV3 ¶ added in v0.9.36
func CreateCDSVolumeV3(cli bce.Client, args *CreateCDSVolumeV3Args) (*CreateCDSVolumeResult, error)
CreateCDSVolumeV3 - create a specified count of cds volumes
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- args: the arguments to create cds volumes
- *CreateCDSVolumeResult: the result of volume ids newly created
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type CreateCDSVolumeV3Args ¶ added in v0.9.36
type CreateCDSVolumeV3Args struct { VolumeName string `json:"volumeName,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` SnapshotId string `json:"snapshotId,omitempty"` ZoneName string `json:"zoneName,omitempty"` PurchaseCount int `json:"purchaseCount,omitempty"` VolumeSize int `json:"volumeSizeInGB,omitempty"` StorageType StorageTypeV3 `json:"storageType,omitempty"` Billing *Billing `json:"billing"` EncryptKey string `json:"encryptKey"` AutoSnapshotPolicyId string `json:"autoSnapshotPolicyId"` RenewTimeUnit string `json:"renewTimeUnit"` RenewTime int `json:"renewTime"` ClientToken string `json:"-"` }
type CreateCdsModel ¶
type CreateCdsModel struct { CdsSizeInGB int `json:"cdsSizeInGB"` StorageType StorageType `json:"storageType"` SnapShotId string `json:"snapshotId,omitempty"` }
type CreateCdsModelV3 ¶ added in v0.9.55
type CreateCdsModelV3 struct { CdsSizeInGB int `json:"cdsSizeInGB"` StorageType StorageTypeV3 `json:"storageType"` SnapShotId string `json:"snapshotId,omitempty"` }
type CreateDeploySetArgs ¶ added in v0.9.11
type CreateDeploySetResp ¶ added in v0.9.18
type CreateDeploySetResp struct {
DeploySetIds []string `json:"deploySetIds"`
type CreateDeploySetResult ¶ added in v0.9.11
type CreateDeploySetResult struct {
DeploySetId string `json:"deploySetIds"`
func CreateDeploySet ¶ added in v0.9.11
func CreateDeploySet(cli bce.Client, clientToken string, reqBody *bce.Body) (*CreateDeploySetResult, error)
CreateDeploySet - create a deploy set
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- clientToken: idempotent token, an ASCII string no longer than 64 bits
- reqBody: http request body
- *CreateDeploySetResult: results of creating a deploy set
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type CreateImageArgs ¶
type CreateImageResult ¶
type CreateImageResult struct {
ImageId string `json:"imageId"`
func CreateImage ¶
func CreateImage(cli bce.Client, args *CreateImageArgs) (*CreateImageResult, error)
CreateImage - create an image
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- args: the arguments to create image
- *CreateImageResult: the result of the image newly created
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type CreateInstanceArgs ¶
type CreateInstanceArgs struct { ImageId string `json:"imageId"` Billing Billing `json:"billing"` InstanceType InstanceType `json:"instanceType,omitempty"` CpuCount int `json:"cpuCount"` MemoryCapacityInGB int `json:"memoryCapacityInGB"` RootDiskSizeInGb int `json:"rootDiskSizeInGb,omitempty"` RootDiskStorageType StorageType `json:"rootDiskStorageType,omitempty"` LocalDiskSizeInGB int `json:"localDiskSizeInGB,omitempty"` EphemeralDisks []EphemeralDisk `json:"ephemeralDisks,omitempty"` CreateCdsList []CreateCdsModel `json:"createCdsList,omitempty"` NetWorkCapacityInMbps int `json:"networkCapacityInMbps,omitempty"` DedicateHostId string `json:"dedicatedHostId,omitempty"` PurchaseCount int `json:"purchaseCount,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Hostname string `json:"hostname,omitempty"` IsOpenHostnameDomain bool `json:"isOpenHostnameDomain,omitempty"` AutoSeqSuffix bool `json:"autoSeqSuffix,omitempty"` AdminPass string `json:"adminPass,omitempty"` ZoneName string `json:"zoneName,omitempty"` SubnetId string `json:"subnetId,omitempty"` SecurityGroupId string `json:"securityGroupId,omitempty"` GpuCard string `json:"gpuCard,omitempty"` FpgaCard string `json:"fpgaCard,omitempty"` CardCount string `json:"cardCount,omitempty"` AutoRenewTimeUnit string `json:"autoRenewTimeUnit"` AutoRenewTime int `json:"autoRenewTime"` CdsAutoRenew bool `json:"cdsAutoRenew"` RelationTag bool `json:"relationTag,omitempty"` Tags []model.TagModel `json:"tags,omitempty"` DeployId string `json:"deployId,omitempty"` BidModel string `json:"bidModel,omitempty"` BidPrice string `json:"bidPrice,omitempty"` KeypairId string `json:"keypairId,omitempty"` AspId string `json:"aspId,omitempty"` InternetChargeType string `json:"internetChargeType,omitempty"` InternalIps []string `json:"internalIps,omitempty"` ClientToken string `json:"-"` RequestToken string `json:"requestToken"` DeployIdList []string `json:"deployIdList"` }
type CreateInstanceBySpecArgs ¶ added in v0.9.10
type CreateInstanceBySpecArgs struct { ImageId string `json:"imageId"` Spec string `json:"spec"` RootDiskSizeInGb int `json:"rootDiskSizeInGb,omitempty"` RootDiskStorageType StorageType `json:"rootDiskStorageType,omitempty"` EphemeralDisks []EphemeralDisk `json:"ephemeralDisks,omitempty"` CreateCdsList []CreateCdsModel `json:"createCdsList,omitempty"` NetWorkCapacityInMbps int `json:"networkCapacityInMbps,omitempty"` InternetChargeType string `json:"internetChargeType,omitempty"` PurchaseCount int `json:"purchaseCount,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Hostname string `json:"hostname,omitempty"` IsOpenHostnameDomain bool `json:"isOpenHostnameDomain,omitempty"` AutoSeqSuffix bool `json:"autoSeqSuffix,omitempty"` AdminPass string `json:"adminPass,omitempty"` Billing Billing `json:"billing"` ZoneName string `json:"zoneName,omitempty"` SubnetId string `json:"subnetId,omitempty"` SecurityGroupId string `json:"securityGroupId,omitempty"` RelationTag bool `json:"relationTag,omitempty"` Tags []model.TagModel `json:"tags,omitempty"` KeypairId string `json:"keypairId"` AutoRenewTimeUnit string `json:"autoRenewTimeUnit"` AutoRenewTime int `json:"autoRenewTime"` CdsAutoRenew bool `json:"cdsAutoRenew"` AspId string `json:"aspId"` InternalIps []string `json:"internalIps,omitempty"` DeployId string `json:"deployId,omitempty"` ClientToken string `json:"-"` RequestToken string `json:"requestToken"` DeployIdList []string `json:"deployIdList"` }
type CreateInstanceBySpecResult ¶ added in v0.9.10
type CreateInstanceBySpecResult struct {
InstanceIds []string `json:"instanceIds"`
func CreateInstanceBySpec ¶ added in v0.9.10
func CreateInstanceBySpec(cli bce.Client, args *CreateInstanceBySpecArgs, reqBody *bce.Body) ( *CreateInstanceBySpecResult, error)
CreateInstanceBySpec - create an instance with specified spec.
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- reqBody: the request body to create instance
- *CreateInstanceBySpecResult: result of the instance ids newly created
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type CreateInstanceResult ¶
type CreateInstanceResult struct {
InstanceIds []string `json:"instanceIds"`
func CreateBidInstance ¶ added in v0.9.15
func CreateBidInstance(cli bce.Client, clientToken string, reqBody *bce.Body) (*CreateInstanceResult, error)
createBidInstance - create an instance with specified parameters
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- reqBody: the request body to create instance
- *CreateInstanceResult: result of the instance ids newly created
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func CreateInstance ¶
func CreateInstance(cli bce.Client, args *CreateInstanceArgs, reqBody *bce.Body) (*CreateInstanceResult, error)
CreateInstance - create an instance with specified parameters
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- reqBody: the request body to create instance
- *CreateInstanceResult: result of the instance ids newly created
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type CreateInstanceStockArgs ¶ added in v0.9.18
type CreateInstanceStockArgs struct { EphemeralDisks []EphemeralDisk `json:"ephemeralDisks,omitempty"` ZoneName string `json:"zoneName,omitempty"` CardCount string `json:"cardCount"` InstanceType InstanceType `json:"instanceType"` CpuCount int `json:"cpuCount"` MemoryCapacityInGB int `json:"memoryCapacityInGB"` GpuCard string `json:"gpuCard"` }
type CreateInstanceV3Args ¶ added in v0.9.55
type CreateInstanceV3Args struct { InstanceSpec string `json:"instanceSpec,omitempty"` SystemVolume SystemVolume `json:"systemVolume,omitempty"` DataVolumes []DataVolume `json:"dataVolumes,omitempty"` PurchaseCount int `json:"purchaseCount,omitempty"` InstanceName string `json:"instanceName,omitempty"` HostName string `json:"hostName,omitempty"` AutoSeqSuffix bool `json:"autoSeqSuffix,omitempty"` HostNameDomain bool `json:"hostNameDomain,omitempty"` Password string `json:"password,omitempty"` Billing Billing `json:"billing"` ZoneName string `json:"zoneName,omitempty"` SubnetId string `json:"subnetId,omitempty"` SecurityGroupIds []string `json:"securityGroupIds,omitempty"` AssociatedResourceTag bool `json:"associatedResourceTag,omitempty"` Tags []model.TagModel `json:"tags,omitempty"` KeypairId string `json:"keypairId,omitempty"` AutoRenewTime int `json:"autoRenewTime,omitempty"` CdsAutoRenew bool `json:"cdsAutoRenew,omitempty"` AutoSnapshotPolicyId string `json:"autoSnapshotPolicyId,omitempty"` PrivateIpAddresses []string `json:"privateIpAddresses,omitempty"` DeploymentSetId string `json:"deploymentSetId,omitempty"` DeployIdList []string `json:"deployIdList"` ImageId string `json:"imageId,omitempty"` UserData string `json:"userData,omitempty"` InstanceMarketOptions InstanceMarketOptions `json:"instanceMarketOptions,omitempty"` Ipv6 bool `json:"ipv6,omitempty"` DedicatedHostId string `json:"dedicatedHostId,omitempty"` InternetAccessible InternetAccessible `json:"internetAccessible,omitempty"` ClientToken string `json:"-"` RequestToken string `json:"requestToken"` }
type CreateInstanceV3Result ¶ added in v0.9.55
type CreateInstanceV3Result struct {
InstanceIds []string `json:"instanceIds"`
func CreateInstanceV3 ¶ added in v0.9.55
func CreateInstanceV3(cli bce.Client, args *CreateInstanceV3Args, reqBody *bce.Body) ( *CreateInstanceV3Result, error)
CreateInstanceV3 - create an instance with specified spec.
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- reqBody: the request body to create instance
- *CreateInstanceV3Result: result of the instance ids newly created
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type CreateKeypairArgs ¶ added in v0.9.18
type CreateSecurityGroupArgs ¶
type CreateSecurityGroupResult ¶
type CreateSecurityGroupResult struct {
SecurityGroupId string `json:"securityGroupId"`
func CreateSecurityGroup ¶
func CreateSecurityGroup(cli bce.Client, args *CreateSecurityGroupArgs) (*CreateSecurityGroupResult, error)
CreateSecurityGroup - create a security group and related rules
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- args: the arguments to create security group
- :
- *CreateSecurityGroupResult: result of the security group id
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type CreateSnapshotArgs ¶
type CreateSnapshotResult ¶
type CreateSnapshotResult struct {
SnapshotId string `json:"snapshotId"`
func CreateSnapshot ¶
func CreateSnapshot(cli bce.Client, args *CreateSnapshotArgs) (*CreateSnapshotResult, error)
CreateSnapshot - create a snapshot for specified volume
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- args: the arguments to create snapshot
- *CreateSnapshotResult: result of the snapshot id newly created
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type DataVolume ¶ added in v0.9.55
type DataVolume struct { StorageType StorageTypeV3 `json:"storageType,omitempty"` VolumeSize int `json:"volumeSize,omitempty"` SnapshotId string `json:"snapshotId,omitempty"` EncryptKey string `json:"encryptKey,omitempty"` }
type DataVolumeV3 ¶ added in v0.9.75
type DelInstanceDeployArgs ¶ added in v0.9.56
type DeleteCDSVolumeArgs ¶
type DeleteInstanceIngorePaymentArgs ¶ added in v0.9.21
type DeleteInstanceModel ¶ added in v0.9.21
type DeleteInstanceResult ¶ added in v0.9.21
type DeleteInstanceResult struct { SuccessResources *DeleteInstanceModel `json:"successResources"` FailResources *DeleteInstanceModel `json:"failResources"` }
func DeleteInstanceIngorePayment ¶ added in v0.9.21
func DeleteInstanceIngorePayment(cli bce.Client, args *DeleteInstanceIngorePaymentArgs) (*DeleteInstanceResult, error)
type DeleteKeypairArgs ¶ added in v0.9.18
type DeleteKeypairArgs struct {
KeypairId string `json:"keypairId"`
type DeploySetModel ¶ added in v0.9.11
type DeploySetResult ¶ added in v0.9.18
type DeploySetResult struct { Strategy string `json:"strategy"` Name string `json:"name"` Desc string `json:"desc"` DeploySetId string `json:"shortId"` Concurrency int `json:"concurrency"` InstanceList []AzIntstanceStatisDetail `json:"azIntstanceStatisList"` }
func GetDeploySet ¶ added in v0.9.18
func GetDeploySet(cli bce.Client, deploySetId string) (*DeploySetResult, error)
GetDeploySet - get details of the deploy set
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- deploySetId: the id of the deploy set
- *GetDeploySetResult: the detail of the deploy set
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type DeploySetSimpleModel ¶ added in v0.9.56
type DetachASPArgs ¶
type DetachASPArgs struct {
VolumeIds []string `json:"volumeIds"`
type DetachKeypairArgs ¶ added in v0.9.18
type DetachVolumeArgs ¶
type DetachVolumeArgs struct {
InstanceId string `json:"instanceId"`
type DiskInfo ¶ added in v0.9.18
type DiskInfo struct { StorageType StorageType `json:"storageType"` MinDiskSize int `json:"minDiskSize"` MaxDiskSize int `json:"maxDiskSize"` }
type DiskZoneResource ¶ added in v0.9.18
type Eni ¶ added in v0.9.18
type Eni struct { EniId string `json:"eniId"` Name string `json:"name"` ZoneName string `json:"zoneName"` Description string `json:"description"` InstanceId string `json:"instanceId"` MacAddress string `json:"macAddress"` VpcId string `json:"vpcId"` SubnetId string `json:"subnetId"` Status string `json:"status"` PrivateIpSet []PrivateIP `json:"privateIpSet"` }
