Challenge 3 - It is rocket science!
We were supposed to be on Mars two years ago. Elon is not happy.
We crashed it again. We checked everything, and it was not the hardware.
Something must be wrong with our software
Top-notch coders for sure, but they are overworked guaranteeing the future of human race.
They are stuck in a vicious circle: they fix a bug here, a new one pops up on another system… they fix it, and the first
bug reappears.
Since you are not a rocket scientist and you don't really like physics all that much, you promise Elon you would fix the
software. Your plan is to build a system in which whatever the programmers do, they will be able to iteratively build a
more stable system at each step. There is currently 3 sub-projects, the booster, the stage 2, and the cargo.
For this to fly, those parts need to be stable separately, but also together!
Of course, to get those developers started, you need to show them how it's done.
Take the project attached, choose the best strategy to improve its quality and start implementing some examples of how
those rocket programmers need to write the rest.
Expected steps
- Create a branch of this project (or fork it in your github account if you prefer)
- Do you thang inside this folder (challenge-3)
- Push your change inside a Pull Request to our master