Open Service Broker™ for Azure

Open Service Broker for Azure is the open source,
Open Service Broker-compatible API
server that provisions managed services in the Microsoft Azure public cloud.
This software is under heavy development. Releases observe semantic versioning, but the project is in an ALPHA status and no assurances are made regarding backwards compatibility or stability. All releases prior to v1.0.0 will remain subject to the possibility of breaking changes when the MINOR version number has been incremented. Please see the offical roadmap for more information. |

CLOUD FOUNDRY and OPEN SERVICE BROKER are trademarks of the Foundation in the United States and other countries.
Supported Services
The Minikube Quickstart walks through using the
Open Service Broker for Azure to deploy WordPress on a local Minikube cluster.
Go from "I have an Azure account that I have never used" to "I just deployed WordPress and know what OSBA means!"
Getting Started on Kubernetes
You'll need a few prerequisites before you run these examples on Kubernetes.
Instructions on how to install each prerequisite are linked below:
Service Catalog CLI
Once you've installed the prerequisites, you'll need the Service Catalog CLI
installed to introspect the Kubernetes cluster. Please refer to the
CLI installation instructions
for details on how to install it onto your machine.
Helm Chart
Use Helm to install Open Service Broker for Azure onto your Kubernetes
cluster. Refer to the OSBA Helm chart
for details on how to complete the installation.
With the Kubernetes Service Catalog software and Open Service Broker for Azure both
installed on your Kubernetes cluster, try creating a ServiceInstance
to see service provisioning in action.
The following will provision PostgreSQL on Azure:
$ kubectl create -f contrib/k8s/examples/postgresqldb-instance.yaml
After the ServiceInstance
resource is submitted, you can view its status:
$ svcat get instance my-postgresql-instance
You'll see output that includes a status indicating that asynchronous
provisioning is ongoing. Eventually, that status will change to indicate
that asynchronous provisioning is complete.
Upon provision success, bind to the instance:
$ kubectl create -f contrib/k8s/examples/postgresqldb-binding.yaml
To check the status of the binding:
$ svcat get binding my-postgresqldb-binding
You'll see some output indicating that the binding was successful. Once it is,
a secret named my-postgresql-secret
will be written that contains the database
connection details in it. You can observe that this secret exists and has been
$ kubectl get secret my-postgresqldb-secret -o yaml
This secret can be used just as any other.
To unbind:
$ kubectl delete servicebinding my-postgresqldb-binding
Observe that the secret named my-postgresqldb-secret
is also deleted:
$ kubectl get secret my-postgresqldb-secret
Error from server (NotFound): secrets "my-postgresqldb-secret" not found
To deprovision:
$ kubectl delete serviceinstance my-postgresqldb-instance
You can observe the status to see that asynchronous deprovisioning is ongoing:
$ svcat get instance my-postgresql-instance
Getting Started on Cloud Foundry
To deploy Open Service Broker for Azure to Cloud Foundry, please refer to the
CloudFoundry installation documentation for instructions.
The following will create a Postgres service:
cf create-service azure-postgresqldb basic50 mypostgresdb -c '{"location": "westus2"}'
You can check the status of the service instance using the cf service
which will show output similar to the following:
Service instance: mypostgresdb
Service: azure-postgresqldb
Bound apps:
Plan: basic50
Description: Azure Database for PostgreSQL Service
Documentation url:
Last Operation
Status: create in progress
Message: Creating server uf666164eb31.
Started: 2017-10-17T23:30:07Z
Updated: 2017-10-17T23:30:12Z
Once the service has been successfully provisioned, you can bind to it by using
cf bind-service
or by including it in a Cloud Foundry manifest.
cf bind-service myapp mypostgresdb
Once bound, the connection details for the service (such as its endpoint and
authentication credentials) are available from the VCAP_SERVICES
variable within the application. You can view the environment variables for a
given application using the cf env
cf env myapp
To unbind a service from an application, use the cf unbind-service command:
cf unbind-service myapp mypostgresdb
To deprovision the service, use the cf delete-service
cf delete-service mypostgresdb
For details on how to contribute to this project, please see
This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. All contributions require you to agree to a
Contributor License Agreement (CLA) declaring that you have the right to, and actually do, grant us
the rights to use your contribution. For details, visit
When you submit a pull request, a CLA-bot will automatically determine whether you need to provide
a CLA and decorate the PR appropriately (e.g., label, comment). Simply follow the instructions
provided by the bot. You will only need to do this once across all repos using our CLA.
This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct.
For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or
contact with any additional questions or comments.