type EphemeralDisk ¶
type EphemeralDisk struct { StorageType StorageType `json:"storageType"` SizeInGB int `json:"sizeInGB"` FreeSizeInGB int `json:"freeSizeInGB"` }
type EphemeralDiskV3 ¶ added in v0.9.55
type EphemeralDiskV3 struct { StorageType StorageTypeV3 `json:"storageType"` SizeInGB int `json:"sizeInGB"` FreeSizeInGB int `json:"freeSizeInGB"` }
type FlavorGroup ¶ added in v0.9.18
type GetASPDetailResult ¶
type GetASPDetailResult struct {
AutoSnapshotPolicy AutoSnapshotPolicyModel `json:"autoSnapshotPolicy"`
func GetAutoSnapshotPolicyDetail ¶
func GetAutoSnapshotPolicyDetail(cli bce.Client, aspId string) (*GetASPDetailResult, error)
GetAutoSnapshotPolicyDetail - get details of the specified automatic snapshot policy
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- aspId: the id of the automatic snapshot policy
- *GetASPDetailResult: the result of the given automatic snapshot policy
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type GetAllStocksResult ¶ added in v0.9.38
type GetAllStocksResult struct { BccStocks []BccStock `json:"bccStocks"` BbcStocks []BbcStock `json:"bbcStocks"` }
func GetAllStocks ¶ added in v0.9.38
func GetAllStocks(cli bce.Client) (*GetAllStocksResult, error)
GetAllStocks - get the bcc and bbc's stock
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- *GetAllStocksResult: the result of the bcc and bbc's stock
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type GetAvailableDiskInfoResult ¶ added in v0.9.18
type GetAvailableDiskInfoResult struct { CdsUsedCapacityGB string `json:"cdsUsedCapacityGB"` CdsCreated string `json:"cdsCreated"` CdsTotalCapacityGB string `json:"cdsTotalCapacityGB"` CdsTotal string `json:"cdsTotal"` CdsRatio string `json:"cdsRatio"` DiskZoneResources []DiskZoneResource `json:"diskZoneResources"` }
func GetAvailableDiskInfo ¶ added in v0.9.18
func GetAvailableDiskInfo(cli bce.Client, zoneName string) (*GetAvailableDiskInfoResult, error)
GetAvailableDiskInfo - get available diskInfos of the specified zone
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- zoneName: the zone name eg:cn-bj-a
- *GetAvailableDiskInfoResult: the result of the specified zone diskInfos
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type GetBidInstancePriceArgs ¶ added in v0.9.18
type GetBidInstancePriceArgs struct { InstanceType InstanceType `json:"instanceType"` CpuCount int `json:"cpuCount"` MemoryCapacityInGB int `json:"memoryCapacityInGB"` RootDiskSizeInGb int `json:"rootDiskSizeInGb,omitempty"` RootDiskStorageType StorageType `json:"rootDiskStorageType,omitempty"` CreateCdsList []CreateCdsModel `json:"createCdsList,omitempty"` PurchaseCount int `json:"purchaseCount,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` AdminPass string `json:"adminPass,omitempty"` KeypairId string `json:"keypairId,omitempty"` AspId string `json:"aspId,omitempty"` ImageId string `json:"imageId,omitempty"` BidModel string `json:"bidModel,omitempty"` BidPrice string `json:"bidPrice,omitempty"` NetWorkCapacityInMbps int `json:"networkCapacityInMbps,omitempty"` RelationTag bool `json:"relationTag,omitempty"` Tags []model.TagModel `json:"tags,omitempty"` SecurityGroupId string `json:"securityGroupId,omitempty"` SubnetId string `json:"subnetId,omitempty"` ZoneName string `json:"zoneName,omitempty"` InternetChargeType string `json:"internetChargeType,omitempty"` ClientToken string `json:"-"` }
type GetBidInstancePriceResult ¶ added in v0.9.18
type GetBidInstancePriceResult struct { Money string `json:"money"` Count string `json:"count"` PerMoney string `json:"perMoney"` }
func GetBidInstancePrice ¶ added in v0.9.18
func GetBidInstancePrice(cli bce.Client, clientToken string, reqBody *bce.Body) (*GetBidInstancePriceResult, error)
GetBidInstancePrice - get the market price of the specified bidding instance
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- reqBody: http request body
- *GetBidInstancePriceResult: result of the market price of the specified bidding instance
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type GetDeploySetResult ¶ added in v0.9.11
type GetDeploySetResult struct {
type GetImageDetailResult ¶
type GetImageDetailResult struct {
Image *ImageModel `json:"image"`
func GetImageDetail ¶
func GetImageDetail(cli bce.Client, imageId string) (*GetImageDetailResult, error)
GetImageDetail - get details of the specified image
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- imageId: id of the image
- *GetImageDetailResult: result of image details
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type GetImageOsArgs ¶
type GetImageOsArgs struct {
InstanceIds []string `json:"instanceIds"`
type GetImageOsResult ¶
type GetImageOsResult struct {
OsInfo []OsModel `json:"osInfo"`
func GetImageOS ¶
func GetImageOS(cli bce.Client, args *GetImageOsArgs) (*GetImageOsResult, error)
GetImageOS - get the operating system information of the instance in batches according to the instance ids
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- args: the arguments of instance ids
- *GetImageOsResult: result of the operating system information
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type GetImageSharedUserResult ¶
type GetImageSharedUserResult struct {
}func GetImageSharedUser ¶
func GetImageSharedUser(cli bce.Client, imageId string) (*GetImageSharedUserResult, error)
GetImageSharedUser - get the list of users that the image has been shared with
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- imageId: id of the image
- *GetImageSharedUserResult: result of the shared users
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type GetInstanceDetailResult ¶
type GetInstanceDetailResult struct {
Instance InstanceModel `json:"instance"`
func GetInstanceDetail ¶
func GetInstanceDetail(cli bce.Client, instanceId string) (*GetInstanceDetailResult, error)
GetInstanceDetail - get details of the specified instance
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- instanceId: id of the instance
- *GetInstanceDetailResult: result of the instance details
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func GetInstanceDetailWithDeploySet ¶ added in v0.9.18
func GetInstanceDetailWithDeploySetAndFailed ¶ added in v0.9.34
type GetInstanceVNCResult ¶
type GetInstanceVNCResult struct {
VNCUrl string `json:"vncUrl"`
func GetInstanceVNC ¶
func GetInstanceVNC(cli bce.Client, instanceId string) (*GetInstanceVNCResult, error)
GetInstanceVNC - get VNC address of the specified instance
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- instanceId: id of the instance
- *GetInstanceVNCResult: result of the VNC address of the instance
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type GetPriceBySpecArgs ¶ added in v0.9.18
type GetPriceBySpecResult ¶ added in v0.9.18
type GetPriceBySpecResult struct {
Price []SpecIdPrices `json:"price"`
func GetPriceBySpec ¶ added in v0.9.18
func GetPriceBySpec(cli bce.Client, args *GetPriceBySpecArgs) (*GetPriceBySpecResult, error)
GetPriceBySpec - get the price information of specified instance.
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- args: the arguments to get the price information of specified instance.
