Translation REST server.
Simple REST API that might be used to perform dictionary based translation.
Server supports FreeDict TEI file format.
FreeDict TEI dictionary files are not distributed with this project.
You can learn more about the format from this site:
You can create your own TEI dictionary file or download a needed one from here:
Start server:
translate-api [lang from] [lang to] [mode] [path to your dictionary file]
- mode Switches translation mode. There are two possible modes: default and prose.
Example start server:
./translate-api nl en prose ~/Desktop/my-nl-to-en.tei
Request parameters:
- text Text to translate
- from Language of the original text
- to Language of result text
- maxAlt Some words might have alternative translations. Specify this param to include certain number of
words alternative translations into a result text.
Request example:
Debugging endpoint to check what will be the result for particular word or phrase including closest match and distance.
Request parameters:
- lang-from Language of original text
- lang-to Language of result text
- text Text to inspect
Request example: