VolSync asynchronously replicates Kubernetes persistent volumes between clusters
using either rsync or rclone.
It also supports creating backups of persistent volumes via
Getting started
The fastest way to get started is to install VolSync in a kind
Install kind if you don't already have it: $ go install sigs.k8s.io/kind@latest
Use our convenient script to start a cluster, install the CSI hostpath driver,
and the snapshot controller. $ ./hack/setup-kind-cluster.sh
Install the latest release via Helm $ helm repo add backube https://backube.github.io/helm-charts/ $ helm install --create-namespace -n volsync-system volsync backube/volsync
See the usage
instructions for
information on setting up replication relationships.
More detailed information on installation and usage can be found in the
official documentation.
This project is licensed under the GNU AGPL 3.0 License with the following
The files within the api/* directories are additionally licensed under
Apache License 2.0. This is to permit VolSync's CustomResource types to be used
by a wider range of software.