- *GetPriceBySpecResult: result of the specified instance's price information
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type GetSnapshotDetailResult ¶
type GetSnapshotDetailResult struct {
Snapshot SnapshotModel `json:"snapshot"`
func GetSnapshotDetail ¶
func GetSnapshotDetail(cli bce.Client, snapshotId string) (*GetSnapshotDetailResult, error)
GetSnapshotDetail - get details of the specified snapshot
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- snapshotId: id of the snapshot
- *GetSnapshotDetailResult: result of snapshot details
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type GetStockWithDeploySetArgs ¶ added in v0.9.65
type GetStockWithDeploySetResults ¶ added in v0.9.65
type GetStockWithDeploySetResults struct {
BccStocks []BccStock `json:"bccStocks"`
func GetStockWithDeploySet ¶ added in v0.9.65
func GetStockWithDeploySet(cli bce.Client, args *GetStockWithDeploySetArgs) (*GetStockWithDeploySetResults, error)
GetStockWithDeploySet - get the bcc's stock with deploySet
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- args: the arguments to get the bcc's stock with deploySet
- *GetAllStocksResult: the result of the bcc's stock
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type GetVolumeDetailResult ¶
type GetVolumeDetailResult struct {
Volume *VolumeModel `json:"volume"`
func GetCDSVolumeDetail ¶
func GetCDSVolumeDetail(cli bce.Client, volumeId string) (*GetVolumeDetailResult, error)
GetCDSVolumeDetail - get details of the specified cds volume
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- volumeId: id of the cds volume
- *GetVolumeDetailResult: the result of the specified cds volume details
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type GetVolumeDetailResultV3 ¶ added in v0.9.36
type GetVolumeDetailResultV3 struct {
Volume *VolumeModelV3 `json:"volume"`
func GetCDSVolumeDetailV3 ¶ added in v0.9.36
func GetCDSVolumeDetailV3(cli bce.Client, volumeId string) (*GetVolumeDetailResultV3, error)
GetCDSVolumeDetail - get details of the specified cds volume
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- volumeId: id of the cds volume
- *GetVolumeDetailResultV3: the result of the specified cds volume details
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type ImageModel ¶
type ImageModel struct { OsVersion string `json:"osVersion"` OsArch string `json:"osArch"` Status ImageStatus `json:"status"` Desc string `json:"desc"` Id string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` OsName string `json:"osName"` OsBuild string `json:"osBuild"` CreateTime string `json:"createTime"` Type ImageType `json:"type"` OsType string `json:"osType"` SpecialVersion string `json:"specialVersion"` Package bool `json:"package"` Snapshots []SnapshotModel `json:"snapshots"` }
type ImageStatus ¶
type ImageStatus string
const ( ImageStatusCreating ImageStatus = "Creating" ImageStatusCreateFailed ImageStatus = "CreateFailed" ImageStatusAvailable ImageStatus = "Available" ImageStatusNotAvailable ImageStatus = "NotAvailable" ImageStatusError ImageStatus = "Error" )
type ImageType ¶
type ImageType string
const ( ImageTypeIntegration ImageType = "Integration" ImageTypeSystem ImageType = "System" ImageTypeCustom ImageType = "Custom" // ImageTypeAll 所有镜像类型 ImageTypeAll ImageType = "All" // ImageTypeSharing 共享镜像 ImageTypeSharing ImageType = "Sharing" // ImageTypeGPUSystem gpu公有 ImageTypeGPUSystem ImageType = "GpuBccSystem" // ImageTypeGPUCustom gpu 自定义 ImageTypeGPUCustom ImageType = "GpuBccCustom" // ImageTypeBBCSystem BBC 公有 ImageTypeBBCSystem ImageType = "BbcSystem" // ImageTypeBBCCustom BBC 自定义 ImageTypeBBCCustom ImageType = "BbcCustom" )
type ImportKeypairArgs ¶ added in v0.9.18
type InstanceChangeVpcArgs ¶ added in v0.9.58
type InstanceMarketOptions ¶ added in v0.9.55
type InstanceModel ¶
type InstanceModel struct { InstanceId string `json:"id"` SerialNumber string `json:"serialNumber"` InstanceName string `json:"name"` Hostname string `json:"hostname"` InstanceType InstanceType `json:"instanceType"` Description string `json:"desc"` Status InstanceStatus `json:"status"` PaymentTiming string `json:"paymentTiming"` CreationTime string `json:"createTime"` ExpireTime string `json:"expireTime"` ReleaseTime string `json:"releaseTime"` PublicIP string `json:"publicIp"` InternalIP string `json:"internalIp"` CpuCount int `json:"cpuCount"` GpuCard string `json:"gpuCard"` FpgaCard string `json:"fpgaCard"` CardCount string `json:"cardCount"` MemoryCapacityInGB int `json:"memoryCapacityInGB"` LocalDiskSizeInGB int `json:"localDiskSizeInGB"` ImageId string `json:"imageId"` NetworkCapacityInMbps int `json:"networkCapacityInMbps"` PlacementPolicy string `json:"placementPolicy"` ZoneName string `json:"zoneName"` SubnetId string `json:"subnetId"` VpcId string `json:"vpcId"` AutoRenew bool `json:"autoRenew"` KeypairId string `json:"keypairId"` KeypairName string `json:"keypairName"` DedicatedHostId string `json:"dedicatedHostId"` Tags []model.TagModel `json:"tags"` Ipv6 string `json:"ipv6"` SwitchId string `json:"switchId"` HostId string `json:"hostId"` DeploysetId string `json:"deploysetId"` RackId string `json:"rackId"` NicInfo NicInfo `json:"nicInfo"` DeploySetList []DeploySetSimpleModel `json:"deploysetList"` }
Instance define instance model
type InstanceModelV3 ¶ added in v0.9.75
type InstanceModelV3 struct { InstanceId string `json:"instanceId"` InstanceName string `json:"instanceName"` HostId string `json:"hostId"` HostName string `json:"hostName"` InstanceSpec string `json:"instanceSpec"` Status InstanceStatus `json:"status"` Description string `json:"description"` PaymentTiming string `json:"paymentTiming"` CreateTime string `json:"createTime"` ExpireTime string `json:"expireTime"` ReleaseTime string `json:"releaseTime"` PrivateIpAddress string `json:"privateIpAddress"` PublicIpAddress string `json:"publicIpAddress"` Cpu int `json:"cpu"` Memory int `json:"memory"` GpuCard string `json:"gpuCard"` FpgaCard string `json:"fpgaCard"` CardCount int `json:"cardCount"` DataVolumes []DataVolumeV3 `json:"dataVolumes"` ImageId string `json:"imageId"` NetworkCapacityInMbps InternetAccessible `json:"networkCapacityInMbps"` ZoneName string `json:"zoneName"` SubnetId string `json:"subnetId"` VpcId string `json:"vpcId"` AutoRenew bool `json:"autoRenew"` KeypairId string `json:"keypairId"` KeypairName string `json:"keypairName"` HypervisorDedicatedId string `json:"hypervisorDedicatedId"` Ipv6 string `json:"ipv6"` Tags []model.TagModel `json:"tags"` DeployId []string `json:"deployId"` SerialNumber string `json:"serialNumber"` SwitchId string `json:"switchId"` RackId string `json:"rackId"` NicInfo NicInfoV3 `json:"nicInfo"` OsName string `json:"osName"` OsType string `json:"osType"` }
type InstanceStatus ¶
type InstanceStatus string
const ( InstanceStatusRunning InstanceStatus = "Running" InstanceStatusStarting InstanceStatus = "Starting" InstanceStatusStopping InstanceStatus = "Stopping" InstanceStatusStopped InstanceStatus = "Stopped" InstanceStatusDeleted InstanceStatus = "Deleted" InstanceStatusScaling InstanceStatus = "Scaling" InstanceStatusExpired InstanceStatus = "Expired" InstanceStatusError InstanceStatus = "Error" InstanceStatusSnapshotProcessing InstanceStatus = "SnapshotProcessing" InstanceStatusImageProcessing InstanceStatus = "ImageProcessing" InstanceStatusChangeVpcProcessing InstanceStatus = "ChangeVpc" )
type InstanceStockResult ¶ added in v0.9.18
func GetInstanceCreateStock ¶ added in v0.9.18
func GetInstanceCreateStock(cli bce.Client, args *CreateInstanceStockArgs) (*InstanceStockResult, error)
func GetInstanceResizeStock ¶ added in v0.9.18
func GetInstanceResizeStock(cli bce.Client, args *ResizeInstanceStockArgs) (*InstanceStockResult, error)
type InstanceType ¶
type InstanceType string
const ( InstanceTypeN1 InstanceType = "N1" InstanceTypeN2 InstanceType = "N2" InstanceTypeN3 InstanceType = "N3" InstanceTypeC1 InstanceType = "C1" InstanceTypeC2 InstanceType = "C2" InstanceTypeS1 InstanceType = "S1" InstanceTypeG1 InstanceType = "G1" InstanceTypeF1 InstanceType = "F1" // InstanceTypeN4 网络增强型 BCC 实例: 通用网络增强型g3ne、计算网络增强型c3ne、内存网络增强型m3ne InstanceTypeN4 InstanceType = "N4" // InstanceTypeN5 普通型Ⅳ BCC实例: 通用型g4、密集计算型ic4、计算型c4、内存型m4 InstanceTypeN5 InstanceType = "N5" )
type InstanceTypeModel ¶
type InternetAccessible ¶ added in v0.9.55
type InternetAccessible struct { InternetMaxBandwidthOut int `json:"internetMaxBandwidthOut,omitempty"` InternetChargeType InternetChargeType `json:"internetChargeType,omitempty"` }
type InternetChargeType ¶ added in v0.9.55
type InternetChargeType string
const ( BandwidthPrepaid InternetChargeType = "BANDWIDTH_PREPAID" TrafficPostpaidByHour InternetChargeType = "TRAFFIC_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR" BandwidthPostpaidByHour InternetChargeType = "BANDWIDTH_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR" )
type IpModel ¶ added in v0.9.28
type IpModel struct { Eip string `json:"eip"` EipStatus string `json:"eipStatus"` EipSize string `json:"eipSize"` EipId string `json:"eipId"` Primary string `json:"primary"` PrivateIp string `json:"privateIp"` EipAllocationId string `json:"eipAllocationId"` EipType string `json:"eipType"` EipGroupId string `json:"eipGroupId"` }
type KeypairModel ¶ added in v0.9.18
type KeypairModel struct { KeypairId string `json:"keypairId"` Name string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` PublicKey string `json:"publicKey"` RegionId string `json:"regionId"` FingerPrint string `json:"fingerPrint"` PrivateKey string `json:"privateKey"` InstanceCount int `json:"instanceCount"` CreatedTime string `json:"createdTime"` }
type KeypairResult ¶ added in v0.9.18
type KeypairResult struct {
Keypair KeypairModel `json:"keypair"`
func CreateKeypair ¶ added in v0.9.18
func CreateKeypair(cli bce.Client, args *CreateKeypairArgs) (*KeypairResult, error)
func GetKeypairDetail ¶ added in v0.9.18
func GetKeypairDetail(cli bce.Client, keypairId string) (*KeypairResult, error)
func ImportKeypair ¶ added in v0.9.18
func ImportKeypair(cli bce.Client, args *ImportKeypairArgs) (*KeypairResult, error)
type KeypairUpdateDescArgs ¶ added in v0.9.18
type ListASPArgs ¶
type ListASPResult ¶
type ListASPResult struct { Marker string `json:"marker"` IsTruncated bool `json:"isTruncated"` NextMarker string `json:"nextMarker"` MaxKeys int `json:"maxKeys"` AutoSnapshotPolicys []AutoSnapshotPolicyModel `json:"autoSnapshotPolicys"` }
func ListAutoSnapshotPolicy ¶
func ListAutoSnapshotPolicy(cli bce.Client, queryArgs *ListASPArgs) (*ListASPResult, error)
ListAutoSnapshotPolicy - list all automatic snapshot policies with the specified parameters
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- queryArgs: the arguments to list automatic snapshot policies
- :
- *ListASPResult: the result of the automatic snapshot policies
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type ListBidFlavorResult ¶ added in v0.9.18
type ListBidFlavorResult struct {
ZoneResources []ZoneResource `json:"zoneResources"`
func ListBidFlavor ¶ added in v0.9.18
func ListBidFlavor(cli bce.Client) (*ListBidFlavorResult, error)
ListBidFlavor - list all flavors of the bidding instance
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- *ListBidFlavorResult: result of the flavor list
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type ListCDSVolumeArgs ¶
type ListCDSVolumeResult ¶
type ListCDSVolumeResult struct { Marker string `json:"marker"` IsTruncated bool `json:"isTruncated"` NextMarker string `json:"nextMarker"` MaxKeys int `json:"maxKeys"` Volumes []VolumeModel `json:"volumes"` }
func ListCDSVolume ¶
func ListCDSVolume(cli bce.Client, queryArgs *ListCDSVolumeArgs) (*ListCDSVolumeResult, error)
ListCDSVolume - list all cds volumes with the given parameters
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- queryArgs: the optional arguments to list cds volumes
- *ListCDSVolumeResult: the result of cds volume list
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type ListCDSVolumeResultV3 ¶ added in v0.9.36
type ListCDSVolumeResultV3 struct { Marker string `json:"marker"` IsTruncated bool `json:"isTruncated"` NextMarker string `json:"nextMarker"` MaxKeys int `json:"maxKeys"` Volumes []VolumeModelV3 `json:"volumes"` }
func ListCDSVolumeV3 ¶ added in v0.9.36
func ListCDSVolumeV3(cli bce.Client, queryArgs *ListCDSVolumeArgs) (*ListCDSVolumeResultV3, error)
ListCDSVolumeV3 - list all cds volumes with the given parameters
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- queryArgs: the optional arguments to list cds volumes
- *ListCDSVolumeResultV3: the result of cds volume list
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type ListDeploySetsResult ¶ added in v0.9.11
type ListDeploySetsResult struct {
DeploySetList []DeploySetModel `json:"deploySets"`
func ListDeploySets ¶ added in v0.9.11
func ListDeploySets(cli bce.Client) (*ListDeploySetsResult, error)
ListDeploySets - list all deploy sets PARAMS:
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- clientToken: idempotent token, an ASCII string no longer than 64 bits
- *ListDeploySetsResult: the result of list all deploy sets
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type ListFlavorSpecArgs ¶ added in v0.9.18
type ListFlavorSpecArgs struct {
ZoneName string `json:"zoneName,omitempty"`
type ListFlavorSpecResult ¶ added in v0.9.18
type ListFlavorSpecResult struct {
ZoneResources []ZoneResourceDetailSpec `json:"zoneResources"`
func ListFlavorSpec ¶ added in v0.9.18
func ListFlavorSpec(cli bce.Client, args *ListFlavorSpecArgs) (*ListFlavorSpecResult, error)
ListFlavorSpec - get the specified flavor list
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- args: the arguments to list the specified flavor
- *ListFlavorSpecResult: result of the specified flavor list
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type ListImageArgs ¶
type ListImageResult ¶
type ListImageResult struct { Marker string `json:"marker"` IsTruncated bool `json:"isTruncated"` NextMarker string `json:"nextMarker"` MaxKeys int `json:"maxKeys"` Images []ImageModel `json:"images"` }
func ListImage ¶
func ListImage(cli bce.Client, queryArgs *ListImageArgs) (*ListImageResult, error)
