blacksheepwall is a hostname reconnaissance tool written in Go.
Binary packages for every supported operating system are availble here.
Extract the archive, and optionally, install binary to $PATH.
$ tar -zxvf blacksheepwall*.tar.gz
$ cd blacksheepwall*
$ sudo cp blacksheepwall /usr/local/bin
$ blacksheepwall -h
Usage: blacksheepwall [options] <ip address or CIDR>
-h, --help Show Usage and exit.
-version Show version and exit.
-debug Enable debugging and show errors returned from tasks.
-concurrency <int> Max amount of concurrent tasks. [default: 100]
-server <string> DNS server address. [default: ""]
-input <string> Line separated file of networks (CIDR) or
IP Addresses.
-ipv6 Look for additional AAAA records where applicable.
-domain <string> Target domain to use for certain tasks, can be a
single domain or a file of line separated domains.
-dictionary <string> Attempt to retrieve the CNAME and A record for
each subdomain in the line separated file.
-yandex <string> Provided a Yandex search XML API url. Use the Yandex
search 'rhost:' operator to find subdomains of a
provided domain.
-bing <string> Provided a base64 encoded API key. Use the Bing search
API's 'ip:' operator to lookup hostnames for each host.
-headers Perform HTTP(s) requests to each host and look for
hostnames in a possible Location header.
-reverse Retrieve the PTR for each host.
-tls Attempt to retrieve names from TLS certificates
(CommonName and Subject Alternative Name).
-viewdns Lookup each host using's Reverse IP
Lookup function.
-srv Find DNS SRV record and retrieve associated hostname/IP info.
-fcrdns Verify results by attempting to retrieve the A or AAAA record for
each result previously identified hostname.
-clean Print results as unique hostnames for each host.
-csv Print results in csv format.
-json Print results as JSON.