ListImage - list all images with the specified parameters
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- queryArgs: the arguments to list images
- *ListImageResult: result of the image list
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type ListInstanceArgs ¶
type ListInstanceByInstanceIdArgs ¶ added in v0.9.67
type ListInstanceEniResult ¶ added in v0.9.18
type ListInstanceEniResult struct {
EniList []Eni `json:"enis"`
func ListInstanceEnis ¶ added in v0.9.18
func ListInstanceEnis(cli bce.Client, instanceId string) (*ListInstanceEniResult, error)
ListInstanceEni - get the eni list of the bcc instance
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- instanceId: the bcc instance id
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type ListInstanceResult ¶
type ListInstanceResult struct { Marker string `json:"marker"` IsTruncated bool `json:"isTruncated"` NextMarker string `json:"nextMarker"` MaxKeys int `json:"maxKeys"` Instances []InstanceModel `json:"instances"` }
func GetInstanceNoChargeList ¶ added in v0.9.15
func GetInstanceNoChargeList(cli bce.Client, args *ListInstanceArgs) (*ListInstanceResult, error)
GetInstanceNoChargeList - get instance with nocharge list
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- args: the arguments to list instances
- *ListInstanceResult: result of the instance list
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
func ListInstances ¶
func ListInstances(cli bce.Client, args *ListInstanceArgs) (*ListInstanceResult, error)
ListInstances - list all instances with the specified parameters
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- args: the arguments to list instances
- *ListInstanceResult: result of the instance list
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type ListInstancesResult ¶ added in v0.9.67
type ListInstancesResult struct { Marker string `json:"marker"` IsTruncated bool `json:"isTruncated"` NextMarker string `json:"nextMarker"` MaxKeys int `json:"maxKeys"` Instances []InstanceModel `json:"instances"` }
func ListInstanceByInstanceIds ¶ added in v0.9.67
func ListInstanceByInstanceIds(cli bce.Client, args *ListInstanceByInstanceIdArgs) (*ListInstancesResult, error)
ListInstanceByInstanceIds - list instance by instanceId
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- *ListInstancesResult: result of the instance list
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type ListKeypairArgs ¶ added in v0.9.18
type ListKeypairResult ¶ added in v0.9.18
type ListKeypairResult struct { Marker string `json:"marker"` IsTruncated bool `json:"isTruncated"` NextMarker string `json:"nextMarker"` MaxKeys int `json:"maxKeys"` Keypairs []KeypairModel `json:"keypairs"` }
func ListKeypairs ¶ added in v0.9.18
func ListKeypairs(cli bce.Client, queryArgs *ListKeypairArgs) (*ListKeypairResult, error)
type ListRecycleInstanceArgs ¶ added in v0.9.34
type ListRecycleInstanceArgs struct { Marker string `json:"marker,omitempty"` MaxKeys int `json:"maxKeys,omitempty"` InstanceId string `json:"instanceId,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` PaymentTiming string `json:"paymentTiming,omitempty"` RecycleBegin string `json:"recycleBegin,omitempty"` RecycleEnd string `json:"recycleEnd,omitempty"` }
type ListRecycleInstanceResult ¶ added in v0.9.34
type ListRecycleInstanceResult struct { Marker string `json:"marker"` IsTruncated bool `json:"isTruncated"` NextMarker string `json:"nextMarker"` MaxKeys int `json:"maxKeys"` Instances []RecycleInstanceModel `json:"instances"` }
func ListRecycleInstances ¶ added in v0.9.34
func ListRecycleInstances(cli bce.Client, args *ListRecycleInstanceArgs) (*ListRecycleInstanceResult, error)
ListRecycleInstances - list all instances in the recycle bin with the specified parameters
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- args: the arguments to list instances in the recycle bin
- *ListRecycleInstanceResult: result of the instance in the recycle bin list
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type ListSecurityGroupArgs ¶
type ListSecurityGroupResult ¶
type ListSecurityGroupResult struct { Marker string `json:"marker"` IsTruncated bool `json:"isTruncated"` NextMarker string `json:"nextMarker"` MaxKeys int `json:"maxKeys"` SecurityGroups []SecurityGroupModel `json:"securityGroups"` }
func ListSecurityGroup ¶
func ListSecurityGroup(cli bce.Client, queryArgs *ListSecurityGroupArgs) (*ListSecurityGroupResult, error)
ListSecurityGroup - list all security groups with the specified parameters
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- queryArgs: the arguments to list security groups
- *ListSecurityGroupResult: result of the security group list
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type ListServerRequestV3Args ¶ added in v0.9.75
type ListServerRequestV3Args struct { Marker string `json:"marker,omitempty"` MaxKeys int `json:"maxKeys,omitempty"` InstanceId string `json:"instanceId,omitempty"` InstanceName string `json:"instanceName,omitempty"` PrivateIpAddress string `json:"privateIpAddress,omitempty"` PublicIpAddress string `json:"publicIpAddress,omitempty"` VpcName string `json:"vpcName,omitempty"` SubnetName string `json:"subnetName,omitempty"` SubnetId string `json:"subnetId,omitempty"` DedicatedHostId string `json:"dedicatedHostId,omitempty"` ZoneName string `json:"zoneName,omitempty"` AutoRenew bool `json:"autoRenew,omitempty"` KeypairId string `json:"keypairId,omitempty"` KeypairName string `json:"keypairName,omitempty"` DeploymentSetId string `json:"deploymentSetId,omitempty"` DeploymentSetName string `json:"deploymentSetName,omitempty"` ResGroupId string `json:"resGroupId,omitempty"` Tag model.TagModel `json:"tag,omitempty"` }
type ListSnapshotArgs ¶
type ListSnapshotChainArgs ¶ added in v0.9.18
type ListSnapshotChainResult ¶ added in v0.9.18
type ListSnapshotChainResult struct { OrderBy string `json:"orderBy"` TotalCount int `json:"totalCount"` PageSize int `json:"pageSize"` PageNo int `json:"pageNo"` IsTruncated bool `json:"isTruncated"` Snapchains []SnapchainModel `json:"snapchains"` }
func ListSnapshotChain ¶ added in v0.9.18
func ListSnapshotChain(cli bce.Client, queryArgs *ListSnapshotChainArgs) (*ListSnapshotChainResult, error)
ListSnapshotChain - list all snapshot chains with the specified parameters
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- queryArgs: arguments to list snapshot chains
- *ListSnapshotChainResult: result of the snapshot chain list
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type ListSnapshotResult ¶
type ListSnapshotResult struct { Marker string `json:"marker"` IsTruncated bool `json:"isTruncated"` NextMarker string `json:"nextMarker"` MaxKeys int `json:"maxKeys"` Snapshots []SnapshotModel `json:"snapshots"` }
func ListSnapshot ¶
func ListSnapshot(cli bce.Client, queryArgs *ListSnapshotArgs) (*ListSnapshotResult, error)
ListSnapshot - list all snapshots with the specified parameters
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- queryArgs: arguments to list snapshots
- *ListSnapshotResult: result of the snapshot list
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type ListSpecResult ¶
type ListSpecResult struct {
InstanceTypes []InstanceTypeModel `json:"instanceTypes"`
func ListSpec ¶
func ListSpec(cli bce.Client) (*ListSpecResult, error)
ListSpec - get specification list information of the instance
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- *ListSpecResult: result of the specifications
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type ListTypeZonesArgs ¶ added in v0.9.18
type ListTypeZonesResult ¶ added in v0.9.18
type ListTypeZonesResult struct {
ZoneNames []string `json:"zoneNames"`
func ListTypeZones ¶ added in v0.9.18
func ListTypeZones(cli bce.Client, args *ListTypeZonesArgs) (*ListTypeZonesResult, error)
ListTypeZones - get the available zone list in the current region
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- *ListZoneResult: result of the available zones
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type ListZoneResult ¶
type ListZoneResult struct {
Zones []ZoneModel `json:"zones"`
func ListZone ¶
func ListZone(cli bce.Client) (*ListZoneResult, error)
ListZone - get the available zone list in the current region
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- *ListZoneResult: result of the available zones
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type LogicMarkerResultResponseV3 ¶ added in v0.9.75
type LogicMarkerResultResponseV3 struct { Marker string `json:"marker"` IsTruncated bool `json:"isTruncated"` NextMarker string `json:"nextMarker"` MaxKeys int `json:"maxKeys"` Instances []InstanceModelV3 `json:"instances"` }
func ListServersByMarkerV3 ¶ added in v0.9.75
func ListServersByMarkerV3(cli bce.Client, args *ListServerRequestV3Args) (*LogicMarkerResultResponseV3, error)
listServersByMarkerV3 - list all instances with the specified parameters
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- args: the arguments to list instances
- *LogicMarkerResultResponseV3: result of the instance
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type ModifyCSDVolumeArgs ¶
type ModifyChargeTypeCSDVolumeArgs ¶
type ModifyChargeTypeCSDVolumeArgs struct {
Billing *Billing `json:"billing"`
type ModifyDeploySetArgs ¶ added in v0.9.11
type ModifyInstanceAttributeArgs ¶
type ModifyInstanceAttributeArgs struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
type ModifyInstanceDescArgs ¶
type ModifyInstanceDescArgs struct {
Description string `json:"desc"`
type ModifyInstanceHostnameArgs ¶ added in v0.9.34
type NicInfo ¶ added in v0.9.28
type NicInfo struct { Status string `json:"status"` MacAddress string `json:"macAddress"` DeviceId string `json:"deviceId"` VpcId string `json:"vpcId"` EniId string `json:"eniId"` Name string `json:"name"` Type string `json:"type"` CreatedTime string `json:"createdTime"` SubnetType string `json:"subnetType"` SubnetId string `json:"subnetId"` EniNum int `json:"eniNum"` Az string `json:"az"` EniUuid string `json:"eniUuid"` Description string `json:"description"` Ips []IpModel `json:"ips"` SecurityGroups []string `json:"securityGroups"` }
type PaymentTimingType ¶
type PaymentTimingType string
const ( PaymentTimingPrePaid PaymentTimingType = "Prepaid" PaymentTimingPostPaid PaymentTimingType = "Postpaid" // v3 PaymentTimingSpotPaid PaymentTimingType = "Spotpaid" PaymentTimingBidding PaymentTimingType = "bidding" )
type PurchaseReservedArgs ¶
type RebuildBatchInstanceArgs ¶ added in v0.9.15
type RebuildInstanceArgs ¶
type RecoveryInstanceArgs ¶ added in v0.9.29
type RecoveryInstanceArgs struct {
InstanceIds []RecoveryInstanceModel `json:"instanceIds"`
type RecoveryInstanceModel ¶ added in v0.9.29
type RecoveryInstanceModel struct {
InstanceId string `json:"instanceId"`
type RecycleInstanceModel ¶ added in v0.9.34
type RecycleInstanceModel struct { InstanceId string `json:"id"` SerialNumber string `json:"serialNumber"` InstanceName string `json:"name"` RecycleTime string `json:"recycleTime"` DeleteTime string `json:"deleteTime"` PaymentTiming string `json:"paymentTiming"` ServiceName string `json:"serviceName"` ServiceType string `json:"serviceType"` ConfigItems []string `json:"configItems"` }
type RemoteCopyImageArgs ¶
type RemoteCopyImageModel ¶ added in v0.9.73
type RemoteCopyImageResult ¶ added in v0.9.73
type RemoteCopyImageResult struct {
RemoteCopyImages []RemoteCopyImageModel `json:"result"`
func RemoteCopyImageReturnImageIds ¶ added in v0.9.73
func RemoteCopyImageReturnImageIds(cli bce.Client, imageId string, args *RemoteCopyImageArgs) (*RemoteCopyImageResult, error)
RemoteCopyImageReturnImageIds - copy custom images across regions, only custom images supported, the system \ and service integration images cannot be copied.
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- imageId: id of the image to be copied
- args: the arguments to copy image
- imageIds of destination region if success otherwise the specific error
type RenameCSDVolumeArgs ¶
type RenameCSDVolumeArgs struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
type RenameKeypairArgs ¶ added in v0.9.18
type Reservation ¶
type ResizeCSDVolumeArgs ¶
type ResizeCSDVolumeArgs struct { NewCdsSizeInGB int `json:"newCdsSizeInGB"` NewVolumeType StorageType `json:"newVolumeType"` ClientToken string `json:"-"` }
type ResizeInstanceArgs ¶
type ResizeInstanceStockArgs ¶ added in v0.9.18
type ResizeInstanceStockArgs struct { EphemeralDisks []EphemeralDisk `json:"ephemeralDisks,omitempty"` CpuCount int `json:"cpuCount"` MemoryCapacityInGB int `json:"memoryCapacityInGB"` InstanceId string `json:"instanceId"` }
type RevokeSecurityGroupArgs ¶
type RevokeSecurityGroupArgs struct {
Rule *SecurityGroupRuleModel `json:"rule"`
type RollbackCSDVolumeArgs ¶
type RollbackCSDVolumeArgs struct {
SnapshotId string `json:"snapshotId"`
type SecurityGroupModel ¶
type SecurityGroupRuleModel ¶
type SecurityGroupRuleModel struct { SourceIp string `json:"sourceIp,omitempty"` DestIp string `json:"destIp,omitempty"` Protocol string `json:"protocol,omitempty"` SourceGroupId string `json:"sourceGroupId,omitempty"` Ethertype string `json:"ethertype,omitempty"` PortRange string `json:"portRange,omitempty"` DestGroupId string `json:"destGroupId,omitempty"` SecurityGroupId string `json:"securityGroupId,omitempty"` Remark string `json:"remark,omitempty"` Direction string `json:"direction"` }
type SharedUser ¶
type SharedUser struct {}
type SnapchainModel ¶ added in v0.9.18
type SnapchainModel struct { Status string `json:"status"` ChainSize string `json:"chainSize"` ChainId string `json:"chainId"` InstanceId string `json:"instanceId"` UserId string `json:"userId"` VolumeId string `json:"volumeId"` VolumeSize int `json:"volumeSize"` ManualSnapCount int `json:"manualSnapCount"` AutoSnapCount int `json:"autoSnapCount"` CreateTime string `json:"createTime"` }
type SnapshotModel ¶
type SnapshotModel struct { Id string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` SizeInGB int `json:"sizeInGB"` CreateTime string `json:"createTime"` Status SnapshotStatus `json:"status"` CreateMethod string `json:"createMethod"` VolumeId string `json:"volumeId"` Description string `json:"desc"` ExpireTime string `json:"expireTime"` Package bool `json:"package"` TemplateId string `json:"templateId"` InsnapId string `json:"insnapId"` Encrypted bool `json:"encrypted"` }
type SnapshotStatus ¶
type SnapshotStatus string
const ( SnapshotStatusCreating SnapshotStatus = "Creating" SnapshotStatusCreatedFailed SnapshotStatus = "CreatedFailed" SnapshotStatusAvailable SnapshotStatus = "Available" SnapshotStatusNotAvailable SnapshotStatus = "NotAvailable" )
type SpecIdPrices ¶ added in v0.9.18
type SpecIdPrices struct { SpecId string `json:"specId"` SpecPrices []SpecPrices `json:"specPrices"` }
type SpecPrices ¶ added in v0.9.18
type StopInstanceArgs ¶
type StorageType ¶
type StorageType string
const ( StorageTypeStd1 StorageType = "std1" StorageTypeHP1 StorageType = "hp1" StorageTypeCloudHP1 StorageType = "cloud_hp1" StorageTypeLocal StorageType = "local" StorageTypeSATA StorageType = "sata" StorageTypeSSD StorageType = "ssd" StorageTypeHDDThroughput StorageType = "HDD_Throughput" StorageTypeHdd StorageType = "hdd" StorageTypeLocalSSD StorageType = "local-ssd" StorageTypeLocalHDD StorageType = "local-hdd" StorageTypeLocalNVME StorageType = "local-nvme" )
type StorageTypeV3 ¶ added in v0.9.36
type StorageTypeV3 string
const ( StorageTypeV3CloudSATA StorageTypeV3 = "Cloud_Sata" StorageTypeV3CloudHDDGeneral StorageTypeV3 = "Cloud_HDD_General" StorageTypeV3CloudHDDThroughput StorageTypeV3 = "Cloud_HDD_Throughput" StorageTypeV3CloudPremium StorageTypeV3 = "Cloud_Premium" StorageTypeV3CloudSSDGeneral StorageTypeV3 = "Cloud_SSD_General" StorageTypeV3CloudSSDEnhanced StorageTypeV3 = "Cloud_SSD_Enhanced" StorageTypeV3LocalHDD StorageTypeV3 = "Local_HDD" StorageTypeV3LocalSSD StorageTypeV3 = "Local_SSD" StorageTypeV3LocalNVME StorageTypeV3 = "Local_NVME" StorageTypeV3LocalPVHDD StorageTypeV3 = "Local_PV_HDD" StorageTypeV3LocalPVSSD StorageTypeV3 = "Local_PV_SSD" StorageTypeV3LocalPVNVME StorageTypeV3 = "Local_PV_NVME" )
type SystemVolume ¶ added in v0.9.55
type SystemVolume struct { StorageType StorageTypeV3 `json:"storageType,omitempty"` VolumeSize int `json:"volumeSize,omitempty"` }
type UnBindTagsRequest ¶ added in v0.9.15
type UpdateASPArgs ¶
type UpdateInstanceDeployArgs ¶ added in v0.9.56
type VolumeAttachmentModel ¶
type VolumeAttachmentsModel ¶ added in v0.9.36
type VolumeDeleteResultModel ¶ added in v0.9.75
type VolumeDeleteResultModel struct {
VolumeIds []string `json:"volumeIds"`
type VolumeDeleteResultResponse ¶ added in v0.9.75
type VolumeDeleteResultResponse struct { SuccessResources VolumeDeleteResultModel `json:"successResources"` FailResources VolumeDeleteResultModel `json:"failResources"` }
func DeletePrepayVolume ¶ added in v0.9.75
func DeletePrepayVolume(cli bce.Client, args *VolumePrepayDeleteRequestArgs) (*VolumeDeleteResultResponse, error)
DeletePrepayVolume - delete the volumes for prepay
- cli: the client agent which can perform sending request
- args: the arguments of method
- *VolumeDeleteResultResponse: the result of deleting volumes
- error: nil if success otherwise the specific error
type VolumeModel ¶
type VolumeModel struct { Type VolumeType `json:"type"` StorageType StorageType `json:"storageType"` Id string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` DiskSizeInGB int `json:"diskSizeInGB"` PaymentTiming string `json:"paymentTiming"` ExpireTime string `json:"expireTime"` Status VolumeStatus `json:"status"` Desc string `json:"desc"` Attachments []VolumeAttachmentModel `json:"attachments"` ZoneName string `json:"zoneName"` AutoSnapshotPolicy *AutoSnapshotPolicyModel `json:"autoSnapshotPolicy"` CreateTime string `json:"createTime"` IsSystemVolume bool `json:"isSystemVolume"` RegionId string `json:"regionId"` SourceSnapshotId string `json:"sourceSnapshotId"` SnapshotNum string `json:"snapshotNum"` Tags []model.TagModel `json:"tags"` Encrypted bool `json:"encrypted"` }
type VolumeModelV3 ¶ added in v0.9.36
type VolumeModelV3 struct { Id string `json:"volumeId"` Name string `json:"volumeName"` VolumeSize int `json:"volumeSizeInGB"` VolumeStatus VolumeStatusV3 `json:"volumeStatus"` VolumeType VolumeTypeV3 `json:"volumeType"` StorageType StorageTypeV3 `json:"storageType"` CreateTime string `json:"createTime"` ExpireTime string `json:"expireTime"` Desc string `json:"description"` PaymentTiming string `json:"paymentTiming"` EnableAutoRenew bool `json:"enableAutoRenew"` AutoRenewTime int `json:"autoRenewTime"` ZoneName string `json:"zoneName"` SourceSnapshotId string `json:"sourceSnapshotId"` Region string `json:"region"` SnapshotCount int `json:"snapshotCount"` AutoSnapshotPolicyId string `json:"autoSnapshotPolicyId"` Encrypted bool `json:"encrypted"` Tags []model.TagModel `json:"tags"` Attachments []VolumeAttachmentsModel `json:"volumeAttachments"` }
type VolumePrepayDeleteRequestArgs ¶ added in v0.9.75
type VolumeStatus ¶
type VolumeStatus string
const ( VolumeStatusAVAILABLE VolumeStatus = "Available" VolumeStatusINUSE VolumeStatus = "InUse" VolumeStatusSNAPSHOTPROCESSING VolumeStatus = "SnapshotProcessing" VolumeStatusRECHARGING VolumeStatus = "Recharging" VolumeStatusDETACHING VolumeStatus = "Detaching" VolumeStatusDELETING VolumeStatus = "Deleting" VolumeStatusEXPIRED VolumeStatus = "Expired" VolumeStatusNOTAVAILABLE VolumeStatus = "NotAvailable" VolumeStatusDELETED VolumeStatus = "Deleted" VolumeStatusSCALING VolumeStatus = "Scaling" VolumeStatusIMAGEPROCESSING VolumeStatus = "ImageProcessing" VolumeStatusCREATING VolumeStatus = "Creating" VolumeStatusATTACHING VolumeStatus = "Attaching" VolumeStatusERROR VolumeStatus = "Error" )
type VolumeStatusV3 ¶ added in v0.9.36
type VolumeStatusV3 string
const ( VolumeStatusV3AVAILABLE VolumeStatusV3 = "Available" VolumeStatusV3INUSE VolumeStatusV3 = "InUse" VolumeStatusV3SNAPSHOTPROCESSING VolumeStatusV3 = "SnapshotProcessing" VolumeStatusV3RECHARGING VolumeStatusV3 = "Recharging" VolumeStatusV3DETACHING VolumeStatusV3 = "Detaching" VolumeStatusV3DELETING VolumeStatusV3 = "Deleting" VolumeStatusV3EXPIRED VolumeStatusV3 = "Expired" VolumeStatusV3NOTAVAILABLE VolumeStatusV3 = "NotAvailable" VolumeStatusV3DELETED VolumeStatusV3 = "Deleted" VolumeStatusV3SCALING VolumeStatusV3 = "Scaling" VolumeStatusV3IMAGEPROCESSING VolumeStatusV3 = "ImageProcessing" VolumeStatusV3CREATING VolumeStatusV3 = "Creating" VolumeStatusV3ATTACHING VolumeStatusV3 = "Attaching" VolumeStatusV3ERROR VolumeStatusV3 = "Error" VolumeStatusV3Recycled VolumeStatusV3 = "Recycled" )
type VolumeType ¶
type VolumeType string
const ( VolumeTypeSYSTEM VolumeType = "System" VolumeTypeEPHEMERAL VolumeType = "Ephemeral" VolumeTypeCDS VolumeType = "Cds" )
type VolumeTypeV3 ¶ added in v0.9.36
type VolumeTypeV3 string
const ( VolumeTypeV3SYSTEM VolumeTypeV3 = "SYSTEM" VolumeTypeV3DATA VolumeTypeV3 = "DATA" )
type ZoneResource ¶ added in v0.9.18
type ZoneResource struct { ZoneName string `json:"zoneName"` BccResources []BccResource `json:"bccResources"` }
type ZoneResourceDetailSpec ¶ added in v0.9.18
type ZoneResourceDetailSpec struct { ZoneName string `json:"zoneName"` BccResources BccResources `json:"bccResources"` }